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The Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania • Page 6

The Tribunei
Scranton, Pennsylvania
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6 MS 1 Dislodge Bile, Stir lip the Liver, Cure Sick Headache, I Female Ailments, I Remove Disease and I Promote Good Health. Cowed with a Tasteleu Soluble Coating, Famous the world over. Ask for Beccham's and take so Of all druggists. Price SS cents a box. I New York Depot.

16 Canal St. FINE WALL PAPERS and Interior Decoration', Window Shades and Fixtures, Blank Account Books, Mercantile Stationery, Wedding and Visiting Station; ry, Office Stationery and requisites Miscellaneous Books, Sabbath school Library Books, Public and Private Library Books. School and College Books, Babies, Prayer Hymn Books Photograph Albums and Scrap Books. NORTON'S, 8122 Lackawanna Avenue, Branch gtorc at Wilkes Sarre. When the shape is KORRECT you will have Comfort.


Lohmann's and get the best of everything iu tlie line of food and drink. He keeps by far the best, as all his patrons testify. Brevities. Patrick Ryan, who was struck by an engine at Market street a few days ago, died at the Hospital yesterday. Assistant Superintendent Armstrong left to take charge of his new position at Lancaster yesterday.

Tbe Inspection Board of the Third district meets Saturday at he usual time and place. The West End Wheelmen met last evening and elected some new members. "The Foresters" will be given at Music Hall this evening by a fiue company. "The Dazzler" will be given at the Grand Opera House to morrow evening. It is said to be a fine show.

Representative elect Brodhead entertained the Democratic City Committee at Concordia Hall last evening. The County Commissioners estimate that the late election will cost $20,000. A large number of men are now laying a double track from the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Junction to Fairview by way of the cut off. The First Division of Uniformed Rank Knights of Pythias, was instituted at GabePs Hall on Northampton street last Tuesday evening with 2S members. Charlos Krouse and Aujon Fairchilds will run a 100 yards foot race for $100 a side at West Side Park on Christmas.

The Waite Comedy Company is producing a very favorable impression at Music Hall this week. The Concordia concert nest Tuesday evening will be one of the greatest musical events of the season. A Greek tea will ba given by the Young Lady Workers in the lecture room of the Central M. E. Church on Friday evening November 18.

Supper will be served during the evening. There will be a boxing tournament next Tuesday evening in Germania Hall by Clark's Athletic Club. A big crowd will be present. The fair and festival in the Welsh Baptist Church will be continued this evening. The proceeds are for the church indebtedness.

John Llewellyn and John J. Hughes have purchased ilanhart's bakery, and will hereafter conduct the business themselves. The Heights Mutual Improvement Society gave a pleasant entertainment last evening, in the Sheridan St. Primitive Methodist Church. Rev.

W. H. Reene will preach the Thanksgiving Day sermon to the Junior Order United American Mechanics on Sunday November 20. Ex Sheriff O'Malley has been awarded the contract for erecting the parochial residence for Father Donahue in Plymouth. Edward Kinsella of Auburn, N.

and Miss Cassie Cunningham were married by Rev. Father Kiernan at Parsons yesterday afternoon. The store of J. J. Morrisey was entered yesterday by burglars, and some flue suit ings were taken.

Sample Chocolate Free. A postal card addressed to Menier, New York, will secure you samnles of their delicious imported Chocolute' with directions for using. Success in everything depends largely upon good health. De Witt's Little Early Bisers are little health producing pills. See the point? Then take an "Early Riser." Matthews Bros.

The Ivorites Celebrate. Last evening the local branch of Ivorites held their twentieth annual celebration at Jeremy's Hall. T. Solomon Griffiths of Utica, N. presided, and made an ad 1 dressa, after which an excellent programme of recitations, son, and speeches were (nven.

A small admission fee was cnarged, but this did not keep away a large crowd. which cheerfully paid it to hear the songs anu addresses. The ivorites are cow in a very flourishing condition here, and have a large memberxhip roll, with their treasury in good condition. THE FOOT BALL GAME. WUkes Barre 8hnt Oat ton by Score of 18 to O.

Again Sera r. ton came to Wilkes Barre and again were they shut out by the superior work of the local team. There was a fair sized crowd present in spite of the rain and at about 3:45 the teams lined up as follows: Scranton. Wilkes Barre. Decker left end.

Bowman Davis left tackle A. Long Cleveland left guard Connor Posner center Hyndman Flaherty right guard Stark Beamish right tackle Kirkendall Benore right end Robinson Beck quarter Long Allau half Drum Gilbert half back Murray Jerroyn full back Warriner The game opened with Wilkes Barre's ball. A was broken by Scranton and after gains by Murry, Drum and A. Long, Drum went" over the line and scored a touch down in seven minutes after game was called. Long massed the goal and Scranton took the bill but soon lost ground.

Jermyn tried a kick but it was soon blocked and Robinson got the ball and made a touchdown. Long missed goal. Score 8 to 0. There was no more scoring this half. In the second half Warriner soon after Wilkes Barie got possession of the ball was forced to kick.

One of the Scranton team fumbled and Bowman got the ball and made a touch down. Warriner kicked a goal; score to 0. Scranton took the ball and made some ground through the centre, but Vt'llkes Barre soon worKed it back to the Scranton 25 yard line, where Drum made a fine run and scored a touch down. warriner missed thegoai: score lis to 0. Scranton bucked tbe Wilkes Barre center almost continuously, and made considerable ground.

They did not use their line men to run with the ball at all. Bath teams showed lack of team work, the beautiful interference of Warriner being the best feature of the game. Gelbert did some splendid tackling for bcranton as did also Peck. The great trouble with Scranton was that thev had no good ground gainers. They lost the ball on four downs repeatedly, mauy times with but a foot or two to gain.

Drum made some hue runs for Wilkes Barre and did zojd tackling, and Stark put up a fiue game at guard iu breaking V's, and in blocking. Another game is being arranged forNovemberoO. Electric Bitten. This remedv is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise.

A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Rheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system, and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache. Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded.

Price 50 cts. and $1.00 per bottle at Matthews Drug store. Headache is the direel result of indiges tion and stomach disorders. Remedy these by using De Witt's Little Early Risers, and your headache disappsars. The favorite little pills everywhere.

CRIMINAL COURT. A Number of Cases Tried in Court Tester day. Two courts were running yesterday. In the upper room the trial of Jacob Gomer for shooting Mike Zupka. The first witness yesterday was Dr.

Sutliff, who explained the nature of the disease that made the defendant limp and said that it would have been impossible for him to walk the length of the room at the time the shooting was done without the use of a cane or some other means of support. Gomer, tbe accused, said that he knew nothing of th9 shooting. He had gotUD from bed about 6 o'clock and at the time of the shooting was on his way to Nanti coke, where he was going to dispose of some butter. Henry Gomer, the father of Jacob, took the stand and told in broken English how the coustables had made the arrest. There seemed to be some doubt iu the minds of the Hungarians as to who committed the murder, the old man or the son.

At first they said it was the old man and then afterward came to the conclusion it was tbe son. There was nothing new yesterday, and the case will probably go to the jury to day. utner cases were tnea in ijourt room No. 1, among them being: John aoriacher ot Aloconaqua was con victed of carry concealed weapons. i nomas ianey was acouitted or tne same charge brought by his wife, Ellen.

Josepn Miller pleaded guilty to the charee of larceny. A verdict of not guilty was found for Jacob Clash, charged with desertion and adultry. Charles Keater was found guilty of embezzlement by agent, for stealing money collected from rugs sold for Josenn O' Conner. Charles Siiendan pleaded guilty to the charge of larceny. lames u.

Jleehan was found not guilt of being a falsely authorized agent of a live stock insurance company. a numoer ot roau ana onlce reports were confirmed and court adjourned. ltucklen't Arnica, suite. The best saive in the world for cuts. bruises, sores, nlcers.

salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilbrains. corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures Dues. or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box.

For sale by Matthews druggists. For instance. Mrs. Charles Rogers of Bav City, accidentally spilled scalding water over her little boy. IShe promptly applied De Witt's Witch Hazel Saive, giving instant relief.

It's a wonderfully good salve for burns, bruises, sores, and a sure cure for piles. Matthews Bros. IN THE AFTERNOON. The Pretty Wedding of Mr. Burton Voorhig to 3lis Lencuck.

An unusually pretty wedding was that of Burton Voorhig of Wilkes Barre and Miss L'Nore Leacock, which was celebrated at the home of the bride's mother Mrs. N. H. Leacock on College street in Kingston, yesterday afternoon. The interior of the house was handsomely trimmed with smilax, ropes of ground pine and ivy while large jars of cut roses and palms were in every niche and corner.

In front of the large fireplace in the parlor and facing which the ceremony was performed was a great bank of magnificent chrysanthemums, while the overhanging mantel was heavily covered with palms bedded in moss. At 4 o'clock the bridal Earty slowly descended the stairs, the ride and groom being preceded by the four ushers, Warren Bowman, Fred Stark, Frank Leacock and Charles Millard, and placed themselves before Rev. Dr. Hodgo of the First Presbyterian Church of Wilkes Barre who performed the ceremony making them husbaud and wife. ihe Pride looked very beautitul in a gown of satin duchess trimmed with duchess lace.

and carrying a small bouquet of pure white roses. Alter a snort season ot congratula tions and while a corps of waiters under the direction of Caterer M. Z. Charles were serving a lunch, Mr. and Mrs.

Voorhis entered a carriage aud were driven to the 5:35 Lehigh Valley train. Their bridal trip will be through the Southern States. and will last for month, after which they win resiue aw ouutu rrauauu street in Wilkes Barre. Proved to Be the Best. Tested and proved by over thirty years' use in all parts of the world, Allcock's Porous blasters nave the indorsement of the highest medical and chemical authorities THE SCRAKTON REPUBLICAN, TH DBS DAY MORKLNGK NOVEMBER 17.

1892. and millions of grateful patients who have been cured of distressing ailments voluntarily testify to their merits. Allcock's borons Plasters are purely vegetable. They are mild bat effective, cure and quick in their action, and absoutely harmless. Beware of imitations, and do not be deceived by misrepresentation.

Ask for All cock's and let no solicitation or explanation induce you to accept a substitute. Wore Quietly Married. Yesterday afternoon Elias Cohen and Miss Henrietta Jacobs were quietly married by Rev. Dr. Josephs at the home of the latter on North Main street.

Only the families of the contracting parties were present The groom, Mr. Cohen, is a young man just entering on a law course with John T. Lenahan, and has a brilliant legal caruer before him. Miss Jacobs is a weil known and popular young lady. After the ceremony Mr.

and Mrs. Cohen left on their weudine trip to New York aid other places of interest. On their return they will settle down in this city. Both the young people have hosts of friends who wish them a long and happy married life. SI lies' Kerr and layer Pills.

Act on a new principle regulating the liver, stomach and bowls through the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Milles' Pills speedily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipation. Unequalled for men, women, children.

Smallest, mildest, surest 1 50 doses, 5 cts. Samples free at Matthews Bros. Piles of people have piles, but De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure them. Mathews Bros. The Orgaii Concert.

Last evening Professor Haydn Evans of Scanton gave an organ concert in Nelson Memorial Hall for the benefit of the organ fund. Mr. Evans is a splendid organist and the numbers he played were all fine ones, difficult and well performed. He was as sisted in the concert by Miss Allen and Miss Blnckman of the Seminary and a number of other vocalists and instrumentalists, who, with Mr. ivaus numbers, made nt an ex cellent concert programme.

There was a good audience and all seemed to thoroughly enjoy the excellent music that they heard. If the Baby is Cutting Teeth, Be sure and use the old and well tried rem edy, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for cnuaren teething, it sootnes tne chila, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic aud is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty five cents a bottle. novleodly "The Revolutionary Period." President Warfield last evening chose the above named theme as the subject of his address in the University Extension course.

The same large attendance that listened to his other lectures heard his able address on the above theme, which took in the principal events of the Revolution. The causes leading up to the Revolution had been explained before and the actual war with its attendant effects on the country, was last night's subject. The address was fully up to the high standard of the other addresses and was heard with great interest. Sickness Among Children, Especially infants, is prevalent more or less at all times, bur, is largely avoided by giving proper nourishment and wholesome food. The most successful and reliable of all is the Gail Borden "Eagle" Brand Condensed Milk.

Your grocer and druggists keep it. The Church Festival. Last evening the fair and festival at the Welsh Baptist Church on South Meade street was opened with a large crowd in attendance. The refreshments served during the evening were excellentand each one had all he wanted served up to him. The congregation made a big effort to draw a liberal attendance and succeeded splendidly.

The fair will be continued over to night and another big crowd is expected. Just in at Mrs. Beyer's. Silver novelties, bric a brac, royal Worcester, Imperial Austrian ware, solid silver, for wedding gifts, diamonds, loose and mounted, watches of all kinds. Difficult watch and clock repairing by skilled workmen.

Prices always low. Prize Fight. Ready Connolly fought five rounds with a man named Williams from Warrior Run last night. Connolly won aftor a hard struggle. PITTSTON.

Last evening at the home of Mrs. Obed Fear of Fulton street a pretty wedding ceremony was performed by Rev. J. H. Holden.

The contracting couple were Miss Sarah W. Fear and S. George Memory, both highly respected young people of this place. Decorations of a most profuse nature adorned the house and added much to the pleasantness of the occasion. A number of immediate friends were present to witness the interesting event.

At the conclusion of the ceremony and the hearty extension of congratulations, the company repaired to the dining room aud partook of a sumptuous repast. Mr. and Mrs. Memory left at a late hour on a bridal tour to Philadelphia. Upon their return they will begin housekeeping on Montgomery street.

Man' costly and useful gifts were presented to the bride. Their legion of friends here unite in the most sincere wishes of marital happiness for the twain. The funeral of May Flanaghan, daughter of Mrs. James Flauaghan of the Junction, whose death was reported in these items yesterday, will take place to morrow morning at 10 o'clock. The interment will be made iu Hyde Park This evening the members of the Ladies' Aid society of the Broad street M.

E. Church will hold a social at tbe home of Mrs. John Vauderberg on Oak street. Mr. Frank Aekerly of Glenburn was calling on fricuds in town yesterday.

Miss Florence Jones, daughter of Gilbert Jones of Butler street, died at her home yesterday after a long illness. Sue was a member of the Presbyterian Church aud Sunday school aud was one of the most faithful members of the latter until kept home by sickness. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home of her father. Interment in Pittston Cemetery. Charles Pugh, formerly of this place, now of Chicago, was circulating among old friends here yesterday.

Mine Inspector MacDonald has been confined to his home the last few days with sickness. Rev. W. L. and Mrs.

Thorpe pleasantly entertained the officiary of the Broad Street M. E. Church on Tuesday. About fifty people were present and every one seemed to enjoy themselves to the utmost. Supper was served, consisting of all the delicacies of the season, and ample justice was done to them.

The company dispersed about 10 o'clock, all attesting it had been one of the most pleasant evenings they had ever spent in the old par souage and voted Mrs. Thorpe a charming hostess. Mrs. J. H.

Kicketts and Mrs. George is specially commended to OTMjiveaKJioir Brown were visitors at the county seat yesterday. Miss Kate Sax is again making arrangements for a business men's carnival, to be held on the evenings of December 8 and 9 in Music HalL The funeral of P. J. Conlaa was largely attended on Tuesday afternoon, testifying to the respect in which he was held.

Nu gent Post G. A. attended in a body; also company atuer jjiainew society aud the Sons "of Columbia. Father Fin nen conducted the services and gave a high tribute of praise to the deceased. Bishop Ruiison confirmed a number of young people at St.

James cnurcn on Tuesday evening. Rev. George C. Foley, now of Williams port, formerly rector of St James Episco pal Church, was calling on some of his old parishioners yesterday. PLYMOUTH.

Theodore Hcndershot, who has been from mental disability for several years past, died at his residence on Harris street early yesterday morning. The funeral will be held from the house to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Joseph, Josiah and John Steever returned from Millersburg last evening, where they had been attending the funeral of an uncle. Messrs. W.

E. Davis and W. M. Davenport called on Wilkes Barre friends last evening. Mrs.

A. Reese of Wilkes Barre was a yisitor here yesterday. George Roberts of Main street has returned home from a two months' stay with friends at Bloomsburg. James O. Kane, who has been a resident of this place for some twenty five years, passed quietly away at his home on Vine street at an early hour yesterday morning.

The funeral will be held from the house to morrow. C. W. Honeywell, who has been spending the past few days at Newark, N. returned home yesterday.

The Ladies' Aid Society of the First P. M. Church will hold a festival at the church on Thanksgiving Day. Refreshments of. all kinds will be served.

A fair sized audience greeted John A. Stevens in "Wife for Wife" at Smith's Opera House on Tuesday evening last The company was an exceedingly good one aud those who attended were very well pleased with the performance. Henry Morgan, formerly of Shawnee avenue, has removed to Alden, Pa. Have used Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil for croup and colds, and declare it a positive cure.

Contributed by Wm. Kay, 5T0 Plymouth Ave, Buffalo, N. Y. The wind from the North blows sharp and keen, and bad effects of cold are seen. One Minute Cough Cure so safe and sure, will quickly perform a wondrous cure.

Matthews Bros. Clifford Blackman A Boston Boy's Eyesight Saved Perhaps His Life By Hood's Sarsaparllla Blood Poisoned by Canker. Read the following from a grateful mother: "My little boy had Scarlet Fever when 4 years old, and It left him very weak and with blood poisoned with canker. His eyes became so inflamed that his sufferings were intense, and for seven weeks he Could Not Open His Eyes. I took him twice during that time to the Eye and Ear Infirmary on Charles street, but their remedies failed to do him the faintest shadow of good.

I commenced giving him Hood's Sarsaparllla and it soon cured Jiim. I have never doubted that it an red hie sight, even if not his very life. You may use this testimonial in any way you choose. 1 am always ready to sound the praise of Hood's Sarsaparilla because of the wonderful good it did my son." Abbib F. Blacksian, 2888 Washington St, Boston, Mass.

Get HOOD'S. HOOD'8 PlLLS are hand made, and are perfect in composition, proportion and appearance. WHY SUFFER WITH PILES WHEN YOU CAN BE CUBED? THE JAPANESE PILE CURE is a new and complete treatment and a positive cure for external, internal, blind or bleeding, itching, chronic or recent, or hereditary piles. A number of prominent citizens of Scranton have testified to the wonderful results of the treatment, SOLD AT MATTHEWS BROTHERS. The Scranton Cash Store.

F. V. HOCKAFELLOW I BANKERS TRANSACT A General Ranking Business HAND 73 PTTBUC SQUABS. WILKE3 PA sufferers from Indigestion, pus. A WORD TO WOMEN.

From One Who Suffered. 800 March 18th, 1892. Ds. David Kensedy, Dear Sir From a growing girl, I suffered with female trouble or weakness peculiar to my sex. I doctored with several different physicians, but found no relief.

Was so reduced in strength and flesh, that I weighed but 68 lbs. 1 chanced to learn of the wonderful cures Br. Duvid Kennedy's Mr. Carrio Bouton. t'BTOrlte Keuieuy was performing, and tried it.

The lirst bottle produced marked Improvement. After taking five bottles, I was almost a well women and weighed 12H lbs. JUST THINK OF IT MY SUFFER INU SISTERS." such a gain in weight and better in health than I ever was. It is my desire to tell every woman in the world who suffers from any of the complaints common to our sex, of the benefit and cure to be derived from the use of Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy.

Mbs. Cassis Bocton. If you have chronie weakness, bearing down, uterine catarrh, suppressed or painful periods, suspicious growths, disposed to tumor or cancer, or hemorrhage, suffer from painful or irregular menstruation, leucorrhcea. or irregular monthly sickness, falling of tbe womb or change of life, Dr. laviu Kennedy's Favorite Remrdy Is the only help for you it has cured thousands when all else has failed.

Ladies, don't be discouraged and give up in despair, good health and limp life can be gained by using Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. Price, 1 a bottle. JtCnresColds.Conhs.Sorft Throat, Croap.Inflneii. Cough.EroncliiUB aud Asthma, a tain oure fur Consumption lu tint sutfM, and a Mure Mitt in advanced stages, tw at oiw.

Ton will soe tha excellent effect after taking the urst dose. Sold dMWraverjrwUeru. Larso botilos, 20 occu aud (1.00. LANE'S FAMILY MEDICINE Moves the bowels each day. In order to ba healthy this is necessary.

Sold by all druggists. Suitings Finest, Best and Largest Stock. All the Latest Styles. Popular Prices. i Order early to avoid Delay.

JAMES MOIR, OPPOSITE THE WYOMING 406 Lack'a Ave AYMOND'S VACATION EXCURSIONS ALL TRAVELING EXPENSES INCLUDED. A WINTER IN CALIFORNIA Parties will leave Philadelphia via Chicago and tho Santa Fe Route December 8 and January li and via Cincinnati. New Orleans and the Southern Pacific Route January 18. Each trip to be made in Special Train of Magnificent Pullmau Palace Vestibuled Sleeping and Dining Cars. The tickets cover every expense of travel both ways, and give the holders entire freedom on the Pacific Coast.

Thoy may be used returning on any regular train until July, 1803. or with any one of ten parties under special escort with a choice of four different mutes. A week at the World's Fair included if desired. Board coupons supplied for lung or short so ourn at the principal Pacific Coast Hotels. Additional California Excursions February 8 and 16, and Mareb 8 and 9.

Excursions to Mexico January 18, February 8, and March 8. The Sandwich Islands A party will sail from San Francisco March 15 for a seven weeks' tour. Tho World's Columbian Exposition Circulars describing our special trains and the Raymond Whitcomb Grand Hotel will lie issued about December 20. Applications will be filed on receipt and the circulars mailed when ready tST'Send for descriptive circular mentioning particular tour desired. BAY5SOXI) WHITCOMB, 111 South Ninth (under Continental Hotel.) Philadelphia, Pa.

12tt OKAY'S SPECIFIC 3IE1ICINE. The Great English Remedt. TRADE MARK An unfailing cure ror seminal Weakness. Spermatorrhea, Im potency and all diseases that follow as a sequence of Self abuso, as Loss oi Memory, Uni verfal Lassitude, Pain in tha Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age and many other diseases that lead to Insan It rvwanmntinn and a Pr. mature Grave.

Aft TAXIRB. "Fnll particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail to every one. tarThe Specific Medicine is sold by all druggists at $1 per package, or six packages for So, or will be sent free by mail on receipt of the money, by addressing THE GRAY MEDICINE Buffalo, N. T. On account of counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper; the only genuine.

Bold in Scranton by Matthews and in Wilkes Barre by Henry C. Tuck Co. ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS GLASGOW TO PHILADELPHIA VIA DERBY AND OALWAY. The most direct route from Scotland and North and Middlo of Ireland. Accommodations unsurpassed.

Intermediate 30, steerage 819. otatc 1 SERVICE OP line LINE STEAMSHIPS. NEW YORK and GLASGOW via Londonderry, every fortnight. CABIN, 40 and upwards; Second Cabin, 935 Steerage, S519. Apply to J.

P. McDermott, 524 Lackawanna avenue; B. G. Morgan, 101 North Main street, or Thomas M. Jonos, Scranton.

jylOTTSBm tUls Sfi rttn LESS HERBAL, KKM FUEDiES tfasU DO NOT INJURE I th bfsiJth or iottrfm with boiinui or pleasure ft bullrli op and improvM tht gentral hftlib, clr tin ikio and beantlflea Ike conplciion. No wrioklw er flabbtnm folloir tbli treat BMnU SottorMd tf pbyilctut and Itadlaf McUtjr ladtca, PATIENTS TREATED 8Y MAIL CONFIDENTIAL Rimlfv, ami with aUrrinf, faoonTcnlcMt er affects For particulars addrt, with ft caau la Muapa, it ii. r. Hint. incKit mmt, cucui OVEDGOHTS ID ESTERS.


GENERAL OFFICE. SCRANTON. PA THE EVERETT LEADS It leads with the rich It leads in the valley, It leads with the proud. It leads on the hill, It leads with the poor, In the city aud villags It leads with the crowd. It lcadcth stilL It leads in the East, It leads in the AVest, And every judge votes The Everett the best It Ipads in the North, In leads in the South, Its praise is sung From every mouth.

CASEY BROTHERS, WHOLE8ALE DEALERS AND IMPORTERS OF BABE From pole to pole, From shore to shore. The Eveuett leads Forever more. GUERNSEY 417 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. The best Pianos and Organs at the lowest prices and on the easiest terms. WINES WHISKIES BEERS WE CARRY THE FINEST STOCK TO BE FOUND ANYWHERE.

CASEY BROTHERS, NO. 216 LACKAWANNA AVENUE, IN EVERY DETAIL, INCLUDING HflllR 1E1K VETS, UMF tit 3790'. I "We advertise the above by special request jfljif am many were unable to procure the Mff outfit when last advertised. Remember, "All kinds of credit given.".

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