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The Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania • Page 14

The Tribunei
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i THE TRIBUNE SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1912 14 fcm rAfLn.rm Yon Meet on the Street is "Interested in Real Estate," and Would Be 1 MW VLUUJlll UM JjjTCO Interested in Your Real Estate Ad. FrndBim. Through the Columns Below I Wi Do It the T. if vnn want a buver for your house or other property, write an ad. telling all about it.

Write the description much thp same way you would talk it if you had your prospective buyer before you. The buyer you want is a Tribune Republican reader and watches The i publican real estate columns. good ad there will bring you It Costs But Both 'phones, 4000. Tlia Anei ttios of Amor fsfilSl AdTertUew has ex SaV certifiad to mr hit Dab' licatian. Tha igaraa ef cirenlalia ontained in tfca Aaaaciaboaa port only are guaranlf.ed.

Association of American Advertisers No. uiu.k.ii aiii. ilu fffllUCIICII viugj. wi.f WANT AD. RATES Loci Help and Situation.

Waufd Mother local Clawed A. cept Professional, cent a paid in advance. 1 'Turirelg. classlfl 1 cnt adveHUement telephone your Wants. 000 "'WANT" ANSWERS Avertisers will pl Tribune Republican office for lowing leiHiw Alex Atwood A 2.

A 3. A 29. Box 3. C. S.

C. X. 3 2. M. O.

M. R. l. 4. 15 10 2.

3 S. B. Housekeeper. 3 o. a.

May iT. For tt yesterday'" Weather. Temperature 5g degre9S a. m. till'.

..55 degrees 8 p. m. Relative humidity pej. oent 8 a. go per cent.

rtl m'V Temperature extremes degrees 3 55 aegrees p. ni Normal for 33 'years'. 69 degrees BIRTHS nMOLMES To Mr. and Mrs. John HoK at tReir home on Bloom ave and Mrs.

D. R. gXW 426 Depot street. a daughter. MARRIAGES WDSTOATB SHEARER In Peck men, uulu MARKiGE joICBNSES Michael J.

Grady Gladys William Jermyn Mary Hatala Slmpsqn Benny Hanig. Ml S. Washington Ave. Matilda Fenerstein 10S Broadway Scranton ft" Gfow'acVewska 6Scranton DEATHS MICHAEL.1S In Chicago, 111.. Mrs.

E. W. Michaelis, formerly of this city, mother of Mrs. J. W.

Riehl. of 1116 JJiamond avenue. CARDEN In Carbondale, May 16 1912, Mrs. John Carden, of Reynshan hurst, aged twenty years. TRUsSoTT In Carbondale, May 16 1912 Mrs.

Mra Truscott, of No. 8 Dixon avenue, aged seventy three years The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at oclotk. GETZ In Scranton, May 17, 191, Levi Getz, aged seventy one years, of 319 Emmet street. Funeral Monday atfernoon from Holy Trinity Lutheran church Burial in Forest Hill ceme WMAYOCK In Scranton, May 17, 1912, Mrs. John Mayock aged seventy six years, at her hom.

b25 Fig street. The funeral will take place at 9 clock Monday morning with services in Bt. John's church. Burial will be made in the Cathedral cemetery. CONMY In Minooka, May 17, 1912, Sdward M.

Conmy, aged fifty years, at his home on Main street. The funeral will take Place at 9 o'clock Monday morning with services in bt. Josephs church. Burial will be made in Mt. Carmcl cemetery.

REPERT In Freeland, May 17, 1912, Mrs. Gustave H. Repert, formerly of this city. FUNERALS The funeral Mrs. John Kleeman, of na

street, Dunmore, will take place at 2 o'clock this afternoon with MONUMENTS Should you contemplate the erection of a Monument this Spring, it would be advisable to make selection at once. Consult. EVAN ROBERTS, Entrance to Dnnmorc Cemetery. Troftt by the experience of others Same Way I Per Word 1 services at the residence. Burial will be made in the Dunmore cemetery.

The funeral of Miss Anna Hurst, of 1326 Farr avenue, will take place at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon with services at the residence. Burial will be made in the Dunmore cemetery. The funeral of Myron Dean will take place at o'clock this afternoon from the residence of his sister, Mrs. George Sisson, of Factoryville. Burial will be made in the Evergreen cemetery.

The funeral of Joseph E. Corby, of 14 Silex street, will take place at 9:30 o'clock this morning with a requiem high mass in St. Peter's cathedral. Burial will be made in the Cathedral cemetery. ANSWERS TO QUERIES "Between you and me," is correct.

HELP WANTED MALE WANTED AMBITIOUS YOUNG MEN TO become traveling salesmen and earn while writ for oarticulars. Brad street System, Rochester, N. Y. 18. $100 MONTHLY AND EXPENSES TO travel and distribute samples for big manufacturer; steady work.

S. Scheffer 752 Sherman, Chicago. BECOME A DETECTIVE EARN 150 TO S30O montniy, traveling, h. plaining everything. Write Frederick Wag ner, 1Z4S trexingon nil rOWl 1 tl OR SALES ENGINEER NAI.rMVIAIl High grade, responsible UIMJUVIIMU man wanted for part of ti i iu nn.Tiable of earning and has earned $2,500 or more year ly, by estaonsnea of steam specialities that offer unusual pob tween SO and 50 years old, of good appearance, and show In first letter that he is en titled to consideration Dy givms as a salesman.

io dress 4, care Tribune Republican. 18. MINERS WANTED AT THE CLINTON Hematite mines. Clinton. N.

nine miles from Utica, N. steady work. 24. MEN WISHING TO EARN THREE TO mediately. First National Nurseries, Roches ter, N.

Y. WANTED A PRACTICAL' FARMER, poultry and hog raiser with $300 capital, to take an Interest in a paying proposition within short distance of Scranton. Small family. Call 2541 eld phone, for inter view. HELP WANTED FEMALE LADIES MAKE SUPPORTERS; $12 PER 100: no canvassing; material furnished; a i.

tnr narHr.ulars. Wabash Supply Desk 447, Chicago. 18. TRAVELER TO EMPLOY WOMEN TO sell American xuooi. best terms; liberal salary and expense al lowance; extra commission uu manent position.

American Corset Desk 15, Chicago. 1S LADIES, TAKE WORK HOME, SPARE time; clean, artistic line, i "itz Room 306, Scranton Republican 229 Washington Ave. WANTED YOUNG GIRL bookkeeper; one 'who has had experience; good penman; rapid writer. Address, stating wages and references. Address 4, care Tribune Republican.

20. WANTED YOUNG GIRL BOOKKEEPER; one who has had experience; good penman: rapid writer. Address, stating wages and references. Address 4, care Tribune Republican. 20 WANTED A YOUNG GIRL TO DO LIGHT general housework.

Call between 4 and 7 o'clock eveninn at 421 Wheeler Ave. 18. WANTED A COMPETENT PROTESTANT girl about 30, for general housework In a family of two; nice quite place for a good girl; good wages paid; good references as to ability required. Address Box Z' 3, 'Jrib une Republlcan. 18.

A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; must give references; old pnone, 4694 J. 1009 Taylor Ave. Gordon's store. 18. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED HOTEL cook; good wages.

Write St. Charles Hotel, Berwick, Pa, 13 tt AGENTS WANTED AGENTS FREE NEWSPAPER FOR HUST lers. "How to Make Money." 20 columns pure reading matter devoted to interests of canvassing agents; no matter what you are now selling, or even if you have never sold anything before, you owe It to yourself to get a free sample of this money maker. N. Solimano, 2483 Penn Dayton, O.

18. AGENTS $24 A WEEK; NEW PATENTED automatic curry comb; takes Just half as long to clean a horse; no clogging with hair and dirt; big demand; big profits; free sample to workers. Auto Comb 7621 Stale Dayton, O. 18. AGENTS GUARANTEED SHOES; MUST wear one year or new pair free: four styles; fit guaranteed; quick seller; 98c profit on every sale.

Write today for complete outfit. Guaranteed Shoe 7783 State Dayton O. 18. AGENTS SEND FOR SAMPLE NEW article; gets you Into every home and office; sells at sight; big profits. Emerson Manufacturing Box 121, Harrlsburg, Pa.

18. WANTED AGENTS EITHER SEX, SELL guaranteed hosiery 70 per cent, profit; goods replaced free if hole appears; experience unnecessary. Address "Wear Proof," West 13 Sat tf. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED NO canvassing or soliciting required. Good Income assured.

Address National Co Operative Realty 1176 Marden Bldg, Washington. D. C. 4 11 18 20. AGENTS MAKING $10 to $20 DAILY SELL lng "Titanic Disaster" book; told by survivors; 350 pages; 50 Illustrations; price only $1.00 50 per cent commission; cash prizes; freight paid: credit given; outfit free.

International Bible House, Perry l)pt, 8, Philadelphia. 21. F0 RENTGENERAL 7 ROOM SlNGLfc HOUSE! IMPKOVE FUBNISHED HOUSE; ALL IMPROVE ments; desirable location In Green Kmse; price 1020 Delaware St. Old phone, 2742 R. 24.

ments; rent reasonable. 82 Prescott Ave. 22. FOR RENT 1132 ROCK RENT $12. Inquire Luther Keller.

20. FOR RENT SUMMER RESORT AT POCO no mountains; six rooms, all furnished; near Lehigh river, between large pines. In quire of B. Valentine, Thornhurst. Lackawanna county.

(X, 23. FOR BENT OFFICE, SECOND FLOOR Real Estate Exchange large front window; floor space, 14x50; $30 a month. Remington Typewriter 515 Linden 8t. 21. 9 ROOM HOUSE; ALL IMPROVEMENTS; newly renovated; 800 block Monroe Ave.

Inquire 845 Monroe. 30. FOUR ROOMS FOR RENT, WITH IM provements, $10. Inquire 60S Broadway. Old phono 63 J.

23. FOR RENT 7 ROOM HOUSE, 720 PINE all improvements; $20. Inquire Luther Keller. 21. 6 ROOM COTTAGE AT LAKE WINOLA; oil finished, for rent or sale.

Stonier Real Estate Old phone 4785 J. 22. HOUSEKEEPING SUITE FOR RENT partly furnished; first floor. 409 Madison. 21.

FOR RENT SCHLAGER CORNER Stratford Lincoln Heights; $15 per month: new Hnnhla hniiaa. kIy rooms and bath; furnace heat. Inquire Scranton Real Estate' Company, 914 Hears Bldg. 18. FOR RENT SINGLE DWELLING, 635 N.

Rebecca rent $13. Inquire Luther Keller. 20. FOR RENT SIX ROOM SINGLE HOUSE, bath, yard', cellar. 616 Forest court.

20 6 ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. 306 CHEST nut Hyde Park. 20 $17 RENTS HALF DOUBLE HOUSE; SIX rooms; improvements. 1315 Vine St. 20 FOR RENT $10 AND $12 PER MONTH.

First month's rent free; two family house, Dorothy West Side; five rooms and bath on each floor with separate entrances and front and rear vnrandas. Inquire Scranton Real Estate Company, 914 Mears Bldg. 18 FOR RENT 6 OR 9 ROOM HOUSE ON Gibson near Moses Taylor. 864 Ji Nichter. 20 FOR RENT DESK ROOM AND UP TO date office, cheap; central location.

Address 3, Tribune Republican. 20 FOR RENT GREEN RIDGE; EIGHT room house; excellent location. Apply 802 Marlon street. 18 5 ROOM HOUSE SrnRB: provements, including kitchen range, furnace and bath, 1421 Vine St. Apply to Mathias Slipp.

30. FOP, RENT 6 ROOM BRICK HOUSE, Viae and Prescott all modern improvements. Inquire Mathias Stlpp. 30. FOR RENT 87 ORB ROOM, NO.

80 Spruce atreet. Hyer Davidow, 804 Spruce street. 9 tf. FOR RENT STORE, 21B LACKAWANNA Avenue. Myer Davidow.

tf. STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD FURNI ture, all kinds; SO private storage rooms, low ratea of charge. New York Storage Warehouse 228 Center street, two door ffom Penn avenue. New phone, 888; ola phono, 463. Money to loan on all kinds of gidds when in storage.

FOR RENT 2nd FLOOR, 117 WYOMING avenue, for business N. A. Hulbert, 11 Wyoming avenue, i 18 tt STORE OFFICE, WITH JANITOR SER vices, second floor. 110 Washington avenue. Myer Davidow.

Jll tfc FURNISHED ROOMS LARGE WELL FURNISHED ROOM, FIRST flooT, for two; also small room. 439 Wyom Jng Ave. M'24 TWO WELL FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS; private family, 322 Madison Ave. Bell phone, 3487 R. 24.

FURNISHED ROOMS FOR TWp OR FOUR gentlemen at 436 Adams Ave. 22 WANTED PERMANENT COUPLE FOR two or four complete furnished housekeeping 'rooms, second floor. Hill section. 626 Qulncy Ave. 21.

FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, in suite or large single front room. 312 Wyoming Ave. 8 FURNISHED ROOMS AND ROOMS FOR light housekeeping. 807 Washington Ave. A 4 tf.

FLATS FOR RENT FIVE ROOMS; CENTRAL CITY; ALL 1M provements. Call 2746, Old phone. 24. FIVE ROOMS, BATH, LAUNDRY, CELLAR; all improvements. 342 Franklin Ave.

24. FLATS FOR RENTr modern Improvements, including steam heat and hot water. Apply to Mathias Stlpp. 80. APARTMENTS FOR RENT IJlXiyVVI irV SYI nmnnt IrrtXTmTTtO FOR RENT FIRST MONTH'S RENT free.

One of tne most attractive apartments in the Falrlawn; five rooms and bath; steam heat and hot water furnished free; private front veranda; each room light; only Ave minutes from Central City. Inquire Soranton Real Estate Company, 914 Mears Bldg. FOR RENT FIRST MONTH'S RENT free; $25 per month; apartment in The Qulncy, 717 Qulncy six rooms and bath; city steam, free; finest residential neighborhood in the city. Inquire Scranton Real Estate Company, 914' Mears Bldg. 18.

SITUATIONS WANTED AN UP TO DATE HOUSEKEEPER WOULD like a position in widower's family, or well to do home; experienced. Address Housekeeper, care Tribune Republican. 21 SITUATION WANTED BY GIRL TO DO general housework; will work for $4 per week; city or country. 302 21st city 21 SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG MAN any kind of work; good teamster. Address J.

G. 619 Mineral city. 20. YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE POSITION AS clerk in office or any kind of office work. Address B.

C. M. 20 SITUATION WANTED WASHING, IRON ing or cleaning. Mrs. Connor, 302 21st St 20.

SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG MAN driving team or doing any kind of work suitable for a good man. Address, 3, care Tribune Republican. 20, SITUATION WANTED BY 'A YOUNG MAR rled man, has four years experience at the painting trade and would like work of any kind. Address 4, care Tribune Republican. 18.

LADY BOOKKEEPER WITH SEVERAL years' experience desires position. Address K. care Tribune Republican. 22. SITUATION WANTED AT ONCE; MAN and wife; no children; middle aged; any kind of respectable work; references exchanged.

Address K. 1222 Prospect avenue, Scranton, Pa. 18. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG MAR ried woman; would like to get work by the day, house or office cleaning and washing, ironing, sewing or anything In the line of an honest living among respectable people. Apply 'n person.

Address W. L. Keller, 641 Elm street, 18. PRACTICAL NURSE WANTS A POSITION doing any kindS of nursing. Old 'phone, 4160 824 Gibson street, Scranton, Pa.

18 MUSIC FRANK J. DANIEL, A. G. O. TEACH er of voice, organ and piano.

Old phone 884 J. Studio, 425 Qulncy avenue. Voices tester! free of rharg HAIR DRESSING HAIR GOODS. HAIR MATING AND toilet articles. Miss Mary Doyle, 313 Trudcrs Bank Bldg.

30, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE COTTAGE AT LAKE SHERI (Ifl n. rnmnlataU, i a IU1 Dain, HIIU Vt.riie or ca" on either phone. C. C. Shifter.

Carhonrtnio 1 DEAL HME ON THE HILL; ROOMY brick house with every modern Improvement; large lot, 75x170, with shade; paved street; an opportunity for someone looking for a home: only 10 minutes walk from Benjamin Tamblyn, 318 319 Miller Bldg. M.30. FINE SUMMER RESORT IN SUSQUEHAN na county on lake with good fishing and 7 acres ot itiBD, av un able, JO pasture and 65 woodland; fine large iuuou; Darns, cnickery, Doac house, Included are 10 cows, chickens, narrows mnwin 1 1 ft jucuiiie, wagons, cream separator, two dog plows, cultivator, 10 boats nrl nil innl. nnn mwuninery on larm. rrice, tea8y terms; if interested call and we will show you photograph of the place.

cka wanna Real Estate opposite post "fflce 18. FOR SALE GENERAL STOVES AND FURNACE REPAIRSAL ways In stock. Weinberg' 806 Pena avenue, next door to Lackawanna Laundry. J8 Iyr. SAMPLE SHOES.

SPRING 1912 NEZTBTON'a WHOLESALE DEALERS, "ir.j Spruce, oproslte Times Bldg; open baturday evenings. A 26 to 18 SAE SIX WEEKS OLD AND reasonable. B. E. Decker, Nicholson, Pa.

R. D. No. 1. 18.

BfoWIltTON 6 TYPEWRITER, 18. row. i ui eopies nanK 23 rR STRAWBERRY PLANTS; alfn "nd Glen Mary, 23c per 100; rift ut Potatoes. Inquire Mrs. Browning, Cityline, Northern Electric.

18. SADE DINING ROOM, PARLOR SUlte. hrua kfBt.A "oven, biu. 361 uiuuy AVC, 22. BUYING ROGER QUICK SHOES AT $2 Ann S3 SA .1 f.

iio Lna.L you are actually same snoe that you would pay 3 and elsewhere. 304 Spruce St. 16tf CONDITION; CHEAP, FOR SALE CHEAP DROP HEAD SINGEtt rst class enape. u. Jv, iuvumj aim xcw i orK, city.

m. FOR SALE MOTORCYCLES. CALL AT 2214 Ll, BULL TERRIER rnn xjrmein a arwvsj will sell cheap. Maylon, Old phone.M 15tf CIDER, CIDER, CIDER 400 GALS. FOR sale; cider for vinegar.

"Vinegar," care uua ZV FOR SALE HIGH GRADE FURNITURE wiimiiiiy turnisnea nouse; will sell ilLL part Owner leaving city. Telephone safes and Faults new and second iinnu. ew pnone, 831. I H. Allabaeh.

FOR SALE 6,000 FT. OF SEASONED 2ND "ue asn lumoer. new 'pnone 3 20 A COMPLETE SILK THROWING PLANT, i2 gooa "der, capacity 800 pounds, organ 1,500 pounds. Train weekly. Can be bought .10..

a. o. omiin, Wyoming avenue Forty Fort, Pa. MOTORCYCLE N. U.

S. MAGNETO model; cost $300; sacrifice, $75 cash. In i. m. u.

ah scranton. n. FOR SALE STRAWBERRY PLANTS; beat varieties. H. H.

Bailey, La Plume, SALE PEDIGREED ENGLISH puppies. O. j. Reese, 8M Main Ave. A 4 tf.

FOR SALE TWO HORSES, THREE COWS, six shoats and surrey. Address G. Hinckley, Dalton, Pa. 18 Refrigerators Carload of refrigerators. Best make, porcelain lined stone lined; all sizes.

We are closing them in a hurry selling about r.n.s half of regular price. If you are looking for a refrigerator, and a come quick, SCRANTON AUCTION HOUSE. HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE ONE OF' THE BEST ROAD ln(iuire hi. H. Bushnell 502 Peoples Bank Bldg, or W.

H. Bushnell 21( Church Dunmore. 24. FOR SALE TEAM OF HORSES; GOOD wr.rlri.ra" 91An iw cneap ror the want of use, also broody mare; weigh xw, www, jMvuca. vntKnBm soranton 23.

JUST RECEIVED A CAR OF EXTRA GOOD horses weighing from 1100 to 1700 also nve ume suuu secona nana horses Bui ford Robertson, Mooslc, Pa. 22 FOR SALE HORSE AND SINYJT.ln anr. bj' ni ureen Ridge street. Ja FOR SAM 10 HEAD OF GOOD WORK kv.ij, tan, ana narness. Dinner, 227 Pen Ave.

M' 'l HELP WANTED Ranted persons to write and copy letters. $10 to $25 a week readily iJ s. ur praoncai directions, hend self addressed envelope for particu Brooks Copying 1018 Pa. Washington, D. C.

18 25. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WTTjTj TYRTT.T, ITHR r.TT rrnn m. vjvvj i rv 1 1 1 torv: r.nntrnl 9 nfin aFaB i 2 ivvk, iba, tptrv may limine you rich; for particulars address, Artesian vuiuue, xexas. 18. PATENTS SECURED OR FEE RETURNED Spnrl slrj.rr.rt fnr a9 10 patentability; guide book and list of Inventions tu a.

co, mle munon uonars offered uue luvennon; patents advertised fre Victor J. Evans 948 Washington. D. i 18. WANTED TRUSTWORTHY, COMPETENT man with $5,000 cash and upward to establish and manage permanent subsidiary business; $250 a month and expenses, and extra share of profits flarge manufacturing company, well known In staple line, has ex vacuus.

iur steady, capaDie man; fnVnra.hlr. 1mraan.An,. kl.k Jr uib uusiness; good for $6,000 a year or better for the right man, with big future prospects. For partlcu Jars address Box 4, care Nelson Chesman uucago. 18.

1 L.i.i run A unu 'l ouicner or druggist at the Falrlawn apartment; two stores for rent; 17 families uunuiug, new apartment 10 be built soon on opposite corner; rent will be made right to right man. Inquire Scranton Deal ri" rin .1 ineaiB jiug, notn pnones. BAKING BUSINESS, INCLUDING SPLEN dld 'run of lunch customers, for sale. Bakery Is money maker. Ask Frank Van Deusen, Honesdale, ror price.

22. NEW SANITARY FIRE AND WATER proor composition nooring. Demand growing: better and cheaper than marble, tile. hardwood or linoleum; materials inexpensive; partner wanted to finance same. For samples and full information, address r.

u. isox 80, ocranion, jra. 20 POULTRY AND EGGS key and two hens, or will exchange for white Leghorn chickens. Box 86, Elm i A "Da nt EGGS FOR HATCHING FROM WHITE Cochin bantams, IS to a setting, from selected stock; $1.50 per setting. Address E.

A. Whitehouse, 1734 Madison City. A 10 tf. ranged, B. P.

Rocks, S. C. W. Leghorns. S.

C. R. I. Reds. $4 per 100; $1 per 16.

AtarnniULU ikei uu a. vcr ii. Shoulu you get lesr than a 50 per cent, hatch, will replace at price. A. E.

Seacians, Factoryville, Ps, Ju SL FARMS FOR SALE GOOD FARMS FOR SALE IN MONROE county; all kinds at bargains; easy terms; quick possession. Write me your H. S. Gardner, Agent, Stroudsburg, Pa. 16 18 FOR SALE IN BRADFORD COUNTY ON the beautiful Susauehanna river, in and near Wyalusing, farm and summer homes; also building sites for summer homes very cheap.

Good bass fishing. Also farm In Wayne county, 100 acres. Good house and three barns. Price, $2,300. Easy terms.

For particulars see Scranton Real Estate company, 914 Mears building. 14 16 18 FOR SALE 160 ACRES OF LAND IN NEW Mexico; welt of water on will make good stock ranch or farm; good soil: healthy place for lung trouble; 120 acres clear and level; I have U. S. government report on this as coal land, and U. S.

government title; will sell this land at government price; I mean business. E. H. B. Chew, 416 Mulberry St.

18. DANDY FARM OF 30 ACRES. TWO MILES from Northern Electr mile from church and school; all cleared: some fruit; never falling stream through property; two wells and springs; i roora house; barn wun underground stable and other outbuildings. Price. SI.

MOO cash. Lackawanna ileal Bsiaie Opposite post office. 18, FINE FARM OF 201 ACRES IN NEW YORK state; 15 miles from large city, five miles, irom raitroaa; two mues to cnurcn anu school; 110 acres tillable; 50 acres pasture and 41 woodland; all kinds of fruit; creek on property; 7 room house; four outbuildings, witn tne farm goes one pair young mares, one pair young mules. 16 cows, three brood sows, six pigs, two sulkey plows, one spring tooth harrow, two horse rakes, wagons, sleighs, reaper, drill, cultivator, harnesses and small tools on farm. Price, $4,500, with easy terms or will trade for stock of general merchandise, hardware or grocery store.

Lackawanna Real Estate opposite post office. 18. $3.500 177 ACRE FARM, 1 MILES FROM Nicholson which is the center of the work on the new L. fe W. cut off; 17 acres In good timber; three barns; good house; good water; two orchards and can be bought on easy terms.

See Benjamin Tamblyn, 318 319 Miller Bldg. 29. FARM FOR SALE 175 ACRES, 9 ROOM house, good barns, apple orchard, 200 trees; beautiful lawn around the house; price, S4.000; easy terms; fruit will pay 10 per cent, on investment. Box 86, Elmdale, Pa. 14 tf FOR SAIF Building lots at UK 0ALL Chinchilla; $10 down, balance $5 monthly.

See Davis, Providence Square, Scranton, Pa. 21 FINE fiO ACRE FARM. 25 MILES NORTH of Philadelphia; P. R. close to station and trolley; large stone house, new barn; 100 acres.

If interested write owner, Box 6, Hatfield, Pa. 21 FOR SALE FARM OF 81 ACRES, lVa miles from Moscow; on road to Lake Ariel; 10 room house; two barns; wagon shed; all kinds of fruit; never failing water; must seli on account of sickness. C. M. Biesecker.

'Moscow, R. F. D. No. 1.

8 11 15 18 22 25 HO ACRE FARM $1,400 Big Sacrifice Only $800 Down Directly north of Scranton by D. r. H. railroad, lt miles to station; two miles to Windsor Village; near several other villages; the cheapest farm between Scranton and Blnghamton; keeps 16 cows; lays fine; running water at buildings; 10 acres choice wood; no coal strike to worry you; orchard; 7 room home; basement barn, granary, chlckery; write at once for directions; to see this bargain address Volney K. Soule, Exchange Building, Blnghamton, N.

M15 18 FOR SALE MAGNIFICENT 100 ACRE fruit farm in $3,200, good buildings. Ingal, 4638 Clifton Chicago, 111. 27. LAKE WINOLA Cottages and Building Lots For Sale. Now is the time to buy.

DAVIS, Scranton, Pa. Phone 4441 21 CADMC AND SURBURBAN HOMES rmXlVlO for. sale. Lake Winola cottage and building lots for sale. See my list before buylne.

GEORGB W. DAVIS. "On the Square," Pro ldence. Scranton, Pa. "Orchurst" Susquehanna valley noted for fine farms.

(50) acres all farmland with (300) choice nursery trees handy to Sunbury, Shamokln, Milton, Danville and Bloomsburg markets. (31 miles to (5) railroad stations and handy for lime, school and church. Arrangement of buildings hard to beat and cost owner a sum of money. Joining above tract Is (30) acres of thrifty woodland part of which is a fine large meadow with running spring water (600) feet to barn handy for cattle pasture. Productiveness of soil is better understood upon inspection of the large crops.

(15) hogs, (5) cows (3) good horses age (5 and 7 and 12) and large flock of chickens, turkeys and guineas. Large assortment of 'the best make machinery is further evidence of a (Great Bargain). Proposition can Tjuy as follows (60) acre farm at ($2600) with (30) acres woodland included ($500) 'extra and with stock machinery and crops ($1200) more or ($4000) spot cash for everything meaning owners step out "with household goods and buyer takes possession of a good farm ready to make money. Mother and Daughter have met with misfortune which accounts for low prices with understanding owners not to be held to above quotations after May 20, 1912. Engagement to Inspect (Bargain) must be made in advance stating time will arrive to Investigate unusual opportunity.

If you desire further proof ask for photographs. GEO. B. OSTRANDER, Danville. Both Phones.

Sunbury. (7 to 8) morning and evening, 15 18. FOR SALE OR RENT FOR 'SALE OR RENT FAR VIEW LODGE at Crystal lake; completely furnished; for terms address Mrs. George H. Moon, 112 Salem Carbondale.

4 tt IN ORDER TO GIVE THE PUBLIC A cnance to inspect tneir new huub ma 800 block Irving Reynolds Wyn Koop win nave man uu from 3 until 5 p. m. 29. FOR SALE $500 DOWN AND EASY monthly payments; three very desirable new houses on 500 block Taylor all Improvements Including steam heat, gas and electric lights; $4,850 to $5,400. Reynolds Wynkoop, 801 Peoples Bank Bldg.

29. $1.000 SINGLE HOUSE, ELM STREET, South Side; 4 rooms; lot 20x162. Vaughan, 421 Lackawanna avenue. 20 AN IDEAL CITY HOME. GREEN RIDGE section) shady side of street; house has eight rooms, all In perfect condition; decorated throughout: all improvements, includ ing laundry; large lot containing acre of land with fruit of all descriptions; large well equipped chicken house.

I will sell on easy terms with a small down payment, balance to suit purchaser, it you are in terested write owner," care xrioune Kepuu llcan. 20 $3,900 9 Room House, Columbia street, shady side; guaranteed Oak finish. Easy teams. A bargain to quick buyer. Benjamin Tamblyn, 318 319 Miller Building.

20 FOR SALE ON MELROSE AVENUE, Clark's Summit, property of Webster Ter williger, consisting of eight room house and six lots. Price, $3,200 or $2,000 for house and two lots. Inquire Scranton Real Estate company, 914 Mears building. 18 WE OFFER FOR SALE 5 ACRE PLOTS situated on the Sherman farm In the most exclusive section of Waverly, adjoining the beautiful country home of C. H.

Welles and within sight of the homes of Mr. Linen. Mrs. Simpson and many other prominent citizens. Mr.

Paul Belln has recently purchased through our agency one of these plots and the plot immediately adjoining his is one of the most attractive locations for a country home in this section of the state Inquire Scranton Real Estate Company, 914 Mears Bldg. 18. $2.600 NEW SINGLE HOUSE, HICKORY street; 6 rooms and bath, all Improvements; easy terms. Vaughan, 421 Lackawanna avenue 20 $5,000 NEW SINGLE HOUSE, COLUMBIA avenue; 10 rooms and bath, all improvements, steam heat, gas and electric light; hardwood finish; lot 50x100; on corner Ca pouso Ave. Vaughan, 421 Lackawanna avenue.

20 $3,4008 Room House, Hill section, good location; all" improvements including laundry, shady side of street. Benjamin Tamblyn, 318 319 Miller Building. 20. FOR SALE LOT ON EAST SIDE OF LAKE Ariel; size 80x150. Price.

$900.00. Vaughan, 421 Lackawanna avenue. 20 ANXIOUS TO SELL 8 ROOM HOUSE ON Woodlawn all improvements; easy terms. J. M.

Vail. 20. FOR SALE NEW MODERN HOUSE, Clark's Summit; 8 Aooms and. bath, all improvements, steam heat, hardwood floors, etc. 50x200.

Vaughan, 421 Lackawanna avenue. 20 FOR SALE LOTS AT CHINCHILLA ON easy terms. R. E. Bailey, Chinchilla, Pa.

20. $3,900 SINGLE HOUSE, NO. 540 FRONT street; 8 rooms and bath, all Improvements, steam heat, concrete cellar, laundry, gas and electric light. Vaughan, 421 Lackawanna avenue. 20 $3,200 NEW SINGLE HOUSE, MOOSIC street; 8 rooms and bath, all improvements, furnace heat; possession at once; easy terms.

Vaughan, 421 Lackawanna avenue. 20 Woodlawn St. Lot 40x210; an ideal home, new house. Don't miss this one, call us at once for appointment. Benjamin Tamblyn, 318 319 Miller Building.

20. HERE IT IS ONE 6 ROOM HOUSE, PAR tlal. improvements; good lot, one block from two street car Tines; three minutes walk to railroad shops and yard employing 1.500 men; no coal underneath this property. Price pay It as you Call at 377 Mill Dunmore. 20 $3000 Buys 9 room new house at Clark's Summit, all improvements; electric lights a bargain.

Easy terms. See Davis, Phone4441. 21 Owns, Buys, Sells, Rents and Manages. SCRANTON REM, ESTATE COMPANY 914 Mears Building 18 5 Acre Plots We have for sale the well known Sherman trmJQAnt most beautiful section of beautiful Waverly We can divide this farm to suit purchaser. That part of it which is known as the i ridge con tains about 35 Acres and Is a site for lovely celled anywhere In the state of Pennsylvania for beauty of view environment, attractive woodland and good neighbors We have Just Cniri nnp rlnt of 7 Acres.

Let us show you the plot next to itas large or small as you may want it. Write, 'phone, or better, see us for further particulars. Scranton Real Estate BUNGALOW PARK A nnther new house started this week. Good demand for and everybody happy. Come out and see the nicest, cleanest, healthiest spot in Scranton to build a home.

We really ought to charge about three times what we get for lots, but we have so many of them that we can sell them cheap. They are all fine lots. Large, level lots, well drained, no stones or stumps, every lot covered with good rich soil, flag walks, shade trees, gas, water, electric light and telephone service. Street cars one blcck away, and when the Ridge Row Street Railway is built it will run right through Bungalow Park. Sizes of lots from 40x120 up to 56x200.

Prices of lots from $200.00 up to $800.00. Easy payments, $25.00 down, balance monthly. Agent bn the property every day, including Sunday. 0 Biuragalow Park Lanad Co. a.

a. ft VnTT1 W. F. VAUGHAN, TREASURER. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FolT'sALE 800 block Irving nine and eleven rooms and bath; steam heat; combination fixtures; laundry, cement cellar, chestnut finish; large level lots, 40x160, in excellent locality; easy terms.

Open for inspection from three until five dally. Reynolds Wynkoop, Peoples Bank Bldg. 29. 421 Special bargain to quick 9 room single home at 1709 Wyominflr avenue. Shafly side of the street, fine fruit, plenty for family Owner.

leaving city. The home of Theodore Sureth, 1739. Sanderson avenue, has been placed in. my nanas lor sale, ir you are in me market for a fine Green Ridge home, let us show you this 9 room single, with ail im provements, large lot, with garage, car will stop in front of door on signal. $6,000 Splendid new 9 room single.

Columbia street; open fireplace, beautiful decorations throughout. Easy terms. $4,500 9 room single, very desirable corner, home. West Scranton. $5,500 Large 8 rootm single, North Park home, shady side of the street.

Lot, 52al81. Our list includes all kinds of properties, subuVban homes and also some business places included; a lumber yard and planing mill that is a money maker. COUNTRY HOMES FOR SALE City conveniences; steam heat; sparkling: spring water; large lots; delightfully situated at VILLA PARK One block from Northern Electric station. Chinchilla. We also have several desirable city properties for sale; easy terms If desired.

Burcher Robinson, Office and Lumber yard, 425 Depot Street, Scranton, Pa. Both 'Phones. ackett's Real Estate Iru SNAPS Modern steam heated house, quite central. Only $2,800. Four family house; large lot; rents over $500.

Price $2,800. Steam heated single front, and modern double on rear. $8,000. Beautiful Double and large lot, quite central. $8,500.

Fine two family house with every convenience. $4,300. Fine corner with 10 room hard wood house. $5,000. $30,000 buys corner business property in Central Ctty.

Fine home, superbly finished in Worth The Wehrum property at Elm hurst. Special price. See us. Handsomest house in city ftff price. Only $13,000.

A snap. Beautiful country home. Only worth $15,000. Central City home, large cor ner; fruit, etc. $4,500.

i i Modern double; well and centrally located. Only $4,900. A home in the country for only $375. Only $6,800, corner, 70x180, with modern house. Business properties on Lackawanna and other avenues.

$8,500 beautiful home on Monroe; also Qulncy avenue. $4,900 buys a dandy home on "The Hill." 10 rooms. $3,600 buys a modern home on "The Hill." $4,800 buys a 10 room house; Olive St. Central. For these and other "snaps" always 33 W.T.

HACKETT sT IT WILL PAY YOU. O. D. DEWITT 212 213 MILLER BLDG. 'J Buys, Sells, Bents and Insures Real Estate.


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