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The Bristol Daily Courier from Bristol, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Bristol, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Till-: uKiSTuL corKiF.R, 'i man nm VACE In a Personal Way I NTERESTING bits of news mainly about you know. A chronicle of ihe activities of the people of Bristol; their goings and comings. Events for Tonight Card party at the home oi Mrs. Harry Shipp. G05 Radei iff ft Ktroot, ben- elit of Harrinian 'Fulking moving pictnro, and in Bristol liiRh school auditorium, sponsored by Rambler staff, 7.30 p.

m. Open to public. Third Floor Front" at ik'Msalom Township high school aurlitorium, S.15 p. m. Friendly Quartet in iirst concert appearance, Bethel A.

M. K. Church, 10. C. Lindsay, VISIT AT HI HK Mrs.

Caskins, Danvers, Mrs. Fdward Grejiory and son Edward. Bayonne, X. .1., were Thursday quests of Mr. and Mrs.

John Gavegan, Beaver street. and Mrs. Clyde White and family, F'oleroff, spent Hunday with Mr. and Joseph Snyder. Monroe street.

Mr. and Jesse Burke and son Edwin and daughter Irene, Fairview, X. were guest.s from Friday until Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ogden.

(M5 Corson street. Mr. and Mrs. R. R.

Zarr. were Wednesday and Thursday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Zarr, 2uit dar Miss May Jubles, Germantown, was a Saturday overnight guest ol Mi', and Mrs. Xorth, 205 Lafayette street.

and Mrs. John Dougherty and family, Xew X. spent with Mr. and Mrs. John R.

Hendricks, (ill Cedar street. Charles Hendricks, spent Saturday at the Hendricks home. George Hermann, Philadelphia, sj)ent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Hermann, Wood street.

HIT BY BANKBALL Ethel Keers, 152S Trenton avenue, while watching the baseball game at the high school grounds, Friday, was hit in the right eye with a ball. She w'as treated at Harriman Hospital. ILLNESSES Milton, Alice and Lydia Jones, Cedar street, are ill with measles. Jean Mcllvalue has been ill ior the past few days. TO HOME Anna Gosline, 547 Linden street, has been ill for the past few days.

Mr. and Mrs. John lilmer arc moving this week from 220 Cedar street to S'vain street. jioME a ai Miss Gertrude Pope has returned to her home. Wood and Vv'ashington stnets, following a visit with Mr.

and Albert Comfort, White Horse, X. J. Mr. and Mrs. C(mifort accompanied Miss Poi)C to Bristol on Sunday and were diimer guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Lindley Comfort, Cedar and Dorrance streets. Harry Daniels, Walnut street, ac- 'conipanied by Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo iiml Burlington, X.

Sunday at and Mrs. sumiiiei- in Seaside Park. AT ALi: Thomas Clark and daughter Jane. lUu-kley street, on Saturday attended a musical entertainment by sttHhiits of Inimaculata College ut the Belleviie-Stratford Hotel, PAY VISIT Margaret W. Pope, 622 Beaver street, Hendricks, till ('edar sfrtet.

were Friday visitors of Mr. and William Feaster, Borden tow n. GUESTS GATHERING AT McFADDEN HOME PLAY BRIDGE, GAMES Mrs. lK)rothy McFadden, Swain street, entertained friends at cards Saturday night. Bridge was enjoyed followed by a repast.

The guests included: Frances and Amelia Ryckeley. West Oak Lane; Miss May Jugles. (Jernuintow'n: Miss Mabel Downs, Logan: Frank Smith, Xorris- town; Oscar Zimmerman and Roland Philadelphia: Mrs. Ethel Hilda Pope. and Mrs.

Willfam Sharkey, Frank North, all of Bristol. Favors W'ere given to Frances and Ryckeley, and Mrs. William Sharkey and Frank Smith. iugton during the French and Indian wars. is known of our van early life, except that he entered the Dutch us midshipman on June 28.

17V7. and soon obtained the rank of Lieutenant. However, this type of work evidently did not agree with his (lispi)sinon, for he quit the service the following year and went to China as Supercargo of the Dutch East India Company. It was prokibly on the way there that marrietl. t)n Cornelia Catherina Ceertrudia van Reede van Oudtshoorn, She was the seconil child of 13 children and her father, a prominent Baron in Hcdland, was at that time Fiskaal of the and later, in 1772, appointed its Governor and Director.

The ne.xt fact cDucerning van liraam is the birtli in of his oldest child Everarda Cat harina Sophia. Of his three chihlren who survived she was the only one who left American iles- cendants, having ten children by two husbands. She was the daughter who lived at and about whom we shall hear more later. Van Braaui lived in the Far East at -Macao and Canton until 1773 returning to Europe during that period for tw'o short voyages only, in that year he went back tf) Holland and settled at Zuiphen in the Province of Gueldei- land. There his first son vvas born in In 1777 be wrote a letter to Benjamin Franklin him to obtain in tiie I'onHuriitril Xavy for l.ieuten ants that were of van Br.iam.

This letter. carefuUy ved aininig I the Franklin papers of the Aiue: ican Phih'sophical Siu iety, is with coal of arms lu fore alluded to and signed with liis charactcri.siic signature, The writt'r has bftu colIiH-ttng all the known v.m and it strikes him vny rt'inarkably that as elaborate and taiuy thev are they should vary so little even It undoubtedly duo to vau over year Braani's initiative lhal there was or-! lu Andreas Cmi- ganlzed at this time an embansy by thej sul to Xori!) ('arolina. South Candhia. I Ihitch East India Company to and in the sunmu'r of Fniperor of ('bina. This, that year set sail for America with the third and embassy under- hi.s and iive tliildrt'u.

On Sep- by the Dutch and the timber he and his lamily ar in history of Chinene relations, rived at Charleston. mi l)ourd the Ihe outside world, lhaac Titsingj sliip Capi, Sixtron, master, lie was chosen Ambassador of tlie em-i bought a gtHMl tleal of prtipi'rly in this bassy, and Andrea.s. iu'companled by, and ran a supply lunise his nephew van Bi Bay stret'i. In the sprint; of 17sI was second in tommand willi the com-, he beiamo naturalizetl citizen of the uiissnni Ambassador in Survival. Alto-, rnitiMl States.

He att. nded the Con the personnel consisted of jn. Church, but it is luit and it must made an imposing known he joined It. M'arty with Its body iinard of a ser igeant. a drummer, a tiftM', and nine i svddiers.

emliasHV left Canton tni N'o Classified Advertising Department Announcements Fnnpnil Dnrinu and tulier 17SI, four youngest childrt'n. who had (teen born in Ihdland. diet! in a diph UNDERTAKER William I. Murphy. 316 Jefferson avonue, Bristol, Pa.

Phono 2417. Automotive 'I'nuks for Sale Apparently van Bra.ini's business did not tart eember without incident hut from owing to the fact that tho ways were frozen, the had to QUIVERING NERVES Yield to Lydia E. Vegetable Compound When you are just on edge when you stand the noise when everything is a burden when you are irritable and blue try this medicine. 98 out of 100 women report benefit. it will give you the eitra you need.

Life will seem worth living again. IF YOU SMOKE TOO MUCH WATCH YOUR STOMACH For (luick relief from indigestion and upset stomach due to excessive smoking, try Dr. Adla Tablets. stop smoking. use Adla 'rablets.


Boswell. S2D Hadcliffe street, last w'eek attended a performance play, There Was A sponsored by All Saint.s’ Church. Torresdale, in which and Mrs. J. J.

Fairview, took part. Rev. and Mrs. Boswell also attended the futieral of the late Hev. Allen Van last week.

The services preceding the burial of Hev. Vau Meter were conducted at Holy Trinity Church, Philadelphia. The deceased was executive secretary of the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania. HISTORY OF CHINA'S RETREAT C'onUiiiHMl fr'ini when his father and brothers were plain van llraam is not known to the writer. However, the double surname continued in his male line, and today there are in Ilollanil his male descendants named van P.raam Houckgeest, consider tln-msclves a little superior to their cousins named simply van Hraam who iiave descended from the brother and half brother of our Andreas the builder of Retreat.

Although he was very proud of the Houckgeest as witnessed by his quartering these arms with those of his and making a new estuch- eon for himself, he was, nevertheless, called van Praam rather than van Braam Houckgeest and because of this he has often been confused with his cousin, Jacob van Praam, a soldier of fortune the Dalgetty order and cam- paipning comrade of Law'rence Wash- -r" I BRISTOL LAST TIMES TONIGHT HELLG-O-O-O JIMMY Tlie yrodiffoi returns rn liis lilt of lilts. James Cagney Back Again In To Mary Brian, Ruth Donnelly PHIL BAKER in LITTLE RICH LUNCH Get your Pontiac now and enftfy the thrill of a fine new car descendants in (he Andrt'as in the had eived an olYcr from Ids brother Hra.nn lo In- bead tdiy Ihe Dntcli East India Com pany ai aninn so lie ugi'ln set sui! Chinu. NOW! EndcM-sers or Art not necessary whtn you need CASli In up to $100. A note of man and wife Is all Complete privacy sured. to ault your income.

The average monthly cort for $2S is 4ft ISO 96 eMH $75 $1.44 $100 when repaid in 10 monthly payments. Longer terms If required and othnr plans for larger amounts. FINANCING nud Wood Dial 517 Upen Friday, 7 to 0 M. Penna. State 298 GUIDE BUSINESS DIRECTORY The AdTertlsers Llstod In This Section Are JnKt As Far Aivay From Yon A Yonr 'felephone! When In Need of Anything, Look This List Iloobt Yon Can lost What Yon Want At the Right Price! JUSTICE OF PEACE J.

LAUGHLIK JUSTICE Licenses of All Kinds Real Estate and Insurance Bristol P2ke and Maynes Lane Dial 2810 Croydon, Pa. PHILA. EXPRESS Daily Trips EXPRESS 901 Mansion St. Dial 29M Philadelphia: 7 N. Front St.

Phone Market 3548 CARPENTER BUILDER ANTHONY PAONE Carppnfer and Ballder General and Furniture Repairs Boat Calking A Anything of Wood Duplicated 312 Dorrance Street Up out of the bog of business, pops Pontiac. Sales every month. Ahead of last year. The sheer newness of the car, the balanced value that anyone can and feel, the Sood old spring sunshine that warms and thaws out cold feei a combination that a lot oi Stop any Pontiac owner anywhere and ask him what he thinks oi his Pontiac Economy Straight Eight. Ask any automobile man what the men in the business think of Pontiac.

Everywhere, there is the greatest enthusiasm ever accorded a Pontiac. Never in our history have so many owners written and phoned us to say how pleased they are with their new Pontiacs, Every day Pontiacs are attracting new buyers-by their comfort, their safety, their economy, their urability and their low price. resist temptation too long one now. be in good company and big company. closed cars havm Fisher bodies, with Fisher No Draft Ventilation for cool summer driving.

PONTIAC fHf (CONOMY STRAIGHT EIGHT Ads Bring Results 70 For 70cents, at the low (tax you can telephone to any point 220 miles away! Take advantage of rhe night time reduction to and share news wii'a your ont ui' town friends. Regardless of dis' tance, the rates arc surprisingly low. For example; Nlfht p. M. A.

M. Tlmt). I I whtrt 100 MILES 300 MILES 600 MILES 38c 90e 1.000 2.20 2.000 4.20 Station is Slabofl 3-Mlnuta Can. naettan. Tliara la NO TAX an cotting law than SO BELL fr if COMPANY OV PENNSYLVANIA 585 And up, t.

b. Pontiac t.isir G. M. A. C.

terms A utNLRAL MOTORS VALUE C. W. WINTER 248 Mill Street Bristol, Pa. Ol LOLOC SPINS UKE A TOP Your car sure spins along the roads in a smooth manner when you SUNOCO THE TWO-FISTED GASOLINE Stop At Our Service Station Any Time We Will Be Glad to Serve You SERVICE STATION Bristol Pike below Mill Street (luTiu opiil.Miiii On January 10. iTSfi.

22. IT'H. in thiriy of surviving ilauelitcr Kvoranla mar twolvc wore (uciipiod Hu hard Bt Htrin'iis, ainlM.swiultM ami (lu'iv whih r. On July of that yoar remaining carriod tlu jWiis liorn aiuMluM' lo van mandarins anti Iheir follow aani, namrd Pranroist' ('onstantin inK- Nansh'anK was icaolunl on IH' Mnria. who was yt'ur: I hail ClIHVKOLI-rr TltrcK.

'27 One ton. voiiiiition. Apply at llu'htiM S('t v. Stalioii, Hri.slol Tike. Croydon.

Service ItiiHlnPSH tdl In "'any hard -1 I t'lu'ounti'rod 'riio two am I we luid him i his ac I i i haHHtidors. riisniKh and i ountH at (. and Inick i .1 1 1 wi'io III Ht'dan fhairs, tho olhtMs on 10 Holland will) and little girli 1 111. hoiHohai'k the oltcn lianroHo. IhiH tlaujihter marrit'd in', I i and did not arrivo at tho I oi I Isp.

at Izak Cdnu'lis van .1 1 bv iiiKlit. HO that i 1 1 lol.siliniifii and thev liavo loll numcr 1 I um I und vuii Hraam had to jHpentI cold I night in hU Mpdan (rontinued FOR RKNT -Ualian Aid torium; lor any occasion. Fine flour, (5. caretaker. Farrairut ph.

2113, ItuUdlnfT ind Coiitrafting 19 KLKOTIMCAL WORK Motors lighting, ranges, heaters. P. Ballejr, Hath Bristol. Dial 7116. Employment Help Afillo nn Wrril (WH ptTmnrinnt and pronta Ilio, 'l'cn ltiii near Hris- lol.

ir you work write Hit, ('ouiicr Otiicc. Merchandiie for ISAHY'S PLAY YARD Round rooni lahlf ami chairM; dionser with mirror. nun-x-ry i luiir, bahy'H Htrolh'r, liot wutor hcnter; hai)y Hcalo. rug. All in condi- lion.

('all at narrinoli Htrc'ct, 1 HKFRICKHATOR Capacity Ihn. Cheap, Apidy Tail I Swain street. Spoils IMiinfx, VARlK'rilOS or voK'otahle plaiitH, clieap. planf.s I i I I i thick, Imi at llower plants at lOc. Duiion, Nt'wport and Steele FORCKT vih Shaw'rt mi eenhouKcH, 11ulnievilit', for all kinds ol pretty (Iowi'Ih; alno (able plniil.s, tomatoeH, pei'H and eKK pluiltH.

KVKRC.RKK.NS Or dcHcription. reuMonable. Apiiiy Jolwon, 1241! Pond And dahlias. Arthur Sey- I R. D.

1. DriHtol. Rooms and Board UntMtiK wlllioiit Bonn! loll roum lor Apply if) Mi K.iim, loll Huddifte Real Estate For Rent mid and butli, all ImprovemenfM, IKi; 3 room apart' nii'Uf, iurnlBhed, all Improvements, 1 and hafh, flio. ICa.stburn Hlanche, IIS Mill Ktreet. llonmeM for SWAIN NVnviy papered and painted, Klectrh; Rent 112.

fiefiiKe Irwin J'lli 7 rooniH wKa ,1 III verv lull. K' li! vi'i'y ri-a j.iiHily AppLv ni Silb'T, 202 llerHuit Piioric DEUCATESSEN By HILT GROSS NOTICE i 1 Will iiilt I). aiiV' ij. Ullle I b- il! I'-UVIi. Iti ,1 nil 'I ATE NOTICE i I i I'a d' I I I lull M-l il il-11 I I' Mi 1 i.s I I i 1 I afid I 1 1 -a me a I't i 'J in-: Jui ') .1 om-'a: 'i f' -I i- 11 I'ii, i 1 -tifo Mr..

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