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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 11

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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Hopes Dominion Follow Lead Of Great Britain Noulan Cauchon Tells of Town Planning Advances Made by European Countries. acta to Tha JaaraaL QUEBEC, Qua, July l-sl hop tha Canadlaa Govammcnt wtn follow tha laa4 i by Qraat Britain la tha utiliunoa of town planning for tha craatloa of batter Urlng condmona for tha workinf aaid NouUa Cauchoa, of Ottawa, who. with Mm Cauchoa has hut raturnad on tha S.S. Kmpraw of Franca, from a four aionthr sojourn la Europa. Mr.

Cauchoa. who Is chainnail and tachnkal advisor of tha Ottawa Town Planning Commlation and a past presidant of tha Town Planning Ia stituta of Canada, attendad tha ioUr-national convantion of tha Housing and Town Plannara held In Berlin, as a dalegata from tha Instttuta, and was tha only raprcaaoUdva praaaat from this aoaatry. Ha Is tha author of tha Hexagonal plan which was adopted by tha convention. Btdah System Beat Tha CoDvaniloa agreed that tha British cartage housing plan was the best, but Impossible for Europe ow ing to speculstion. and waa un able to eoQta ta decision as to trf xic coning.

The. thlgwyeh proved moat I striking ma. said Mr. Cauchoa. wu iav irvjsanaoua anenuoa wnicn tha diffarant Oovernmanta are paying to towa ptaaning, not sa a decorative art.

but aa a saeena of cresting better, heating conditions, with mora air and light, snd leas density, for tha working clasMS. "I found in Great Bnuln that the principal Junction of the hearth ministry wsa ta apply towa planning fundamental for the creation of bat-tar housing conditions. Eminent engineers teid me that If the Govern. mnt had not taken this action following tha Oreat War. there, would have bvnt danger of aa outbreak of BslsSeviam." Mr.

visited most, of tha principal espitals of Europe, Uicluding Budsoeet, Viajma. Berlin, Paris, Rome, together ith many faitarest-ing (pots rich srchaaolocv, ana sad science, and flaw bout LOO miles. Aerial Travel Advaac. 1 waa Immensely Impressed with the strides which have been made In aerial travel." aaid Mr. Cauchoa.

"We crossed the channel In 'plane which travelled so tteadilr that a cup of coffee which 1 left en window si did not epul. Why. tha ship was steadier than a dinar an the CP R. between kl on trel and Quebec During one trip. I had breakfast an boarding plana la Budapest, lunched on the 'plane as It left Vienna snd had din ner la the Temple hoff airdrome la Berlin, where 'piartee of all deecrip-lions engaged In transcontinental traffic swoop down every II minutes or so.

Mr. Caurhoa expressed admiration for the cleaning up of the slums. 1 Darlnc. July n4 Anfutt 1 our Stor will close at 1 O'clock on Saturday. V.A.RANiaU Hardware and Faint 410-411 Bank Q.

1024 Men's Twa-Pant Men's Pancy Rayon eClC33 Men's and Boys' An.Wea4-pae4 Styto UAiurua FRIDAY, JULY 3. 193L THE OTTAWA EVENING JOURNAL BRINGING UP FATHER. Inuring th remslaing weeks of the regress In Matin oatimataa. Ameag Uioaa passed was tha sonteatietat one of tl.Wl.MW for administrate) of MM Canada Orals Art. GASOLINE UPSETS.

When a bottle of gasoline upset la tha kitahan the beano of Allen Dubroy. II Plnehurst avenue, tha totine Ignited, resulting la canto luasnen at J-U p.aa. yesterday. TVa blexe waa quickly cheched befer eay d-maae waa dene. Session.

The bill increasing postage oa news- pa pert with a circulation ovsr 10. MO received third reeding. That which increases the Income Ui oa cerpore-bona from eight to tan percent mi advanced. Approval wss given to tha Us Increase of foam ave to fifteen percent oa premium ped to urn-Ueanaad British ar companies. Before calling it day.

tha Haiua la committee of supply mad fair AMUSEMENTS HAIL Th Now Star I eortre McMnu. If I WivL Twrr MAimniL 1 I i I I iki-t tui 1 1 1 1 -v. i WOW0.0 I TT Head City Works PRANK ASKWira Acting lestsaer of Warks, wbeae appatat-meat ta sacseod Andrew P. belag raceeameaded to Ctty Leuacu ay Boara ac Caatral. See alee Page l.

which he stete Premier Mussolini is accomplishing, especially in Roma ana nspass. out didn like Genoa wuca no aaid looked to him like greet big cemetery. ran mtnguea nun, and he bad In view of France snd Beiaium. eepecisuy tfte old betuenelde over which the 'plane la which hi party wu travelling flew very low. Conditio la Vienna.

He was Impressed with bousing conditions In Vienna. 'where there Is to be found building three-ejusr-wts of a mile long, with IISOO apart-menta each of three to Ave ream created by the Government by direct laastloa, as after the war there was no way of borrow trig money. "It was simple. aaid Mr. Cauchoa with smile, "and bow the revenue comes from the low ran tela chsrged sod the uses.

Eleven percent, of the population of the city la living la such buildings." He expressed the opinion that Oer-msny snd Austria are bard hit but are "taking it smiling." "1 am anxious as eef bark ta Ot tawa to place my toning bylaw befon the city council aa I hear they want It now." he said, "and ta get ahead with my mystery lalsnd project st Whlteftah Lake, where I am planning national headquarter for the Boy Scouts, and about which 1 received seme useful information from Sir Alfred Pickford and Lord Hampton la Englsad, whoa sole admoaitioa was aont make it toe I am glad to be back In Canada, after wonderful trip." Mr. Caucbon will remain tt Montreal until Saturday. Mrs. Delchina Gala Dies After OfLVnaw Tlfee! "How aw a wa aiuiH Th death occurred early today at a local hospital tt Delphlne Florence Chat-trend, widow of the 1st John J. Gal, after A Illness of maay years- ou rat i on.

An invalid for nearly th past 3t years. Mrs. Csl show. ad fortitude and cheerfulness In th face of suffering, and her death deeply regretted bp her relatives and tr lends. She is survived by on son.

John J. Oslo, Jr, of th Federal Health Department; on daughter. Mr. Joan Lamb. Ottawa: on brother.

J. B. Chsrtrsnd. Ottawa, and fir a grand children. Dean Lamb, Columbua.

O. snd Phyllis. Lois. Jack and Keith Gale, all of Ottawa. a Moor will be ehsnted by Very Re.

Canon Theme P. Fay, parish priest of 81 Brigid Roman CathAlie Church, en Ssturday afternoon, end the funeral will be held on Monday morning from the funeral narlora of Cauthier Co. 259 St. Patrick (treat. to St Brlgid Oureh and thence" to Notre Dam a SO Men's Plus Pours ZSsZ Br Men's Brgadcleth r-j k- Spoti and Golf of 4Wg Men's Black: Blucher.

4J SALBJMEirs 1 rT) 0alOlI eO CCwJ Brewa with stated rabbet eale mi tnkle pad. Shcea to'l. No COJ. er Phone Orders. tiKERRACHER-VAIlLESS- COR.

XmZAV AND SVSEEX pkoxe ftrwn Fitting Tribute- iMany at Funeral For Harold Raine Victim of Hamilton 'Plane Crash Is Honored in Death. v. Cana4Ua Press by Direct Wire. TORONTO, July Funeral er-vice for Harold Xalne, general superintendent of tha Csnadisa Preaa. who was killed In the airplane crash st Ami! ion.

Ont, oa Dominion Dsy, were held this sftemooa st MLles Chapel. St. Clair avenue. Rev. M.

C. Flatt. pastor of Gerrard United Church, conducted the service. There waa a large repreaentatiea of fallow newepapermea and friends of Mr. Raine.

Massages of sympathy and tribute have been received from all parts of Canada and the United biatea. The Canadian Preaa was represented by J. F. B. Livessy, general manager, and a large secuoa of the Toronto stsA.

Representativea frum etaer buresus included George Mac-Done Id. of Montreal. Quebec tuperin- rin. Parliamentary superintendent, and J. K.

riatt, new York superintendent. Tonight, the body will be taken to Winnipeg for Interment in Elm-wood cemetery Monday afternoon. Oenatral Erich Ludendorff Jsoses in Libel Action GOT HA. Germany. July 1 Oen-oral Erich Ludendorff hat been fined S.0M mark (about $130) and coats la a libel suit brought by the octogenarian.

Count Theobald Dohna. whom the general accused, of high treaeea la a lecture three year ago. The verdict provided for IS days' imprisonment ta ease the fine I Set paid. First Party of Boys Off to Christie Lake The first detachment of city beys to enjoy an outing la the country for twa week left the city UO strong thl morning for the city's Christie Lake camp, under charge of John Young, superintendent of the camp. J.

F. McKinley. Judge of the Juvenile coart, and ethers connected with that rgaaltskon. including J. P.

Belhar-rie. Mis Pin bey and ethers, were the station to see the young holiday-makers off. They occupied twe Special cars ea the train to Christie Lake. Other parties of boys will be mad up to go to the camp during the remainder of tha summer. Chevrier Asks About Retired Employes msny, (si permanent, fb) temporsry employes in the Depsrt-Bient of Interior la Ottawa have to late received notice of their re-kreiaent, (b) hew many have been taken la the Qoveramtat service la sny departments, bow msny are presently not at workT" sake lUt Chevrier.

Liberal member for th order paper of the Heus of Commons. "Does that total nam bar represent til of the employe ef th Department of Interior to be let out during the current fteral year 7" he Australian Premier Is Tariff Advocate CANBERRA, AustrsUa. July 1 "I still believe tariff prefercnoee are the nwert atisfactary means of increasing trad within the Prime Minister Jsmes Scullln declared when he tabled the report of the Urt Imperisl Conforenc la th House of Representatives today. The Prime Minister ddd he be lieved the Increase In self-govern ment, enjoyed by th Dominions, would Strengthen the unity of the Empire. The meet Important assistance Aus tralia could offer to the marketing of British manufacture, he said, was the establishment of tariff prefer nee.

i MATOB IS RESTING. Mayer Alien is away la the country today, seeking a rest from th civic labor ef th past week which have been rather atrenuous ht view ef the extreme heat which baa prevailed. i GETS SIXTH PLACE. Barry O'ConnelL sea ef Mr. snd C.

W. O'ConnelL 11 McLaren street, ha been wrded sixth pltr la essay competition promoted by the Ancient Order of Hibernians, The competition was open to all primary schools in th United State snd Canada. mi: Howard carrington. Attended by sorrowing relatives nd msny persons! friends, th fu-persl ef Mrs. Howard Csrringlen.

who death enuiid en June 30. at 191 Slater street wss held yeeterdsy Ifteraoow from Wood bum Funeral Home, II Jemes Street Th service eras conducted by Rev. H. S. O'borna, Minister of Dominion United Choreh, nd the chief mourner were her husband.

Howard Carrington, Oilswt. snd dsuchter, Mrs. Winnifred Lrgan. Clsvelead, Ohio. Msny florsl tributes from former friends In the city testified to the esteem In which Mrs.

CrriAc1e wtt held. The body wss eeoveyed Beechwood cemetery, where Re. Mr. Otberae effieist at th av-f1 OBTAINEfs HONORS. At the recant examination, held at the Canadian Conaervstory of Music, Carmen O'Neill ebtslned honors in preparatory pisno.

At the Dominion Col Use of Muse. Del try Kevanaxh snd Francis Eno bth won ftrtt-elsel honors la primary piano. The eiver ycung mctlriens sre pupils Miss florenoe Rock. visitor. DAlaD I ivooen ouriana Was Official, of British American Bank Note for 40 Years.

Former business colleagues of many teUow-reai dents in the summer colony at Britannia Bey. of which he was en of the snd where he ended his dsys. ss waQ as other personal friends, gathered in St. George's Anglican Church. Met calfe street, this morning to psy their respects st the funeral service of Robert Burlsnd.

173 Frank atreet. Mr. Burlsnd died st his summer home, Britannia Bay. early on Dominion Day. la hi Ttth year.

For more than years he was a well known official of the British Amer iraa Bank Note Company and was highly re carded by all who knew him. He retired from business about eight year ago. One of hi life-long interests was the Britannia Boating Wooer, tj R. K. Carnegie, of Ottawa.

B1 he was son-in-law. Mr. Smith Payne: stepbrother, Bruo Burlsnd. of Richelieu, P.Q.. former general manager of th British American Bank Note Com.

paayt Oeorge Hope Bur Land. Ottawa, cousin, sad hi soa. Captain O. Harold Burland. secretary of the company; Miss Kathleen Burland.

of St. Lambert. and Mia Miriam Burland. of the Domini on Obeerv-tcry. distant cousins.

Representing the bank 'boss com pany else were O. Cewsa. vice- president; W. L. Currier, superintend ent: Gordon Broad, assistant aunertn.

tandent: W. Lineear. Butharlanif Jsmea Lewis, and W. K. Taylor.

Representing the Canadian Beck Not Company was E. H. Clayton, tuperin leaden W. Roy Barnard and L. Bnttala renresented th Bri-taanle Ear eolony.

There were aumber of floral tributes from eld personsl friends. Orders Delay Laying Bank Street Sidewalk Cemmlaalonsr J. A. tUIa of the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board, sat at the Court House this morning snd heard sn appeal by rste-psyers gainst the apportionment of cost ef new sidewalk proposed ta be laid on the east aide of Bank street between Car ling and First avenues. The cost ss laid down in tha city's local improvement report was 973.

of which th property-owners were to pay taOtM and the city at Urge $170.01 Mr. Ellis dismissed the sppeal by ordering that tha work of laying the sidewalk be delayed until 1933 after Roads Engineer Hunter had explained that th present sidewalk could be repaired to give sufficient service until then. FT B. Procter, E.C, was present for the city. Plan Enlargement Library of House Eniai ef the Mrliassentarv iiseary and meuied whereby It may be rendered fireproof were discussed at meeting ef the joint committee eg in senate and th House of Com man today.

It wss decided that th aarliamen tary librarians confer with th De partment ef Public Works In regard to posaibl enlargement of th library ouiuiing, and methods whereby It may be mad fireproof. Th mala building, which was erected following th fire, of fireproof construe-tioa. Famous Scottish Divine Ber. James Brown Dies GLASGOW. Scotland.

July 3. A remarkably famous Scottish dl vine. Rev. Jama Brewa, senior minister of St George Snd St Peter's, died last evening. His fellow student include ed Henry Drummend.

Sir George Adam Smith and John Watson, other-wise Ian MscLarea. The and others war' caught up In tb first Moody snd Sankey missloa, working wholeheartedly with the mission la. many district of Scotland. Rev. Mr.

Brewa sucraeded Rev. Hugh Msc-Mtllan at St Peter'i Church in 10. Th church was later merged with St Geerge's. Dr. Chaim Weismann Is Further Criticised BASLE.

July l-rurther criticism of th regime of Dr. Chaim Welrmsnn was heerd at th Eionlet Coagrem to day, when Keecbel Fsrbstcta, Polish Micrachi leader, said that he should rave withdrawn aa president of the lionlst movement "a long tint ago." Continuing the general debate ef th congress, Fsrbstein termed Dr. Wale-mann's report "a(l Inheritance from a bankrupt idea." He said that th iira hi did no InteAd to accept this mnenune pecs use tt wss total failure. GETS LETJACT. A letter nf i00 la the will of the 1st Mrs.

Clara Orm. of Mont-rest, but formerly ef Otttwt. ha I uM been reeeivad by the Ottaw Auxiliary Bible Society, according the district secretary. Rev. W.

F. Crawford. At masting ef th dapositsry Snd eel pert committee last night at the Bible Beus Lirgar street it we decided to have sa exhibit of the o-e'ety' publiretlons at th Central Canada Exhibition this year. frequent A private service for members of the family preceded the service la the church, snd wss held et the undertaking parlors of Georee H. Rogers LuL, Elgin street Rev.

S. S. Clarke, curate at St Georges Church, conducted th services, snd else at the grave-aide at Beech wood cemetery. Chief mourners and surviving rels-tive were hi widow, formerly Miss Juli Weston; two F. D.

Busteed. of Vancouver. B.C- and Mr. Smith Payne, of Trov. a Ottawa Man Dies Result of Accident Jack Tierney, 89, Walked Into Side of Passing i Automobile.

Seriously hurt when he walked into the side of passing sutoraobtle In Richmond on Sunday evening James Tierney. 8S-year-old inmate of St. Patrick's Home, died in Ottawa Civic Hospital this morning. It appears that Tierney- had been enjoying a day In the country and when crossing the main street of Richmond failed to observe sn auto mobile driven by Jack Crawford. Jr, of Goodstown.

and walked into the right hand side of th car. At the time his principal injury was shock but his condition wss not considered serioua. Dr. W. Ackland.

who waa called to the scene of the accident ordered his removal to th Civic Hospital where he failed to recover from shock. Corooer Dr. J. E. Craig la gating the case snd st the time ef going ta press had not decided whether Inquest would be held.

The funeral will be held on Monday 113 a ta Fsllowfleld R. Church. Burls will be made st PIERRE ANDRE LABELLE. A lares number of friends ef the family, and pupils from Notre Dame College, attended the funeral this morning held from hi residence, 31 St Laurent street Hull, to Notre Dame Roman- Catholic Church. of 14- year-old Pierre Andre Le belie, son of Mr.

snd Mrs. Adrian Lobelia, who wu drowned la the Ottawa river at Oauneau Point last Wednesday. Solemn requiem high mas for th repose of his soul was chanted by Rev. Father Beaudry, who was assisted by Rev. Father Labotesicre, and Rev.

rather Seuve. aa dee eon and subdaacon. Following the- funerelS service, interment was made la th fsmiry plot at Notre Dame cemetery. Chief mourners were his father. Adnen Lobelia.

Hull merchant; hi nine brothers. Brother 4lilea. O.M.L, Rosarlo, Albert Tsleephdre. Lueien. Alphens.

Emile. Adrian, and Aldege Ubeller hi two sisters. Mrs. Henri Beurque. ni Miss Roca-Afta La belle, a of HuX Testifying to the deep regret caused by the young boy drowning4 were the satny floral and spiritual offerings reoslved by member of the bereaved family.

AMUSEMENTS. Standish Hall Gardens Opening July 4th DINE and DANCE EVEJtY NIGHT (Except, lander) At 1.30 p.m. Oa Oat Cool "perioaa La waa For th remfort ef oar irons We have arraneed Dsnetag ALL OlT lO0 ea the beaattfnl greens surreaadlag the hotel. i 1 MfUlU SOVNB SirVNbi ttST I NOW SHOU1NQ 1 .) i 4 'i si 1 rV I lfn BKlWMt Kadc larW Titf HONf ftp foryrr sVAitA JOHN MACK BROWN i VSVuK.t.7if tUN 4 ThrllHnf VSrsloa of, Bea Ames WIUlaaM' Mnri "Barber gotta wttfe 1 riiiLLrrs holmes U.S. and Britain p3 Becoming Closer Discovering Each Other After Century, Premier MacDonald Says.

AaeesUted Press Cable. LONDON. July t-Premler Ramsey MacDonald, speaking tonight st the Independence Dsy dinner of th American Society in London, hailed President Hoover's moratorium pro-, posal aa "an action of great courage, deep wisdom and great Insight" It is a good thing, he said, that th United State of America became the United States of America. "Am I wrong." he demanded, "when I my that In some respects it I going to be still greater thing for the future history of this world that we and the United State, after a century, sre discovering each other and Interpreting ourselves to each otherr The peoples of the world, ha said, sre beginning to lift up their head and see wsy out ef their difficulties. This waa largely due.

he declared, to the "wise, courageous action which the President of the United State has taken." Newspaper Postage Bill Paases House Business wss brisk la th Hone ef Commons yetterday. During th afternoon and evening sittings excellent progress was msde with budt resolutions, and later departmental estimates Tha speed with which the various messuree baaed on th budget were dealt with sugaested that pmrc-gation msy not be so fsr removed as retried la some quarters. The main resolution. dealing with tariff rhangea is, however, yet to come. It it the moat contentious matter which th House will have to cope with AMUSEMENTS.

TODAY ONLY A Its Farewell to Ottawa preeeat Strangest Lo vers The World Ever Knew! I "SVENGALT Whets Searched Wmea' teals -rtlLST" neslred by AH Men Yet (stlag Aside toe far Him tthsa His feres aaid "COME" I Watch or Th orand Opening of rXtawa's Meet Med-era Tslklnt Plettr Theatre IIJ NEW CAPITOL 5 Preseatln the sereen's reelect stars ea er abont At'Oltt 7 let. Tonight and Saturday Oscar O'Shea Players Duncan Burt Hall Oscar O'Shea ta Society Crasher! AL. W.CLARK EVENINGS lite i.v. fie Hither. MATINEES vVrdneeday.

SetnrdSy, All Mat NOW PLAYING III Another Wemjas Stee-y by toe Akina. tuthor of "berth and Boa- Weeasa." PAUL LUKAS Ddtanwr Bardmaa Hcleit Johnson Ui nXST SUrrbf rictoxe! tad What Ptetars? TO JOIN THE NAMES et GARRO SHEARER CRAWFORD DRESSIER Metre Ooldwya Mayer derates Meatceaaery to stardom sacs see tt la year wish, year command yea voted htaa rear favorite vea bar asa him Robert Montgomery "SHIPMATES" wtta ERNEST TORRENCE DOROTHT JORDAN BOBAKT BOSWORTHCUFF EDWARDS EXTRA 1 BOBBY JONES kt brreea OeJgng Lesaoa M. "CHIP SHOTS" MICKEY MOUSE la "MOOSE HUNT" a waa only -'a aad the aa mlrar aaasnter. STRANGE AS IT MAY SEEM! Uwoflrey ivart WrtWTN WHO LOVR WTtX CNDIK- STAND. That woman (orglvee the man wht chased rsineova while she needed him moat I She sacrifices hsp-pineas, wealth, rveq her child.

All women will nnderalaad after seetnc this great woman-drama, wrltwa by a great womaa-wnteTi SATURDAY 1 WOMll Love once TODAY "Whit- WrT -A II 1 II -T STARTS TOMORROW. it Fgther n4 sea tiemp ia th Mat hbaa bat strtttper ta eeeh ether. Tea lopether thry batfd bridp acroee th years' Dram, ee. tens and Wen as (ht )Vt and frefedta ef yevth. A picture ef every setily fee terry mewocref th famtlyf With LE'V7I3 CT0NE IRENE IllOn LEON JANNEY LAST TTMES TODAY "The Drums cf Jeopardy.".

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