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El Paso Herald from El Paso, Texas • Page 4

El Paso Heraldi
El Paso, Texas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Thursclav, Xov. IX 1917. EL PASO HERALD ASKS COLLEGE FRINK HIIDREMI FOSTER. DEIN OFEXCESS PROFITS US DEM) DIPLOMAIS, DIFS1 TAX DISCUSSED Army Needs 15,000 Radio Helped Locate Santa Fe Fatherinlaw of Secretary Business Men of El Paso Operators; State College Railroad Through West; Lansing Yields to Asth- Are Called to Meet Satur- to Start Course. Known to Cattlemen.

matic Affliction. day for This Purpose. State N. Nov. United States Signal corps, through the federal hoard for vocational edu- i ation, has appealed to the New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts to come to the assistance of the United States government in a grave emergency.

The emergency is this: Fifteen thousand radio or buzzer operators must he secured at the earliest possible date for service in the army, which is confronted with a serious shortage of men equipped to perform this essential I service on the battlefield. These operators must come from the ranks of conscripted men of the i second and following drafts, whose i instruction should begin before they are called to the cantonments. For this, in this region, the government is depending on the Agricultural college to train them. Two Course. The course will be started 1'ecom- ber 3, and will continue indefinitely, until the need is filled.

It is the ob- iect of this course to furnish radio or buzzer operators so as to receive and send a minimum of 20 words of five letters each per minute. It will take the average student about 200 hours to do this; which means a two course, work, students will be required to take military drill, which will help them in advancement at the cantonments. It will probably be possible for other courses, in addition. Carrizozo, X. Xov.

15. The Washington, D. Xov. K1 Paso business men will meet a- death and burial here of Frank TV. Foster, former minister to China, the chamber of commerce Saturday Morgan, removes a figure known to dean of the American diplomatic afternoon at 4 oclock to go into a many railroad and stock men I corps and fatherinlaw of secretary discussion of the excess profits tax throughout the Panhandle of Texas, Lansin, died here this morning after New Mexico and Mexico.

He was a long illness. lie at one time was killed by a fall from a horse "while secretary of state. riding on the Spade ranch, 12 miles The immediate cause of the venerable diplomat's death was an asth- trouble, although his advanced east of Carizozo. ZMorgan was for many years con- matk nected with the Santa Fe railroad in its building westward, having been a conductor, right of way agent, livestock agent engaged in special lines under the former Ilob- inscn-Xickerson management. Morgan was known by cattle shippers all over the old west Texas plains in the When George F.

Hawks, vice measure recently passed by congress. The meeting has been called by John M. Wyatt, president of the chamber of commerce, at the instance of Daniel Roper, commissioner of internal revenue. Mr. Wyatt asks that all heads years and failing health had given of firms be present, with their audi- his family great concern for more tors and pers.

than a year The letter from Mr. Roper to Mr. Secrelary Under Harrison. John W. Foster had been secretary! iouows: of state under president Harrison, The secretary of the treas- ruceeeding Blaine when the latter re-.

nry desires to administer the signed after his sensational quarrel with the chief execxztivc. As secretary of state his most notable act was a treaty with the Ameri- president and general manager of the cans jn Hawaii who had been con I i Fi I'aso Southwestern railroad cerned in the overthrow of the native company, gas a Santa trammas- queen, providing for annexation of tei on tiie 1 anhandle line Morgan an cl to the United States. Many Times 11 Diplomat. was assistant livestock agent there, under Eli J. Titus, of Kansas City.

Mr. Hawks had called on Morgan at Carrizozo frequently in the past few since the veteran railroader came out of Mexico during the revolution which drove him from mining business there. Spies Out Railroad Extension. 1 oaaomr. Born at Chillicothe, Ohio, in 1850, 1 ilJ to 1 Morgan came to Kansas in 1870 and macie a cross continent trip seeking routes for railroad extension, which took him through several states west of the Rockies.

It is said that in 1876 he was with a party of surveyors who visited the Capitan coal fields of New Mexico, after investigating deposits in southern Colorado, and located the Raton pass, through which the Santa Fe built to Albuquerque and El Paso. Since coming from Mexico he has been seen in El Paso at intervals, but most of the time he had lived quietly on his ranch near Ancho, X. M. Dyspeptic Stomachs Need A Magnesia Bath To Wash Out or Neutralize the Dangerous Stomach Which Make Food Ferment and Sour and Cause Indigestion. Winn your stomach sour, sick, upset and gassy with indigestion, heart- FUNERAL SERVICES FOR MRS.

GERTRUDE RIVELY ARE HELD Funeral services for Mrs. Gertrude Rively, 36 years of age, who died at a local sanatorium Friday, November 9, were held at the Peak undertaking chapel Thursday morning at 10 oclock, Rev. Mr. notable services to his country in diplomatic capacities abroad were successively as minister to Mexico, minister to Russia, minister to Spain and as special plenipotentiary to negotiate reciprocity treaties with Brazil, Spain, Germany and the British West Indies. Following that he became secretary of state.

Later he became the agent of the United States at Paris in the Bering sea arbitration and at the close of the war between China and Japan was invited by the emperor of China to 1 participate in the peace negotiations, Later the Chinese government chose 1 Mr. Foster as its representative at the second Hague conference in 1907. Soon after the peace conference Mr. Foster went to Russia and Great Britain on a special mission for the United States. On his return he became a member of the Anglo-Canadian commission.

Then he became tHe agent of the United States at London before the Alaska Boundary tribunal. His last public work was as representative at the Hague in 1907. Has Aided Secretary Lansing. His daughter became the wife of i Robert Lansing, secretary of state in President cabinet, and eon- tinned to make her home with him. It i and dyspepsia swallow pills or Asbury Methodist church, officiating, matic negotiations which coi Rir-pef vour Burial was in Goncordia cemetery, him at tho outcome of the 3 which Mrs.

Rively is survived by her hus- war. to say that he doubtless L. Rively, and two small Rose Trainer, years of age. a housekeeper, died at Fort Bliss Wednesday. Deceased is said to have been born in France, and had a sister.

Mrs. W. M. Burgess, at Albuquerque, X. M.

Funeral arrangements have not yet mrn Irugs and weaken tho natural powers of band, H. digestion. Keep your stomach clean and I children. -wen like you keep your bowels clean by llushing it occasionally with a real internal bath of bisurated magnesia to neutralize the dangerous excess of acid in your stomach, sweeten tho sour fermenting food all the pain and discomfort of dyspepsia and make natural digestion easy. Physicians agree that fully nine tenths of all digestive disorders jjeen completed.

and stomach misery is caused by the de- velopmcnt in the stomach of too much norn utito r-r. This acid must be kept neutral- IS CHARGED WITH FRAUD and harmless they say or trouble will surely follow. It necessary to can eat what you want in reason; but get from any druggist a few ounces of pure pow- dered bisura ted magnesia and take a toaspoonful in a glass of water before a eh meal for a. few days and your stomach will act and feel fine. There will be no.

sourness, no stomach gas or heartburn. no full, heavy feeling in the siom- no headaches, griping stomach pains, dizziness or bad breath. For Bisurated i is no disparagement of Mr. K. Campbell, of the conduct of the many delicate diplo- confronted uropean enjoyed the counsel and ripe exerience of his distinguished fatherinlaw.

Mr. Foster was born in Pike county, ROSE TRAINER. Indiana, March 2, FS36, the son of a lawyer. He entered law at an early age and served in the union army as an officer. cess profits provisions of the war revenue act in a manner that wjll accomplish the full purpose of tlv: law and cause as little inconvenience as possible to the business interests of the country.

To this end the secretary has selected certain persons to analyze the law and to digest and consider in connection with plans for the administration of the excess profits provisions the suggestions receiver! from those who will be required to the taxes. You are respectfully invited to submit to the bureau of internal revenue any suggestions you rlesire to offer with respect to the interpretation, application, or administration of the excess profits provisions of the new law. Tou are particularly requested to outline the method of computing under sections 201, 204, 207, and 208 of the excels profits tax law, which would be most practicable and accurate for those engaged in the industries with which you are in intimate touch. If you could arrange an informal conference with several of the other leading' men of your section engaged in the same line of business, those whom you deem to bo leaders, not only in patriotic effort, but in sound thinking. and if you will then act as a clearing house to give this department the benefit of the joint opinion of these leaders, it should be of material assistance and help to keep the work of the department within proper compass.

For your convenience, copy of the new law is herewith inclosed. Neolin Health Purse UDDIED crossings and the thin but dangerous him of water on pavements after thaws and showers cause many a cold. Against such colds Neolin Soles protect you because they are waterproof. The ordinary leather sole is not waterproof. After it has once been thoroughly wetted, it becomes spongy and porous, so that it soaks up literally breathes in the water and moisture underfoot.

MORE SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE ARMY Y. M. C. A. FUND (Continued from Pace Three.) IN LIBERTY BOND SALES Montgomery, Xov.

Dwiggins, manager of the New York agency of the Life company of Des Moines, was arrested here to- day, charged with using the mails to defraud investors in Liberty bonds. When arrested Dwiggins had on his person 77 Liberty bonds and IS $100 1 bills. Dwiggins is declared to have sold Magnesia will give your stomach just $600,000 worth of bonds in New York what it real internal bath to during the second loan cam- flean up or neutralize the poisonous acid? paign through the socalled which are souring and fermenting your states government Liberty loan food and irritating and inflaming your apparent shortage of $73,000 has 'lomach. Bisurated Magnesia is the only form of magnesia you should use for this purpose. It is not expensive, is not a laxative and in the bisurated form wiii not injure the stomach.

It comes only in powder form and tablets. Try it and forget you vcr were troubled with Dyspepsia or 1 been discovered, assistant district attorney Knox of New York announced. Dwiggins will be charged with using the mails to defraud. F. L.

Montney, $1. Fred Bashane, $1. Miss Rose Ferro, $1. Ikiura Burnside, $1. Basil E.

Ryan, $1. Tom Weaver, $1. Roy Seggerson, $1. has E. Lange, J.

H. Leib. $1. W. M.

Perry, $1. A rthur Martin, 11. W. J. Shannon, $1.

W. E. Harlan, $1. Robert H. Dixon.

$1. W. La Dusire, $1. L. P.

Xavarrette, fl. Shirley William, $1. H. L. Haas, $1.

Dave Sullivan, Mademoiselle Lavalliere, a prominent French actress, has left the stage to take the veil. A Get Ready For THANKSGIVING RANGE in the kitchen will add to your Thanksgiving this year and for years to come. Come in now and let us explain the advantages of Ranges. Ranges Former Of Camp Cody Slreels In Repair Camp Cody, Deming, X. Xov.

la. H. Locke, formerly of Minaca. Mexico, well known to all Americans from that state and along the border as the leading citizen of that important little Mexican town. both in the peaceful days of president Diaz and later through a great part of the revolutionary troubles which raged In and around that place, is now civilian roadmaster.

or street commissioner, in Camp Cody. He is working under Capt. E. NY. Morrison, camp quartermaster, and his duties are to keep the camp roads and streets in repair and his very recent advent in 1 1 that capacity is showing a marked improvement in highways, i Everv day he may be seen moving? quietlv through the camp directing this work, but he still dreams of his good clavs down in Minaca.

when he was called familiarly, watches for the time when he can get back there to his property and can reestablish his transportation 1 business from that railroad town to and front the mines in the surround-j ing country. But Mr. Locke is not homeless in Camp Cody. He is an old Minnesotan and notwithstanding his having drifted down into Mexico many years ago with the noted ethnologist. Carl; Lumholtz, he has found friends here.

especially among the soldiers from St. Cloud, his old home town, and they urge him repeatedly to relate his Waterproof Ne5lin Soles protect your health and purse by protecting you from such moisture, from the colds it causes, and from the damage it does to uppers. Shoes soled with waterproof Neolin keep their shape, look well, and last longer. And Neolin Soles themselves wear from two to six times as long as ordinary leather and cost no more. 1 hey are more comfortable because they are more flexible.

New shoes soled with them need no breaking in. When you do your fall and winter buying be sure to do what eight million experiences in Mexico and more por-j ticularly his hair-raising escape i Mmaca when the Villistas fiercely driving out the Americ were ms. Neu) Mexico Indians Slaughter Does; Game in various The Combination Coal and Gas Range can be changed from Coal to Gas in a few seconds by removing or replacing but two pieces. This is the most simple combination Range that can be had. It is fitted with large water front for heating pressure boiler.

It adds beauty and saves space in the kitchen. The Buck's Steel Coal Range lias sanitary leg base. It is fitted with heavy water front for heating kitchen boiler. These Ranges are carried in several sizes and patterns. Anyone you select will be most satisfactorv.

We Sell Ranges and Heaters On Easy Terms Hot Blast Heaters This Hot Air Blast Heater is in a class by itself. Ask to sec the special air draft regulation. Body is made of heavy Wellsville steel and heaw cast fire pot linings. Xic-clv trimmed. 18 00 Oak all Buck's Heaters, this is mad of the best materials.

Has heavy ribbed fire pot, fui cast bottom. Heavy nickel-plated foot railings. Ha well regulated screw drafts. Prices range up froi $8.10. Our advance plans for Thanksgiving make it to your advantage to select what you need here in the way of Carving Sets and Roasters.

207-9-11 V. StanIon. F. F. Klohs, $5.

E. X. Lounsbury, $3. Sam Martin, $2, O. F.

Boutwell, $1. A. S. Klohs, $1. A.

Burgard, $1. J. A. Clifton. $1.

Ora Mae Croswhite, C. Spearman, $1. TJ. Harvey, $1. Jose Munoz, $1.

E. E. Shanks, $1. G. K.

Wilton, $1. O. P. Bond, $1. S.

T. Wylie, $1. W. E. Bavousett, $1.

G. Berrios, $1. Jose del Rio, $1. J. Cuilty, $1.

L. H. Martin, 51. W. Meraz, $1.

M. Mendez. $1. R. T.

Wilson, $1. John A. Paul, $1. F. A.

LaFayette, $1. Amounts subscribed states to the war work fund are as i follows: New York, $2.093,000: Pennsylvania, i $998,000: New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, District of Columbia, Virginia, Massachusetts, $706.000: necticut. $406.000: Rhode Island, Maine, New Hampshire, i Vermont, $6000; Tennessee, North Carolina, i Florida, Alabama, South Carolina, Mississippi, Austin, Texas, Xov. Returning) California, Washing- today from Houston, where he has i ton, Oregon, Idaho. I been in connection with the strike ini Montana, $37,000: the oil fields, T.

C. Jennings, state i $132,000: Louisiana, Okla- labor commissioner, announced that be I homa, Arkansas, found the workmen willing and readvj Arizona, New Mexico, $4000; I to have a conference looking to a set! AVest Texas, $21,000. I tlement of the strike. But he added. the operators turned a deaf ear to all A MAN INDFYING MFN and would not listen to even iv.T 1 a suggestion for a conference and in- WHO PLAY, SING AND SPEAK slated that the men could return to i T-.

x- work only as individuals. I Camp Cody, Deming, X. Xov. lu.j There is a strong possibility, Mr. A.

It. Lytle, the V. M. C. A.

musical Jennings said, that unless the strike director here, reported that he has settled, it will extend finished his first draft of a musical! Oklahoma. census of the 34th division and when lie gets it checked up in the next day or two, he will begin to form orches- tras, quartets and glee clubs, and put to practicing. Some splendid i Austin, Texas, Xov. musical features are certain to be de-; Hobby today approved the monthly re- veloped. not to mention massed slr.g-jport of the prison commission, show! ing and massed orchestras which Mr, ing the movement of the prison popu- Lytle expects to work up.

1 lation for October. The report shows This census carries with it a side I the total number of convicts on hand issue in the way of a census of read- October 1 to be. 3612: new ones re- crs, elocutionists and practically alliceived during the month 91: reenp- classes of entertainers so that there I tured, IS: returned by sheriffs, four: will be no trouble hereafter in locat- returned from parole, five: discharged, ing all such when desired. 54; pardoned, 27; escaped, 2 died one; paroled, nine; delivered to sheriffs, i three, making tho total on hand X'o- vernber 1 3612. Leather soles are Neolin Soles age comfortable.

Leather soles slap Neolin Soles grip, yet they can not scratch fine floors and furniture. Americans have already shoes with Neolin Soles. And if you have a pair of shoes in need of re-soling, have it done with Nedlin Soles. You can get them on and black, white, or and the genuine always bears the brand Mark that mark stamp it on your oli The Goodyear Tire Rubber Company Akron, Ohio eather seles scak up water Soles are waterproof. loose stick Rubber Neolin shape.

soles hold thei; Rubber soles, tear Soles tight. Rubber soles Soles will not crack. Rubber soles are Neolin Soles are These Merchants Sell Shoes The Popular Dry Goods Co. Warden Is After Them The White House, Pioneer Plaza Shoe 315 Overland St. Givens 215 El Paso St.

Santa Fe. Xov. Navajo Indians have been arrested! west of Magdalena, each having ini his possession one doe. The Indians) are now in jail. Game warden Theo.

Rouault is outj in the field with deputies in an effort) to round up a large band of Indians) hunting in the Mogollon country miles west of Magdalena, JENNINGS SAYS OIL WORKERS ARE WILLING TO CONFER Bee Hive Dry Goods Store, 208 E. Overland Walk Over Boot Shop, 214 San Antonio St. Rosings for 323 San Antonio St. Sample Shoe Store, 105 S. Stanton St.

TEXAS PENITENTIARY HAS 3612 INMATES These Repairmen Shoes with Neolin Shoe Hospital, 308 Mesa Avenue Pickel 403 North Oregon Street Chas. Rokahr, 422 San Antonio St. 317 Texas St. (Tear Out and Preserve These Lists) THREE ADDED TO BOARD OF Y. W.


hoard meeting held in the Texas street rooms Thursday morning three new mem- hers were elected to the board. Mrs. Bradford Hardie, Mrs. Frank B. Jones.

and Mrs. G. F. Hawks. Mrs.

David Gatlicart gave an excellent report of) Junior Y. TV. C. A. clubs which1 ings are being organized in the 1 schools.

The employment secretary. trade mark reo pat off THRIFT EXHIBIT IN LOBBY AT THE LOCAL Y. M. C. A.

One of the most interesting exhibits that has ever been displayed in Fl Paso is that of the thrift exhibit at the central Y. M. C. A. This exhibit a series of charts or draw- which picture real everyday practical thrift lessons.

Many comments are heard from the men in the lobby who gather to the pictures. Better than Leather Luta Devo, announced the filling of This exhibit will continue for the rest 58 positions of all kinds recently, of the week so that the general public Fifty-two pew members have joined see these pictures, the T. TV. C. A.

through the efforts charge, of the Business TVomen's club. Miss I Blanche Gilbert, a former El Pasoan. was appointed new aid secretarv. There is no JUDGE BRADY CLEARING UP COUNTY DOCKET; FREES 3 Cleaning, dyeing and restoring of leather in shoes. Special shoes and cowboy boots made-to-order.

Complete stock of Neolin Soles for and Shoes CHAS. ROKAHR, Quick Shoe Repairing Two St. ami 122 E. Antonio St. were the first shoe repair factory iu 121 to put lit recommend it Private parlor for ladies for shining and cleaning of shoes.

At our factory No. 2 located at 422 E. San Antonio St. DA If EXPRESS ROMPA NY fJKCI.AKES SI i Xew York, Xov. The Adams Ex- 1 Judge W.

Brady, of th ourt at law, has begun the clearing- the criminal docket, owing cases having been dis press company today declared a divi- nil with verdicts of not guilty dend of $1 a share ifrom accumulated surplus, payable December 1. This licensi campares with a dividend of $1.50 de- sassaul clared three months ago. McCoy, selling liquor L. TV. Hoffeeker, agg Anastacio Gamboa, im at ing an officer.

The case of Santos Sambra Plaza $1.50 $2.00 SH Adv. hour. Phone was on trial Thursday county iN.n IN 1 Ml IV If ern Paci fi o. 10. The a i ety- he 01 VCJ 12 11 LE NE ii lene tan roinw hich he gas1 c.ame, of.

uc 'son, A Xov.15.—Ray TV.nconSid lert ei Annie1 Sk ii dm ore. a lassen brakeman, wa returned El out a has been badly burned about the foi 1 efil llii whon acci I 1 11 ted opened 1 a ne ja1r. Tlie tan ik was fiers fa poss ll af looting ins eyesigni, thrown 1'i OIU her byrai 1 em- and TV. 11 glie a baggage pi oyes diors of he 11 hou for use, 1 a painfully si relied by the! a i a ion a the i i blaze Si wa ight exp lo aeetylem i gus in the damage a il oneto some TV ells- i 1 bag igre Cl tr of east bound, South- caigo ress asm Kelly A Pollard. Prescription for Eczema for 13 the ttandard akin liquid uaed relief from itcU.

the mildest of theskmalvrsysrleanandhealthy. in Ui nJfv boUb.

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