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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 4

Logansport, Indiana
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Sifter John Gray's CORNER ON WHITE QUILTS. The Bargains ever shown In -Lofjansport for thu money and mean just what we say. See our north -how window. State National Bank, lognnsport, Indiana. CAPITAL $200,000 f.


Uiiery, 3. T. Elliott, W. M. Elliott, W.H.

Snider. Buy and sell Government Loan money on personal security Mil collaterals. Issue special oer- of deposit bearing 3 per cent irhen left one year; 2 per cent pel when deposited 0 in Safety Deposit Vaults ol this bank for the deposit of Insurance policies, mortgages and other valuables, rented at from IB to $15 per year HOYT'S Sure Cure ror Piles. LIDKKTY CKimtn.O., Feb. Sore TOTlou none of wnlch afforded more San twnponiw rollot Abont MX months ago Drocuredonembooriloyl'sS'ire Cure lor £Sd Sid It acwrcllnK to directions two weeks, at Se end ot which time the ulcers dlsai.peared ana tovenot.sincerewrne.1.

1 belles ls For Sale by Ben Fisher, Lake Erie Western, Foru Union SUtlon, Tnrowrh tickets sold to points In tho United dlfttf ana Cimiulu Ho. 21 Indianapolis NO 28 Mull Express 38 a JJ a No. 25 Toledo Kxpress, S. 8:26 Na 20 KvunlOK Express 8:10 So 161 Local tfrelttWt 4- 40 ra NORTH. Arrive.

Depart. Ho 20 Mall A Express 10:12 am lOifflam No MlunUiin 01 ty 4:80 4:45 NOW Detroit Express No. 150 Accommodation df. .00 urn D. Dally, S.

Dally except Sunday. 22 doivs not rim north otPo-u Sundays. tHmiiilonditjs, Wednesdays Fridays and bun- aS Tuesday, Thursday and iSiitur- connections at Bloomlnfitoii and and northwest, inrornwtton cnU S. F01.LVIN, TlcKot L. E.

W. dUma. C. The Ideal Wheel. As you slide alocRlhe path ot lire, Take and Joy as you pass along; Uiw unpplncss to children and wtto A blcyelo makes lire one glad sons.

Call and see Tho Eagle, Spalding, Koyal nnd Winton bicycle, The lighttst in; weight aiul running, nothing boats them. BU ROMAN CYCLE CO. the Bicycle Messenger Sen-ice MARKET ST. PUONE so. WANTED.

$25 oo bu rusty, worn knlvn, Jortw. spoons, etc Quick plated by dip; IDK to melted jfneeor hard wi.rK; nood sitwitlon. Address VK Harrison A Co. Clerk OUo. DAILY JOURNAL Published every day In the weei (except Monday by the LOSAHBPOBT JOCTHXAL Co.

THURSDAY MOUSING MARCH 28 THE MONROE The Monroe doctrine is beiog discussed at tula lime by ihe or the country. The gives able history of this fa- oua doctrine: "The Monroe doctrine is the principle of foreign nonintervention with affaire upon the American continents, and especially the prevention of anj colonization by foreign powers. It was called forth by toe organizitlon in the fall 1815 of what was known na the Holy Alliance, a treaty signed by the Czar of Russia, the Emperer of Austria and tho King of Prussia. While tha ostensible or ject of this alliance was the subordination of politics to the Christian religion, the worldly wise statesmen of this country and of Europe knew well enough that the three sovereigns were seeking more practical ends than the advancement of religion. It was known thai they were resolved to up.

hole the monarchical institutions, and wore anxious to assist Spain in subduing her Independence-seeking colonies in South America. The fact a question which, in' the language of Thomas Jefferson, was the most momentous which had been offered since the signing of the Declaration of Independence. "Mr. Monroe, who was President in 1828, when the matter assumed for- mldable shape, at once sought the advice of Mr. Jefferson, who was then living In retirement at Montlcello.

Mr. Jefferson's was positive. "Our first and fundamental maxim should be," be said, "never to entangle ourselves in the broils of Europe; our second never to suffer Europe to Intea-meddle with cis- Atlantlc affairs. Mr. Jefferson it might be added, In the same letter, favored the acquisition of Cuba to the United States.

In previous cor- reapoodenco Mr. Jefferson had, while President, expressed the earns hostility to foreign intervention, so that the doctrine which is now associated with the name of President Monroe really belongs to his predecessor. "The emphatic language of Mr. Monroe In his message to Congress on Deaember left no however, of the intentions of this Government, and the frankness of the utter- anoes commanded general, attention. The question of Interference in South American matters was not, as has been generally supposed, the moving fac tor in the declaration.

The Russian tiovernmect had been treating with the United States with regard to the interests and rights of the two nations on the norliwtisjt coast; of ihe continent, President Monroe deemed the occasion proper lor asserting, as a principle in which the rights and interests of the United States are involved, the fol lowing: "That ihe American continent, the free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintain, are hencelortb. not to be conbid- eroQ as euDjectsIor luiure colonization by any Eurujjean powers. Dln'cussing the attitude of Spain and Portugal toward the South American nntiO-iS, and the policy of the allied powers. President Monroe said: "We owe it, therefore, to candor and to the amicable relations existing between the United States and those powers to declare that we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety. With the existing colonies or de pendencies of any European power we have cot Interfered and shall not interfere.

But with the Governments wbo have declared their independence we have, on great consideration and on just principles, acknowl edged, we could not view any interpo iiuon for the purpose of oppressing them, or controlling in any other man nor their destiny, by any European power, in any other light than as the manifestation o'f an unfriendly sition toward the United States. "Conclndlng his discussion of 1 subject President Monroe asserted that it was the duty of this govern ment noi to interfere with aoy of the internal concerns of European powers to hold toward them a flrm and mauly policy, meeting in all Instances the just claims of every power, sub mining- to ipjuries from none. Then he added: But in regard to these continent; circumstances are emiiently and con spicuously different. It Vs impossible that the allied powers should extend their political system to any portion of either continent without endanger. Ing our peace and happiness; nor can any one believe our Southern brethren, if left to themselves, would adopt it of their own accord.

It i equally Impossible, therefore, tfcat should behold such Interposition In i any form with Indifference." Highest of all in Leavening Latest U. S. Gov't Report Baking Powder FRESH PUBE A rLii The Matrimonial 1'i of a Sioii2 Warrior. a Modern and Then Plnci Fin SKicIC Hrlde Would Not Chop Wood Xor, Draw Vf liter. A tragedy occurred near mouth of Willow creek, S.

which for humor touching: pathos lias yet to be equaled in the history 01' section of country. Paul Medicine Body, a Sioux warrior, becoming tired of life and disgusted with the of the weaker sex, attempted suicide at tlie. cud of a rope, and his aged fathei brought the instrument of destruction to Fort Pierre, appealing to the coroner to go out and "sit" upon tho body of his son, who, he averred, was "mucb heap a heap." As there was not sufficient evidence tliat the man was dead, however, the coroner declined to £0. On October 20 last, says a recent dispatch, Paul Medicine Body and Martha Head wended their way happily over the hills and down through the canyons of Bad river to Fort Pierre. They were to be married, and all the pent-up joy of sibling love could be seen spread- iny itself over their swarthy features as they realized that the fruition of their hopes and desires was soon to be consummated.

No more of the aimless life of a bachelor for Medicine Body: No move rude awakenings from long and blissful dreams of hunting grounds, of fabulous wealth, to the. dull, prosaic necessity of building a fire and coolring breakfast. The cobwebs which had accumulated in the apex of his tepee no longer impede the blue smoke from his wigwam fire as it curled heavenward to be lost in tho clear atmosphere of his beloved Dakota land. Me believed that "as the cord unto the bow is, so is woman unto man." Thus sang- the joyous Medicine Body, and as he fondly conjured up scenes of his dutiful w'ifo. patiently cutting the pile of wood he thought what a noble being was woman! In adversity how comforting, and in prosperity how lovable! Medicine Body was given much to day dreaming on that eventful October morning, and the mofe he dreamed the faster grew his pace toward the clerk of tho court's office.

Johnston Jeffries, who was then clerk of tho courts, happened to bo in a barber shop getting his whiskers trimmed, and it was there that Medicine Body found him. He applied for a lieensti to wed the coy maiden, and Mr, Jeffries, who always carried one or more of those necessary documents about him, forthwith produced one. Medicine being of a thrifty and economical turn, then made overtures to the clerk of the courts, who was also a justice of the peace, to marry them on the spot in consideration of a cord of dry ash wood. The bargain was struck, and there, while the barber occasionally nicked his customers as he told a funny story, the solemn rites of holy matrimony were performed from the standpoint of a frontier justice of the peace. Medicine Body and his wife, with thumping hearts and minds full of anticipations of joys to come, bestrode their ponies and set their faces toward the setting sun.

Back over the hills and through the canyons they went to the ancestral tepee, where they expected to live a long life of unalloyed happiness together. But Medicine Body was doomed to be disillusioned. Martha would not cut the wood nor yet brush the cobwebs from his tepee, nor do many other things, small in themselves, but which in the aggregate go to make up the qualities of a dutiful, loving help- rocet, while her liege lord, the descendant of a long line of noted warriors, sat and smoked his pipe in peace. So he became morose, sullen, and would no longer masticate the more or less savory dishes which Martha prepared lor him, until at last life became an intolerable burden to him and he took his trusty lariat and went hunting for a'tree. No tree being In sight, he took the next best thing, a rafter in a barn, and sought a happy hunting 1 ground, where women's rights had not entered its enlightening wedge and he 'could follow the traditions of his race without molestation.

His friends, discovered him in time to save is life. One more argument on the side of those who claim that marriage is a failure. It is stated that the German army has recently been testing horseshoes made of paper. It has been found that their lightness and elasticity makes it possible for a horse so shod to travel faster and further without fatigue one shod with iron, and they are entirely impervious to water or other liquids. The shoes are made by very much the same process as the paper car wheels and consist of thin sheets of paper pressed in a solid mass by hydraulic machinery.

They can be fastened to the hoof of a horse either by nails or by a kind of glue made of coal tar and rubber. is the greatest of the legal profession? Prof. Wood, of the Edinburgh chair of conveyancing, recently told his students how, at a dinner of English country solicitors, the oldest practitioner, present was asked to propose tlie greatest benefactor of. the profession as a toast, and how he rose and said: "Gentlemfin, fill up your glasses. Here's to the man who.

inakes his owr: OYerflQiiBg Methodism The Anniversary of Ihe Mission Movement FEE CHEAT MONEY RAISER, CHJJPLADl McCABE IN ALL HIS GLORY. The Broadway Church KnthUNlKHni Under Big Audience and an Overflow Mlxnlon Meeting; to Accommodate the Crowd of Ttose Who Could Sot Hear iHtCabe. A warmth of (aellng and expression that was as much spiritual as it was jhyfllcal, pervaded the Immense of people that choked up the aisles, the vestibule, the lecture room, class rooms and even the outer eni at the Broadway Methodist church last night. Ii was uncomfortably warm in the audience room, but the heat was put from the mlcda of Chaplain C. C.

McCabe's hearera by the counteraction of the blaze of Christian enthusiasm which he fanned and encouraged by bis spirited eloquence, and sparkling wit. Hie address on missions was certainly a wonderful effort. Chaplain Lozler made the opening prayer In his own unctious style, and Mr. Giffe sang a solo. Chaplain MoCabe started his work by plsclng on sale a pile of charts showing the status of the mission work, at five cents each.

In an address lasting over an hour, prefaced by a song or two, sung as only McCabe can slnp gospel songs, he told of the work done by Methodists in all fields of mission labor. In 1887, he said, the fund raised for the work, passed the $1,000,000 mark, and has now almost reached the $1,500,000. Recalled the missionary society the old mother of all the and said she was seventy-five years old, and deserving of better treatment at the hande of her off spring than she waa given. The church extension movement, the Freedmaa's Aid and Educational Society, the Home Missionary and the Foreign Missionary societies, were all the children of the venerable parent. The speaker said that every man owed one-tenth of bis Income to the oaute of the Lord, insisted that the just debts bhould be collected.and said he was there to collect them.

He said that many people would be surprised before the week's end, at the ability of the Methodist church to get money out of the people. A side issue which be had in mind, the raising of $40,000 to assist in the erection of. a mission building in Rome was then placed before the congregation. Already $10,000 bad been raised, and ho desired tho promises of 3,000 friends that they would raise $10 each toward the amount needed. In a few moments he secured $500 in $10 subscriptions.

He then favored the audience with a song. Chaplain Lozler eung "The Sword of Bunker Hill" in a way that callei out an Involuntary burst of applause. While the meeting up stairs was going on a Chinese missionary was addressing in a most interesting manner, a'crowd that filled the lecture room on the first floor. Both meetings were full of interest and enthusiasm. If you want a-fine fresh FISH leave your order with F.

KINNBY, -TELEPHONE. A fine variety of fresh lake fish received daily. No cold storage goods. We dress and deliver without, extra charge. See The Specialists For Chronic and Private Diseases and Deformities.

Diseases of Women treated by the new electrical method that has nothing for consultation. Drs. Christopher LongenecKer, AtiThe Medical and Surgical institute. 417 Market St, Logansport. Ind.

IFYOU ARE GOING TO MAKE GARDEN. will nav you to he particular ag to wbose seeds you buy. We are the market with a full line of Landreth seeds for the cYn rt 180? and I wish to say to the pardeners and others using seeds, ssusssws. sraas than tenfold since we have been in the business? We also have a full line Sons has been 115 years in the occupation of seed growing. George Harrison.

617, 623 Broadway. YOUR NAME IN PBIST. Kerns' of Con- cernlnc JJOK and.Thelr Frlenda. In the city yesterday: Otto Retby of Peru. J.

0, Uoll of Lafayette. D. C. Spraker of Kokonco. W.

H. Bishopp of Walton. William Dunkle of Delphi. T. Harden Of Indianapolis, L.

J. Slevin, agent for Huntley- BixbyCo. W. D. and G.

I. Johnson and J. H- Huffman of Marlon. THE OPENING SESSION. Bishop Warren Tremdes-OfflcerB Appointed Adopted.

Bishop W. 3. Warren presided with impressive dignity over the session of the North Indiana conference which convened yesterday morning. A hymn composed for the occasion by the Rev, C. Seal of Marion was and a prayer by the Bishop followed.

Toe short address by the Bishop was a most interesting one. Theaacrament of the Lord's supper was in the usual way administered, and was made very impressive by the words of the sacrament as read by Bishop Warren. Ihe roll call brought out a Isrge per cent of the ministers of the conference as present. The Rev. W.

S. Birch, who Is sick, was, by consent, recorded as present os 5tn Wm. Dolan is at Chicago on business. John Heber of South Bond, is visiting relatives in the city. Mrs.

J. D. Neally of Lima, Ohio, is visiting friends in the city. Robert Green has returned from a bunting trip to English Lake. Mrs.

Margaret Neff of Winchester, is the guest of Logansport friends. Mies May Gilmore is at Bradford, 0., for a visit of a month with frlendi. Robert Matthews is home from Greenville, Ohio, on a short vacation. George Nj li here from Decatur, ITT, visiting his J. D.

Johnston, Jacob Klein was at Huntington Tuesday to attend the funeral of a relative. Stukey and Walter Illiog- worth have left for England with a car load of horses. Mrs. Mary Kammerer of the West Side, is visiting friends and relatives in Rochester. Mr.

and Mrs. H. Lang Of Toledo, 0., are the guests of Mrs. Lacg's sister, Mrs: M. J.

Fisher. George Schmidt of the South Side, left yesterday for Philadelphia, where he will probably locale. Mrs. Oliver has returned to her home at Lagrange. after a visit with her son, D.

A. Younker. Mies Mattie Hartmanand MIES Delia Keegan of Bunker Hill are visitln? at the home of E. M. Howard in the city.

Mrs. R- S. Fisher and Mrs. E- J. Couom of Union City, are visiting Mrs.

Blanche Slclnner of High street. W. D. Pratt and C. O.

Heffiey have been at Indianapolis attending the conclave of the Scottish Rite Masons. Mrs. Mattie Kerns of Sycamore street, fruests this week her parents, Mr. and MM. J.

A. Smyley of Pern. One item In Otto Kraus' ment will interest members of the Albert, or sometimes called preachers' suits, worth $20 up, for 50. Supper will be served by the ladies of the First Unlversalist church in the basement of the church this even- Ing from 5 to 8. Price.15 cents.

All cordially invited. If you want to be surprised go and see those white quilts at John Gray's and then ask the price, and when you hear it we will guarantee you will not come away without one. Dr. Frank B. Wynn, at one time assistant physician at the Northern- Hospital at Long Cliff, has recently been made city sanitarian of Indianapolis by the Board of Health of that city.

The fifteenth birthday of Mies Glen- nio Jackson, dangbterof Mr. and Mrs. Newton Jackson, wag celebrated Tuesday at thejiome on West Market street. A company of young friends spent a pleasant evening. Line Pilling sold.four hundred dollars worth of Columbia bicycles yesterday, which means that three wheels for gentlemen and one for a lady left his store.

The wheels sold tor flOO each. The body of little Webster McMillen reached the city from Chicago at 12:30 this morning. The funeral will occur Friday at 2 p. at the home of J. P.

Webster on Market street between Third and Fourth streets. The Rev. P. Putnam will officiate, Has a grand record as a remedy for all diseases peculiar to women. Ask your druggist lor one the Zoa- Phora medical books for women.

Sold by B. F. Keeeling and Coulson Co. What Zoa Phora won't do for WOMANKIND no medicine will. A..

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