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The Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania • Page 8

The Tribunei
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

of of of of of of of of of C. 8 THE SCRANTON REPUBLICAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 10. 1900. The engagement is announced of Miss Romayne, daughter of Mr. a and nue, Douglas Bunting of Mrs.

Calvin Seybolt, of To Jefferson aveWilkes-Barre. Letters have been received this city conveying the information that the health of Mrs. Henry B. Reynolds was slightly better than when she left for In letters to friends sinf thee Reynolds her trip on the other side water. states that they had an extremely stormy trip but that Mrs.

Reynolds had stood it very well considering her weak condition when she started, and was in a fair way toward speedy recovery. Miss Edith Martin entertained the afternoon euchre club Wednesday afternoon. Those present were: The Misses Gulick Silkman, Jennie and Alice Zeigler, Morse, Jackson, Williams, Ward, Henwood, Martha Atherton, and Alice Osterhout, Miller, Bentley, Hayes, Mrs. Henwood, Mrs. Osterhout, Mrs.

Gillespie, Anderson, Mrs. Gulick, Mrs. Griffin, Mrs. Sherman, Mrs. Nyhart.

Mr. and Mrs. Sprake, of Plymouth, entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford B.

Hadley of Scranton, who stopped off there while on their way home from their wedding tour to Philadelphia, where they have been spending the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Hadley were married at Scranton two weeks ago and on their arrival home were given a reception last evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Simpson Wharton. Yesterday's papers announce the promotion by presidential appointment from a second lieutenancy of Alexander H. Wetherill, to the first lieutenancy in the Sixth United States Infantry. Young Wetherill is the oldest son of popular Captain Sandy Wetherill of the officer Sixth in the Infantry regular who service was to the fall first at the first casualties occurred in the San Juan. It will be remembered that Rough Riders who were engaged in the fight at Guasimas.

Haven't you often seen a girl with fine features, lovely complexion, and everything that goes toward the makeup of a beauty, but all of it is spoiled by a discontented droop to the mouth, a supercilious glance of the eye, or a cross, petulant expression to the whole countenance? On the other hand, there are girls whose features, when analyzed, fall far short of the standard set for a Venus or Psyche, yet cheeriness and brightness permeate the countenance and good nature and kindness seem to radiate from the whole person. Which strikes you as the most beautiful? Is it not, after all, beauty of character that impresses you? Then, again, the clear skin, bright eyes, and elastic step that comes from good health beauty to many a girl plain of feature. Change the rosycheeked, popular belle, with every pulse beating high with health, into the pallid invalid, and how quickly her is gone. So this much desired attribute, after all, is not so often a gift of the gods, but can be acquired some degree, by every girl who will take the trouble to achieve it. The chief requisite is good health.

Care with one's diet, bathing, and exercise will infallibly result in a clear skin. bright eyes, glossy hair, and red lips that will do much to make the plainest features attractive. The plain girl need not bemoan her lot as being hopelessly homely, but she can rival her more favored sister, if she will but use weapons nature put in her hands. Do not forget, either, that the pretty girl whose face habitually expresses discontent and petulance is beautiful only in her own others she has little charm. Kindness, graciousness, and good temper will transform the plainest face into one admired by all, and bring to its owner the love and firm friendships which are rarely bestowed on the cold, proud beauty.Evening Telegraph, Philadelphia.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sturges, Mr. and Mrs. Me Henry M.

Boies and Mr. E. Platt leave Scranton on the seventeenth instant and will sail on Monday, the nineteenth, for a short trip to Puerto Rico. The "Qui Vive," having for its first officers Miss Mabel Fritz, president, Miss Elizabeth Stelle, treasurer; Miss Beatrice Enid Morris, secretary, meeting at the residences of the members, met on Thursday evening at Miss Hessler's, Green Ridge. Mr.

and Mrs. W. G. Parke entertained at dinner Monday evening. Covers were laid for fourteen.

The guests the Rev. Isaac J. Lansing, the Rev. L. R.

Foster and Mrs. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Sturges, Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas F. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L.

Hitchcock, Mr. and Mrs. Minor C. Carr. Mrs.

Frances A. Hackley, whose erosity in founding kindergartens in this city and its vicinity and the John Raymond institute, has just made a new gift of $40,000 to a school at Tarrytown, where she resides. The school will be known as the Hackley school, and will be under the control of the Unitarian church. This last gift of Mrs. Hackley to the school brings her total endowments up to $120,000.

A coterie of aout 20 young people of the North End of this city, partly from thir own diversion, are rehearsing a laughable drama, which they will put on the platform of the Auditorium in the near future for the pleasure of the public. The drama is one of Watt's best and is entitled "What Next?" The amateurs, which include Harry Smith and Miss Grace Williams, who have been assigned the leading roles, are already busily improving leisure moments studying their lines, and in a short time announcements will be made of an evening's enjoyment, which now promises to be a delightful social feature in North End The following is from "The Passing Throng" column of the New York Tribune: "If you ever go up and down the Lackawanna Valley, in Pennsylvania," said William J. Bowen, a commercial traveller for one of the big wholesale grocery houses of this city, at the Hotel Manhattan, "you'll run across a lot of villages with names that don't mean anything in particular until you have asked about them, and then you'll find the villages were named for wealthy men, largely residents of Scranton. Scranton itself is named for the Seranton family, which has had representatives there ever since it was a village, in the early part of the century. Just above Scranton is Dickson, named for Thomas Dickson, the locomotive builder.

Going on up, you come to Priceville, Throop and Olyphant. The last named is a large village, and is named for the family that President Olyphant of the Delaware and Hudson Canal company came from. Peckville was founded by the Pecks, who are the principal owners of the Lackawanna Lumber company, Scranton. Archbald was named for old James Archbald. of Scranton, who died many years ago.

Then comes Jermyn, named for John Jermyn, who, when he drifted into the coal fields fifty years ago, was almost penniless. Now he's a millionaire, and owns the Hotel Jermyn, in Scranton, besides extensive coal and steel properties. John Jermyn, by the the only wealthy citizen of Scranton I know of who saw Queen Victoria crowned, over sixty years ago, and was present at jubilee, fifty years afterward. During the interval he had become one of the most prominent coal men in the anthracite field of Northeastern Pennsylvania. The villages I have named (were once SO small as to be of little consequence, no doubt, but now some of them are large and flourishing, with newspapers, banks and libraries, and they give the families after whom they were named historic significance in the state.

Current iterature. Return of the Business Woman," by Edward Bok, "The Anecdotal Side of Mr. Beecher," "College Girls' Larks and Pranks." "The Modern Son and Daughter," "Where the Founder of the Kindergarten was Born" are among the notable features of the March Ladies' Home Journal. "The Autobiography of a Girl," "The Theatre and Its People" and Parson's Butterfly are continued, and and I in Paris" and "Her Boston Experiences' are concluded. Howard Chandler Christy contributes the first of his American Girl series of drawings, showing her at church, and A.

B. Frost humorously pictures "The Country Store as a Social Centre." An Easter solo and an anthem are timely; and the numerous articles on fashions in woman's wear be a useful guide just at his time. This is but a hasty glance between the covers of the March Journal. Publishing company, Philadelphia. One dollar a year; ten cents a copy.

A perfect Kimberly of gems is the March Success, just out. Five great country boys, Dr. Parkhurst, Eastman Johnson, John W. Keller, W. L.

Strong and John S. Wise, discuss the problem, "Should the Country Boy Go to the City-" A Chicago writer immortalizes General Joe Wheeler in a poem containing a spirited account of one of his Confederate charges. Secretary Wilson and Edwin Markham cross swords over the application of the poem, "The Man with the Hoe." the statesman registering an indignant protest against identifying the American farmer with the "critter" described in verse, and the poet claiming that he has seen thousands of such in this country, although he was thinking of the European type when he wrote the poem. Henry Clews, Senator Depew and Professor Elmer Gates, are some of the other heavy guns employed, while bright, budding Mickey Finn, Simeon Ford, the hotel king, and Eugene Zimmerman, the cartoonist, enliven matters with their humor. It is a great number.

For sale on all news stands. Certain letters by one "Billy Baxter." issued as incidentals to a patent medicine advertisement, enjoyed great vogue recently. They were fair samples of the humor that is to be derived from the relation of carousing experiences in the broadest slang of the day. As mainsprings to the advertisement of a stomach and liver tonic they were clever efforts, but as examples of American humor they could hardly be classed as typical. In this single field of slang George Ade has done much better work, with more wit and greater delicacy.

However, the "Billy Baxter" letters have finally got between the covers of a bound volume. The Duquesne Publication company of Harmarville, issues the volume. Many who read the letters as they appeared in pamphlet form will for the first time now that the nuthor of them was William J. Kountz, and that he died suddenly in August of last year. But the liver tonic which inspired these contributions to American literature is still at the call of suffering humanity.

In Donahoe's Magazine for March are Despite the Lenten Season. Mr. A. D. Holland: has returned from Baltimore.

ille Mack of Nicholson was a recent visitor in this city. Mr. and Mrs. H. W.

Cross have returned. from Robert a M. trip to Scranton Albany. is spending a few days in Hartford, Conn. Mr.

and Mrs. Cake of Pittston Were among Wednesday's visitors. Fred Sullivan of Boston is the guest of Thomas Carroll of Madison avenue. Mr. and Mrs.

A. F. Duffy Binghamton visited relatives here Wednesday. Miss Grace Niven of Scranton is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Harry C.

Mason. Miss Pearsoll of Scranton was the guest of Mrs. A. J. Decker one day last week.

Mrs. P. E. Timlin of Jermyn is the guest of her mother. Mrs.

Mullaney, of Ninth street. Mr. and Mrs. T. J.

Snowden of Sunset avenue are spending a few days in Baltimore, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Belin and Miss Margaretta Belin were in New York a part of last week. Dr.

and Mrs. Richard Slee, of Swiftwater, Monroe county, are the guests of Scranton friends. Mr. George P. Griffith is in Scranton, having returned from Santiago on account of his son's illness.

Mrs. E. Erhardt, of North Sumner avenue, is entertaining her sister, Miss Doubler, of Mifflinburg, Pa. Mrs. J.

B. Poore and Miss Christine Lindsay of Monsey avenue spent a few days in New York this week. Mr. W. B.

Hull, a former resident of Scranton, and now of New York city, was in the city Wednesday. C. A. Hinsdell, a former Scranton clothier, now in the wholesale clothing business in Syracuse, is at the Jermyn. Miss Russell of Beaver Brook has returned home after spending the past week pleasantly with friends here.

Mr. G. B. Hand, who has been recovering his health in Los Angeles, will return to his home the latter part of this week. Mr.

Edward Clark, the president of the Scranton Traction Company, was the of Mr. Frank Silliman, the manager, in this city. Mrs. A. N.

Adams, wife of State Senator Adams, of Fair Haven, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. G. B. Jermyn, of Jefferson avenue. Mrs.

Charles Olver and son, of North Main avenue; Mrs. John Fern and Miss Nettie of North Sumner avenue, are spending a few days in New York. Mrs. Daniel Tillow, who had been a guest at the home of Mrs. C.

Carr, of Dickson avenue, left Saturday afternoon for her home in South Orange, J. Mrs. William T. Watkins, Mrs. John Linton and Mrs.

Thomas Sheivis, of Pittston avenue, are the guests of Mrs. Petherick, at her home in Decker court. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Warren and family, and Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas Watfamily, will all return to Scranton from Palm Beach next week, where they have been for the past few weeks. Mr. A. D.

Holland will return from Baltimore next week. C. S. Woodruff, is spending a few Miss days Della Evans, Philadelphia. of WilkesBarre, spent Wednesday in town.

Mrs. P. Daniels is in Kingston Mr. visiting and friends Mrs. and Miles relatives.

Hand are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hand. Mrs. Henry M.

Boles and Miss Helen Boies were in New York last week. Miss Hattie Farrell, of Eynon street, is in Binghamton, visiting her uncle. Miss Dot Rinehart of Clark's Summit was visiting friends in the city yesterday. Charles Smith spent part of yesterday at his former home in White Haven. Mrs.

Arthur Loomis of Madison avenue is recovering from a recent rather severe illness. Mrs. V. A. Simrell of Monroe avenue is entertaining Miss Nellie O'Connor, of Wilkes-Barre.

Miss Alice Nesbitt of Scranton is being pleasantly entertained by Schuykill county friends. Mrs. Laura Radeker, of Cochester, is the guest Mr. Mrs. J.

E. Knapp, of Capouse avenue. Mr. George Meyers, a permanent man at the Columbia Chemical Engine company's headquarters, is ill. Mrs.

Weisman and Mrs. Blattner of Wilkes-Barre were the guests of friends in town Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Getz, of Pittsburg, are visiting Mr.

and Mrs. William Kime, of Robinson street. Stanley Evans of Scranton, was in town yesterday. He is a son of Moses D. Evans, formerly of Kingston.

Mrs. Cohn and children Bradford are guests at the home brother, Joseph Levy, on Vine street. Miss Mary Titman, of Blairstown, N. is visting at the home of her brother, Mr. Z.

Titman, of Jackson street. C. D. Jones and wife and Miss Helen Jones registered at Hotel Alamogordo from Scranton, News. Miss Grace Wilson and Miss McPherson, of Washington, D.

are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. 1 B. Atherton, of North Main avenue.

Mr. Robert Davis, of South Rebecca avenue, who underwent treatment for an affliction of the eyes, has returned to his home fully recovered. Mrs. S. T.

Tucker, of Jackson, Susquehanna county, and Henry Wheeler of Jermyn, are the guests of Mrs. J. F. Wilcox of Green Ridge street. Mr.

Walter Dunn of Buffalo, who has been Mrs. James Archbald's guest for a few days, accompanied Mr. James Archbald, to Pottsville on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. L.

G. Parrish, of Detroit, has come to the city and is at Hotel Jermyn, where her husband, who has been here for some time in the capacity of coal buyer, is making his home. Mr. C. W.

Fetherolf, of Binghamton, was in town last week and called on his newspaper friends. Mr. Fetherolf was at one time artist and reporter for The Republican and is well-known in this city. Joseph O'Brien, was in Philadelphia during the week. Miss Sarah McLane, of Adams avenue, is York city.

Miss Flora Levy of Wilkes-Barre spent Andrew Wednesday Hunlock in the of Wilkes- Barre was Miss at the Pauline Jermyn Goldsmith Wednesday. of Wyoming avenue is visiting in Wilkes-Barre. Miss Nellie O'Connor of Wellsville, N. is visiting Mrs. V.

A. Simrell. a avenue, Miss left Margaret yesterday Williams, for of Philadelphia. Wayne Miss Victoria Walker of Nicholson visiting Mrs. F.

E. Pratt of Madison avenue. Mr. W. B.

Hull, a former Scrantonian, ran down from New York to visit friends here. Mrs. John Fern, of North Summer avenue, has gone to New York and Philadelphia. Mrs. Jenkins, of Pallisade Park, N.

is visiting friends and relatives on the West Side. Mr. and Mrs. Williamson H. Swisher, of Knowlton, N.

are visiting relatives city. Messrs. T. F. Wells and R.

A. Zimmerman are attending a Masonic meeting in Philadelphia. Miss Coyne will go Washington to visit some old schocd friends for a few weeks. Miss Bertha Cole, of Carbondale, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Warren Kimble, of Monsey avenue.

Superintendent of Transportation Daly, of the Lackawanna road, is of the city for several Miss Hattie Rolls, of Carbondale, 1 returned home after spending two weeks with Miss Myrtle Perry. Miss Jessie Keeley, of South ain avenue, has returned home from. prolonged stay in New York city. Mr. and Mrs.

E. C. Dean, of Qui ney avenue, have returned from a trip New York, Philadelphia and Washington. Mr. W.

W. Rissenger has rented E. Stevens' house, Elmhurst, for the summer, and with his family will take Mount, Wayne county, is the guest Mrs. Thomas Johns of Pleasant possession May 1. her son, Pharmacist F.

J. Johns, Green Ridge street. Mr. W. H.

Logan, manager of Fun's agency, has gone to Pittsburg as witness in some bankruptcy cases the United States court. Miss Frances Hunt returned from Trenton, N. where she has beer visLindberg who has frequently been her guest during the past year. Poor Directors Fuller, Deckert and Paine, Secretary Gillespie, and Outdoor Physicians Beddoe Gunster 'Thursday visited the Hillside home on a tour of inspection. Division Superintendent R.

B. Williams, of the Ontario and Western roa.d, has been confined toe the house for several days with a severe cold. hopes to out today. Mr. and Harry Haws of SpringSirs.

field, are guests of Rev. and Mrs. Pierce on Mifflin avenue. Mr. Haws is a prosperous business man of Springfield, and is greatly interested in the commercial and industrial interests of Scranton.

The true ideal of womanly affection George Woodruf, brother of C. S. John W. Howell, of the city conthat which stimulates, instead of Woodruff, has been engaged as troller's office, has returned from enervating; supports instead of mak- spring trainer for the football candi- five days' stay in New York. While ing demands upon the energies of dates of the University of Pennsylvan- he was there he met among other forothers, inspires, rather than points to ia.

The athletic authorities think they mer residents of this region, Emerson lower standards indicates common- are justified in taking this step by Owens and Frederic R. Jones. Mr. place aims. their observations of last fall.

Penn Owens is a reporter on the Morning There are women who, after a de- has never had a spring trainer and this Telegraph and a writer for a number cade of married life, have failed will be an innovation, They have ob- of magazines issuing from that office. discover that among the things a man served that the men who trained for Mr. Jones is a reporter on the mornhates is to show emotion of any othen sports in the spring were in bet- ing edition of the World. Both are most kind. A "scene" is his horror, and ter condition and less liable to be in- well-paid and are pleased with New anything leading up to it irritates him.

jured in a game. York journalism. be doing his best to be pa- It was noticed that McCracken and may tient, loving and gentle; but he can- Hare, of the track team, and Snover Ground will be broken in the spring stand seeing women cry. It is and Gardiner, of the crew, were less for a large seminary for the Sisters of only when a man is very young, or susceptible to injury than Potter, Ken- the Immaculate Heart, in N'orth Park, tremendously in love, that he can see nedy, Wallace, Teas, and others, who on the plot adjacent to the new St. any charm in a crying woman.

On did no spring Joseph's Foundling home. contrary, he regards her with dis- It is to be a high class educational may, An interesting discovery has been institution for girls, and will draw its made by the executor of the estate of patronage from the whole Scranton A whist game was played Saturday the late Andrew Binkard, an eccentric diccese. night at Hotel Jermyn between the and wealthy farmer who died near the With the opening of the serainary the Scranton and Newark whist teams, village of Peoria, southwest of this boarding school of St. Cecilia's acada result of which the Scranton men city, some weeks ago. the settle- emy will be dispensed with and the lose the loving cup which they won a ment of the estate a small tin box was day school only continued.

week ago at Baltimore and which is handed the executor by Binkard's son, trophy of whist prowess. who said his father had told him that We are very sorry to understand that The New Jersey players won out by in a certain corner of the barn under- Mr. Harry Dixie was unsuccessful eighteen tricks, the game beginning at neath the stone foundation he would in his attempt to interest Kindero'clock in the afternoon and continu- find the box, which was not to be open- garten Association, the Home for the until 1 o'clock yesterday morning. ed until atter his death. Friendless, and the hospitals in the To-day a team from Chicago will This box contained $1,104 on in gold and production of his opera, "The Princess to win the cup and Minneapolis $113.75 in silver, a total of $1,217.75.

Ida." The opera was produced in BufWashington players are the next This had been hidden by the farmer, falo was a great success, playing to a contest for the honors, the who was afraid of banks, many years crowded house every performance and place of the game designated by before. In addition to the money making over $5,000. Surely Scranton team in possession of the cup. there was a gold piece of the value of might enjoy an equal success in comThe Scranton players were: Messrs. $50 which has an interesting history.

parison to its inhabitants. About all Dusenbury, LaBar, Hintermeister and The piece is a medal which was given the young people who figured in the Wallace, while the visitors' team con- by the continental congress to one of Gondoliers had already signified their sisted of Otis, Aymar, Cameron and the early Miami Indian chiefs for per- willingness to Mr. Dixie to enter this Eagles. J. F.

Broadbent and C. L. sonal bravery. opera, which, no doubt, would have Fuller, of this city, were recorders, It was handed down until it reached netted any charity a goodly sum. The A.

E. Taylor, of New York, one the hands of Frances Slocum, the time seemed most propitious for its the best whist players in the coun- "white rose of the Miamis," stolen production. It is to be hoped that in was referee. from Wilkes-Barre, when a child, the early Fall it will be deemed fittingwho at her death gave it to the wife by one of our numerous charities to In a few days preparations will be of Peter Bundy as an heirloom. At the have Mr.

Dixie produce an opera in begun in Madison Square Garden for death of Mrs. Bundy descended to Scranton. it fourth military tournament to be her sons, Judson and Emilus, who March 26 to 31 under the through financial stringency put it up Miss Linda Hall Larned, president of of the Military Athletic of collateral to Binkard given from for money admanagement said of this and the National Household Economic asLeague. The infantry, cavalry, artil- lost sociation, will probably address a vanced. Nothing was and men from the war-ships, and the medal was supposed now.

Scranton audience in April. Miss until naval militia, the signal corps, and --The Plain Wabash, Indiana, Larned will soon go abroad to lecture Dealer, national guard will all be repre- February at the Paris Exposition. Her book, Friday, 23, 1900. sented. There will be rough riding, published by Chas.

Scribners' Sons, drills by men from West Point from The members of the Electric City New York, "The Hostess of Today," the troop of the Third cavalry wheelmen again held one of their de- is well known in this city and is a culMyer, Virginia; the artillery from lightful tournaments and social ses- inary treatise worthy of as serious Washington barracks will equal, if not sions Tuesday night. event consideration as it is possible to acexcel, the performance given last year. took place a at the close of cord to literature of the kitchen. It The infantry drills and battle scenes the business meeting and was merits encomium not only to the novel be of especial interest; the Gatling attended by a large concourse manner in which the recipes are predrills and the mounted platoon of members and their invited friends. sented, but for the piquant quality that by the Second battery and the The programme was similar in detail pervades them.

It will beb most sugbuilding of towers and stringing of to that which inaugurated these "tour- gestive and helpful to those who are by the signal corps will be feat- neys" a fortnight ago when boxing in search of either simple 'or elaborate of the show. All three branches bouts and bag punching exhibitions combinations suitable for dinners or the service will be in the programme followed with clever tumbling, all by lunches, afternoon teas, evening collathe review on Monday night, clever local acrobats, and a feast of tions and chafing dish creations. WithMarch 26, by Gov. Roosevelt, and on vocal and instrumental features was in its limitations it is advance of Friday night, March 30, by Gen. Miles, rendered and immensely enjoyed by any kindred native contemporaneous be features of the week, There those present.

Mr. R. W. Luce, vice- publication. Moreover, it is adapted be two matinees, one Wednes- president, had charge of the business even to the novice, for in its recipes and one on Saturday, with a mil- meeting at which many matters of im- useless verbiage and elaborate and inprogramme.

portance were transacted. Mr. Gus volved directions are discarded, as the Eynon furnished excellent music on the following example will Illustrate. The will of Miss Sarah Porter, of piano. His efforts were received with Farmington, after giving a loud applause.

The annual meeting of the Scranton number of small legacies to servants, Caterers J. Bunnell and George Bicycle club was held Thursday night friends and relatives, provides that W. Daniels served a pleasing menu. at its pretty and spacious home on shall be used to furnish her pho- These periodical attractions seem to North Washington avenue. Over half tograph to any of her old pupils who have struck a popular chord and have of the 225 active members attended, ask for it within two years.

The greatly increased the attendance at and were gratified by hearing reports of the residue of her estate is given the regular meetings. The opportuni- which showed that last year was one during their lives to her sisters Maria ties for pleasure offered at the club of the most prosperous and in every Elizabeth Porter. At their death house seemed to have been accepted other way successful the organization is to go to each of the two with greater enthusiasm than before has experienced. The debt on the new daughters of the late President Porter, as a consequence of these events. An- addition to the house was reduced to neices; $1,000 each to the other fact is that the visitors are $1,000.

library, Village Improvement granted a privilege of observing the The election developed several spirSociety, and the First Ecclesiastical doings of the club and discovering that ited contests. B. P. Connolly was Society for Worthy Poor, and to the exceptional enjoyment is found in var- chosen president for another year; society $2,000 to be loaned to ious ways in the palatial home of these H. A.

Knapp, vice-president; honest, industrious, and worthy peo- wheelmen, hence the membership list George A. Millet, secretary; J. F. profits. A jollier set of young men Broadbent, treasurer; E.

C. Coons, capAfter the payment of the legacies can not be found than in the club. tain. two-thirds of her estate goes to Rob- They enthusiastic wheelmen and B. P.

Connolly, J. F. Broadbent, W. P. Keep and one-third to her neice, find much pleasure in the wheeling W.

Berry, Godfrey, Boyle, Elizabeth Avery, of Hartford. season in club runs for miles in the E. G. Pryor, C. R.

Shryer, E. D. Felasks in her will that her school surrounding country under the cap- lows and H. Wallace comprise the continued with as little interruption taincy of Guy Relph, who is one of the new directorate. Major Fellows was change as possible under Miss hustlers of the organization.

During selected secretary of the board of diE. Dow, Mrs. E. V. Keep, and the winter season the members hold rectors, and the following were named executors.

She also requests that fortnightly "stag" parties, in accor- 'on the principal committees: be no memorial of her life print- dance with last night's festivities and House committee W. F. Boyle, E. and she forbids the publication of alternate them with informal dances G. Pryor, J.

F. Broadbent, of her letters. W. S. Allis and to which the ladies are invited.

Thus Finance-B. P. Connolly, E. D. FelRobert P.

Keep are executors of the it is manifested that the nembers lows, H. C. Wallace. Almost all Miss Porter's prop- of the club are in no manner selfish Membership-C. R.

Shryer, C. A. was in her school, the surplus and confine the pleasures and privi- Godfrey, W. W. Berry.

the income during her long life leges to themselves and isolate their To enlarge the membership efforts used largely for public and pri- female friends. The next dance will will be put forward during the ensubenefactions. take place on the night of March 22. ing year. The Friday afternoon Euchre club met.

yesterday afternoon with Miss Annie Watson at Clay avenue. Miss He Ven Sanderson won the first prize. W. H. Roe, while practicin in the gymnasium in the Electric City Wheelmen's club house, Saturday morning, slipped and fell on the back his head, breaking the scalp and rendering Mr.

Roe unconscious. 7 the gentleman was removed to Musgrave's drug store, restoratives applied, and after closing the wound in the head, Mr. Roe was taken to his home. Rev. David Spencer, D.

will move into the Blakely church parsonage, on Main street, Blakely, during the ing week. He will be there on funday and wIl preach at the usual hours morning and evening. Dr. Spencer's services in this community as a preacher and pastor are well known and his return to the environs of "no mean city" is cause for rejoicing among his many friends. On Thursday evening Mr.

and Mrs. James P. Dickson gave a musicale at their residence on Clay avenue to about 30 friends. Those who assisted were Mr. Harvey Blackwood, cello; Mr.

Charles Doersam, piano; Miss Mary Dickson, violin, and Miss Timbermann. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. W. W.

Scranton, Rev. and Mrs. John Randolph, Mr. and Mrs. George Du Bois Dimmick, Mr.

and Mrs. George B. Smith, Mr. R. A.

Powell, Miss Underwood, Miss Randolph, (Miss Reynolds, Green Ridge; Miss Eleanor Reynolds, Charles Doersam, Mr. Harry Blackwood. About thirty members of the several soliciting committees in charge of the raising funds for the construction of the new Young Men's Christian association building dined at the Scranton club Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock and held a short meeting after the excellent menu prepared had been discussed. Secretary Buckalew, was presState ent and told those he was prepared to throw himself body and soul into the work of raising sufficient funds and that he hoped the committee members would co-operate with him. Secretary Mahy, in speaking of meeting, stated that the reports presented were extremely encouraging and that he felt sure the work of canvassing would take a fresh impetus as a result.

While their residence on Clay avenue is undergoing alterations, Mr. and Mrs. George M. Hallstead are temporarily residing with Mrs. Plummer S.

Page on Washington avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Vandling, who recently purchased and have been making some changes in the Alexander E.

Hunt residence, Jefferson avenue at Pine street, will shortly occupy the house. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Green Ridge Presbyterian church Tuesday night held a reception for the new members who were admitted Sunday and to welcome Mr. and Mrs. L. R.

Foster, who have taken charge of the Capouse chapel as assistants to Rev. I. J. Lansing. A large number of members were present and met Mr.

Foster. Mr. an dMrs. D. B.

Atherton, at their pleasant home on North Main avenue, on Thursday evening, received a small circle of friends to meet Miss Grace McPherson of Washington, D. C. Beside Mr. and Mrs. A Atherton the circle included Mrs.

H. F. Atherton, who is entertaining Miss McPherson while in the city, also Miss Annie Atherton, Miss Rebecca Bliss, Rehdoth, Rev. Dr. Guild, Messrs.

John R. Thomas and Henry Atherton, Mr. George Clark Guild, Miss Grace Atherton and Messrs. Dudley and Freddie Atherton. The party given by Miss Lillian Hagen, at her home on Tenth street, was pleasant event on Tuesday night.

The pleasures of the occasion were enjoyed, and Miss Hagen served excellent refreshments. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. W. H.

Hagen, Mr. and Mrs. George Carson, the Misses Godfrey, Mabel Crist, Terwilliger, Louise Farig, Anna Schubert, Minnie Hughes, Jennie Price, Mary Harris; Messrs. David Owens, Palmer Williams, W. Haydn Evans, Charles E.

Daniels, Leo Campbell, William Hughes, Maurice Miller, T. Loveland. Miss Antoinette Knapp, of Capouse avenue, superintendent of the Olyphant kindergarten schools, is in Luzerne where she is engaged in opening a kindergarten school for foreign children. The school is endowed by the kindness of Miss Martha Bennett of Wilkes-Barre. Miss Knapp has had a large experience this line of school work and the proof of her ability is shown by her call to organize the at Luzerne.

After placing the school in running order Miss Knapp will return to her Olyphant work. of N. is not the as the 2 ing try and in the and of try, the lery, the the and and Fort will gun drills wires ures of and will will day, itary $100 shall use and $2,500 her ington latter ple. ert Mrs. She be and Mary the there ed, any will erty from being vate AN ARMY OFFICER'S WIFE Gives Interesting Intelligence of the Philippines to a Lady Friend.

excellent haif tone pictures of Daniel L. Hart and Daniel Sully, together with a notice of "The Parish Priest." In the course of the article is the following: "The success of his new play, "The Parish brings to the front a new American author. Daniel L. Hart of Wilkes-Barre, is doing noble service in the interest of public morality by creating a play American in theme and American in heart--a play that in its purity of tone, loftiness of sentiment, and clean, wholesome lessons of daily living, must counteract the evil influence, of the average society drama. Mr.

Hart's most successful work is his latest production, which has deservedly won the commendation of clergy and laity alike, as being one of the most wholesome and most enjoyable dramatic productions ever put on the American stage. Mr. Hart is evidently destined to occupy a very prominent place in the world of dramatic lit. erature. He has the three essential elements which go towards the making of a great dramatist--constructive ability, the geius for character creating and a gift for writing crisp.

bright, elegant and pointed "Gunton's" for March opens with the usual 'Review of the carefully tracing and commenting 011 the progress of affairs at home and abroad-the Boer war and American opinion thereon, Nicaragua canal treaty, gold standard legislation, new Philippine commission, polygamy and bribery cases, the Kentucky broil, etc. The leading article is by Hon. Carroll D. Wright, U. S.

commissioner of labor, on "Hand and Machine showing the wonderful growth in our productive power due to the use of power machinery, and consequent freeing of labor for more varied pursuits. Charles E. Sprague, Ph. president of the Union Dime Savings Institution, points out the injustices and defective principle in the proposed new mortgage tax in New York state. Professor Edward W.

Bemis writes briefly on "Liberty in Economic Teaching," to which the editor has a rejoinder. There is a vigorous and unanswerable article also by the editor on "The South's 'Labor The department of civics and education has a number of valuable short items and an article on "For Character, Not Cleverness," pointing out the higher ethical and spiritual aims of true education. Departments of Editorial Crucible, Letters from Correspondents, Book Reviews, Question Box, are amply filled. A very strong number. The Gunton Union Square, New York; 20 cents, $2 per year.

The most superficial newspaper reader cannot fail to note the most extravagant phases of fiction are continually finding parallels in life itself. Many of the most striking episodes of Mr. John Uri Lloyd's story "Stringtown on the Pike." now running serially in The Bookman, are being played out amid the curious complications which prevail in Kentucky at the present time. The conditions which let up to the strange drama which has turned the eyes of the nation upon that state are vividly set forth in Mr. Lloyd's novel.

The feud scenes of the story have in consequence an amazing significance and interest. The secret of this timeliness lies in the fact that the writer is himself drenched in the atmos. phere of his romance. No outsider. how.

ever minute and farseeing his observation, could carry into history that touch which makes the creations of the pen ac. tually live. "Mamma," said 4-year-old Willie, "that mean little Smith girl called me monkey today." "Then what happened?" asked his mother. "Well." replied Willie, "you see I couldn't slap a girl, so I gave another little girl half of my candy to scratch her." We give our readers herewith, the benefit of a letter from a Third Cavalry officer's wife to her friend, wife of a former surgeon of the It is full of information concerning life in Manila and gives a glimpse of the hardships and dangers surrounding officers and men in the cavalry service in the Philippines. HOTEL DE ORIENTE, Manila, P.

Jan. 10, 1900-Dear Mrs. wrote the doctor a long letter on the steamer, so I will send this to you. I had just had my first glimpse of Japan (Yokohama) when I wrote him and I am sure my letter must have been most enthusiastic Japan was a delight to me and we are already planning trip there when the troubles here are. over.

After leaving Yokohama stopped at Kobe and then through the beautiful Inland sea to Nagasaki where we stopped for twelve hours and took the usual trip through the town in jimrikshas. From Nagasaki we went to Shanghai, spent twenty-four hours there and then on to Hong Kong. Shanghai is the finest city in the East (so everyone tells me) the drives are magnificent and one sees no end of fine horses and swell looking foreigners. This Is the place where the wealthy mandarins from the interior came to spend their money and it is a very brisk, businesslike city. The buildings are all of stone and very substantial.

They have excellent hotels, a beautful Country Club, tea houses, theaters, etc. Twenty-four hours was much too short a time to spend in such a place and I am most anxious to go back there some day with my husband. The silks there are beautiful and very different from what we see in our own stores. I didn't invest because those things are of absolutely no use in this climate. I wear thin dresses altogether; I haven't had on a woolen skirt since I arrived, but wear duck and pique all the time.

Tell anybody and everybody who thinks of coming here to be sure bring all their summer clothes. A serge suit is necessary the boat and in some ports, but it will be laid aside as soon as they land, and never make its appearance until it is time to return to the states. The trip over would have been perfect had I not been so anxious all the time. We didn't get any news from the time we left San Francisco until we arrived at Yokohama. The captain couldn't meet me as the Third Cavalry is stationed 'way up in the northern part of the island.

He telegraphed Capt. Millar, who is on duty in the city and he came out in the bay to meet me. He brought me directly to this hotel and here I have been ever since. I wish you could be here because you would enjoy it all so much. Manila is entirely different from any other place that I have seen.

I don't like the people, they are dirty and lazy, but I like the climate and the picturesque old town. Major Smith says that it reminds him very much of Venice. The Pasig river he says is like the Grand Canal, so perhaps you can picture the place to yourself. The streets are very narrow and very busy and already the American bustle and energy is beginning to have its effect on the lazy, sleepy (Manana Flipinos. Everywhere one sees signs like this "Go to No.

29 Escolta for American Goods," Delmonico Dinners for 50c Mex." "Ice Cream Sodas," etc. It is amusing to see how soon a sleepy town in this far East can be transformed into an American one with all the rush and bustle. The city is swarming with soldiers. I never saw anything to equal it and the tives stand and stare at our large horses and mules with eyes and mouth wide open. Nearly all the Americans in town have turnouts and I am crazy to get a typical Filipino Victoria, a pair of the small ponies and a driver (Finipino) and bring them back to the states.

You would be surprised at the style they all put on (some have never been on wheels before.) The Filipino Cochiro (coachman) is a curiosity. They are all born jockeys and life wouldn't be worth living if they couldn't race. Everyone goes out on the Luneta in the evening to hear the band play. As soon as the concert is over "The Star Spangled Banner" is played and it is very inspiring and solemn to hear it in this country 80 far from home and under such circumstances, because one never knows when or where the next fight is to be. Every soldier and sailor and all the Filipinos (deceitful wretches) stand with uncovered heads 33 until the last strains die away, then there is a crack of the whip and a grand hurrah and one mad dash for the different homes.

I wonder there are not a dozen smash ups each afternoon, but there are not. I used to sit and close my eyes expecting to be dashed into eternity any moment. but I have learned to like it and I don't want anyone to pass me on the road. Everyone dines at eight p. m.

and the nights are really very gay. Calls all the time and at all hours until I get sick and tired of the sight of men. The captain telegraphs me nearly every day and I can tell you I am thankful to be here and not six weeks away. Last Friday morning (after I had been here three weeks) just before I went to my breakfast, there was a rap at my door and who should it be but my husband. You can fancy my surprise and delight.

He heard of a boat coming to Manila so got a seven days' leave and came. He looks very well indeed and says all in the regiment are well. Col. Wessels met with an accident which came very near being serious. He hurt his leg and was on crutches, but the doctor said he would be all right in a.

few days. Captain Chase went back to the states on the St. Paul. The headquarters of the Thrd Cavalry are at San Fernand de la Union (on Lingagua Bay) but the captain is at a. little town north of San Fernand called Namacpacan.

He is very much interested in the people and his work and says that now that I am here he doesn't care when he goes back. He is trying to persuade the people to settle down, elect ther mayor, but he doesn't believe in handling them with kid gloves. We heard today that two more troops are to be ordered to Namacpacan. If that is SO he will let me come up. Manila is very attractive but not nearly so much so to me as Namacpacan, I will be the only white woman in the town, but I don't care two cents.

I saw Major D. a few days ago. He said he had cabled his wife to come if she wants to. He also said that she would have to look out for herself, as he would probably join his regiment by that time and be almost anywhere. Captain H.

is in town to see about the regimental property. He reminds one of a jack in the box with his large bushy beard. He looks very yellow and badly I think. The captain says the rest of the officers are well. I have seen (Major Andrews twice and he looks the picture of health.

This hotel is a wonder to me, I expected to find a regular hole, but really I have a nice large room, hard wood floor, electric lights, etc. The bath rooms are all tiled, sanitary plumbing, fine large court, tropical plants, in fact, everything but a first class table. The meals are poor, but eating means very little to me. The captain thought he had struck the Waldorf Astoria and it did me good to see him eat. I never saw such an appetite in my life.

I know you were all shocked and grieved to hear of Gen. Lawton's death. It was a great blow to the army because the men all had the greatest confidence in him. Mrs. Lawton came to see Mrs.

B. and me a few days after we arrived. She was very bright and cheerful but uneasy about the southern expedition. Everyone out here deplores his loss and speaks in glowing terms of his courage and endurance. What a trip for poor Mrs.

Lawton. My heart bled for her when I saw them leave. All this war seems 80 useless and so cruel. The whole of the tribe is not worth one of the good men whom we have lost. I have seen so many of my friends out here--friends of long ago and it seems good to meet them once more.

Give my best love to Mrs. Wessells. I will write her as soon as I have seen the colonel. I will also drop a line to Mrs. Andrews.

I am so glad that I came when I did. The captain seems so satisfied to have me here and I will have time to become acclimated before the rainy season sets in. If the fighting were only over I would be perfectly happy. I wonder if any other ladies of the Third are coming over. Captain Tate's troop is to be at Namacpacan, so I will see him before very long and can write to Mrs.

Tate. Good bye. thought of you all during the holidays and couldn't help but feel the change from last year when we were all together and had our nice, comfortable homes at Ethan Allen. The officers stationed in Manila have a soft time of it, but the officers in the field undergo a great many hardships. It's the same old story, some do the work, others get the plums.

War 1 dreadful In Manila The Luneta is crowded every afternoon with officers dressed in spotless white from their heads to their heels driving fast horses and flirting with other men's wives. The husbands, as a rule, are at the front and only get in occasionally, tired out and dirty, and it makes me sick. I want to go to my husband, fix up a little home and let him have a few comforts. The dress materials here are high, sixteen dollars (Mexican) for twenty yards and 1 it used to be only eight. I haven't seen a pretty piece as yet in black and white, but I am on the lookout for one for you.

I wish I could see you and the doctor and talk, writing is so unsatisfactory and I never was gifted in that line. Good bye again. Hoping you will write to me soon I am always Devotedly your friend,.

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