Valley Morning Star from Harlingen, Texas • Page 1
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a Don't Brag About How Fast You Go 'On -You May Get There Before Your Harp Is Ready 1937 Deaths: Number 34 of Highway Accidents: Injuries: 266 Tragedies 389 Valley Morning Good Morning The Weather Saturday Will Be Unchanged Yesterday: High, 99; Low, 72 Weather Details. Page 3, GRANDE VALLEY Vol. XXVIII, No. 97 Withdraws From Off The Record who. VALLEY-OWNED INSTITUTION HARLINGEN.
TEXAS, EARHART SATURDAY, JULY 3, IS Disputed 1937 Only Valley Newspaper With Seven Day DOWN IN Area JULY FOURTH CELEBRATION OPENS TODAY McAllen Host To All Valley At Fete PROGRAM SET 3-Day Event Slated; Crowd Expected (Valley Morning Star News Service) McALLEN-McAllen will be host today to the Valley's thousands as the elaborate 3-Cay Fourth of July celebration opens with a host of entertainment features. Saturday's events to be climaxed bythe bathing revue at Cascade pool at 8 p. m. An amateur show will open Saturday's program at Archer park at 3 o'clock, followed at 3:30 by a baseball game at Legion Park between two Fat and Forty teams. Sunday Program The Sunday program will also include a ball game between the Mission 30-30 Rifles and the Donna Cardinals at 3:30 p.
m. at the Legion park. A bull-fight at 4:30 p. m. at Reynosa is another feature of Sunday's program.
There will also be dancing at the new Club Royale Sunday night as well as the other two nights of the celebration. The Monday program climaxes the three days and makes a daylong celebration from the reveille and flag salute at 6 o'clock in the morning to the fireworks at 10 o'- clock Monday night. The pet parade of Valley children with their own peculiar assortment of pets, funny, unexpected, and awkward will open day's celebration at 8:45 a. m. with a march from the Casa de Palmas hotel to the Palace theatre where the judges will make awards.
The main parade of visiting dignitaries, floats sent to represent each Valley city, and floats representing McAllen firms will begin at 10 o'clock, ending at the Chamber of Commerce building. Trailing the dignity and beauty of main parade will be the burros, several of them ridden by mayors of Valley cities competing with McAllen's Horace Etchison in mayor's burro race. The burros will be encouraged to the end of the race at the hospital by plain, relay, and fancy riding. Fiddlers Contest Slated The old fiddlers' contest, for those with young hearts set to the swing of old-fashioned tunes, will go on just before dinner, opening at 11:30 p. m.
in Archer park. Prizes will be given for the two best "youngest" old fiddlers--youths who play the old- tunes--as well as for the best old fiddlers and the one coming from the longest distance. CONVENTION OPENS NEW BRAUNFELS, Tex. (AP) Two hundred and twenty-five delegates registered Friday for the annual convention of the South Texas County Judges and Commissioners association. The Valley Morning Star Congratulates Mr.
and Mrs. R. C. Duncan, of San Benito, on the arrival Friday at 1:30 a. m.
of a son, weighing seven pounds, born at Valthree Baptist Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith of Brownsville on the birth of an eight pound son born Wednesday at the family residence. Spanish Coastal Naval Patrol Ban Promptly Refused By Great Britain LONDON (P)-Britain promptly rejected Friday night a proposal of Italy and Germany that the naval patrol of Spanish coasts be abandoned and belligerent rights be accorded both parties in the Spanish civil war.
A German source, however, said envoys of other nations to whom the proposal was made agreed to refer it to their governments. The Italo-German plan was laid before the directing sub-committee of the 27-nation committee seeking to isolate the Spanish conflict. Associated Press Leased Wire EIGHT PAGES TODAY AMELIA Russia JAPAN AGREES ALSO TO QUIT AMUR SECTION Tension Eases As Powers Parley INCIDENT OVER? Gunboat, Men To Evacuate Today MOSCOW (Saturday) (AP) The Russian government announced in communique early today it had a ordered the withdrawal of military cutters and armed patrols from islands in the Amur river which both Russia and Manchoukuo claim. The communique said the action was taken only after Mamoru Shigemitsu, Japanese ambassador, had Japan Is Relieved TOKYO, (Saturday) (AP) Russia's agreement to evacuate forces from the disputed Amur river islands was received today with intense relief throughout Japan. Cabinet ministers their deepest satisfaction possible war had been averted.
Newspapers flooded the streets with extras. announced the withdrawal of Japanese- military cutters from the disputed area. Orders for the Russian evacuation, it said. were issued by Klementi E. Voroshiloff, commissar of war and navy.
The communique was issued some time after Ambassador Shigemitsu announced he had reached an agreement with the Soviet government which promised an early, peaceful settlement of the conflict on the Amur river, on the border between Siberia and Manchoukuo. The Japanese ambassador earlier asserted that Foreign Commissar Maxim Litvinoff promised him Soviet troops would be evacuated from the two disputed islands and that more than 20 Soviet gunboats in that vicinity would be withdrawn. If this promise is fulfilled, the Japanese envoy asserted, Japan will consider the incident closed satisfactorily. He added, however, "it remains to be seen whether the order (for evacuation) will be carried out." Settlement along the lines indicated by Shigemitsu would end four days of tension arising from disputes, Sennufu possession and of Bolshoi, the is- in the Amur about 75 miles southeast of Blagovestchensk. Disagreement between Russia and and her protectorate, Manchoukuo-over the islands and location of boundary along the over Amur led to armed clash and Soviet casualties The Japanese said one Russian gunboat was sunk near Sennufu, one beached and one chased away by artillery fire.
WELL, I'LL TELL YOU- By BOB BURNS IT IS ALWAYS better to be a visitor rather than a host because when the company starts to get dull, you can get up and go home. I've been to some of these Hollywood parties and have seen the hosts start to sag along about 11 o'clock but the guests will ling-' er on until two or three in the morning. I think my Uncle Sanky had the best system I ever saw for gettin' rid of company. He had a party at his house down home one time and after they'd exhausted all the games like "Heavy, heavy hangs over and hUnches Sanky yawned and "Spin the mentioned somethin' havin' to get up early in the morning but the company didn't take hint. Finally at 9:30 when the guests didn't show any signs of leavin', Sanky turned to my aunt Uncle and he says, "Come on, mama, let's go to bed these people may want'ta go home." PACIFIC Overshoots Tiny Island Daring Pacific Hop NEW PLANTS REOPEN IN STRIKE LULL CIO Seeks To Rally Losing Forces THREATS DEFIED 12,500 Men Return To Jobs Friday (By The Associated Press) EAST CHICAGO, furnaces turned the night skies red along the 7-state strike front tonight while C.
I. O. leaders attempted to rally their forces against new back-to-work movements. More strike-locked mills opened at Massillon, O. Republic Steel defied the threat of "damned bloody battle," voiced by a C.
I. O. picket captain, and moved 115 automobile-loads of workers into its Massillon plantunder the bayonet protection of Ohio national guardsmenviolence. Paychecks Return Here in East Chicago, 5,500 day shift workers fattened, their paychecks with a day of work at Inland Steel's plant. On all shifts, company officals said, 12,000 men were back on the job under the terms of a "strike armistice" arranged.
by Gov. Mr. Clifford Indiana- -pact embodying Inland's own labor policy and an agreement to recognize the CIO as collective bargainagency for its members only. ins, other three strike-embroiled "little steel" companies in the disoute with John Lewis' C. I.
O. held firmly to their refusal to deal with the C. I. O. on the main issue of signed contracts.
Independent, unions, strike, opposed came into to the open Friday night in resentment against the 37-day-old strike which has cost 13 lives and untold millions in lost wages and partially paralyzed the nation's independent steel industry. Oratorical volleys and countervolleys on the merits of the longgained in volume fought dispute Friday. Communism Aired At Lansing, Gov. Frank Murphy Michigan expressed concern that of tendencies have "communistic their way into the situaSpecifically, he cited last worked tion." month's labor holiday in the state called by the United Autocapitol, mobile Workers to protest arrest of eight pickets, as "a good illustraof a communistic move." tion Vahlsing Buys $70,000 Traci Of Valley Land (Valley Morning Star News Service) EDINBURG F. H.
Vahlsing, New York and Rio Grande Valley produce farmer and shipper announced the purchase of 1,408 acres of land out of the Scott estate Friday for a cash consideration of 000, one of the largest real estate transactions in the Valley in several years. The acreage extends on both sides of the state Pacific highway Fruit No. 66 Express just easing dock three miles north of EdinThe land has been under the burg. ownership since 1909. Vahlpresent sing who has been farming the time, intends, to clear the for some property for farming lands.
Texas Lawyers To Vote Court Plan SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (AP) Lawyers of Texas here for the fiftysixth annual meeting of the Texas Bar association will have an opportunity Saturday to express themselves on the plan increase membership of United States supreme court. They will note on a resolution, approved by the board of directors Friday and read by. Senator T. J.
Holbrook, condemning the proposal by President Roosevelt- PARADE IS RECORD STAMFORD, Tex. (P)-The longest parade in the eight year history of the annual Cowboy Reunion featured Friday's program. The procession nearly two miles long with Governor James V. Allred and Paul Whiteman among the notables participating. CAR OF HONEY LEAVES VALLEY FOR NEW YORK (Valley Morning Star News Service) RAYMONDVILLE A solid carload of honey produced in the Lower Rio Grande Valley was consigned to New York by William Z.
Hudson, San Benito apiarist, Friday. The car was loaded here with honey taken from approximately 1,700 hives owned Hudson over the entire Valley. A total of 60,000 pounds was sold for seven cents pound. Sale of honey is secondary with Hudson who maintains several queen bee colonies at various Valley points. The queen bees are sold to farmers and apiarists over the entire United States.
NEW COURT BILL STIRS SOLONS NOW Demos To Abandon Original Plan WASHINGTON (P)-Administration forces, abandoning their fight for the court bill, put forward Friday a substitute which opponents declared is "no better" than the original. Opposition leaders disclosed whey would seek to side-track the entire court issue for the session, asking that the senate send the substitute to its judiciary committee for study. But those in charge of the new bill said they had enough votes to prevent its being sent to the committee- enough to pass it. The substitute, introduced by Senators Logan (D-Ky), Hatch (D- NM), and Ashurst (D-Ariz), would permit the president to name new justices to the supreme court at the rate of one a year, up to the total number of incumbent justices past 75 years of age. With one place on the court now vacant because of the retirement of Justice Van Devanter, the president could make a total of three appointments within the next six months.
The bill would permit one this year and one Jan. 1, 1938, in addition to the appointment of Van Devanter's successor. If the four justices now more than 75 were to continue on the bench, the president could enlarge the court to 13 members by Jan. 1, 1940. Thundershowers Are Forecast Saturday (Valley Morning Star News Service) HARLINGEN Possible thunder showers predicted for Friday were again forecast for Saturday in the "lower coast" section here by U.
S. weathermen, as freshened winds off the Gulf and partially cloudy skies lowered temperatures several degrees. Maximum temperature at Harlingen Friday afternoon was 99 degrees, several points cooler than preceding days of this week. Barometric pressure remained relatively to moderately low over the southwest and northern Mexico Friday. Lower Flordia saw showers.
Eddie Cantor's Head Examined After Fall HOLLYWOOD, Calif. -Eddie Cantor had his head examined Friday. The comedian bumped it getting into his automobile at the studio Friday and his head ached severely all day. He had it x-rayed, and when he returned studio executives asked "what'd they find?" "Nothin' but a lot of Sam Goldwyn old remarks; it must have been the heat," the comedian replied. Gas Supply Gives Out, Aviatrix And Noonan Forced Down Near Howland Island Further details of the tragedy, Earhart, her husband and advisors found pace two.
A map of the forced down. is on page three. and photographs of Amelia planning the flight will be route, showing where she was HONOLULU (A)-Search for Amelia Earhart and her navigator was begun Friday by the coast guard cutter Itasca, only vessel within several hundred miles of tiny Island where the aviatrix was long overdue on a daring flight across the South Pacific. The cutter, stationed at Howiand to assist the fliers as they arrived after a 2,570 mile flight from Lae, New Guinea. set out at 2 p.m.
(6:30 p.m. Central Standard Time) to hunt the missing plane, the last message from which six hours previously reported only a 30-minute fuel supply. Coast guardsmen here expressed belief aviation's first lady and her companion had overshot the minute island and landed somewhere in the vast mid-Pacific region far removed from regular shipping lanes. Officers of the Itasca said they believed glare from a "rising toward which the plane was headed, may have blinded the fliers so that they overshot the island. willed wit.
wile (04 al 1. ED REED 13937, The Register and Tribune Syndicate "Hubert Always Believes In Safety First" EDITOR'S NOTE The above cartoon serves as a timely introduction to a new feature to appear daily in The Valley Morning Star, the popular "Off the Record" by Ed Reed. It's worth a laugh a day. Other added services and features to appear immediately in The Star will be an additional wire service to supplement The Associated Press. Starting Monday, The United Press will also serve Star readers.
Better picture service will be given hy Central Press. Safe. And Sane Fourth Urged By Gov. Allred Toll Of Lives And Injuries Should Be Cut Down Tomorrow, He Says AUSTIN, Texas (P)-Governor proclamation Friday urged a safe the Fourth of July that the toll in in past years might not be claimed "In other years," he said, "the trail of death and destruction in its KELLEY VOTED TO NEW POST Hidalgo Attorney Is State Official (Valley Morning Star News Service) EDINBURG Rogers Kelley, district attorney of Hidalgo county, was elected vice-president of the District and County Attorneys' association at the annual convention being held at San Antonio. Hidalgo Sheriff R.
T. Daniel, recently named honorary members of the association, attended the convention and has been serving as sergeant-at-arms during the sesSanders and Tom Hartley, assistants to Kelley, also are attending. Other officers elected by the association were Dan W. Jackson, Houston, president, Lee Bittert, Belleville, secretary, and Carlos Ashley, Llano, treasurer. Political Boss Now Figures In Probe KANSAS CITY (P)-The names of portly T.
J. (Boss) Pendergast and the man most likely to succeed to his political power, James M. Pendergast, a nephew, were swept Friday into the ever-widening vestigation of election vote fraud cases by a federal grand jury. The two actively supplied funds for bonding many of the 46 defendants already convicted, the grand jury stated in an open letter to Federal Judge Merrill I E. Otis, and financed trial expenses.
FERNANDEZ BETTER (Valley Morning Star News Service) BROWNSVILLE J. G. Fernandez, former banker of Brownsville, who has been in the Santa Rosa hospital, San Antonio for the past six weeks, is recovering rapidly, it was learned Friday. BORGER CASE RESTS STINNETT, Tex. (P) The plaintiffs rested their case Friday afternoon in the ouster suit against Mayor John R.
Miller and Commissioners Henry Knight and C. C. Mc Celland of Borger. Believed Near Howland Island They expressed belief the plane Howland. The cutter prepared to search Howland, which is a treeless sandspit The next nearest land is Jarvis miles north of Howland.
Outside of ing but water for hundreds of miles. in which Miss flying Some aviation Barthorities expressed landing if weather conditions were Paul Mantz, Miss Earhart's aviation the plane could float "almost indefinitely," because of six gasoline tanks with a capacity more than 1,000 gallons. "Am convinced that she would be able to keep afloat long enough for any vessel within several miles to reach her." Mantz said. The Itasca reported to San Francisco coast guard headquarters that the plane was believed to have gone down shortly after 8 a.m., Howland time (1:30 p.m.. CST).
"Searching probable area and will continue," the Itasca messaged. Navy officials here awaited word from Washington before deciding whether to dispatch flying boats to aid in the search. 1 It was pointed out the ships have to land at Howland and be refueled with gasoline stored there originally for Miss Earhart's plane. It was considered impractical to send surface craft out from here because it would take five days to reach Howland, 1,532 miles south of here. Gas Supply Was Short sage indicated the $80,000 "laboratory plane" nad been battling headwinds which had drawn heavily upon the fuel supply.
message at 6:46 a.m., less than hour before the report telling of the fuel shortage, indicated the plane was 100 miles from Howland. The cutter said there was "no that the plane could remain; aloft until noon, Howland time, at which time the surface vessel planned; to quit its islet station and start its search. Coast guardsmen here consulted army authorities about the possibility of sending land or sea searching parties from Honolulu but official circles said such a move was unlikely. The coast guard command in Washington instructed its officers here to do everything possible. A message from Miss Earhart's world-girdling plane said she had only a 30-minute supply of fuel and had not sighted the tiny island, her goal on perilous 2,570 mile hop from New Guinea.
Prolonged sirence after receipt of the message spurred the coast guardsmen to the hunt. The cutter prepared to search the little known area to the northwest of Howland. Reports preceding the final mes- was within a radius of 100 miles of the little known area northwest of only a mile and a half long. Island, a similar mid-Pacific dot 40 these virtual sandbars there is doth- belief the twin-motored land plane around the world could sea good. adviser in Burbank, said James V.
Allred in a and sane observance of lives and injuries taken again. glorious Fourth has left a holiday wake; a toll of lives, maimed bodies valuable property needlessly taken in most cases by carelessness. The danger is even greater this year due to the double holiday which causes the fourth to be generally observed on Monday. "As Governor of Texas, I urge all citizens to give a second thought to celebration plans and urge every care be taken while you forget your everyday cares on this holiday weekend. "It has been predicted that 22 lives will be taken in traffic accidents on the streets and highways of Texas this fourth.
Every effort must be exerted to save these lives at all costs. "Let us walk safely; let us drive safely; and let us play safely that this Fourth of July may be made safe for everyone." German Pastors Are Fined After Secret Trials BERLIN (A)- Two confessional synod pastors were fined 600 marks (about $240) each Friday night with the alternative of going to jail for 30 days after a four-hour secret trial in Moabit court. They, with two other leaders of the fundamentalist bloc against church were acquitted, were tried on charges of inciting defiance of government decrees. Ali had been held under arrest for two weeks awaiting trial on the specific accusation that they publicly read the names of persons who had left the church. $15,000 Home For Valley Is Slated (Valley Morning Star News Service) HARLINGEN-Plans are now being drawn by Stanley Bliss, local architect for the construction of a Spanish type residence for Earle Jones of Dallas, Texas which is to cost an estimated $15,000.
The home will be constructed in Adams Gardens. Bliss said that Jones had returned to Dallas and would return in about two weeks to give final approval on the plans now being drafted. AMELIA EARHART May Not Remain Afloat Aviation experts expressed doubt. Miss Earhart's luxurious plane would float long in the little-traveled tropical seas, which are dotted with islands inhabited by savages. Her chosen route lay far off the southern Pacific steamship lanes.
George Palmer Putnam, Miss Earhart's husband, showed cern as he waited in Oakland, for grave conwho also word of the plane. Mrs. Noonan, was in Oakland, expressed belief, however, would be saved. that the fliers But Miss Earhart is no stranger to former ocean flying emergencies and Noonan, navigator of trans-Pacifie clippers, in that line. is noted for his ability The noted woman flier went 1928 when she and Wilmer through her first flying emergency in Stutz and Lou Gordon flew fighting fog, clouds and cross winds most of the across the Atlantic In 1935 she flew across the Atlantic way landed in Wales.
and solo from Honolulu to alone. In January, 1936, she flew Starting off last across 2,400 miles of the Pacific. Oakland, the equatorial on first attempt at a world spring her In regions, Miss circling flight but cracked up there in Earhart flew from Oakland to Honolulu than 1,500 miles to the attempting to take off for Howland Island, more south. As in many previous brushes with potential death, Miss Earhart again escaped injury, shipped her plane Island, the tiny dot of land which back to California and determined represents the United fronto start again. tier in the South Pacific and which Once more she left Oakland last is regarded as a potential stepping May, determined to fly around the stone on an air line between the world, this time in an easterly di- Pacific coast and the Antipodes.
rection. On June 1 she left Miami, They left Lae at local flew to South America, across time, July 2, which was 6 the Atlantic to Africa, over Arabia, Thursday, Central Standard Time. India and Australia to British New The navy tug Ontario stood by Guinea, where she faced the most half-way between New Guinea and. difficult of all her projected flights. Howland but was not heard from.
Arriving at Lae, New Guinea, The Itasca, waiting to receive Missi June 28, Miss Earhart and her navi- Earhart at the Island, received only gator awaited a favorable oppor- the barest reports of her progress tunity for the attempt to negotiate the unflown 2.570 miles to Howland (See Amelia Earhart page 2 col. 3) British rejection was considered to bring the whole European controversy over control to a stalemate. The subcommittee adjourned until next week, when other nations in the full committee will be called in for a review of the situation, which diplomats admitted was grave. Informed British sources said five of the nine members of the members of the subcommittee supported the British position, leaving Italy and Germany alone in advocacy of their plan, with sitting on the fence..
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