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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 8

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 '8 THE OTTAWA EVENING JOUBNAE. TUESDAY. MARCH IBM. Woman's Realm Social and PwonalWClubNetK TO SET UP HOME FOR AGED WOMEN Cessexauoa of Orshata Boa Urn Dtristoa Refuse and SPECLU mmting of Um cernorstloo c( the Protestant Or phan Horn was held yetlerdsy 'ternoce, at the M.VIC Ji. tot the purpose al separat- Children's Department and the Klut Branch which cares for the arsd women, end fllro to decide an an equitable division of Iho corporate fundi.

Mrs. C. H. Thorburn was la tS chair and Mrs. a W.

Skinner act- i Select Them From a Reliable i Organization It is your assurance of receiving satisfaction from your investment for the present and in-the future. It affords you the safeguard of paying a price that is fair and of getting a garment that is exactly- as represented, y-'v -A This store stands be- hind its merchandise andlts dealings, be- cause we have a reputa- tian to maintain as well as the desire to serve the public welL F.D. BURKHOLDER l. Limited. 1W BANK ST.

OltoiM't Largest Sxcluaiv Fur Bttablltlmtnt, PRODUCERS DAIRY MILK- CUE AM 7Y BUTTE flam Qmt 650 iCatlUonCkccse ASK TOUR GBOCER Over The Teacups There's the laughter of Springtime, music -and merry chatter for those: whose 'afternoon rendezvous that most charming -of tea hour sojourning places, the Jasper Room of The Chateau Laurier YOU; can -whip our Cream, buf you cant beat ear Milk. PHONE R. 7CC3 LAtlRENTIAN DAIRY i. dm i out i 0 JAMl ewese Neut-Eo-Soap For IJnelouat Rabbet Walla. Mea-aOalaM.

Showing the LateM la Naw Drewea At Lowest Atk sr READ m. i' -saw Ait 5 at secretary In th abaenc of Mrs. James Murdeck. Th division al the fond was mad on proportion at th collective days' lay for th past three yeers aa takes (rom th regutrsr's report which rV tilted in an allotment ef two an lo th (hlldren department aa against an share for the eedr women A provisional board of director for th Aged Woman' Horn, who are authorised to apply lor a charter foe the home was elected a follow: Mesdsme W. P.

AndsraorVW. D. Armstrong. P. E.

Grout, Utile, o. a. MacTevisa. H. Church.

O. M. Hutchkco. W. O.

-Keddte. W. P. McArthur; C. B.

Madaren. rorreatar MacKinnon. W. T. and C.

a. Tnorbuin. The charter for th home will be applied for as-, aooa a plena have matured for the housmf cat the aged women. At the moment aceemmo lion. I still being aeusht for th sd women.

Plan for the new firrnroof Proiail ant Cvphans' Home on Csrllac avenue built cn the coltaae unit plan were sr. own i or tn urn um. ine hero will be a modal for all Canada and much car ha been expended in arriving at the, final plans, the architect, Albert Ewart, bavins made par ticular visit to Toronto for this pur- Rev. Dr. X.

Stillwell of Toronto, sjeretiry of th Canadian Baptist foreign Mission Board, in addreaslng conference of th Ottawa and Valley Baptist pastor and laymen' at Me- Phail Memorial Church yesterday afternoon, said missionaries of the Christian Church are the best peacsmakar In India at the present time. Dr. Stilt-well emphasized the point of strengthening mission work, rather than lasaan. In It The ehiirmsn of th board. Rev.

Sr. John McNei1. spoke on educational work In foreign lands, and Rev. Lloyd M. Moulding; chairman of the conference, spoke few word to the gathering, The matter of finance was bs cusred by Gordon Blacksdar and In, A.

McGrath, and Rev. William Billon poke on the hospital work of tb Baptist Church. A suppar was served by th Ladles' Aid. Mrs. i.

A. Olenn waa in share, and waa assisted by Mrs. L. BUkeney, Mr, a Helmaa Mrs. i.

McLsurin. Mrs. W. HsIL Mrs. R.

Ruahlnn. and Mr. T. I. B.

Ringros. Rev. Dr. George K. Roe gam aa la-ttreatlng addreea on "Some Incidents Prom Pioneer Uys of the Presbyterian Church In Canada'' at th monthly missionary sneeting of Knox Young women Asaodauon last evening.

Preddinc at the tea table were Miia Mary Maaiaon. president, and Mrs. Robert Johnston. Devotional exercises were led by Miss babel Hill while Miss Lorn Pcrfuson offered vocal solos euGeNe csc pcrrrnntnt waves Tow get what yon pay for Ht "BABCsADC Wave too few raris! We wave from 28 to 3 separate curb the correct number for genuine Eugene Permanent Waving. This takes more- labor, more materials, more time and more skill Bui yea get what yon pay ri vfC-J We terra frtl fa taint Permanent Waving in Oft.

sfarper Babr ijiil Is, The Misses MacMahon 196 Sparks St Q.3UI TkV Ismmi as I lb rirst PI A Varied Selection of Fur Scarfs rrtag war shewn by llmHed. tt SPARKS STREET. fwken wjure oVvinr vumtattyi I P0M0tmHIH-lfS eT SUIlSEToTfi? will a in the be a the Cream wheu they will V-V i-r take no other, form of 393 Somerset DISTRICT W.C.T.U. WORK auellcwt Reperts Are rrsaealed When in A. Demul AaM um TTAWA district W.

C. T. U. met 1 terday In the Bible House when meet tent reports wen given lo Indicate a month of proejeas. Mrs.

J. Eagte-, son presided and Mrs. Xm Haskin conducted the vo lions. The mem ed ta th Ulk eii -Pwee and Arbitra By Mr. M.

A. Dupuis. Mr. J. K.

Oohatl sal. l.ll work In which ah taken a keen inlerert, visiting th jail eacn Prlday and giv- inS a talk to th (mhIm Kk sasisMd In this work by Mrs. P. Gib-bsrd and Mrs. Thomas Coulter.

Mrs. S. Church spoke en th educational campaign in th Sunday Schools and nnounceat that an erueruinment would do given when tb prise war distributed. Mr. W.

ylf fat reviewing the work for the soldiers, announced that treat would be given ta th soldier patient at th Civic Hospital In th taster season. Th Provincial W.T.U. executive will be entertained in Ot tawa on April and 1. Th District W.TU. in i DVB A achool this Summer.

The members listened with Intaraat to addrees by Rev. George Stafford, sec rmrj OS in rrMUHWB Union, WtW 5a "Temperaac InformeUon. Mr. Church asked that all taking part th Sunday School rl to the nearest Union, before April Mr. J.

B. OobeU reported on work. A Haul will be one of the asturas of the closing of th Sunday ehool contest and will be given by the L.T.L. children under the di-fection of Mr. Later Albright, superintendent of medal contests, assisted by Mr.

J. A. Mrfachlin. Ottawa district LTX. secretary.

Bishop Vaughan AmvcsinCily Dignitary of Beformed iplflcopal Churcll-to Make Sumy Hare. Rev. Prank Vauchan. Biahoo of the Refenned Ipisoopal Chttrch, More- comb. Lancashire, IrarJand, who was elected to th Canadian dloceee of th cnuren at th November session of th brood, heht BeUtvilte, Out.

arrlvod Ottawa today to make a survey of Canadian church. The Bishop will la Ottawa for several dy inter, view eflWal and lay members of th Reformed Episcopal Church. A reception combining a business and social evening will be bold in St David's Church on Thursday evening, and In bmnanuel Church Prlday evening. Bishop Robert L. Radosph.

D.D, of PhiladekaSla, will alas arrive la lb city Pridey ta welcom hi colleague, and confer with hint relative to the Canadian prrsamU for th Reformed Ipumpal Church. Bishop Rudolph will leave for Belleville, where he will oA-dsl next Th menibet and friends of the Reformed sWacopat Church will have an opportunity to hear Bishop Vaugbaa ho will preach next Sunday in Isnoumuel Church both mornln- and evening, and In St. David's Church in artemeon. The delegatiod from 1 th local churchas gav th new Bishop hearty BATEPATEBS TO DISCUSS AUDIT held st eight o'alock Wednesday Bajht at City Baa to diecuea various rtuseUoos aranlctpal interest. The Meeting haa bora called by K.

Spratt, aresldent et tb SaUpavers' Associa tion, snd 1 uneetad ta fee varv laraalv attendtd on account ef tb tsaportant qssatteas to be brought up fat discussion. On ef ta pedal alma of th sneet-bae wUl to constosr in proposed erection of a municipal building for oratreUxettoa of etrle worksbopa. yards, storahousea, to, for wbteh the lsu of a detjentur for I1HM waa pproved by th OnUrlo Prtvato Bui Ooaunttte. The Bseetlng will alio conakler prea- nt aadltlnc oondltlons s.t tn City Hail. frit- I BMCTOtf Children i readily take Ice i tiniiriniTT.pnt.

TVw.nrt recommeud it. ICE CREAM Street Wrf, OTTAWA. SOCIAL AND Th following had th honor of being Invited to lunch at Government House: Oensral Sir Arthur end Lady Cunta, Dr. and tin, G- Doughty. Mr.

and Mrs. DArey McGee, Major rna Mrs. i. ny. sar, ana Mrs.

B. PeUeeoo, Miss Wtolfred PurnelL Mr. and Mrs. J. K.

Reed, Dr. and Mr? O. D. Skelton. Mr.

and Mrs. W. M. Stewart, ueutot. and Mra Topp.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis White. Mr. and airs, i.

A. Wilson and Jlev. a. nd Mrs, Woollcomb. Rccefred Anstrle CnauL His Ixcellency received tb Austrian Consul General.

Mr. Ludwlg Von Klein wachter. at. Covcrruocnt Houu. Retams Prom 4Vt.

Hon. Robert Porke returnod yester day froa a short visit to bis nam in Pipestone, Men nd other points In Western Canada. Miss Marjoria Pork who accompanied her father, will re main for few day longer. Visits ta SaaJths Pslls. Mrs.

H. Percy Borden 1 In Sou lira Palls, the guest at Mrs. William H. Prost Montreal Visiter. Mrs.

L. Kewmsn. of Montrol. I the guest of Mrs. Warren V.

Soper at Rockclitl Park. -a 1 Mis' Suxett Baldwin has returnod home from a visit in Toronto and Mew York City. For Mrs. Cranston. Mrs.

Philip Toller entertained de lightfully et bridge text evening In honor of Mrs. J. G. Cranston, of Arn- prior. who is visiting her another, Mrs, Toller.

Miss He lea Phillips has returned from Winnipeg, where she has been the of her sister. Mrs. Colungwood Jo Mr. 8. J.

Davis and her eon, Mr. Charles Davis have returned horn from St Petersburg, Florida. Muai Jean maraa, at naieroueemn. I Ont, who has. been too guest ef Miss Marsnret Heenan is until th and of tb week- Mrs.

Wylie and bar daughter, Mla R. WyUe, of Kingston, are expected in Ottawa tomorrow to spend a few days with th former's daughter, Mrs. B. Zfewsct. v- i VMtkef aa Teaved' Mrs.

Walter Roes who ha keen visit ing in Toronto, will return I tb Capital at tb end at th week. Mrs H. W. Burke, of Bowmanvill. Is visiting her sister and brother-in-law.

Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Brown, (a OUntour atreat IDs Mary Hamilton has returned homo from a trip to Boston.

Mrs. Frd BooUt is pndlng. some time la Lo Angel. California. --t Mrs.

Horse Pinbev has left far Chicago, IIU where she wiU visit Mrs. Charte Irvin, At Gneet tea.t..,- t- Thoaa in chara of table Mo. I at the Guest Tee. on behalf of th Central Union of the W.C.T.U. be bold at Trafalgar House est Wednesday, will be the Misses Preetea and Mr.

Georae Mm Jmm Munlock and Mr. George PetUt -will pieside snd th sa- 1 alstant wiU Mrs. B. Stntton snd Mi. F.

S. James. 'Rev. B. Prank Salmon and his daughter.

Miss Irene Seloaon, will leave the. end of May to spena a lew months la England. a To Aadrea Cla. Dr. ltewton MacTavlah Is In Klrats- ton to'address the Arte and Music Club ef that dtv.

White there he b) the ret of Clark. Mla Axnes MacpnsIL MP- wee th reclpsent of many niissagaa of eongratu-boon and handsome bouquets flow ers yesterday on ta occasion of her birthday. a Mr. Bory MecLachUn- entertained member of the Women Missionary Society of the Thureo Preebyteruui Church when Mrs, 8. Dmnaty con-durted the devotional exercises.

Rev. W. P. Crawfojd asked the members for their support la meeting UM ojeOat In th Bibee Stdely fund. A neper was reed bv Mia McCallnm giving a synopsis of th January Glad Tidings.

Tea was served ay tb hoeteee. Britannia United Church Women's Association held an interesting meet ing at the horn of Mrs. Rl son. WoodroB. Arrange men ts sad foe an old Um cotMart in tb carch and rainbow -tea; la th chorea, on March St.

An cxoeUent program has been The Mothers Horn Club held an Interesting meeting last night at the bona Mr. O. Durarrt, at Gordon street, when Mrs. B. Hepkln presided.

The wember will make violets for the Parley Horns end will return them to Mrs. J. A. McLachUa for ssl on April end 1. Th recent aortal evenmg at th Canadian Legion en decided success, according to the report of Mrs.

A. Hunter. Plena were made for a Mtebration to anark the eeventh sc aiveveary at th dub. Th hostess wi smisieil in Mrviiuf refreshment by Mil A. Duraat and Mrs.

Rogers. The next sneeting will be held at tb home of Mix. G. Corrigan, BU street Ckaa Caaasrea A. Member et the tevlte' Auxiliary to Clan Cajvma No.

of th Order of the Scottish Clan held an arrtrrestlng inewung St Albion hell. William McGee. vtre-orseident. will th vector et th ivxeptloa to he teadared th grand president Mrs. Jordan, of Mew York, who will say a visit to Ot tawa, in ApriL The next meeting on April 4 wiU be featured by Initiation jars.

A. Dttepera pre- ej PERSONAL Per Mla Bteseata. Miss Marcell Berth' wag host at a dslighUully Informal week-end tea In honor of Miss liOtnaa Blondin, who I tb guest of Mla Marguerite OonUuer. Mr. Wiaiam Duff, MP, and Mrs.

Duff have returned to the dir. having been to their bom la Irfsnanburg for a ones vusw. Senator and Mrs. H. J.

Locan have returned to the city eroea their home In Truro end will remain la Ottawa for th remainder at Uses Free MeGUL Mr. Hsrry Ritchie wiU born from mcuiu university to spend tne week-end big horn. Mis Marion Macsle. who haa heel th guest of her unt Mrs. John Bain, has returned to bar ham in Oshawa.

VWtlxf 'H' Mis Louis Blondin. daugbiar of Sen ator and Mrs. P. E. Blondin.

fat spend. ing some um fat tb Capital and is th guest of Mis Marguerite OonUuer. 3 Mr. Fred York will he horn from McGiU University to spend the week end with hi parents, Mr. and Mrs.

J. a. Torn, tn urtveway. Dr. S.

8. Davidson. Mr. Davidson and their daughter. Mis Harries, have returned to Ottawa from th British West indies.

Mrs. Andrew Bell and Mrs. Charles Addison will be in chergs of taw By- nlstortcal atuseum Irani tu afternoon. i Mr. HecT Mr.

Jack Hoff, of BeUevitle, ha been called to I-ondon. Ont, owing to the death of his uncle. Boron Eri Hoff. Mr. Hoff has many friends Ottawa, being the son-in-law of Mr, nd Mrs.

A. W. Praitock. Emgilan Catet Buxton Smith, of lUagMon. will come to Ottawa on Thursday and will he thai ausat of Mrs.

K. M. Cany, Pirst avenue. Returns Froas Dstreet Mr. John Scrim and Mr.

Korman Scrim. Ill Arthur street returned from Detroit Mick, yesterday. Mr. John Smith, of Osgooda Station, formerly of Ottawa, haa left for Excelsior Springs, Mo, where spend the next six weeks. baa fcwa LKC Cadet Andrew M.

Clark will bom bora Royal Military Collet), Kingston, to spend the week-end with hi parents, Colooel snd Mrs. J. T. Clarke. -i treat B.M.C.

Cadet Datixia Raddle wiU bom from Royal Military College, Kingston, to spend the holiday week-end with hi parent, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Kad-die.

He will be accompanied by Cadet Jams Daipbln. et Frextericton, M. who Witt be hi guest lor the week-adVw, fVUiiaghMwtroai. Mrs. H.

A. K. Drurr. who has been visiting bar sister, Mrs. Edmund Howell, In Montreal, will be th guest of Mrs.

Keith Gordon for th rornaiader-of th wsek. Mr. and Mrs. O. P.

Chipenan. of Wm- nlpeg, Maa, ar the gut ef the lion. T. A. Crerar and Mrs.

Crerar. Miss Horah Clarke, who has been spending the past six weeks In Kings-tan, will return home the end of "the week, actoutuanlng nor brother, Cadet Andrew St. Clarke. Mr. 3.

Lambert Payne presided yes terday over th monthly avnting of th Ottawa Association for the Blind. Plana were made for a bridge to bald at uia Hollywood on apcu KKEN DXBATE IS" STAGED AT THE keenly tught a th TMCJl. Puouo Speaking a end tb etas of ISSt-SO. Tn toole, Reeolved that Lord aeaverbrook's plaa of Batplr Pre Trade would be beneg etal to Canada- was debated with the dub takina the affiraaaUva. Ralpn, bucloa.

T. H. Bartler, and Waiter TurubuU repreeented the dub. and W'. K.Roae and 0.

P. Tuley the clas. lllneat prevented the attendance of p. rtotmee, jeaoer as we class eeaaa. 5r.

at. P. Cross. Dr. P.

A. Jonas and Mr. O. R. amlth acted a the Judaea for the debate, Douglas Roberts, preetdent of tne -T PubTw Speaking Club.

Invited the members et una rear's class Hi jom an eiuo. COLLEGIATE BOARD vEOLDS MEETING Ottawa Conegiate snetHuto Board held it regular meeting la Cecil Bevume on ice, sigia night wheat A. E. Jrovost Several snatter of routine presided, business were al aniseed la a snort session. P.

D. Wilson was added to th Man agement tsnmltte of th Board. Th aiatter of rows Irs to the teani court et Oleb and JJagsr Collegietee wa referred to tb Building Committee. Th seaignetion of George A. Tilden from the seeching staff of laager Col-leciate waa accepted as from Jane.

A talk on hi visit to the Urban School Trustee Convention was delivered (he meeting by P. D. Wilra. who stated that there would probably be mar co operation between the Trusts eg Association and th Ontario Denartsaeat of Education this sear. Piaaaut at tv meeting were A.

Provost P. D. WUson, J. A. Wkrsoa, Dr.

B. I. McLean, J. SUttery. Jean Geneet M.

P. Hill, Cecil BeOiun. Dr. A H. McDougaH.

and J. A. Ewart, 'OBEBT ATCHISON. Word ha bostt leoslvvd Ottawa of th death la Lo Angeles, on March 1L of Robert Atchison, a fanner Ottawa resident, and a brother of Mn. John Fraeer.

ef Ottawa. Death, fallowed a short Ulnees. Be era years eld. Mnr Atchison I survived by bis wife. Elisabeth Hood eUcbexda; la child-en.

Mrs. Msraaret James, Mkxen Lllbaa, Euovca and Haael Asobteoav and Clerene Atehlasn. all el Psea- dena) a brother. Jack AtctuseW Osv Mr. Jena Which fine wtth Sot ssep- MQ land, and two aatters, ftTWf tassas.1, wiaewi I eteen nickel en a i IVaf r-i-- kecom diacolored ft .1 fT fume, polish it with fti I th-n weh tt veil TOOTH A Cii irPWOPyt drvd an Ottawa, and a with tppry surnlture ANNUAL MEETING OF MONDAY CLUB kin.

A M. Mctraeea ste-kctd st And Meet WurrmfiU Tsar Bvtwd t' rs. J. McQueen dent of th Monday Club at tb twenty. oad noul meeting held oa ts rdsy afternoon la a Tk, T2r I last year hod keen IJf 1 rwtabte for it us asa I ssa aoel lovissinl of the fortnightly meetings.

Associated with Mrs. McQueen will be the following officers: honorary president Mrs. A. B. Honey; first vice-president Mrs.

L. Ferguson; second vice-president Mrs. C. C. Smith; rec-rctary, Mrs.

G. Smith; treasurer, Mia Ida Burpee. The councillor re S. Allen. Mrs.

Kenneth McDonald, Mrs. B. B. MacKay. Mrs.

W. 0. Keddl. Mix. P.

A. Jon, Mrs. M. C. Brconan, Mrs.

A. S. KcElroy. Mr. Clarke Reilly, Mrs.

R. Rose and Mrs, lnes Sheperd. Th Mcretary'a report by Mrs, a R. Smith, stated that tb present membership wax US with aa average attendance) of S3. Th meetings through-cut the peer had been distinguished by splendid address nd enjoyable social house.

During i tb afUmoon delightful vocal oio were given by Mrs. L. W. Rentner, sccompsnied by Mr. R.

Roth we U. Mrs. Edgar Hardy outlined the history of the Monday Club from It small beginning in 10 to the flourishing orgsnisstion of UM, In tnat time mere were hut Ova areeL. dents. Mr.

W. E. Matthews. Mrs. Ed gar Hardy, Mrs, H.

H. Brwnnan. Mrs. A. rieney ana Mrs.

i. at McQueen The speaker of the afternoon wa Dr. Marion of th Archlvo Department who gave loomed and able address on ''Some Aspects of French Literature, with It bearing on Cans. diaa Literature." The vet of thank tn apesxer wa moved by Mrs. L.

wvfamu. -u y- i libadaw. Th wedding wa auietly wamutlxed at IMS o'clock on Saturday at the home of Rev. F. Milliken.

of Steer. art on United Church, of lnes Eiteen, second daughter of Mr. EL K. Schonnop, to Mr. William Francis, roundest son of Mrs.

M. Johnston and the 11 Mr. William Johnston, of Carp. Oat The bride was daintily gowned la a frock of apricot georgette with a doe fitting hat of black straw braid and lace. Tb only attendant went Mis Miaerva Whyto, of Huntley and Mr.

Maynard Schonnop, brother of the bride. Following th ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston left an a abort trip to Kingston.

On their return, they will reeide in Carp. Th interesting engagement ha boon armounced ef Violet Craigte, daughter of Mr. C. R. Hamilton, K.C, and Mr.

Hamilton, of Nalaon, BX, ta Hugh Ssmucl, elder son of th Han. Hewitt Bcatock and Mrs. Boatock, of Mont Creek, BX. and Ottawa. Th marriage will take place in the latter part of April in Pasadena, CalUorma.

Her Fiem rtaBfax. 1 1 11 Mrs. Gibson has arrived in Ottawa from Halifax to spend mn tun with her father. Hon. F.

B. Black. IVn-r, Itatk-BirelJ. atandsrd Baed Liasers Csnlr-Dmp spring Radio TabteWalrmt aniah. Sis-wxbrdshTMum seat Bsversibl cusruon.

Upbol- Us St with cabinet apace. Jfegu- WOlvnS.r lrH.feV To deer or wm VIM fcwrttt-OiWt Tilapksai Stt-Dalnty Table and ejtttxaar Osatr-Artietle design. deeign. Regular SZUS, for 1U. Chair-, solid walnut Begular Blue cover.

Dewa euatuea. Begu- Pedestal desigri. Regular tlUTI snjg. To dear HU ma SSUS Slim Ceatre Tahte-Rmntd: Lotds cte- antlou Mgaxha Btaa-Watoudi- sign. Birch-walnut finish.

Begu- tar ShMS. Ta clear IOM mik-grade Bad TsWee-Pltted Solid vnlmru Reg. WM, for WM Bedroom and Dining Room Suites 25off Only a lew SMtee left at unueual prices. AH sltracthre desjens aspendsble ataulty nxtbaaany sad wstout" (--' Stewartan Sunday School halt -was packed to capacity, with standing room taken- up, whan tb Sunday School concert was given bat night Dy all odds on of th mast soocassful and enpybl mat of the year, It wat eagerly anticipated' by of the large congregation of Stewartoa United Church. Mr.

Joseph Rankin acted as chairman and the accompanists for the various numbers of the program were Mrs. F. 8. Mliliken and Mr. W.

Arthur Perry. Th mat group of the program et Indian songs snd stories wa given by Mr. Charte A. Cook, dressed' in aa appropriate Indian eoetixrna. This group was entitled "Indian Songs and and waa story recital of Indian primitive mdodie, lullabies, children's and youth' song, and those uf love, war.

hunting sad cersrnoiilal. He concluded. In hi charming voice, with th following well known numbers. -Lend of the Sky Blue Water." "Invocation to the Sun God," "Sunrlss Call," and "By th Waters of Minne-tonka." He also gav a splendid red-, tation of "As Red Men Die." Th following other item balanced the enjoyable program! Songx, MrsJ itussau aiccora; vioun tal Komsnce (Svendaen). (b Loves Joy (Kreisler), Mr.

Dirk Kettbsss; song. Tb Standard un the Brace Mar, Charte A. Cooker redtstico, Charles A. Cook; sang. The Mountain Xing, Charl A.

Cooke; reeding. Her Grand Utile Secret Miss M. Huband; song, My Prayer. Charles A. Cook; redtauon.

Charles A. Cooke; song. Keep est Banging, Charles A. Cook. 1 -t To Cnali Rials ta PrsgtsaaV The srtists, wh will con tri bate to the musical prcajram at th address oa Tb Sisters of Service to be given by Rev.

Fathr George Daly, D.S.S.R, Toronto, at the Ottawa sub-divlaioa of the Catholic Women's. Lsague, in the Gloucester Street Convent on Wednesday vning ar Miss Lillian Steers, accompanied by Mrs. Harry Brownies, Mrs. Eugene Pelletier, ecoompanled by Mis Margaret McCsrney. i 1 Metber to Meet The regular monthly meattn at the Mother of th Ottawa Boys' Club will be held on Wednesday, March St, at pun, an Laurier avenue.

Mrs. Austin Burke, Ihe president will preside and ab has arranged a splendid program for- th entertainment of th mothers. Th Miss K. and J. Lerocque will reader violin and plane election and two other little sir Is.

children of tb members, will also en tertain with vocal anal dance numbers. A special comedy Aim ha been secured and will shown by Hamilton McCoy. i Mather and Ttosghesr steaaL St James C.OXT. held their annua! mothtr and daughter, banquet Th speaker of th evening era Mrs, John ston of Chalmers church wh gav a vary helpful and Laapainc address Is th girls. Mrs, Shoppard rendered a number of vocal solos which wet enjoyed by U.

Toast war proposed by Ruth Gardner, Helen Brooks. Mrs, G. Keddl, and Lois Eerslake, sad responded -to by Mm. T--sW Mestlhsn-ney. Dr.

Robert Milliken and Betty Stevejcxaxa. Margery McElhaaney moved a vote of thank to th Ladies' Aid for th dainty nfi iiiiiiiiII 00 0 A .0 G3d Pieces -V sj 4 'Special Wednesday 7 200 only t. I I Mehs i i HALL IS PACKED FOR 5. 5. CONCERT Meat bWcaasfal AM Bsbyyabl Bvait It Isold At axxwartea Uartod i Chrnih.

m- A limited guentity eoly extra gned ejaality axesHiai RCsaj iMsxXaraT etTexattl PBasatlfrxsf sVSTlxVtchastaBi A eVaPt cessr tododed at Remarkable Price Rieddqtions' A number at add ptocee of Furnlturo, as well a a lew Suites, heve been greeUy rednced to quick deersnoe prices. i 1 oak. Variocn designs, neguiar Stem- jo with drop last, Regular rhnv Black laoruer. Beg, far W-IS v-. a r'L- vf- i v.r.-tt i The Evrey Sunshine Lamp provides the crxBst duplication of natural sunshine ever devised.

It enntautaa all the vital rays in their proper proportkma, excluM the harmful raya by special Yottlt be aurpriaed bow s. little ffil crraat rMllbUrW cnatx. 5 i V-. W's Prices Unchanged Good Quantitiea of Veal Available at to 16 Centa. This morning's steady snowfall salute ted against a good attendance at By Ward Market whan few buyer were on band to take up th moderate stn-pUc.

As was th cam an Saturday fair quantities yjf veal (am forward and sold at Me to Wo a pound bp th Light pork wa also well represented but no change wa registered la the cost th suppliee forward going at around lie a pound. Other rlssssg of meet remained firm la price. Eggs continued to meet the market at three dozen for dollar or SI to SSc a doaen for the beet duality. -A 1 of trader were asking 0c a dosea but few sold at this pric. iunioiisi Eggs, dozen 31.

ts Ko Butter Jti gyrup. per quart Mo Beef, front 10 Beef, hinds 10c to 14a Beef, by caress He to 13c Pork, light ISc ta 111-Jc Pork, fronts Itc Pork, hinds Lamb, esream Sic Lamb, front Ue Lambs, hinds XI to 22c Mutton Ue Veal, carcass lac ta ltc Vcai fronts eeea ic VeaL tee m-SetoUc Fowl, par pound SOo Chirk ens, per pound SSc to S3c Apples, bushel SUB Apples, berral to te vdsalss, Potato, gallon JSn Petatoas. bag UM to SI Turnipv i(MNtigMsiitM Sc CalaOls xtg. 9 a ee iMiu CBlseba9Rl dOMtt iltttStaM 153 Cahbsgs, Chines, head to to Bo Celery beads, a bunch at four S9a Carrots, gallon Ua doom bunches $LT3 Radishes, per bunch Sc Hy aad Gram. vmas, aaranei Hay.

loose, ton tlj to Sit nay. exwjboo, test as ae eis Straw, ton St to Bockwbeet bushel SSc to Rte Barley, haiahd SCa to 75 RICHMOND WMS. wAt 'v. se i iii 1 1 ii vt I al SaeVlal so Tl RICHMOND. Ont- March Sk.

The Richmond Women' Missionary Society of the United Church met at the heme of Mrs. 8am Footer, with IS snatabers present After the reeding of the" minutes, th devotional exarclaae and a session ef pray, there ware four readings, by Him Jowsey, Mrs. X. i. Foster.

Mrs. Boyle and Mrs. Lytte, with chapter from th study book by Mrs. H. Brown.

Th principal Item at business war emr th thank offering for Easter and MSMOMMnta lor cravsAoeue sal Anrll U.e The meeting was dosed wtth a hymn and benediction by Mrs. Smith. Tmm mi sad hv tlss Wmsmmb aaaf a ocisl half hoar was spent Furnifufe smeisaajs, syegumr ot nVBOPl to at- if i Garments "Bags eaasfeaaWC MeMsatl quality isetsiui i $U5 'mm.

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