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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 15

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1930 Dedare Dominion Is Being Depleted Of Fish and Game Inaugural Meeting of Do- mialon of Canada fiah and Game Protective Association Held Here, Canada Is being depleted at wild life and game, declared A. Hay den, of Cslgary, Alberta, presiding at meeting this morning In the t-nateeu fcaurlar of the Dominion at Canada Pith and Gamo ProtaeUva As sociation. Mr. Harden ureed tha neoet. ally of such an organisation la tha In-Wrests of tha Dominion a a whole.

Tha Dominion ahould ba mad aa st-trectiv Irom tha point of vara- of gam and fisheries raaouraaa a In tha primeval days, ha urged. Tha meeting was representative of vary province In tha Dominion, quite number Mambari of Parliament attandinf aa representing provincial bodica and game organisations. J. 8. Harkin.

Dominion Parka Commissioner, Horaa Lloyd, ornithologist, and Arthur Gibson, Dominion eirlomoloaiet, wara among the Oovammant officials Ron. V. A. Black, number ot Parliamant for Halifax. N.

8., laid that in hia opinion tha lalmon ftthlng of Nova Scotia ana doomed. It waa being peached, ba aaid. and many rivara wara being dammad with no praviaion foe tha fun. H. K.

Spanear. If. Pa Battle River, Alta, rapraaantad the; Alberta erovincial Government John HalL of Montreal, pmantad tha thartar which bad baaa secured fom tha federal euthorities. Ha aaid tha gathering was tha culmination of esorta of tha last years, Than wara annmaiiaa in tha gam laws of provincaa that naadad remedying, ha aaid. Ha pointad to tha fact, for instance, that tha duck shooting aaason opans In Quebeo on Saptcmbar 1, but not unut fceptember in Ontario.

On question which area, ha aaid, waa aa to what waa going to happen to the Hudson Bay and Jane' Bay Territories. They would soak Ideal aanctuanee, ba urged. V. T. Macklaler of Montreal, outlined tba provisions of the chartor which declared the aims of the organization to ba tha establishing of scientific research work in connection with the welfare, protection, and maintenance ot fish and gama.

i. B. Harkin, Dominion Parki Commissioner, also declared himself "petti-mirUe legarding tba future of wild life in Canada." He said tha public did not reeliae bow rapidly wild life waa disappearing. Others who addressed the gathering Included: John A. Prssar.

M.P, of Cariboo, a James L. Daley, M. Hants-Kings, R. H. Jenkins.

M.P, Queens. J. 8. McDisrmid. MP, Winnipeg South: Cel.

-Murray MscLsren. MP, St. John-Albert; Captain George Black, MP, Yukon; K. A. Blatehferd.

MP, Edmonton East. Incorporators of the easodstlon, wboea names appeared an tba charter ware: Col. John Thompson. Ottawa; C. A.

Harden. Calgary; Grier Wyld, Ottawa; A. M. Fordyoe, Gerdenvale. P.Q.; John S.

Hall, E. A. Cartier and Holland, all of Montreal. The provisional directors met after adjournment of tha moraine; mail mi Jor lb election' officers, Elect OnVat. A.

ruyaen, at Calgary, waa elected the first president ot tha association. i t. Other Officers elected Vice-president, A. O. McAvlty.

5t John, N. secretary, John 8. Hall, Montreal; treasurer, C. B. Bolland, Montreal; as-sisUnt aacretaiy, Grier Wyld, Ottawa.

Directors for IMS are! Gil Gaudet, for Prince Edward bland; P. H. Moor, for Nov Scotia! A. O. McAvity, for New Brunswick; John 3.

Hall, lor Quebec; K. A. Dunlop, for Ontario: H. O. Moncrief.

for Manitoba; B. A. Wilson, foe Saskatchewan! C. A. Hspden.

for Alberta; Dr. P. D. MacSween. for British CoiumborrGrier Wyld.

for Northwest Territories: C. B. Bolland, far the Yukon; E. A. Cartier, for Newfoundland, and A.

H. Pordyea and W. W. as representatives for tha pre. ASK THAT PROVINCE PAY FOB ELECTIONS The city of Ottawa la bring asked to support aa application for an amendment to the Elections Act by which the proviao would hi future pay the coat ot provincial elections instead of the aranidpaliUea having to aasnm tha enponeo.

Tba council of Kitchener has paaaad "a resolution requesting the amendment and a copy of tha resolution baa been received by City Clerk N. H. H. Lett along with a letter urging sndorattioa by the Ottawa city council. It coat Ottawa SUM far tba provin cial election of laat year.

Mr. Lett staled that tba coat la usually around that amount. JEfTEBSOM PARK 8CBATCHX8 t. Nervator. Satar Mere.

Paeee Johnny, Stadt Park. Eeeobita, Sorry. 2. Windabwerr Paouette, Kinsman, fire ChUe. Jack Haate Eddle 1 Pioaay Hare, Daredevil.

Boot top, Colonel a Daughter, Marry PsL Joha Buurit. Black Beetle, Prince Bulbo, Oncora, 1 Evening Sky, Turf Kin. Little Kid, Pat Field. Panama, Lord Marmion. t.

Bashful Beau, Thalma Madam Email. Star falcon. Lucky Judge, Star Lane. I. Mausicaa, Chick Op, Sentry Lass, Caraaaail, Black Lamp Tschuamn.

Claarly and muddy. riEEalES VC COUid IwOt Tlraii I aie Oav, wtteair "I wa troablad witk aadswatbwiaaaysiac. -A Besgkbee esaaa as see asa, aaa TW fcat bes aa reed sad -attar the aixtk bet I waa able aa kaak to mr wmk." -w a t4 laam at i by Tba T. Milbara Os.UautoaV4 I Leading Zionists Death of Lord Balfour Cornea aa a Great Shock. March ha.

for a hushed audienaa, aaiaiieaail cf the werld'i leading Ztankda, Dr. Cbaim Wairmanh, world rionlrt prssidsnt. broke down and wept aa be began an address today devoted to Lord BaW four'a death, which cam aa a great shock to the Zionist world. Tba Zionists were aasamblad In Lan-don for the biennial session the Zionist Council, and it was apparent that Dr. Watsmann bad been deenly shakaa by Lord Balfour1! death.

The lose of the veteran atataamaa, of whoa noteworthy pronounce ments waa the famous Balfour declaration, stating that a rest Britain viewed with faror tha establishment of a national home for the Jewish people In Palestine, waa aaid by tha Zionists here to constitute tha greatest blow to tna saonist movement sine lb death of its founder. Dr. Herat. Tna blow waa retarded as asoaeiallv severe, coming aa it does at tha present critical moment, when Zionism stands before Its greatest trial in Parliament attendant upon tha forthcoming publication of tha report of the Palestine In quiry commlislon. i Use Submarine Continaed freea Page Oaa.

taken primarily as a reconnaissance, preparatory to tba establishment of meteorological stations Is now completed. Sir George aaid. It now remains for various Governments end meteorological societies to co-operate In the building of perma-aent basis for scientific research. Gaaa Next to Arctic. Sir George aaid that hia next expedition probably would be to the Arctic, by aubmarine.

By using tha aubmarine. which would cruise along under the pack tea, coming up in open leads occasionally to replenish the air tanks, ha aaid, he believed it would be possible to chart the contour of the earth, under the Polar See, and also get accurate information about water temperatures and direction of the currents. Delegates Now Csatmaed treat Pegs One. mit the figure of Italy's program, apart from parity figures. Most of the overseas delegates are making tentative arrangementa to sail about the middle of April.

rraraaa Boater Fab. Premier Mac Donald specially instructed tba British spokesman this morning to deny a story, published by the Daily Express, of a breech of harmony In the naval conference con-nacted with the United States-Japanese negotiations. The spokesman, la behalf- at -the Premier, aaid: "The report fa) absolutely and gratuitously false." PARIS, March 11 Premier Tardieu, who spent laat week-end at the naval conference In London, mad a full report of the state' of the negotiation to the cabinet today. The ministara save full approval of Qha work of tha French dr legation. CANBERRA, Australia, March 11-Premler Scullin waa asked by former Premier Hughes, la the House today, regarding policy at the Australian delegation to the free-power naval conference at He answered, that an general principle tha Australian representation had bean Instructed to support reduction In armaments, which would reduce tba heavy burden of taxation.

Retarding parity with tha United States, or any other nation, the Premier said, they bad been told to eee that Australia's interests war aafeguarded. Divorce Bill Ceattauted treat Page One. iConservttlve, Durham), W. A. Boy iConaervativ.

North Simcoe). A. Caaselmaa (Conservative. Hon. J.

D. Chaplin (Conservative i. Lincoln), ft. I. Cowan (Conservative Port Arthur).

A. M. Edward (Con- porvatire. South Waterloo), Hon. W.

O. culer (Liberal. North Waterloo), Col. B. Geary (Conservative, South To ronto), 1.

H. Harria (Coneervetive, T-i ton to Scarborough). Wellington Hay' (Liberal, North Perth). John Hubba (Conservative. Prince Edward-Laonoxt.

T. B. Kaiser (Conaatvatlva, Ontario), Malcolm Lang (Liberal, South Timit- tuning), miss Agnes Macphetl (UJ, Southeast Gray). B. H.

McGregor (Conservative. South York). M. Maybe (Coaaarvativ. North umber- lend).

Dr. W. Murphy (Conserve-live, Lanark), O. Fsttit (Conservative, Welland), CoL O. Baani (Coaaarvativ, East Hamilton), CoL 8.

Robinson (Conservative, Weal Eaaaai. General Ji. Bos (Ceoservative, Kingston), Earl Bow (Conservative. Dufferln-Simcoe). Hon.

E. a Byck. man (Conservative. East Toronto). T.

E. Simpaoa (Conservative, Wast Algoaia' uaacea wneiatr aaaaniallw, Nora Wellington), F. Smoke (Coneervetiv. Brant), Dr. Wm.

Bnenlrl (Cooserva-trv. i Frontenae Addinxtoa), David Scwae (Coneervetive, Parade le), Hugn Stewart (Conservetiva, Leads). T. H. Sriaaen (Coneervetive.

Victoria, A. B. Thompaoa (Conasrvatrva, Beat W. (Cenearvetive, Soutn Hastings Cob If. W.

Yeung (Con eervativ. (Northsaot Toronto), i s-i -rrtT'-v .1 Those Oil nia, xbeeo 1 Ontario members voting against the seinstatemant of the bill were a CoL J. A. Arthnrs (Taaaarsalivat Parry Sound). Ell Bertrand (Liberal.

PresroU)r Beniah Bowman (LiberaL Eaat Algoma). J. A. iraderai (UbaraL North Tunlskammg), Ut Chevrier OiberaL Ottawa). -ton.

J. C. Elliott (Liberal TWoae asirf. 'Ieeex, W. F.

Garland (ConeervaUva, 'arlotun). Alfred Oeulet (LiberaL Btts-dl), A. Hall (LiberaL South Iruce). Hon. Peter iHeenan (UbaraL enors, Rainy River), F.

Hepburn LiberaL Weet Elgin), a A. Lapierre (Liberal, Nipisahtg). A. J. Maedonald (UheraL Glengarry), Dr.

Peter Mc Oibboa (Conservative, Muskoke). Thome McMillan (LiberaL South Huron). Boa. as Malcolm (LiberaL North Bruee). Dr.

M. J. Matoney (Conservative, South Renfrew), a O. Odette (LiberaL East Eases), J. A Psek (Coneervetive.

Paterbar), Arnold Smith (LiberaL Stormont), George Spotton CoejBWrtte ttfi OTttt Huron) W. H. Taylor (LiberaL Norfolk. Elgin), W. P.

Ttlferd (LiberaL North Grey. IVIGHTU'S S.O CALL. NEW March tskay radi atatisa bar today picked 1 in I 8. call from' tha Greek a'ghler EueenW, which "itloa talk northeast at Ber- node. The Euasnla aaid bar engines Tories Complain Over Returning Officers Picked Parliamentary Committee Hears Charges That Pat ronage Responsible for Appointments by Jule Castonguay.

The Parliamentary Elections commit lee, meeting for tha first time this ma il on under the chairmanship of Major C. Q. Power (LiberaL Quebec-South), heard camplalnla from Conservative msmbara that they had Dot baaa consulted la tha election of permanent returning oncers-In their counties wno had been appointed by Jule Castas guay, chief electoral officer, during tha receaa. It was stated that In on county a dead man had bean named aa returning officer, but it was explained that death occurred several week after he was chosen. Liberal Machine.

It was charged that I a large extent tna returning officers bad been appointed on the nomination of the Liberal party machine. Conservative and Progressiva members celled for the prj-ductioa of documents, including the recommendation of Liberal members and candidates, In connection with the appointment Mr. Castonguay objected that some of the documents war of a confidential character. B. B.

Hanson protested that intra should not ba anything of con fidenc In the matter. CoL T. M. Cantlev (CnnaamtW Plctou) complained he had not been consulted in tha appointment of a returning officer hi his county. It waa finally decided to call Mr.

Castonguay aa a witness whan ha will produce tha papers and be examined. Major Power stated be. and his opponent had got together In his county and agreed upon first -class, reepxt-able man- 4 For Bund Vetera. A' request that. In elections, blind voters ba allowed to take a friend along to mark their ballots instead of having the Deputy Returning officer do waa made by Richard Myers, of the Canadian Inatltul of the Blind, and received a sympathetic hearing.

Moat ot the members of tha committee, how ever, thought these unfortunate people might be exploited. There are 1,000 blind persona in Canada, it waa stated. William Edward Wood Guy appeared before the commute and urged the abolition of the (300 deposit required in on election. He told of being a candidate in East Calgary where be received IS votce. Award of $10,100 In Case of Child rn i 'C i Jury in Supreme Court Finds Against Ottawa Electric Company.

A Jury in the Supreme Court of Ontario this roorning awarded' S1M0 Damage to La Crepin, an Infant, and WOO damage to trie father 'Aagustla Crepin, fa an' action bwtttuted against tha Ottawa Electric Company as rs-tult of an accident which occurred on August 4, 128, when the infant plaintiff fell on a live wire belonging to tha defendant company, aa the north aide of Carling avenue, opposite tha Lady Grey Hospiud. tha wire having beta detached from, the pole by atorm Aa a result at coming into contact with the live win young Crepin had to have four fmger and part of h'S right hand removed at the Civic Hoe-pitaL He sought to recover 120,000 damages. Ma father claiming on hia own behalf an additional RKM far toes of time end expense. Mr. Justice Kelly presided over the case which opened yesterday.

Gauvreau. Bums and Burrows rap-resented the plain tiff and Henderson and Harridge tha defendants. MAKING DIVORCE EASIER FOR POOR LONDON. March 11-Dtvorca la ba-tng made easier for the poor. Until a few year ago proceeding could be heard only in London end thia, needless to ear.

entailed consider. able expense for tha out-of-town applicant Divorce esses are now being taken to many assizes in the country, when the Judges are on circuit, and now 11 ne centre hare baaa aatbartosd wherein proceedings tar divorce by poor persona may be set afooC "CASES SUCH AS THESE. "At long as we nave motor car and liquor wa will have cases such as these." declared Magistrate William Joynt, sit ting folios court uu morning on a charge against Wilfred Ella, found guilty ot an indecent assault against Dorothy Crooker, 11-year -old domectie. Sentence was detailed for week. The charge ares from aa atrtomobil trip which the two mad an the evening of atarca How to Darken Hr BEBTL WEST -1 repeat what I have often -aaid there's no excuse today for woman submit ting to grey hai.

and looking old- er than aha feel Gray, faded or streaked bale may a perfectly realoiad to color that It need ba only your boudoir secret. Nothing mora er than a atlxtus of phur la the magic un may aitner at bora, or aa aa, buy It already mourned and reedy la use. Wyeth'a Sage aad Sutobar I tha name of the ready aaa pupeia nea. ami siace aU oruzrtsts aeU It at Me a bottle, there la really a need of going the trouble making It your, atlf. Tea.

etasaly meistan a oomb aoft brush with it, and draw through the hair, strand at the time. One aaaiiaattoa bsalibaa the gray and ana of two mftfi complowoly losAovofl yow gray, taaed er streaked hair to Its original color. There is a artificiaL dyed look. The whole effect la one of perfect nature meet. My be pi lead If they knew of the theu- arxtioa THE OTTAWA EVENING IS omaiiDox Show Big Increase Now 14 lnHospital-42 Since Beginning' of.

the Year. There are 14 case of emaUnox now under treaunant la Hopawell Hospital, aooording to a reparWaf Dr. T. A. Lo-nier, medical officer at health.

Sue the beginnlngof there hav baaa In all tl cases, but there hav bean a deaths, the other paueots having bean discharged as cured. The numter this year Is extremely large when compared with" the corresponding period of US for which only three cases were reported. In January, US, there warn three cases and in January thia year II eaaaai In February laat year on case, and In February this year six cases; in March laat year no case and ao far month caaaa. Practically all the 'peasant cases are ot children or adults from tba western section of the city. The coat of treating smallpox patients eorne entirely by the corporation.

LaM year the maintenance of Hopewell Hospital coat t3.4U.t4, but la view of the number ot case reported the coat for this year la likely to be much higher. Scarlet fever case number ut today, up one case sine yesterday. There are 121 oases la Strathcona Hospital and at bom. Thar are II caaaa of diphtheria, tha asm aumbar aa yesterday. Club Bag Full of Ceatlaaed freea Pag Oa.

1 part In tba affair, they claim. He also waa taken East view Jail and placed in tne earn otu wita bit alleged accomplice. The automobile which police my the young men used in their get-away from the scene of the robbery, waa found in aaraaa kept bv 1. In- right, at 15 Daly Mr. Enright aaid that CharleboU bad rented thia Place since January U.

The car bad not been out of tba garage since 'dock Saturday morning, be aaid. Thar war 1 arenas at the Eaatview polk station thia morning as new of the arrest of lb two young men spread around the city and district In their Joint call eft the station house the two prisoners presented a contrast In the attitude they adopted towaroa weir predicament. la Deep Kmetlsa. One, Klpp, was stretched an bench resting with apparent unconcern, while hia companion. Charleboia, paced the bard floor of the cell hia hands kept In hi pockets, and hia face working with emotion.

Ho often mattered to himself and sometimes h. broke Into half-stifled aoba. Charlebols' emotion wa given full bent and ha broke down completely whan hia parents. Mr. and Mrs.

T. D. Charleboia, Roee street. Ottawa, via-ited him, acrompanlod. by hia fiancee.

Mist Gauvreau. They were allowed to visit him In his oeLL and war with him there for two hours, The-young man left hit bom last ovamber. it wa learned, taking a xxn with, a arrest family at 411 Cumberland street. Saya Aaaaaat ftseM. Char labels stated to The Journal that bank officials were not correct in stating e.u bad been atnsaa Irom the craneb office.

"It wa about PLtOO," be aaid. Asked bow ba arrangad for the daring daylight eoup, Chartobois. aaid "I haven't pltadtd guilty Thia la my first offence," the young man added, -aaa it's Crated Attracted. Arrest of the two men, and the possibility that they would face preliminary court inquiry today, attracted aa enormous crowd to the- Eaatview IsiL en thx Montreal road, a few. blocks aver Curasaings' Bridge.

largest crowd In tba history of to town gathered in and around tha little oourtbouee the ten wsited far arraignment. It waa aftaraooa, however, before Magistrate Canuannga took hia seat on the bench, and the priaonera were brought before htm. They, were charged Jointly, as follows: -That at the town of Ea it view. In the County of Carl et on. did unlawfully, tha said Charles CharleboU than being armed with aa ottensiv weapon, I wit a revolver, with and by means at threat af-elilamt.

then and there used by him, the said Charles Charlebols, to and against tha parson ot on Denis Fharand, a clerk In the employ of tha Bang us Csnedienne Nationals, than having certain at the moneys of the raid bank in hia custody or control, to prevent lesistance, violently rtael In the praaanaa of the said Denis Ptsataad and against the aaid Dams Pharand's will, moneys of the aslf bank Caned ionno Nationals, to the amount ot or ebeut tMU, contrary to term of the Statute in such car Mot Aatod Ptoad. At the rsquaet of Chief Mannion tha pair war remanded until Saturday eaornlng without pleading. They were then taken to Ottawa police headquarter, where they war photographed and finger printed, to enable tha authorities to check their peat records Later they wara tomnnd to tha County Jafl, where they war held pending further proceedings, No application for their release oa ball bad been made early this sfternoon. Kipp gave a address whan placed under arrest. Tba authorities, therefor, bar bean unable to make a starch at sis belongings.

tfcy TkerPaM Debts. Aooording to lb police the prisoners have admitted Bar ins eeveral debts out of the Moooidi at tha robbery, and otherwise spent the miasms nL What they war arraigned la court Klpp waa roughly dressed in working clothes, with peak cap and wlndbraaker, but bis companion waa tly attired. Charleboia, aaid tha polio, andonbtedly bora some resem-hlsneo to the men described to the polio by the teller Pherand' as his aeealeMil. was dark, at meal urn bright and bit far was slightly a. at -t lrynanwaj DT BBxtalEJNBBtBa Tna ss.111 leuuiaieo rrem I new la the hands of soltea.

where It win rsamla until the ess disposed of. Bow it Waa Traced. Chief Mannlea stated that and Constable a Merest had mad the arrests "by employing police methods but Alex. Cariasa, well-known employ of the House of Commons, supported by Chief Chertas McCarthy, of the County Peliee tare, is claiming credit far the eeatuiea and for the fMM standing reward affared by the Canadian Benkeis Associallcn. Chief McCarthy told Da Journal today that Caries gave him the name at Charles Cheilatile, Jria horn ad-dreae a 8 Boee street the fact that be owned Orabam-Palga asdsa rs-atmbung that In which tba bandiw nad gavwy.

and ale told him the- name of Chestobeis Afiaaea. Chief McCarthy aaid was given this mfocwnlloa Mai fay evening, and ha nk st to cataf attimioa, who waa la charge of lb investigation of tha hold-up. Takes Affidavit. Mr. Cariasa, himself, visited the Eutview police station this morning with an affidavit made out before B.

E. Chevrier, M.Rlo kit aspac-ity of Justias of the Peace, in which it was stated that Cariase had laid similar information with Inspector Emile Joliat of the city detective office, on March If. He said that Herman Bon-neeu. manager of the main office of the Banque Canadiennt Natlonale was present si the lime this information was given the detective chief. High praise for tha manner In which the Ottawa detective department wa conducting Its search for the hold-up men.

waa given by Chief McCarthy. "They were using syitem that was bound to result In success sooner or later." the chief aaid. According to Mr. Cariase, his lip as to the Identity of the bank hold-up men came Irom a smell boy. Mr.

Carisee ssid he followed this up. and finally was In possession of definite Information. questioned by The Journal Herman Bonnes manager of the Banque Canadienno Nationals, said Alex. Cariase went to him on Monday with Information which he believed would lead to the arrest of two men In connection with the Eaatview bank robbery. They agreed to take tha information to Inspector Joliat.

Inspector Emils Joliat staled that Herman Bonneau. manager of the Banque Canadienno Natlonale. and Alex. Carisse, of the Parliamentary Press Gallery, want to him and said they had information which would lead to the rarest of the two men who bad robbed the Eaatview bank. When, asked if Klpp and Charleboia were the two men mentioned, the inspector ssid, "No.

I don't think their namea war mentioned." Aa to the actual reward It la one of B.000, offered by the Canadian Bankers' Association, to ba apportioned according to tha merits of the claimants. Thar la no condition in the award of thia sum to debar police offlcera from baring In It The association, bow-aver, reserve the right to be sol Judge a to whether a reward should be paid. Mining Brokers' Imperfect Return Of Transfer Tax Information la Disclosed Before the Public Accounts Committee of the Ontario Legislature. Caaadlaa Frees by Direct Wire. TORONTO.

March soma brokers on the Standard Stack and Mining Exchange In Toronto hav made imperfect transfer tax return to tha Ontario Government was disclosed today before the public accounts committee of the Ontario Legislature. Taks Men. J. T. White, K.

Controller of Revenue, said that such conditions bad been diadoatd through inspectors working under aba. It would take 100,000 men to audit properly all the returns of every trsnsaction on Ontario exchange be said, adding that he waa forced to rely largely on lb honesty of the brokers for the lax returns. W. g. Jt: X.

"Liber ji leader, at whoa Instance the collection at the stock traaeser tax was investigated by the committee, wa barred from hearing Mr. Whit say when and what Information had been transferred to the Attorney -General'! Department ot Irregularities oa tba part of broker. Oa Party Ltoes. On the ruling of Hon. W.

D. Black, the chairman, the committee split on party- line Mr. Sinclair alao wet barred from placing in tha records cos of the weekly return mad by the exchange. The oommitlettf -after- hearing Mr. Whites evidence, adjourned until Monday.

MRS. JOHN LYON DOES AT HER HOME To death of Edith Mary Sachs, widow of John Bower Lyon, occurred thia morning at bar home. Argyle avenue, following a brief Mrs, Lyon was bom near Brentford, Oat, the daughter of tha late Mr, and Mrs. Henry Seche. Following the completion of her elementary education to th schools of the district she removed to Arnprler, when sh married Juhn Bower Lyon, who predeceased bet in A former member of St.

Mstthsw't Angliama Church, of which aha was on at th first ednerenla, Mrs. Mron more recently bad Ueaded the Church of the Aaotnsion. She had taken an active interest in church orraniiationa and was ana of tha original members of St. Anna's Guild ot St. Matthawa eh arch.

By her ulet diapaaitioa and pieaaing personality ah had gamed boot of frieada. Mrs, Lyon la aui aired by three aona. J. Bowar Lyon, Reginald W. Lyon and Sidney Lyon.

aU of Ottawa; three daughters, Mrs. W. E. B. Mann, and MUa May Lyon, both of Ottawa, and Mia Louis Lyon, Scringtield.

two sisters. Miss Prance Graham, at present abroad; Mm George Hasan. Penucten, B. and one brother. Thorns Graham.

Toronto: twelve grandchildren and fir great-grandchildren also survive. Th funeral will be held tree the iwaAone of her sen, Sidney Lyon. 11 Somerset street wast, an, Friday aftaraooa at I o'clock. Bev. Wimberley, minister of th Church of tha Ascension, will conduct th service and interment will be at Beach SAT HOUSES SCABCE.

Beelters reoort a arardty of liatut rant with a result that th tendency 1 towards higher rental W. Boas eta led that there la now a good demand tor houses for purchase, the srtaation In thia reepeet being much better then last year at this time. SAMUEL ak M1UOBD. 'Snmuel Stephen MlHordV son of the lata Wlluanv Barnes Milford, died this meenlng at the residence of bis mother. Mr.

T. t. Bailie. MS McLeod (treat, following a brief illness. Bora at GtWtta, OnU year ago, he had Bved bar during the major part of hi Ufa erJ was held la high cowan by a host at friends who will learn at hi death with deep regret.

was educated at Gleb collegiate trees which be matriculated and mar recently wa mawibar the Department ef National Reveoee start. Mr. Milford waa member af las' is Ma mother. Mrs. f.

i. Bailie, end an brother, Harold Ml Herd, at Ottawa. Th fmarral will be held front hit law rial dense, MS McLeod street. Is Pint craat acme hay. Friday eftemoea at thre e'aioekv EXILED LEADER IN CRITICAL TURN BERLIN, March It.

-The Tageblatt reported today that the lllnes of Leon Trotsky, exiled Soviet leader, had taken a critical turn at Constantinople. MONTREAL BROKER FACING CHARGES SlIERBROOKE. Que, March 19. -Joseph Brocou, Montreal bioker. will appssr before a magistrate here Friday charged with defrauding Dame Anne Couture, of this city, ol "certain vulu-ablea" in connection' with dels carried out on tha Toronto and I.ontreat Mining Exchanges Accuted wsa arrested at hi Westmount home and brought hare by High Constable A.

Gaudreau. He appeared before Justice of the Peece H. B. LovclL when ball waa fixed at 129,000. AMUSEMENTS.

wKb atenea on th faU-atag screea through th Magnoaropa Mat Every Day at tM lie and Ke Evev-I and t-eU etati Me AU-Mystorj An HodBy TODAY THURSDAY TBIDAY Sound Best Thurs Tri. Sat. The assaying Deatiay I jMrjtK utiir i Istoa tan a. fnna, war Uai ggagak far Baa Snl Hmm rami th nTI txrw Arm, a. Hi.

II aMBar ka Wsara! JT mm 1 "Black Waters -gQlyirivvrrM 0 -'hl'lT "glZ AT THIS CySyly YSTERY (r-iwsJWl MELODEAMA I iV BTABBOKJ Uiicliard i SEVEN' KEYS TO BALDEAIE BESTSELLER AS A BOOK- SENSATIONAL On THX STAGE GREATER THAN EVER TALKING SCKEEN1 ON AMUSEMENTS. NOW PLAYING AU'TMJMNO AULAJJOHtNO COItDY SENSATION mAjvY PICKlORI gWOOtJOLAS fAIRLWiKS an adaptation of 5HAK.MP6ARES'' 'TAMING Of Ttit! SHRtW Scab Now Available in Balcony, Drcsg Circle and Loges. Mull Juc. Our gue! ootne from far and near to vitit th new born of Henri Burger at Chez Henri. The comfort of the Chateau i welcomed by our visitor.

Private Partiei, Ball and Dinner can be arranged by calling Sherwood 7160 DOBS Mailt Dlfftr. met Wkere Dine." Thar. Frl Sat, tha King of the Seddle KEN MAYNARD SENGIV ytfelHUCANO Thrills of Big City Ufa Ga Hend-m-Haad la "Thursday Friday Saturday i i 9) Tlldng An Tsirffl MARY BRIAN GRAHAM McNAMEE NEWS "HOT AND HOW" TaaUag Ceeaedy j. COLOBXD TMPHONX MELODY THE Mat. ta Ul PI Ma, 1juljJ waV-acwAvga-gnyiLilfgeiv EMBASSY THEATRg; ALL NEXT WEEK THE FIRST BUI BOAO SHOW Rnoii London Comes tllVH.

FBI, SAT. EVENINtiS Sc le (2.M MATINEES 9c U.N Tlcketa Now SeUIng lor All rerfi GERTRUDE HUNTLY IS THE CANADIAN Whom Paderewslci, Medtner, Oodowsky Hail as the MOST GIFTED WOMAN PIANIST of the Time. Concert at the Glebe Collegiate April ht For aeservalleaa. Cell B. IIM, fraa It est.

te 12 aaea, and freea 1 as am SSwNaagaaawaeSnv. DANCINO TONIGHT Boyal Casaadlaa VJeesceBrd Preach Cattiaa Standish HalL 2S Hotel STOP 1 GO CTOP When yotl 3lvr gee the little Theatre advertise. FRANK SPEAIGHH Yea bay safe, yaw bay tiekst a at taglaad' Ots-tlagalabad Dleaeae' Actor on Taanday, Friday and Maraey Now Shearing Tea fa TweT aad eaeeMsio-sseat lor ail "No. Ne, Naa- wtth Alexander Gray, lesre an Loeasa What Aa Array of Slant wnxiAM roimx FAY WRAY HAL SHELLY KAY fXANCIS TJEIIIHD make-up; A SaWUnjr Badutafa Heart DraBta. ---nBwBBBaMawBMBT A SINGING," DANCING.

swgaswMwaaagnwawa New rtttytoit yiifjiwtiLl.

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