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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 5

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ioai final mm OF t'l Augnslo Baron, Now 75, Mailo Sound Pictures in 1898 TOUIUKH NRWS Recognition Is Atijiuste. Baron Whose Wci'l; Rroiiplil Nothing. MIS'OTT SAKNntlllS N'CA Service Wrilrr original inventor ramnl bo- lie is hlinrl. and ciinnot hear lifcause he hasn't t'ot the price tf admission. This is the tale of Ai.piisle lla- a 'bin old man of 15 who Is hew in a hniiv for the dis- ''ilrd Ilis idea came to 35 years when the nioviin wtnrc business was an Industrial on tin 1 bottle, and now he sits in the dark.

li'-'oniiiK to fantastic of what has been achieved his imnirniion. Tn 1R9S, whr.n the Iv.imiere Bro- brsjan lo nrodi.ce their "nni- iirtai-es." vague movements M. the arrival of a train, the first French inoviri! picture. Au- nnrnn. engineer, 'musician, lip.lnter nnd at lighting effects, working in F.M'is as an adviser on sta'e direction.

I Til? "theater liar! jus 1 installed in' lobby became hnown -he slot machine, whereby -one I'ould insert a coin, we series of fihntograpns and hear accompany- music. i Baron had teen thinking about work of the Lumiere Tirolhers hen one he. casually put 10 in the slot machine and id a look. There wns no syn- ironixaticn, only the simple put- tofothor ol an image and innd movement. Hi-r Idea Born nut this stirred the Imagination the Inventor.

He concluded thnt 10 fault with this new moving idea was that it had no oimU effect to make it realistic, lie went to work. Tn the followhirj year, April 3, aron took out his first patent on system of synchronizing move- icnt and accompanying sound. On )ctober 8. he' got a German atent and on .23. 1POO.

an Clerical! patent good for 20 years, his own resources he built, Pnris suburb, what now as a stuciio. His ringing had, placed above! movie camera, a cupola which ontained higlUy sensitive micro- hones of A feeble urrent inodulatcti by these micro- hones wfis amplified by three suc- relays leading to th-e sound at one side. Sound was rcg-, 'tercd on an old-fashioned wax ylinrier. such as used by Edison i ills first phonographs, so that it vnehroiiiwd perfectly with the ac- icn of movie. In principle his system was very iitcli like that developed with uch startling success a quarter of century later.

A Commercial Failure Aiifciisie Baron, now blind at 15. iieie is shown with Ilic apparatus which produced Hie fliM tuU- m-r movies, mar, than a of a ccm.nry ihey wcie devolfpL-d lor icmincrdal purposes. has ui 1 even hoard, -modern Globe Trotting Tunneys Return TODAY IS Sally Into Matrimony ovcniniont Will Maiiufjictiircrs lo Operate, for Reasonable Return. IMMTOIl'S This (lir M'C'Uinl nf series M-vrnil rii'S liy Kddnry Duli'hrr on hew Ulr I'llllnl Sialrs lu mu- Ijillzr its immT ami imlus- Iry In (In. rvfiil of anuthrr

KUDNKV nirrciiri: Servliv Writer For Che paM several ye.irs of jiuaaMline the War Depaitmc'in hus ktm Ihe mir-iuion of uirlous tlielr rcspDuslbllllies mul glvliif ihrin estimates ol the tlme itiMiKimis ot th; army mill navy un their jiiains. large fncil- Itits luuc bi'en snrveyod. accordlns 10 thi 1 urniy's wiir 'plan? us Mibinll- tett lo Wnr I'olleieb Commission. Dciinlle Insks lor emergency have been iisslgncil to each plant. In oider not (o nations! more than iry ond to innintalii normal coni- icrcinl eonlacls on a reduced ba- Is, such tasks do not Involve more iian 60 per cent ol plant's nor- cnpaclty.

HKI.GIAN LAI10K NOTE On June 3, 1917. an memorandum the Uriltccl Ktntes coverninrnl by M. de Cnrller. the i3elgian Minister at was made piiblic. It siinnnarized the Incts ot German rule in Bernini nnd CKplnin- the enforced idleness of Helglan Tlie niC'tnorandinn said part: "'I he depressed condition of Belgian industry is not a casj of accident causetl by tlie fcrc? of extraneous eircuinstances unconnected with the action of the German authorities; thes: authorities are, on the contrary, personally responsible.

"Since the occupation of Belgium the German Ime put Into cllccl the plan worked out in August. 19H, lu Berlin, by Dr. W. Rathcnnii. (or the systematic exploitation of all the economic resources of occupied countries to the prolit.

of the war orsaniKition. of Hie empire." Under the National Defense Acl. lie War Department points out. the overmuent can place compulsory rders with any iuciory ami Is em- xwercd lo requisition such plnuls may reluso to ncetpl them. Han Advisory Council The war plans call for an "Ad- Isory War Council" to assist the (resident in carrying on the conflict.

Besides the secretaries of wnr nil navy, this council would In- Inde Director of Selective Scr- iee. Director of Wnr Industry. Dl- eclor of Public Relations and Ad- nlnlstralor of Labor. Here are (lie Tunneys, Polly and Gene, iiv New York after an sniil- Br.ron's first talking films were reduced In 1898 and could run four minutes, lie spent about 10,000 on this work and could not tf the support required to finance is experiments. He quickly con- extc-nded trip through Europe and ilie Near East.

They ingly on the deck of their liner, and the former heavyweight champion nsticuffer declared he was still "in splendid shape and feeling simply Eicat." The two Germim police were bought- nbnnd and will Income guardians of the Tunr.fcys' country Huyti Society- -Pci'sonal it ,1 thc1r cys mt lh enough for her to have known i tccted their against the harsh enough lor ner to nave Known Mights of the studio. Baron refused these happy hours when he was to wear glasses. Ten years ago succeeding with his work. "But I sight be-san lo fail and shortly hope that my son will never afterwards lie became completely: come an inventor." she added. Baron's iriencis are now trying lie riends hy luild be done.

Eleven of his machines arc now lovingly nnd helps him us much as in the Conservatoire Fhn rari giving piano lessons. Arts et Metiers. I still smiles cordially and his achievements, cares for him Allflt" LlZZlS Floyd Dies Aiter Long Illness was more than 70 change of film. During that his brain war -'liis did eminent service when of times and has at. years old did not recall tlie ox- by airplanes by taking as! lived to know thai his great-act date of her birth.

She wa.s the cmrcs of enemy positions. An- idea successful. oniy adds: wife of John Floyd, of his achieve-. "I am infinitely touched, but I can Mr. Harold Burress of Chicago arrived Tuesday morning for a two weeks visit with his mother j-Mrs.

Mable Bnrress. and Mrs Wolf Khourie hat as their guests Sunday and Monday, Mr. and Mrs. John Haddccl, and son, Albert, of Bcyntou. Okla and Mr.

Alex Khourie and son Ernest, of Fulton. Ky. Gerald Yati-s of Slcele. Mo visited Mr. and Mrs.

W. Oat Cher, Sunday, nr. and Mrs. W. n.

Llmbiugl for patent SOI iville Monday. Miss Ernestine 'Lilcs is visit! her mother. Mrs. PatViie Lilss a Memphis this week. Mrs.

L. R. Roland of Ntther lands and Mrs. Kula. Kab'a an children ol iiayti have ntnrne lioine from a visit to Jauestown.

where they were ctlled on account of the illness of tneir mother. Mr. Cecil Rrannuin retimed Saturday from Sin Antonio, Texas where lie has ban with his sister who is ill- Mrs. L. S.

Graves Huntingdon, visiting her sister, Mrs. PAfiR ma 1 1 the co.itisa-ior's profit Is reduced and there Is no temptation to pad costs us there Was the old cost-plus system' About ttfoo rc.wrre offlcers will br needed In a mnjor war to carry out lhc army-navy procurement program am) to dale some 2300 have been selected from nmoiiR eJtpcfl- enced business inon. nnd commissioned. The War Department has no den- nllc proiiam lor wartime price control, but It Is on record as op- noshm "prlco-frcezlng" plans such ns that othe War Poll. cles Commission hy Bernard M.

i llaruch. I'line Burns In Air LAKE OITY, Utah, tUP) V. M. onymon, United States murliic corps aviator, who visited his parents In Salt Uke recently, defcillird how his suddenly burst Into (tames as he was Ing Snndhilstiis In Nicaragua. He managed to brlnn the craft to the Ijioiind without serious Injury to himself.

C.f I'ulm Uif Books CHAl'BI, HILL. North Carolina, East Indian sacred bcoks written on strips o( palm eaves imv; been presented Jnhersity of North Carolina's It-' brary collection by Dr. W. Jncoeks. ol Colombo, Ceylon, a.

native of North Carolina. The' are written In llhs Singhalese Sally Phlpps, cl movlelnml, shown nbou in her latest porlrnlt, nivJ Btnvdlct heir to a ileptirtinciii -store fortune. Imvc de- clured Hint they were "jnsL uood trleniis." lijit rumor has It Hint their nigiixeinent real name nmiaiiiii-cil soon. The screen star, whose liyrnccc Uentlcr, recently was drafted from ihu movie to appear Uroadwny vitally essential list now comprises about 40CO articles complete for Issue. Cut Down competition Instead of throwing oiwn their procurement necessities lo competitive bidding, the War and Navy ugtiMiiig, iuui iinyy This Is part ot a general plan Departments will bnso their -pro- I'hlch, according to General Doug- curcment plans on allocation.

Un- ns MncArthur. chief of staff, Is der this system planls arc able, to vould hnslen production In nny nlcr emergency. 'Hie army also has widespread plnns to govern hriiKillng of rnw unterlah In wartime, especially those not readily produced In this country. insed on a great Improvement on make some preparation uir 1917 position in that besides the keletonized framework of a cltl- army of rapidly ab- orning the nation's man power, the inny now Intimate con- acl. with the Industrial structure under a program which will enabb American industry promptly (o absorb our war recpiirements.

Delay Li procurement ol neces- sary'inuniiicns nnd supplies, gusss- vork about the amounts ol supplies iccded which results in wasteful overproduction nnd serious shortages, improper distribution of the war production load nlony with congestion of transportation facilities. Inefficient use of resources. 1111- co-ordiimted purchases and unequal distributions of wnr burdens nre some of the things which the War Department, profiting from lessons of the last war, will seek to avoid In any big future conflict. The army's shopping list included -about 100.000 ditfercnt items in (tie World War, but the so-cafed I for their mined by negotlntlon and through definite assignments exncl pre-nr- rangcniDiit for production of munitions can be obtained. Many articles required in war are not ordinarily produced In this country, so the Wur Department hns assembled a great collection of complete drawings and siMclflcn- tion for delivery to manufacturers who would otherwise have no prior knowledge of applicable production methods.

To develop this form of war preparation constant experimentation nnd nctunl production Is ill progress at government arsmmis and laboratories. Tlie Wnr Department now seeks money from Congress for placing "educnttonnl orders" with fnctorlcs, use of which PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM ImpnrtBColornnil Beauty lo Gray Ami paded Jlatr Scotland Is operating Us first plant for'the production ot motor fuels from stele oils, and additional units will be built'this year. Its designs for reduction of wartime profiteering Is nn adjusted compensation contract, applicable to large construction pro- srams nnd procurement ot nou- coniincrclnl Items. Tentative cost schedules would bo agreed which.might be revised from time to Mmo. The.

government would audit all accounts ns they arose and pay all approved costs of pcrtorm- nnco, plus rnlc of six per cent a year on the value of the plant lu- vrtvcd.ln the cwilratt. Cnnlruclor I'rdlcrtcd If the i.ompany rlocr the Job nt tlin.n the revised estimate of the gumi.nienl pays him soaie added cc-mpi'iisiulon. Hence, nllhouph the prtfll would be small coMirr.clor Ls rjunrnnteed against If cost e.i<ceds the esti- AFTER WEAKENING SICKNESS IP you nro run-down, or ratter from weakened Canlut, a niwllclno used women for uvcr flfly yc.ini, As s'our heallh nillirovc.i. you wilt uharo tlio mlhiul- asju of of wlio havt' Cunlul for tliu bcnefiu they hnvo felt titter luklnfr II. "I liau upen of which left me vciry run-down unJ weak," wrllca Sirs.

D. 1,. IJcckrwr, of EJHl- ton, Vn. "I as rot alilo to do my I tichcil nil over my body, liy liuck nnd ililcu inivo mo a lot ol IrouMe. A friend of tnlno told mo to iry Curdul.

I look It lor nvonl nionttiH unil I got utronB and well." Bold at all good drug stores. rl CARDUI Helps Women RADIO REPAIRS Phono 121-122 Louis Green -'julius Shide Menus to Fit the Pocketbook was capable of only repeat tliat it is too late to 1 A portable plant capable of dc- a 360-dcgrce panorama talk of me. I am ('eUim; old and' veloping I.COO.COO volts of clec- 'I nottiing except- when I die'tricky hns been constructed for cr A i ma Completely Blind that my wife will looked testing the effect of lighting on carMlhersville: C. D. Stanfil and Eimlly.

Mr. Charley Morpn and daugh- at although his employes pro-: And she in her turn says it is' overhead transmission lines. Where 500 Lives Were Saved at Sea i. rt A yr Vi Mrs Cecil Braiiium, who is attending Teachers'College at Cape Girardeau, spent last weekend here with 3r. Brannum.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dandy and son, Bobby, Friday for two weeks vacation at N'nshvtlle, Tcnn. Mr. and Mrs R.

M. Morgan and children and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Austin ol ScnJnolc. returned to their hmic Monday after a two weeks vist with relatives here.

cd ship, the S. s. Harvard, might have teen watery tomb of 500 Memorial Day -J- t.L.^iit iiovt (OIllU OL OUU UBJ if it- had not been for a prompt rescue effected In a. foggy sea near Santa Barbara, by crews of government mine sweepers. Noce the rope ladders by which the passengers deluded when Ihe ship went on the rocks.

It was near this point that seven navy destroyers up on the in 19 23 a loss of 22 lives. Hurt nig Causrs I'anic BRISTOL. IOPI A small maddened with pain alter being jtruck by car, dashed into .1 buiTAinj here, precipitating the cry "mad dog." Women Inintei awl men rushed tor cover. One returned with a el- ver but the injured doj had re- Uirncd tc) ranlty and the srare was over. dog was nllowid to RO unharmed.

Feeds Hens Polsin MESA. Arizona. (UPI C. J. Wocd.

f.iperliitendcnt ofjlhc University of Arizona experiment farm, was lorcid to issue a public warn- inj tha'. free wrasshoppV poison must not be used foj chicken feed after a Mesa woian killed her flock of hends by fejdlng them arsenic treated bran aril molasses obtained from the farm Courier News Want ftris Psy, Sister M.iry How your fonil butljjet? Arc you ifcllint; (he maximum return from yciur investment in thrte mculs ilsiy? Housewives who read SISTER IIAKY'S KITCHEN for advice in the preparation of meats are getting the henclit of practical course in kitchen economy. Sister Mary how wholesome, nourishing meals, pleasing' in their variety, can Iw prepared modest tost. A daily menu, practical discussions of foods, footl values and kitchen arc the things every housewife, young and old, can appreciate. Look for them daily in SISTKIt MARY'S KITCHEN in 'the Courier News.

The Ladies Love It! This palatial mountain 8000 feet up in the cool Jemez Mountains ol New Every comfort that women 5800,000 has been invested in this Little Switzerland to make it Ultra-modern in its accommodations luxurious Food for the Every known sport and Reason May 1 to Thanksgiving Day. at fcmcz Springs, New Mexico Write fat full infatuation tc 155 EAST SUPERIOR 3TRMT.

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