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Fairview Enterprise from Fairview, Kansas • 3

Fairview, Kansas
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KANSAS ITEMd. SETS a Ngw example. PAbhEAiNl' BY TH SEA rOIN IN AN UPRISING FIRST OF GREAT EVENTS IN Fl NRL OF QJctN. tCUTINY OF BRITISH TROOPS ON ST' HELENA ISLAND- Qofen VUtorU sot to bi Bnned al Mldn hr, London, Jan! 30. The earl marshal, the Duke of Norfolk, was unable to Bee King Edward Monday In order to obtain his majesty's sanction for the final arrangements for Queen Victoria's funeral.

Nothing, therefor, has been definitely settled except the program for tomorrow. AS GOOD A3 LAW-Army BlllAwali biciiitturs onhaPTMl-. Cent. Washington, Feb. 1.

After an eventful legislative experience, beginning with the present session and covering about two montl the bi 1 for the reorganization of the army bill passed its lust stage in congress at now goes to the president for his signature. The final step was taken in the senate yesterday, where by a vote of 33 to 25, the conference report on the bill was agteed to. The house of Bodr Tftkrn to Portumooth Function, a Miinmfnl one, but Awr- up riug tM Ron of VVr-hlp-8 'Coro Dilute' vte( lutol'-mnity ituti iiltnioi Sam Jones is lecturing in Sanaa again. Independence wants a new hotel as. badly as Cotleyville wants an opera house.

Kortonville and Howard are twe Kansas towns where negroes are not allowed to live. The ninth annual meeting of the Slate Editorial Association will be held at Topeka this week. Last year the aggregate values of Oftrd'nc Hoer 1'rUonnri -rrt on Bum-pagft and Terrorize ihe Towu-Wm li.dim.s ihn Wont- March Street Btlii(j; Wviurn nnl Children. Queen Victoria's explicit directions Lokov. Feb.

2. Half a million of London, Jan. 3L. The West Indian as to her uncral were written in 1862, tih devoted subjects, lin- rooDs stationed at the island of St, lelena, when General Oronje and a Bays Truih, "and have not been altered jng the shores of the Solent yesterday, farm products and live stock In the lu-ge number of Boers are held pris- in any manner, is was ner wish mat, witnessed a majestic and awe-inspir- tie ceremony shou'd copy that of paeant and bade a last farewell 'epresentatlves already had agreed to state were over $034,159,000 ners. mutinied January 2.

raised the the. report. The conference report town, terrorized the inhabitants, in- Prince Albert's Dunai so iar as possi- to their beloved ruler. Ilapiiy in the Tlie ladies of the Methodist church aired many of hem, defied their of- ble. The queen will be the first Eng- circumstances or her death, sovereign leers and were only finally subdued lish sovereign who will not be burled (rf the greatest ncval power in the Then faced by the muzzles of rides, at nignt ana oy world, ai ortunate in the mariner of The war office has invited cotoniai ousvquie, yesterday's ceremony officers and soldiers in England to take was a fitting tribute from a nation part in the funeral procession.

Minute owing Nelson for its hero to its dead guns will he fired from all the ships in monarch. AU who were witnesses of in folent and at Cowe.s, commencing the function testify to Ihe profound wan tlie Ainjria leaves run pier. was kept before tlie senate constantly yesterday, even tlie shipping hill giving way. Opposition the bill continued lo be vigorously expressed, Mr. Teller making an extended speech in criticism of tlie war department end of the measure in generai An opposition developed on ihe republican side to the report, based on he allege i freedom with which the confeiees had taken with the hill.

On the 1 i i a I vote seviral republicans voted with the democrats against, the leport. The shipping bill was discussed during the latter part, of the day, ai some progress was made. A speech by Mr. Rawlings against the bill was iu progress at the close of the day. Mr.

Chandler announced that a night session would be moved loday to advanced tlie bill to Ihe liuai stage. Each ship will cease firing immediately i he end of the procession passes her. When the precession has passed the British ship Majestic, the forts and ships in Portsmouth harbor will commence firing minute-guns and will coi -tihue lo do so until the Alberta ia alongside. Nosiandards will be displayed. Ensigns and union jacks, will be half masted.

Admirals fligs will be fully, hoisted. As the procession passes each ship its crew will present arms, the band playing funeral marches. emotion it inspired and agree that the siectacle could not have been sur-p. for splendor and solemn effect. The dominant note in the who'e jene was lis grand simplicity, and so ir as human utterance was concert ed, its silence.

Tne sad procession glided alone in beautiful order, as though moved bv unseen powjr. No incident of any kind occurred to mar its stately beauty The: was no accident of any sort ashore or afloat. TRADITIONAL QUEEN'S WEATIIKR. The weather was traditional "queen's weather." The "queen of the seas" was carried across the waters to the accompaniment of minute guns and the military music a picture at Lawrence, God bless'em, have hustled until now they can see the finish of the parsonage debt. When the Rock Island extension from Liberal, Jan to White Oak, N.

is completed there will be 12ft miles of track without a curve. When citizens of awrence assured Mrs. Nation that there are no joints in that city she should have told them that she was from Missouri. Hiawatha has a great religious revival in progress. The music is furnished by a chorus 200, an organ, a piano, two violins and two horns.

Tlie second term the State University started off this week with an enrollment of and many applications not yet acted upon. If E. W. Howe has any coal dealers on the rolls of his Don't Worry club lie must be having something of a time right now trying to hold them in line. Leavenworth, which wants it understood that it can put on any frill worn by Atchison.

Is now doina the preliminary work toward organizing a lodg of Elks Saturday the Arkansas City Traveler printed George artin's famous "Owl Club Letter" written in 1880, which makes good copy 'most any old time Watch Newton and it will be seen that the old town refuses to become The news suppressed, but the As-(ociated press lias received the story fry mail. The 1 rouble began with a jow on the night of January between tome bluejat kets and a party of West Cud inns. On the following night the PVest Indians ihroke out of barracks Mid vaised the tovn with clubs and razors lied sticks. They ran amuck, cutting and beating women, children and men indis-Wiminately and at.tcked the Sailors' Rest, tearing out the doors and win-lows. All the efforts of the officers tc 'jupprcss the mutiny were futile.

rVhen ordered to the camp they re (use 1 to obey and threatened to dynamite the town. A strong naval force fras landed, the available troops were troops were collected and the streets paraded and guarded all night long. It daybreak the troops were drawn ip with loaded rifles in front of the Ilace where the West Indians were arricaded. The latter were ordered to surrender and were notilied that if they did not do so they would be fired ipon. The mutineers were finally lowed and were taken to camp, where tiey will remain under guard until a oopship arrives to remove them.

KNOX AND UK WBT ENGAGED. Be Shelv d. Washington. Jan. 30.

Senator Vrvp iTiivft nni.icp in senate yester day that he intended to keep the hih will live in history. fdiipoing bill to the front even as If tlie elements should proveequally against, appropriation bills, not yield-1 favorable today, which at the moment Th Or nh ih on. London, feb. I. I 'rope rations for tliequceirs funeral procession in London are being pushed forward vigorously.

Wherever a lew feel, of space are available, statu are in course of erection. Preparations are everywhere being made lo cover the stand with purple cloth, and this will go a long way toward giving the effect of general Stands are being' erected close to St. Jaiiic.4 palace, which when tilled, will hide the palace from the malls Even on the outbuildings of tlie palace, on will.r.l.h vote UI CilOlllIK, 111., OCflllD I the millions of the metropolis will There was a disposition or the part of it, senate leaders to forje to an render their even grander military tri early issue the question whether the bute to the queen, who desired to shipping bill is going to pass at this hurried as a soldier's daughter. Tliotts- 1 I a. Session.

Senator Turner of Washing- janas oi uoops are now inaicumg miu tun snoke vesierdav in severe arraign- London to breakfast, hurriedly pre- on mentof the bill. Before the session pivpartory to taking their places balcony whence lv 1114 Kd ward's Closed the committee amendments accession was proclaimed, and iii the scared over the report that the Santa gardens of Marlborough house similar Fe freight division is to be removed the line of march. With this peaceful military invasion is an equally large civilian invasion from the provinces and abroad. It was next to impossible last even- tr to obtain a bed room in any west provisions for spectators are being made. '1 lie sidewalks of St.

James street areahnsoL iiiip iisahle. Cu niters and joiners are everywhere stands and shoring up alcouies. The same coi. dil ion of things prevails in Piccadilly. Seating accommo to Hutchinson.

ITow di i the statement eet out that Kansas would be thirty-nine years old this week? It started somewheri three weeks or so aeo, and has been bobbing up here and there ever since. That university student at Lawrence who was given a jacking up by end hotel, and until quite a late hour sitors were eagerly searching all a'ong the route for windows and seats, held at exorbitant pi ices, to view the dations are being prepared in every 1 London, Jan 31. Lord Kitchener icporis to the war olli'ce under date of Pretoria, January 29. as follows: Dewet lias been engaged by Knox jorty miles north of Thabo 'Nchu. So details.

Dewet intends again attempting an Invasion or Cape Colony. "Smith Dorrien lias returned from Carolina, having dispeased the Boers. "A force of Boers this morning entered Berisburg and damaged two lines. Commandant Marais is among he prisoners taken." Calcutta. Jan.

30. It is reported IhatLord Kitchener wishes to send lO.i'Op Boer prisoners to India. He proposes to locate them in the state Nilgira, province of Orissa, Bengal. A It-I of Kolx-rt Waftiinoton, Jan. 31.

The antl- tnlygamy crusade, which resulted in riving out Representative Roberts from his seat at the last session, had procesilon. Ciowdsare standing in no.1 si hie nook, Iroiu Devonshire nouse, T.Tfi. the early hours of tne morning watch- t)the bak0l)y ()f house. Lamp tfl be thankful that wjre in'or nally areed to. The Lilian appropriation bill was p-ss early in tne dar.

Tin credentials of Sanator-elect J. II. burton of Kansas and of Senator-elect J. Gamble or South Dakota were pHt-enbd. Mr.

Burton's by his prede-crs or, Mr. Baker, and Mr. Gamble's by Mr. Kyte. Mr.

Hoar made an Ineffectual effort to StC. consideration or the hill in-cn using I lie ta aides of the judges of the supreme court and or federal cruris throughout the country. A nientitn for such consideration was ot clown. Tne tiill was then taken up. Amendments were- made continuing tlie In Man agencies ai the Sac and Fix reservation, Iowa; the Neah l'ay a-jfiiicv.

Washinyrton: The Nevada him with her she di I not get after nig uicoiuij ..1 nuiMuui posts and refuges 111 tne muiuie or uia ting the final toucher to the sombre ryadwavs aru removed, decorations and tho other prepara- tions. So givat was the crush that a In Hyde park, of course, neither large body of police were needed. half mast 'decoration nor stands are possible. All Hags will remain at iheivtoi only an occassional glimpse of a put ple-drapcd balcony in Park lane is obtainable. In tlie Fdgcware road and thence to raddingtou ai the liveliest scenes of in echo In the house yesterday during Nevada; tlie Silitz agency, Ihe consideration of the agricultural Qrop0n; the Sisselon agency, South until Monday evening.

FIFTY KINGS AND PRINCES. The cavalcade which will follow the collin, with King: Edward in the center, Hanked by Emperor William and the Duke of Cmnaught, will ex ceed in brilliancy anything ever seen in England. There will be nearly fifty kings and prlices, each wealing the uniform of his own country. Following this brilliant cavalcade innronrlation bill, lien ine section all. Tlie entire population of tlie district and suburbs seems to liae congregated in search of accomodation and there Irailicking iu seals is going on which gives the, appearance of a I busy market.

llaroly a is being let out at fancy prices, Inch are alsj will come the princcses in carriages. The order of precedence here observed emphasizes the great changes the death of Victoria has made among her daughters. Princess Christ ian. Princess Beatrice and Princess Louise now ycild. places to the daughters of toe king.

D.ioa, and the Puvallup agency, Wash ngtou, which had been struck outly ihe committee. The ainend-nTM'ts met spirited opposition, Mr. 1 la (Conn.) urging that it was tima to 1 with aetui sin localities re. In 1 inns li id civilized to the extent of adopting the habits and adoi'ess of civilization. The amen linent or the Indian bill relating to a joint commission of senators and repiesentatives to visit res-en a ions was reconsidered and dis-agr el to and the new amendment a tree I lo committing the inquiry to li! Indian department.

Tlie bill finally was passed; also tlie bill amending the law in nlation to suits in Inaklng the appropriations lor agri-lultral colleges or the several states was readied Mr. Landisof Indiana offered an amendment providing that 00 money should be paid to the col lege In Utah until the secretary of agriculture was satisfied that no trustee teacher in the institution practiced polygamy. Tne amendment came as a complete lirprise. Mr. King, who succeeded Mr.

Roberts, tried in vain to head it Dff with a po nt of order, and then inveighed against it as simply an aftermath of the Roberts crusade. He insisted that polygamy was a thing of the past. Mr. Land is replied by alleging that two of the pro.essors of the IJiahagii-eultural college were poly gain ists, and that one of the trustees had seven easily obtainable for seals, Cambridge row is lined on both sides with stands erected iu ti gardens, and people eagerly pav hive or four poun is seals on them, while windows of the houses in the of tne stands with trees between them and i the road, arc cheap at idi ly pounds. I Royal Arrivals in the metrop lis to-j day included the Crown Prince of Norway and the Duke and Duchess of Aosta, the king of Wtirlemburg, I Prince Mahomed Ali, the Crown Prince 'of Denmark.

Their respective embassies or legations and representatives of tlie king met the visitors and conducted them to pi aces of residences, TtieJKrench, I urkisu and Bulgarian missions have also an ived. (li'cd 'i Sli Aft 'in New Yokk, Jan. 3 special to the and Advertiser from Mu- The first carriage ill contain Queen Alexandria, tlie Duchess and Princess Ch tries of Denmark. The second carriage contain the daiuliteis of Queen Victoria and the Ling of Belgium. King Leopold was among the late arrivals.

Prince Christian met him at the station and accompanied linn to Buckingham palace. The other royal and princely personages who arrived last evening were Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria the Prince Arnulf of Bavaria. HEM INS TAKEN TO KTSMOUTH. Cowes, Feb. 2.

With grand, yet mourntul display of naval pomp and hatchet. Wichi ta is the home of a young lady, Viss Flower, who has been applying herself to the study of music with such good effect that It Is believed bj the hom folks she has a "career" practically within sight. On December 13. 190:1. date of last report, tlie Kansas banks, national, state and private, held individual deposits amonntiiu to $01,231,101.22 an increase since the preceding report of September 1st of The company which Is putting in the Citv electric railway and light plant this week let, the contract for tlie construction of an ice frctorj of a daily capacity of fifteen tons which is to be in running order by the 1st of May.

No one will be surp'-lsed to learn that a party or farmers living south of Hutchinson, who went to Minnesota for the purpose of "looking a-round" returned home better satisfied than ever with Kansas hi general and Reno connty in particular. County Attorney Dana of Montgomery Is after the joint ists. Ilesent notices to every joint ist in the county ordering them to close up their places without, delay. He also served notice yn all druggists to sell no liquor except in strict compliance with the law. With a fine ppf nrran given them by Andrew Carnegie the members oi tho First.

Prpsbytemn church at ion City will he in better shape to sing the prais -s or he great steel magnate than any other town In the 1 hat has been the. recipient oi his favor. "I not ii." murmured Old Mr. La Grinpe to himself, as he shook himself and prepared to start nut on 111 3 'iTth lap with renewed vigor, "that a lot of hese people think they have 1 svsleni bv hich they can evade making connect ion with me. I will proceed to show them If the State Editorial association wauls to 1 a good thing it might take steps to pvovi punishment mi sscreatur's whosend a 40 page irked copy" to a busy man in newspaper oilice, that turns our, after cir't'ul search, not to have been marked at all.

There is movement at "Newtor ngiinst holding Sunday runerals. A petition is bei.ig circulated. wmcU i to be presented to th" council, asking 1 that body to pass an ordinance forbid- wives and thirty-seven children. The "friends of the tanner" were hi.e, A siys: very much in evidence during the day, njjijsii steamship Governor ind against an aggressive opposition jko, which has arrived here from led by Mr. Mai ion of Pennsylvania, Grand Cayman, brought news of the vrf iIih shuih SiiHtrl-a.

PnoENix, A. Feb. 1. News has been received here of a dual between Tom Chiles and Miguel Lasado at Ajo nt i tic, northwest of Phoenix, in which voted an additional appropriation of $50,000 for farmers' bulletins. There Was alsu considerable discussion of the irrigation of the arid lands in ion with the passage provi I-' Insr for an investigation or that subject.

The bill was passed. destruction of a bark by fire at sea. It. stima the entire crew perished on the wnich is supposed to hate oeeii toe Mary, from New York. Seamen could he seen clinging to the rigen g.

Kit the vessel was enveloped in H.uihs and rescue was impi ssible. Cap am Janv Hunter of the Governor Illak said he sifted 'the 1 lo 1 li'S irom Mohile bar. li was just tit. nark and but for tho high a prevailing at the tune this li'ake's crew would have gone, lo the power the body of Queen Victoria was the hitter was killed, ('hills is a Lome yesterday aiternoon from its. wealthy cattleman and Lasado was a quiet resting ace in O-borne house Mexican miner.

Roth were in love to heart of England's With a senorita, over whom they ex-navy. Not since Admiral Cervcra8 changed shots with pistols. The khl-snips lit up tlie Culm 11 coast it theh jug was not called to the at lent ion he.f-cousuuiii'g ilames has anything 0f the authorities and he. Mexicans been seen which in tragic splendor up-, bones arc bleach dig on the desert. Riots Ht eir London.

31. The Westmln Iter Gazette today says serioui riots, have occurred at Kiel! university. Conflicts have taken place between he i. ..1 it riches the naval spectacle. The half Inn dred red lighting ships that this aflern lired their broadsides and minute guns were inferior in Ituoenis aou uossici, vhmui Of the former were killed or wounded er i'ltiltir.

The Evangel i- stiength to the force gal he red in the Jan. 1 lin St Lot; is, alliance, entireties of dm same wan r.s ior me pinnee includes all M. Louis and vicinity lion, out tne iaci 01 loniiuiiioieiiess was fully atoned for by the solemnity of this licet iu mourning. IS li 1 n. I 1 WirxuMsTAD, Islinl of C'lracia, Fei).

1. (via 1 lay tieu cable. Ad vie, received here Hon Venezuela enniirm the icports of severe (Lining, probably Tu last, at. Aguafna, in whicT the 1 evolut ioi.ists wne ci nndetely destroyed and abandoned Ihe arms and ammunition. Two.hhis of (kner.d Acosta weiemade pi isoners.

II is also fiirile that tho principd leaders of he revolution were siibsnjiienl ly made isonrrs at Many Jupim-wSuiillM Killed. SrrANniiAi, Jan. 31. The North China Daily News asserts that while a quantity of Chinese gunpowder was being destroyed at Shan II ii Kwan. was an explosion and forty soldiers were killed.

New Mru Vir Army. Washington, Feb- 2 in anticipation of the passage of the army reorganization bid the war department iS issued preparatory ord -rs for tin with the except ion of the Catholic, I pi copal M.d German speaking cl.urcoes, biS inaugurated a niove-fient for nnmk ip.d lefoiin. The plan is tolonna permanent committee of liny ii pivsi'iitaihe men. who are to upon the nominees submitted by li. various parties, especially for the sin ing elect ion.

The inter. tion is to keep the lmmrnvnt entirely non-par-tism and non-sectarian. Mat burn, in tianspoitaiion of 5.200 regulars to thf Caiipo near It lviiionUt, Caracas, Jan. 3b Via TlayMan cable. The revolut ionists have been defeated near Cariip ino with numerous loses.

I he sous of General A cost a have been made prisoners. Mejinc and liojas have also been defeated. PhiJippines to replace, an equal nuui- an governmei it was consider-ber or volunteeis under orders to Sao, ee uiat the levoiutioti was ended. Francisco tor ing interments to tie made in the it cemetery on Sun lay "except in cases of extreme necessity.".

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