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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 1

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 HE inPllll 1 BALDWIN LABOR LEADERS BLAIilE BUSINESS MEN FOR MOVE Head of Federation of Labor Makes Sutemcnt Regarding Action By Churches. -t it A. JOINS IN STEP THAT HAS BEEN TAKEN Claim Is Made That Labor Is Attacking the Government of us. Tnmm hr birt Wlr. DElRPITVMlch Oct 6.

Delegate to the 46tb annual oonvention of the: American Federation of Labor? assembled lor their fourth businew session today with the- knowledge that pulpits ofth' Protestant churches of Detroit were closed to their leaders. Unofficially mdTlsed that the KfdwaJ Cooncil of Churchet of dnrlst ta America, tba Detroit Ministerial Association, and tbs T. M. C. A.

had feaelndsd laylta, tlons to conrentlon leaders to fill potrolt pulpits next Bandar William Green. President of tna Tad-' ration' of Labor. Issued a formal publle statement charging tba.rar- cations wsra inspired "through the influence of the Detroit Cbsmber ot Commenc and the r.uilding Trades' Association. Out 11m TlMtlr Poattloa. Spokesmen for 4ha commercial organUatlon answered Green by releaslox for newspaper pubflcs-tion aa official outline o( their position.

In which It was requested that addreaaca-'bjr- me who- ara attacking our Government and our American "plan of employment" bs matched thosa of pkers wao will- ba py tT how that oar city has all her rlTata simply vbcausa aba been unfettered -tijf-Ubor M. Tan Dusen. president of tba hoard sf directors of the Detroit Y. M. affirmed that the-attitude of tbeeomtnercia! organisation, rea- el Imaraetlcabla the plan of 1.

errUl; a eiecutlre seera-to hold a "progreMlrs men's meeting" Sunday at which President Green waa to liars been the principal speaker. Itesalt of ladiTklaal Choice. Representatives of tba Mlnfs- terlaf Association aald the action -of Tarlous churches In withdrawing the Invitations had In each case bean the result of Individual choiee. No meeting had formally voted or recommended a blanket "withdrawal. Jamea Myers, Befd secretary of the Federal Council -of Churches, offered no comment on Mr; Green's abatement, but confirmed ihe labor rtleftsln's conclusion that eonven- tip leaders were, not expected to apeak In the churches.

Sunday looming-. i 4 OffeerdT Ka Oonnmt. Olflcera of the Building Trades' a contractors organ- nation, received reports of Mr. Green's sutement aomment. Addressee.

by the fraternal dele- srates from labor organisations of foreign countries wera flrst in the egalar order, of convention bust-Bess today. JlHITISn PUBLIC l-CiE'INIOVIES Churchill Was Good As An Actor But Baldwin Not' So':" London'- Oct. The" British officials are beginning to figure, la the movies while British film companies ara arging that everyone la Great Britain must help the local Xrma In their battle against the orid supremacy of United States Jlms. Bight Hon. Winston Church 01 Chancellor of the Exchequer, wai one of the first members of the Cabinet to place himself at the dia-.

poaal of moving picture operators. He proved a good actor bat he ab eolutely refused to have his sandy eyebrows blackened and would aot let the director make ap aia eonv Premier Baldwin was ae deliber ate and responded ta acting ao re- lucUntly that Be prorefl aa ansai-lafactory subject. Walter Gulanes, aitntstef ef Agriculture, was a very natural subject before the Camera, and won the commefldatloa of directors and photogrsphers. Sir Austin Chamberlain, foreign gee-K rttary, has not yet appeared la the nrv. dr.

mowtUi dead. YARMOUTH. N. Oct. Rev.

Edwin Crewell. one of the best knowa elertymn la Nov Srtotla. died Uet Biiht la bla 7 3ra year. ne was secretary of the Free Baptist Conference lor years. Next Great Flight Across Atlantic "Sir llari Cobiiniv Has Buch Trip TJnder sideration.

lOXDOir, Oct. "aW-Thoj awst areeA iartit mt Sir Ala Cobhan, Britali'i aewrtt kaieht, aaay bo arrosa the Atlantic Ocean, saye the Dally Ex-' press. -Mr Aba has- had this trip dee eoaejderatiow for aaaae tlnae aad that before hie recent flight to Aastralia a4 retam he aaade tentative plana fly: front KngUnd to North Aserr-W-a. It Is anderstood that Sir Alaa will runt his atteatioai to the (ra as-Atlantic vrntnre after hla lertare toar la North. Aaaer bra, if the aeceeaary fauada to flaaace It are avaliabla, LLOYD A.

HORNE, FAILS TO RALLY Popular TechrtkaLchool Pupil Dies" of Injuries In Gvk iHospital TodaK CORONER CRAIG OPENS I INQUEST INTO ACCIDENT Field Day Sports Potfeoncd Ow ing To Fatality Motorist In-' i- vonred Must Appear. From injuries received when he was knocked from his bicy cle by an automobile on the Preseott Highway; 3 ft lies from Ottawa. -last Sunday after noon, Lloyd Aleiander norne, 15-ycarl-Technical School pupil. dJnJ5VCWc Hoapitat st 4.30 WrAbek Teung Horne suffered a fracture ot tha skull. He wsa attended by Dr.

G. S. McCarthy, surgeoa, and Dr. J. W.

B. BIckford. of tba Chrle HoapHal star, hut failed to rally to medical His mother aad father Mr. and lira. Alfred Horne, IS 1-3 Bell street, -were at hla bed side when ha.

-S Iaqeet Is paed. Coroner E. Craig. K.DJ open ed ha-inquest at MacKaaala undertaking parlors. Ill Bant at reel, at lv o'clock this morning.

A Jury was. empanelled, the remains Identified, and. coroner adjouraed tha hearing na- tit I o'clock en Tuesday evening, October the case will ba Ukenat the Police CoarU i. Lloyd Horse's death was due to an' accident aecurred at 4 o'clock oa Soaday a tar noon, when the: accompanied by Harry Aleiander. to I Bell street, waa riding a racing bicycle oa the Pree-eott hlghyay.

About 711 miles front Ottawa, while they were riding home, the boya were overtaken by aa automobile owned aad driven by C. M. Keadafi. advertialag maa ager of the- Watertowa Times, Watartown, N.T. 4A -t.

I 4 V'tiraaaj. itmrm, According to hla chum, vonsr Horns was trying to turn his bicycle across tha. road to turn np a aide road whea he swerved la front of Mr- Keadatl'a automobile. Tba Watertowa man swusg hla ear sharply to the left and It raa Into a 10-foot ditch, but tha front wheels struck the bicycle and young Moras waa thrown violently forward over hla handle-bars onto the paved roadway. The automobile party were aot hart.

To have swerved to the light to avoid hitting young Horne. Mr, Kendall would have raa Alexander boy. i Ranked to the Civic Hospital la aa automobile. Lloyd Horne waa found to have suffered Internal la- Juries aad his skull wis fractured. Little hope waa held oat for hla recovery from the first.

Mr. KendaU will be notified to attend the coroner's Inqaeet next weea. Caacrl FfcM Day. Lloyd Alexander Horne was one ef the most popular pupils at the Ottawa Technical School, where be was a third year student la tha eoaaaierplal rl.uM Bhoha4 at hla death, officials ot Ihe Technical School todsy cancelled the Technical School yield Day, which waa to have taken alace today. The Field Day will probably take place next week.

Lloyd Horse was bora at Maao-tlck. II years ago, but came to Ottawa with bis parents as a mere bsby. father Is aa employe of the Government. Lloyd attended Camhiiilxe Street School, passiug the entrance at the sie el yem. Ha then attended Technical fab- I.

hit on Highway 4 MM 1 1 1 I 1 1111 Wn saaasaa 'hmbwM. aaaMsaBBuauanBS SBBBumaamBBUsauaB esBawsaBauausiaai mmbmoti tfp Mentioned in the Eecent PRINCESS ASTRID OP SWEDEN. Prtaceee Aslrld of Sweden Vaw foilr eaita luiiiilsiyitl the wedding will be the ealmiaatlo of a real love aSatr. Prioress HiSaa Paaatlal waa formerly him of the asoet popular matrons of Roate, Italy, aad la at preeeal vtsiUagea this aide the Atlantic U1ERTIIEVILL Countess of KinnouII Is 22 and Is Separated From Her Husband. MRS HAMILT0N4XLL0WES LEAVES ARpE ESTATE Bestowed Numerous Legades On Charities and Relatives iy a nd Friends Caaaaiea fiw The Coun tess of Kixrhonll, the 22-year-old danehtet of the late Mra.

Ham flton-FelloweaV-ot Tangley Park; has inherited more.thaa to.uiw.. 000 under the will of her mother who-died-in August, learind fin estate at nearly 000? A The Eart ot Klnnoull. husband ef; the Countess, raceatly waa In the bankruptcy court where be said he bad ceased to live with hU wtfe. to whom be waa married la JIH. Tba Earl la 14 year, old.

During his twentieth year the newspapers were filled with stories of his attempt-to marry a charming yeusg was foiled by hla mother, the Dowager Coanteea of Klnnoull. who- seat ta boy to Soath Engagement Aaaoaeed." Wbea be returned to TEnr land hla engagement to Enid llamilton-FeUowes waa announced. She described aa beautiful, as dancing wonderfully weJI and aay being somewhat of a poetess. 'The mother of the Couateaa ot Klannnll waa a daughter of the Ute Sir Tred-airk tobacco magnate, six members of whose family have dUd. slaea 1101.

each leaving fortunes of between lt 000.000 and 111,000,000, all made from Gifts to CharlUea. Tha Government "wfll receive about tl. from the groea estate of Mrs. Hamlrton-reiitrwee aa death dutlea. la addltloa to bar daughter the deceased numerous legacies on charities aad relatives aad frteaoar VT DEMAXD, IN CERMtr.

TORONTO, Oct! During the coarse of aa address before the Export Club the Caaadlaa-Vaa-utartarers' Assoclatloa Jast Bight. B. B. Halllday, who reeeatly re turned from a trip to Europe, said that Canadlaa Ice skates were la big demand la Oermaay.i SMOOTH AND RICH, Ottawa Dairy Ice Cream la the Ideal deeeert. Alwaya hasdr.

ready te serve, ae preparlnt. get brick tma be Bart or "phone Q. Ill for bu.k quantities er special Savors. LADY ASTOR PAYS WARM TRIBUTE TO WAIT SERVICES OF QUEEN LlARiE Also Says "That People! England Ay Ltttir iStention To Dean Inge and His Crlooxny ideasv vVl- NEW YORK. Oct.

Lady Nancy Astor. United States 'bora member of ttb'a Btltlah House of Commons, ex prosed her oplnloas oa a variety oi topics before Tor England on. the liner Aqut-tanla today, almost a moath alter her husband nd chlldrqai had re turned heme. i Queen Marie, of Rumania, who Is now on bar way to this Country, waa characterised by Lady Astor as tha womaa who baa tha "greatest worl4.swar..? record," and aha praised ber courageous character. Regarding prohibition, of which she la a staunch supporter, Lady Astor; said it was "nonsense" to maintain there ia -more drinking la HEARD HERSELF CALLED: AlFAKE Deputy.

District lAttorney Ryan Thus Describe Evangebot At Hearmg. IS -a- Ca 4ia Pme fc gMteet Wire. LOS ANGELES." Oct. 6. Tba Times today'says two important revelations' in'r the criminal conspiracy ease against Aunee Scruple McFhemon, An gelas- Temple- even celist, and her Mrs.i Minnie Ken nedy, hf ve been brought to light is nrav is U9; uiacpvery oi a penciled draft of 'tho famous JMiss XatSdaYit by Lor- ramr Wiaeman-SielaS, eonfeaaed perpetrator of the Camel hoax, declared by, the dnjtnct offlee, to be ia the evange list's band writing: 1 The" Is the diacloaare of an attempt aa behalf at Mrf.

Mo-Phersoh'tot regala" posseasloa of clothing worn, by Ine evangelist wbea she la Douglas, with a story that aha bad been kidnapped aad held for ran som la 7. Dictated by Mre, Kao4yT The. penciled botes were taken from Slelaff's safety deposit box following bar confession that she Jiad bwea employed to produce false wltaeesee to ssbstaaUate the evsnrellst'a kidnapping story: Ac cording to a statement to the Sis- trlct'a'tnfiiey'a office by Mrs. tie- laff, the e'rtee wvn dictated by Continued I'm Slxteea, AND HYPOCRITE U. a1 it 7 7 5 7 PRINCESS Dl that ha United States now thai before prohibition.

i -The recent prediction of Dean Inge, ot St. Paal'r Cathedral London, that the British Empire Is daa for a decline aa a world power, la aot, to be ukea seriously. Lady Aator .7 sever pay much -attention to him. nor de tha EaglUh." mid. Lady Astor.

"I think, he has a gloomy Idea of God and I think his nod Is gloomy. My religion nakea me gay aad courageous and I ant not at all worried whea some people tell me there la virtually no religion 4a New Tork. I can see. in the facee of your young men that there la something mora than a life of material The. war record of Qneea Merle waa "better than: that ot any liv-Ing wogaaa," Lady Astor asserted.

PRINCESS BEATRICE ClIAfaGES HER PUNS Will Not ccoinpany; Queen Marie On Trip To America. PARIS.1 -Friocess Bea trice baa' decided to accom pany her sister. Queen Marie of Rumania," oa the letter's visit to Canada and' the United State. The reasoa for ber Change of mind has not been' made public GOE TO MOXTREAI Hla Excelieacy Governor- General atteadeA-by Captain Priced Davtee and aceompaaied by Mr. R.

left this morning for Montreal te stteud the Convoca tion at Mcom Untversfty. His Ex celleacy will retara to OtUwa Uir evening at 1.41. 51 Utvnr Bill From Today's Classified Ads. (Oa Page IT.) t-. ford Coupe In excellent.

condition la offered to "Tou" very reaaoaabla. Now la year Read Claaslficatlea IS. a Excellent -room and board In a caatral locality by a kaown boarding bouse. See Classification si. i "-r Special sale of Wear-Ever nteaalla, just 1a time for the pre-servlag season.

Get year Read Clasalflcatlos 11. -'--V: Tba MacDobaldTlbad aa ao-furaUhed epertmeet vacant, la thla what- yea desirer Read a. 1 A speclarry eelesmaa la waat-' ad by a OtUwa beslaeaa bease. Why aot ap-pty? Read Ctaeslfteatlos Ii News Despatdxes i 1 SAN FAtNTINL Baaae AlDeny, w.g. 'Wam WILLS IS STILL Gene Tunney 4s Opposed To Mixed Color Events On Principle." .1 I IS -I SHARKEY MEETING WILLS IN AN ELIMINATION New diampioni Would Not Ignore Public Opinion, Jt til Breetol SaTke JmimI AlfreS Darvea.

at iae.ew mwwm NEW A'ORK. Oct: 6. With all the" rotogravura section ia-suinir' their fashion forecasts for the. female sex, it only seems fittinir to announce at una time (or tha masculine elemen'te that haavnrweiffhta will be the VOIUC for 'fall and winter in tha land wbara leafier rulea suoreme flene started it all when he snatched J. the'1 heavyweight cliampionanip away Irom Jacx Dempaeyv in the rain over in Tex.Rlckard wilt, start rum maging around amoag the, raw material at Madison Seaare Gar den on' Pridar alxht.

-wbea be will present, an' all-bearyweighi card. headed by Kaato Haasea and Praas Hart Taesdajr. Oct, II- Columbus Day, to be exact. Hambert Pugaxy wlfl plunge his all oa' Jack Sharkey aad Harry Wills, a' eeuple af experi enced ringmea. lai a ll-roaad boat at Ibbefs jTMiaau Watrblng.

Thla Kharkav Wills encounter has aroused the fistle world. Gene Tunney aisa-will watch the -pro- i Coatlaaed.oa Page Sixteen, j'-' TtRKED OVER SS4.140.' tun iOtl Hta Phlllnna Roy, Caaadlaa Commissioner Gen eral la Paria. yeeteraay preeeaiea premier Haymona roiaeara wiia I 1SS11S franca la enaaaea bonds at the pree ant-rate ot ex change worth wis aeiag tba tote; amouni ei suosenpuons reeetTad to data bv the VoluatarV sabeerlptloB committee of Moat- real la Its effoHt te assist- the Preach Government to bring shout tha stability of ta rraaei MriflRMArKI roW LAR1TT. 1 1 Job MeCormack, tba ettraor- dlnary tenor who alnga la the Auditorium Saturday, enjoys through out the world the 'greatest popu larity that aay artwt has ever seen knewa to have- Such popularity must be deserved, aad. effectively, MeCormack ta universally recog sited as the greatest tenor-ef the nnnni fii afsnvisn COFFINS USED AS 1 I II -i W2J iyii v- i ii! -iivtiiTiirr irnmt II PHICUWO'CENTS fro HAS BUSY DAT DC THB TOMES WILL WOT OPPOSE HIS ELZCTION By-Elections Nov.

9 aeen SHOPS OF PABIS 1MJ RJLilLr Oi Jl AILilLi n. mane 4- BARRICADES WHILE BODIES UTTER STREETS IHWAR'CVRSED CITY OF CHINA Appalling Stories of Conditions That Exist in Wuchang Starving People Reported To Be Eating Dogs and Cats in Chinese City. t. Tasaalaa Trmmm CafcW. HANKOW.

Oct. Two reacne launches and several tlxhters bare, succeeded In bringing 11.000 women and children ta tale etty from tho neighboring city ot Wuchabc. where northern and southern Chlneae troops are at death grips. Tba rescue waa affected Sunday and Mondsy. after a previous attempt had failed, wbea the ahlps were fired on and forced to return.

Holding Better Classes la the CUy. the northern troops, who are holding; Wuchang against the besieging Cantonese, have permitted the. beggar and Impoverished element of the civilian populstloa to depart, holdiag the better claaaea la the city. Bodice Litter Streets Oa All Sides. Charitable organisations are cartas for the reecaed, who relate appalling stories of coadltlona In Wuchang.

They aay the people, despernta from starvation, are eatlag dogs, cats aad rata. Tree roots and leaves had already been eaten. Bodies litter the streets, aabnried. because coffins ara unobtainable. All available coffins have been filled with sand and nsed aa barricades.

TEN MINISTERS FACE ELECTORS Ministerial byelections will be held in 10 constituencies on No-, vember 9. Nomination day will be November 2. Writs were issued today." jv The constituencies are Middle- Sex West, Waterloo North, ia Cbateauguay-Huntirig-don, Dorchester, Richelieu, St. James, in Quebec; Gloucester, New Brunswick; Brandon, lani- toba i Rcgma, Sskatebwan, nd.Edmonttui West, Albert HOYT GAME OF SERIES rsiB.PitoaaauB Liac-rr. at.

Ufh Wew Terk neataH. rf. Cmmh. rt. iMtkitwtk, rt.

Keeala. aa, i Her Sr. ta. Math, H. eaaailer.

lb. Meaael. rf. Im aWlk Se. flekrte.

la. Refer. If. taaaert, OYarrell. e.

Paaaa, Se. rtiime, aa, aeirla e. -aetahart. aw Marl, a Slie. eaetei INaeea.

ef araf saeet -iMr. IIIMraraaa. a tklrd kaae, IJIl'REL PARK SCRATCHES. First race Brown Run. His Hoar.

A Third race St. Valentine, Roland. Lewis, Dream-Maker, Rob ert Maxwell. i i Fourth race Shuffle ON NOVEMBER 9 MOTHER-IN-LAW IS BLAMED FOR THE SEPARATION Gunsel For frowning Says Has Always Caused DECLARES SEPARATION ONE Rumor That 'Teache Wanted $12,000 a Year Apartment Which Wai I)enied Hef raaaataa SNeiai 'SHeeet Wlrel NEW The New Ilerald.Tribtmt todtyr quotea if rs. pysneet.

"Peaches" ITeenan Thrown inff t- denying that shtitbat any stsxt" ambitions at preaent, and say- that she and her mother wiTl go to Canada today for, a visit if they can.elnd.e a Qaxm detro lives aaid to have been employed by- her wealthy husband to wsteh- her. The 'paper says the Slri bride eluded tha detectives but atgbi aad came tojtbe apartmeat A irlend -la Manhattaa from Maw Jersey, 7 "The atage" aald Browning when questioned. JMy plans are' to do nothing bat seek a tee v-f Of tea Said Ta Iter, "Have you' any comment ta, make -on Mr, Browning a statement that ha loves yon better tbaa IlfeT, nly baa often aald the same thing to ma." She refused to aay whether aha YCaarflaaed oa Pago Sixteeav Record and The Jeetaaf ataaMlard TORONTO. Oct, I. Pressure Is high from Manitoba to tha Gulf of Mexico and tow over the St.

Law. rence Valley and 'New Englaad States, alao over the northwestern part ef the continent. The wea ther haa been unsettled with show-era ta moat localities from Ontario eastward aad fair In nearly all pari of the WssL Tern per stares of 71' degrees ad upward were general yesterday la FORECASTS. Lower Lakes aad Uoorglaa Bay, Ottawa Valley aad t'pfer St. Law re ace Moderate aorthweet wlada, ssoefly rtoady aad eoolt aeeslbly a few light acatteeeeVehowera.

Tbars-dayt: Moderate aorthweet wtadsi fair aad eooL' Lower St. Lawrence Unsettled with local showers. Thursday: Northwest winds; cloudy aad coot-S. Oulf Fresh te strong southwest winds: unsettled with ahow-era. Thursday: Fresh westerly winds: cloudy gad cooler; probably local showers.

North Shore Fresh to strong southwest wlads: Unsettled wtth showers today aad part of. Thursday. i Maritime Fresh 1 south aad southwest wlada: VaeetUed tonight aad Thursday with showers and probably t. Superior Moderattnaorthwest winds, fair aad cool toalght and Thursday. Fait today: Thursday, sjostly fair and Saskatchewaa and Alberta Mostly fair and moderately warm today aad Thursday! probably a tew scattered showers en Thursday.

7- 1 7 lweet Xmrtns 'I 7." a-- it g.m. If M-y. NiM Priaee'Rupert at teaar voglatseod WHOUAUQHS.i ON A PULI-; QTPMACM! 4 7 Victoria SI I SO Kamleera 7 44 Cairarr se eeatea 1 4 4: 14 Wlnalpeg Si 44 Saalt ate. atarte 40 1 Teroate IS SJ at te si CO fmawe MHiirt .74 Queeee SI St. John, R.B.

St Harifex 44 St, John's. patrett tt K. Vevh 44 Cfeariettetawa is at Si 7 Ada. aet Pre a. 7 f- I 7 Maa mt ,7.1 ft..

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