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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 3

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

3. 1031 Augusta Baron, Now 75, Made Sound Pictures in 1898 RAOR IK ES11 Is (ov Aupusle Rnron Whose Wcrl; Rrous'hl Nolhiuo. MIN'OTT N'KA Scrvico P.Mtlo—The original inventor of raiinul bo- lie is blind, cnnnot hrar iiri-aiiie he liam'l rot tlie price Thi'. is the fate of Auo.usto fine old of 75 wlm Is JKTI' in i hciiY 1 for riis- Ills Irlva came to lim 35 years when the. innvinv; i ilrlwp was an Industrial lane on tin- bottle, and now he (he dark.

io fanlastic of whn! h-is been achieved rom his instiiraMon. 31 A so In IBOfi, the Lumiere Bi'o- hevs brian nroduce their ''nni- iniai'os." vague Ik.v: as tro arrival cf a train, Ihe iirst French movii picture. Au- flsicn. engineer, 'musician, lainter and a trm'ns at was working in IMrls as nn adviser on stage di- hail jus', installed in lobby became known irl 'he slot whereby 'one 'C'lld insert a coin, sec a series of 'tiirucgrajihs nnd hrai- accompany- tuioc. Bnrou had teen thinking about wort of the Liimlcrc Brothers he casually put 10 in the slot machine and ad a look.

There was tio syn- hroriization. only the simple put- ing of an image and otind movement. Bi-r Idea Mnrn Bui ihis stirred the imagination tlie inventor. He concluded that I lie fnirlt Ihis new moving licturc idea was lhat it had no oimd effect to make it realistic. he went to In Ihe followirg vonr.

April 3. 3ai-on took out his first patent on system of synchronizing move-1 mt nnd sound. On letobcr 8. 18D3. he got a German latent and on August .28.

1000, an Vi-ierican patent good for 20 years. his own resources he built, la ParLs suburb, what would now ITKIIOWII as studio. His rigging had, placed above he movie camera, cupoia which ontained sensitive micro-; Itones of grain-carbons. A feeble in-rent modulated by these micro- hones was amplified by three suc- c-isive relays leading to tl-c sound abin lit sitSe. Sound was reg- on an old-fashioned wax' ylinder.

such as used by Edison liis first phonographs, so that it mrhronized perfectly with the ac- cn oi movie. Baron, now biimi at 75. hete is shown with the apparatus with which he prc-Jucecl the Iirst lalX- ii--' IIIOMCS. moa- Ilisii quark-i- of a cenuiry they were tor r.c-.'tr has seen, or even heard, a modern --talkie." tosnniercinl purposes. If? Globe Trollinff Tuiincvs Return TODAY IS THE- ANPERS jo.vcriiiiinnt Will Bcpccl Mrtiiufjicturci's Operate, for Reasonable Return.

Sally Into Matrimony UKI.RIAX l.AUOH NOTE On June 3, ID11. an inpinoi-aiKium presi'iit'Jd to Hie United goveninirnl by M. de earlier, the HcXirm Mlii'slcr at maiJc public. It (he facts of German rule in Oeliiilun und ed the enlorccd iJleness of Belgian workingnien. The mcmornndum said part: "Tile depressed condition of Bflgtan industry is not cas? of accident caused by the fores of extianeous circumstances unconnected with the action of the German authorities; Ihcs? au- thnritirs are.

the contrary, personally responsible. "Since the occupation of Bel- tiie Gciinun put into etfect the plan worked out In August. 1914, at Berlin, by Dr. W. Uathenau.

for the systematic exploitation of the economic resources of occupied ccuutiies to the profit, of the war organization, of the empire." I'S NOTK: This tin- si-c-iinil of si-rlivs M-V-ITI! tlrs liy llmlru-y Duti-lirr on the I'lillrJ States plans to nin- lilllvr nun jiuui-r anil Imlus- Iry In tin. unit of ulinthrr HV HODN'KY IHITCIIKIt Snvlif Wriltr the pa-it serernl ye.irs of peacetime the Dcparinu-in has been brlnjlni; to the attention of various industries tlicir responsibilities und SlvhiB tin-in estimates wnr- tlme demands ot iiriny navy on theii plants. Apiirosimalely tui-RC facilities su: necordins Io the war'pinns as submU- (ed to the War Policies Commission. Urfmile tasks for emergency Imvc Ijccn assigned to each selected plant. In order not to upset national production more thnn neces- Jiry and to in.ilniain normal r-om- ncrclnl conlacls on reduced bas, such tasks do not Involve more mil 50 per cent of a plant's nor- lal capacity.

Under tlic National Defense Act. Wnr Dcparlineiit iwlnls oul, the overnmuiil can compulsory rders any inrtory and Is em- wwcrcd to A'qnisltion such plums mn.v refuse accipl tlietn. t'lau AiIvLsory -Cuimell Tlie plans call for an "Ad- Isory War Council" to assist the ircsldeut in carrying on the con- ilcl. Besk'rs tlie scci-claries of war ltd navy, this council would in- Incie a Director of Selective Director of War Industry, Di- cctor ot Public Relations and Ad- nlnlstrntor of Labor. This Is part of general pinn Depnrtmcnt-'i will base, their-pro- vhlch.

according to General Doug- jcurcment plans on allocation. Unas MacArtinir, chief of staff, Is dcr tills system plants arc able to jased on a great Imprqvcment on. make some preparation for their Here are the Tunnoys, Polly anil back in N'cw York after an extended trip through Europe and the Near East. They posed smilingly on the deck- of their liner, and the former heavyweight champion In principle his system wns verv I tucli like that ricvelooed with I '5tictiflcr lie was still "in splendid shnpo nnd feeimg licit Etarllin? success qnarler of; prcat." The two German police were bDtisht abroad and cenlury later. become yuardir.ns of the Tunr.cys' country place.

A Ccnimcrcijil Failure i Baron's first talking films reduced in 1893 and could run four minutes. He upcut about 10,000 on lliir, work and could not he support required to finnnce He qtiicklv co: Hayti tccted their against the harsh Mr. tfarold Bmress of Chicago arrived Tuesday morning for weeks visit with his mother Mrs. Mablc Bnrress. ar.d -Mrs Wolf Khourie hai r.i their guests Sunday and Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Haddock enough for her lo ave kuowll Albert, of BpyntonOWti. these happy hours wlicn he was ittire in the talking film. Like so any of science, he was not RCOd business man and was quite intent when lie astonished his by showing them what mid be done.

Eleven of his machines arc now lights of the Baron refused to wear glasses. Ten years his I succeeding with his work. "But I sight besan to fall and shortly. hope, that my son will never to- lce i aftf-n'-ards he became completely: corr.e nn inventor." she added. blir.d.

Baron's fiiends are now trying The Academy of Sciences grant-' I0 dccoiiUecl with the Lesion ct Honor and to pain for him souv? recognition from the government. and cd him a pension of about $75 i yearly and. without olhor resources, was forced to outer charily home. His wife, still proud of (f his achievements, cares for lovingly and helps him as much ns i exhibition in the Conwrvntoirc she cnn giving piano lessons. Arts et Metiers.

Baron smiles cordially and In 1501 Baron turned his alien- i llas 11Q grievance against his tale. to the development of an au-' lie at times becomes tnelnn- niatic camera, which he called choly when he tolcl about the "Multirama." an.1 which could tinr.nctal success of the tnlfc- to a balloon and op- picture, atccl in such a way as to photo-! "Alas, it is too lat-- to talk of Aunt" Lizzie Floyd Dies After Long Hiness Khotirte and son "Aunt" Lizzie Floyd, negrcss. who was well throughout tile city, died last night alter an illness ol a year. Since coming (o BIytheville many years ago the aged had ranii ICO of ground me." he says sadly. When remind- i worked lor a number of prominent change of film.

During the' ed Hint brain xvas in advance families. She was mare titan 70 -his did nnir.rat service when of the and tiut has ytar. olci bill tiid not rrcMI the Texas whrri by airplanes by taking' ii-ast lived to know tliat his crcat act date of hi-r birth. She was ho I of enemy positions. An-; idea was successful.

only ndds: wife of John Floyd. of his piiolop-apliic achieve- "I am Infinitely touched, tint I can lents was a camera capable of'only repeat that it is teo late to! A portable plant capable of de- iiE a 360-dcgrec panorama pic- talk nf me. I am pelting old and l.COO.COO volts of elcc- I ask nothing except when I die tricity hns been constructed for Ernest, of Fulton, Ky. Gcr.ild Yatc-s of Stcele. Nfu visited Mr.

and Mrs. W. Gat cher. Sunday. Dr.

and Mrs. W. R. Mmtaiigl to Arbyrd Sunday fcr visit vith Dr. Limbaugh's parents w.

E. Catcher and 501 transactid business in BIytlitville Monday. Miss Ernestine 'Llles is visiting Mrs. L. R.

Roland of Ntllier lands and Mrs. Eula nnbi ail' children of Hayti hnve Tetnrnrx lioine from a visit to Jamestown. where they were celled on account of the illness of ineir mother. ma 1 tht? co.ilr&ttOT' 1 profit Is reduced and there Is no temptation to pad costs its there was the oia cost-plus system; Aliont HMO re.wrve officers will Itc In major war to carry out Hie army-navy procurement lirosii'am and to date Rome 2300 have liecn selected from umong expcrl- i-nccd liuslncss msii nnd commissioned. 'I'lie War Department has no definite program lor wartime price cunlrol.

but It Is on record as ixislnn "jjilce-ficezing" plans such us that prajHisod I othe War Policies Commission by Bernard Haiuch. I'lami Hums In Air SALT LAKE CITY, Wall, (UP) V. M. Oiiymon, United States imirlnc corps aviator, who visited his parents In Still Lnhe recently, dcfcrilitd how his plane suddenly liurst Into names as lie scouting Sandinistas In Nicaragua. He imimiBCd to bring the craft to'the mound without serious Injury to himself.

Kally Philips, cl iiiovleland, shown above in her latest portrait, ntr.l lidicdlct hell- to ilcpnrtniciii-store fortune, have declared Hint they were "just friends." Imt insistent nimor Ims llml their eiiKaaemeut will tw announced soon. The screen star, whose real name Byrncce Bcntlei-. ivctully was dmfted from the movies to appear a Broadway itajc. vitally about Issue. essential list now comprises 4000 articles complete for Cut Coniiietltlun Instead of throwing open their materials wnild hasten production in ani later emergency.

The army also has widespread plans to govern handling of nnv Ort I'alm l.f»f Books CHAPEL HILL, North Carolina, East Indian sacred bcoks written on strips of palm hnv: been presented to.the University of North Carolina's library collection by Dr. P. Jacocks. of Colombo, Ceylon, a native of North Carolina. The -looks arc In Singhalese Inngunce.

procurement necessities to competitive bidding, Uie War and Navy -ur 1911 position In that besides the kclelonized framework of a clli- en army capable of rapidly aborting tile nation's man power, the' limy now maintains intimate con- act with the industrial structure inder a program which will enabb American Industry promptly to afo- iorb our wnr requirements. Delay ui procurement nece.s- lary" munitions and supplies, gurss- vork nbout the ninounts of supplies iceclcd which rcsulls in wasteful overproduction and serious shortages, improper distribution of the var production load along with congestion of transportation faclll- ics, inefficient use of resources, un- co-oidimitcd purchases and unequal distributions of war burdens nre some of the tilings which the War Department, profiting from lessons of (he last war. seek to avoid In any big future conflict. The army's shopping list included, about 100.000 dlllerent items In the World War, but tile so-calljd tasks, prices can belter be determined by negotiation and through definite rsjignments oxacl pre-ar- rangemcnt for production of munitions can be obtained. Many articles required In war arc not ordinarily produced In this country, so the Wnr Department has assembled a great, collection of complete drawings and specification for delivery to manufacturers who would otherwise have no prior knowledge of applicable production methods.

To develop tills form of war preparation constant experimentation and actual production Is In progress at government arsenals and laboratories. The War Depiirt- rncnt now seeks money from Congress for placing "educational orders" with factories, use of which PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM, lu i r-iin BJ ImpaiUCcloraml llciuly wartime, especially those not readily produced In this country. its designs for reduction of wartime profiteering la an adjusted compensation contract, ap- l.licubie to large construction pro- and procurement of noncommercial items. Tentative cost would be agreed ujxm which, might cc revised from time to 'line. The Government would audit nil accounts as (hey arose and pay all approved costs of pcrform- r.uci!, plus rate of six per cent year on Uic value of the p.lant In- vlived.In the C'riiitraclur I'rt'tcctf il It the umipnny doc? the job at llinn the revised estimate of O'E tlte £uu-n ment pays him some added Hence, pn Hi would be small Is Eiinrantecd against lax.

If cost e.accds the esti- Scollnnd is operating Its first plant for'the production of motor fuels from shnle oils, and adrtl-' tlonal units will be built this year. AFTER WEAKENING SICKNESS If you nro rim down, or from a weakened Cardui, a meillclno used by womea for in-i-r (Ifly jvnrn. An your hcallli yon will nlinro llio' rmhuM- at tliouKLiuls of nlhcrit wlio prnlncil for the benefit! thty liavo rclt nflcr taklnr II. "1 lirul iipell o( itglinc-aa which left nit! vary run-down nnJ WL-ak" wrllro Mrs. Ucckncr, of ton, -i was noi to do my IwuK-wark.

1 iidicil nil uver my body. My back nml slilcn mo lot of Iroublo. A trlcml ot mlno toll! me to try CarOul, I took it for several nxjnllu urn! I gol stroiiB uniS well." Sold at all good drug stores. CARDUI Helps Women RADIO REPAIRS Phone 121-122 I-ouis Green Shide Menus to Fit the Pocketbook Completely Blind that my wife will looked after." testing the effect of although his employes pro- And she in her turn says it is overhead transmission Where 500 Lives Were Saved at Sea lighting lines. on Mr.

Ccril Brannum renrncd unlay from Sin Antonio, he has ixcn with Ins quilc ill Mrs. L. S. Graves' Huntingdon. visiting hrr sister.

Mrs. C. D. Stanfil nnd timlly. Mr.

Charley Monan and dntigh- ter, viited friends at Mrs Cecil Braihinn. who is attending Teachers'College at Cape Giranlean, spent last weekend here with Brnnnnm. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dandy and son, Bobby.

Ic-'t Friday for two weeks vacation at Nashville. Tcnn. Mr. and Mrs n. M.

Morgan and children and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Austin SenVr.olc. returned to their hone Monday after a two weeks visl with relatives here. Hurl DC? Causrs Panic BRISTOL.

lUP) A small doj maddened with pain after being jtnick by a car. dashed into a bulging here, precipitating ths cry "mnd dog." Women frtintel rushed for cover. returned with revjl- vcr but the Injured do? had returned to sanity nnd tho scare was wcr. dog was allowld Io go unharmid. I ship, the S.

S. Harvard, might have teen the watery tomb of 600 Memorial Day it had not been for a prompt rescue effected in a foggy sea near Santa Barbara, by crms of government mine sweepers. Note the rope laoiers by which the passengers deluded when the ship went on the rocks. It was near this point that seven navy destroyers up on Ihft rocks in 19 J3 mtn a loss of 22 1'ccrts Ilrlis Polsin MESA. Arizona.

(UPI C. J. Wood, superintendent of i the University of Arizona cxpeiiiicnt, farm, was forced to Issue a puilic warning that free wrasshopir poison must not be used chicken feed alter a Mesa wonan killed her nock, of hends by folding them arsc-nlc treated bran am molasses obtained from the University farm Courlfr Sister How nlioiit your fcnti budget? Arc yen nollinK the maximum return from vmir investmcnl in three tiny? Housewives who read SISTEIt SIAFIY'S KITCHKN for advice in (he of moats arc getting the licnclil of a practical course in kitchen economy. Sister Mary shows how wholesome, nourishing meals, in (heir variety, can be prepared at niudcst cost. A daily menu, practical discussions of foods, food values and kitchen arc the things every housewife, young and old, can appreciate, hook for them daily in SISTKK MARY'S KITCHEN in "the Courier News.

The Ladies Love It! This palatial mountain 8000 feet up in the cool Jemez Mountains ot New Every comfort that women 5800,000 has been invested in this Little Switzerland to make it Ultra-modern in its accommodations with luxurious Food for the Every known sport Reason May 1 to Day. at fcrnez Springs, New Mexico Write (or full infatuation tc 155 EAST SUPERIOR.

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