The Weir Record from Weir, Kansas • 5
- Publication:
- The Weir Recordi
- Location:
- Weir, Kansas
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 5
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
AUGUST 2i, nU The Weir Record, Weir, Kansas Miss Helen Wallace of Cherokee is vibiting friends in Weir, Mrs. Charles Long visited a week vith her sister Mrs. T. Hamilton Bateman's is Headquarters for Merchandise ho was dangerously sick at South Millwood, Wichita, Kans, Mssi Hazel Brady, who attended the Epworth League Institute at Keal Navin Is improving nicely from his long spell of sickness. Alfred Tinke and Clarence Wilson Wilson visited friends in Weir Sunday, Mrs, rover Prewett of Tulna is petted home for a visit some time toon, Miss Blanche Whitmore took din-ner vith her aunts Miss Lora Whitmore and Mrs.
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- Years Available:
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