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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 11

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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tTMOrtlt. Kaaft. Miml mi rlnlilsiasel ulw4 Wy )mt raeltiM father. iTlHW only boy frimT wu nt4 Watr. wlum tha teUwr, mM miry nu dai II CO- maata lutton.

9 younfl norlda visitor. Mam. fMutlful llttiaa HArKArLtrv" IC iM tha1 rud tntroductlMi P. wrmcto at Barry. Ma tart lova with thla bawltehlntf dan.

Than. Tod Ixrwry. young run out oi pa tut Una hi at Paradtat Mrt orrtara om tha Ulan, thraatanlof him ha wrath of har tathar. Tod awtnf va murn. two bij ad coma lute tha lira ofthla, ju but ''Maria off rry ftuttiw hlm-H urtlltQf to rarnr oat hm imau 1 to lUDtiM van vorn.

Barrv motori to Paradlaa Marls Informs htm visitors ara torn. Just than a uma panaa nuiwrmi xxuin ia mn- om TOO. varry oepani. Pnsjrr- lt Murlntf Maria ha will Mtum, lara down upon tha laland aai. mama, lonunauiy, waa away lnf marina apart man.

Axaln Marts, to a raj, ttrikaa Tod. Ilia shirt and causing blood to id return. Jud swings a JUt at cr and tha two Rail each othar, ata iit1v avan term. Tod aioodUy and af aln announced he I return. Meantime Barry has re- Rly decided to propose to UabeUe.

I Vjniut WUi Ti 0t irimi im worua propoMl as be gazes longingly tha hrtan! retreat of tt bowtldered, torn between tlie irDoy ana tne connaeut young Harrv's mother. Edith Sutton. ea him for faUtnf to propose to oarry mu nar o( on iu iwr Aria has luncheon with Barnr beautiful beach-hotel which she ever entered -before. XTUruui om Tod appears. I don't know," she 'repeated "una I a rather not uik jiidn't mean to Inquisitive, he Mid quietly.

"Iff just j'm Interested In you." eJ hated scenw: always had. He ed now, and hit pride led at the thought, that he ieeen very angry, and had en it plainly during the di cerlabl Incident just doted. of that kind would have Impossible, he told himsell By. if ha had been lunching Isabelle. No hare-brained would have had the audacity ott her publicly.

ry Sutton knew that bt was a fool, and looking at the Ft, child-like face across the from him that he would being a iooi is and Barry had their coffee foe terrace fronting on the Often Causes Deafness. said that 90 of all casts of deaf. eauaaa oy ce terra, inercfotr. should be tanght ta know the LUns of catarrh, because here la an Jt which can do a lot of damage. IT Brat ie neglected 4U and a oonata Lees of taeu content lair, let -down often result from neeiact of taie Too, catarrh eattaea head noiasa.

ig. hissing in the ears; the hearing imnairea to sucn an extent par- lainees may result. All these arer mt Mat abouid have lmaediata this MTDoee secure fi om tout it a bottle of Parmlnt Cancentraia etrength) which ie en 4d re- -4 ittnxuen lonauia. on ounce at Cofweattratt will aiak onacea idm tr 4dat anear and Lent Cosajnrtrabt It a. handy home iv ter iooao aymptoeae wucn leuld be Md by e.tiyo be It tbie way.

Aay drtii mm eta I yarn aod you cma nutiy add taaar Urn to make a bif bottle of SMdidne, pint it aa eaoelleot fmpentioa pnociy meo vyour KasMa ooueno. have the aaaoyiag aymptoats ef wvm the rok if ttttiof It mo dc PMtrd tbtt Miff $amt Qwl was its of A Weeks ef ttaVam weather tsMtd lotts to the utmost mwod fovnd tunr wanting. 'One ffiel rtat thrnusj. dm ttatitie ttfeMsnhenehv That wm UW. Scnmot) Anthtadat which tt tnoe- ftiltil minimi! blue tt ft mbwitiinVin, Th 1aa EaT dealer wiH tttl yoa about this gnat fuel.

rhcGCrilAY fempanyLtd. 'f Effa St Queen Ml leTtoay. a a 't; l. few They had flee beach. Barry was plainly amand at some of the things Maris had been telling him about her life.

"Do you mean "to tell me," he atked, "that you have never attended school?" Maris smiled at his astonishment "Never." she assured him. "Philip taught me himself, and he was a strict tetcher." She smiled faintly, recalling the long hours she had spent studying, until Philip Eden wss satisfied that she had got at least a university education. Even yet she had to take periodical examinations in certain subjects, and had to read one book each month written in Spanish, German or Italian. "It's Barry declared; "but you certainly had on of the country's finest instructors. Of course, you missed the companionship of other students." Marl came quickly to Philip's defence.

You don't miss what you have never Ihad. I have never been lonely." And yet another part of her was restless for the things represented by this lovely terrace, thit magnificent hotel with its wealthy sophisticated guests. Barriers. She saw the slender figure of woman coming toward them along the terrace, a woman whose intelligent, lovely face was framed by soft gray talr. Her heart quickened; she was stirred by a faint dread, for something told her that this was Edith Sutton.

Barry's glance followed hers, and he got to his feet with a welcoming smile. "Edith!" The wemen was standing beside th table, smiling fondly tt her son. Her eyes went to Maris In quick probing glance, keen but not unkind. Barry Introduced them, his tongue stumbling a little. He beckoned a waiter, and had.

him plan another chair at th tiny table. "It's -nice to meet the daughter I of aa old friend," Edith Qutton said, sinking into th chair. Her -vole yt Maria rcelixed that barrier had been raised, a sword unsheathed. Her own mind cleared to meet th unspoken challenge. My meeting with your ton was almost -miracle." Maria 'Bald easrry.

"My father and I seldom meet any ef th tourists who com Pradie Beeah Feasant. "I am honin that may see your father. Mist Eden. He and my husband war good Barry's vole was eager. "Suppose run over to the island thla afternoon In th cruiser.

Edith." "I toVftunlt Tofd better 6 that," Maris said calmly. "My father bat peculiar Idea about visitors. Ill tell him you stopping at th hotel. I'm sure he will want to see you," and realized that the wag sure of noth- 11 nr-ther kind. Edith Sutton's smile wavered a little.

She thought "On would think were peasants, requesting audience with the king. "A solendld Mea." she said I lmut "Then we may hope to visit the Island tome other And honed sincerely looking at Barry's troubled face that that day might never come. CHAPTEE BLEVIN. MARI6 felt queerly -breathless st 11 ah opened the door of Philip's taharatarr. Sh waa faced with th teak of recalling to him people and vats which were part of th past he was determined to forget.

At sh entered the building, sh saw that he was bent over mlctoteop, absorbed in studying slid which sh Jmew must hou a specimen got during his last trsp with Jud. "Philip!" Maria snok softly for he was Im patient with any one who disturbed him when he was working. He looked up, startled, and frowned. His eyet wer blank, as If lie saw her but dimly. impatiently.

Her eyet wer on his, pleading for "I met an old friend of yours this morning least tha wife Mt an old frlnd. She wants to te you' She, broke off as his face hard-- ned, tssuming th defensive stubborn lines which the had learned to dread. Her own face hardened a little; "Her nam 1 Edith Sutton; sh told him. PhUlp looked at her sharply) "Sutton, he repeated; then hi eyet war reflective. "It ah related to th young man who cam her th other r-t "Hit mother," Maria explained.

and was uncomfortably conscious of hit keen probing eyes. He looked away, hit eye roving fond ly over th uttered work-table. Bittern. 1 IVlt, Maria," saia tuniy. i remember Mr.

Sutton and this woman It probably his wif. But 1 a DAVIS TTT 1 TT 1 ta Om terrae. son why should allow her and her son to come to the Island, want" Th accumulated bitterness of years touched her then. "You want!" she said heatedly. Then tears stung her because of the look of bewildered hurt on his face.

"Why, Marls!" he began. Maris continued doggedly, "The Suttons are nice people, Philip the kind I want to know. It lonely here on the island for m. You have your work, your labora tory. I have nothing.

This Is my chance to meet the right kind of "The world is bad. Maris. Philip might have been spesking to a very small child. don't want you touched by it. The world will hurt you, soil you." A choked sob escaped her.

Anything would be better than this this monotony, Philip. I hate It!" Philip Eden's eyes roved the laboratory miserably. Marls' angry face distressed him, and his eyes evaded hers. He wished devoutly that the Suttons had never heard of Paradise Beach. He waa determined that they should not come to Edtn's Island.

Maris saw that he was impa tient to get back to his work the work wherein he lost all mem ory of the past which had broken his heart. She went Slowly to the door, then turned to make one last appeal. She thought feverishly. "There must be some way! tome way to make him understand that this I not the proper life for me. that I shall grow old and wither away and die, without having lived!" BUM Lm.

"Philip!" His shaggy head came up sharp ly. "It's no use. Maris," he said firmly. "I know what is bast When you grow up, you will realize that I have done what It right" 'When you grow the re- f1 Lj- Philip, J'nra grown nowv woman. want th thing every woman ia a right to expect love, th man of her choice, freedom to live and to be happy." Mis brow wat creased with bit lack, of understanding.

"I doot understand. Maris," he said petu lantly. "you have a home, nice clothes, all th freedom any young girl should want. You have 'JUd!" Sh iinr th. Dim savagely, Jud is a friend, a brother.

I want" Hit voice cut her off. grimly de cisive- "I'm sorry can't see alik in this, but I am a great deal older than you, and I know but You mutt bt guided by my withes." er- Jtiba looked tt Maris' anarr. tear ttalned fac and clucked mournfully. She put a comforting arm about th girl't shoulders. "I'm gonna take a stick to torn.

body, they don' leave my chile alone. Ain't they some thin' Juba kin do?" Marts shook her head. "Nobody can do anything about if the choked "It't Philip. He doesn't want to have any new friends. hi minus i snoum satisfied." Juba Tinned.

"I it that red- heeded young scamp with the flyln; machine?" I Hat Hum. Merit shuddered. "No." th walled; "I hat him! I don't want ever to see him again.1 Juba grinned knowingly. "Th kind of hat you got for that young man, anrt gonna nun him nana." I do hat him!" Marl declared Dassionatelv. "He's tmnudant and stubborn and) bat Juba ducked 'sympathetically.

'Jub knows," the said wisely. "First love is terrible hard on a woman, an' man It tryln'. Sorn-timet you feet Ilk takin' a sharp knife on Maris sighed her exasperation. "I ten you -I do hat him!" cried. Juba grunted.

"When th tun dances, an' th soap-suds talk-it's to!" th declared firmly. "You icant hid from th' fate" -r "Iff th other young, "mn, Marls explainer! neatediy. He and hit mother. They want to visit tha tthrod, and Philip refute to allow It" Oh, that stid de jectedly. "He's all right I guest, but he dont hold a candle to that flyln' machine raataLV Vjr-' Ctatlnatd DaUr- AMX'S BJUNTS.

now ixATDre ut raAxcia ta Tout BmrtH tut RATCBS Xt Armting Fbifat' lOrrnsa ataray 11 M. THE OTTAWA Oolden Lake CoupI I Married 60 Yean OOLDEN LAKE, Jan. It. (SotdaL) With tnembert of their family and a number of intimate friendt gathered about them, Mr. and Mrs.

Samuel Sunstrum celebrated their golden wadding anniversary a January 10. Fifty year ago on January 10, 18(7, In th Sacred Heart Chapel, Egan-vlll, they wer married by Rev, Michael Byrne. Mr. Sunstrum Is now In his 75th year and was bora at Golden Lake, ton -of the lata Mr. and Mrs.

Samuel Sun-strum on December 27, 1S62. He hat been a man of varied occupations. nwrchsAL.haUlkaQr.,(iui( Yangsr and at wU known at a jiunwr wm iwwnnaii, mi, ouii- strura was formerly Louis M-poliot and wat born on Jun 10, 1884, th daughter of th late Mr. and Mrs. George Lapolice, of Eganville.

Thirteen children wer born to Mr. and Sunstrum, nln of whom ar living, Samuel, of Port Colborne, Ont; Mrs. O'Reilly, wlf of Dr. O'Reilly, of Chtpetu, Mrs: Xeay, of Toronto; Mrs. S.

A. Summers. Mist Test Sunstrum, of Flint, Mrs. J. Gosson, of Renfrew; Miss Carolina Sunstrum, of Miss Leo Sunstrum.

and George, at horn. Th celebration commenced with matt In the mission church at Oolden Lake by Rev. Father French, pariah priest, of Miss K. B. McDonnell, of Kills loe, presided at the organ.

Mr. and Mrs. Sunstrum and members of their family were present. A wedding dinner wat served at noon at their home. Mrs.

O'Reilly. Mrs. Gosson, Misses Caroline and Leo and George Sunstrum were present. Many gifts were received by th hsppy couple as well as messages of congratulation by letter and telegram. Mr.

Sunstrum has one sister, Mrs. Daniel Regan, of Capreol. and Mrs. Sunstrum has two sisters, Mrs. Alex.

Boisvert, of Kirkland Lake.and Mrs. M. Mc- Mahon, of Goudresu Mines, Ont. John W. Hayes Dies la Smiths Falls SMITHS FALLS, Jan.

18 (Special) The death occurred on Sundty night, tt the horn of hit son. 11 Cornelia street, of John William Hayes, highly respected resident of Smiths Falls, following brief illness, which kept him confined to his home during the past 10 days, Born in Quebec City, Mr. Hayes had been engaged In the lumber business during his early life, later joining the staff of th Quebec and Laka St John's Railway an engineer. During the period of construction of the Canadian Pa cific Railway between Montreal and Smitlit Falls, Hayea was employed as an engineer on thit work, later, for many years hold lng a steady run between those two points. Surviving ar two daughters.

Mist Ann Cora lit yes and Mra. H. G. Hansen. Belleville, and four sons, John Smiths Falls, Jam 0 -Ottawa, William Belleville, Th funeral will be held Wednesday morning from the bom to St.

Francis da Sale Rom an Catholic Church, of which Mr. Hay had been a devoted member. FUNERAL OF MRS. GROVES. Attended by tntny friendt and representatives of women's or ganizations of Glebe United l-hMreh th.

nf Mn I Wilton Groves wis held on Mon day afternoon at her late residence. 129 Third avenue. Rev, Dr. T. J.

Thompson, of Oleb United, conducted the service assisted by Rev. W. R. Alp. of Chalmers.

Chief mourners were three brothers, Perclval. Frederick, and Winning; and two listers, Mrs. W. D. Armstrong, and Mlat Jessie O.

Winning, all of Ottawa, Numerous beautiful floril trib ute war received. Including an of taring from Glebe United Church Women Assoc lauon. The body was placed in the Betchwood mausoleum. DISMISSES CHARGE. A chirge against three East- view youths of attempted shopbreaking at premises occupied on 831 Rideau street by William P.

Hiyet was dismissed by Magu trit-SJrike The- yuH Roberge, 19, of 75 Mtrler road. Piul Mtrtineiu. 21. of 59 Overton street, and Henri Leblsnc, 23, of 95 1-1 Marier road pleaded not guilty. 'AMUSEMENTS.

WORLD PREMIERE Owrarrent with the Capital af Other Nation THE DELIGHTFUL MUSICAL ROMANCE Fred MacMURRAY Glsdyi SWARTHOUT lAf-lf DAK It- I PARAMOUNT'S JOtTRtfAL Beauharnois Again Sue Ontario Hydro TORONTO, Jan. 18. CD-I-est than a week after winning a suit In the Supreme Court, before Chief Justice Rose against the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario, th Beauharnois Light, Heat and Power Company of Montreal today Initiated a second suit against the commission. The Beauhamols company today obtained against-th, commission -claiming 4Z.g),l.3cXS tor electric energy kept available for delivery or delivered to the commission from December 1, 1939, to November 80, 1838. both dates inclusive, under agreement between th two dated November 29, 1929.

Seek Nhte Payments. The payments for each month under contract fell due on th 20th of the following month, and. payments in arrears bore interest tt six percent per year. The writ covers aln payments of $243,000 each, and two payment of 8313,500, amounting to 82.830,000, with interest amounting to 881,383.39. By a judgment last week.

Chief Justice Rose held that the contract- of November 29. 1929. was binding on the commission, and. gave the Beauharnois company Judgment for $973,750 and interest for power held available for the commission during the period preceding that covered by the new writ. The Ottawa Valley Power Company.

Limited, today te. laued a statement denying aa assertion by Attorney-Oea-erai Arthur W. Roebuck ef Ontario that the compear bad refused to discus tale worth of power far Winter requirement the Ontario Hydra-Electrle Commission. Mr. Roebuck said January 8 the commission had offered to discuss purchase of additional power re quirements with the Ottawa Valley Company and the offer wat re fused.

The commission then bought the power from th Gatineau Power Company, he said. In th statement issued today by counsel for the Ottawa Valley Company, tt was slid: "I am Instructed by my clients to say that your letter is the first Intimation that they have ever received of desire on the part of the commission to purchase power for their Winter requirements." Caacract The company counsel, addressing Mr. Roebuck and referring to th Attorney-General's, letter of January 5, said the Ottawa Valley Company was willing to negotiate a temporary contract with the' Hydro Commission to replac that conceited in 1935. Cancellation led to suit against the commission which now Is before the Privy Council. Throughout the controversy with the Ontario Government and 4he commission, arising out of the cancellation of contracts for power, the company has been prepared to discuss an arrangement whereby an adjustment could be mad in its contract, it was stated.

1 VT-s-'T today th, Thursday 1 FIRST GREAT AMUSEMENTS. r-r Oil Urn mltmiU I dinonmtiAfmfouiMcw I MADELIINI CARROLL -f. SIR UV tTANDIN If 1 irot i sown, 1 It Jpijf I re, mat I TIN' arr i mm: rX if laZf7.W 1 t. wHjjL- BT" TtT eft I TOMORROW I SILVER JUBILEE TRIUMPH SlRTSsFWiiM Nations of Face Showi Mussolini Backs Goerins Stand That Countries Must Take One Side or Other If War Declared. ROME.

Jaik JVtIWJ- the" struggle between Fascism and Communism for supremacy in Europe, a Fascist Government official asserted today, it up to nations now pursuing a middle course. Those nations, ha said, ar principally Great Britain and Franc. Show dawn Inevitable. Th Italian Government, th official declared, was In full accord with state men ta mad by German Air Minister Hermann Goerlng that the nation of Europe must take on side or th other In th Inevitable showdown. Italy doe at better, however, he added, a general war tt umsseary te settle th qaea-- Mm and wtU do Trythtng aeatlbi te prevent such a war.

Goering was reported to hav predicted "a great test to determine whether Fascism or Communism shall prevail in Eu rope, with Italy and Germany aligned against "the same enemies." Gaerlag and Doc. Goering, Chancellor Hitler's first minister, who has been eon ferring with Premier Mussolini on I talo-German co-operation, made the remarks. It waa disclosed, before the German Club of Rome. An informant who attended th private dinner Sunday night quoted "PENNIES FROM BING CROSBY MADGE EVANS TODAY-WED. Edna 'Come and Get It' WITH End FEATURE "Luckleet Girl ia th World" COMING! mUZi Johnny WEISSMULLER i A'CllllllAM BROUGHT BACK BT POPULAR REQUEST A 4-STAB STORY WITH A STAR FOB EVERY ROLE CLAUDETTE COLBERT f7 WANT ALL MEN TO Srti WORLDS" wttk TUB MAO ana iiibocoh mi GREAT HIT iince zitoru.o LAST OAT -Trail -Tha Gentlei THE In TOTWORROW By Special Htit REN EE ST'-CYR Irr Le Deux 0 phel Ine s9 A PICTCTE THAT ALL Wttfc EWfOYJ Oa th Sam Pragrasa ALBERT PBEJEAN -fat 'Lune Do MM' Taaar Only ntati MABBitn mif, aa -(EVEN IIMMUa'-- REXY OTENWAU TONIQHT aves cabot JnrntnijmCr BICtlABD ABL1 Europe partitas of th Naxt ehieftam't r.

stika fraor atotte-rporti Th German Kan baser waa have war wh were at feat net mention th parts tt the treat refer-ring to tb treat test" It wat aat aetbltthcd ta "Division of Europe Into two csmps," Ooering wm reported to ihav smsMM -clear a camp of reconstruction, order, enlightenment end good faith, and a camp of decadence, destruction and the sanguinary Instinct of Bolshevism. "A greet tett will demonttrtt which of the two camps will prevail In Europe." Saying th Fascist movement In Italy and th Nail movement In Germany war fundamentally th same, Goering was reported to have added: know ear tw people with th same Ideals have necessarily the same enemies. "Thla treat It being granted and our peoples are liatag ap for a eeaastea defeac against a commoa enemy." MUSING KEN FOUND. LONDON. Jan.

18. A message from th governor of th Falkland Islands tonight advised th Colonial Offlot tlx missing members of the crew of the British Antarctic survey ship Discovery II hid been located and returned to th vessel. AMUSEMENTS La st Times Today, and Tomorrow -WITH- Ferber'l EDWARD ARNOLD Thiraty Mourners Were Kot Wasted England. Jan. 18.

CM Captain O. T. Ramadan, chairman of a Halifax brewing; -nrm, did not wtnt hi mourner to be thirsty. Hit win Instructed hit trustee to provide 38.gtllnn barrel of good al for consumption by such persons as should attend my burial." WESTBORO MASONIC TEMPLE. Tha board of directors of th Wastboro Masonic Tempi Company, Limited, wer re-elected at th annual meeting.

Officials fol-! Pwldfnt T. A. tterteTt-vfcW" E. Witters; treasurer, j. M.

spicer; ehtirmtn of th hsll board, John W. Amott; directors, K. F. Richardson, George Spencer and Dr. F.

-L. Thompson. CINEMA TIME TABLE from Bserea. UU-S 1S-S SO-7 CAPfTOt. XJords LnetiM 0O-4 JOSO-t IS.

Last tote show al SS. sad Oet ft" tlet- I tt-ats-t Tha Lueklert Ctrl ta th World." lt-1 W-t to, thiriBUL "Trail Dart." 1.18-tJ. 1.U-S The OenUeaaaa iraea lwilalana uaLTO "Bartwrr Coast." 1 sa- 4 lt- ae-s "Dont ot rr eonal." oe-S SS-4 41. AVALOW "Shakedown." 1 S4-S SV 4 U-tJll "ItatuilOB." MATrAI "last Meets Wast V- III; "The MMolfteent Bnitt," VICTOHA "The Accusing Tla. rr." "Oiv tie Your Haart." I1S-7A0-S44 aiDEAV--Three atarrlet Mea," 10.

"Seven llnners." tOS-4 ll-S -t BEXT "Dont Turn Xm Loeee." 5 le-tat: "Three Live GluMtt," COLUMBIA -Tnm By Tale. vuloo." SJO-IOO; 'Tfourt For Toe AUlns." tJO-lSSS. LAtlBltB "MayerUaf." 1o-10 (: Vaeauat sag Jaostte," Tk Hllint and tim mrt tuppUtd by Ucal tktatrt mnsgrrt. HEAVEN' ntiKB ataraT CBABLIt tTABBBTT IMPS TOO AT TtECNION -gHAlEDOWN" Tramblay Coactjrta CHANCE OF DATES Rudolf Serkin Msattt Monday Feb. 1st outaa cotxioiATB Pnon Beatrvatlona New Taken ISM).

1 to 11 am. and to launPrteat, 1M sad Slat. PONS Cottteg MARCH 4th Baas TMir -taaaiaMat Bs O. ArUes "Baas Helta Weal C4 Last Tiata Teaar SWAB twamtow. anBtAM trix.

mm. mccbsa ta ADDED IXATTiU ABM Btww buh "Dost Get Perusal" TBXAL TN rEBBCABT. MONTREAL. Jin. "It Chi Juatieo Creenshleldi toctar out tK tomorrow 'VVr ta FBATCTtB fV "Cata af TW Black Cat" Ll r.r jr.j.

uj nit "MAD HOLIDAY" CHARLES BOYER WAN BENNETT HELEN VINSON a) JOEL MeCKEA MABXtt OAULOMWO CBANOBIT rotiCAi, snow 4 MARX BROS. "DUCK SOUP" CQEEEl COLUMBIA OTCfWAEl TONIGHT ITU tiaBTABtf-AtTOB rTrij)ftt rfTtltvliloiir urs Jof-l JUklai" 11 orar until th rabruarr term of Klngt Bench Court th trial of Julius Cohen en two murder ehrav- Th Chief Justlc oa Batata usnt oaia. 7.

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