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Vermont Phoenix from Brattleboro, Vermont • Page 4

Vermont Phoenixi
Brattleboro, Vermont
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

the vermont PHcoara: BRATTiEBdRo, WdiM WMa' BRATTLEBORO. Mrs, H. Hnker hua sold licr liouso on I'cnrl to Wilmcr F. Towlc, who has lioiiglit for iv homc. At rccent meeting tbo Brattleboro Triist Kurl Munn wiib choscn diroctor to succeed Arthur F.

Roberls, rc- higlied. A jiiirty of nbout H5 employcB of tlic Xew Tolcphone Telegrnph Co. enjoyed cnrn roust 011 llie Blgelow llats 111 West Brattleboro Moiuhiy uvciiing. The imuil varioty uf cdibles wcre in evi-demc T. MeRoy of Hoston, who rc-ronlly hniight of Rohort A.

Johnson his buiifialow on Jligh I.nwn rond, movou hc. hoiischnhl goods horo Wednesdny. Mr. Mclfuy nlso owns lioinc in Mjin- Invitalions nro out to the ninrriage of Miss Amy Owon Rradloy, daughtcr of Itichnrils M. Umdluy, nnd I'hilip Hnlos Sutcr of Boston Snturdny iiftcrnooii.

ug. 2S, in St. Michuers Fpiseopul 'illlll'll. A cnncort will bc civcn nt tlio Swcdish I.uthcian eliiuch by the I.utlier quartct ot worcester, inis ovcnuig .11. i.30 oVlock.

'J'he qnartet will bc dircctcd by l'rof. J. I'ntz A lawn socinl will folluw tlio tonecrt. Tlio viKbt renr whecl of onc of tbo Itetreat coal rarts erus-hed undcr tbo woigbt of its load Tiiesdny nftcriioon when nenr Wells fountain, evpry spoko breaking from tbo rim nnd htib. Tlie lond was trnnsferred to anothcr cnrt nnd talten to its destinntion.

Izctta M. has boen en-gnged as organit at the Virst I'niver-Balist eliiireh, to befiin nt tbo clotp of the HUininer vneation nt tlie thiireb. She will sneeoed the lnto Mrs. C. M.

llrnzor. Mif-s Stewart 1ms fmished ber duties as nrgnuivt of tlic C'ongrogntiuiinl ehureli in West lirattlobnro. Sbo is ono of tbo best minicians. (Vntrnl, rpferrin to tbo Brattleboro rxehniigo of Ibe Xew Kngland Tele-jibono Tplogrnph is now finoly establihlied in new qiiartpr.s on tbo tbird floor of tlio Hnrber lmilding on Mnin street, nlmoHt direetly across the strpet from ((imrters whielt'it opcnpicd on tbo spcond lloor of tbo Anierienn liuilding ii to Katiirilay niglit. ('.

Vj. Sliorcy. pliotographcr, T'riday bougbl of ICriip'st Watprnuui of Xpw York h'm farm on tbo uppor Wrst Diim-mt'rston rond known as tlio Wall plaee. Tlio fnnn consists of nb(nt four acres of lnnd. It has a story-and-a-bnlf honso nnd lmrn.

Mr. 'Watprman bonglit tbo prop-eray of l'rnnk A. 1'owors in Xovembcr, nnd oecupied it few yonrs as Miiiimer lionie. The salo also includcd the liouscbold goods whieh were in the liouso. Uostwiok of South Londonderry, fiirni emploj'P, was broucht to the Brattleboro Memorial hospital Smiday witb lnillet wound ii( his nbdomen causc'i1fiy tlio nccidpntnl dlncbnrgo of n2ilibri! nutomatie rcvolver.

The lnJ'y beeame jamnicd and as Mr. tried to dischnrfie it it was ex-Bfled. It went into his body nt tbo ifjht of the abiloinen nnd eamo out at the rigbt of the back, bilt did not pen-etrnte the nbdoininnl wall. Mr. IJost-wielc is uloing well.

lle is nbout 25 vears old. I'remont Austin Wliitiioy. youngost snn of Mr. nnd Mrs. Hcnry K.

'Wliituey, and Miss Alma LnFountnin of this plaee were mnrried nt Mondny niorn-ing in St. Micliners Cntbolic ehureli by Rov, rathcr James P. Rnnd. The.y were attcndcd by Miss irnttio Bareone of Morse Kort, X. as bridos- maid and Rieliard Crown as best man.

Mr. Whitney nlwnys has lived in lirnt tleboro, wbere Iip is engaged in tbo ieo business witb his father nnd brothors. Mrs. Whitney enme hcro from Morso Kort nbout five v'enrs nt'o. Thov will live in the bomo of Mrs.

Wbitney's brothcr, Wil-liam LaKountain ni South Main strcet for tbo prosent, A fino pro''rnm was nrrangpd by thp Iceturer for tbo meeting of l'roteetive Crancc WedneMlny ninht and consisted of soiiks by tbo Grnngc choir, reading by Mrs. II. II. IVmos, roll eall, eneb mem-ber telling what ho or she would like to be morc thnn anything elso; diseussioii of the subieets, What part of tlie bouse-work should man do. nnd What part of a ninn's work should a womau doV; reading.

Mis. IXellio T. ICddy; vocal duet, Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Spear; originnl poem, Mrs.

K. 1). Wils-on; paper, Mrs. I'hilip K. Franklin, Love of AVork Hk Worth and Its Blessings.

Tho next ineetinp. Sept. 8, will bo youni; people's niilht. 'riiore nlso will bo birtlulny treat by the eommittees of the summcr montlis. BURIED IN SOUTH WINDHAM.

Arthur J. Holden Was Postmastcr in Kccnc, N. But Rcaigned. Arthur Ifolden, a native of Towiisheiid, who re-dcncd as poHtmiister iu Keene, X. Inst Mny, died Satur- dny nt his farni on West hill, Keene.

Tlic funeral wns hohl iu bis bonic Tues dny Iley. W. O. ('onrad, pastor ni tlie iiurt htreet ehureli. ollieiated.

The body was brougbt to South Windhnni for biirial. Mr. Ilohleu was liorn in Townshend Xov. 22, ISIKI, hoii of Ilollis .1, and Ar-dilla (l'ulfer) Holden. In 1RSS bc began the study of lnw in tlio odlee of ('arpen ter Towlc in Hoston.

Ho lived in Mal- den and was elerk of thc board of imscs hois three tenns. lle went to Bellows nlls nnd 'ciiKngpil in tlic insuraiiec IiukI ness for three vears and tbon pnterpil tbo lnwsehool of tbo I'niversitv of West Virtiinia and grnduated in Hc weut to Keene to live in lle icrved ns eiiy nuditor for nunib-r of yenrs. ln Mnroh, 11114, hc iiHHiimed bis duties ns iiokI nuiHter. Hc was rean-pointed in his term lo explre iu IP22, l.ul bn rcHliiiicd Inst Mny on ne-eolliit of ill health atld inoved to his farm on West hill. Vr.

Holden wns niombpr nf the heshiro f'ounly Ilnr assox'iation nnd the Grnfton lodtrc of Masoun nt firnftoiij At-torneys and Masons attended tlic ser-viees Tuesday. Mr. Holden lenvcs his wife, wlio wns Mrs, Sti'He Hemis Mnrtiii, whom hc iiuir ried in iu 1805; nlso onc sister, K. Wpllmnn of Chpstpr. YUjen b.ns very nld-fasln'nncd f'lriiitiifp It is bIio'b very poor or yeiy vieli, BRATTLEBORO PER80NAL.

MIsh Dorothy Wilson of New York is visiting fricnds ln towu. Miss Murgnrot Dnnycw 1b viHlting rchi-tivos in Springfichl, MnsB. Miss Kliznbclh Shcchan is visiting rclalivcH in Springfichl, Mnss. Miss Mury Cory lins rpturncd from visit two wecks in Hockport, X. Y.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Clnrenco Shnw lmvo inoved from 71 Caiinl street to Guilford. 11m, Xollio Spnfford of Springflold, in visiting in the liomo of Mr. nnd Mrs.

II. (1. K. l'rntt. Mrs.

Sarnh (Iriflln of St. Allmns wns in town the (Ii-hL of tho wcek on bor wny to Xow York on bitsincss. llnrry V. Rriico cnme from Manchester, X. Tupsdny to look uftor his propcrty on Green Htreet.

Mr. and Mrn. dolin Quiiiii nnd roii left Wediienliiy for tliey will pnjoy a vncalioii ol two wppkh. MiH Minnip L. (loodmiw of Knst Stil -livnn, X.

11., is spondiiiK tlio wepk witb iicr ponsin, MrH. l.oui' A. Wliitnpy. Mrp. Arcliii! IVlli'ticr and diumbter, l'liyllis, of South Anlibiiriilinm, nrp jK fw witli fricnds hcrc Mrs.

lCmily C'oon has uono to l'itcli- burg, to visit bor dnuphter. She exiepts to be nway two or tbrce montlis. Mrs. L. 1).

Mastin wns palled to romifobin, Tuesdny niuht by the dcntb of her brother-iii-liuy, Chnrles K. Kuiler. W. B. Higelow, superintendpnt of the Salem hospilnl.

Salem, visited Wcilnesday witb his brothcr, W. .1. Hifjclow. Miss M. Ilanrnliaii and Mis Susau Ilanraliiin retunicd Tuesihiy from I''raminpham, wbere thcy spent a few days.

Mr. nnd Will Conibs rehirned hoine Mondny, nfter a brief visit witli Mr. and Mrs. Crosier in Shelburne l'alls, Mass.

Hdwnrd Imdsey, elerk iu thp C. V. Thoinas )ilinrmapy, went MViudny to X'ew Lntidon, for a vaeation of two weehs. Mr. nnd Mrs.

L. W. Hnwley bnvc ro-tiirned from York Heach, wbere they enjoyed an onting of three wecks at tboir cottugo. Mr. and Mrs.

1 A. Wnllen nf Xew York eity are. spending tlio wcek at l.nkc Spolford as guests of l)r. nnd Mrs. 10.

15. Lynch. Miss Ittith and Miss Kmina Higclow of Xorthlield, enmo Wedne.sdny to visil a week in thc hoine of tboir brothcr, Georgo Higelow. Mr. nnd Mrs.

G. Taylor will movc this week to the bunpilow on Putney road formcrly oecupied by Judge nnd Mrs. Harrio Chase and family. lir. nnd Mrs.

C. G. Wlieolcr went yes. terday to Montpelier. Thcir sons, Phil-lip nnd Kennctli, will rcturn witb them, aftcr having spent four weoks nt Catnp Almalci.

r. nnit Jtrp. O. II. Tnrncr went vcs- terdny lo thcir homc in Knst l)over nfter spendiiiK fowl days witb tboir datit'htpr, Mrs.

W. C. Ilalladay, nnd fnniily. Mr. nnd

Gi-orcc HeWitt nnd snn. Anioii, rpturiied Inst werk from nn ni'tomobile trip during whicli thcv visited Trov. Albany nnd othcr points in York. Thev were nway five dny.s nnd rcturned by wny of the M'obnwk Trail. L'ltin nnd Ibidlish in the Brattleboro bigb sebool thc last two yenrs, has ac-eeiitrd position as tcaehcr of Latin and collcgo )rcmratory Knlisb in a girlit' privnte scliool ni hioiix 1'iUls, h.

u. hlie expeots to lenve for South Dakota tbo last of next week. Miss Charlena Tliomas, elerk iu the Peoples X'atioual bank, nnd Miss l.illias liodden, stonojrraplicr in thc nssoebilion olliee, went Tucsday afteriioon for a vaeation nf two wecks witb fricnds and relativcs in Burlington and St. Albans. Mr.

and Mrs. Perry Gallup hnvp rc turned nfter Hpcudiug severnl days in Hartford, Coiin. lhey wero neeoniiia nied homc by Mrs. ltiehard Gallup of rroVKleneo, wlio will mioiki tlic week bero nnd witb fricnds iu Hinsdale, N. her formcr homc.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Whitney, Julius V. Wliituey, Miss Miiinic L.

Goodnow of hast hiillivnn, X. nnd Miss Ilcssio Braley of 1'iitney were in Worcester, whcre V. lutnev nttended rcunion of tlic eompnny of wlneli lie was a memupr in tlio Uivil war l)r. M. 0.

Kddv and familv of Jericho, who have becn pucsts of Mrs. l.ddy of Mnplo street, left Weduesday by nuto- molnle for Itostou. Miss Mildreil I.ddy, who is h.ivin-r a vaeatioii from her work iu tlie olliee of thc Tort Dumuier Mills iieeompauied her unele and family to Hoston tor a visit. liev. nnd Mrs.

L. M. Kcneston cnme Mondny from Shelton, to the liomo of thcir ilaughtcr, Mrs. Jesse Thev went Tucsday to Wil- mot, X. lt wbere Hev.

Mr. Iw'iieston rave nu nddress Wednesdny nt thc Old Hoine dny eelebrntion. They retunicd here yi'sterday for a brief visit befo're going to lifir liome, Anionir thc nnmcs of thosc who have been ecilillcd to the secrctnry of stnto as bnvlng satiified tlic rcipiirenients of thc htntc board of medieal refjistration tor praetiee of. lnedii'inc iu Vermont is tlmt of Stanloy Wilson, son of Mr. nnd Mrs.

K. I). Wilson of this town. l)r Wilson is nt the Mnrv l''leteier hospital iii uiii inr spceiai suinicai woik, MIps ('alliprino Goddnrd rcturned Saturdny from a nine-weeks' visit witb her sistcrs, Mrs. l-Mward C.

Ganyer of Wchtmont. X. nnd Mrs. Hnrrv Barrctt of Staniford. Conn.

Mrs. Har retl and little daiiirhtcr. Cntlicrinc. rc tiirnrd witli ber to spond (hc rcst of tbo hiinimer witb her pnrents, Mr. and Heniy W.

Goddard of 2 Chcstnut slreel. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilcrbprt G. 1'oster, who vlsiled in thc hoine nf Mr, and Mrs.

i-ni'ii; v. I'lPr aturiiny nnd 1 wlneli 111 gencrnl prnvldos llmt persons went Sundny eveniiig io Spriugfield.fNvho ennic undcr eivil service who wero 05 to vimt ofher relativps. Mr. rosier. wlio ginilualed lrom llio nrnt- tleboro high hehool iu tbc clnss of iMiirried Miss Perry Fuller in I Rutland.

Hh wcddiiiL' tiikinc ulneo Inst Fiiilny. Mr. 1'oster will be jirinejnnl Jof thc I'rnmmnr sebool iu Proptorsvilln tbo enming venr. Tlnilwn'y'tlps mndo 'pn'rih'ft'firp nre lifcd on omc ot tlio ruilwnys of Jnpan, BRATTLEBORO FERSONAL. Harry Ilopkinnon ImB gonc to liis liome in lk'iiiiiiigton for visit.

Misn DpsbIp Cnin Ih Hpcnding tlio wcek in HohIoii, tlio gupst of MrH. llciijnmin l''oster. Mr. nnd MrH. Kriiet.t White lcft Kntnr.

dny for Wintlirop llcacli for a weok's onting. Mrn. Xellie Lynch nnd boii, Itcrnnrd, loft Suinlily for two wecks' visit in Montrral, H. Q. Mr.

nnd Mr. J.h1Ip t.n.pllp of SprlitK-llold, iih vlttitiiiK lirothcrR, Clilford nnd Merton l.nzello. Cllnrh'K Dmikli'M Iipitmii viimiI iim Mrs. Chnrles 11. Dunklee and son, llich nrd.

went Tiiesdnv to Saxtons Hivor to visit ber fnther, Hcnry C. ilobuson. Miss ltoby Wrlgbt nnd Miss Mnrion lliehnrdsou rcturned Snturdny nfter nn onting of two wecks at York Heach, Me. Hr. V.

II. Aldrich and J. L. Morso have koiio to Lakewood cainp nt Mid-dlcdam, Me.i for two wecks' flshing trip. Missps Mny, ''lorpnco nnd Winifrod DouglnH nnd Miss Cliarlottp Hodpe re-luriipd Mondny from, nn outiiiL' of two weeks nt Oeean BciipIi, Conn.

Mrs. L. I. lA'iider lcft Wednesdny for Glouecster, to nttend scssions of tho eelebrntion of the liiOth nnnivcrsarj' of rniversalism in Americn. Ilev.

nnd Mrs. K. Q. S. Oscood nro spendint; a wcek nt Greyeroft Inn, Ilev- rly, 1 hpy will rpturn homc tho Inst of next week, nfter visiting iu Hoston.

Mis Vcrn Davis retnrned Mondnv to thp ofliee of tho Twin Stnto (ias ICleetrie aftcr a weck's vaention iu Middlebury, Shoreham nnd Tieonderoitn. X. Y. Mrs. Hellc Sinionds.

who livps in tbo hoine of the Misses Xcllic T. nnd Ada A. Kddy of Green street, went to the Memorinl hospital Wednesdny for trcatniciit. Mrs. L.

A. Hobiusoii nnd ter, Hiilh liobinson, of Franklin, eame Saturdny lo visit iiidcflnitcly in the homc of Mrs. llobiuson's son, Lloyd H. liobinson, and family. Hiith Viele rcturned Sunday aftcr weck's vneation iu ICssex nnd Burlington.

Hc was aeeonipanied liome i.v nis son, wlio iuul neen visitmir rela- tives severnl weeks. Mrs. .1. G. Kddy, who had been visit-iil' hcrc nnd in other nlaees in this vieinity sinco Mny, left Wednesdny for Chiengo.

She will from there to her bomo iu Sioux Fnlls, S. 1). llnlph K. Perry, who lins been ill in the hoine of his pnrents soven wecks, is improviiip. Miss litiby Sheldon, trained nursc who bns been earing for him, retunicd to X'orlhtlcld last week.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnrles Levs nnd son. lohii, nnd nurse of LynehbiirL'. are Hpemliiig a few days witli Mr.

and Mrs. imgii Annew. and Mrs. Clill'ord LeyH of Xew York city wero thcne oyer Mr. nnd Mrs.

Jnmes S.univninTral two sona, Jnmes nnd Timotliy, ruturned mg Mr. Siillivnn's sisters, Mrs. Chnrles Look nnd Mrs. Jcrry Twyon of t. linnis strpet.

Miss Aliec Cnrcy retunicd Satnrdnv to bor homc in SprinL'ficld, nfter in me iiomo ot licr unclc, Dnviil S. Cnrcy. Sho was aeeomnanied lumii! by her eousin, Miss Mnrv Carey, wlio iin tiaib iii oiiriuiieiii a weoK. COUNTY COURT HERE. Divorco Oase Hcard Thursday in County Clerk's Ofilce Divorcc Grantcd Jcrry Foley.

iitiiii.iui L-uuiuv eoiut was 111 snsMimi iiio eiei'K oiirc vesterdav. i nnrt havinc soine im(inislied biisiness left nv- or from tho last April tcnn. Judge Xed Manton mid AssiKtant JudKes Albert Ji. Waitc and Uyler 1). (ioodcll lie.ird hat foreniMin the imeouleslcd divorco eii'-e of Jeny Foley HKnilifcl Mnyolyn K.

Foley, Attouiey A. P. Cnrpontcr np-pcniing for tlie iotitioncr. Thc jiaitics loiineily Jived iu Wardsboro and Dover. lJiorco was L'ranted on Kiouuds nnd tlie tustody of thc youuncr eluld, a iMiightcr, was decreed to tho motlicr and tlio custody of tho oldor child, Min, was deerecd to tlie father, in iieeoidance witb btipulation between the parties.

Ju Mie aftcnicon tlic court tool; up niatterH connccted witb tlic case of the towu of Brattleboro ngniiiBt tho Cham plain Healty Co. nnd tlie casc of Lewis C. Lovcll, of Bellows Falls nR.iiust thc Xow Lnglnnil iolcphnuo nnd lo! cKiapb whicli waa bcaid in Xew- fniic. WEST BRATTLEBORO. Chnrles Ilieley is mnking inside ro- iairs nt the Georgo Chnmbcrlain house.

Ifobert Merrill of Chicnfjo is Mr, nnd Mrs. Kdwnrd Moseman a few weeks. Mrs. and Mr. Derby of Xew Yorl; eity are vKitiiir nt Mrs.

Mol-eher's fnnn. Xewton HastinjtR nnd Hnnsom Akly boRan Wednesdny to cut tlio hny on tbc Abbott jilneo. Miss Hlanehc Bnrber went Wedneii-dny to (ircentield to spcnd a few days witb -her grnndpnrents, Mr. nnd Mrs. C.

F. Clnrk. THREE LEAVE POSTAL WORK. Wilcox, Taskcr and Houghton Affectcd by 'Rstirement Act Left Service Friday Ivening. At the elose of business nt the Brnttlp boro lxntollico Friday night th'reo cin- ployos eoniioeted witli tho olliee nuto-matieally beeainc rotirod from tbo Ber-viee by virtne of the so-oallod retiremont net whieb reeently went into elfoet, ypars old when tho net bcenmo elfeetivo or linve Doeome 0.1 hiuo theu bc ret red Aug.

20 of this yeur nnd that persons Ilaltl Wiso 1'irst Clnss Seout (011 hontrv duty): Halll who gocs thori'f Seeonil Clas'i Seout A seout witl, doiiBlimiK so-Fit Plnv Seonl: Pnss' BCnut.l I In It I doughnutH. Iloys' Llfp, WEST BRATTLEBORO. I. 0. of Ornngp, i'h visit-iiig brutlicr-ln-luw, John S.

Gilson. I'rod Wildpr, who works in Mcrldcn, Hppnt tbo w'rck-fcnd licfc witb bis fiuiilly. Merton Hpseotk of Grrcnflcld is npcnd-ing thc wcek witb Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo Wnsbcr.

n. Miss Itclcn Kpdflpld of Grepnflcld, Mnssf, i visltlng in tlio liomo of Mr. nnd Mrs. 1. W.

Cluiso. J. M. Johnson, nnd IiIh niother nnd nlster wer! here from Wnnblngloit to spend WoilncHilny. Xolnn Iiiih retlirned to his hoine in Xew York, nftor Hppnding two wceks Ciin os nf XrW ork rp- ttirned to his honio Mondny, nftpr a fow (IkJ-h' visit wilh Mrs.

Cliini Mowe. Mis Pearl Keenaii rcturned to tho Melroso hospital Fridny aftcr Rpciiiling a two weeks' vneation nt ner nomc iu Groton. Andrew Worden of Grove fcll from an npplc tree Wednesdny nt bis bome nnd broke ono rib nnd reeelved other bruiscs, Mrs. Luco of the east vilhiKO had a sorious oneration Friday inorning in tho Melroso hospitnl. l)r.

K. H. Lynch wns nssihtod by Dr. G. B.

Iluntor, Mrs. Hoyt Bnrber entcrtnincd nino womcn Weduesday aftcrnoon nt iuiltiitK pnrty. A gencrnl good time wns spent nnd supper wns FerveU. Mr. nnd Mrs.

K. W. Morso nnd nicco, Miss AgncM Morso of Keene, nro Hponding few wecks' vneation witb hifi unclc, (k-orgp Wuslier, nim ininny Mr. and Mrs. J.

K. MeVcigli nnd two cbildrcn rcturned liome Mondny, nfter visiting a week iu I.yiin, witb ber sister, Mrs. Iluain Miller and lnmiiy Mr. nnd Mrs. Gporco Washer nnd Mr nnd Mrs.

Chnrles Washer went Mondny to Greenlield to nttend tbo funeral of Mr. Wnsbcr 'h nephew, Frnnk Wilcox. llniitist cliureb, l'ov. K. B.

Corncll pastor. Sunday niorning worsliip at witb hornion by the pnstor. huu dny sebool at ll.l.'i; eveniiig service nt 7 o'eloek. Krnstus Xewton nnd family, Hoy Xewton nnd fnmilv, Mr. nnd Mrs.

Arnd Gould nnd family nnd his mother went Friday lo Cavendish to nttend the Murrny rcunion. Mrs. Clnrn nnd Miss Cnrrie Hnmlin, wlio visited iu Ijcmpster, X. two wceks witb rclntivps, rcturned to tbeir bomo Fridny night, nceompnnied by friend. Mrs.

ThonuiH Ililton nnd son of Wnl-jiolo, who hnve been Bpcnding two wecks witb her Histcr, Miss Georgio S. Ornihbec. retunicd to her bomo ifi Athol, Tuesdny. Heuben Alexmider nnd his mother, Mrs. Wnltcr Alexander, who had been visiting in Lawrenee, rcturned liome Mondny Mth.

Heubeii Alcxundcr nnd her mother, Mrs. Georpe lloughtou, ro-innined in X'cwburyport for week or morc. Miss Kvn, Bricgs has becn bnviiiK cottnnu liomo built jnrtt nbovc tho Chnrles Stock.well jilacc. 'Her father, II. A.

ljriggs, has done all the carpcntcr work. Mrs. II. A. and dauliter.

Miss Kva, movcd into thc new hoine Snturdny. Mrn. Chnrles Stoekwcll cntcrtninod tho follou'MK ovcr tho week-ond: Georgo nnd I'raiiK ot rimnville, Uonn. Mr. nnd Mrs.

Goorgo Curtiss nnd dauch ter, Betty, of X'ew Britnin, nnd Mrs. Bcrt Buirnlo, X. the pnriy eoming by automobile. Mr. nnd Mrs.

Mntber nnd Lrrnnd-dnUL'hter, Jane Sainblc, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Dcpew and dauphter. Olive, camo bunday lrom bpringliehl, by nuto-mobilo nnd hpcnt thc dny witli Mr.

Mntber's nunt, MIbr Susnn Houchton, nt tho homc of Mr. nnd Mrs. II. L. Xieliols, ehureli.

Hev. A. V. Woodworth. iiastof.

Sundnv morniii" worsliip at Sermon by 'tlipaviiiS' Minduy scliool nt 1 1.4.1; jutilor at p. Chnstian ICn-dpavor meetini; nt 7 p. 111. Topic. The Benuties and Wondcrs of God's World.

iK'ader, C. Prcntiss. Hermnn Bobb, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaae Iiobb, mct witb nn neci- dcnt last week, ono foot bciiif; cnitght and pinelird wbcn a raft was beiiiR tnken taken trom thc pond.

Iho 111,11111 bono ot tho nreli of thc foot wns ernekcd. In fpctinn devcloped and l)r. ICdwurd i.yneli wns enlled to attend luin. Miss Kdnn Wheclcr nnd sister, Mrs Clmrlottc Thrower, nnd two children Ida nnd John, iind tbeir fnther, Georuo AVhccler, buvo cono to Worcester, to visit jLr. Wbepler's son GeorRe Wheclcr, nnd fnniily.

From Worcester Mr. Wbceler will ro to Glotieeater to nltend tho Univcrsalist eonvcntion, Mrs. Alicc M. Gnllison nnd dangh-ter. Mona, and son, ItoRor W.

Gnllison, nnd fricnds, Florence Sayde nnd Johnson Abbott irnyncs, retnrned to thcir hoines in Hoston Sundny, nfter spciidiii(; week witb Mr. Gnllison sihter, Mrs. Frtd Mnrsh, They mndo the trip in Mr. Hnynes'H automobile. Mr.

and Mrs. Frcd Marsh neompnnied tlicin ns fnr ns Orange, Mass. ThroiiKh the kindncsa of Mr. and Mrs. Stroinberg a large iiumber of invited guests asscmbled nt thcir tca liouso.

whicli is under tlie ninnngompnt of Miss I'iL'L'ott. Fridnv oypiiniL'. Siinncr wns scrved nt O. Miusie wns furnislicd 1S02, nnd retunicd to bis bomo the ocensiou liy nu orchcstrn from thc nnd rcsumed fnimuig. Tn 1801 bc was Villnge witli Mrs.

Marion W. Fnrnum dratled tompany ist 'rim wna mioni I fliiie ivcinicnt. ns sat'gcnt nnd Berved solos, ii'islriimental musie and dnneing, faithfiill.r until bc idcrivei), lui bonojn)l( aud wns thorougblv enjoyed by nll prcB-i disehargo 15, 1SG3, ent. Mtieb crodit" is due Mr. nnd Mrs.

Hp wns luembor of Sorfgwick post, Stroinberg for tboir untirlng elfort to 1 A.IL, of tbw plaee nnd of Spoftord ciitortain bo manv bo perfeetly. Most ofvGniiW, -whlch be secrctuy 12 or the guests wcre thosc of Aiiiph hill nnd vieinity, nli-o Rqy. and Mrs. II. II.

Shnw of Marlboroli A. 1'. Hill eelolirnlod bis 82d blrlh- dny nnnlvcrsnry in his bomo witli his ilnughter, Mrs. Ruth Pettec, who bns lived witb him the past six ycars. Mr.

Hill is Civll wur vetenui. He bc longs to the Grand nrmy post, nnd bns o'eloek nftcriioon. Rov. W. (1, been 11 Maon 5S yenrs.

Ile is in excel- Bernnrd. reetor of St.r.Miehnel's lOpbeo-lent heallh for 11 mnn of his ngo nnd nnl ehureli, olllcintin'g. Tlio' biirinl took unlks to .1, 1,. Moekwoll's storo every ilnv I'or liis tiimci'. Hc rppplvnil hiu'nrnl flgars, nnd 5 11!

nrcscnie.i 1 here wns, jirojis.on of meinber-of tho Commniittoo on Temper-luin nn iiiniireiin nnd a soiiii gold bIl'- 1 fnl flowors. Alfoni uwp rnm nivnv i 1.,. i.t..i i ne. rin, wi.h M- Il.ors cftllctl jliirliia the nfternoon nnd evenlng. of eako- ntl.l icc cream wero served.

GETS TWO YEARS (- IN STATE PRISON McCarty, Wifc In Hospital, Mar- rics L'ocal Woman Back from Trip Mct by RejarAs RcspondcnVs Actldiis isMrT Brazcn Picco of 1 o. J. Urty of llus Plaee, nn implofo of 'th' set, lral onnont ltaibya Was ou.i it A' Ji'-'tt' 'tbc1 TilWiiHhe n.L 111 1 1 tl i I-i i Ti I i.mirt AIn.i,!,iv 1... naiu laoor in inc siale pnson at Windsor. In imposiin; selitcncc JudL'e Ciidivorlh said hc took into necount tlie fact that M'uCarty sivcd tbo statc cxpeiiDe by a piea 01 Kiiilty, but tlio tirciunstnneen nt-tending (tlic eondiict of McCarty tbo court said coiistituted "a brazpn nieee of McCaity is nn Irisb-Amcrican 32 yenrs1 Bellows Fnlls, old.

lle has a wife in thc Brattleboro1 Brnttleboio, Meninrial hospital undoiKoing tieatinent.ldaeksonville, Miilo lns wife wns 111 tho hospital Mc Cnrty 011 Aiik. 5 mnrried Mrs. Florence (l'lullips) Sodcn of Brattleboro, divorccd daunhter of Hlliot Phillips, the cercmony being pcrformed by Justice Carl S. Hop-kins. They went to Xew Hnvcn, 011 thcir honcyinoon nnd rcturned hcrc last Saturduy night.

Mr. Pliillips mct bis daughtcr at the train and Frnuk U. Wcllumn met McCarty tliprc nnd took him in tow, plaeing him iu tho lock-up, whcre hc reniaincd unlil Mondny nmrulng. It is said that Mrs. Sodcn did not know that McCarty had nuotlier wife living until hc was nircstcd.

Wbcn ho nppcarcd iu court Attorncy A. Y. 1). Pipcr was iihsigncd to dcfond him. McCnrly plcadcd guilty to tho chargc of bigamy.

In a Ktatcnicnt to the court Stnte's At torncy K. W. (Jibsou Raid that McCaity, while his wifo was in tbo hospital, went witb Mrs. Sodcn nnd that she urgcd him to mntry her hb nn net of legitimncy or slic would eommit huieido. Hc said tbnt McCarty yielded for that reason, not fullv rcalizing tbc seriousnehs of tlic net, nnd for that reason did not stnnd in just thc samo lighl as ho wruld if ho had tned to eover up tlie fact.

Attorncy liper conciirrcd 111 what Sta'e's Attorncy Gibson said nnd callcd the court's atteiition to tho fnet that a plc.i nf guilty bad been cntcred and ex- pcnso savcd. DIES FROM FALL FROM LOAD. Ransom C. Farr of Chesterfleld Fails to Recovcr from Injuries Reccived Last Friday. Haiisom Clark Farr, 78, of West Cbcs-lcrfield, died nbout 5 o'eloek Sunday niorning in tho Memorial hospital, whcre )ie waa taken Friday night following in-jurieH reccived wlieu be fcll 10111 a load f.f hny.

An x-ray cxamiiiation showcd tha live nbH, Ius collar, bono and pne vcrtebia cc brokcn' nnd bis left tung was piincturcd, Mr. Farr was onc of six cbildien of I'ussell and Sarah (Amidou) Farr nnd wan born in Chcstcrfield Fcb. 17, 1842, nnd had lived tbcro all bis life cxcept 11 ycars wbcn lie lived in Wardsboro. For niany ycars hc was engaged in enrpen-tering in nddition to his farm woik. HAXSOM CLARK FARR.

On June 3, 1804, hc mnrried C'lnrissa Ksther Spauldiug of West Dummerston, daughtcr of Arba nnd Kineline (Ksta-brooks) Spaulding, the ecreinouy bcing peifotincd in Westnioieland, X. II. Threo children wcre born to them, two dying in infnuey. His wifo nnd ono daughtcr, Mrs. X'cllio Williams, Biirvive.

lle nlso lcaves two granddaiighterH, Mrs. l'Vank C'nscy of Hoston nnd Mrs. Clif-ford Amidou of Binttlcboro, nnd ono gieat-grandsou, Burton II. Aniidon of Biattleboio. Mr.

nnd Mra. Fnrr ob-teived tbeir goldeu woddiug aiinivciiar.y iu tlieir liomo June 3, 1011, when moro thnn 300 relatives nnd friends wero pres; cnt. Mr. Fair was a voteran of tbo Civi! war. having eulisted Oct.

3, 1E01, ns a piiv.ile iu Coinpauy 1st Vcnnont eav- nlry. lle wns iliseliarKed for disability 1 1 yenrs, nnd wib regular attcndnut of tl 1'iOversnlist1 eluinlU 1 .0 Mrt Farr wan one of tlie fw. nurvi.vinjf- 'ove witnesses to thn 1 nssiissinntiou JVesideut Lincoln, ns ho wns iu (he'Fovjl thoiitrp nt the thnc nnl snw Iloiitb when hc jumped from the box in whieh thc Presidont sat. Thc funcrnl wns hehl iu thc bome nt 3 plnco in thc eeinctcrv. 1,,,., -l .1 iiMiin.i-i ,1.111, C.rl Cnr soii.

Cl.ftmV Sli.ihlHid, the rodoral Constitutioii. nnd also a "jT'i' I'l'-inber-of the Commniittoo on Temper- who mr ln "tond the funeral Mrs. Frnnk Cnsov of Boston. Fnrr nnd Chnrles' Clark nf Snrii.fiel jnt8ij of Springficld Windham County Towns. Athens, Brattleboro, llrookliiic, Dover, Diiininerstoii, Grnfton, Guilford, Halifax, 1 000 180 171 72(1 8(l 782 (1(12 800 DlU 4 18 1I0." tKHI (17 271 0:17.

.1.205 1 1,012 1,221 20,000 11)10 201 720 700 71(1 ll12 412 820 788 27 1 8(1 ,817 fi.V.) ,1,327 1)00. 315 20,032 Wbitiiigliniu, Wlliiiiiinton, Wiudliitm, Totnl, Yillnj-cs. 1000 4,337 5,207 lt)10 4,883 0,517 212 1311 430 'owfnne, Westminster, Wilmington, 410 CENSUS FIQURES. (Continued from Pago 1.) tho postoiliec is of thc third clnss. Tho (liinncinl iirosiicritv of tho town is proveu by tlic report of thc Wilnling- ton HnvniKH Ijnnk, lrom wiucii it np-penrs tbnt the deposits iiicreased from $877,500 in 1010 to iu 1020.

The villnge, witli 11 populntion ot 017, has municipnl light nnd water svstcin. Tho three churches nre 111 fncndly rclntioiiship witb encb other, nnd there is nn exrellcnt eominunity Rpirit. Th pcoplo co-opcrnte cflicicntly in local entorprises, as was ubown by the very suecessful obscrvnnce of Old Ilomo week. The lnrgo nnd nttractive hotel bns been fdled durint; tho best of the. Ben son, linvine nbout 100 cuosts nt pres out.

It is nceessury to send out somo ol the guests for loilging. Ihc nttrac tions for Bumnier lKiarders. are tlie in vinoraliiij; moiintuin air, pure water, nnd ilcligbtful scenery. mastcriiee in this region is Haystnck moiintnin, 3,102 fcet in bpightl ncnrly us hicli ns Grejlock. Thcso two nncicnt hontrics, Kllarding tlie Deerliehl vnlley, stnnding on oppo- site Hides of thc nvcr 111 nciL'hborly at titudc, exjires.s the good fellowship of 'tho Green Mountaiiis and tho Bcrk- shires, thc pcople of Vermont nnd tbeir neighbors in Massacliusetts.

Mrs. J. Johnson nnd two children of nnd jlrs. uinrles Ainmon 01 vernon, and a large nutnber of relatives nnd fricnds from DummcrHton nnd urattic boro. Willis C.

Belknap W'hen severnl ciindidntcs seek tlic snme ofliee the tirst quostion the votcr hhould ask is whieh of tbo eandidates is bpnt fitted by teiupcramclit, ability and cdu-ention to perform tho duties of the ofliee. Somo men tnko nnturnlly to iublic service; othcrs when elceted to olliee nro like squarc )iogs iu round hole. A man mny bo very' ablo and a grcat suc-eess iu his cIiohoii business or profohsion nnd yct bc jioorly qiiulifled for thc duties of leg'Hlntor. Willis C. Belknap of Fellows Fnlls who is a cnndidnte for one of the nomi-iintious for County Senator to be mndo nt the l'rimnry Septcniber 14, is tho monibcr of tho' picsoiit legislnturo from tbo town of Rockingham.

At tbc ond of tlie session 1010 thc Rutland Hprnld's lcgislative rcportcr wrotc of thc 15 ho eonsidered tbc most iliflueiitinl inembei's of the liouso. Of Mr. Belknnp ho wiote: "lle mndo 11 very deeided impressioii 11 lcgislntor. His homowlint dry nnd formnl mnnncr did not prevcnt his oieiisional Bpeeehes from being listened to witb niarked nttontiou, nnd his elenr, eonciso nnd eomprelicnsivc stntcmeiits of fnds nnd nrgumeuts enr-ricd eoi.isidcrnble t'oiiviction, Ho also strong iu committee work." TJufi.Bruttleliorn riyiortcr wrotc: "Altbough be is his'lflrst'' terni.

Kditor Belkiini of ijcllows Fnljh bns llttcij rigJit 'tljo hnriicss niul Is keeoiiiL' lns tiiL's ticlif "in thc mnss of legislntive 'ol-k. Ho lins pilotod hoveral meaures ijvcr a slormy cnurse to snfe pns.sugo. Wbj'n, tho spenkor says, from the'oycs of flio liouso nre turned to.nuAbo form, wjio' in very delibornto wny evpresses his tlionghts witb foieeful eonvietion. Kditor Delkunp tnight very profltnbly be ro-tiniied to the htnto nsseinhly for morc safo nnd yoiind legislntive work." Mr. Ilclknap wns ehalrninn of tho eom- mitteo 011 I'Vdornl llolntions, the eoininit wnicii 1111111 lei ic lt 1 tec whieh luindled thc 18th Anicndnienl In-jdges.

tlu iudieiaoeommitter. iatioti. 111 'i POLITICAL ADVERTISING- Ccnsus Figures 1020 385 570 47(1 081 501 500 Lo's'a. 7R. Onln.

Pct. 38.8 lff.5 23.3 2.1 34.7 11.0 2Q.0 2IJ.0 3-2IP 3.4 'A 118.5 n.o R-l'' 32.0' 2.11 20.7 24.3 71) l'l 32 73 253. 1:11 150 1 10 27 1)11 ,710 S'J1 W.i 7111 Alioi1 .24 12 4 .1 1 1 50' 00 1 730 3S0 .1,280 811 Ii483 '201. 20,373 81 50 170 158 84 550 21 1020 4,800 7,321 221 122 313 (117 Losr. 23 i Gnlm 807' 0 Pct.

.5 12.0 4.2 10.3 43.5 14 187 hcronfter bccomlng 05 ycar old be ri-tircd nt tbnt ngo. The three Brattleboro perBonu tnus retired aro Clinrlcs W. Wilcox of 0 Chnpin fltrcct, wlio had been in the sqr-viee iu thc local ofllco nbout 47 yenrs, DetiniR K. Tnskcr, who hnd beeh cnrrier siiiee. July 1, 1887, or 33 yenrB, nnd Gcorgo lloughtoii ot tiiuiiuru, cnrrier on rurai route Xo.

4 from West Brnltlt'boro, who liad becn cniployed ns rurnl carricr nbout 12 vears. Mr. Wlleox and Mr. Tnskcr retire on part pay, but Mr. Hougbton'fl torm of service wns not long enotigh to entitlo him to part pay.

Mr. Tnaker carly in tVugust bcgan a vneation whicli oxtendert to the dntc of retiremcnt, nnd while ho Iiiih nsHistcd little since then bo Jirne-tieally Iiiih been out uf the Bervice slneo Iiih vaention begnn. Mr. Wilcox remnined nt work few dnys longer and bo wns in tlie olliee bnelly ovcry duy until lna ro-tircmcnt. Cnrrier W.

K. Bnrber will bo thc next onc to bo retired from the. Brattleboro post ofliee 011 part pny, he bccoming 05 next ycnr. A wcll-coiistructcd brick liouso will outlast one bullt uf grnnitc When Nature Won't Our Glasses Will Give you natural, comfoKa-ble vision. NO PROFITEERING 'OPTOMErRISTS') BRATTLEBORO, VT.

The Largcst Optical EstabUshment ln Vermont BusmEsa oardb. W. 11. HOYES, M. D.

Spcclalijt, Eye, Ear, Nose and TJirott. Of-fice hours, 9-12 a. 1.30-5 p. m. Wednesdar and Saturdar eveninirs.

7.R..10. SnnAir nA other evenings by appolntment. Americag BuildinH-, Brattleboro. Aprolntmtnt (ot glriuei fittmg made by mail or tcltphont. C.

R. ANDERSOK, FHYSICIAN AND SUROEON. Sureerr a nDecialtr. CifRr mnit Brooks House. 128 Main St Hours: After noons, 1.30 to cvcnlnRs, 7 to 8, except Tuei days aml Krldays.

Sundays by appolntment only. Tclcplione, 246. A. I. MILLER, M.

D. rHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Hooker block. Udgrs, 8 to 9 a. 1 to 1 6.30 to 8 p.

m. Telephont. 237-W. W. H.

LAKE, M. D. 117 Mnin St. Hours, 1 to 3 and 7 to except Sundays. TelcpHone, 789-W.


Bank block. 8 to 9 a. 1 ta 3. and 7 to 8 p. m.

Reiideoce, 83 Green street Teiephone connectlons. DR. E. H. LYNCH, StJnOEOIT.

Ofliee, I'ark rooms 1 and 3. 540, otlicc hours Until 9 a. 2 t'j-3, nd 7 to 9 p. Melrose hospital, teiephone ZOt, 9 ta 10 a. resldencr, .141 Canal 177; Sundays by appolntment ohly.

DR. CRACE W. BURITETT, l'HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Market block, Ellibt street. Ofliee hours, 8.30 to 9.30 a.

1.30 to 2.30 p. and 7 to p. m. Teiephone. 774-W.


Room J0, Ullery BuildltKf. Iloura, 8.30-9.30: 1.30-3.00 7-8. 3S1. Resl. dence.

2.W Elllot sireet. 'phont. 403-M. DR. B.

E. WHltK, rnYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Barbcr BulldlnK, Rooms 205 and 204. Hours, DR. 0.

B. HUNTER. Office at resldence, West Brattleboro. Iloura, 8 to 9 a. 1 to and 6.30 to 8 p.

m. Telo-phone. 318. DR. C.

G. WHEEtER. osteopatiho.phVsiciAn. 310 Barbcr WdK. Office 10 to 12 and 2 ta 4, Treatment by npprilntmtnt.

Tel. 219-W. 1 to 3 and 7, to 8 nj, Office tel. res, 717-R. DR.

L. EDWARD3, DENTtST. Hooker block. Maln street. Teiephone.


JEFTS, IilCENSED AUCTIONEER. West DoTcr.Vt VAUCHAN BURKEtT, OPTOMETWSTS. Telei.hone., 510, 141 Maln, Brattleboro, Vt Hours, 9 lo 12; 2 to 5. SaUtttlliy tTenlrl. 6.30 to 9.

BARBER, tiARBER ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAV. Brattleboro. Vt. IIASKIHS SCHWEHK, a vn rnttMdtfr intti And Sollcitots cf 1'alcnln. Brattlehorb IOIIN E.

OALE, I.AWYER. Guilford, Vt. Special attentlon to prohits matters. BRATTLEBORO TRUST COMPAKV Acti as Executor, Admtniilrklsr, Ooardlu or Troms. JOHN Oflicer.


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