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The Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania • Page 3

The Tribunei
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

One Enjoys SYRUP OF FIGS TO GET Its Beneficial Effects Bny the Genuine manufactured by the California no syktjp co. BEWARE OF COMTEMTS An THE GENUINE fill 1 I Et the initials B. CO, in cigar. But 'twould be very drear, At least around here, Klin Park Clitireli Stippcr. imprinted GARNEY, BROWN MA.NVFACTL'RERS, corKr house squire The sun.

moon, and the rest All do their best, To make our dark world bright, Without the Suburban Light. The Only Safe Milk to Use, STERILIZED Absolutely free from bao teria or any germ life. Stone Brothers 30B Spruce Full line of dairy products. St. DR.


Residence, 613 Clay avenue. CITY AXD COUNTY. PERSONAL Mr. TV. C.

Sciulrys has one to his hams fci DaciviUe, X. T. Prof. D' Aquino is seriously ill at his rooms hi tta Pivca Mr. Gus A.

Wenzoy has reinrned from excenivd Stajr witCi trivmtii in Hones dale. (Mrs. S. Fall X.

who (has vfc.r.jr friends in Green Kijge vx'tRwed home yes? rviaj liiri Jamv MoWiiam ave a card party So a number of frkeds last even us at w.T home on AdUacs HIT. J. Jtoiwi'b un 2s reported to te darfg orousCy til of pneumonia at his boraie eta SaixKTsoo avenue. Hiss Florence traElcway or Gaffr.ey. S.

C. datis hter of Mr. G. Gailow.iy. (ormeriy of Cf.iy.

Is vaulting Mr. John 8. Mhrsfhat: of Webster avenue. ele gant supper was served last eirjnr ai: wm. Conn Elm Park ciraix a bv Mrs.

mell and committee. Anion: those who served were Mrs. J. C'. pell, Mrs.

H. A. Connell, Mrs. Fukon, Mrs. A.

E. Connell, Mrs." v. J. Connell. Mrs.

C. P. Connell, tonaeil, Mrs. Elizabeth Conneil. ABANDONED CITY STEAM Ray Aug Engine House will be Heated by a Se parate 1'lniit.

An important cciston was made tie fir ieparu.xv A corraiiiuea la pight in rejeoting "lie bid of the Cit ne atmg anifaiiy for now Kay Aug er.gii houss and ia adiinin a reslutixi recommending councils eccept the bid of the Hunt Canne company to erect a plans in the build lirg. The City Heating company had obtained rnsissin from otxicils to ex lend mam to the engine (nouse in anticipation of tne same con cected with cheir system. AN EXCELLENT CONCERT Heard In the M. C. A.

by a Sized ami Appreciative Audience. Th who attt.Jed the Keilogsr Bird ti'iiiva! and concert company a tae l. il. a. naa iast nig at were treated to such a concert as they prob tly newr before i Each number on the prcpramms was ail.

r.e wot th th price of admission. Tne bird wariiie.g solo by Mr. Kel logg was the most marvellous p. rform ence of the kind ever heard here. Such talent as he displayed was such as could never have been acquired, bu1: muf; save been inna'ie.

The duet ny Mr. ar.a Ke.loi was excer'tionany nne, as was also the 'r "Hsrw Blris," each beio re ceived with vociferous errcore. The tableaux by Miss Dillman were very nre. and she was accorded much merited applause.

DEATH OF MRS. J. STELLE Fnneral will Take Place Tomorrow terment at Patrnoa, J. In. Mrs.

J. L. SteHe died at tie residtcice her husc.and, 410 Qtrincy avenue a b.oO clock las; nktht at the ag cf oS years. Althrugh Mrs. Stelle 'hai been in for but two weeks her death was mo ncotanly expected by members of the family who were aware of her critical condition.

The de ceased lady was an energetic and leading member of "the Per.n Avenue church and che Y. W. C. ar.d for many years has rendered invaluable It will be an impossibility to fill her place, so "entirely have the members of dhurch and asso ck tlon depended upen the leading part tak by ilrs. Strlle for a long term.

Her death is by an extensive cirtle of friends to whom she enaearfd aerseU by her innum raMe deeis of kindness by illinenss at all times fo assist in all Dod or deserving cbjects. As a Sunday school teacher in the Peon avenue Baptist Church the memory of Mrs. Stelie will be held dear by jnarty who proflrei by her christian example and 'tihc uirhtfu3 ad vlce while members of her ctess which years was a lara one corrmrisirg those who are well known in tints city end now occupy onocairle positions. Mrs, SteVe has also teen indisrensa'ble as a manager cf the Honv fori the Friendless and her deaTn will be a serious loss to flhat Institution, ilr. and JIts.

Stell came to thua city rrom rtiterson. r. eighteen years and Me remains wvi be taken to that city for interment 'Funeral sw vices will be held the residence to morrow mornfns alt s.30 o'clock. nC yT winch the rwrans wil be conveved by A II. VI ill' erson.

A MISSIONARY RALLY Arrangements Prrfrcied far the Big Mart ini? Xrxt Wednesday Xlght. The commertee of the City Pastors' union met yesterday nj perfected Hi arrangements for Che interdenomination al missionary rally to be he id in Elm Fark church nevt Wednesday evening at This meeting is in line with the mass mee unirs being 'held throughout the t'nited States and Canada, in the in teiests of foreign missions. rae purpose of these unsectarui.i nraj eatrheriners of Christian people is to increase Che splr.t of loyalty and love for the ur.ivwsal work of the church. A notable rrotrramme is bein arranged for next Wednesday night's nieetins ennsuans of au denominations are urged to attend. No collection.

All seats free. The choir will furnish their usual high standard of music for the oc casiun. Make a note of the date. Elm Park church, Wednesday. Jan.

0 In terdenominational missionary rally. A LENGTHY OPINION. Judge Archbald'. Derision th Matter of tile Exceptlous of the Eircntor to the Report of the Aiiprnlirrs lu the Caje of the John llaudley Estate. In tiw crphans' oour1! late yesteixiay afternoon Ju Jge Archbald ilianieU dvjwti a long op.r.ivin, covering thirty type nTitttvi r.igis, in case of 'lit exception of rhe exeoirtors to the report of va appraisers in the ma'aer of the iniieritan tax due from the Jc hn Handley estate.

Wihtn the repu of the appraLsfrs was fikd the executors tiled lenchy exceptioir.s. objecting to the taxing of certain of the property of t'he late Judge in Virginkv, and ia fact excepting to nearly every item la the report. The opinion of Judge ArcSibaU sustains tiie of the appraisers iti the main, but modifies tie various per the appraisers had made, making it a drawn batxle so far as 'the litigants ai concerned. The law fixes the amount of the tax that gives to the state, etc. The state will be about $40,000 richer as a result of tile taxing of this estate.

LADIES AT WHIST An Enjoyable Affair Last Mght Mr. arj Mrs. I. H. Aliabavh Mrs.

Oh2ds a nl K. Parke. M. D. Mr.

ar.J 'Mrs. J. S. if. aid Mrs.

T. H. l.iie Mi's. C. rt.

itokc ajiu II. fklin Average 121 7 10. DUN MORE. Average I 3 10 EAST ALVD V0S T. Miss arM R.

FuKt filrs. W. J. Brown and C. B.

IVnsnaJi. Mr. and Mrs. L. G.

Iji Mr. Mrs. C. B. Wade Mr.

and Mrs. B. J. Parrort ilrs. C.

i. Penman and Mrs Ever ilrs. S. T. Hays anl J.

H. rir. cn bury Miss Br.Kdlev anH H. P. Robinson.

Mrs. Sjwrjcer oral K. K. liny Mr. and ilrs.

P. F. S.rup;kr Who Wer. Preent. The second ladles' nigTit as cele las': night the Scran ron Whist club.

It was very enjoyabie. Ten tables played. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs, L. G.

La Bar, Mr. and Mrs. T. H.Dale, ilr. and Mrs.

C. E. Wade. Mr. and Mis.

C. K. Fuller. Mc. and Ms.

I A. AUabach, Mr. and ito. Parrcut, ilrs. y.

M. Spencer, Mr. Oris, Mrs. G. B.

Jer myn, Mrs. CCiilds, Mr. nd Mrs. Pen man, Lr. and ik s.

struppier. vr. and Mrs. C. R.

Parke. Mr. nnd Mrs. EUgene Healey. Mrs.

Hayes, Mrs. I. F. Ever hart, Mrs. Owens, ilr.

and Mrs. W. J. Brown, Miss Bradley, Mr. and Mrs.

W. Kii kpairick, Mrs. Kasson, iliss Serancon, Messrs. Belln, Dusenberry, Hail, F.obinA.11, J. W.

Iliriteir.eister. Mr. the famous au thority cri whis: Xeu ark, X'. play el with Mrs. G.

B. Jormyn. XtRTII AXT SOUTH. if: s. G.

B. Jei myn and T. E. ih s. J.

Owens artd W. J. Mi's. M. Kasson and J.

W. Mrs. IXtKcne Heei.ey and Mr. Mrs. C.

R. Fufcer and Qlr. mister get the worth of their money. We Intend eVir.g every garment in our coat de partment. MEARS HAGEN.

B.GrWO! THY GRAiN I Ask your grocer today to show you a package of Grain the new food drink the.t takes the olace of coffee. The rihlldr may drink It w.thout Injury as well as th adult. AU who try it, like it. Grain has that rich sea brown of Mocha or Java, but it is made from pure grains, and the most delicate stomach receives tt without distress. the orice of ooffea.

1.1c. nn i 20 eta. Per package. Bold by all grooers. 14f 14'J 141 14) 1IV 13; Vui 1 13 133 129 12.5 12S 12 1 122 119 nr.

123 llu 1217 Crim'b will leave tho enrly ptirt of the next week tor South Dakota', wiiere lie will re enter the United States aimy. having enlisted as for tlirve yturs. iKvv. arr. Ti cf Hotwsdole.

is ca rfwr for Ke H. Hayes during his 'Miss Mars'nrwt InHy Archbald. Is the tra ss of iliss ilcllule of Eiai At a merlins' Cf tri. Iii.oi;wnU"nt Hc se company. 1 cr ThurMlay the fcwi were eK eted del mvtfs to at ten 1 (the cc mir.s fin man's conv Jti to be in ie John L.

Smit'a omwa iy's rooms, garf lav fternoon. January 24: Messrs. K. H. Van Camp.

P. S. Kauffmnn. F. L.

Fiizpa'irick: akernatr F. J. Mains. J. M.

isnor and W. IX Buckmaik Visitor Btirselit i rrpinvsrs to te Ui. only ca te in the tield fc cniI of the fire do rnrtment. Mrs. Deianf is ill at her home on Bas Drtatker etroct.

A targ audience paihered at St. Mark' ctuii last even Tig to near (i. rr fienwr xtun on A Trip Titrou Ireland." which was full cf Interest and instruction. TAYLOR. ilr.

Thomas J. Iiujrhes the Fiivt war I Is making a strong cani ass for the office of auditor. Protessor Lewis VsUtcyn, B. 31., was a f.ere yesterday. A People's or Citizens' ticket will be placed In the field.

This evening drama "The Mill night Charge" will be presented at the rink for the of Taylor cattle, G. E. Mr. William Stone Urns moved to his new house. Mr.

Casper Ott has withdrawn from Bhe Rrnt for the tax The funej al of ilrs. John Weisenfluh of Grove street will be held this after noon at 2 o'clock. The Archbald mines will Start up to day. The candidates for borough offices are putting their final work. Auction eale at Winslow's has been postponed until Saturday even ing.

Sir. Chance Mr. J. C. Chance, musical director of the Second Presbyterian church enter tamed the choir of the church at his studio last: night a't the conclusion of the concert at the Y.

M. C. A. Mr. Chance was assisted in entertaining by Mr.

and Mrs. George Many, Mr. and Mrs. H. Shafer and Dr.

and Mrs. Bre.vstsr. Re freshmets were served by Caterer Ilan ley. Three Months of Winter. At about half price you can buy a child's or ladies' coat that is stylish and of good material: as we have three nc.r.th3 yet cf winter customers will THE SCRANTON KEPUBUCAX, FEIDAY 310HNTNG, JAXUART 15, 1S97.

THE ESTIMATESCOMMITTEE MUST USE THE AX. Figures Submitted et Meeting of Common Council Controller Re ported An Increase of $12,000 As Compared With Current Year Ex. planations Made by Heads of partments Nineteenth Sewer District Ordinance Again Dis cussed. At tne regular meeting or common council lasit night a comurnnieation was read from City Controller iicbinson enclosing the esiknates of expenditure for the ensuins fist nl year, ftvm each uopaiatnent ais below. The arvwovria twns for the current year are also given tor tne purpose of compansvn.

Mayor's d. ptrnvnt Ory tsUsitrvr's Oii ewv. rv1 1 Ccy eorljci.or Ctiv clerk Municipal Vy eiijrt ivxnuii etsianitr CSv assss.4rs Polii lieyartrmrtt Fire IXiiXUi.r inpctor Pubilfc liibr.iry rk connnrisstanra a ISotuvl tivntTiI tfty Pia' tas an Icxuis Frtm liquor ic ns ni il ayor flm s. From ttiaiCdinff inspector Frvm et commissioner From tfird cf health 3.HX 4.2."0 O.tfciO tt.Oiil 40i 8.05(1 S.100 3.100 3,907 ll. (l lll.vsnl 75.i:o f7.7(y 9,77 1 n.4i 2.iVi.".

74.NW 74.24J 3,000 3.042 Totals JuTj.lUl Lefters from eadh departnwiU accom panied the communication, explaining the ariotts increases in The esHmnjtft The assessors explained that no appropriation was made for jxtyment of ward JUMFIXG THE FIGURES. assessors, during the present year, oOO, and a similar sum Was included for the coming year. Chief Hickey askrti for a combination wagon for each cf the following com Canies; Columbia, Excelsior, Kay Aug and Relief, at a ost of 1,800 per wag oiu He also nrade prevision for tie appointment of ten additional permanent men, at a salary of MitKJ each, also six salaried assistart chiefs at a salary of 20U ecii. The iarK conxnussioners ask r.rr a Btibstantlal Increase for improving the parks, the following being the principal items: Xay Au? park, fencing and walls around cliffs, pavilion for places of shelter and for jtenics, 5W: preparing lake, .000: horse for polioemun, JS150. For Connell Park the sum of i.i''i was surrgeSted.

POLICE Diri'AKTilEKT. Chief Roblinor cafled attention to the unsanitary condition of the Troiidenoe suition house, and recommended tha't one of the fire QtmTaiies be removed and three new cages placed in the building for the fU' ttose of the police depart ment. He also requested that the sum cf jCiim be approiprfci'ted for the services of a police clerk. Dealing with the tramp nuisance the chief sugrgested 'chat the edd station house in Centre street be converted into a traim ward at a cost of He also called a'tterafion to the necessity for rncreasine the police force and suggested thait an appivpria. tilon le made for ten add3t.Knal patjQ men and one detective.

INCREASE OF 512.CS7. Dealing wlVh the revenue for the Ccm inff year the following letter was read from the city ctfii'tralled: Gt rr.I I (that the revenai lieiil year tfg.iti& lg A pril .1, lSi7, w.ii ji ci.n be use1 caty par txxs w. li be as tou ofws i'rom n. tvn mill levy tax uni lSlHi VMluat.ons S201.W7 Less exomeratioj s. etc 4.

007 1.700 3 IVm oi'iy solicitor 40 Tax on poles ilcellan Jiis 2,50. Surr.ins revenu for 1S30 estu tnated 3 000 To'tal S2S5.000 a comparison wish lost ear's eti mi'c you will ooscrve an lncieise S12.0S7. G. J. ROBIXSCJs.

City Sol citor. A statement was also submitted by the con'trCiler showing the unexpended bat MR. SWEENEY OBJECTED. ar.ces on January 1, 1897, Do be $S4 G24 03. The whole of tie comtnunfeaitions and (Jocuments were referred to (the estim ates committee.

After reading the long documents re ce.ved from the controller Clerk Haittoei proceeded to read the mayor's message and having reached the fourth paae caused some amusement by remarking in an entreating vo'ce: "Here are four pages of figures. I wtll Jump them." Council having heard tie cflerk read various documents for over thlirty min utea good humoredly asserfted to the "Jumping." The message was ordered filed. City Engieer Philips euitanitted an exhaustive statemerjt giving reasons for the change of the grade on Wyoming avenue near Spruce street. It was re ferred to the streets and bridges com mittee. Resolutions were Introduced as fol lows: Mr.

Seamans: Providing for the (Trad ing of Delaware street between Caponse and Pern avenues, the worts to be done by private contract. Mr. George Warth: Instructing the city engineer to prepare plana tor a stone arrii culvert over the Stafford Meadow bns cn Eiia street in the Nineteenth and Twentieth wards. MTt. SWSEX'Er OIVTEJCTDD.

Once more a discussion held on, the (uUinajice crc'atingr Hie new Seventeenth, main sewer disti'K't on cde Sjuth Side. Mr. Moir asked for UmrmaUn ar.a Mr. Phillip W.rth slwed any the sewer was necessaj Mr. Sweeney objeited to the orvKn ance, puirjUnx out (hat had been sjetit In viovers" fees when $o00 wvuld have sufiieed ami nCiitig was done.

The sewer wocKl nct beneilt TiveJXfh ward people and when It was ieoesasry the ward was large enough be made into a district Messrs. Moir and Flanajrnan supported the ordinance, which passed second reading, Messrs. Georga Winh, Sweeney and Norton voting asunist liu IN THE PLAY HOUSES At The Frvthlnsham. In she character rdny of "Old Laven der" Edward HaiTigan seems to te in a class by inmseii. so otaer awtor in intent years iKis essayed a Soxan ton s'tase any such role as thiat of Geo.

Cog gswell, in wCiich Mr. HarrigEci iias seen by a bis house last nisJtxt at t'ha FrCiUinijrhaiiu Tho warm. nitJ.iiusi whiorh irreeted hmi and th generad in dicaitlons of appreciatton shown by the atxiientie inrca ed how wisHi the itay was ioterpretel and how consoiertacAisiy Mr. Harriiran was purported Oiy the company tiiat he had gathered abcut him. The umictue features of the rWe of 'OKI Lavender." a dharwWer that it seems dltfloiilt to imagiine cou'M exist in reial life, were presented ty ilr.

Harridan inasieray skill, tine ease aoi abandon of hj piwsessiii a rare charm. WStfh del 1 eate touciics. iir. HaJTlsna brotisht forward In clear relief ae notvler qualities of CVorg CVRfgim elli, Kind his snvnsrth in resisting 'trvwendous ti'mtp taSon of his fa Hen sbtvt wias oirtll'n'd in a silm pie yet most effective way. In the coiifhalXis where the rich brcyther fceoontes rr nird tilie outcast learns he has anui3vseJ nctaes diu'inig his exib from sorety.

itine Kke mrnntier in which Old Lavemder" was made to resign his riches to Hi is brother to protect and add honor to the fanvily inmnie touched every Qwlirt and there would dxib tless been few dry eyes In the ih ooise, but for 'the gladness growmg out. or tns reeon feutJon of the brothe the down fall of the puilty and the rejoic ings the htimble hut honest friends of "Old Lavewder" over the oleartn cf this name from sus of grnilt and hte restoration to an honorable isi Don the Woi'li. Norht.ig funnier irr the amusement line has ever teen offered in SemrAwn tlhan 'The Gay Paii'is'ian's," which conies to the Fi3hlrijr.iam tomwrro afternoon and eventag and will be presented by Jhe or.ginal company, wntch wats seen for 200 consecutive, ni'lvts at Hoyt's theatre. New York, followed ty Ions runs in Boston, Chic ago ni Phi ludel phia. Manager Cliarles Frohman pends hei also the entire original seenvry used in the Now York predutfti'on.

Sel dom have so many prominent been seen in one production and it Is dotfotful if so good a comedy cast was ever before oaken from a Now York run wi.totft changes. A cyclone of laughter and Wh'irhvkid of fun is way those who have seen M'urry Murphy '6 cocwdians supporting Mark Murphy (n 'VDowd'u Neigh bors describe ooniely. It is by no means an Iriih comedy as ita would inter, out a g'enuina opai atic comedy drama with an Irish character interwoven in such a manner as ro nmke it tiia centre of (attra'JXon. Tifcse who appreciate an evening of laughter wtil have no cause to complaaa after having spent two ania one h'alf hours wftSi O'Dowd and his Jieig.nboi who come to the FTOihingham nest Tutsduy ei'ening fcr a single performance. i At Ihe Ai Mdriiir of Mnslc On Saturday afternoon and evening of this week the patrons of the Academy of Music will have a royal ti eat.

set beore them ii the alutpe of "The Sporting Craze," a vehicle on wihlieii is hung aU sor'ts of lively Uhoug'h alhsolu te ly clean specialities. The bright pa ticuiar stars of the compeny are George H. Adams and WilLaio Courtright. Every theutrfegoer in tiliis li ely theatrical 'bailiwSOik has seen George Adams at one time or anoi2ier. Years ago he came ihei as a clown w'itfa ilv.ty D.ti5(.

Humjpty Damply, and later on he and Who late Adaan Forepangh organized a Humpty Du mpty corn pony cn a largwr scale than any mat hlad preceded it. Then he went with. Charley Gardner's Zo Zo and in Whis fie first appeared in a speaking part. Still later he visfAed Scran ton with a. oonipar.y Wau' played a lively slrft called "He.

She, Hitn and Her," and in this he also played a speaking purt, ana proved that he could do it as well as the pantomime ousAiess, though no matter w.h what attraction he appears he alwavs man ages to ingeniously weave Just enough of the pa. itoniSmic art in it to aii va vitty to his work. A large and pjppreciative audience witnessed the Vitaxpe entertainment at the Masonic last night. The scenes shown were very interesting and realis tfc. Among the best were tiros of the whirlpool rapids at Niagara Flails, the surf at Manhattan Beach, the dancing of Loie Fuller, the watermelon eating contest, the artillery in action, the Passaic Falls, the bicycle parade, the famous kissing scene be'tiween ilay Irwin and John Rice.

The pictures were aa near to iife and nature as could be. The vaudeville portion of the entertainment was very fair, some members being extremely good, being especially true of Mr. Bak: r. This evening an entirely new set ci pictures be shown, so that th.e audience of last nigat could readily enjoy another glance at the Masonic. Chiillcoihe, Daily Xews, November 17.

Edison's VJtascope and Concert company will be the attraction at the A oad emy Monday and Tuesday of next week, with a special matinee on Tuesday. At IiaTi. Tlisatre. The Oriental Extravaganza company appeared yesterday at the Davis theatre far the first two of six performances in "Blueoeartl; a Tale cf Woman's Curiosity," which is really more of a comic opera than an extravaganza, just as many of the comic, opera versi'ons of today are more nearly related to the burlesque than L'gltl mate operatic productions. The piece is gorgeously staged and beautifully costumed.

The cast includes good singers, comedians who have a proper idea oif aft of fun making, and nearly a. dozen of young and shapely girls, always a strong feature of an extravaganza eryter'tauimenlt. The strong vocial efforts of Henri VcgeJ were warmly applauded and the Dekwanning brothers! were received with almost as great a show of favor. O. K.

Saio sustained a diffi'cult and thankless role wish signal ability. Mfes Emma. Morey combines a sweet. though mot a very strong voltoe, with a pleasing stage presence snd an easy graceful carriage that proves how easy the kniaok of entertiauimirit is with her and SjillSan Rlioadee, Dora Earnest, Laura Guilday and several other of the fair members of the company also popularized ohemselves with the audi ence. Beatrice Decaba's dBince.

Mr. Sato's juggling feats and Mr. Vcgel's eo5o in the speeJa ltTes were eumong the engag ing features an entertalnmect that had muich to recammenid it. 'An ounce of prevention is bettet than a pound of cure." Dr. Wood's ing.

Norway Pine Syrup prevents consump tion by curing ouIJa Aca lung troubles. CARBONDALE NEWS Ttia renort of fVercury I erf the local fcortrd of h.vil:h fvr tlie year INK! reve 'Us that there we re lifty live (twvr dtul'ns rn CUrbuikkile ill than irl 1S95. Th 1 wiftM1 Ojiv has an twvutbSe reiutati.n ii iiK'aitn as as Koua morals. IfcuPtirs await ti following fc tlie ivwt oltiiv ck tiuu yituv: C. J.

Ooub. Tinv) vtnIlu Uufivne Snirllu Oiirfer.y Tayior, J. O. Tunwr. Mia ftU 'iirs.

Mary CuUicis, su JXio ilrs. James ilc Ailfcrtur and Mrs. Minnie JU wis. pinn uui. vlvuu at riiie rjiiitnl.

vU'Sin'y evening Wiia a we'd ii ncill hi.rVdv ilavaliLtt affair. lilusio ws furnislKyl ly 'Jlie comivlete Uo.iH; orWietetrvi ami fiMm tHMTinntii to cKx oi .1, aflloir sUl went merry nd a uirriiKX liall. IMr. asid cVlrw. R.

P. Patu rstm olebrated tieir i.ii;'.li wAivlisiir uiniweary at thrtir Avne on Gardii tiveeme and Wyo tiUaaiT siavot, Wwlntiiiy. Amoaiv; tliose pre nP. wk re: ilr. uul OU'S.

SiEitafe nnll dalirfiter and XAUe. u.Vl ftlrs. Oiuries iMkiMutlen arat son RmwoX. It. H.

tso(n. at Serwnton: Olr. iuid Cklrn. O. K.

Stuiifi k.Jid ehilui'en. itaiiory. LMiLrjorte asui utuamili; ilr. aaid JI its. A.

tL.Iat(tersaiftind ill.dnd. f. nu G. SXL l.u; tvu swi anVl Heieni tund runt Bctrvits: L. A.

l'ailier eoi and ikx D. G. Scn2a Rlie hosrtess'a S1 SUT. lV'iunles Olalloy. lyroiivnTkltor tCie "Back Au3ilWo Hi" an luiiiwnstd liTJitaiig plto cn cpiwr aunijat eoecit.

wsw pt'vn a nxirl ns 5'fxir Justco ednes dtiy irjiwiK on ilno rtKurs of tiavinfr twlbeU a man tmuil OauiibuS of iwvro; drtCars. Ci al so prferrvd the o1 of liquor selling niKiinst MiiKov who jriLve batl fr his appearanoe ai: cwji't to answvr to boiili uHeiraiaoaiA TOi mitiM if new Tourd of re. vltiiom tuid B.iiXYil were sworn tnto of tivv Wchi'Ml jy voninw. They are S. A.

DUt's. A. S. H. O.

Baker. P. G. W. U.

The) hvt ter oieoted DrciSidant of lliie board. Ti A mtas V. 'Loftiu and W. A. Nealon rf.iy returrufd to ToiwJto wCiere nhey ar stiiuTM jts Miolraw eolfcKW.

Cdrs. likliin and W. A. MlvnriM, rive a reception at tBwirr home on i'uln street tlhe htwrs of o. oek to ornrw at ieniwou. PrdhcMrlotitote of Carboiudaie, will iteiiilnB'ie a. I'tril ivitv niekot nr. a meetirw railed fir tOMiioinxw ewminir In flue of. hoe of T. C.

IvtH'hifsjoi. Oiio contractor. ill's. GooTfro Wiiii.uns Is At ft critical uni Dr. lianhn of Scrnmon.

was cailed to her UeVUaiUe MisKexJay in wiiEi Dr. J. S. 'ifW liiw and Fnlwanl iturko re turned yweterdav kr Nkiwir University ctMnpankd by Satuuion who wi.1 tviiii a of siiimv chere. Piio en'Kiniaijn nnmlt to Hie given In tha Waitit baJdCng tSi is evcining by Trinity Sinui'ay soiiooJ.

will le of a Hiigh order, and Mho(uCd Itberallv nrJtronJsod. Report ws that i J. il. Shields ani fairoXy are enjoying envseilves sil enlidly (liwi ng t.hefr sojourn to Texas. Tiiey will return to Ourixmdaile Uie liatter part of next woek.

J. M'oDonoush. manager of tlie Crystal Lake Ice conrpaSiy and iliss Katto Aiwe fikxW. datiKf uior of ilr. a nd Mr.

J. J. Seo: of tho AYest Skle, will be mar ried on i eaiutvday next, J.nnniaiw 20, at t. lao.f mi ft m. 4 'tve are promriinm a'ral axmular ana Vie aruntm'iCs ment of thor cu mlns union h.

is provtd a mati'or oif niucii to ht jKtrrkrous frimllis. Karmore mf suicide wwo for ft fcime rurrenit on the sti'iA'iis eUntsdny evenin May Ffe'flolror. finiipl ojw os a domestic in ttie hern of S. Singer on Mam si'iVi'i. tvu iii a fa'nw on irjia piaitonn or t.ive DvH awhTe and IluWson sca'lon fit cioeiv.

She was to the hospital an trnoMiKceous ooiulnlom out hud so far rikiinvivd elm siext morning that she was aWe to TVit'um imiamistoul Co he homo of Mr. Singer. The suspic on that she had taken txxooai was ct oourse un founded. Mrs. L.

A. Tfcvssett onterraine.1 a naimrror of friru ds ait her lm cm LaarvH sLreet wicailmig ivt a rthOnnWo tea fntr in honor of her mothfr, ilrs. Daniel O. Among tlw cueNts were lies. Valines W.

Burr. F. S. Hurr. Stiiekis, S.

A McifttlOen. wi. Yar. rinwuon. Paiseoe, D.

Scurry. JXinnis. Ray nor. Gritni an. Kimball.

Jenkins. Morse, BuultT. S'inavt. W. A.

IVmniman, af Tr.niit.wein, IlSiilor, llarnuaon, K. 31112. Fi'k'k. W. 'RevmoMs, R.

H. Smith JiTisses "Mary SteKn. Jllatiimway. Be'e Yanvnaii ilrs. Zlelcy, of Rrooklvn.

N. aiv.1 Siiaj 'Miuivtlie. of Whitehall. N. Y.

A aimSlair tflHortainment ulso given by irrs, BtiswUt last ei'en OLYPHANT. Ai (Ihe tveuilw nieSili.n of the Fatlher 3I.ii'..!k wieioty on Sumliy vhw foil lowing olliekn wre thto cRUTVnt yctir: J'rvwlivitvt. F. J. 1VA: iv wlsng socre uiit.

i.L J. iMio iil i.v: inramiMa! se fciry. W. O'Bojit: I. T.

Breunan. Grsvi W. 'W'li'IMims Of Wie Svxwna wil, Wa SSdei, is a (LiamK. for oouin. ool.

smibjtirK 'to the RjlhlScJa.n canons. The Piiawam and iliidsoii ooltanes are ou'kins liat and dhree qutirter tune alters tiaiieiy. (iwiir.l? to a se'arntitv of oars tJie Iicka wanma cctimxvmv wtis ooinnio'lrd no snsnen'd miinioy: co.U yestoi Uay and tiio woj ks will be Kile tuday oko. Tno IX iauwnvi and lPudSon has in oi ruc'tSm, a plane ait No. 2 will oi eni ii a large 'buly of coal, isi whot known os rivo rroRy Island ir vein.

Mine JPVivmaa Frew 1st supeu'vish'sr dina 'ls. Da wU C. vi tilio Wetst side. Is 111. The Fcoo nd want Tt TmiW cf the Wft it Side wiM mmcnis to (Im Di nuts lm ivsigjiied as caerk at tlr.

At nie init market. Ge. 'Mora a. tli? engineer ot Olyphant No. taappy on ttia arrlvad of a littlo ntaViitiiNt.

W. IL Dnv's and Wiv. Ciiartas Thwnum their fa.Tnliifl Hiave tvtttrn ed from a visit wmh friends in Bonulmare, il.l. IMfcs (Minnio UA wisunf of (Fltsstoni is is ting ilib CMiiino Hohati of Duainioa str et. lilr.

ai Sfrs. Johrt Ante of Dunln ore Fiiirv3t ar rvjeicing over tite arrival cf a yvuirg son. Anns? GraUvott oarOMi iaie, is vssit tnc friends ai thwiu The I kata' am.nn, AvVidenit fuira has moved thtir lodge toosns CO Town liall on the West Side, PRICEBURG. Yc)rlay aifterrrccn PSi'ltip Krnnody hail his back hurt and two r.ll broken by a fall cf TOi in Joihn.wi'.x flone. lie was cotivevitl home vy JohiiBoci ore ti.m.

ilpsrs. Pe'rer Ik flottri'i fk, John Lhrke and IMtirt Wulsh went along to!st the injured roar After taking the man to his rviiU Tioe. Wiinam Key, the dr.ver, triefi no turn the team around hut the olaco or a side hi" an.l rho wagon ui. islhroiwinlg tho nnd the Otlher orounanes to site ground. AU ese aned ibur WaBsh.

wt was knockei unHer Itie wagon and batlly hurt. Dr. Bolhoimer ilrfKd ttie wvMHids wiiitch he oonsidored Be? wrv dantrerous. A erarprlss rrart.y was Winde' ed ire Dr. and lyiern.

Beiheimor attfieir resiaenoe on iLaln 6trf Caft ifss Jfinnlo Harris cf Carhondals, 13 vlsitimg fm nlia here. Nerve and Llrer Pills. Act on a new principle regulating the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new discovery.

Dr. Miles' Pills speedily cure biliousness. bad taste, torpid liver, piles, consti pation. Unequalled formen, women and children. Smallest, mildest, surest; 50 doses, 23 cents.

Samples free at Matthew Bros. THE Welsbach Lights As compared with ordinary burners they consume but ONE HALF as much gas and give THREE TIMES the light The Connell Co JAPANESE RUGS PRICES! ft. nr. it. ts.

2 2 4 6 65c each 3 0 i 0... S1.25 6 0 9 0.... 3.75 7 6 9 6 5.00 7 6 i 10 5.50 9 0 9 0 6 00 9 0 12 0 7.50 Hand Made. Best Quality. lull assortment.

P. McCREA GO. last Wyoming Coal Exolianfre. Apples F. P.

PRICE, Agent A. E. ROGERS' Aveuno. RPDlBS 90c bbl Apples 90c bbl Apples 90c bbl 90c bbl AppfeS 90c bbl Tfie scranton casti store JEWELRY STORE 213 Lackawanna Ave. We have nearlT romrleted our Holiday Stocl and aro now prepared to offer1 as fine an assortment of JEWELRY, CLOCKS.

WATCHES, CLT 0LA5. ART POTTERY, BRIC A BRAC, SILVER WARE. LAflPS, PLATED WARE. as can be found anywhere. Look at onr 910.00 tiold Wateliei, wu ranted 15 years, Peautinil Banquet Lamp il tS ir and Large but tsnaue, HI HIT.fil Pogers' Triple Plated KniyeS 11 tO fld anil Forks are Que HI iO.UU 213 Lackawanna Avenue NEW STYLES WEDDING STATION.

ery Just received at The Republican Jan. 15 23 0 Yoar Hat the most rmpor'tntit fea ture of your apparel, rut on the best clothes, and vvar a shabby hat, you queer your entire appearance. No nef to do so. We are offering a rooid, et derby at When we say good, wo mdan tt. for it Is without a rival In towa for quality and reasonable cost.

CONRAD 305 Lack. Ave. Mercereau Connell Established 30 Year. A particularly fine lino of The largest st stock To work. Watches Eo excuse for that when you the celebrated "YANKEE DOLLAR WATCH" for 100 Cents.

can got now In Sterling Silverware and Novelties Jectionor Fine Diamonds A beautiful bow of Rich Cut Glass Fine Jewelry, Clocks, In oar new No 130 Wyoming Avc. 'Coal Exchange," DON'T go LATE Guaranteed For One Year BSfSecond gross just In. FOOTE SHEAR CO. Skin Eruptions, Face Pimples, etc. LALDLEVS Compound Sulphur ZreaiiL.

Is a positive cure No poisons. 50 cts. tattle at druggists. John H. Phelps, H.

C. Sanderson, and Matthews Bros. JANUARY LAMP SALE. Two hundred and sixty eight lamps aro to be sold at a loss. The new year found us with one hundred more lamps than shades.

Our buyer bought the samples and left over stock of a large 2sew York shade manufacturer, August Fondeville, West Broadway and Park Place. True, some of these 6hades are soiled. That is why we got them for less than the silk in them cost. Now Stock taking time is coming. More lamps than we want.

So away they go. Prices insignificant. Want a lamp PARLOR LAMPS, LIBRARY LAMPS, BANQUET LAMPS, NIGHT LAMPS, READING LAMPS, HALL LAMPS. $35 Lamp and Shade $21. $23 Lamp and Shade $16.

$23 Lamp and Shade 12. $18 Lamp and Shade $10. $15 Lamp and Globe $3. $9 $5 $1 ONYX TABLES Lamp and Globe $5.30. Lamp and Shade $3.

Lamp and Shade 59c. Perhaps twenty five have also had to, toe the mark and have prices 61ippcd. 13.23 $16. Rexford's, 303 Lack'a Ave W. P.


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