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The Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania • Page 5

The Tribunei
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

36 INCHES WIDE Wool Suitings FOB 21 Cents THE Greatest Bargain ever offered. Large assortment of plain colors, stripes and mixtures. Don't fail to secure some of thi3 lot AT WALTERS', 128 WYOMING AVENUE. CLIPPED OATS. CLEHN.

BRIGHT, HE251ZY. Free From Dirt and Seeds, TEE WESTON MILL CO, LI, SCRANTON, PA. THE GREAT DEMAND FOR THB POPULAR PUNGH CIGARS fcae induced other parties to place on the market au imitation. In order to proteot the Bnokers ot the POPTJLAB PUNCH CIGA3 against imposition, we will in future print the firm's initials, G. B.

on each POPULAB tUNCH CIGAB manufactured by us. GARNEY, BROWN CO. CHRPETS. Large and complete stock In latest' designs and colorings (WALL PAPERS. Which Include The BIRGB SPB.


BRANCH AT FITT8T0N, CITY AND COUNTY. The Mother Hubbard is the Premier t'loaj America and stands without a rival. Fifteenth Ward Club. The Fifteenth Ward Republican Club will meet at 7:30 Wednesday evening la Alderman Morgan's ofllco. By order ot Joun T.

Willi am 3, President LOCAL BRLVIIIES. Seipol's Dancing Academy will open on the first of Ootober. Milita Cominandery will banquet tbo Wyoming House this evening. The ladies of the A. M.

E. cburcli will hold a fostival in the church oa Wednesday ete.v lng, Sept 10. J. K. Emmet will be at the Aondomy of Mu elo on Monday next Id his now play of "Uncle Joe; or Fritz in a Mad Houso." Will J.

McConneli, will give his twenty fourth loeture in this olty to night, lu 1L Y. M. C. A. hall.

Yestorday wan pay day on the southern division of the D. L. and to day the oompany will pay at the oar Bhops cad titans' mines. The Mutual Aid Society of All Soul's ehurch Will meet in the chapel, ooruor Plno tllmul and Adams avonue, this evening at 7 Important business is to be transacted. The Missions Hand of the First Proehyter laa church, will hold an loo cream gonial In the leoturo rooms ot that church.

Friday, Eopt. 12, afternoon and evening, to which til denominations are cordially Invited. The ClorU of the Courts iasuort the following marriage licenses yesterday: Polor Finn Joy aud Mary R. Boland, both of Carbondalsj Edward Conklln aud Jane Jones, Thomas Al. Richards and Owen Davis, nil of Sernuton.

Ia return for the oompllincut ot ait excursion from Scranton and vicinity to the Doloware Valloy fair In Walton next week, the Delawnrltes will run a lurge excursion to the Lackawanna county fair la this olty the week following. Henrietta Markworth, on aomplnlnt of Bertha Rose, who swore that the defendant tad threatened to kill her, was held la 200 bonds to keep the peace and appear at luo next term of court, by Alderman Wright ypi9 turd ay. Both parties ate residuals ot bbanty lllll. The quarterly meeting of the Young Women's Christian Association, will bo oponod this aftornoon with a biblo lesson, at tour O'clock. Following this will be a discussion ot Important business and plans for the year's work.

Members and friends should be present. Tue Kefddmcan acknowledge the receipt Of an Invitation to attend the musical and literary entertainment to be given at the Academy of Music by Lackawanna Division Mo, 12, Ordor of Railway Conductors in honor of the grand oflloers who will be present at the Onion meeting next Sunday. Tickots tor the Now York excursion, which lcavos Scranton and vicinity via the Delaware, Lnekawanna and Western route are only four dollar and llfty cents from this city, and can be bad at the depot and Mr. W. B.

Murray, passenger agent, 328 Lackawanna avenue, or from the toutulttee Mr. W. Kennedy, Capouse Works, Mr. C. Joe Gillespie, West Market street.

An Italian, named Politto Nicoloseo. refused to pay for a lunch he had ordered at the Coyne House, Monday evening, and was thrown out of the house. He drew a large knife and attempted to re enter when Sergeant Edwards happening along, took the beligerent son of Italy in charge. The next morning he was fined S5 by Mayor Follows but not being able to pay was remanded back to the station bouse. PERSONAL Elliot Ross, is in Harrisburg.

Mr. Clinton Wisner, New York, is at the Wyoming. Mr. K. Hutchinson, of Wilkes Barre, was In town yesterday, Mr.

and Mrs. T. F. Hunt, of Carbondale, were in the city yesterday, Mr. and Mrs.

John McWilliams are upon a ten days' trip to Washington, C. Miss F. Baldwin, of Morristown, N. registered at the Wyoming yesterday. Capt J.

C. Dolanoy and family, of Harrisburg, are visiting relatives in Dunmore. Misses Katie Muuday aud Lizzie Rooney, of Pittaton, were calling on Scranton acquaintances yesterday. Selectman Vaughn and Mr, T. Mo ran were In attendance at the Fleetwood Park races yesterday, A party composed of Mrs.

Riley, Mrs. Beck and Miss Crawford, of Centralia, dined at the Wyoming yesterday. Mr. Silas T. Loaoh, of Elizabeth, N.

formerly Deputy County Troasurer ot this county, is circulating among old acquaintances. Mr. E. W. Fond, a prominent coal dealer, and Mr.

Henry White, editor of the Chronicle, Walton, N. were visitors to this city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Baumgardner and daughter, of Wllliamsport, gbavo returned home after a week's visit with W.

G. Bortree of Ninth street. Prof, nermiiu Sonkor, of Meadvllle, an experienced toachor and accomplished musician lias boen engaged as an instructor at St. Mary's school in South Scranton. Mrs.

Susan Finn, of Bethlehem, who has boen tho guest of Miss Mary Mcllalo, of Orchard street, returned home yesterday. She was tendered a farowoll party by a number of her friends at the Excelsior Club rooms on Monday night. J. V. Wnguor, late assistant in the Clerk of the Courts' ofllco, left for Lewisburg yoster terday to attend the Euoknell University.

The vacancy caused by Ills resignation will be filled by Eoill Bonn, a highly accomplished young gentleman from the South Side. iBustuess Notice. A full lino Columbia. Germantown, German Worsted, Saxony, at Doorsam's, 241 Penu avonue. Business Nouco.) Ladios, Mr.

A. C. Nottleton has just received a French kid haud sewed shoo, very lino, which he will sell lor a few days only at 3.00. No. 411 Laokawanna avenuo.

Suubuth Scliool Convention. The twenty sixth annual oonventlon of the Pennsylvania Stato Sabbath school Association will be held in the city of New Castle, Lawrence oounty, commencing at 2 p.m., Tuesday, September 30, lsDO, and continuing through Wednesday and Thursday, Ootober 1 and 2, three sessions held each day. Business Notice. City and Suburban Delivery Company, telephone 1777, Moving, draying, trunks, pareols, dolivered throughout the city and suburbs. Office 217 Penn avanue, Buslnoss Notice.

Schcllbnse Furniture Storo has removed to 223 Wyoming avenue. All new goods. Be Mali Challenge. The oid Original Rattlers of Scranton ehallenge the Browns, of Olyphant, to a name ot ball on Monday. Sept.

15, in tho afternoon, on tho Olyphant grounds, answer In Thursdays IIkpoulican, 11. Jb, Loouils, captain O. llelpli munager. (business Notice.) Do not fail to get a set of the Wilkes Barre cyclone views free of ohargo by ordering one dozen Cabinet Photos at UeWitt's. MustnoBS Nouco.) The Boston Shoe Store at 419 Lackawanna avenue, has one ot the best lines of boots and shoo that can be found In the city.

Their stock is complete and you are sure to got what you want It you go to the Boston Shoe Storo. Tmli ot Mrs. AniiM Stone. Mrs. Anna Stone, of I'enn avonne, and mother of Mr.

M. U. Htono, an employe of this 111 ae. died At two o'clock yesterday mornlug, alter lingering lllnnss. Tim doenfied was a womiin of many good quali ties and was highly respected.

Shu was 78 years of ago, anil had lived in thia city eight years, Tho funeral services will take place to morrow, Interment in lbs Stroudsburg Cemetery In the afternoon. (Hugtueait Notluo.l DoWitfs Photos are acknowledged by all to be thojlluest produood In this city. 81G Liickawanna aveuuo, Scranton. Branch at Pittaton. Tim 1).

II. v. Ulypbaut ItorongU. A hearing la tho case of the Delaware and Hudson Company praying for nn injunction to resttuin the Olyphant borough council from levying and collecting a special tax to pay off the borough Indebtedness, was given riviere Judge Arohliald In chambers yester day morning. Messrs.

J. H. '1'orroy and W. W. Watson appeared for the company, nnd Messrs Josrpli Brlen and J.

Kolloy for Olyphant borough. Tlieoaso was ably argued by both sides, but was hold under advlso uient by Judge Arohbald who ruservaj hta acolalon. (IluslnoHS Notice. TO WHOLESALE DDVEHS. you Wish to purchase a most desirable Steak of bouts, shoes, etc, at reasonable rates It would be to your Interest to examine the mngrilQaeiit wholesale department of Goldsmith 801 Lackawanna avenue.

Their stock comprlsos every known variety and you will be convinced attor examination that by purchasing there you are getting something that will wear and satisfy your customers. Ninth Ward llepubllcan Clnb, A meeting of the Ninth Ward Republican Club was held at the oillceof Aldorman 0. Wright lost evening and effected new or ganization by the eloction of the following officers Everett Warren, president M. W. Lowry, vice president; V.

M. Dickson, sec retary, ana n. M. blroetor, treasurer. T.

t. Penman, M. W. Lowry and E. M.

Vernov Wore elected dulegales to the annual convention of the Stale Republican League, to be held at tne American Academy of Musio In Philadelphia, Sept 23. riuxt. H. M. Btreeter.

W. M. Dickson and C. it. Fuller were elected alternates.

Alter formulating plaus for work of the doming oampalgn in the ward, the meeting adjourned to meet next Tuesday oyenlng, Sept 16, nt eight o'olock. Business Notice. DoWltt's Photos are the best and cheapest. quality of work considered. He Stole O'Dotinetl's Coat.

Tete O'Donnoll, of 4M Adams avenue, on Monday evening discovered that his coat, which bad been hanging in the kitchen, bad mysteriously disappeared. Later la tho THE SCRAISTTON REPUBLICAN. WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 10. 1890. evening he saw a man walking up Lackawanna avenue wearing the stolen eoat.

O'Donnell accosted the man with the remark that he would be compelled to trouble him to remove the coat from his back. The fellow sullenly obeyed after some protestation and handed over the peice of wearing apparel to its owner. Thereupon the owner administered a sound drubbing to the sneak thief and sent him on his way in a mood that was anything but joyful. Business Notice. I ATTENTION FHIEMEN.

There will be a grand excursion to Lake Poyntelle, on the New York, Ontario and Western Railroad, run by the Phinney and Liberty Companies. If you want a day's genuine pleasure go with them on Thursday, September 11. Tickets $1.00. Train leaves Central Railroad of New Jersey depot at 7 :30 a. ia.

CRUSHED IN A WRECK, A Driver Boy Seriously Injured by Itana way Curs. Michael Baskil, a 16 year old driver boy at the Von Storch slopo, seriously and probably fatally injured yesterday afternoon by being squeezed between two cars. A runaway trlp.of licht cars came down the slope at a frightful rate of speed and when opposite where Baskil stood, one of them left the track and the others piled upon top ot one another. He was caught in tho wreck and crushed so badly that it is thought he caunot recover. After being extricated from the wreok he was carried to his home on Bloom avenue, where Dr.

Sullivan attended him. Business Notice. DeWitt, the leading artist and photographer, will, during the remainder of September, present to every person ordering one dozen Cabinet Photos, or more, a collection of eighteen of the choicest views of the late Wilkes Barre cyolone. Avail yourselves ot this opportunity of getting a collection of the cyclone pieturesfree of charge. Parlors, 31G Lackawanna avenue, Scranton.

Branch at Pittston, Pa. LAST NIGHT'S OPERA. First Frodnction of a Catchy Opera at the Academy of The Marie Greenwood Opera Company honored this city with their first production ot the beautiful comic opera "La Fille de Madame Angot." It was presented before a fair sized nnd appreciative audience at the Academy of Musio last night. The opera is of a high grade and meets the requirements ot a mixed audience, no mattor how fastidious or oritical the auditors may be. Of the oompany much could be said, but space forbids.

Miss Greenwood Is a charming, winsome actress, and possesses a voice whioh for purity, elasticity and sweetness, the equal is seldom beard in this city. Not one whit less as an entainer is Miss Mamie Taylor, who, besides being a very beautiful woman, is a clever actress, and controls a well cultivated mezzo soprano voice in a manner that at onoe makes her a favorite with all olasses. Among the others of the cast who are deserving of special mention are W. P. Guihasm, an excellent baritone nnd a good comedian; J.

Lisle Apple, a promising young tenor, Tom Martin, a comedian of no small merit; Adolph Mayer, basso and John Saunders, a sprightly comedian. The production itself was excellent, and better than oould bo expected for a "first night." The opera is good, and the company is better, and will undoubtedly make it a success before the season ends. Business Noticol OF INTEREST TO PROPERTY OWNERS. An exhibition of the Miller Fire Extinguisher will be; given at 7 :30 this evening on the vacant lot north of the Court house, on Linden street, between Adams and Washington avenues, This extinguisher is totally different from all others. In construction, in method of application (tho power being compressed air.) The ohemioals do not injure the finest labrios.

They throw a stream about forty feet. They do not freeze nor lose strength, Cannot get out of order and are ready the instant taken ia hand. They are endorsed by fire underwriters and chiefs ot lire departments as being the best thoy have ever seen. They need only to be seen and understood to be appreciated, They are durable, simple and cheap. Do not fail to witness the working of thls ei to night.

133d Funa. Ko union, Arraogemenls having about been com phited for tho re unlon to be held at Mauch Chunk, September 17, Comrades who have not received their ticket orders oaa procure them ot the secretary, Dan. J. Newman. Reduced rates on L.

V. K. C. R. B.

of N. and L. A W. R. R.

Comrades on the line of L. W. north, can ouuneot with traiu which leaves either by L. or C. It.

on morning of 17th at 7 :50 or 6 a. m. Arrangements can be made to return to Scranton same evening, it desired. Any Information will bo givon, by addressing the Secretary at Scranton, Ta. The residents and comrades nt Mauch Chunk will glvo lite visiting comrades a ride over the famous Swiicboack and other amusements.

IBuslnnes Notlce.1 chanoe or uektino plaob. Camp 242, P. O. 8. of will meet in their new hall at 209 and 211 Wyoming avenue, on Wednesday evening, September 10.

It being the Camp's fifth anniversary every member and those ot sister Camps are invited to be present. E. J. Paine, President. IBusmoss Notice.) The Royal.

The only perfect hot air furnace. See advertisement. Connell A Sons WARD ASSESSORS. Ttventy Ooe Cltlinn Appointed Yesterday Ir the Bourd at Astea.ort. The Board of City Assessors mot yesterday afternoon and appointed assistant assessors for the dillerent wards al follows: Firstiard W.

Miner. Mrx'oun VT'U Sbotton. TUinl wai John Costallo. Fmtrlt) K. James.

Pliltiward Roderick JotiBS, mvbwuM l.nwiHocH Dunlgg, So. cntii ward John Klanie. hlk'lilb wntd John Ituse. Ninth waul Wllhird Perry. 'l mil wntd Cnarien F.

Wagner. Eleventh Incob Kunz, 1 wolltn ward t'nible, Thlrttionlh ward 1). S. Fowler. FtMirteeulh ward Albro.

Klllniutti ward T. Kollowd Mason. Sijtouhth ward N. Uulstoad henttoiith ward (J. faruldge.

Eighteenth J. Williams, Nineteenth wurd Jficnb f. Millar. Twentioth Muck L'arnliu. Twenty first ward John Nicholson.

(Business Notice. I FraDk Jewell, eminent photographer, 303 and SOS Spruce street, Jewell's photo building. i IBustuess Notice.l CAItOINO. Slogel'i Conservatory of Danolng will open on or about October 1. Applications reoolvod after September 10.

Pennsylvania Day. Delaware county, Now York State, Is essentially an agricultural section, embracing not only some ol tbo 11 nest natural scenery, but the most productive farming lands to be found within the limits ot the Empire Stato. The exhibitions at the Delaware Valley talr, lu the beautiful village ol Wulton, lor the past few years, hava taken rank among the best fairs of Central Now York, and tuls year the exhibits of farm and dairying products, the managers affirm, will far exceed anything In the history of the association. The fair will tuko place September IB, 17, 18 nnd 10, and In addition to the agricultural attractions there will be balloon ascension and parachute descent by the dog "Lion;" a Tariff dobateby ex Dnlted States Minister to Denmark, Judge Yeauun, and Congressman Butterworth, of Ohio an artillery drill by tho famous Oneida battery, and tine dress parade by the Thirty third Separate Company of the State militia. The Ontario and Western Company will run a special excursion from Scranton and Carbon dale and other stations on "Pennsylvania Day," Thursday, September 13.

leaving this eity at 7 a. reaching Walton at 10 a. aud returning leaving Walton at 6 P. m. Excursion tickets are only one dollar and seventy five oents, Hud are good on any regular train during any day of the fair.

Scranton ought to have a large trade with Delaware county. We ought to have large supplies of butter, eggs, poultry, milk, grain, potatoes, paving atones from that section. The Ontario and Western road runs into the very heart of the county, thus affording the best possible shipping facilities to the mutual advantage of Delawaje farmers and Scranton consumers. Any information respecting the fair or excursion oan be had from M. C.

Carr, district passenger agent, No. 2 Lackawanna avenue. (Business Notlce.1 Boots, shoes and rubbers at wholesale at 411 Lackawanna avenue. Mr. A.

C. Nettleton is now receiving his fall stock of boots, shoes aud rubbers. We also manufacture a line line of gents' shoes. Call and examine. WHO IS PATRICK 6ILR0Y Sad News for Ills Family, Whose Address ia Wanted.

Chiot of Polioe Wade yesterday received the following telegram Iroru Buffalo, N. Y. Chlef of Police Inform the fatnor of Patrick Gtlroy that bo (Patrick) Is dead. Wliat shall I do with tho remains 7 JODK Kbnnev, Coroner. Chief Wade made careful inquiries among the different Gilroy families but none of them were acquainted with the one reported dead in Buffalo.

No particulars of his death or what led them to believe his residence was in this city oould be learned. If any person knows of the parties wanted they will communicate with Chief Wade. A SUNDAY SHOOTING AFFRAY. It Takes Place In Bar Koom the Proprietor Being tho Aasailant. Patrick Walsh a Twelyeth ward saloon keeper was yesterday arrested and taken before Aldorman Roesler charged with committing a murderous assault on John Connoy.

Walsh waived a hearing and entered bail. But meague particulars of the affair could be learned as it took place in a bar room on Sunday afternoon and an effort is being made to keep the matter quite. It was learned, that Connoy entered the saloon and became abusive to the proprietor whereupon the latter drew a revolver and shot Connoy lu the arm. The bullet lodged in the largo muscles of the right arm just above the elbow and up to the present had not been removed. There will probably be some interesting developments at the trial which will take place at the next term of eourt, Walsh having furnished $500, security for his appearance thereat.

Business Notice. TWO DAYS FOB DELIGHT AT NIAGARA, A MAGNIFICENT EXCURSION. The popular Erie announces for Thursday, September 18th, a very nicely arranged pleasure trip to Niagara Falls and Buffalo, at remarkably low rates. The train will be composed of tho Erie's best day coaches and a Pullman parlor car will be attached to the train, providing sufficient number of soats are secured in advance to warrant running it. Applications for seats should be seoured on or before Soptombor 17, by applying to ticket agents.

The train will stop at Hor nellsvillo 20 minutes for dinner, also will make a stop of 30 minutes on the wonderful Tortage High Bridge, giving oxoursionists one of the grandest views of romantio scenery in the world, arriving at Niagara Falls at 8 30 p. m. Special rates have been arranged for the party at Niagara hotels. Returning, the special train will leave Niagara Falls at 1 :30 p. Friday, September 19th, running into the city of Buffalo, and remaining there until 6 p.

m. Arrangements will be made with the Street Railroad Company for special cars to take the party through the principal streets of this beautiful city to Forest Lawn and the park. Returning, special train will leave Buffalo at p. arriving at Hornells ville for supper and to destination at seasonable hour. Special train will leave Carbon dale at 6 a.

in. Fare, round trip, only $3.50. A PROTECTIVE TARIFF, The Views of an Old Democrat Why Lackawanna Connty Ouebt to be Unequivocally In Favor of tho Doctrine of Protection to Uouie Industries, For THR RlPOBLlOAM. It there is a county in the United States that ought to be wholly and unequivocally in favor of the doctrine of Protection to home industries it Is Lackawanna county. I take it ior gran'ed that the mass of the people are, whether Democrat or Republican.

Argument would seem to be no longer necessary. A Protectlvo tariff has made this section all that it is. The writer well recollects bow under the old regime when Southern notions were dominant in the government, that everything languished; not only here but in nil parts of tho State. nil due to the low tariff which prevailed Not until Southern lnliuonce was completely submerged, and a Protective tariff estab lisned did the obauge come. Since then no country has ever prospered as this.

But to sot the matter beyond all oavll we haye but to look to the light of recent events. The lact that British capital is coming this way, locating great manufacturing Industries right In our midst, knocks all the long spun theories ot the sophistical Free Trader into a cocked bat. If it were not for the tariff these men would stay at home, manufacture their goods upon their own soil aud we be doprlved ot the benefits resulting therefrom. Now, then, wnat becomes tbe duty of the Laokawanna Demoorai In the coining election? Shall 'Wi send a man to Cougress who is not only In favor, but by his action helps to continue this healthful condition ot affairs, or shall we send one who the moment he gets there allies himself with tho Free trade element in Congress tho Denio oratlo party, 11 you please and thus strikes a fatal blow at our IndustrlOB? We know what Mr. Scranton lj we know how on every question affecting the Cuauolal policy of the government he Is not only heart and soul in favor of the protective doctrine, but bis votes fully aoeord with bis professions.

On the other band Mr. Amerman is a Demoorat, aud no mattor what his prolessions may bo on the tariff question, he goes Into the Democratic caucus and oominlts bliusolf to all the vaganea. and damaging polioios incident to Free Trad advooucy. When It ooraes to the election of Speaker, he votos for a Free Trader, who In ease of his sucooss actually moulds the legislation ot the Congress, over which ha presides. No doubt Mr.

Amerman will proless to be a tariff man, but what good are his professions when tils votes go to plaoe men In power who are doing all that Is possible to destroy It. John Lynch elatmed to be a tariff man at the time ot his eloction, but whon be got Into bis seat his votes were uniformly against It. He bad allied himself just as Amor man would do In cane of bl election, with the Democratic majority, and thus nooossarlly ail lite In lluauoe which he possessed went to build up the Free Trade olomout. It will not do lor Democrats wno are tariff men to take any suoti risk. There Is too much at stake.

This district of all others should see to It that a man Is sent to Cougress who la an out and out Protective man. nnd who will vote upon every question that somes up so as to fostor and encourage our Industries Every other question Blnks Into insigrilll canoe by tbo side of this. Let the same doctrine prevail which bim made our seetlou great and prosperous. If the policy of the Froo Trade eleutont In tho Demooratio party which Mr. Amerman represents aud sustains by his votes was dominant now, one would near nothing of English capitalists oomlng hero to locate and own great thotoughlnros which now tnnra Wltn a busy, thriving aud Industrious population, would become motionless and still.

It is of very little moment whether by returning Mr. Soranton to Congress we cater to bis ambition. He goes there as the representative ot our flnauoial ideas and as the advocate and friend of the Protective Tariff; and it would be a sorry spectacle to see this distriot so far forget its vast interests as to allow petty jealousies to accomplish bis defeat. I have an abiding faith that there are Democrats enough who kuow and understand their interest and can forgot partisan feelingas will secure bis re election beyond a doubt. An Old Democrat.

Henry Schoenhals, foreman Henry Knig Packing St. Joseph, uses Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil with his meu for sprains, cuts, bruises, chapped hands, etc. It is the best. ENGAGED.

LETTER PRESS Cards and wedding Invttv tions printed at aa hour's notice al Tub Republican ofllce. COPPER PLATE Wedding stationery and cards executed in the highest style ot the art at 'Ins RuruiiLiCAN ottius. DIED. BANACK In Soranton, September 9, 1800, Mary Banack, aged 37 years and 7 months. Kudo ml Thursday at i p.

m. Interment In Pltteton avenue oemetery. KbANNELLY In Serauton, September William, son of Mr. and Mrs. F.

Flannelly, aged yeara. Funeral this afternoon at 4 e'olook from tht fninlly residence, corner ot Green Rldge street and Webster avenus. Peaches, Peaches, Peaches. 100 Baskets to day. Wholesale and Retail.

R. H. E. G. COURSER 429 Lackawanna Ave.


D. A. Xt 31 A. 3V TELEPHONE S703 TELEPHONE 2703 til EVERYBODY KNOWS DUNN, THE HATTER, AND THAT HIS PRICES ARB RIGHT. TJAY 50 cents per hundred, $9.00 per ton, at Haslam's Cash Store, No.

612 West Lack. ave. opp. Central R. R.

N. J. depot. JOSGPH GRS6N, nKL iiVitL. PAWN BROKER, 107 LACKAWANNA Opposite Depot Private tide entrance to loan offloe.

Business confidential. Loans of all kinds on personal property. Unredeemed pledges for sale. Highest price paid for old gold n4 silver. NEW NOVELTIES I a Starling bllver, Fini Jewelry, Diamond, BrlO't BrMt AT DeGOHTiRD Aai oltvriixvv 'roau.

A 1 III: Boss Flour, Orange Blossom Flour Olivine, S. C. S. Soap, Fancy Tea, Choice Tea, Prime Tea, Full Cream Cheese, Gilt Edge Butter. THE ARRIVED L.

L'6 STIFF AND SOFT HATS. F. L. CRHNe, 334 Lackawanna Avenue. B.

fe. W. and Barker'sl Collars and Cuds. Foster Dent's Kid loves. Wedding Presents, FINE JEWELRY.

W.W. BERRY, Spruce st, 5 GLOBE fflflREHOUS Scold I Fiend FOK A. HULBERT, 117 WYOMUGKAViINUii, SOU DIALU IK TBI Stcinvvay Son's AND 0THE3 PIANOS. Nbw Yobs, Maroh 17, 1839. This Is to certify tbat we have this day, and until further constituted Mr.

N. A. Hulbert, of the City of Sorantoa, sola dealer for the sale ot the Steinway fc Sou's Piano Fortes, for Soruuton and the oounty ia whioh it is situate, (Laekawanna) as alio tan counties of Wayne and Susquehanna. (Signed) Suzikwai Sox. ALSO A LABOB STOCK Or Burdett and other Organs N.

A. HulbertV City Music Stora 117 WTOMIN0 BOB ANTON. HR RTT ALBANY DENTIST, Over irst national caaK, Soranton, Pa. SCIENTIFIC DENTAL V0RH ALL OPERATIONS PAINLESS. Teeth filled with gold a specialty.

Prices oan't he beat: Teeth filled with amalgam ..95 oenta Teeth extraoted cents Good aet tenth 5 80 Best set teeth 8 BROWN'S BEE HIVE. To make room for Fall Goods we have made another reduction on Bummer Goods. Particularly we mention Men's light colored, stiff Derby Bats worth $2.00 for ei.12. Straw Hats worth 81.00 for 40a. Girls' LTats worth 75o.

for 25a. Men's Shirts worth OOo. for 35a, A few Ladies' Beaded Wraps and Suits and also the entire stoolc ot Children Drosses and Suits at halt their value. Ladies' Hats and Millinery Goods, stylish fresh goods at lees than acit. Other goods in proportion.

Headquarters for Trunks and Traveling Batfs. Sole agency for Dr. JtBirer's Sanitary Woolon System Goods at Brown's Bee Hive. WOOD'S ru II 703 students last year. 1K7 earnest, vivacious irirls.

112 learuod stenography and typewriting. 234 secured good positions. 11 competent teachers. College Opens Monday, Sept. 1 io day and night sessions, Hydo Park and Pittston night schools open Sep tftmhnr Int.

For Information call at cilice or send (or catalogue. F. E. WOOD, Principal. FALL STYLES NOW READY.

VE have just received a very extensive line of the popular Scotch Flannels, guaranteed not to Bhrink and colors absolutely fast. Our line comprises the choicest styles to be had, in both Stripes and Plaide, in very handsome colorings. There is no fabric in the market that will give half the wear at the price than this cloth, and nothing can be found to equal it for Children's Suits, Blouses or Blazers. Very select line of French Flannels in all the new colorings. Balance of our Satine stock, best goods, at 121 cents to close.


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