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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 2

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I Leadint Plram 1b Bdoea i tlouu Circlet, of OaUrio To Izfo Pm dpal Of Ncrml School Attended by untnu frtoade, leciaAiag huui ttgane it daeatloaal elrelu to Ik ProvUce of Oatarto, aad retidoate el the Ottawa dletrtet. the (twraJ of Dr. Sameel Job! Keyoe, prleclptl of tke Ottawa Normal School, wk died nddealy Tkareday alter. aeon, -wu kald yeelerdey after-. aeea treat kla rttldtaee 111 Holm- wood aveade.

lalarmeat wu mid la Maple Ride cemetery, Wia- cbuter. Maay aaa tore of th teeehlag atatt of ihe Ottawa Public School, a wall at the priaclpala o( tka Lltgat aad Olaka Collegiate, rp- rtMiUUm tb Dopertmeat el BdactUoa, and kla eoUaataa ea tka etaftvt tk Ottawa Normal School, atteaded to ear their Ual rupecta to ea wka waa to rod aad admiral by all with whoa came ooaiacc ilira To BJe Ideal Lata. Bit. Dr. O.

0. D. Klip trick. aa-aoelat alahUer el Ckalaiara Ualt-4 Church, eeadaetad tk urrlee at tk family TaMae aad mad ntmHt tk ldal lit of Dr. Keyu aad kindly aatur.

Dr. JCliperuch empaaaleed ku ial la far (aad eatoag tka younger geaerattoa aad kla ml lar tk caaea ol edautioa. Tk krtlllaat tolal of Dr. Key, kla dtvotlo to dntr aad kla Ideal, aiii kla aa luptrauoa lor latara geaera- ua ta oincnttag eiergy Ta chief atoaraen war kla wtaow, formerly Mlaa Mildred Hal-MM. of Ottawa: ate mother, Mra.

Kllsa BlaJa. ot Wlaekeator; two brothon, T. o. Kara. Wlaehatter; aad W.

a. Kara, atatkaeoa. Oat-t kla meter, Mra. T. W.

Aalt, Wla-ckoator. Hn. A. V. Allteoa, Mere-wood.

Mra. Hath AUltoa. Smitka Fall. Mra. Tbemat Htggarty, Wla- eaaaaj -aerta.

Mr. Willie Meaad. Tereata. i Tat haaorary aallbetrm wr Br. A.

H. U. Celqehoun, Dapatjr awa as aoacauoa tor ootano, fW BW MM.k.-i i eat of Bdecatloa. V. 1C Orear.

chief laeactor tor Oatarto, Da aoa WaL aar, eirecter et orocaanoaaj traia-teg, Depertaeat af Edacaltoa, Dr. 1 S. 1. Xadelif, -ariaelaal Teroato Mermal aekoel, 1. itabk.

editor of Teat Book. Dapanaaat aaoauoa. Tka aatrn aallkearart vera' Dr. f.m' C. Macartsar.

w.j. auoor. n. rttrtr. H.

w. Kertoet aad W. J. Naala. aaaif tka maay toral trlhatt racwnoa irom oraaaiaauoaa ware: ra aad aoaarra Toaala loft-Leaaat.

Oatarto ninrtani of daeattoa, arlaelealf ot Ottawa fjaklk aVhoola, (Ufa el Normal aad Modal choola. Mae at Wal Tkoae araaaat at the taaaral "wjj iwm Aaorow Maytoa. Or. W. Michel.

giaaiar ml Crh, p. A. Ofdaa. m-! iwj J. Mm ab avajaava, w.

WIT, IM McJUalkaa, Bar. W. A. Do baoa. H.

WJtorlBaaay. 0. A. MIL H. Dr.

t. W. Bradley, W. 1. Ditk-aa, T.

F. ManalL McOraaor Bat- anav a. jtmauta. T. Framtag.

DrW. 0. M0MMy7 'JiSaaa Itorhort NeabM, Robert Wtatwatar, A. Baltoy, B. 0.

Whrht. F. aoad, O. Blatok. Lv W.

Bwil. B.0ry! 0dtUaw, A. Bwtat, Wiacaoa. ej. av.

rwaartay, anaclHattr; a fe. Jehaetoa, i. o. AHaa, Aad- n. a.

arm, u. b. itomiitoa. afaatoei; aV Aalt, Meatraak J. Maa W.

Aalt, Wtaahtaton Allan. Bmttha Falla: A. B. AlbV jam. Mutweadi array kathar- ISL' rmttk-Oorawaii; Bobert Helata.

A. Mak Ml.! 11 AlliaTTwtodSI: a.m. McLeaa. hUaatck! B.

Orar. M. aftrerdaaaa a.jki. ICLy Moor. mtlUrk, a BteailW toa, "3 toa Btowan; Mowtrd NatWtt.

'ZSSL'- Mmnm ead i Platan ti 0 Faaaral of 'Arckl-hand Aatartta toah atot thi at. rroat the taaUy raaldaaad auwat, aairaw. at Thav-eeaatHio iimiliry aad waa hwael il S25'M ,0" od Mwwra 1 -tera. Mi Kaglaald Balth aad Mra! Har-Fr Coek of Roarraw, aat Mlaa Fl'toatt Aadoraoa of Ottawa, at- Badd aad A. L.

Haadtord. an aaa ton ol th a th aoto ol which erowth faaeral wu kald. ftoorga A. Foorar aad J. H.

Walford toed hi th. OddteUowa- aerric th maay floral trtbatea. Mr. waa we bora at bred la Raafraw tor 41 year aad tor ta wear aa Oddfellow. Hi waa loag oao.

Th lo XT1? UH eaddaaed Alfred Aadaraoa. la the gnat waav. 'for Tnaeral of Robt L. 0. Lvgtly.At- uuata Bttrmuy.

Tka fwaaral I aohort Ooadwla IlUott. kaowi aad hbjhly re. aactad 'cttlaea ef Ottawa, wu ald latarday attaraooa. IU. Roaart Mllltkaa eeadaetad th ear- Mr.

Elliott, who had fired ta Ot- Uv for the feet I yeere. waa a wall kaowa oeatractor. Ha vaa tk aoa at ta late Jam Elliott, ot dareadoa Tewaabla. roatlae Coaaty. Qaa.

A mombar or Bl. jamea Vtltea Ckarek. Mr. Elliott took aa active latere! la all ckarek work. Bator eemla to Ottawa 'k wu a member af ta aawTtlla liOdfe ot tke Maaoa- le Boaldu hi wife, 'the chief moaraere war, oaa aaathter, Mra.

J. C. Dart, of Ottawa: oao alater, Mra. William Kallr. ef Varm.

Oaa i aad feat brotbara, Oeerge i Camptoll'a Bay, aa. Tbomaa aad Jamaa ot farm. aad Albert of North Clareadoa. Tk maay floral tribato aad tka large auaadaae at the faaeral. taatltlad u- the hlek uteea la wklah Mr.

Elliott waa held by hit au trwaa. TRAXK T. KBIT80H ILL 8ZZ MONTHS Freak F. Krltaek. a raaldaat tke Caaltal'for tka out 4t died at kla kome.

lit Baawll are- aae, yetray moralag after a ilx tka tlloaaa. Ha wu la a la aera year. For tke But ta run ka aamd aa ackaol Uaatu tor Bt. Faal'a Lutkra School aad took aa act-W latereat la atalra of St. Peal Latkeraa Ckarek, of wklck he wu dariaa hi naldaaaa aera.

Bora la Oermaar aa DaeamW I 1(4, cam to Ottawa ta till aad foar-yoar later married who aarrtrea. Alaa arririB. are Mar daaghtora. Mr. Joha Noack.

of Ottawa; Mlaa Halt Krlttek of Newark aaa aiiaaaa)i arataia aa Beta. at aome. aaa eaoua. Mtrboat, ef Bt. aad CharlM Krlttek.

of Ottawa. aad two tltttrt, Mr. Ckarlm Huk, ol Ottawa, aad Mra. F. Welles-acklaager.

ot Niagara Fall. N.f. aa. raaeroi wm ao kald Iroa hi tot bom Tawdar aftaraaoa at two o'clock to Bt. Faal'a Lath-area where tarrte will a coaaaeted at J.ia e'clotk.

a-termeat will beat Baaekwaaa aa iery. t- TO BOLD TUWUtAL OF 00L. QKaOLL Bpt 1. Tht faaar- al ttoMt oatoMi JamofDaalop mui' ta BaM'tor wedaeaday aftaraooa, aapteabar 4 at two Mh. trorn hla lata home la au oat tt BL Aadraw'a Mianarwaraa tatermaat wUV.

Uaa kla yareata aa atkar aaa ban ol ta oamaiu family ar barlad. Hie oaly tarrlTlag child I Mia Wlalfrad Daalap Oeaalll who broatht the body from Eaglaad, fvebsai. or mtd babm. Maay aald tribato oa Batarday moralag, to PU rtaldaat.ol tower towa, whaaa taaaral wu held Iroa ta taally raaldaata. til Oalgaet araaoa I.

at. Briaid'a Ckarek. Bariai waa made la Notre Dam oamotory. i Bar. Caaea T.

F. Fay otleUtod at naalea htah matt, eetlatad by Father A Uaaga aad Rt. Father M. Cartto. Tb ahlai ehotr.

diraetod by Mr. T. atrtagar, aaa to ttaadi to ree. dor th avua tor the dead. The thiol atoaraara war the aidoa-s two iaaa, Albert aad Darld Naah of Ottawa; oaa atator, Mrs, B.

Ootktth of troll; two brotV era. Fatrick Naak -ot Baglaaw. Mica, aad aaMeKaeb ot htoa traal; a brathor-ladaw, Oagaa, af laMhtoa, 4toebo. Taore aor lao graadckUdraa, th Maata AltoaJ Vtotot, Martoa, Dora aad Peart MaaR aad Naah af Ot-towa. Maay floral' trlbatea aad aalrlt-aal attriaga toatlfled to the ao-tooat la wbUh Mr.

Naah waa held. Ameaa I boat aatltta la tka aor. tea wat WiUtom a One Mr, vailgaotta, A. Boarrott, Caoalar, Oeerge Beaareaard. A D'Aoaot.

B. Telia, eat I. R. Bt. Oei aura.

M. Mlgaaalt, R. Latole. Nartltae DeaBhoaaaa. R.

Maaator, O. B. tailor, Rail Nartoa, Alahoau Maaroe. Ftdale LafoTtaae, B. Baaaeaaaa.

A. Daa- M. Koaaaay. A. Daaai.

N. Bard. A. Raatoot. Aahe, oaapb Copalag.

0. Chaajaette. Neltoa Uaaaa, H. La boll, N. M.

Math aad away oaora. (xmro to ntmwwmouum. 1 NEW TORJC. Boat. 1.

Varylat It ataal araetto aoeaiwaat. the ta karg-Aaarieaa liaer Bt. Loalt which tailed yaatordey for Cher-hoarf. Boataeaatoa aad Kambarg. win maaa a atop at runraa, n.

wbor win toara a aarty of 11 awa aad wemea. aombara of th Tor. Coatral- Baahaatata Oora. toaraenag to Wewtoaadiaad for their aaa aal eaUa. 3 1 i tr-j, i BfAUflnhaiM L-itwIttirwy Tndi Kinrjd Goal nCauIni VVoUh Anthraclu" Fernet Fc: CsJi'i I Jut Som Bwe at i bar npnalag aa ialy 1, i are thaa .000 hare toft the WilliaiaJaEejPaul Forcer Dies.

FoDowiag Stroke Baprewmted Lennox and Addington In ItAmti Houm for Ten Yean, Witn Dlitlnctlon. WUllam Umm Faal. former aaber ot PtrlUmtst tor Ltnnoi aad Addlagtoa, aad one ot Ike load ing CoaaarratlTef ta that eoaatlta- tacy. died yooterdey at kla home, lit Oloaeaator ttroot, attar a long Olaaaa. Mr.

Faal had ha la III- hulth tlaee aatrertd a Itrokt tight yoara ago. Ha wu 71 yura of age. Bora la Caaidta tnwnihln Jaly III. Mr. Faal wu a toa at Robert aad Mary Stuart Faal, both ef'Seottiah deaeeat.

wat adaoatod la the pabllc aebool of kit owa tat riot aad theo want lam kulaoaa ai.Tamwortb. For a qaar- knilatu, Bl lint, ootrr la to pukllo affair oamai artth hit atutiaa at rur aad eaaaty eoaaeil eommla-aleaer of hafttold towathlp, wklek Mtta.h hM tor 40 yeara.Uadr hit admlalatratioa. towathrp aad ooaaty kulaoto wu traouetod with Aeaealck aad efncleaey ead hla aaa aaa a byword for aramaonaieaM aM-aroblty. lalMI Mr. Faal tltctod ataktr of.

the Laartalallva iaaa. blr for Addlagtoa by a aetority of st. the largett aver grrta la the cofaiy. no wu rt tloctod la Hit brawtomatioa, tka tint ta th ooaaty alaot Coafodoratloa. After aaoatataadtat term la th ProTtaatol Ltd.

later Mr. Faal a-tmd tb Fadara) areaa aader the CoaaaitaUra, haaaer la 111, wla- aiag wwuaa ay a majority ol kg. For It yeara ho rear totaled Ltaj. aad Addlagtoa la Ottawa, aad Um aalatalaod hla high toadard aabtie daty. Eight year aa he tattered a atroha.

which loroad hla roUraauat tram nbltd IK. took ratldeaot A Freabytoriaa ta rallitoa. Mr. Faal attoaded Brektae Freeby-tortoa Ckarek her aad wa graatb iiaao ay mtaaatt of ta coagrega-ttoa. While Hwtag at Taawortk.

Mr. Faal bad baeoae affiliated with the Maeeal ead Oraage Ordera, bat did aotr Meatlfy hlaealf with aay Ottawa todge, althoagb Mill retotaiag kla kooa tatoraat la both ergaalaatloae. garrlTtag bia ar hi alt, for-marly Margaertt Biamoaa. of t-tawai three aoaa, H. 8.

Faal. of Frtaa Albert, Rota C. Faal. of Taawortk; aad W. O.

Faal, of 'ww waaaaian, aira. a. w. Browa, of Wlaalaea aad Mlu Aa- ato Faal. of Byracwaa.

N.T.I tear brotkor. Joha aad Wtlaea Faal. of Kiaaww, dob eat Roiaad FaaU of Lea Aaaetoa, Callt. A faaeral tailn will ka kaia hla lato homo. lt Otoauatr Mraat.

ft a.m. today. altar which tba body will tot rt CN at pjb. for Tea worth, ia tenant wilt ae a aoa to Taawortk Ualud Ctat- ry at a a. maASTgaa aqapt Hf OalAEGS BUinUT Mlatatert ah bar beta aa ara-Itoa win retara to charge ot thir regalar, caatrtgatieae tor ur-to atari taain aaa ta.

ef eombtorBB rkarrbee to aemc wm dlliiatlaaad. Meeto waa the faatar of both earrBwa la ai.wtiaaa ttaatt Ckarek ytttardar. The choir wn aadar the dMettoa of W. Arthar At toe aeritat eomM tb Taylor, toaor. aarriee Freak aattoa 1 tOaOWkO, awa.

t. ada Btaaaaaato Liaee wore day awat jd ttl.tot dam Vaaw Orda aaakaal i The Oaa- I to taa Ta. tor tb ala their ejreoarty btwaa Toaaw ed au atroata, aianailatod trr ttitaw, wa aiatt aad at the makag rtadoiod araral hleh hart jtbji 'mj Milt ewoaiag ateettog yeatar. Ta Oa MONDAYS-SEPTEMBER 2, 1929. NO theT OTTAWA JOOTNIC of th Children Mad ckaldraa aaal atot 'ef the Freah Air a iwwant a mautag at ta cotton, wber they Bar bcaa.

atrea boat of care by lb eaVieat, ataC to HUdaya for BOO rUUreaharo he made avaatbto by the awatweaa caaMbwUoaa tola woaraaT oald ba iaiadallMll aa him tka nla. TV. -m ataal aa. baoa aarrwa. Ka aartouillaaaa ba aaarrad the aaccoat of cottage with a eaaaldaraklt gal.

la heart, aad etratl. Eight Perished Coatiaaed tram Faga Oa. aad eklldroa erowdiag the froat baleoBlot ef the boildlaf aad all other pointt ot reatoge. Flrtaea dlTlded. thtlr foreat, toast ttuck-tng tba rapidly awelllag eoaflatra-Uoa troat terartl eaglu aad other lolalag fa the frtatled efforte bolag aude by pattort by aad aelghbort to remor ptopl trapped la their ealtea.

8Ttral parwaa had dld from tutfoeattea before tbey ware reach-ad by Toocaort tod othtn wr tarrlod to ufty with groat difficulty tkrougk tk flam-trlcka eorrldora. Tkere were thrlUlag eceau wit-aetted at the aorth aad toutb tidw of th building, where the high well wero bare of fire eaeape. Nat war tproad by the tiremea aad pollc aad Uot la peril, to at high ap a th fifth ttoroy, wtr ordtrod to lamp. Maay ware retcaed la thla aaaaer. The kalidlag wu eompMtely gutted before the tire wu matured fcy tiremea.

Had Vanww Kacago, Mr. aad Mra. William Rdwardt, thar daafbtar, Ethel, tad a frlead, Margtrtr Bodor, wko eeeaplod treat taHaoa tka eeeead kad a aarraw oaeaa from aatfoeaUoa tt they wore all attorp at tke Ume the Or krok "1 weat to bed aboat midaltht aad wu awafcaaed akoat 'clock ky tko craekllaa of th fir." BUM Edward uli 'I got ap aad weat to the wladow aad uw the rofleettoa of the fUaa aad taeUed amoka. 1 oaaatd the wladow aad ablated Aral flrel Two aoa oa-the tldowalk laid ma to Jump, bat I weat buk aad awakaaed the root of th taally. I weat to th wladow-agala aad ailed for help aad Frad Froat, a taxi driver, alimbed ap to the oa the eeeead floor aad with oao era aroaad the pillar, grab-bod hold ot me aad lowered me to the grooad, My mother slid aowg th pillar, tea, aad Uaa Jaapod.

Mr. Fraat aa aaeJatod Mite Bodor to the aroaad. My tatbar waa th UM to kaao ear aalto aad lajar-ed klattlf waea he tell to th troaad." 1 i OraaaAi gtorita. Oraphle ttorlwt related toalght ky tro-wHatotot gag tkoae who ee Mtod pollee aad Bream la rotcut work.kroagkt to light auay eaata of atark tragedy wall keror taau morning pttttriky proood to a at grut aettotoae la odoeUag th rtaortl ol tk kl leu realdaat ol th Mod war. William Iter nick, who- axrlrtd ea the ee a alaata or two attar th trot alarm had beta turned la.

Id a opoaod the treat door ol the block aad wu drlraa huh by th Uaa. ra th auntla oeca-pta't ware appearing at the appar wladowa at tiie froat aad calling tor bale. "I atrae uw a fro travel oo teat," aald Btaraleh. "Whoa II ret aotleed, th taoke eoalag troa ta tower wiadowa, the tre did aot oea to onioar bat la a tew alaatoe ta aeeared to bee read to all parte the kalidlag." Bterakk dtocrlktd the ecoao that met the ay of aotgkker aad aaetatora fram lb Mraoc Feopto were throwlag tbamaalau aat ef Pewr wiadowa. "Foar wore lytag oa tb groaad.

float of ttoa wore moaalag aad other were eerea-aetowa waea We waa a aoa them." rotated thai wit aeto. He thoagbt tout tve vorwtu bad jaaped eat ol tke wladow oa th aorta tide of the btock. 'kaa Rato. 4 H. Rathorford.

tolllat of aoooio who laaped tot tht rue aou 14 kT preatoa. aald that the aawke to eaata eaato wu aa deaaa that the aeeb la tk aapor etereri eoald aot aee the aeto. ttoa airl leaded oa thoaot face dowaward. a taie. aao aaptaraa ta aa kooa aertoaely hart, thoarh a did aot kaow wh ah wu.

Aaotkor grH toadod ea ta ato at th aad Vat aalebly taaeed to the troaad aad far thru hoar rtailtu aear the oaiiaiat. lomv wu toai a traatarad tram, war areaa to threw a ico vc3 AExito Ccal Sat Happy tfio Froth 'i i i SUB'S. Cottoge at BHtaaaJa, takea oa a Bae light to thow tomt wbert tht ltnd Ing aate were located. Harry Han aoa. a Caaadlan Na tional Railway fireman, who re- tldad oa th ueoad floor with hit mother and eater, dotcrlbtd thtlr tacap from tke baraiag "alracle." "We wtrt awaktatd quickly Boaga to ttcapo, Hanson eltrod.

Jnmptd tbroaga window of oar tulte into Ike Iaaa at tke rur. We were iuat la time. Tke flamot war licking up tk wall ot tk Building lattde whtn wo maaagea to get ka laid A prominent figure In rateae work, according to wltnotttt, wu Fred Prout. a taxi drlrtr. Hit bra rery and rotourctluiaou ae- counted for the ttTlng of aereral' llrot, uld 8.

Grant, oaa of the rteldente ot the Med war whom Proat aatlattd to aafety. Prout awakened aereral ataeplag pertont on the flrtt floor and thea got people out of bod who llrod la a kouaa btalda tlx a part aunt block. It wu thought for tint that th kouaa would alto go up la flamu. Empire Enjoys Cotrtlaaed, froat Faga et bjeta fair alay. That waa the U'Ue mat the Rrttiah GOTtrameat had to fight aad which Mr.

tnowdoa eondacUd. I doo't bellere will- hare- to be fought agtla. oar lateraatioaal diaeuaaloaa wa aball bow eegta aot to tapoaa toatthlng apoa each other, bat ta negotiate and aegotlate aatll the egreeaont that to to be reached it acceptable to UTOirea la it. MOfapMel of aPajtgajO "That a what lull the method ol puce, aad It waa employed la tke political committee at The Haga which raa eeaeacreatly wltk tke tataeial coaalttu. We kTo trarelled troa Tko Hague aad aoa we are al Oea era.

I can not aar what tke eoataala of ay peach will be at the Lugue ot Natloua aaaeably aext Taetdey. I ant dlMata the ittaattoa with thou wko ere bow tkere ead par ticularly with taee wao. war at The Halut. "It aay be thet I thtll hare n-llghteaaeat aad tagguttoat from my ooarortattoae-- with Pro inter Brlaad. Oar meetiag win be both ka tie tol aad aereoaal.

are eld trtoada aad the haadakakta we giro each other will ae ol that feet aad that we happen at thto aemaat both to ba Fria Mia-atr latoreetod la euh. other'e work. "Tk aroblea of dluraaaeai rimalat tke kla aaortloa of Lea I tklak dariag tke lut thro or foar run -we ktrt all altewod oartoWu to got a kit a la-ad la what attar all are eecoadary detail. I dea't aua aat Import ant aetata, oat rttatr that tatir imaortaaeo matt be eabordlaated to the greater Importance of aa la- toraattoaal agrumeat There la far mora aerartty la aa agreeaeat betwoea two aatloat thaa la th euarlty af a thlp or a regtmtnt or aa air oaeadroa or two, 1 caaaot uy earthing aore aboat Ik It aea- tla aatH i get to uoaora." TAXI OVaSTTJaUTal dOISO TO HOSPITAL '-TOIIONTtV awa. 1.

gkertly nor tocaplag death whoa th tan ta which ah waa a aauata orer-taraed la araldrag a eellaioa wHk a track ta tk towa towa lot riot jeotereay. Mra, aorta. Kewttla areaae. aar birth to a daaghtor. The mother waa barag takea to the koewttal wkm th eocMoat hae- poaoa.

-f Dr. at.Whaton, at a aetaf aiuaja aa Bto IwO OJaBaWafoaV 'bH VOhaaVW OjaJ n' i. Alf CotUc Al 31 eaaaDlay day. Thou haevr. haaltkr ta aawawnVud aaaay of the coil.

Jews Evacuate Coatiaaed froat Faae Owe. aad boutet la towa aad country aad of looting aad deetructloa of property. Thau crlmet hare brought apoa their authora the execratloa of all elriiued peoplet wrougnout tne wona. "My tint dutlu ere to rmtora or. dtr la the couatry aad Inflict ttera puBlahneat upoa thow found guilty ot the acta of rloleoce.

All ne- ceeury aatuaru will be Uhea to tcnitrt not eadt aat I chaxgt all tnhtblttnu of PaJoetlne to aultt Bt ta dltcharglag thaM dutlet. "la accordance wltk toe undertaking which I tre the Arab ex- ecutlTO before I left Paleetlno la June. I Initiated dtecaMlont with ta aecretary of ttate wttea In Raa. land on the (abject of conttltutlon-al change la Paleetlno, but la rlew of the recent areata I aball laanaad tbtee dltcuttloBt with Hla Mtjattyt uvTwranieot. "In order to pat a ttoa to man- dacloua atatemeata that hare recently bun circulated oa the aub- Jeet ot the walling wall.

I hereby. wna taa coneurreac of Itu hUiu- ty' OoTtramut. auk it kaowa that I intend to gir off eel to the priaelplea laid la the Whit oaaer of the alnetunth of Norabr, lMt, attar metboda of applying them hare beta doteraiaed. The White paper ackaowledfed the Jowtah right of eceau to to otters wall of th Tempi, com- awnir aaowa aa ine "wauiag wall" for the Btraoua of terotlaa. Jewlah worahlppere are entitled to bring aapartaaaneea permitted aaaer aae Tarawa regime.

Tear ar aot. howonr. oatlttod to tvt a aera uaaratiag aoa and woaea worthipper. wu attomptod oa in vy of Atoaemeat, itit. when Brltlah police oBlciala tore dowa the acraaa aad dupereed th wor- tnippera.

LONDON, Boat. l-Appolstaent of a emalarioa laflar to tk Indian Statutory Coamlulon so work out Bee eatery aaw dorelop-aeata la Brittoh aelley wltk rtepect to PaltothM wu aaggtd rotter- day by the Dally1 Telegraph. The paper my' the tuk of finding auae to indue th Jewt aad Arab to lira together la mataal toleratloa la a work lor a body of higher eoapoteace tkaa th CI Til Admlautrattoa of Fatoittaa. Th lettor eaa do mack which oaghl to be.doae iueh takiag nolle Bautrtt to ProTOBt rtota at reatraa of. dtotarbaac lib the Wtlllag waR aad reHBtabllahtag the Brltlah aeaaraorie, wa- raa at.

Bat whea order aad Ity a eaaaJetaly rwtoiwd a doeltioa to, apeotat a wmmtaaloa algat Uttlatly be aaBaaaod. Thar wer toaehlag aetata at the orthodox traagogiet 9t Loadoa yetterday. the Jowtoh tahhatb. whea prayer -la memory of the Jew killed ta Peleatia war recited." Tk Braat aynagoga at Aldgato waa tioedtd -that haadreda of worthlpaer romatoed euadlag la tke ale lee th rot boat tko loag aarrlea. Rr.

A. Rata, chief eaator of th ayaatega. -rcHa4 th age-old memorial prayer, "Bl Mole Race-aula." ta aaetoat llo row. Ae the arlef-todea wdeaeu af the cheat lor the deed wero pltwaa aobMat krok oat aad tk wean la th gellerl woat. Maty awe, aktareagaely rtlrd ra greylag ekawla, tightly grlppod their prtyer beako- ead tried rataly- to rutraia BVarr lanllft.

Tk ark to wklek th holy oerellt era hag rtaaratl epea tar- tat iae r.w.inrsTraDSAD WAS OTSD trOLDIXX BtJDBCRT, OaL, Beat. FreeV eeick WUllam Raator, aaa ef three brethart wh famtht ta thru wan. died at Friday at Ua ham at ha broth A. aatar, WhHadah. with whoa ho Bad) iwidtd tor the patt ato poare, aad era hi tba ato tanHae af tato tgkttag family.

Deteaeed wa. bora la Torwate la Iftt. aad Be Bad rrd la to Nnaeet Robelltoa. ta Beer War ead lb Oeaat War, aaad aae twa arwtaara. Th tola T.

w. Baatay wa a aar pea tor by TOmjOgrTO. feat. 1. Qeergt a.

toatoa. aa amear at Ike arOTra-at aettoe Maaa aateruamw raaaaata Fraa. Cakta, iyBiatmeat eaat'' Aee" a Qaci Lciirgh HewDangerouly Aaka for. Probe into Near Aocldent Over GMeland Weld. arYlaalt Brjf aOaafffVt WlaTtL CLEVELAND, Sept.

1. Clif Headereos, manager ot the National Air Recw here ywterdey announ-otd ktt uked Wlllitm P. Mc-Crtckt. A'ulitaat secretary of Commerce. to laraallgate a near aocldent of alralaaea Friday, piloted ky Colonel Charltt A.

Lladbtrgh ad 8am Ttyior of the Btout Air Lin. Tka trouble etarled wkea Taylor piloted a tkree-motorod 'pleae. loeded with paewngero. orer ike air rac ttld whll Lindbergh tad two aary pOota were engaged In aa ef ataatine. Air race ruin forbad thlpt to ay orr ta neid trying tuck but Ttyior uld he did aot kaow of the rale, and wu eadear-orlag to land.

Lindbergh it aUtgtd to have darted away from the two navy flytra aad to hart town towardt the tii-motored 'piano. Taylor uld Lindbergh twooped dangeroutly clou to the big ertft, nad that the baekwuk from the Colonel'! 'piano nearly captlted the pateanger 'plane, which kad Itt motort idlt, preparatory to landing. Military Hospital Swept By Fire Damage of Orer $200,000 ia Oauaed at Xingaton One Bnflding Ontted. rtntoaa Preet by Direct Wire. KINGSTON.

Sept. 1. Fire walek broke out troa tome unknown ctoto did orer ftoo.000 damage to Sydenham Military Hospital here on Saturday afternoon, tke blait being Anally, put under control by the Bremen after mora than four hourt' work. Tka tre ttarted between th roof aad celling aad tprwd rapidly. Fortunately It did not tproad to tke section whore th patieutt war, though aevaral of them were removed at a precautionary atep.

The Ire dettroyed contldtraoit quantltlw of ato roe tad gutted one of the buildlnga. Fire ttreami water were hept playing on tlit Ire all afternoon. No one wu Injured In the tre. It la pottlble that whan a Anal check-op It aide of tke building and content, tl.t daaage will likely run to cloae to a quarter of a Billion dollart. 8tT-eral year ago the tamo buildlnga were gutted by Are when damage to the extent of half a million dollart wat done At a SMALL COST May Have Your fall Fur Coat REPAIRED RELINED CLEANED and GLAZED By Our New Process MONSON'S CLEANERS DYERS 78 O-OOHHOE T.

Q. 4106 Peat A CanaHijin Fuel For Omadian People Th ttopartatoat ef Mlau bet a limited qatatlty of Put apaaafaetared at tkeir eUat at Alfred. Tata a tke ideal fuel for a qtlckiy aade Are tor the cool dart of tataaa aad tele eprtat aad to haetea taa alow laraace fire whea immediate It require littv. attoatlea. It dou aot cllnkor bat I re to a Baa, etoaa aaa, eutly aaadloAr Optni nrtpUeo V'- Vv' i 1 wffl aeoa ta atoady aee.

Ton win watoogto ta glow aad cheery warmth at faal faal, i -4 -Arreaimiato Baa aeoa nade- -i. "wntB 1IB7 had Sob, Limliad, 40 Xlta atraat, UVt, "for aJrrtfy of ykit foal iR jOt-tBWav Let iawal thow FOB how I. will iw bwtw aewiavj var tact thia win tor. f. Aotx.

heap Um mow VICTOR RADIO with ELE0TBOLA It wlB John SaDjtrPiano. Co. ITT.tTB VARK8 BTfUJET. Wedding Party OaaUaaed treaa Pace Oac. klu Millt.

tkey drort a little more IU .1 v. ed around to go back to 8te. Roto do Lima to the party. to far tt Dr. CotttUo could letra from tke ttorlee the mea told him, the eutomoblle came to the bad tectloa of the road, oaly 14 tut wide, curved, aad with a tbeer drop Into a gully.

Tko driver wet not Ttry ftmilltr with tht rotd and It wat very dark. Btfort Mr. Pre-voet could ttop, tke car htd toppled over. Rutbed to Hotpltal. Aurtlo Bejingtr, of Perklnt.

who wet repairing a tire on kit ctr a thort distinct awty, ruthtd to the tpot. Realltlag the urloutnett ot the tccidtnt, (a called a Coutintau, who tttltted the Injured men. Wr. Detchatelott wtt found deed at the bottom of the gulley, where "the wrecked machine wat eruthed agtlntt a tree. The Ave Injured men were taken lu Beaucntmp't tmbultnco to the Ottawa Central Hotpltal, Water ttreet.

Dr. J. E. Do Haltre. ho it at-tending Mr.

Prtvotl. lour.d ka had a rat lured lag. broken Anger, and cult and gaahee In the face which required 14 ttltcbet to clote.a He wet dtllrlout last night and dlel thortly after three o'clock. Tb remaining (our meu were given treatment for thoek, brultet, and minor cati and were able to lure the hotpltal toon after. Urge Road Improvement.

Dr. Cottailo held aa inqutat it once and lutructed the Jury to pay a pertonal rltlt to tke acene ot the tragedy. After eoatlderlng the evt. dence. the Jury decided the accident wu due to a bad curve, with a ttwp embankment without any protection, ba a read oaly 14 feet wide.

They ttrongly recommended lmmedlttt action by tke aathort-tlee responsible for the upkeep ot the rotd. It wat polnttd out that a tlml-lar accldant, but without lott of life, had occurred there a year ago and that the wreckage of the. car wu atlll there. Twa heapt of broken metal aow lie In the gully, Mr. DeechattleU wat a rptttu-rant keeper at Rlpoa for yean.

He it aurvived by hit wife; ont daughter, Jeanne-Marie, at kome; one brother, Noel, and a titter. Mrt. Otcar Deejardlnt. ot Ckenevllle. The funeral will be held at Rlpon on Tuetday morning.


1 Evelyn OMt. 7. died Saturday night three daya after eke wtt etaot throagk tk chuk by a bulltt from a gna In tke fcandt of Merit Town, I. with whom th wu playing. i 1 at tut tm to 1 em trunk Ba t.

aa. vji li.tvd.ewo. I I rawar' aw lag a l0.

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