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The Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania • Page 6

The Tribunei
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

NORTON'S. Clearing sale of balance of holiday goods. We offer the remainder of our strictly holiday articles and odds and ends of stock at a big cut in prices until January first. Fancy Glass and Art Pottery at astonishingly low prices to clear them out forever. Large toys and dolls at almost any price Odds and ends of various lines of goods at your price.

Diaries and Calendars for 1S9'2. Large variety at our price. NORTON'S. LiEtfllS, HEILthY DAVIES BRRSRIH SEAS! 114 Wyoming Ave. ST0E3 OPEN EYENIKGS.

LTJZEEXE COUNTY. WILKES BAR RE; Special Local. "Oh, where shall I go for a good, square msal. For the pangs of hunger 1 sorely feel." A voice rang out op the ambient air, "At Lohmann's there's a princely bill of fare." brevities. Prof.

J. M. Coughlin. of this city, will speak at the Westmoreland County Institute this week. W.

H. of the Public Square, was closed up on Saturday at the suit of M. M. DeWitt for Mr. and Mrs.

Aaron La bar celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of their marriage on Friday evening last. Fowler Mackie, of Kingston, was slightly injured in the eye by an air gun in the hands of a small boy on the street. The funeral of the late Sylvester Dilley took place at 'I p. m. yesterday from his home on Lehigh street.

The funeral of the late Robert Humphreys will be held from his residence on Grove street at 3 p. m. to day. The Austrian Juvenile Band will appear in the Xinth Regiment Armory on January 5, for the benefit of the Keghnent. Ellen W.

Dana, wife of Charles B. Dana, died early yesterday morning of pneumonia at the residence on South Main street. James Farrell, of Plymouth, say that he is ready at any time to meet Jester's pupil, whom Jester says can knock him out. Walter E. Postea and Mrs.

Hogan were married at White Haven on Saturday. They went to New York on their honeymoon. Mrs. Thomas McXelis died at the home of her daughter on Kidder street on Friday last. The funeral will take place this morning, with interment at Laurictown.

Two brass book rests for the communion tables at St. Stephen's, were used at the Christmas service for the first time. They were iu memory of Wm. Scott and George W. Scott.

Xext Wednesday and Thursday the drama "Lost in Xew York," will be given in Music Hall. It comes with high press recommendations, both metropolitan and provincial. Death of Mrs. Weaver. A telegram was received by Charles P.

Campbell, of the Register's Office. Saturday stating that Mrs. Weaver, mother of the Resistor of Wills, had died at Oraugeville on Friday. No particulars of Mrs. Weaver's sudden demise were given.

Tiie interment will be made or. next. Judso Harding's Article. The article on 'The Momentous Social Problem" in Friday's issue of The Republican, by Judge Garrick M. Harding, has been attracting much attention throughout the Wyoming Valley, and is commented upon very favorably by men of all classes, and none more so than intelligent working men.

The City Schools. The fact that during the month of December 90 per cent of the enrolled pupils of our public schools were in attendance completely refutes the exaggerated reports concerning the grip epidemic. At two of the schools the attendance reached 05 per cent, which is unusually high eveu when there are no epidemics of any kind. Our schools are in highly satisfactory condition and there is promise of good all around progress during the balance of the year. Commendable.

All claims not consistent with the high chwacttr of Syrup of Figs are purposely avoided by the Cal. Fig Syrup Company. It acts gently on the kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the system effectually, but it is not a cure all and makes no pretensions that every bottle will not substantiate. A PUBLIC BUILDING. Hope Revived tlint Wilkes Barre Will Have a Government Building.

The fact that Hon. Geo. W.Shonk, Luzerne's Eepresentative in Congress, has secured a place on the Committee on Public Buildings has once more inspired the hope that an appropriation win be secured for the erection of a Government builiing in Wiikes Barre. This is a long deferred project which the people have looked to for many years, but which for various reasons has failed to materialize. On one occasion, when this city was enjoying the exceptional good luck of having two citizens occupiug seats in the National House one a Republican and the other a Democrat the people felt certain that at least their expectations would bo realized, but disappointment again awaited them.

Congressman Shonk is not merely what the boys call "a hustler," but he possesses ability and tact, perseverance and aggressiveness. This knowledge is what has begotten the confidence that he will succeed, unless, indeed, the spirit of parsimony seizes the House. Another thing that may be essential to success is the hearty co operation of the public spirited citizens, and especially the'Board of Trade. Representative Shonk has made his tirst important point in securing a place on the Public Buildings Committee; now let the people of Wilkcs "l3arre, irrespective of party, show that they want a government building, that they are Willing to strengthen ttie hands of their Representative in Congress iu every way they can. For the iirsttime in niany years Luzerne has a real live Congressman, one who is full of push and energy, who is determined to serve his constituents in every ivay and to the very utmost of Ids ability.

Should he call npw the strong men of Wiltes JJa'rre for support in his efforts let them resjx nd with energy and pluck equal to his. That is the wav ta succeed. The Market street ISridge. i There seems now to be some doubt that flie new iiu and steel bridge can be con strnt teu without cutting oiT travel. It was announced that this would be done, aiid doubtless could be at the expenditure of a great deal of time and money, but there does not appear to be any absolute necessity for it.

The new bridge could be erected much sooner if the old one was simply taken down isistead of removing it to temporary supports, to be used while the iron structure is put in place. The new bridge at North street could be used without much inconvenience, audit ought to be possible for the old bridge company to enter into some satisfactory arrangement with the lessee of the North street bridge. That policy should be adopted which will result in the most speedy completion of tin? uew structure. Probably the managers of the old bridge company argue that if travel is once wholly diverted to the upper bridge much of it will not return to the 'Market street route after the new bridge is up. That is unquestionably a The old route is the most convenient for the bulk of West Side travel and people consult their own convenience in such matters and are not swayed by sentiment.

The projectors of the North street bridge were greaHy disapiminted. The traiiie they so confidently expected never came, but the construction of that (bridge was a great blessing to the public in that it compelled a fifty per cent, reduction in tolls as well as a reduction in the dividends ot the old company. County Office Changes. The incoming of the new Clerk of the Courts. Mr.

Leo Stanton, of West Pittston, wiil witness the outgoing of all the subordinates of the old Clerk, Mr. James. The familiar faces mid pleasant ways of Mr. James Thomas and Mr. have attended tc the practical details of the office for a n'unber of years, will soon be missed and their departure will be sincerely regretted by very many who have had business to transact at the Clerk of the Courts' office and invariably found there noted for courtesy and close connection to business.

There" will also be some changes in the Prothouotary's office, but it is understood that Deputy Zahm. who deserves the title of "Oid Reliability" if ever a man did, will be retained. "The Prothonotary, whether he be Democrat or Republican, who displaced Deputy Zahm would be very likely to hear that which would make his ears "tingle, aud he would hear it from all sides and from men of all political creeds. There is an unwritten Civil Service Reform law in this county that applies to Deputy Prothonotary Zahm exclusively, and the man who should attempt to over ride that unwritten law should lie regarded as a fool of the most pronounced rariety. Prothonotary Wiegand is not that kind of a man and Deputy Zahm will continue to conduct the office with the same correctness as heretofore.

Y. M. C. A. ISuil.ling.

After several years of patient waiting, hard work, and on the part of some considerable sacrifice, the Y. M. C. A. building will be formerly opened this week.

A programme, subject to possible modifications, has been arranged as follows: On Wednesday evening there will be a reception to business men, members of the association, contributors and their families. Thursday evening reception to members of all churches, followed by a union prayer meeting in the large auditorium. Persons desiring to do so can inspect the building after half past in the evening. On New Year's day there will lie general receptions at 10 a. and 7: p.

m. Between the hours of 0 and 10 p. there will a special reception to the young men of Wilkes Barre and vicinity exclusively. Duriug the evening there wiil be iight refreshments served and also an attractive programme rendered, consisting of music, short addresses, and an exhibition iu the gymnasium. The Y.

M. C. A. building wiil from this time forth doubtless become one of the popular resorts for young men who will appreciate rational and wholesome surroundings and influences. Marriage Licenses Granted.

The Register of Wills Saturday granted marriage licenses to the following parties: Wycheck Javoschuski to Katanna Gogoler iski, both of Moconaqua; Jacob Goska to Rusa Urban, both of Allien: Joseph Biliffski to Eva Shanish, both of Glen Lyon; Samuel J. Welsh to Araminda E. Long, both of Luzerne borough: Paul Fedok to Bisa Baligrotska, both of Glen Lyon; John C. Jones, of Miner's Mills, to Maria John, of Plains; Wycuek Wenirski to Sofia Poke, both of Wyoming; Christopher Greising to Catharine E. Iihoads, both of Hazleton: John Grahaue to Kate Shales, both of Avoca; Robert P.

Kamsey to Bridget C. Rowley, both of Philadelphia; William Seve to Mary Vordanic, both of Yorktown, Carbon county; Thomas Morgan, of Go wen to Lizzie Thomas, of Pittston; John Zsofcsin to Annie Meravecy, both of Plymouth; William Dale to Annie Dorch, "both of Pittston and John T. Phillips, of Larks vilie to Catherine James, of Nanticoke. The Uovs Entertained. Saturday evening the members of the Boy's Industrial Association, met at 7 p.

in the old school room on North Main street, in the Y. M. C. A. building, and were treated to a pleasant, evenings entertainment.

There was a singing hesson conducted by T. C. Umsted and following that was a concert criven bv the banjo and guitar club of the Harry Hiilman Academy, and some excellent selections were given. Miss Tiliio Lewis, the gifted elocutionist gave a number of recitations appropriate to the season and St. Stephen's choir rendered some carols very finely.

Candy and gifts were distributed among the boys, and a very pleasant evening was enjoyed by all the youths who attended. They appreciated the time given up for their amusement by the teachers and so expressed themselves. Miles' Nerve and I.iver Pills. Act on a new principle regulating the liver, stomach and bowls through the nerves. A new discovery.

Dr. Hilles' Pills speedily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipation. Unequalled for men, THE SCEAXTOX REPUBLICAN, MONDAY MOIiXIXG, DECEMBER 28, 1891. women, children. Smallest, mildest, surest! 50 doses, 2o cts.

Samples free at Matthews Bros. Mrs. Guinpert Dead. Mrs. Dr.

Gumpert died on Saturday last from grip and lung affection. She was 59 years of age and was a native of Berlin, Germany. She had been in this country about four years, but was a close student, and was proficient enough in the English language to write some excellent essays. She leaves but two children, a daughter, the wife of a prominent business man in Berlin, and a son, who is practicing in this city, but who is now verv ill in Berlin. The deceased had been married to Dr.

Gumpert for thirty five years. The funeral took place at nine o'clock yesterday morning with interment in Hanover eemeterv. "The pall bearers were Jacob Karris. Jacob Falk. Herman Barring, J.

Jacobowsky, Solomon Hirsch and Isaac Livingston. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for aits, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilbrains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 35 cents per box.

For sale by Matthews druggists. A Sea of Mud. During the past week Market street, that much used thoroughfare of Wilkes Barre, has been literally a sea of mud. Inasmuch as it is proposed to pave this street with asphalt next vear the people are bearing up good naturert'lv under the present frightful condition of the street, but they will be all the more eager to have the paving done as soon as possible. It is admitted that it is not worth while for the city to incur the expense of trying to repair it now, either by cobbliug it again or otherwise.

The only hope of the street becoming passable is that the mud will presently freeze and remain frozen hard until spring. Then must follow another reign of mud. then the asphalt. Strength ami Health. If von are not feelinsr strong and healthy, try Electric Bitters.

If "La Grippe" has left von weak aud wearv, use Electric Bitters. This remedv acts directly on liver, stomach and kiduevs. gentlv aiding those organs to perform their functions. If yon are afflicted with sick headache, you will 11 nil speedy and permanent relief by taking Electric Bitters. One trial will convince you that this is the remedy you need.

Large bottles only 50c, at Matthews Drug Store. A Ten Hound Contest. Louis Jester has made a match with James Farrell for his pupil Maurice L. Thomas of Laurel Run, for a teii round fight to take place within three weeks for a gold watch. Articles have beeu drawn up and signed.

Farrell will fight at HO pounds and Thomas will weigh about the same. The match will be fought with six ounce gloves, Police Gazette rules. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup was used for years as a prescription by a successful physician. It is iu ail respects the best cough medicine made to day.

Sold by all dealers on a cuarantee of satisfaction. farei Ctld. Coughs, Bora Throat, Crenp, Iaflaensa, Whooping Congh, Bronchitis na AathaA. lecntii care for ContUOipUoa In firat ai a sure relief in advanced stages. at once.

Ton will flee the excellent effect after taking the first dose. Sold hj "sua trery wtwrv. Luge twulta. cclu ao4 1.00. JAPANESE A Guaranteed Cure for Piles of whatever kind or degree External.

Internal. Blind or Eleed ina. Chronic, Recent or Hereditary. This llem has positively never been known to fail. SI a box.

li for $5. by mail prepaid. A written Guarantee (riven to each purchaser of loxes. when purchased at one time, to refund tlie not cured. Guarantee issued by THE JAPANESE REMEDY COMPANY, thronsh their sole agents, Matthews Scranton, Pa.

Samples free. S500 REWARD! WE will pay the above reward for any case of Livir Complaint. Dyspepsia. Sick Headache, Indigestion. Constipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with est's Yre table Liver Pills, whi the directions are strictlv complied with.

They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. yugar'C'oated. Lares boxes, eon tainitife" 3 Pills. 'St cents. Beware of counterfeits arid imitations.

The genuine manufactured nnlv bv ilE JOHN C. WEST COM PA XV, CHICAGO. "ILL. Sold by Matihews SiT Tlton. Pa.

MWF Common Soap Rots Clothes and Chaps Hands. IVORY DOES NOT. MANHOOD RESTORED. "SANAT1VO," the Wonderful Spanish Kenieiv. is wMvitli aWritton Cuaranteetocure all Nervous Diseases, such as Weak Memory, Loss Brain I'ower, Headache, Wa'tt fulness, Manhood.

Nervous ucsa, Latitude, all ruins and loss of Dower of the Gener Before After Use. PhotofrrapheH from lire. ative Oifciujs in tiliifr jitx, uaiMcd bv over exertion, youthful indiscretions, or theexcewlveuse of tot ac co, opimu, or Httmularm, which ultimately lead to Infirmity, Consumption nnct Insanity. Put up io. convenient form to canr in the vest pocket.

Price Jl a packnge, or 6 for $5. With every $6 order we nive a written pruaranteo to cure or refund the money. Heut by to any address. Circular free in plain envelope. Mentionthispiper.

Ad drees, MADRID CHEMICAL CO Cranh Office for U. 8. A. 3S8 XJearboru Street, CHICAGO, ILL. FOR SALE IN SCRAN TON, BY Matthews Who Wale nnI Retnil Drijrsflet.

H. C. eoodersoo. Cor; A v. ii rucc St jUX iff WW T3E TRADERS National Bank, of Scranton, Pa.

Organfccd 1890. Capital, $250,000. Surplus, $10,000 PAMrEr. IIises. W.

W. Watsos A. B. WILLIAMS President Vice Presulent Cashier DIRECTOKS Samuel Hires M. Everhart Irving A.

Finch Tierce B. Finley Joseph J. Jermrn M. Kemmerer Chas. P.

Slatrhevs John T. Porter. W. W. Watson Prompt, Energetic, Csnssrvativs and Liberal Bank invites the pntronage of Business Men and Finns generally.




IXTEREST PAID ON HME DEPOSITS. DIME DEPOSIT AXD DISCOUNT BANK WTOMINWA VENUE, COR SPRUCE STREET. CAPITAL $100,000 This Bank is nv open for business. The accounts of Corporations, Merchant and Individuals solicited. Interest Allowed on time Deposits.

Receives Deposits as small as one Dime. OFFICERS: CHARLES DU PONTT BRECK President REESE G. BROOKS Vice President H. G. DUNHAM Cashier DIRECTORS: Chas.

DuPont Brack Reese G. Brooks. James P. A. L.

Francois, Charles Schlager, E. J. Lvnett, L. N. Kramer, T.

P. Hoban, C. Comegys, V. J. Lews, M.

H. Dale. Transacts a General Banking Bnsiness. Open every Saturday evening from 7 to TOS SATING No. 123 WYOMING AVENUE.


Price, De Witt C. Blair, Ueorge H. CATLIX, A. B. Blair.

President, JAMES BLAIR. Vice President, S. B. PRICE. Cashier, H.

C. SHAFER. Assistant Cashier, A. B. BLAIR Tliis Institution receives deposits of Savings and Trust funds in sums of five dollars and upwards, upon which interest is computed and payable semi annually on the first days of January and July.

Drafts issued available in any part of the world. ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. THE LACKAWANNA TRUSTAND SAFE DEPOSIT CO. 401 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Organized IfoT.

CAPITAL, FULL PAID SURPLUS UNDIVIDED PROFITS. $250,000 22,000 22,989 Business and personal accounts received. Savings deposits received in any amount and interest paid on and upward. Designated Legal Depository for the Courts ot Lackawanna County. This Company acts as Trustee, Executor, Guardian, under appointment by the courts, corporations and individuals.


Husky Bnr.iN. 'R Cu.MIAD SCHKOtlJCIl P. J. Koran R. T.

Black Henry J. AxnnKso: EEWAIID B. STL'IiGES J. Ben. Dimmtck Chas.

DiPont Breck Wm. T. Smith George Sandkrso.v William Co.n.nell T. C. Snoveii.

Safes izes in fire and burglar pronf vaults fr rent at Su.00 per annum upwurcls according to size and location. PHEASANTS. QUAIL Prairie Chickens, Wild Ducks, Turkeys, dickens, Ducks aud Geese. Celery, Cranberries, Lettuce, Cauliflower, Spinach, Kale, Water Cress. Malaga, Tokay, Concord mid Catawba Grapes, Florida, Havana, Jamaica Oranges and Grape Fruit.

PIERCE'S MARKET Com, Bii i A Tee Cud No Cure, No Pay Small Charges. Kg DR. P. II. BROWN.

CHIROPODIST, Oflice, No. 4'1 Lnrfcutvaiina nvpuue, over Scranton Savings and Trust Hunk. Havinsr had our Corns. Bunions. In prowing Toe Nails.

Big Toe Joints. Chilblains. Soft. Tender and Sweaty Feet cured by Ir. Brown, without pain, blood or soreness, we take pleasure in reL oniinendin him to nil ijuil'erers.

The treatment is painless and bloodless; instant relief. Richard H. Gibbons. M. D.VVyoimtiR a venue.

G. Bosrart, Ass Sup't L. W. K. R.

T. J. Kellev Grocers. Lack a avenue. F.

H. demons, Crockerv. 4 Laek'a James Merrill. Dispatcher I W.

K. R. David Brown. Master Mechanic W.R B. J.

Alexander, Merchant Tailor. Laek'a ave 31. Brown. Brown's Bee Hive. Lack'a ave.

J. P. Malum. Clerk of Councils. Mrs.

J. Stratton. Jefferson avenue. Mrs. and Miss Davids.

Linden street. Mrs. L. White. Vine street.

And hundreds of other we'd known citizens were successfully cured. Sufferers, your feet can be cured wheu glove fitting shoes or boot can be worn with ease and comfort. Hours a. 111. to p.

in. ARS. FULL line line fresh imported Key West and Domestic Cigars. Smokers' articles in various varieties. Specialty of Moistening Boxes.

Give me a call and convince yourself. ivi 203 WYOMING AVENUE. R. M. LATOUCHE.


PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERS RECEIVED BY TELEPHONE 3992 TELEPHONE OR MAIL. HOLIDAY GOODS. Decorated Dinner Sets, Tea and Toilet Sets, Cracker Jars and Bon Don Dishes, Fancy Cups and Saucers, Fruit and Ice Cream Sets, Lemonade and Wine Sets, riano, Banquet, Hanging and Vase Lamps, Silver Plated Ware. at prices which vre are confident will induce you to buy. Eugene Kleberg, Opposite Penn avenuo Baptist Church.


Tinning, Plumbing, GAS and STEAM FITTING BY COMPETENT WORKMEN. Gunster Forsyth, 327 PEMN A VENUE, SCRANTON DR. TriEEL, 5oq Worth Fourth Kf bl. lireea, PMU.Afu.rHli, tte only nttiB tlermwi American HDWilUl Ia Uic Unit! SlAWi who able cure BtOOd Poison, Norvouc Debility Special Oiueases ui baia Hi rtpou Pain) In tec baniSoroThroat Mouth, BiutcnM. Piiuiiles, Krnpuona, aort or hapl LMoer.

Irriuaona, Ikftatniaatloni aDA Bunnlnea, Utnclurea. TealDcaa and larlr dar. lol niraorr. k. mental aDiletj.

BI.Mer Mneajei. anil ll ma" remltlol from InOiicrrtUn or Overor. Kent oai. cured In 4 relief at Do not nnpe. Be matter what aarer.

tlllnt Doctor. Onacl. Pimllr or Honplial I'hraloUn he 'allrt. Dr. THltltl, corn po l'lvnly and wlrtout delonHon rrato birlneae.

oib. TOt wi, middle on am tne cirrli.l.iTiit a.antos rloh er poor. "tii c. mp bOOK "THUTH" tpeilac Qow) 'mdtr Z. "llT fret.

J. r'n 0. fed. ai.d 9al. iT'ia IK.

"anrtAT till II. Write or rail aid he fit IT Kin. ut Btwrlaj Pbilt. tall TUe GG PREPARED COAL i CASEY BROS. THE WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS This firm is known in the most remote corners of Northeastern and has the reputation of carrying the best and purest Domestic and Imported Goods.

Among the choice goods offered the trade are: American Whisky Green Valley Rye Gibson Eye Hermitage Rye Guckenheimer Rye Monogram Rye Black Thorn Rye Quaker Rye Zeno Rye Sam Clay Ryo Hickory Rye, etc. Sole Agents for Flanagan, Nay Co's Ales and Porter Benjner Enrrle's Famous Tannhaaser I Eeer. Philadelphia Schlitz's Brewing Company. Milwaukee American Brewing Co a Rochester, N. Y.

I I Cliaiiiiiacrnos. Mums, Hicdseck 5 Gold Seal. bawai Agents for Greek and Tokay Wines Liqnors and Cordials Cnracad Chartreuse Groen Chartreuse Yellow Benedictine Bonnekamp Bitters Angostura Bitters Home Rule Bitters Annisetto Ruin Punch Vermouth Absinthe Cliirets. Rising Sun St. Julien.

Metloe, St. Julien, Bordeaux. White Wines. Haut Sauternes Bai sac CASEY BROTHE 216 Lackawanna ave. We have still GET RID a OVtKUUA on hand, which must be sold within the next few weeks.

Overcoats at your own price. We shall not refuse any reasonable offer. By order of the Administrator the affairs of our deceased partner must be settled by the end of this month. Everything must go. Nothing will be reserved.

LEWIS KLINE, ADMINISTRATORS' SALE. Cor. Lackawanna and Franklin avenues. Fcbaxton. Aug.

8, 1S91. W. P. Cornell Soss: The three No. 42 Royal Furnaces you put in for mo in my block on Seventh street, are giving satisfaction, heating the houses thoroughly in the coldest weather, and I am much pleased with their operation.

I would also state the setting of the furnaces and arrangement of the hot air pipes make a neatly finished job. I have had no expense in repairs in three years service. Yours, A. BARROWMAN. The Royal Furnaces have no down drafts to cause trouble, and seta low in the cellar.

Holiday Ms Ladies' and Cents' Gold and Silver Matches, Din monds, Sterling and Plated LARGE AND fine Ware. Souvenirs of all SELECTION kinds, Fine Jewelry. Everything warranted as represented. TWENTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE C. LUTHER, 107 WYOMING AVENUE F.

V. BUNKERS TRANSACT A General Banking Business 50 AND 72 PUBLIC SQUARE, WILKES BARRE, PA Wiaes Tort Wine Sherry Wine Catawba Wine Rhine Wine Orange Wine Muscat Wine Angelica Wine Ales ami Porter S3 McMullens White Label Bass Ale, E. J. Burlto Burke's Guinness Stout Smith's Pale Ale Smith's Brown Stout Bottled Whisky Mount Vernon Garrick Club rclle Bourbon Medallion Canadian Club Jamison's Irish Ramsev's Scotch Scranton, Pa stock of 4. i S3 SHOE THE BEST SHOE fN THE WORLD Foil TH GOi iff? It is a seamless shuo, with no tucks or wax throad to hurt tiie feet; made of the best line ralf, styllfli rind cafy, and because ire wake mow.

shoes of ft is grade than any other manufacturer, it equals baud bfiwnd shoes costlnj? from l.OU to $5.00. tit XI OlMienniin llaml sewcd, tJio flne tcalf 4J9 shoo tivtT (flVcnul for oqtmls Jbrcucti Imported sliog whlnii cost from SS.O'i to felii.iiO. fl Hiiri'l Sewpii Welt Shop, to calf, fityllsu, emufortable ami fJurablo. '1'ho bns6 Blioft ever oltcrett v.t this price finun prudo cU3 tom madci shoes costing from to 50 llirp Shoe: Ftinners. liailroart Mon and better wear V.ivm; Hue naif, Beamless, heavy tiiruu soles, extuu sioii edje.

one pair wiil wcarnyenr. 2tf 50 line vuU'i no b'. tif h'o ever offered at 9cm this prieu; one trial will convince th'jso who want a shoo for comfort ami service. und WoikintrtiKiTt' i sliona on are very KironK and durable, "'hose who hrtvo piveu theui trial will wear no ntherniake. P' nud cl)ool shoes am Bufw wurii by the boysevery where; theysull ou their merits, as tii'o increasint? sak 3 show.

fHISej Mftvcjl 6hoe, nest IwO verv imported shs cos tin mm to X.ZlU $2Jt( nud shoe for inrethu best, fine i'nmion. See that V. L. liuiiirlns' naino uad price aro sluiuped ou the b.t',um uf shue. fJTTAKE SO Srn.sTITt'TK.JES Insist on leal advert! dt aitTHsiipplytufyon, SOLD BY K.

J. LEONAUi). 43 Lackawanna ave READ TH.S IP YOU WANT DOLLS AND TOYS GO TO TUNSTALL'Sj 301 Sl'Kl'CE There ynn will find a larjo assnvtmont of Dolls and" Doll Heads and Toys of all kinds. Ho has something now in Christmas Curdn and a variety of poods for the Holidays. Dulls paired at short notice.


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