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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 7

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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(ARK.y COUUIEH NKWS CLASSIFIED ADS QBWEV Two a word tor first Insertion one cent word (or tuhseqiwnt Insertion. Mo advertisement labeu (or less than 60c. Count' the words and Knd 1'honc 306 i'Oit KliNT I'OU rooms and bath, 1JS2 lioily. Seven rooms aim Iiaili, 1133 W. As)).

I'honc 101), l-UgllSOil. 25C- l-'OR RENT- -ilil. bedroom. Phone l-'OR house, Mis Sisk, Phone M2. 2UC-K-1 l-'OK light housekeeping rooms.

81L West Walnut. C-K-i FOR targe bedroom, convenient to bath. Mrs. Nulen, 310 W. Walnut.

30C-TP l-'OR room near high school. 801) lieiiMi S(. house, bath, Rcsso liable. 1P-K-1 111:111: TODAY Itlillir, love ulth 4r- Inja eluiirmrJic wllh hrr fcnlt- IIIIIM: bgi fnlli Cu rimvluee Jiliu ihmt It Ji lo AnUb eallcKe. ttcmt Jfthiuft when ihr Itilli mid Ueryl In xecurlMK a ciiulrrct.

drliut lililriutr nnd nru hull khe foiKrl her hue ilit- pnrllea iiitu UAYLOIll). Iri-iir Ir.irKK J'rrnlUi bm otoiirj uiid ID ulri him from llr xuu-eiillble, Inkri iler dtlv- nmit dlea and be liolh mnnej nnd Jofc (UriiUKh her liuili.itiil. Tummy Iclln Irvni- nj I-'Olt RENT--! rcoms and SIC. 111U Holly, Phone 100, Fer- yiison. 'JC-liC WANTED POULTRY WAMTED-Markel prl- tes, auy ouantliy.

Marilyn hat- cbory, 2lu a. St. 8C-TP WANTED Family wushlnss or General houscwort. Mrs. Dora VJzell, 2207 lath St.

Ti 1 HELP There is an opportunity in one this city's largest organisations for 1030 or 1031 hign school graduate who is sober and industrious. Must be in good health and lurnlsli references. Dulles will consist at keeping records and statistics. Submit, all pertinent information including photograph. Apply Courier Mews, oj Idler.

1C-K- shoe salcimen. li salary of $125. and bonus ap- ueals to you, call from 11 lo 12 A. M. or 10 P.

Room ia- Olcncoe Hotel, Wednesday Thursday. 2P-K' or saieslad; to sell Lux lilectric Hot. Watc Heater. For uppoinliucnl call roon 134, Glencoe Hotel. 2P-K PEKSONAL CA'Sii PAID for second hand fur niture.

A. L. Flowers, corner Mali lake Sts. GC-T: STOCKHOLDEKS ul The Ulytbeville Cotton Oil Company llie Annual nfeeting in the di rectors and stockholders of til acove company will be held Tlmrr day, Juno 3th at 10:30 A. M.

i Hie oltices ol W. A. Ciace Co Falls Memphis, Tcnn. 4C-KC- Closing Stock Price 8-1 83 8-1 ES 21 st a-i Li SJ-S CC VlOI in ViBl pa is 's 'n d.ioo suxoj, jo paEputng suouiuus d.ioo oipuu 081 691 uraqnv iMtooeciv is 'i 'V New Xork Cotton lurk unil'thi- Ilirl Wlieu tuurrj- bhii iirci'iHx. quirk uinrrtuue.

rlnj; Kill Ulteuvcr hi-r ill Klir lolj 111ni It la iiliiini T.mii.i} jli-liU nnil ill-Ink, huirlly. Hulls tilm null lili-M him uii. Slu. cell. Irrne I I'rt-tillMH hiiw irr.ilril Mill.

Jrrn? prnnilxcn bill In nul- II Ki-rjl. She rcn-ltrt frutH I'ri-ntKK her lu OX WITH Till-: STOUY CTIAPTEIl XXXI i.THS. EVEKETT agreed tbal Irene's plan for frnstraliii); icryl's attempt to prevcnl liur mar lage lo Prenliss porfcci. Site Ireno to dress wiih uniisnal are. and gave her all ttio money he had available in llio house.

Irene stayed In her room mull 'rcntiss called and then she wenl own to him immediately so llial ic would nol (alk with licr motlicr the living room wlicre Ueryl might overbear. Irene affected eitreme agitation. 'Is tliero cuincllilns wrong? unuircd anxiously, icll you," Ireno salil, loud for an eavesdropper to lienr. In licr voice was a liim o( tears and trouble, tliat ought, slit- lliuuglil. to satisfy Deryl tint elio as on licr way lo sacrifice herself.

t'rcnllsa lielpeil her lemlerly Into Ills car, Ills at llio iiuiuiriil ICSB bnoyaut tlian ever they'd ucen before. They had not driven far before lie told licr he'il have lo know what was on lier mind. Irene had been entirely wordless during liie drlvo. "ll'a mollier," she uaid. as ll willi great rcliiclaucc.

"Sliu thinks wo onulit lo have a fussy wc I'm all lired oul nrKulns; with her Mint Hie senslhtc IbliiK is for 113 to lie. married mitclly and back lo O.ikdnlc riyhl away, as ycur fnllic you to." "Then fciio doesn't ohjrcl lo your marrying meV" eagerly. salt! slie'd llko us liavc a tonKer enensemcnt," "1 don't b-jlieve lout; engage incuts," I'rentlss stritcd iinniy. "1 couldn't liavc any kind wedding at all here at liome," Iren sa'il wistfully, "without Inviting hordes of people. We know everyone hi town." a kick out of going back 113 rcno Gaylord? A sort of bnrprlso 'or yourself, you know.

And It ivould niako tho wliolo tblng 80 imch easier for me." Ireno Klanced'up tit Ho was 101 tlie lover of tho night before. Ic was thinking of of buEiness convenience. Well, lldn't mind, but Eho'd llko blm to lie moro ardent before alio In to him. Ho'd never lie 60 ready neglect her then, So sho noil Id not yield until Prenliss bad duly coaxed licr. Slic knew, while bo about it, that lie was heading for llio city, bul sbo did nut protest.

Se-on after i consented to many him they reached Queensboro Hrldgo. Tlie grcal clly's nortlieru lowers spread out before her lu a manic mist, "Drlvo down Fifth Avenue," nho said aud I'renliss obliged her Their prosress aloni; llio world-fa mou3 street, hailed al fiLlcrnilu Iho tralllc icuulntlons, waa llko a trip to a faslilou lo Irene. had visions of such an' occasion. "Can't we be married all by ourselves?" lie asked. "I think that would bo llie love- llesl way," Irene agreed, "I've got lo leavo day after tomorrow at the lalcst," Premiss In- formed-lior.

"In fact I should Icavo lomorrow. Dad wouldn't send for me if be didn't need me. There was a threatened strike at the factory when I left cud I'm afraid il's been Slio wauled Ueryl, if she saw called." think she was upsel over licr Can you handle strikes? coming interview with Premiss. To Prenllss Blio explained nervously bat sbo wanted to talk to him motlicr bad left the room when Irene entered It, as the had arranged. Sho wanted lo 'go somewhere and lalk wiih Mm." "Ihit don't you want Biieak to your tell iier that we're going to bo marrlcJ?" Preu- protested.

Irene smiled vainly at him. "Not sho begged. "I have something to tell you lirsL" ''All right." Pi'enliss agreed, "hut you know you saM you couldn't really say 'yes' until I'll asked your mother." Ho laughed. "What mi old-fashioned sweetheart you ore!" lie exclaimed happily. Irene took his arm.

"Let's go," nlie saiil, and ushered him toward the hall. became serious. Irene breathed reverently. "Well," I'rcntlss suid. "I have ideas that lit in between, tboso held by dad and tho labor Rul that's not llie Ionic of Ibc moment," lie added hastily.

"Will you marry me today, hone?" "Today?" she gasped. "Oh. 1'ren- licforc tomorrow!" "Why not loilny?" bo Insisted You look like a bride.'a drive right into tiio city. We can have it'over al city hall In no lime.

Ot course, it you'd prefer a church--" "But today!" Irene gasped anew. "Doesn't II appeal lo you?" he asked. "To 1110 It would he a great way to do it. I Ibink people miss a lot by delaying in order to make preparations. Just left tiie house for a drive with were Irene Everelt.

Wouldn't vou UT It was not these things that brought on the fever of autlcl- Pullon which bad seized her. As they nearcd Ihc corner where tho famous Icwcler'3 establishment which bears no Identifying sign on tho building Is located slio put a hand on I'lCii- llss' arm and looked up nt him llko a child who seen a big platter of cakes. "Lion't you Ibink we ought to gel the wcdilinj; ring now?" sho breathed softly. "I'm glad you thought of it," I'i'cutiss told her, and turned lulo a sido street at Ibc ne.U coruer. Buying tho wciiiliug ring nalur- nlly led to buying an engagement ring.

Iieno was illsapnolnled over iho she of Iho solitaire. She wished she hailn't been FO hasty, tolling herself she might have known that Prculiss' fuiidB would bo low al the cml ot a vacation. It she had waited until they reached Oakdalo she'd havo been able to order what sho wanted. Prenliss surely svouhl let her have accounts wherever she liked. Slie was radiant enough during ULO marriage lo satisfy Prenttss that sho loved him.

Ho kissed her with everyone watching, not the wedding kiss, but another. Irene was thinking that she must get an armful of an lo take home. They would help to impress Hcryl. Tlie two witnesses to whom Prcn- tisi had telephoned from the accompanied them toft-u for lunch. Tliey were young non who wcro employed liolel where 1'rcullES had been slaying.

At the end of tho meal Iho maltra il'hoiel brought lu ft tiny gem of i wedding cake, decorated with real old-fatbloned garden pinko plitced delicately among tho Icing flowers, 'itiss had ordered Iho cake- for just Iho (wo of llicm, hut Ireno was again disappointed. Why couldn't ho hnvo had something that they could tako homo for licr motliL-r lo blioiv lo nil her friends? Sho to-iked at (ho cake, and barely mil pressed a miff. That thing! would laugh rvt It. Why, even Clara DaimlgeH. whose, father was only a night watchman on 5 N'orlh Shoro eslalc.

had cako a tuol high, wllh a bell on nml aril- llcial orango hlossoms Hint could hardly ho tolil from real. TIIKXK lowered her tnro nnd al her rings. Tho engago- inciil ring nlfroutcd her nnow and io felt her temper slipping, lull It would never do lo show how the felt. Sho had ECIISO enough to realize Ibis and bolb Prenliss and Iho maltro d'hotel wore walling for Rome expression of approval from her. Sho swallowed hard and looked up at Iliein.

"ll's lovely." sho said enough feeling to saUbfr Perhaps they were both so sure that she would tho beautiful little caho Hint they did not weigii lior praise at all. The niaitro d'holel tasted Iho cake -fllli them and then went back to (ell his confreres thai "Ibc yoinip "Monsieur (Jaylord had married tho most charming young lady in theeso world." (It was Gallic and gallant exaggeration, but It reflected the sliicerest opinion of tho bridegroom, if not of tho nmltre d'hotel.) when the hrido said she would like to go homo and break tho news to her family lie had no other thought than to comply with her wish. It nccmcd to Prenliss a thoughlful and considerate suggestion. For his part, of course, he'd rather lake her away Instantly and keep her to himself, but she'd been wonderful to put Ills interests abovo all elso and marry him without having one of her friends, or a member of her family, prcsenl at the ceremony. Ho owed bor much for Hint.

As they left Iho tablo she said: "I'd like to Mama before we start." rreutiss offered to do this for her, lint Ireno Insisted sho must do the talking herself. As slio hoped. Beryl answered. (To OUR BOARDING HOUSE PAGE By Aherii 5 HELLO, I'M CAULlMGj -TO REPQ-RT A CASE OF 50 FAT? "THE GO I SEE Goes -TOLD SVCAMfYRC VoiVLL i HOUSE- GOES -iH 1 MAtfoT? GLWS FROM -TH" 1 aiAjf.5 I CLUB OPS-fArRS POKER'. BOOTS AM) HER BUDDIES OH! By Martiii KITCHEN cup graiiulated sugar and one-hall ham, creamed potatoes, graham cnp water in a smooth sauce pan.

I muffins, milk, coffee, llring to the boiling point, cover! Cream of asparagus ami bolt BVC minutes. Tills is a 15oup, toast, sticks, stulTert egg sal- rather thick, concentrated ad. cream puiU filled with straw- One tablespoonful will be enough lo berries, nuik, tea. sweeten glass ol lea for the aver- DINNER: Blncrisli inked in aje taste. milk, steamed new potatoes, greeli Most people like lemon with tea ar.d the more lemon juice used tlie more healthful Ihe beverage.

Orange or any tart fruit b- 1 NEW YORK, June 3. (UP) clOied firm. Open High Close July Oct. Dec. Jan.

Mar. M.iy 830 389 921 1)31 858 S93 917 SMS 953 827 882 885 897 315 031 855 801 913 920 913 959 Python Worship Is Common in ASrica CHICAGO, Serpent cults and MitxjrsUlions cmlxxlying python worship arc common in Africa. Wilfrid D. Hamby, assistant curator of African ethnology at KM Museum of Natural History, reiwrlcrl. "Very widespread is Iho belief that Hie souls of dead people of high rank visit their relatives in the form of snakes," Hamby said.

A large collection of ornamental carving, wooden ancestral figures and (he kind of household furniture with which the tribes of Central Cameroon, West Africa, like to purnish their lias bcc-u received at the museum. The collection includes a large wooden stool wit ha base rcprc- leopard, symbolic of royalty. There is also a btrt curved with primitive tools from a single of wood in a manner peculiar to that part of Africa, accord- jnz to Hamby. uman figures made by the Cameroon tribesmen, often wrongly termed idols, arc more probably comiucmoratlvc of wellknown. men, or they may be ancestral figures upon which centers Ihe idea oi an spirit.

A few of these effigies also, possibly refer to a fertility cult," he said, BY SISTER MAKV NBA Sen-ire Writer Most aduils seem lo feel that the "cup that cheers but not inebriates" is essential to their comfort at least once a day, and as tlie weather grows warmer a glass of iced tea does much to cheer and comfort and can do little harm to Ihc average well ijerson. Children should never be allowed to drink tea in any form. If the tinkle of ice and accompanying lemon and sugar of iced tea should prove too enticing for children at the family labte, a glxss of lemonade should be provided for Ihcm. If you would serve your iced tea as fragrant and sparkling as the hot beverage, choose the brand with care and make Ihe infusion according to rule, allowing twice as much dry tea for each cup of water as for a hot drink. Make the lea exactly as if it were to be used hot.

Thai is, scald llie tea and when thoroughly heated, pour out scalding water. Put tea in tea pot and pour over freshly boiling water. Lei steep not longer than five minutes. Tile flavoring substance and stimulalimj properties arc quickly extracted by- boiling water. Tlie short period ol steeping produces a fragrant, delicately flavored beverage, mildly stimulating to some Two of Making Fill glasses full of coarsely cracked ice or onc-tliird full of or shaved Ice.

Pour lea on ice, (ak- ing care not to (ouch the glass with the hot. tea. Serve with sugar lemon. Freshly brewed, well-made tea (loured at once over ice is not at all the same beverage that made very strong by is then cooled and weakened with water and finally served with a piece of ice to tinkle. The first is clear with a delicious fragrance and lastc.

while Hie second Is cloudy with a bitter, puckery taste, no matter liow much It is sweetened or weakened, Powdered sugar is bcller to serve with Iced tea than granulated. The advantage of this is that ixtwdcrcri sugar dissolves in liquid more easily than the coarser, granulai- cd variety. A "simple" syrup is oflen used in place of sugar. This syrup is mosl used in place of lemon. Either the jr.iee or sections of lemon or orange can be served.

The juice served in a small pitcher bow! with a cream ladle is preferred by many pcrson.s. When the sections of fruit arc used be sure to wash the lemon or orange thoroughly before cutting. Tomorrow's Menu Chilled tomato juice, cereal, cream, broiled coltayo beans, vegetable salad, pineapple sherbet, angel fowl balls, coifec. Rolling Pin 184 Years Old Still in Regular Service ALLENTOWN, tUl') A rolling pin used in making pic crusts in 1747 is still in use today. Mrs.

Gccrge Heist uses it- lo prepare twice a week for her family. The rolling pin was handed down in the family from an Saucon Township, Norlliamptoi County, prior lo tlie Rcvolutionan War. It is constructed of wild wood, cut lo a length of about 1 inches and planned lo a diamete of 1 1-2 inches. The Heist family also has ainoni (heir prized ixisscssions a cliai buili In The chair is constructed of dark hard wood. In the rlglit an there is a hole lo hold a candle fo reading punwscs.

On the lower rung there is small worn space where an earl user had formed Ibc habit of rcsl ing his foot as he read. Tno-Hcadcd Siukc Caught MARION, lUP) Kennel of Scott county found a Iwo headed copperhead snake. Hot heads were normal nnd possessed WOOVO "WE WfcXT AFTER P.VV GUV -AWO Pi VOOl. 50 HEKX' Wt ViS. WM WrKEW-i iiBJWftV convenient to kccii on hand diu'- ing the summer months, because it combines more quickly with fruit Juices than plain sugar.


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