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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 4

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
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OiiWA 'kvigfjijsf'o jqubnal i INIII if rliriiriV -JS, f.ixv-vMy co00 -n www i- LJfwi Committed 'd SMeetinf Decide to Aak i tp by council, to- -rr v.f"v MNrMW. Ont, le-A recom- m4UUoo rglnf the town council to request a judicial invesugauon una eomplaints laid by Councillor Jiraci linMuy. to 11m Mia to Chief of Police Moses Oreer, and also as to Boliot edmlnlstrstW generally wu adopted by tha polioi committee at i private meeting thia evening, ConiSdcrabla discussion took place groong members ef tha eoeninlttee tore the -three saentbera, Jama Fen-1- naaay. chairman) Frank Flaunt and W. v.

X. Kirk agreed on lha following re- "Wi vour solica committea. bai to nport uul wa nava conwaaraa tin ah(nalnu inada by our chairman. Jamaa.Fchncaay, aa to finaa paid to Chief -Gnu, and i nquaat that the council paaa raaolution rcquettinc tha judja ol tha county court of the aounlr of Renfrew to invatiigata Iheae ontnplelrrle, end auch other further eomplainti aa ourheirmen may deem adeiaabla to Uy before the Judfe, and to alao inveitigte police admin-1 titration generally rtn the town of Of nirew. The.

dacbloa. vaa made known ttirbufh-tna chairman and ia an aftermath: of the recent regular council meeting The recommendation, adopt-' eH.foWihU will en to a ipeciat meet-- inl of couneil to be bald on Batordey evening and aheiild council eupport the. attitude of the police committee; h-inauirywUt- be inatltulad by 1udg Mulcahy. 'Campkirrts made to data number i and Jha.djffereneea between the pay nenta of aworn to In decUr ationa and the amount etatcd to ap--' near "in" the treeiurer'a booka totala' irl tt3X 'V- 1 Difference of tlSfJt were ahown In five daclaraUona pieced before the re- cent council meeting Councillor Fennaaey while eix further declara- Hon ahowing difference of i war tabled Try A. MulvthW.

of i' police committee; The complainta laid f. Cmivplllnr hnM at the last council meeting have been the aub-Ject conaiderable dlacuanon in the town since the meeting. Severel reaidenU were at the town hall this aeaning. wnan. the bour ap--4 -proached for the meeting of the police committee.

Uayor D. B. HcLeren e-j plained to them well aa to repre-l-- aenUtlvea of tha pram that It was deemed advisable the committee should have an opportunity of diacuea-ina tha complainta among tnemaehres. A. Arnprier.

barriater, was allowed to attend end present further oomplslnts. It la understood there was tome anU mated discussiea amomt members as to thT beet-means of dealing with the eomnlainta. tha eommitted finally 1 sfreeiiig on toe drafted report as given above. After tha meatliut Councillor Ftn- neny said that his action in bringing promptsd by peraonsl animeelty anin-t Chief Oreer. He was oromnt- ad only by hia dasln to aerve the mtepayars lnterwts ut- hie official capacity as councillor and chairman of tha police committee.

7' Chief Oreer. when Informed -of the decision of the committee this eve-nine atated thai ha welcomed auch an aa ha had nothing to hide meeting of couacil on oalurday promiaea to provide plenty of fire---Jl---l---. 1- Mies Ibrgaret Hlpln Seecial to The Journal. mxacarr. oal.

lag a ahort illness, the death occurred at the Hoes Memeriel'HoasiU-. Hont- real, of Wse Margaret Hatpin, a well-. known restdenl of this suaca. and a daughtac of one of tha town'a most respected Mita Halpin waa born here jreeri afoV 'a daughter of Mr end P. ftj Relptn, and following her primary education she went In -retain, at St- Vincent da Paul Hospital, at she yeeni a Mcept for a short period spent nuvew I oca Toiiowmg ner graduation, Misa Halplaad spent her Sntira Ufa, at In parents, she leevea tto pjoum too si-tars, the i Misses Catherine and Oertruda Hal.

bin, bofhjbf Prescott, and a brother, Maurlca HsIbU. of Ottawa. i The body ta being' brought from Uontj, todw to famUy real dense on Oeorga atOMt from where the funeral wtlF be bald at I.M ajn. Tburadaw Church. uecucai uea orntxuie s.

i Counties spark tWa Jeiaraal. 1 7 and OreavilU bracbe the Ontario uv -Medical AeeooteUeo -area formed here on Monday night -with: an attendance of soma physicians from the united oeuntlea 'vi-' Addreaaee were delivered by Dr. W. 1 A. Jonee, Kingaton.

coundUor.for 7: Dv. 31 I Austin. 4ueen'a Vrdvonrty, Urlgston, president of tha aeaacja-lon. and Dr. R.

Fletcher. 'adparintondent of the Bnckvllla, On of oestdatloa -locally went oiectea aa mpowsi prestoent. W-': 1 Dr. H- Preston. Brdckvllle-.

Brat vice-president. Dr. J. Kerfoot, Prescott: ascend vice-president. Dr.

W. lL. Thraack. Frenkvillet-: third vice- preakdent. Dr.

A. 1 Armstrong. North, Augusta; treasurer. Dr. R.

McAvoy, Bracavuiei secretary, vr. r. at. uoM- fellowi Brdckvllle, RlE.lYAa. THkM.

d' TnornrrfY svk it-PWHins anititv f-vvta ehargea uttering end theft Arthur K. Seuirea, farmer book keeper of tha Province of Ontario Savings Bank, was sentenced to tore years in penitentiary sby Judge c. H. Widdineia teoayt tVs; MACH NO AOsUeUUNT. I MONTREAL, Fabv lUnlon'c4rks of tha Canadian Paclne Railway to---ms MaVttuttlMaa with com- iaany offlejala In the hops of aattllng S'ff; the wage-cut e-uestion without the help of the board of concilleUon.

Tha irsastiri- adlourned efter hoari of aeiioarauono wiuiw ny 'f'lX'-S man hovtng City Will Attempt From the 0. E. R. Board' Decides on Steps to Force settlement of Bomeraet Street Bridge Having biUed the Ottawa Ilectrlc Railway Company for towards defraying the coat of tha new Somerset street bridge, and no cheque nor acknowledgment of the account having been received, the city will take action at once to force the company to Decision to this effect wu reached by Board qf Control yesterday efter edvlcefiad been given by the solicitor, F. B.

Proctor. K.C The Company ia suing tha city for recovery of amounts paid on bridge construction and maintenance In the past and is- -generally contesting -the right of the city to make the company chant in auchcoeta. Mr. Proctor aaid thia action "stripped of verbisgs" meant that the company did not intend to pay anything to war da the Somerset street bridge without a fight. The solicitor waa further authorized to contest the taction of Mrs.

Evs Ceven who seeks to upset the eisrss-men! of $43,000 placed upon a Cooper street apartment bouse upon Its com- ueuon ana occupation uuu sail, aar-ier in the yeer. the building had been aseeeed for W.73S aa a narUsllv com pleted structure and Mrs, Ceven is challenging tha right of lha city to assess the same property twice within the one year. There are nine ether apartment house owners similarly Involved in the Issue and the action in question will be a teat case. The right of the city to reassess a new building after canitructloo baa been completed has never been Settled In tha courts. Reassessment of the 10 properties added mora than $311,000 to tha total taxable aaaaaemrtit end represents about 11,000 In.

taxes at tha Un rata. The era. has applied to the Rail way Commission for permiasion to adopt the bell and trig-wag light system of warning at the Hinchey avenue crossing but tha Board de- elded to oppose tha move, believing that the present laaulatlon nrohlbitlns trains creasing tha atreet at a greater speed then la milaa an hour was beak AkL Rod Plant has been urging that the lighting of the Mirrto bridges be improved and the Board will ad vise the Federal District Commisaion that If they install tha entra equip ment ine ci ty. win rurnun tna current. During tha week February I to IX Inclusive, tha city bureau at Lene- downe Park received complaints.

Assistant Commissioner of Works Johnstooa reported. Of tna total. II were about street floodmae and 14 blocked drains. There were five of sawer odors end three Of eaasaaaa, tha remainder being mlecaUanaoua. One odor complaint waa found to be due to a gas leas In the cellar of tna The Ottawa Hone Parade and Show Association waa given use of downs Park for tha annual horse parade on May 24.

Permission waa alao given for use of the grounds for the annual Public School trick and' Held ports on June 4. Tha Ottawa Foot- hell Club wrote asking for dates be- Wi. -MGh y. 4 Jeasa. mmL.MrV'ifr l5od til aal tihttr melaiM'l end of.

CUafcBaar.lakaj' tween 8entember 1 and December 1 for practice, and league matchaa. The longer period mentioned ta due to the possibility of. an increased schedule of gsmes next eesson. Cant. Geldert was asked to go into the matter so that rights of other clubs will not be Overlooked.

Alfred Official Reported Missing Amedee" Seguin, Viltege Treasurer, Hom.Wda'y.- Npeclal to The goaraai. ALFRED, 17. Amedee Seguin, 33. treasurer of thts-vittage. the Union St Joseph, and the village court of the Catholic Order, of Foresters, snd well known local tailor.

haa disappeared. He left his home lest Fridsy morning. Saying he was to motor to L'OrlgnalvoO business, snd since that lime has oof been seen. His disappearance Is local ly attributed to lops of memory. A oreliminery check up of his snd accounts indicates that -everything la in order.

Three days after he left his home his automobile wag found in Hawkes-burv. near tha Notre Dame Hospital. No attention had been paid to the parked car ever tha week-end until a description of Seguin and his car waa broadcast. On Friday he waa seen by acquaintances in Hawkesbury, and was known to have telephoned hia sister In Montreal that he would pey her a visit. A check up there tndi cataa that ha has not yet arrived, Another story waa told by friends who stated Seauln aald he waa pectlng friends from Montreal As tha hospital ia located near the rail.

way lines. It is thought he may have tna (a Mnn4rl The descrintlon of 'the rnissilut treasurer la given aa clean shaven. Ave feet, six inches tall, 140 pounds in weight, end wearing glaiaea Provincial police were notified of tha disappearance on Monday, and have been working do tha esse, A circular describing the missing official of Alfred haa been katued by Inspector Phil Walter-of No. ('divis ion, provincial ponce, at Ottawa, and- forwarded 'to -chiefs of liea throughout tha Seguin S3 years of approximately 135 snd when, but seen waa dressed in a grey suit, grey overcoat, black seel cap with a peak, and drove a small grey automobile. Anyone noticing a man of thia description Is asked to communicate with Provincial Constable Labelle at Hawkesbury.

KIWAN1S BOYS' CLUB. of tha Imps' Club vided interesting1 entertainment for the Kiwanla boya last evening, when John Powta took Fred, Oliver and Charlaa -Brownbridge to tha boya' club house. Mr. Oliver gave a breesy ventriloquist act, and Mr. Brown-brldge ataged humorous and original oarodiee of local events, and showed tha lada tha art of throwing shadow pictures, A akit waa put on by tha bovm themselves.

Earl Dutruia taklna tha part of a quack doctor. Others tn the akit were Roger Saraiin. Maahal Ayoub, Leo. Turpin, Harold Traimng Teams For Junior Derby Hslf-Mile Track at Lana- downe Park Scene of Activity. Youthful entrants in tha.

Junior' Dog Derby to be held- Satur-. day afternoon Lansdowne Park are bard at woek training thai dogs for tha classic wmcn this-. -year; as-sumea new importance because of tha cancellation of the aenlor dog derby. Every day boya and their' teams are to be seen.daahlng around the hslf mile track in preperauon, Ipr -tna 'big day. Both boys and girla are contending for the' Cbateatr'IjatirlOT, ailyer; cup sna oujer.

-priavs. Ana mxa suw ooen to boys and girls of Ottawa and the Ottawa Valley. Tha age limit is 11 Already' more (hsn 10 entries have been Sled with the committee, whose chairman is H. S. Hiaman.

A guarantee that no' amall dogs will be accepted for entry baa been demanded by the S. P. A- which haa specified that only dogs of tha collie type and larger may be hitched to aleighb There win be teams of one. two, thrf end mora dogs, while sleighe will be of every known type, as well as soma hitherto unknown. Bennett Club Annual Meeting Is Tonight H.

Hill K.C. will sddrees mem-oera 'of the Bennett You rut Canada Club at their annual meeting in the- convention hall of Ine cnataau Mur-' lar at IIS o'clock tonight His sub ject wlU be tha Statute or Westmin- atar anoi now it anacta canaos Declares Canada Eicn In Musical Tradition Canada's rich, heritage of ott-soiun and musical traditions from, tha old. worui was axp-uneo ny Mus uertna do (a Moths to the -members of the Arte, and Leltera CJub of Ottawe at Ha snaating at tha Carnegie Public Library last everuna. when'- Mias' -da la Mo the addressed iha oraaiusauon on ''Trench and Canadian eompoaers." The.cruuracterUrtlc works of Gounod. Massenet.

BhV PeBuaoyv and other rsnen oomriaeera wars -at tsma wki rry the kxsd mteue eeactien WAaajno-patrl tribute to Josenh Quaanel. coraniletor rof -tha' Bret collection Of fhrair of New France in 1757. Miss de la Motha referred to the work heine done by Marlus Barbae u. Murray Gibbon, and others in pre- eerving aTencn.canaaianIoiK-aoiig.aro Bunw. maA Son.

32 Somerset She also spoke of the work of Dr. A. Vogt, Dr. rrlcKer, ur. A.

Hsrrias. Ernest White, and C. J. L. Rlekwood.

of Ottawa. Tha vote of thanks was proposed to tha sneaker bv A. Campbell, while others who spoke on ine topic or ine lecture were. Captain H. Darung.

ra TrMiuitiH. and J. Palmer. DA. MecKav.

KA, president oi ine club, was chairman of tna meeting. COMING TO OTTAWA. TORONTO, Feb. leA delegation from the Canadian Navigators' Federation will meet Government repre sentative! at Ottawa nest week to urge revision of Canadian shipping laws' declared obsolete et tne lea- erauonjs -recent convention. Mrs.

Blaio ''I from sleep UO TOO tnoeawe "You seem me up. TedBIain but something his chair Silence. IWe felt Ifs easy it where perfectly One because These a fast ugh! kind is always fagged-out, the day. They have snd indigestions Headaches Backaches turjy; other There are tioo and FIVE bowels, -'Y oustida In Women's Realm Saa Alao Pega Sight Udlei o( St. Aane.

The February meeting of the ladies of. SU of Bt Mary'a Church, wsa presided over by Mrs. W. T. There was a large attendance and two new members were enrouea rwv.

hhhi Jo anoke encouraaingly to tha so dality on the work already accom plished' ana ouuinea wwn spiritual snd financial asslstanca could be given to those In need. Mrs. ft Aseelin presided at uia organ ing benediction. -Wesley W. M.S.

Arrangements for an Easter thank offering to be held March a were made at meeting of the Woman's Mission Society of Wesley United Church, held at the church- last night. when It was also announeea tnai-we special speaker would be Mrs. W. H. Henderson.

An excellent report of the annual meeting of tna vnewa of the W. M. S. of the United Church of Canada held re cently was read try mrs. uenruos Emond.

Mrs. Jamas Robinson, presi dent of the society, occupied the King's Daughters. The report of the Christmas and re-lur work aeearrrollshed by the va rious committees engaged in it wu read at a meeting 01 tne Mltpan circle of the Kings Daughters held last niaki tha Guild. Leurier avenue. under the chalrmanabip of Mrs.

W. W. Wytie. It wss snnounced that a visit will shortly be made to the Children Hospital by the president and tha executive pf the Circle with a view to giving any necessary assistance; HlgMand Park B. Y.

P. V. Membsra of the Highland Park B.YP.U. held their, annual sleigh drive Monday evening, returning to the home of Misa Lillian Wright. where refreshments were served and games and contests enjoyed, rrue in the conteeta were Miss Mildred Grey burn' ana Mr.

wnn Young. Those In charge of the arrangements were Misses Lillian Wright, Kayo Hoey, Olive Towns, and Mr. Malcolm Thomson, and tha retreahmente committee consisted of Mrs. Gordon Sherwood. Mrs.

'Was. ooral and Mr. Fred oteedman. FUNERAL OF MRS. McRAE, Relatives and many Mends were resent at the funeral of Mrs.

Donald IcRae. which waa held yesterday afternoon from the parlors of Oeorga traat west, to Beectiwood cemetery. The service wes conducted by Rev. G. B.

McLennen. miniate of First United church. The chief mMirnem-wera tier daughter, Mrs. C. McCsu.

of Ottawa; -three eons. Dr. C. A. Mcftae, Clinton.

R. E. McKae, snswville, iua- ana a. A. McRaa.

Ottawa. Another -daughter. Mrs. B- Young, of Vsncouver, elso mfMirna Iwr less hut was to be present. Mrs.

McRae la alao eur-J vtvea oy grenocmiaren ana eujm rB.tMmtrhllHen Included in the many bssutlf ill floral offerings received ware tributes from officers and members' of Rose-mount Rebecca Lodgev Na; -164, and the Past Noble Grands' Association of Roaemount Rebecca Lodge. UoodlMtck and regarded her at be WEDNgSDAy; FEBRUARY IX i93i Royal Commission Resumes Sittings Id CamewHoday No -rvirther Public Ses leave nie aloneFm tired! to' have the devil ia you, these days, Ted. If I open my mouth, you snas- You're rude to me without any reason unbearable. -I don't like hi flung down his book, glared at her, and atarted' to give vent to his feelings in her fada expression checked his outburst. He flumped' back Tn again.

1 'v Elizabeth waited. Finally he mumbled, "Guess I need a tonic or something. UkenotWng on earth for weeks." iiksfy jk you're not actually lit, but not well, either. An abominable condition. that creates all kinds of mischief, people who are half-tick say and do tntngstiieTdneverDeguury oiiiuicjiciivfsaj.

people don't seem to get any real rest I- AA.I. It's a turtle to wake up. Break- Nems are on edgev, Woravot any difficult. They are inranablr stufly and irritable 1st the end of a tendency towards constipation The old Uver up; Their skin isn't clear. crop up.

Sometimes ther feel timea they feel 'like the sTVHB good reasoos for thb condi. Olsura way to stop ft.5 msdris' are stomach, liver, kidneys and skin. What they can't men- OO OCUSSIUU wwaw -a'- liliii UA Celebrate rm rfvpee iaWitbuiea perfect healtb by toaej of lrulutlvea aysHotta oTrloua; atadlna ae een SeektoBring More Visitors Board of Trade Council, Holds Meeting Since' Annual." Further efforts to brine visitors to Ottawa were decided upon yesterday tha first meeting of the new council of Ottawa Board of Trade in Chateau Laurler, under the chairmanship of tha new 0. P. Cruikshank.

It waa reported that following the successiui excursion recently organ ized to Montreal, tha matter was taken up with the C.N.R. officials here, with a view to arranging a re turn excursion, ana mis was sareea upon for Seturdey. February 17. The C.P.R. alao wiU run another excur sion later.

A plan la being worked out elso for Inducing the Department of Education in Toronto to get school teachers and aenlor pupils to pay visits to tha Capital, at a certain per- ioa seen year. It waa announced that at tha next luncheon of the council. H. W. Heln-rich, of Hartford, Conn, would da-liver an addreea on, "Industrial Accidents Prevention." This meeting will open to the attendance of various Industrial- agencies throughout tha Ottawa Valley.

It wiU be held towards the end of March. Yesterday a meeting was attended by 21 members of the council and the following chairmen of committees ware decided upon: Membership. Hugh J. Graham; entertainment, G. Scott Murray; highwaya improvement, Alex H.

Fitasinunons; Industrial. W. A. Oliver; legislation, Frank D. Laurie; public service, w.

un-nor; transportation. Major Fred D. publications, H. H. McXlroy; Federal district, Allan C.

Ross; finance and office, R. M. Genunel; water supply, C. Jackson Booth; Inter-relations, Howard S. Porter.

President D. 9." Cruikshank. Vice- president Karl B. Conger, and tha secretary. Hector K.

Carruthers, ware appointed representatives on the Central Canada Exhibition Association. J. B. Watson and Son ware reappointed auditors of the Board bf Trade. SESSION BEGINS MARCH I CTARLOTTETOWN.

P. E. Feb. M. The Legialattva Assembly of Prince Edward Island win be form ally opened on Wedneeday, March A Premier D.

Stewart announced tpe WINCHESTER Y. P. 8. 'WINCHESTER. Ont.

Feb. (SpeciaD The Young People's So ciety of the United Charoh here mat Monday night when a -proeVarn waa put on under the tuhvsucrship of tha missionary committee. asJaaaav Jean Stewart and Arirne' Walker, Those assisting in tha roceedlnga were: Mrs. Arnold Sherwood. Mas Alice Singleton, Mrs.

J. A. Wadoalb Mrs. Donald Edgeston and Mrs. Carl Rice, tha resldetny 'i f' SENTENCED FOB THEFT.

Toronto: Feb. iJ-wiuiam c. pleaded 'guilty to theft of tM.7fS from tha Inmarlal Bank of Canada. today waa sentenced py Magistrate R. J.

Browne to two years leas one day plus an jlndetermlnste sentence of two veers leas one day In tha Ontario-reformatory. MiUward waa arrested recently In Vancouver. husband disgnstedlv; tioningi They co make you feel like million dollars or thirty cents. i-V. The one SURE way to cod this miserable condition is til which acts on -ALL these vital oreaos, aivins COMPLETE oeajiuajgg goa JisCuua, iuaW diBerent from ordinary Ontario Mayors Meet In Hamilton Nex, Week HAMILTON.

OnU Fab. conference of Ontario mayora upon educational coats, relief matters and unemployment insurance will be held in thia city en February 23, it waa announced here thia morning. Invita tions have been aent out by tha city of Hamilton to many municipalities in untano and favorable replies nave been received. All large centres In the province will be repreaanted with the exception of Toronto which de clined Hamilton's invitation. GIVES LECTURE ON CHURCH.

Rev. J. Dixon, rector of St. Bar tholomew's Anglican Church, waa the special speaker at a meeting of. the Men a Club of that church, held the parish hall last evening, when he spoke on "The Church in England." Mr.

Dixon proposes to give lectures at these meetings -throughout Lent. Following hia address, progressive euchre was enjoyed by the members, the prfre winners being P. Cashen. C. E.

Raid and G. ocharpe Refreshments were served under the convenership of T. Hibbsrd. J. Hat- ton and J.

BartoikT F. A. Goodyear, president of tha club, was in the chair. 25c'KT AT 1T it 154 Bank Jt Phone Q. 6500 IBAUMffilHlTr Cream Cheese Made by the Makers of QhatSSSC yjf-f pure very aaslltaa aII plus, on.

rouRntee and so-called "foodures" which act only upon one organ, or possibly two; A brilliant doctor spent tSjrears of his life working out the formula of Fruit-a-tives. He had his of MJX, M.C,-UCC&, L.R.CP. from Edioburgb; a post graduate of famous European hospitals; a past-president of -the): Ontario College of Physicians and Frait-s-tlves is a natural retnedy. Not In the least habit-forming. It combines extracts of fresh fruit juices and medicinal herbs.

Tbere isn't a doubt in the do you good so try id Sold at all drugj 1 JjcsndJOc -r't-- druggists. gal sicians completely feUeved ty Uiu apiewua remeay. HERHEA1TH TROUBLES ENDED 1 "For two years I had skin eruptions that Blade me ashamed. And as if thia was aoc enough, I also had severe headaches. Theo I beard of Frphva-tivcs and anally decided ropYke them.

The Wu. sod gradually life started for -MADBHIM A MBW AN "I wu crcnUcd: Witb Conitipstion for a long tine Not ocl that but I slw had headaches sod a touch of Shmmatrtm. Generally Ifeluuo and irritated. On day a friend of -mioe saajesccd riuitsv lives. He was so iflslarenc tbsc I did ulee-.

STRENGTHENED HER WHOLE SYSTEM "I can't begin to eel! yon how arach Iowa to Fruit- For Tears I cooU ecarcetf eat soy-tluubecaaaten'atoraacb snd fiver were i isaasl ly giving troobk. At times the para was simply abesrablc My bowcla. were irregular, too, sod I shad severe headachca. rrcitcivca world that it will sions of Transportation Enquiry Are Scheduled for the Present. Meetings "in tha Royal Commission on Transportation will be held here today, and so further public sessions have been scheduled, 'The last of these was held yesterday when representations were heard from the Ontario Motor Coach One ra tors Association.

An effort by two representatives of the Port Perry; Board of Trade to bring before' the Commission a local problem- dealing with curtailed railway eervlce felled when Mr, Jus tice Duff, chairman, informed C. C. Jeffrey, one of the Individuals con cerned, that the Commission lacked Jurisdiction to enquire Into auch matters. C. R.

Mcintosh. Liberal member of Parliament, for North Bettleford. urged upon the Commission the necessity tor doing something in connection wiui ine construction by the Canadian Pacific Railway of a bridge over the North Saskatchewan river- and extension of an existing Una northward from Saskatoon to North Bettleford. Mr. Mcintosh ad vanced that the completion of thia line would aerve a rich and rapidly developing country.


Feb. IT (Soe. cial). Manotick Woman'a Institute met at the home of Mlaa Leslio Moodie, with the president, Mrs. John Pritchsrd.

in chsree. A com-. mlttee, consisting of Mrs. F. Clarke, Mrs.

J. A. Wetterson, Mrs. J. A.

Boucher and Mrs. D. Brown, waa ap pointed to arrange for a community I singing class. Dainty lunch, served by tha hostess, assisted by Mrs. I Clarke.

Mrs. Walteraon and Mrs. C. Lett, brought a pleasant meeting to I a close. Eventually Yon Will stay An Electric Refrigerator WHY NOT NOW? Trqit on Toast oy skiOTtlesred A new, happy roc" (Name and address oa rcooeac.

'a. P'v 4 agasasaaslii'iiiiiin 'niirrt al Mi then, ther ccrtsinlr have made roe feci like new mas." and address on request.) i a nry and a whole avsten. TbevVa aiahrai oo roaaatc.) hpmJrtJt ofUtbrt Hit tBttt filt atf fnut--tivt fMIVrB.

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