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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 1

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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Served by the. United Press BLTTHEVILLE VOL THE DOMINANT NEWSPAPER OP NORTHEAST ARKANSAS AND SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 1VEWS HOME EDITION Blythertlle Courier, Bljtoetilfc Dtilr News, Herald. Misatolppl Valley Leader, BI.YTHKVIU.K. ARKANSAS, WKDNKSDAY, JUNK :1, SINGLE COPIES FIVE CENTS Among Six Most Beautiful Women of-Talking Films LET $61000 SEWER CONTRACT Foes of Hawley-Smool Act Caldwell to Face Trial Next Week NASHVILLE, June 3. (UP Caldwell, Nashville flnan- clcr.

must go on Iriiil here Monday in criminal district court on charges i I A fraudulent breach of trust aee LSlow to 1 raclc as Act growing om or failure of caid- nf Retaliation 01 Kuaildlion. This is MARLENE DIE7TRICH, one of Hollywood's "six beautiful of red.lish gold, wide eyes of acruamarin delicately arched brows, flawless complexion, five feet and -fn height, perfectly proporUbnedV iind WASHINGTON. June 3 (UP) Thc broad tariff revision by Canada, neighbor and bosl cuy.umer of the United Slates, has dramit- trml the tariff controversy more lhan ailv other development since passage of the Hawley-Smcot act a year ago. Many other countries have raised their tariff walls since the Hawley- Smoat act became effective but this revision rib'ht at Ihe donr and at a lime when foreign trade is ill its lowest level ill years has brought the issue home with new force. 'I luce probable results were vls- ualizeil today from Ihe revision 1 which ufletts the American i.irm- cr and manufacturer at many pcinls.

These were: 1. A new emphasis on tlie tariff in politics with foes of thc Haw-Icy-1 already pouncing In! a flocd of statements on Canada's act as direct retaliation for our high rales and with supporters lo it as indication nf value cf a high prolcctive lariif. 1. hslablisliment of additional Ainctican branch factories in Canada Premier Bennett openly ccurted as means of em- i we mid Com a one of ihc I smith's largest. Investment houses.

Judge Chester K. llarl ruled this afternoon. When (lie cast was called here Monday Caldwell's lawyers presented over 100 affidavits from prominent business and professional men to ihe effect that a fair and Impartial trlnl could not be had at this time- ami asked a continuance. Judge Hail said In his opinion si-ii- llmeiil is not such as to warrant a continuance nnd ret Hie for Monday morning. trulv blue, five Inrhes feminine.

rtiiw'icy- French -Structure Collanscs During Test of Capacity. RORDEAUX, Franco. June .1 vvero killed and 32 mmrcd loday when a suspension 'ividiw at St. Denis de 'he Isle river, a tributary of the Glronde, collansed during tests. Marlene Dietrich Reached Stardom With First Picture iLln 3.

Renewed some reciprocal tariff agreement Canada whereby rates, would be reduced. 1 ovel i have Ueu made by. Canada from time i lo time since she rejected president Taft's move for reciprocity twenty accident ICKS were was wit- XOTR: ThU is th, Inreld comedian rs ilrst of a series of exclusive stories rorcalinr the names uf "Thc Siv Slnst RenutIfiil Women of thp 1 liy a committee nf Hnllvn-nnifs directors Tor NFA Sm-ice and this ncwspa- nnd tellhi" (lie story nf each. KV PAN THOMAS Service Writer HOLLYWOOD. June 3.

Who are th" talkies' six most beautiful picture Evor the motion iivlti'lrv the iiattle over bpauli-has mon-ilv in Hollywood whrrp the most beautiful women in n-nrlrl are assembled. Pirls hnve been orecent- ed Ivnutv honors, but seldom has to eet rveu anv two "os'nfrts" lo on one. Thf rtifficullv in rmklna a selection lo determine rvactlv whnt physical fi-ilurns alonn he cnnsid- ererl. rdioi'M Httnn- siMnn nnd ability wear clollici enter in? The decision is always a lolnlly different. is bin i SeVGn Year Term nesscd by-n laree throne of children who had been Blvcu lioll- Crop Outlook sness and Good; Credit Conditions Improving.

I'liilrJ HV SA.M rAKHINCiTON Stuff CnrTts(Hnnlrnt ASHEVILLE, N. June 3. (UP) B. Davis, president of the defunct Central Bank and Trust company of AshcvlUe, today was sentenced to not less lhan five years nor more than seven years on con- Blue Annel." which he went to! nuking false reports of Germany to direct. In her hci tlle condition lo the slate, saw a gront.

nri beautiful ilrr.matici Jt Barnhill of Rocky Marlene ts a discovery of vcn least insofar as Amercn I. concerned. She plav- npposilc Emil in "The Nine trucks started across to test Ihc capacity of (he bridiv. They were accompanied bv about fifty persons who fell Into the river when I be structure broke. Fifteen' of those who fell into Ihe water favort themselves by swimming.

Carroll Has Filed Mexican Divorce Action NEW YORK, June 3 (UP) Ll'lTLE ROCK. Jllni; a (UP)- Kavornble crop weather and a Browing feeling of optimism concerning business din-Ing the past month have combined lo lilt ihs K'COIII that ssitlcd over Arkansas last fall and winter, the result of drmith inkl reports from widely scattered sections of the stale Indicated today. 'Ihc cotton crop, according to agriculture holds promise of a qcotl yield dcsplle enrly spriuy tct bucks due to belated cold spells. Flcuri.shlnjr Gardens oier the stale have flourished as the result of Ihc almost pcrfccl wpathcr and have greatly relieved distress In rural districts. The slate's garden acre- awe was gically Increased by thousands of of pnrdcn seed distributed by Ihe Cross, 01 the Sii.250.OCO released by Ihe federal Rovernnicnt in seed, and fcrtllirer leans fo farmers a ecodh' jxirtlcn alrcndv has renaid according to reports here, allhouch the loans arc not chic until fall.

Cash is more Hum at auv time durinq the past six months, banks report, and loans are easily available. Banking Institu- Ini ra "on of tiousAhrough 'policy of ret.rcncli- star, has suit for divorce In Np'gales. Jack to- against her Klrkland. tlie latter dav. actress who could in.cct a note of ilfount passed sentence in Buncombe i another one 'of tlm.r.

Iiiimor at. just the proper moment. I court. Itfngs incompatibility" Kirklan 1 With a fiyc-vear contract came Davis counsel entered notice of sniri. "We tried our best to (ret to this country to reap fame and I "PI 50 1 Davis was rclca-cd under alciis; but we just could not any riches such she known in Oermany.

There is in our opinion never had $20.000 bond and his attorneys were longer. We are still fond of each allowed until September 1 lo effect qlhcr nnd shall remain friends. o'l? wtiv in which the Mis'ns Dietrich and Gnrbo can be twfii shim nublicitv. But they Iwve different reasons for so. To Garbo it Is nurcly business.

Lai'ire- lv because II Is Impossible for ncwsnacer or magazine writer to Funeral scrvircs scr- IIAI- ru lr services were has remained "good But NBA nnd Die Courier beauty. Should 1 cony" all Ihcis years. For short lime Marlene arrived here she faced interviewers almost every day. And her con- vrsallon with thorn centered chiefly around the young dau5hter wanted "Tlin Benn- I doubt if any actress ever attained stardom a.s quickly as Mar- whom she left in Germany with her husband. 'liful Women of fio Tnlkies" select- "Please don't talk so much about ed and Ihis has done cm is bad pub- wlth thc.

aid nf a snecial board of licitv." admonished studio reprc- cimno'ed r-f six of Hollv- sentatives. wood's renst noted directors, "AH righl, if I can't talk about unnuesConed judee of hal I won't talk at all." re- Of vnu may not acrce with thc actress. Anci she has their fact, they had s( "ck to that. Inrd time amone them- Eelves- but if you know of anv Ijst- fer method of rhODSin? beauties. J't 1 'ike Ii know it.

Th" famous directors on the board are: Mack Scnet. Josef von lierc. Gerrse Fitztnaurice. Mcrvvn LfRoy. Edward Sutherland Allnu Dwnn.

Each submitted his choice of 111" six nutstanrtimr beauties, then Ihe six (rirls receiving thc highest number of votes were declared "elected." JWARLF.NF. DIE7TRICH! This blond Gernftn actress ts thc first beauty that we shall discuss, not becriuse thc iudsrs decreed her "thc most beautiful of the (they certainly weren't rash cnoueh to attempt any such distinctions as between the but ir.erclv because thc story of somebodv has to be told first. "Another Garbo!" was Ihe word passed around when Miss Dietrich arrived in Hollywood from Germany. Everyone Immediately started comparing her with this mysterious and aloof Greta. In the oplrilcn ol this writer such a comparison was entirely unwarranted, i.

each Is a great acrcss. they lone Dietrich. One picture was all she needed. Immediately after her arrival she was cast in "Morocco." co-featured i with Garv Cooper Adolph ntl Menjou. Unknown and unseen by the American public prior lo that picture, she became an instant box-office hit and was starred In her second production.

"Dishon-' oral." the appeal to the state supreme 1 b'ut decided It best to sever mat-' rlmonial bonds." Kirkland. a former acwspaiwr- man. met Miss CarroD In 1023 when she was in a chorus in the Passina Show at the vlnler garden. One year Inter they were married. They have me daugh- Wife of Former Local Pastor Buried Sunday -dueled Sunday at Cuba, for Mrs.

C. Hodge, formerly of here, who died Friday al a St. Louis hospital. Her death resulted from complications arising after she broke her leg in a fall six weeks ago. She moved from this city four years ago after her husband, the Rev.

resigned as pastor of thc Second Baptist church. Relatives who survive her are her husband, one son and three daughters and two sisters. Mrs. Mary Noble of Blythcville. and Mrs.

V. M. Pavne, of Black Rock, Ark. ter. Patricia.

ment have regained a sound position. Records of the state banking department reveal fewer than a half dozen banks have suspended business since April 1st as comuaivil with nearly fcur i during preceding days. Earh Crops Help A profit from strawberry and radish crops in Ihe northwestern ecllon has decidedly bolslered the cash reserve of Rrowcrs. These profits will be augmcntsd later by anptc. peach and laic berry crops, all of which promise large yields.

Crop experts eslimaln more than 3.COO car.q of Beaches be shlp- ncd from the southwestern Arkansas neacli belt during the season. The apple crop is estimated to be the largest since thc record crop of 1913 when five million bushels were produced. King GeorgeJIs 66 Today This court photograph of Klnj years ago. England, the. first taken since his serious Illness of IWL The kiiiB.

who celebrated his (illlh blrllnlay tcduy, has occupied "the British throne (or 21 years, having iiscended on the death of his King Edward on May 6,. 1310.. King Observes Birthday With Visit to Epsom Downs LONDON, June 3 Kllllf George celebrated his Cfitii birthday today, recovered In health and vigorous enough to resume horseback riding. He had a more strenuous birthday than usual which Included a visit to Epsom Downs lo witness the annual running of the derby. A family party at Buckingham pal- are was arranged for this evening.

Services Held Tuesday Children, Playing With 'Matches, Bun to Death GREENSDUROH. June 3 chlUVen were burned! lo death today in a barn near New Alexandria when the struc-' lure was ignitec with matches with which they were playing. Hold Pillow for Craighead Burglaries R. J. Pillow, local man.

was arrested by members of the sheriff's and constable's force last night and held for Craighead county officers on charges of burglary and grand larceny. Pillow, according lo reports, eluded Jonesboro officers who sought to effect his caplure yesterday. Pil- loV is alleged lo be a member of a band of chicken thieves who have been operating over northeast Arkansas. He is a former convict. Victory Brings $145,500 to Boston Man in Irish Swecostakes.

EPSOM DOWNS. June 3 Dewar's Cameron- ian, favorite, won Ihe 148lh urnimslancps in Action Against Catholic Clubs. ROMJ3. ri 'Inn of FnsrIM-Vnilcin con- i-ivnrv ai'oeired loclav when nil 'nsnlrcrl issued Crnm Ihn Vnllcnn cnnnm-atinc cxtcnuatlm- in the closure ol riubs in government. Amonu the causes delermlnhi" (Hi- r-iosin? orrVr the note said wns Mir of nrcvcnlln" nltick aeninst mid Invasion nf the clubs In nn effort prevent ad- vcrscs.

not. alone nralnst the pope but agalnsl the king. "fn all the Hi? note said, "ihrMv were nnrtralls of Ihe the kins and Premier Mussolini, mnnv cases (he pnrtratl of the Will Employ 50 to 75 Men In Work On New District Ihvec. System. Actual construction of thc sewer system In Iho newly oi'BanlzcU' Sewer District bracing an area of a.

ntllc'and i halt In Ward One. will begin in the near future, probably within ten days it was announced today when olflclals revealed that Iract for thc construction had been let lo the Conslruclion com- linny of Memphis, Teivn. Tlie contract price was 5G1.000 including the Installation of the sewage sys- lent, two pumping plants disposal plnul. Bonds of the district, whlcli was created by the clly council' last Oclubcr, were sold lo thc National Security company of Little Rock. Capt.

Ivy W. Crawford. 1 city at- tcini'v, said this'afternoon. A total. of 570,000 In bonds was floated In connection with the J.

P. Rlckard of the Volz Construction company, open, an office here early next week, which will IK maintained diirlrie. thc course of Although Ihc contract allows 90 worklin diiys for the completion of 'Ih'c system, Mr. Rlckard estimates that tlieisys- lem will be' finished In CO days it Is understood 50 anil 7S local laborers will be used during I lie construction period. All sklllrd labor will be locally, 11 was stated.

The sewer district rijilirnc'cs about 800 cllv lots; and will be the second largest In the cltv; belntr. larif- er than" any one unit of-the first sewn- district. It Includes Ihc ninhlanrt Heights Addition, Additions One' and Tiro. Bavrrm and l.llv addition, and also Ihe East Main business district. E.

J. HcMon. resident cntrln-or. designed (he system and made the survey for thc proposed plants. The district will employ the latest dcsisn In a santlarv disposal svstcm In (he I-MhofT disposal plnnl.

which will be "situated about a half mile south of the city. Two modern jjumpinc stations are included In the nlans. Anproxlmatc- lv 37,000 feet of pipe will be laid in tin 1 construction of the system. Th? contract was let lo the Memphis firm, which Installed a sower system In Osccola two years bv Ihe district commissioners, 1 H'ly bv the FrV on anci Leonard ninninK of llic Derby before a the mnlllallmis throng of more than 500,000 on ll 'i l1 Premier Mus- Rotarian Battles to Overcome One-Vote Jinx EL PASO. Tex.

(UP)-Stanley Strctton will have lo overcome a one-vote Jinx Iwfore he can become president of Ihc El Paso Rotary club. striking at a depth of In the last election he lost by OSCEOIjA. June feet. The sipply is not sufficient! only one vote to 13. W.

Lewis DRY TOWN, STRIKES WATER ASH FORK, trains of lank cars, bringing walcr to this town, may soon becme a I lhinK 10 pa5 ns a re5lll a tor W. t. BUrtOn Santa Fe niiroad drilling outfit Epsom Downs today. Orpen was second and Sandwich was third. The (rreat colt defeated 24 other smart three-year-olds to win nn- dvlne turf faai2 and purse nf $60.500.

His viclorv uroucrht a prize of al services were conducted from the family residence at 2:30 o'clock this for W. E. Burton, who died suddenly of a heart attack Monday evening. Thc services were conducted by the Rev. E.

K. Lati- mcr. pastor of Ihe First Christian church of Blytheville. assisted by Rev. C.

E. Welch, pastor of the. First Bapllst church ol Oscc-ola. A tor the railroad nnd town so drill-1 Last year he lojt by only ore vole ing was rcntlnucd. to Oscar Allen exiis Guinun.

No "Chcaj) Pays Parting Respocis, to French Officials LE HlVRE. France, June 3. lonionow's cr Friday's paper. But C. Ermcn.

A. S. Rogers and Dr. F.I in thc meantime, we'll say that Travis. this girl is one of the youngest of stars,«lirown hair and dark eyes, began as an "extra" and traveled swiftly In fame.

Can you RUCS.S? Amelia Earhart Flies Autogyro Denver DENVER. June 3. (UP) 1 1 partei for America today. It the return voya Destroying 0. Henry Trial Notes Cest Man Hundreds AUSTIN, Tex.

court stenographer should never destroy his of thc samf ship on which Miss Gulnan. twetay show girls and a while hoisf had forth with high hopes of makbg France night club consdous. all proves that fifty million Frenchmen can tie wrong." shout- Holes, even after thc case Is en- ed Miss Gtiinan. The girls seemed ttrely ended. Charles Plckic, vcter-1 most, happy with the new freedom entirely different lioth from a Amelia Earhart safely landed her (O.

an court reporter here, says. Fa look of Uxurlous and broad vl U1IU UIU1U Failure to preserve the notes decks after the compar- lok of the trial ot Sidney Porter jativj hardship of 'the Immigrant ho- 3. Henry) for an alleged bank-' tel. They started' the trip horns In of nny sort of a tour of Prance although they police 't parting "we ate lobsters all nighl." "Arc you sore, shouted. "I'm not such Texas?" someone a cheap sport." called Miss Giilnan.

"At the same time I would hardlv accent a job as press agent for France." "I om (he original unman without a country." she said before de- solinl's portrait generally was re- 3-Year-Old Chicago Child Weighs Over 100 Pounds CHICAGO. June 3 Tewlow. Chicago's bounclmjest baby boy. was three years and six months old today and he weighed just a ounces less than 100 pounds, measured 3ft Inches around the waist wore a size 11 shoo. "He's a' perfectly normal child and r.o one knows what: makes him snectrd.

but In one place it dlsan- ain 1 so sni his'fa- ncared anil It is not known where I thor Frmiit Tewlow. a photograph'-, it cnn be found. "From our in -tTom our Investipation it has been ronfirmed Ihn provlsinn clos-j Bandit Takes $6,617 inz all Catholic vmins men's club': was tint a formal application of from Chattanooga Bank CHATTANOOGA, June 3. 18 some clubs Ind been closed sliiBlc bandit carrying a he few days In others clocumenls shotgun swung down the $145.500 to Jofcph Kennedy. T3os-1 thc 'Ircrce recently Issued, but onl.i ton, who hckl a ticket on him In 11riiw measure.

The police said the Irish Sweepstakes, and to other holders of tickets In British Isles and elsewhere. the! not taken I scaled up." but To Honor Movie Director At Penn Military College CHESTER. P.i. Ii. de Mllle.

noted movi? director, will be given the honorary dcerce of were 15ky light of a branch bank here I today, hanctcuded the institution's employes one by one as Ihey ap- Pennsylvanian Captures ise.fin which forced tank's Century-Old Turtle ihf gl hini fr I FRANKLIN. lur- He which has more than a doctor of letters at the annual com- thc dale carved on its mencement excretes of the Penn- sllc captured sylvanla Military on June n. Others to be honored arc Owen Roberts, associate justice of the United States Supreme Court. Secretary of Slate Henry L. Stlmsort.

and Genc-Fn! Hanson Edward Ely. commander, of the second corps area of the United Stairs Army. Batter Imitation's Use Must Be Advertised NEW ORLEANS. When p.irture. "I received a cable offer butter Isn't butler In New Orleans jo act In the films at Hollywood, restaurants, boarding houses and though.

I'm not sore at the conn-1 hotels, thc fad that Is is imita- of Lafayette and Joan of Arc lion must be prominently displayed. but Frtnch officials are stupid. They feel that the honor of France Dr. O'Hara. president of (he State Board of Health, has an- msnds that they bo afraid of Robert Oswald.

caucht Heavily Loaded DO-X Fails to Leave Water LISBON. Portugal. June 3. (UP) Tiny Locomotive Works MULLENS. Vest Vlrziivtii.

(UP) Musscr, a machinist, has built what he believes to be the smallest steam locomotive capable of operation. It is 22 inches long, with a boiler 13 Inches long, withstanding a pressure of 75 pounds. Alcohol Is used for fuel. The the water's surface at Praia. Cane Verde IslanSs.

on the start of Its i proposed trans-Atlantic night' to 'Brazil, proved futile today, wireless dlsnat'ches from Praia said. Tlie machine was heavily loaded for the long cruise. WEATHER boiler has 21 with a throttle: in. Ihe dome. Increasing cloiidi- IMPULSIVE MAX CURBED tonijrht.

Thursday cloudy, showers in north portlnn. colder in I northwest portion. I According to the official PHOENIX, Ariz. (UP) -Mark observer. Charles Phillip-.

Jr, the Fox was freed on a GO day suspend-1 maximum here yes- ed sentence after he promised toltcrday was 84 decrees and the curg "Irresistible Impulses" such as caused him to throw a rock through the plutc glass window of a grocery jtrtrr-. minimum. 69 degrees, clear. Today a ago the maximum temperature was Sfl degrees and HIP minimum! 61 ittstfts, clear..

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