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The Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania • Page 8

The Tribunei
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

8 TheGreat REMEDY FOR PAIN NORTON'S. The New Patterns of Wall Papers and Decorations for the autumn season are now arriving daily. Blank Account Books, all desirable styles and sizes, for all sorts of business. Mercantile Stationery. Very large variety of desirable stock for all business uses.

"Window Shades to order quickly. Our stock ia large and our prices are right M. NORTON, 322 Lackawanna Scranton. 32 South Main si, Wilkes Barre. THIS COLUMN por Your Benefit KEAD IX.

THE Now Webster International Dictionary, just out, indexed, the most complete work of the day. Have you seen the Edison Mimeograph? If not call and see what can be done with it. The Odell Typewriter, the only low priced typewriter in the market that is not a toy; does the work of a hundred dollar machiuo and nothing to wear or gef out of order. Encyclopedia Erittanica. We are agents (or the best edition out; can supply it at once; $1.50 per vol.

Everybody should have one; no library complete without it; it a library in itself; the greatest bargain ever offered to the people. The new Oxford Teachers' Bibles, minion, reference, concordance, maps, etc. The same contents as the $10 edition, for $1.50 and up. Call and examine no trouble to show them. You should visit our art exhibition before Christmas.

Our variety of all kinds of Holiday Goods is the finest and greatest ever offered to the people of Scranton and vicinity THOMPSON PRATT 313 luzeMe county. Special Local. Whenever this city a visit you pay, Eat dinner at Lohmann's; its right in your way" Brevities. Major John Espy; of St. Paul, is in town for a few days.

Joseph Brennnn is seriously ill with a complication of diseases. Dr. Steam's usual bible class in Wilkes Barre this week will be omitted. The Adelphin Club will hold an invitation social in Loomls Hall this evening. The orahestrian will hold forth In the armory to morrow afternoon and evening.

Witshinston Camp 11, P. 0. S. of will occupy Germania Hall with a ball to night. Sixty pupils were enrolled at the Mende Btreot nicrht school on Monday evening last.

The concert of the Saongerbund will take place in Music Hall on Thursday, Docember 4th. To night is the occasion of the' great ball of the Jolly Ton at the Ninth Eegiment armory. Emerald Benevolent Association Branch 83, will give a ball in Landmossor's Hall this evening. Wilkes Barre Castle 22, A. 0.

K. of M. will give their fourth annual ball to morrow evening. The E. P.

C. of Plains will give a concert and oyster supper in the Odd Fellows' Hall to night. II. H. Ragan will lecture in Music Hall next Tupsday evening on "The Heart of America." C.

A. Beckor will remove his pottory factory to Berwick, haying decidod not to rebuild here. The King's Daughters will open the Woman's Exchange on South Franklin street next Tuesday. The Primitive Methodist church choir will give a servlou of song at the P. M.

church tomorrow night. All donations to the Hospital 9ont to Sper ring Maguiro, will bo taken to the institution by that firm. Two plain drunks were the only cases before Mayor Sutton yes'erday and both paid the regulation amount. Thecitizons of the immediate locality want a night school to be opened in the Custor Btreet school building. The annual colleotiua: tour of the Christ tan Benevolent Association was held yesterday with gratiflying results.

San ford Harding has purchased A. E. Moore's drug store on "Northamptoii street and has taken possession. The St. Aloyaius Drnmatio Association will pivo "Dot, the Miner's Daugttor," in Germania Hall to morrow evening.

An elaborate Thanksgiving daygarvice hag been prepared for the Grant street Presby terinn church to use to morrow. Union services will be held in the Plains Presbyterian church on Thanksgiving day, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. The election of officers in Company and Company has been postponed until December 8, at 7 :30 at the Armory. Mr.

and Mrs. P. P. Jones, of Custer stroet, celebrated the fifteenth anniversary of their marrlnge on Monday evening last, Elaborate preparations are boing made for the social of the Sans Rival Olub at Saenger bund Hall on Tuesday, Docember 9. The Welsh Congregational and the Welsh Presbyterian ehurehes will each bold fairs to morrow in their church buildings.

The Inst rehearsal of the Orntorlo Society before the Union services, will be hold In the First Presbyterian ohurch to night Harry M. Speece has been made manager of the Armory by Superintendent Zelgler, and will huve power to make all dates for entertainments to be held there. The Jury Commissioners, in obedience to a recent order of oourt, were employed yester day In filling the jury wheel for 1891. Prof. Pratt, the dancing teacher gave an informal reception to his pupils and their friends In Loomis Hall last evening.

The Arbor Vitae club held a large meeting last night over Miller's grocery store. A number of new members were admitted. The young people of St. John's Lutheran churoh gave a very pleasant entertainment at the homo of Mies Anna Beick last evening. There will be a battalion drill on Friday evening of this week at the Armory.

Capt Brodhead, of Company is Officer of the Day. The funeral of Meryin Lowensteln took place from the residence of his father on South Franklin street, at 10 o'olock yester day morning. Zion A. M. E.

churoh will hold a Thanksgiving Day supper nnd entertainment to morrow. The comedy, "Aunt Dinah's Husking Bee," will be repeated. Mr. Robert Humphreys, the well known civil engineer, residing on Grove street, was strioken with naralysis on his return from churoh last Sunday evening. The house of ex Prothonotary Norris was entered and robbed on Saturday last.

The thieves secured a watch, jewelry, silverware and money. There is no due as yet. Frank Eoons has begun suit against the City of Wilkes Barre, for damages caused by the flooding of the plaintiff's cellar, caused by defects in the elty sewer system. The School Board of Wilkes Barre township have opened night sohools, the first session being held last evening. They will be held four months, if the attendance warrants.

Robert Downing will be in Musie Hall to night and to morrow night with a matinee to morrow afternoon. Ho will give his new play "The Saracen" at the latter perform ance. Tho tie for the Colonel's medal has been shot off and resulted In favor of Captain Wallace. The tie for the Lieutenant Colonel's medal was won by Sergeant Williams, of Company C. The funeral of Mrs.

Isabel Orr, who died on Sunday last, took plaoe yesterday morn ing from her brother's home on North Frank lin street. The remains were taken to Port Deposit, for burial. There was a largely attended meeting of the Epworth League, in the Franklin street M. E. church last evening.

It took the form of a "oonversationale" and the discussions were limited to five minutes. The Jolly Social Club consisting of G. B. Gabel, Henry Heuther, J. C.

Broghammer, and J. R. Schuler held their first masquerade ball in Germania Hall last evening. Pokorney's orchestra furnished the music for dancing. The Fi'iesra will Contest.

Rev. Father Connolly.of St Mary's Church, this city, and Rev. Father Broderick, of the Church of the Saored Heart, of Plains, have decided to enter into a contest for the bone fit of the Plains church. Wilkes Released. Yesterday the celebrated Martin Wilkes, leader of the discontented Polanders at Plymouth, who caused such trouble some time ago.

was released from jail. His sentence bad expired about two weeks ago. but Martin refused to pay the fine and the costs I ininctea as part or ttie penalty. Death of Mr. Willinm8on.

About 6 o'clock on Monday night ex offloer Barney Williamson died at his home on the corner of Market and Welles streets, after a long illness with lung trouble. He wns a popular citizen and an effioient officer while on tne lorce. He leaves a wife, but no children. The funeral will take place to day at iu ciocK. urancn aa, is.

u. A. will at tend. Marriage Licenses Granted. The Register of Wills issued marriage licenses to the following parties yesterday: John 'Hudak to Anna Hrlzczlk, both of Eckley John Eearkuff, of Benton township.

to Verna Eff.i, of Fairmount township; James P. MoCafferty, of Avoca, to T. Donohue, of Pittston; and Michuol Gallagher to Mary aiciiaie, ootn oi Miner's Mills. by Death on the Bull. George Thompson, of Plymouth, was killed falling from a train of cars at the red bridge vesterdav.

He was trying to steal a ride on a V. A 11. coal train from riymouth to this city, and just as it entered the red bridge, he fell off. His body was thrown un der the wheels which passed over him, sever ing the head from the oody. Mr.

Thompson wns about 22 years of age. An inquest will probaDiy oe neia. Yesterday's Collections, Yesterday was tho annual collecting day of the Christian Benevolent Association and it was a fairly successful one. The committee who received and sorted the goods at tho association's headquarters on South Main street were Mrs. aiunvllle, Mrs.

J. W. Dries bach. Mrs. A.

II. Welles, Mrs. Koorner. Mr. and Mrs.

Stone and Mrs. Daniels. The gifts of money and groceries had fallen short of that of the previous years but the clothing supply was quite up to in usual standard. Van Houten's Cocoa delicious made in stantly. The First Entertainment.

The first public entertainment given by the lyceum connected with the Westminster Presbyterian church of South Wilkes Barre took place in the chapel last evening. The following pngrarnmo was rendered: Piano solo, "The Maiden's Blush. William Lewis Elizabeth W.Ayres Kectiutien, "Klder Lamb's Uonutiou Party" Miss Emma Noble Vocal boIo, "My iong" o. 11. Hartland Kecltauun, "ino wonaorml unn lioss SUay George li.

Brown Address Douglass Smith INTERMISSION. Reading. "Experience with European Frank tl. Carrick Piano solo, "La Do Figaro" William Lewis Recitation, "The l'autor's Miss Kelly Lyceum Journal By the Editor Vocal oolo, "sorecaia" u. m.

iiartland Horsforrt's Acid Phosphate RECOMMENDED BI PHYSICIANS of all schools, for the brain, nerves and stomach. PITTSTON. The First Congregational churoh of Pitts ton will give a sunpur in tne onuroh parlors on Thanksgiving day. Supper will be ready to serve at Rev. W.

J. Hill preached In the West Side M. J. cnurcn lust nignt. Mr.

Loomls Urqubart returned to Sayre yestoraay aiternoon. A party of young people from tho West Side will give a hop in Bioyle Club rooms Thanksgiving nignt. Mr. C. Patrick, of Lake Winola, visited Mr.

Avery's family on Parke streot Yesterday. Plttston Medical Soolety held a meeting in Dr. waisn omoe mnt nignt. An Infant child of Mr. and Mrs.

Martin Fceney, of Parsonage street, died yesterday. Avery Interesting programme was pre snubnu ov v. ovwmi iirei evening. The Y. M.

0. A. orchestra, the choir of the M. P. church and the Union Quartette rendered some very line muslo.

Mrs. A. It Holvey and Miss Majors gave recitations, Mrs. C. H.

Cool rend a paper and Mrs. W. H. Ren gave an account oi the proceedings of the National convention at Atlanta, to which she was a delegate, The attendance was quite large. A meeting of Christian Endeavor Sooieties was held in the Sunday school room of the Presbyterian ohurch Monday evening tor the THE SCRANTON REPUBLICAN, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 26, 1890.

purpose of dlsousaine the advisability of or ganizing a local union. Nine societies were represented, and nearly all were favorable to the organization ofsuoh a union. Further action will be taken at next Monday's meet ing. The "Ranch King" will be given at Music Hall Thanksgiving night. Matinee in the afternoon.

Officer William Weathers expects to be able to resume his duties In a short time. John Rendle and wife are spending the week with Mrs. Bendle's parents in this plaoe. J. Q.

A. Haddaway, of "Episcopal Methodist," Baltimore, Md writes: "With much pleasure I testify to the good effects ef Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup in my family. Have used it in many cases, and It always gave entire satisfaction. A most sovereign remedy for pain of any sort has been found in Salvation OIL This great preparation can be bought everywhere for 25 cents.

KINGSTON. W. H. Shaver is having the front of his store repainted. To morrow morning at 11 o'clock Thanksgiving sorvioes will be held in the Presbyterian church, Rev.

J. G. Eckman officiating. We want more light on Market street Ralph Shaver, Joe Croup, Bart Payne, Fred McPike are among the young men that left to day for New York where they will attend the great foot ball contest on Thursday. The 7.

M. C. oleared about $125 at the concert the other evening. Mrs. Grant Walsh was taken ill with La Grippe yesterday; Robert Rice, of Plainfleld, who has been in town for the last few days on business, returned home yesterday.

The Ladies' Aid Society of the Presbyter ian church will hold a fair Deoember 4th and 5th. C. A. Linsklll, editor of the Wilkas Barre Telephone, was in town yesterday, calling on friends. Rev.

J. G. Eckman leotured at Larkesville last evening. SEMINARY DOTS. The foot ball team go to New York this evening to see the great game on Thanksgiving day between Princeton and Yale.

E. E. Brooks is at his home in New Mil ford, where he will spend Thanksgiving. Professors Davenport and Race will at tend the game at New York. Adolf Lalloz, carriage manufacturer, 119 Carroll street, Buffalo, N.

states: I was troubled with nausea of the stomach, sick headache and general debility. Burdock Blood Bitters cured me. Dyspepsia Makes the lives of many people miserable, and often leads to self destruction. Distress after eating, sour stomach, sick headache, heartburn, loss of appetite, a faint, all gone feeling, bad taste, coated tongue, and irregu larity of the bowels, are DlStr6SS some of the more common After symptoms. Dyspepsia does not get well of itself.

It Eating eqUires careful, persistent attention, and a remedy like Hood's Sarsa parilla, which acts gently, yet surely and efficiently. It tones the stomach and other organs, regulates the digestion, creates a good appetite, and by thus Sick overcoming the local symp toms removes the sympa HGaCn thetic effects of the disease, banishes the headache, and refreshes the tired mind. I have been troubled with dyspepsia. I had but little appetite, and what I did eat a art distressed me, or did mo ar little good. In an hour bum after eating I would expe rience a faintness, or tired, all gone feeling, as though I had not eaten anything.

My trouble, I think, was aggravated by my business, which is that of a painter, and from being more or less shut up in a Sour room with fresh paint. Last oU spring I took Hood's Sarsa StOmaCn rilla took three bottles. It did me an immense amount of good. It gave me an appetite, and my food relished and satisfied the craving I had previously experienced." George A. Page, Watertown, Mass.

Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. 81 sir for Prepared only by C. I. HOOD Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar An Invitation.

Ladies you are cordially invited to bo present and taste the delicious dessert and cream dressing made from tho Favorite Go's Extracts and liquid rennet, which are made direct from the pure fruit in Florida, during this week at the store of PIERCE HOLGATE 209, 811 Washington ave. Tina Practical Furrier FUR CAPES and JACKETS The largest assortment of these stylish garments can be found at my store in all grades. Prices and qualities guaranteed. Hats trimmed froe on Wednesday. Old Furs made over as good as new.

J. BOLZ 305 PKUCE STREET GROSS, FOSTER GO. SPECIAL NOTICE Thursday, Novem ber 27, our place of business will be closed to give our employes the much needed rest. Gtfoss, poster Co. F.Y.

Bankers TRANSACT A General Banking Business 10 72 PUBLIC SQUARE, WILKES BAHRE, PA BELTING AND MILL SUPPLIES. Belt Hooks, Bolt Studs, Belt Rivets, Belt Punches, Belt Clamps, Belt Tighteners, Belt Dressing, Belt Cement. Belt Lacing, Pulleys. Shafting, Hangers. SCRANTON SUPPLY MD MACHINERY CO.

131 Wyoming Ave. E. I. DU PONT de NEMOURS GO MINING, BLASTING 8PORTIN9 POWDER Manufactured at the Wapwallnpen Mills, in Lu. xorne county, and at Wilmington, Del.

H6NRY BELIN, General Agent for toe Wyoming District, NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE NATIONAL BANC IDILDINO. AGKNCIH Tbovas fobd Plttston, Pa. JpHM B. Smith A Son Plymouth, Pa.

J.V. UOOKAflLLOW WLUtM ttvra. AGENT FOB THB Reunopa Ghem. Go's High Explosives HSPHHLTIC SLBG ROOFING. The best roofing made.

Wears the longest, Costs the least and does not leak. ASPHALTIC SLAG ROOFING is fire proof, water proof, acid proof and odorless. Better than iron or tin; needs no painting; does not leak; more durable than shingles; does not rot and is firo proof; cleaner than felt; neither peels off nor cracks. Guaranteed for twenty five years. Gun be laid securely at a smaller cost than any roofing extant PENNSYLVANIA SUPPLY CO.

Jobbers of Hardware, Machinery and Supplies, TELEPHONE 1662. UM. 50 South Canal st, Wilkes Barre. i THE fret and worry what to buy and how to make the money reach the farthest, is the bane of many a person, the antidote is, don't fail to visit THe Great 4 Cent Store, Trie Great 4 Cent store, Trie Great 4 cent store, Trie Great 4 Cent Store, 310 Lackawanna Ave. 310 Lackawanna Ave.

There are but a fraction of business days left for this month of November, iSanta Claus is following us closely on our heels, our assortment of goods is beyond our expectation acd far previous achievements. We have provided a stock corresponding to the increased demand, herewith append a list of goods, good sellers: Automatic propelling and repelling pencils 4a Ladies' programme pencils with ring. 2 for. 4c BUI beads, printed and bound in book. form 4c Excelsior marking orayons, per 9tick 4o Gothic money saving banks 4o Hammered tin banks, round, 2 for 4c Flag slate pencils, 16 for 4o Flesh Forks, enameled handles 4c Heavy claw hammers 4o Shelf brackets, medium, 2 for 4o Shelf brackets, 4c Dominos, 28 blocks, white dots, black face.4c Solid rubber balls, painted red 4o Cast steel Scissors, 5 sizes, each 48 Tidy holders, nickle plated, 2 for 4o Brass dinner bells, wood handles 4o ABC blocks, 2 boxes for 4c Ficoloes, 6 holes 4c Conductors' pewter whistles Largo white bone dice, 4 for 4o Boxwood mustard spoons, 2 for 4o Repeating bird whistles 4o Jackstones, 2 dozen for 4c 36 inch folding pocket rulers 4o Cabinet photos (celebrities) 4c "We bought the Unique Nutmeg Grater; no more grated hnger nails in your pies and pud' dings.

It is the only grater with an automatic clearer, which prevents clogging; no waste of nutmegs, and no scratched fingers. (Guess the price.) rapier Machet frames and 8x10, four cents. Aii i ill 1 Afternoon IF YOU CAN. Call in the Forenoon Call in the Forenoon IF YOU CAN. For some time we were out of Sadirons.

We have them again. Two tons make a good many irons, whilet the weight of each is from 4 to 8 pounds; four cents a pound; we guarantee each iron to retain its heat; the polishing surface is ground, polished, repolished and buffed, which makes each iron strictly good, (none better). French clay plpps, wood stem 4c Chalk lines, 20 feet for 4o Boys' pocket knives 4o Pastry forks, plated 4o Table knives und forks, each 4o Napkin rings, enameled 4o Towel racks, 2 arms 4c Desk inkstands, nicklecovor 4o Can openers, blade solid or screwed 4 Cork screws, made in one piece 4c Package or parool holders 4o Pooket looking glasses, folding 4o Table spoons (soup), good ones at 4o Table spoons, tin coated, 2 for. 4c Tea spoons, tinned on steel, 2 for 4a Teaspoons, tinned light. 4 for 4c Kitchen knives, wood handles 4c Hanging match boxes, sanded all over.

.40 Good needlns (job) la, 4 papers for 4c Band shovels, wood handle 4c Diamond mirrors, hanging 4c Clock banits (pottery) 4o "We are laboring under a disadvantage in not being able to place before you varied enticing prices. The 4 cent price you know pretty well, or ought to know by this tini: yet, in answer to this permit me to repeat a dialogue: I called on one of our New York supply houses, the genial proprietor of which caught me by the arm saying: "John Ladwig, you are just the man I am anxious to see. You buy quantities, of course, if you can skin us. We have some broken lines to tell where the quan tities are scarcely large enough to justify cataloguing for our traveling salesmen." To make a long story short, I bought a bill worth $1,163. Mostof the goods are intended to be sold for 5 and 10 cents; some for 15 to 25 cents.

Here they are on our counters for Four cents. Don't make a mistake by simply thinking that here you buy only 4 cent goods. NO, NO, NO; you buy more expensive goods for 4 cents. Listen what I have to tell you about Table Knives and Forks. We have had them oil and on, and such they were, sorry looking seconds as a matter of fact I could not help it; could not uuy anything better to sell for Four cents and make a little profit.

I am beating my former efforts all hollow. I made a special agreement with the Sanson Cutlery Company for 200 gross of first quality goods, cocobolo handles, strictly perfect, each knive und fork at 4c or 48c a dozen, or $5.76 a gross. With this transaction we take 4 cents from one pocket and put it in the other, and by the time we have 'em all sold, we'll be out the wrapping paper and twine. It is simpiy a leader, and leaders are essential now a days to the success of any business. The Solar Paste Stove Polish, compressed, makes the blackest polish without dust, and stands the greates heat of any polish on the globe so the manufacturer says.

Directions Open package at one end, shave down the quantity required, add hot water until it mixes into the condition of paint; apply with a soft brush or woollen rag, polish with, stiff brush or dry woollen cloth. Arnold's Writing Fluid. London, England, in stone bottles (not ink); Writes first a greenish blue, changes to a deep black, neveb, never fades, the older, the blacker. Eureka Jet Black Ink. For Ladies, instantaneous black, in glass bottles, (cones) 4 cents.

AMMONINE, AMMONINE, The greatest cleansing agent in the world, warranted harmless to the finest fabrics. It is powdered soip containing ammonia, with other wabhing ingredients, prevents shrinking of flannels, blankets and all other goods. Try a package and you'll soon want more; you'll not be able to buy of us only as long as the present lot lasts, 12 cases. This is a 10 cent package for 4 cents. MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION MAIL ORDERS RECEIYE PROMPT ATTENTION MAIL ORDERS RECEIYE PROMPT ATTENTION MAIL ORDERS RECEIYE PROMPT ATTENTION The Great 4 Cent Store, The Great 4 Cent Store, The Great 4 Cent Store, The Great 4 Cent Store, 310 Lackawanna Scranton, Pa.

310 Lactawanna Scranton, Pa. A good store stove for sale cheap; has been in use only about three months, a splendid heater. N. B. Our Christmas Tree Ornaments are unpacked; will say more of them next week.

Goods to the amount of one dollar and upwards delivered free of charge. On Mondays and Saturdays only within short dintance of central portion of the city. On Tuesdays, to Hyde Park, Belle vue and Dodgetown. On Wednesdays, to Green Eidge, Providence and Park Place. On Thursdays, to Crosstown, Petersburg and Dunmore.

On Fridays, to South Scranton and South Washington avenue..

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