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Vermont Phoenix from Brattleboro, Vermont • Page 8

Vermont Phoenixi
Brattleboro, Vermont
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

NEWFANE Mrs. Oharlotto L. Illggins. Chiirlotto (Lyndon) lliggins, fitf, Yriilow 6T Kunuol B. llifrfrins, tlioil iri her homp oarly Baturilny mornhiR.

fllin h'rul hwtf hUlli lionlth threo four yoars nnd fnr tht past yonr wns con-(iijfd to tlf'tv 1)0(1. Hhn was Imru in 1838, itnd I'nrno lo tliis ro'ulilry wTiort' nhout fmir ycurs old. Tlor i'ather wns of Scolch tlo.scont unil for whilo wAs1 jirliiclpal of scliool in Dnlilin, Irclnnd. 1 ntul 'Mrs. lliL'L'ins wero mnrricd in Wlsconsini Mr.

Hiui'ins, whnso ileath oeeurrd Jnn. 0, 1002, wns a veter all pf tho Civil war. He. eulisted from Mirwankoo for Wtscoiisin VolunU'ers nnil laler enlist-od in tho H. Itniiil Infanlry, Ffirvihp; tho of tho war.

'While hor hushand was In tho II. S. iiotvico Mrs. HiKK'ns cnmn to Brook line lo livc in tli' fnmily of hor liiis-" liand's fallior. Kdson II.

lliircinn whcro thoir fainily llvod nnlil Ihny niovod to Nowfanc in 1884. Mrs. 1 1 ifj-jlns-wns a ohtirtor mombor of nnd ac-tivo worker in tho Hirchard Woman's Relief rorps nnd wns ospocinlly patri-ot'ic. Bosidon hor hushand, hcr fathor nnd biothcr servcd thoir country in tho Oivil war. Bho wns dovotod wifo and uiothcr, KclfsacrificinR, ovor thoughtful of othors nnd holplul at timos of stck-ncss in tho ooinmunity.

She lcaves four sons, Charlcs L. of liaverhill, Alvin u. or Hrattic-horo, Ira K. of Howard, B. and Lewis, 1T.

of Newfnne, also tivo Krandchil-'dron. Mtuleline dnimlitor of Mr. and Oharlos L. Maude. daughtor of Mr.

and Mrs. Alvin G. JUfCginn, Mai'garet Lyndon and Hclono, cMMren of Mr. nnd Mrs. L.

II. HigRins. Tho fnnoral fcervico was hold in tho hbme nt 1 p. m. Mondny, ncv.

T. I). olllciat'mK. Mrs. 0.

A. hang two solos and tho hurinl took placo in Woodlawn eomotory. Tho four f-ont worc present. and uiombora of tho Woman's Bcliof corps, attendcd in a body. Thorc woro many bcautiful floral tributes, uinonp; thcm pillow of roscs for II l.w I Jolht InstaUation.

Tho joint inntallation of tho Newfane 6dd Fellows l.Wd Bcbokah lodfics was held Tuesday pveniiiB in Odd Fellows' hall. D. D. 0. M.

Ocorgo B. Bush, as-(iisted by Karl F. Davis, installod tho following ofliccrs for tho Odd Fellows: K. Raymond'" Kent; V. C.

A. Nichols; scc; Karl K. Mahcr; Gorgo B. Bush; wnrdcn, Gcorgc Gcorgc B. Bush; chaplain, Artlmr Warren; O.

Guy Grout; Edgar Stcvcns; B. S. N. W. B.

Tark; L. S. N. Earl F. Davis; R.

V. II. II. Howe; L. S.

V. Biehard mii sllannah Haloncn of Wardsboro, district dcputy presidcnt assistcd by Mrs. Celia Ramsdell of South Londonderry, wcrc tho installin'g offlcers for tho Rebckah lodgc and theso ofiijcrs wero installed: N. Mrs." Katharino Bush; V. Mrs.

Norah Howo: scc, Gcorco B. Bush; Miss Mnl-j Phlllips;" warilcn, JMrs. juary 'iManer iurs. iuargnrei. Nichols; I.

0., Mrs. Mnry Cushing; O. Bay.Kent; chaplajn, Mrs. Lizzio Bavis; R. S.

N. Mrs. Cola Nido; L. S. N.

Miss Nellio Pratt; K. S. V. Mrs. Myrtelln Wilson; L.

S. V. G. Mrs. EfiLo Osgood.

Thcre was good altcndanco. Tho new fojnj' of joint installation was used. Refreshments were scrved and it was arvory plensant socinl event. vTohnWhite cut his foot while Monday. Claronce Adams of Providencp has visitor at Virgil Inrgarct "Wilcox, who has bcen nuraing iji South Londonderry, retnrned to'Jier home Saturday.

Mrs. Fred Smith of West Brattleboro at tho homo of hcr son, Jlurdis Smith, and at B. U. Moise's. S.

G. Brown has iMiught tho houso on Main strcct ownod by Mr. and Mrs. JJclson Gray, who now livo in Athol. Olive' Eager retnrned from Brattleboro Saturday and is at Mrs.

M. Miss JSager is rceovering from influenza. 'Mrs. F. A.

WcWitt went to Chester tO' attend the funeral of hcr uncle, Wcslcy L. Wnrc. She retnrned hornc Wcdncsday. 'W. II.

Goodnow is 511. His daughtcr, Mrs. A. W. I'ratt of Boston, was sum-moncd nnd came Monday night.

Mr. Goodnoiv Is still confincd to the house, bilt is comfortablc. Mrs. Nclson Gray catno Monday to Newfane on buBtncss nnd visitcd fricnda whilc in town. Hor son, Arthur Gay, who is still in tho Unitcd States rharinc scrvieo, is still stationcd at San Bomingo.

Nichols was able to rcsunie his wQrU-in tho Windham Couuty crcamcry the fat of last wcek after a wcek's ill-ness with influenza. W. P. Eamcs at-tcnricd to tho croamcry during Mr. Nichols 'n illnoss, Gcorgc Knapp sustaincd a painful injury to hia.laft.

hand Saturday. He was loading jis oow by a ropc when sho pulled him aroU'nd a cornor of tho honsc injuring badly that a physiciail was'cdll'cct to dress the hand. Tho annuaf mtAiting of the Windham Couuty Savinga bank was held at the b'ank Tuesday, 21 eorporators Veing prcscnt. Tho bank has had a very prospgrod'i 'An excellent banqiict was sVrvcd Iandlord Logato at tho Windham County Houso to 28, a few women'bolng prcscnt to cnjoy tho A incfting of tho Farmcrs' club was held iii ltnion 'schoolhouso Jan. 18.

After the business mccting thcro was program(flf inusic, Teading, and dis-cussion of tho qucstion What Cnn be Pono lo Maltp.tho Farmors Meeting Moro Intcrojiiing nntl Hclpfult Re-freshmorit'i' sandwichcs and rolTco wero senVd nbout -10. Tho ncxt niect-irig of tho clnb will lio held Jnn. 31. What Constitutcs Good Buycr and Scllor is tlio. qucstion to bo discusstd.

It took 12 hours for a motor truek train 1,000 carH, mnnnod by 1 noldicM, to pass througli Bct.hh'hmu JLgV. jmjitg the greatest inofit tri'in Mfepfhef in this counlrv. THE yv (x iy .7 -j VERNON. Brooks spcnt Sunday In Grcenficld with rclatlvcs. Mrs.

Wnrncr Bnrrows wont Tuosdny lo visit rclativcs in Holyoke. Tho Girls lcnsuo will mcet with Miis Kdith Saturday ffir Kcveral of tho youni! pcoplo atlondod tho daneo in Hinwlnlo Friday ovoninK. Vernon Grnnge will hold a dnnco in Orange hall Thursday evening, Jnn. Miss Lucio Hnlo, who llnished work last woek at llcnry Fnirman's Is at tho Miller farm. Doputy II.

W. Sargont instqll tho odieors of Vernon' Grartg'o Saturday ovening. 1). H. Mjller and fnmily.

'of DumtnoiR'loa tisitms "nt JlUb Mi)-lor rarm Sunday. Privato Ilarry lliiniiinlon has boon dis-c'harod froin (Mnip Dovons and is ii the Teinioy houso. Mrs. Lydia WiNon, who malios homo at Thomas Qivoo's'iH'ill. HtV ilaufth ter, Mrs.

Kielinrd TibbotlH, is with hr. Mr. nnd Mrs. V. who hnvo bopn visiting thoir ilauRhter in Gill, hnvo Kono to SpriiiRfiold to visit othor rclativcs.

Tho soloctmon will moot with tho nnd-itois Fob. 1 to oxamino tho nccounts of tho town. Thoy nsk all porsons havinn bills nKainst tho town to proRcnt thorn on or bofoie that dato. A largo ronsiKinnont of sowinj; has bcon rcceivod by tho local branch of tho Hod CVoss anl momlors nro askod to moet WodncsdayB of oach weok to finish it. Mrs.

Horbcrt L. Clark, who has bcon sponding scvcral weeks with hor dnugh-tcrs, Mrs. McClino and Mrs. Bon.j. Brown, in Franklin, N.

,11., has roturned home. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. M.

Ilalo reccivod a tolocrnm last wook from thoir erand'son, Vlaronro 11. Ilalo, tolling of his nafu ar- rival this country from ovorsfas. No ncws had hoon lccoivod fiom liim sinco (Soptombcr nnd lolativos and friondt foarod (for his wolfnro. Privato Halu oxpects to bo homo voiy soon. WARDSBORO.

G. W. Morse of Townshend spcnt Sunday at M. E. WTiitc's.

Lafayctte Spraguc was in Bellows Falls from Thursday to Saturday. The men aro all busy filling their icc houscs. -The ice is about 12 inchcs thick. Miss Hnnna Halonen, Rebekah district deputy of district No. 10.

wcnt to Newfane Tuesday, to install the Newfane lodgo oflicern. Miss ITclen Williams, who has bcen worlring for Mrs. Ncweomb, wcnt home Sunday to attcild school. Mrs. Ella Wilder will carc for Mrs.

Nowcomb for the present. On account, of the influenza epidemio thero was no Christmas treo or expreiRos. Consequcntly Tuesday evening the Sunday school held a social in the vcstry, anil gave the gifta and candy to the childrcn. WARDSBORO OBNTEB. The muuv influenza victims nw.riin.

ing. Mrs. Mattio Farnham Is ill with ncuritls. Miss Eliza Bailev is worWinrr -nt T5. J.

Farnham 'a. Tylcr Waitc is doini? Boxfor's chores while he is' away. Frank Chalman of Now YnrU i visiting'his brolher, Fred' Ohatman. John Allcn has rcturncd to his houso hcro nftor staying Komotimo in Marlboro. School bogan Mondav aflcr vaoa- liou hinco Christmns booauio of tho ill.

ncss of toacher and pupils. Mrs. Lyman of Stratton is staying with her dnugliter, Mrs. Jumes Oextor, whilc Mr. Dextcr is in Montpelier.

Miss Efllo Boxtpr who hns boon slnv. ing with hor niece, Mrs. Mary La- marcnc, Decaiuso oi nincss in tlio lam-ily, rcturned to her homo in West Brattleboro Monday. LANDGROVE. Winnifrod Prouty is ill.

Mis. Sylvia Payno is visiting hor son, G. N. Eagcr. Ilorbort and Robort Prouty nro homo from their work in Dorset.

Sam Prouty of Winhall visitcd at Austiu Prouty 's Mondny nnd Tuesday. Sehools bogan Tuesday morning after two wccks' vacation on account of influenza. W. II. Chadwick was homo ovor 'Sunday.

Gcorge Chadwick Vnado' tho trip to Springfield (Vt.) by automobilo. A. A. Towsleo, town reprcsentativc, is ill with influpnzn at the Hcaton hos-pital in Montpelier. Mrs.

Towsleo wont last woek to bo with him and is ill now at the samo hospital, but it is hopcd she hasn't influenza. Miss Ettn Abbott is keoping house at. tho Towsleo homo. ATHENS. Eugenc Ilcmis lost a vahiablc Duiham stcer Sunday, Tcd Pcrry and Miss Gladys Torroy nro rcportod to bo rocoverin(- from inflncnzn.

Clinrlos'LicoiiHC and family nnd Frnnl; Heals and family have niovod to- Saxtom Kivcr. Mr. and Mfs. Franklin Elliott arp visiting in Bostou nnd vicihity two or tljrco weeks, Adams visitcd in the home of hU ilaughter, Mrs. W.

J. Band, We.dnonday and Thursdayi W. K. Pierce has movcd his mill to the oast side of the ldin brook, hear tho Powors sitgar houso. Rieprewontativo Ncd Y.

AVyman' 'lias bcen ill in bed a weok nt Montpelier jvitli grip. Hc is reporled bettoi- at this'rit- Mr. and Jtrs. Clarcnce Woodard and son, Frank, wcnt to Ilellows Falls Smulay to nttcnd tho fnnoral of.Mr. Woodard's son, ClilTord, who died of i-omplications resulting from influenza nnd pneiimnnin.

lf. L. Cnvr roccntly had 'a hot watpr hoating RyHtem installed, which furnishps hot watcr for tho house and is connccted with the trough in Iho barnyard, making a eonvenient way to give stock wnrpi wnter in cold wcathcr. "If I you, would you call any onp?" "yhy should 15" i)h tho afrl.i -tf'i'hero's inr aHd, thook, ty jjltB bcaux of tlieJr Coiirier-Joiirnal, VERMONT PHfENT5C? I'1. 7 7 iT fi TOWNSHEND Wlld Helfers Oaught.

'At tho usual tlmo of tnklng young onttlo from tho pasture last fnll F. W. Watson had four two-year-old hcifers v'l'cli woro so wild that he was nn-nblo to got thoni. Ho caught ono iibolit a nionth ngo. Tho other threo ho captured little ovcr wcek ago.

Ilcrbert J. Benson is boarding nt Ilarry Sparlts. W. O. Adams is visiting jelativcs in Saxtons Rivcr.

Mnbellc Fullertnn reeontly spent a daysjn JJratmboro. p)n Ajldioi Ardchnm is working at tho county houso at Nowfnno. Mrs. Goorgo Whitnoy wns in Monl-polior on businoss. thotlas't of tho woek.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Clydo Adams nnd Dorls Tonny spent Sunday in South Wind-hnni. i Hn'rry Robbins has chargo 'of tho singing nt -tho scminnry in placo of Miss llawloy. A union scrvieo of tho two churchcs will bo at the Baptist church Sunday, inorning and evening.

iss Binncho Brigham was n. visitor spvcrnl dnys nt Westminster the last of last wcek nnd thu flrst of this. i P. H. Rutter undcrwcnt an opcrn-tiou on his faco at tho Memorial hospital in Brattleboro last wcek.

E. B. Batchcldor, who is spcnding tho wintcr in Brattleboro, wns in town on business sevcral days this wcek. Harold Franklin, who has bcen at Polham Bay, N. has rcooivcd his honoriblo dischnrge and is nt home.

W. II. Miles has bcen appointed col-loctor of taxcs for tho villagc of Townshend in placo of It. L. Fitch Frank Clarlto wns in tho Memorial hospital in Brattleboro scvcral days last weok to undergo nn opcration on his fnec.

Mnbello Columbus undcrwcnt nn operation for nppcndicitis at thu Memorial hospilal in Brattleboro last Saturday. Waltcr Thcgg, ono of our "navy boys" who has bcen nt Mrs. Alraa. Cummings's for a timo, retnrned to Boston last wcek. Hayden Mnrsh nnd Raymond Thil-lips who havo lvcen in tho servicc ovor-seas, rcturned to Camp Merritt, N.

last Saturday, and aro cxpccted homo soon. Harry Sparks was in Saxtons Rivcr Friday after a load of Mrs. Addio Sparks's goods. Mrs. Sparks cxpccts to rcturn to Townshend to livc tho last of January.

News has eomc that.IIaydcn Marsh and Raymond Phillips, who rccently returned from ovcrscas, havo becn to scnt to Leavenworth, Kan. Mra. B. R. Phillips is in a hospital in Quincey, whero sho under-wcnt nn opcration for nppcndicitis Jan.

11. Rcports are that sho is do-ing well. Following are tho nnmcs dt' Ihos'o' who nttcnded tho bank meeting dinncr in Newfano Tuesday: Ilugh nolbrook, I. Holbrook, J. II.

Waro, F. II. Willard, C. II. Willard, L.

J. Parker, E. L. Hastings, P. II.

Rutter, E. B.j Batchcldor. Many of tho scminnry ro-mnined hcro over Sunda'v. thero being fnll session of school Saturday. Hchools also kopt Monday whii'h is unusual, this being dono to mnke up lost timo, when tho school was closed on account of Mrs.

Alma rummings wont to Newfano with hor toam Monday tnking tho following memborH of the W. 1'. C. to nttend the funeral of Mrs. Charlotte Higgens: Mrs.

Ilattio Marsh, Mrs. Norma Howard, Mrs. Edith Cutlcr, Mrs. Arlettn Whitnoy and Mrs. Kva Mnrsh.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Charlos Hawkins woro cnllcd lo Brattleboro Tuesday, hnving received nows that Ihpir daughtcr, Miss Marie Hawkins, a nnrso at tho Mom-orial hospital, had mct with a sorious accidont tho provious evening while skating. Mrs. Eflle Fnrwoll, an 'nunt of Miss Hawkins, wcnt to Brattleboro with Mr.

and Mrs. Hawkins. Tho nnnual meeting of tho Ifadassah Leaguo was held in the Baptist vcstry Friday afternooi Jnn. 17. A number nttcnded and tho following offlcers wero chosen for the coming year: Mrs.

L. V. Trucsdell; vico Mrs. S. II.

Sparks; scc, Mrs. N. M. Parker; Mrs. E.

M. Cutlor; standing committce, Mrs. R. D. Phillips, Mrs.

Alma Cinnmings and Miss Ella Ware; entertainmont committce, Mrs. Norma Howard, Mrs. Eva Marsh; rcception oommitteo, Mrs. Alma Kid-dor, Mrs. Merle F.

Saycr; auditing committce, Mrs. II. J. Heath, Mrs. A.

F. Stonc, Mrs. F. R. Davis.

A very pleasing luncheon was scrved nt tho closo of tho mccting by tho hostcsse.s Mrs. Edith Cutlcr and Mrs, Norma Howard. WEST TOWNSHEND. School bcgan Wednosdny hflor boing olosed threo w6eks on necount" of influenza. Miss Mildrcd Pattorson of East Jn-maica is working nt E.

W. Holdin's. A number filling their ico houscs with good quality of iee. Mrs, John Dpmpicr, formcrly of this place, is stopping atihcr )orit Gcorgo II Dpmpicr's. A 4 Miss Gladys Chapiu.

roturned to-her school nt, Ij. an G. scminary, Townshend, Mondny. i 1 Card of Thanks'. Wo wish to thank our fricnds nnd neighbors for their kindncss nnd sym-pnthy nt the timo of tho denth of our ion nnd hrother.

Mr. nnd Mrs. John Bishop Miss Kathryn Bishop. West Townshend, Jan. 22, 1010.

Little brolher was on the warpath. "Fnthor knows you'ro going to mnrry Angelina," ho told Kdwin. "1 heard him nbout it tho other day." "But I didn't know it mysclf unlil last nicrlil izenuns peace miuuile comea homo for rest, i ttTTATTLEBQRO: ERIDAYS 'TATCttatov, 'irr IiEGAIi NOX10ES. ORDER OF NOTICE BY PUBLICATION. The Brattleboto Trust Compiny VS.

Frank L. Kenney nnd Susn M. Kenney. In Chancery. Whcrcan the Hraltlelioro Trust Company, a cnrporatlon tluly ornanlzeit, rlaMIhtcl nml rxlilitiK unilrr llir of tlic stale uf Vcr innnt, anil lt irlnriinl ptacc liini nesi at Ilratllcliorn, In sald cnimty Wlinl ham, lin thi 'lay fi 1 eil In tlic ofllcc nt tllc clerk of the cmirt of clianccry for saicl county of Windham, a pctltlon for forccloirc aRalnst Frank Kenney and Siisan M.

Kenney, anil all persons clalmlnft tinder them, settinir forlli tlint on the 28lh day of Marcli, 19I2, tlic aid Krank Kenney-and SinanM. Kenney ex-ecuted and drlfvered to said iwtitloner a inortgaKe-dcril of ccrtain land sllilMe ii Guilford, sald cqitnty of windham, dcRcril-e'd a' 'V ')'rA Fair' bank; ea'uerly liy land, ot sald southerly liy the old rad leading toi Ver iloh and weMrrly liy the slaRC road, so-called; iticludliiK all of tlic farm known as tlic Kra nn Kddysplnce, contalnliiK 25 acrei, mqre Condltionrd for tho. jiayment of a promisory liote of cveii datr wllli sald tnprtKaRr, for $200 and liilerest, payablc trj tM nrder of sa'id Krantef on demand. Whirhisald nolr in now justly due and owitiR and- his not heen paid arcotdinK lo the cffecl of the natnc, cx ccpt iu part. l''urther (ihowlnc that this pctitloner tinder stands that diver.i to wit, Geo, Thompon, Floy Allrn, Meaney IlcaurcKard.

Haiel Uoundy and William II. Tliompsoii, all,11nr- tuitlmilt Sl.ltC and of tUrM tlTl- known to yotir petitjoncr, scvcrally clalm SOmc son OI riKllt, iiiii. i iu mortKaRed prriiiKe. Imt tlic prtitioner avet that such riRlit, if any thcre be, are snb. srrvirnt In tlloC of tllis Pctitloner.

Whcrefore, tlic pctitloner prays that Ihe cqulty of redcmption of the said dcfcndants. JTatlK rvCliney nim Dilan rvcunc, .11111 all personi clalmtnK nnucr incni in tnc prenv ises miy be forecloscd agreeably to the pro visions of law. Thf ncililnnrr fnrt ier avcr that said nrem Ises are now unocciipied, the valne thereof greatly deprcciatcd and now lcss than tlic amount due upon said mortRage with proper accrued charges. and prays that the tnne of rcuempuon in inc prrniics nc nnnicu 10 six mnntli nr in mirh timc ai to lliis court mav scem cqultable. Said petitioner fiirthcr avers that all ot sam ueienoanis urc nuw wuiiuui tliis stat'c so that ordinary subpoena cannot be servcd upon them, and prays that ordcr of notice by puuiication may issnc.

It is thcreforc ordcrcd that tlic said peti-linner notifv the nctitionces of the peiidcncy of safd (urrclosiirc pctltlon and sunimons, and to appear bcfore tlic court of clianccry for the county of Windham, on or beforc tlic tth day or March, A. D. 1919, and to ainwrr tO IIIC Samc, liy causillR UIC aiiusiaiivu ui n.uu nrlition. nnd of this order. to be lmblishcd for thrcc weeks succcsivcly in The Vermont I'hoenix, a newspapcr printed at nrattleDoio, in said county, thc last publication to be at lcast 50' days prcviom to said 5th day of MarMi 1010 Datcd at Brattleboro, in said county of Wincinam, tliis iiin oajr oi jiinuaij, i.

1919. JOHN I'etllioner's Solicitor. F. D. E.

STOWE. 4.6 CletU ORDER OF PUBLICATION. Lyman G. Glazler VS. IJaisv Cbok Glazier.

Whercas, Lyman G. Glazier, of Guilford, in the county of Windham, in the state of Vermont, has this day filcd in the office of the clerk of the county court, for said county, his libel for a divorce against Daisy Cook Glazier, setting fortli in substancc that he was on the 28th day ot Fcbruary, A. D. 1905. lawfully married to the said Daisy Cook Glazier, and that hC and said libellce lived toccthcr as hushand and wife in the county of Windham until on or about January ii, 1915; tnat tnc libellant has resided in the county of Windham for the past year; and has faithfully per-fnrmH all llip marriaire oblitrations incumbent upor.

him; that on or about the 8th day of January, A. u. lvii, tne iaia iioeuee wiiiuuy deserted the said libellant and continued sucli desertion hitherto for threc consecutlve years, a'nd'tKlt at divers times said libellce treated Said -fioelVint wjth lntolerable severity. praying that the bonds of matrimonJCbetweeii him'apd the' said libellce be dissolvcd, and that He be Rranted a blll of divorce. And it appeaririR that thc said libellce is without this state, and that no summons can be scrved It is ordcrcd, that the librllaut notify the libellce of thc pendency of this pctition and summon Ir to appear at the term of thc county court, to be held at Newfane, witliin and for the, county of Windham, on thc scc-ond Tuesday in April, 1919, on the first day itrnf.

atiswer lo thc samc. by causing the substance of said pctition and this order to be pulilislieil tnrce wccks succcssiveiy in The Vermont Phoenix, a newspaper printed at Brattleboro, iu said county. the lait publici-tiou to be at least six wccks previous tn thc conimencement of said term. Dated at Brattleboro, in said county, tliis 18th day of January, ivi'j. v.

i). n. STOvr. A6 Clerk. ESTATE OF BURTON W.

TAUBOX. The tindrrsignrd, having becn appointed by thc honorablc probatc court for the district of Marlboro, cbmiiiissioinTS, to receivc, rxaniiiic, and-adjut the claiini and detnands of all pcr-somh the cstate of llurtou W. latlmx, late of Dummerston, in said district, dcccased, and all claipis cxhibilcd in nffsct thcrcto, herc-by Rivc that wr will mcet for tlic pur-pose aforesaid, at the rcsidcncc of II. M. Tarbox, ill the town of Dummerston, iu said district.

nn thc 1st day of March, and 7th day of Junc, ncxt, from 2 o'clock p. until A o'clock p. ni on cach of said days and that six nionths from the 17th day of January, A D. 1919, Is the time limited by said court for said creditors to prcscnt their claims to us for cxaminalion and allowance. nt nummerston.

this 18th day of January, A. 1919. GEORGE T. AI'LIN, W. A.

MILLER, WEST OHE STERFIELD, N. Mxs. Nellie Dunham. Mrs. Xellio Dunham died in thc home of her daughtcr, Mrs.

Ilertha L'ndorw ood, last Kriday morning, Jan. 17. Sho and hcr other daufihter, Ethcl, tii-cd to run toomiiiK house in Boston, until Mrs. Dunham Mifforcd a Nlifiht shotk, which atrctt- od her mind. Sho had made hcr homo hero scvcral years, hho was tlio wnlow of Hcnrj- Dunhnm and they woro fonncr rcsidents of this town, liviiiR on the well-known Dunhnm placo on Christian strcct.

Slio was well likcd by everyonc, nnd sho lcaves a hli'BO ciiclc of frieniR Besidos (,. duiicbli'rs she lcaves seveial Krandchildrcn and grcat-Rrandchildioii. Tbo wns htfld in tho Univors.ilia chutch in this villagc Sunday aCternoon at 2 o'clock. Thc burial took placo in thc West comctcry." i Moscs If! Cuickcrinml a forcefof men and ttams aro buJi'lba'dtng cars wirjrhun-ber -at Dummerston starion, frqni tho Frank Snow lot. 2 TJi'o corrcspoiillent hert wits Sinisin- formed in regara 'lo tuo nnnuai tesuvuij nt tlio T.ndics' societv of the ITnivcisaliht parish.

It will bo lielU in 1,1111 rjcl). 14, as pianncu. Tlm novi roffiilar mcetinc of SnatTorJ Grango will be held ncxt Saturday evcn-. ing, 'Jan. 2.

Tho installation of ollicorsi will tako plueo nt this timc, followcd by. a bakcd liean suppcr. Edward Iv. Welcomo spcnt Monday and Tuesday in Westminster, and.Wal-l polo, getting hm gasolme onginc rcpaucil, was rccently frozen up. JIo is now nt woik ngain dcmolishing tho wood-! piles.

i Very Keason. if 1' pnoi'ro'aaCn liimi has moro p9flos Ihaii Ji th bccnuso his collar js I i i i ii. I loo ilglll to pcriiui. iiiiii uiiuiv ujijij-a i doTvn hin Ehlrt flnljrpstou, Hvf)e. M.

Trr- iniui i iii ibu iii iiii in iii ii ii nn iii ii in iii in iii 'i iiiiii' CopyrlBht 191 by R. J. ReynuMs TbLftCLU CO, LEGAL NOTICES. COMMISSIONERS' NOTICE. ESTATE OF JOHN E.

COLEMAN. Thc undcrsigncd, haviiiR becu appointed by the honorablc probate court for thc district of Marlboro, commissioners, lo receivc, cxaminc, and adjust thc claimi and demauds of all persons against thc cstate of John E. Colcman, late of Wardsboro, in Said deccascJ, and all claims cxhibited in ofTsc't thrrtn. licreby give notice that we will mcet for thc purposc aioresaid, at tlic llotcl in tlic town of Wardsboro, in Said district, on thc 8th day of I'ebruary, 1919, and 9tlr day of Augtist ncxt, frpm IU o'clock. A.

until .2 ottock on cach of said days, and that six montlis from thc. 14th da of January, A. is thc timc limited by said court for said creditors to prcscnt their claims to us for cxaniination and allowance. Dated at Wardsboro this 14th day of January, A. I).

1919. II. II I. K. GI.RASOV -l'5 ConimisMunrrs.

ESTATE OF GEORGE M. TAYLOU. QTATE OF VERMONT, iJ District of Marlbom. SS. Tlio llonorabli' I'robatc L'ourt for thc District Aforesaid: To all iiersotis intprcinil In ii Georgi- M.

Taylnr. Ijlc of W.isbinglon, in I li- wisinci ni i.olumlna, ilcccaeil, lcaviun cstnle in this district. At a probatc emirt holdcn at Ur.illb boio. williiu and for said districl on tln- 1.1th day of January. 191'), aiillicnticalcd copy of tlic last will nnd tct.niunl and tln- pndi.Ui- thcrcof of dcorgc Taylor.

I.itcjof Washington, iu the District of deceascd. Itnving estatc in s.iid district, duly pnivcd. allowcd and establislicd iu thc prnbalc court for thc district aforesaid, was prrspnteil lo thc n.uit herc, that thc samc insiijjnicnt may al-lowcil iu this St.ilc as tlic will aml icsla-niciit of Ihc said dcccdcnl, and Ihat tlic said copy may hc filcd and ucordcd in thc prub.ilc court for th ilistrict of Marlhoio, afnrrsaiil. agrceablc lo thc statutc iu cascs miidc and provn cd. And it is ordcrcd by said court that Ihc 1st i iviv, at tnc proli.Ur ollicc iu said Brattleboro, be (nr nll intcrcstcd to appear and contest hc in Micii instrtiinrnt, and thc niing and rccord-ing of thc cnny of said will, and thc prob.Uu thereof.

as knA that notic thereof be givcn by puhlisliing this hki.1 siicccssivciy iii i no crniout rhocnix. a wcpllv said district, previous to tho time appointed. jhcrefore, you arc hercby notilicd to appear tonri, ai i no tnne nml placo atorc-saul, and to contest the allowance of the said instriiiiicnt and thc filiiig and rccordiiig of tlic copy of said will and thc probatc thereof, as aroresaid, if you liavc causo. Givcn uiider my hand at Brattleboro, in said district, this 15th day of Jnnnarv. 1919.

A 11! 3 IV 5 pOMMISSIONERS' NOTICE. Ihe tindprsiirnpil thc honor.ilitn Marlboro, commissioners. to receivc. oxaniinc, and adjust thc claims and dcmaiuls of all por-sons against the cstate of Olive R. CoIcni.1n, i in said district, docoascd, and all claims cxhibited in nllsct thcrcto, hercby give notice that wc will mcet for the piirpose aforesaid.

at thc hntcl in thc towli of Wardsboro, in said district, nn thc 8th day of I'ebruary and 9th day of August, ncxt, from 10 oclnck a. until 2 o'clock p. on each said days and that six mnuths from thc Hth day of January, A. D. 1919.

is thc timc limited by sald court for sAid creditors to present their claims to us fnf cxaniinatlnu and allowaiice. Dated'at Wardsboro, tliis IR ilnv nf IVIirn.irv. A. D. 1919.

J. E. GI.r.ASON'. ii H. 4-6 Commissioners.

ESTATE OF OLIVE A. SIIUMWAY. STATH OF VERMONT. 111 7 i cstiiiiiisirr. Thc Ilonorable Probatc Colirl fnr llic Dis.

irici oi westminster: To all persons intcrcstcil in thc cstate of Olive Shumway, late of Jamaica, in sald district, deccased, GREETING: At a probatc court, holden at Ilellows Falls, within and for said district, the 17lh day of January, 1919, an iustriiment purporting to bc thc last will and tcstanieni and codicil of Olive A. Shumway, late of Jamaica, iu said district, deccased. was prcsented to the court aforesaid, for probatc. And it is ordered Uy said court that the 15th day of J'cbriiary, 1919. at tho probatc oflice in said Ilellows Falls, be assigncd for proving said iiistrunicut; and that notice thereof he givcn to all persons roiuciiiM, by publishing this order thrcc wccks mccessivcly in Tlic erniont I'hoenix, a newspapcr circulating in that viciuity, iu said district, previous to the timc appointed.

Thereforc, ou arc hcrchy notified to appear bcfore sald court, nt the timc and place aforesaid, and Wffif th'e probalc of said will, If lyqji It4vr caiiseia i Vvrn undcr my hanj.qt. Dellows FalU, in sanl difp ct, this 17th day of, WAHNEl(" URAJIil, iqio jph smokespot you so fair and square. "im I'' 'Mr pipe ana cigarette makm sunshine and as satisfy-ing as it is delightful every hour of the twenty-four! It's never too late to hop into the Prince Albert pleasure-pasture! For, P. A. is trigger-ready to give you mcfre tobacco fun than you ever had in your smokecareer.

That's because it has the quality. Quick as you kriow Prince Albert you'll write it down that P. A. did not bite your tongue or parch your throat. And, it never will! For, our exclusive patented process cuts out bite and Try it for what ails your tongue! Toppy red lidy red tlns, handsome pound and half pound tin humidoTS and that clever, practical pound crystal glass humidor with sponge moistencr top that heeps the tobacco in Much perfect condition.

R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C. LEGAL NOTICES.


Thc Honorablc I'robatc Court for thc District of Marlboro. To all persons intcrcstcd iu thc cstate of 1'rcderick .11. Dcxtcr, late of Wardsboro, in said district, deceascd, GKEETING: At a probate court, holden at Ilrattlcboro, within and for said district, on the lSlh day of January, 1919, an iustritmcut purnorting to be thc last will and tcstamcnt of Frcdcrick II. Dcxtcr, Jatc of Wardsboro, iu said district, de-ccnsrd. ivas prcscutcd to' thc court aforesaid, for prboatc And it is ordcrcd by said court that thc 1st day of Fcbruary, 1919, at thc probate oflice in said Ilrattlcboro, be assigncd for proving said instrumont: and that notice thereof hc givcn tn all persons cniicerncil.

by iiublishing this ordcr Ihroc vcels Mi-icssivcly iu The Vermont I'hoenix. a ncuspaprr circMlatiug in that vi-oimty, in dislriil, prcvimis tn thc timo appoiiited. Thcrcforr, ou arc horehy notiriod to appear bcfore said court, at thc timc aml plaie afuie-said. and contest thc prub.ilc of said will. if you havo causc.

Givcn iiudcr my hand at llratllcburn. iu said dislrict. tliis 15lh day of Janu.irv. F. ii Ju.lgc.

ESTATE OF E. J. BARTLETT. (JTATl: OF VKR.MO.N-r. District' i.f M.irlli SS.

Tho llmmrahlc l'robato Comt fnr ili. Aforesaid To all iiorsons inlcroktcd iu tho cstate of E. J. Ilartlrtt, lato i.f Dover, in said district, GUKETINtJ: liiicas. said courl has assigncd llu- Ist daj of IVbru.iry nol fnr cx.nniiiiii): and allowin'g Iho acci.uut of Iho adiiiinistrator of tho ostato of aid dccoasod aml fnr a ilccrce i.f Iho icsidne nf said tstato to thc l.inful cl.iim.ints of tho ame I ordorod that public iiuluo thcrcof bo glM-ll to all licrsnns intoMst'il in c.ii.l by iiublishing this ordir thrcc weeks succcs-sivcly proMuus to thc day as.signcil.

iu Ihe crniont I'liocnix, a newspapcr puhlishcil at Ilrattlcboro iu distrioi. Thereforc. you arc hercby notified to appear inc iironaic oiiicc in iiratiiennro iu said ilis-ttict, nn Ihc day assigncd, thcn nnd thore to contest Ihc allowance of said account if you scc caiKc. and to your right as hcir.s, lcgatccs and lawful claimant.s tn said rcsiiluc Givcn iindcr my h.nid, this 15th day of January, 1919. A.


CJTATE OF VERMONT. District of Marlboro. SS. Ihe Ilonorable Probatc Court for thc District of Marlboro. To all persons intcrcstcd in thc cstate of Samuel II.

Ycaw, late of Brattleboro, in said district deceascd. GREETING: At a p'obate court, holden at Brattleboro, within aml for said district, on the 13th day of January. 1919. an instrumcnt purporting to hc Ihc last will aml tcstamcnt of Samuel II. Ycaw.

late of Brattleboro, iu said district, deccased. was prcsented to the court aforesaid, for probatc. And it is ordercn by said court that the 1st day of chruary, 1919, at the Probate Office in said Ilrattlcboro, bc assigncd for proving said iiistriimeiitj and that notice thereof bc givcu lo all persons concerncd. by puhlisliing tllis ordcr thrcc weeks succtssivcly iu Thc Vermont Phnenix, a circulating jn that vi-cinity, in said district, previous to thc time appointed. Thereforc, you arc hercby notified to appear bcfore said court, at the time and place aforesaid.

aml contest tho probate nf said will you have cause. Givcu under mv hand district. this 13th day of Januarv. 1919. A.


The Honorablc Probate Court for the Dis-Irict Aforesaid: To all persons jntorestcd in the eslate of Oscar Howe, late of Halifax, in said district, deccased. Whercas, said court has assigncd the 25th day of January, ncxt, for examining and al-lowmg thc account of thc liustec of the cstate of said deccased and for a decrec of the resi-duc of said cstate to thc lawful claimants of tlic samc, and ordcrcd that public notice llierc-of bc giveu to all persons intcrested in said eslate by publishing this order thrcc wccks successively previous to the day aJsigned, in The Vermont I'hoenix, a newspapcr publishcd at Brattleboro, iu said ilistrict. Thereforc, you arc hcriby notified to ap. pcar at the probate office in Brattleboro, in said district, on the day assigncd, tlieu nnd thcre to contest the allowaiiee nf no. count if you see causc, and to establish your right as hrirs, lcgatccs aml lawful claimants to said rcsidue.

Givcn under my hand, this elghth day of January, 1919. A. ,1. SCIIWENK. Tho hdy ciirrlooo uluiulJ ho uu tupiilcn.

tul hot an lilnmto iiiiihjtlnu. YOU can't help cutting loose joy'us rpmnrlft! pupru timo vnn flncli unne with Prince Albert it hits It's a scuttle full of jimmy BUSINESS CARDS. W. R. NOYES, M.

D. Spccialist. Eyc, Ear, N'ose and Throat. Office hours, 9-12 a. t.30-5 p.

m. Wednesday and Saturday evcnings, 7-8J0. Sunday and other evcnings by appointment. Americati Huildmg, Brattleboro. Appointmcnts for glasses fitting made by mail or telephone.

G. R. ANDERSON, PI1YSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgery a spccialty. Office and residence, Brooks House, 128 Alain St.

Hours: Aftc-iioons, I.J0 to evcnings. 7 to 8, cxcept Tnes-days and Fridays. Sundays by "appointment only. Telephone, 246. A.

I. MILLER, M. PIIYSICIAN AND SURGF.ON. Ilookcr block. Hours, 8 lo 9 a.

1 to 2, 6.30 to 8 p. in. Telcphouo, 2.17-W. W. II.

LANE, M. I). 117 Main St. Hours, to 3 and 7 to 8, cxcept Sundays. TV1.


Olfice, liank block. Ilour.s, 8 to 1 a. 1 7 Residence, RJ Green street. lelophono coniieitioiis DR. E.

R. I.YNCH, SURGEON. Ofhie, 1'ark Uhlg lonms I and .1. telephone 54U, ollue hours uutil 'I a. 2 to and.

7 In p. in trlephono Jtll. tn 1Uj. iu icsidcnco, 141 anal sticet, lelophono Sundays by appi.intmont ouly.

DR. GRACE W. BURNETT, I'llYSIf'IAN AND SURGEON. Markct block, streot. Offuo houri, 8.30 to o.W a.

tn 1 .10 tu 2.30 p. and 7 tn A p. iu. Tolrphono, 744-W. W.

J. KAINE, M. PIIYSICIAN AND SUKGEO. Olln-e, Ituom 10. lllory lluilding.

Hunrs. 8.30 7 a. Oflice 'phono, .151. Rcsi-dencr, 230 Klliot 'phoiie 405-M. DR.

L. S. EDWARDS, It DKNTIST. Ilookcr block, Main strcct.

DR. ALVIN KNAPP, DENTIST. VAUGHAN BURNETT, OPTOMETRISTS. Tclei.hoiie, 510, 141 Maiu street, Brattleboro, Houis, 9 to 12; 2 to S. Saturday evening, 6.30 to 9.



GALE, LAWYF.R. Guilford, Vt. Spccial attention to probatss mattcrs. BRATTLEBORO TRUST COMPANY Acts as Executor, Admlnlstrator, Guardlan or Trustee. JOHN E.

GALE, Trust Officer. O. B. HUGHES, i l.AU'VM. Tel.

739-W. Office, 91 Main Brattlebnrn. W. A. NEWELL, Undertaker.


CJTATE OF VERMONT. IT vl csiunnsier. s.s. TllC HoilOr.lllle l'rnlmto lnnr, tnr TSI-. trict Aforesaid: To all Pcrspus Intcrested in the eslate of Ilaunah R.

Walte, late of Putney, in said district, deccased. GREETING: Whercas, said court has assigncd the 1st day of I'ebruary ncxt for examining and al-lowing thc account of thc admlnlstrator of tho cstate of said deceascd aud for a decrec of the residue of said estate to thc lawful claimants of the samc, and ordcrcd that public notice thereof be givcu to all persons intcrested in said csfatc by piiblishiiiK this order threc wccks successively preious to thc diy a signcd, in Thc Vermont I'hoenix. a per puhllslicd at Ilrattlcbuio. in said distr ot. Ihereforc, you are hercby notilicd to appear at the probate office in Bellows Falls, In said district.

on thc day assigncd, theii and therc to contest the allowance nf said account if you scc causc, and to establish vour right as hcirs, lcgatccs, lawful claimants to said rcsidue. Givcn under my hand, this 6th day of Jantf ary, 1917. W'ARNER A. GRAHAM, 2" Ju'llSe. Wac Rpnjaiice.

Mrs. hoar.tliat you nra eomifKtp tart What havo you tmvartU'ity.

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