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The Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania • Page 7

The Tribunei
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TUNKHANNOCK GOSSIP. THE SECOND DEMOCRATIC POST MASTER IN THIRTY YEARS. Hotel Changes Installation of Odd Fellow Officers New Lodee of American Mechanics Personal and News Notes. TiinlthMinnrk has a new postmaster, the second Democrat to hold the place in Frank H. Piatt in 1885.

now Charles M. Lee. Major Ban natyre leaves the place tollowea tiy tne ilAfnltlAn "well done rood and f.ifhfni vant" He has been an oblig ir. efficient official and under other circumstances would recieve the unani mous endorsement or tne patrons 01 me office for his retention. Mr.

Bannatyne is a contractor and builder, and has some rpi estate interests, so his attention will be occupied by business interests fully ana at once. Yesterday morning the Warren street hotel passed from under the landlordship of William Henry Rosengrant to the hands of Peter Alagee. The bar is closed anil will remain so until a license is se cured by Mr. Magee. Meanwhile re naira and needed improvements will De made.

The hotel will be ODen for the receDtion of court DtODle on Monday. Mr. Rosengrant goes to a new field, hav ing obtained a license lor the ice Vave hotel near Dallas. Large quantities of potatoes are being shipped by our merchants. A lodge of the Junior Order of Ameri can Mechanics is to be instituted in Le mon townshiu.

thirty charter members having been received. Ex County Commissioner J. W. Stark has embarked in the mercantile business at West Nicholson. Richard Moore of Monroe township is the sub contractor who is carrying the mail on the Vernon route.

The Grand Hill Patrons of Industry association No. 3,769 will elect officers on Tuesday night. The Lackawanna Presbytery composes about one hundred ministers and will be in session at this place on April 10. Dr. Charles II.

Dana is to erect a two story brick building on the lot north of his office, on Warren street. At Brook Side, on Friday night, a school exhibition drew a large crowd to the schoolhouse. Ihomas JUaines ot tnis Dlace cave some character delineations, which added to the pleasure and profit of tbe evenirx Mrs. William Avery, of West Tioga street, has taken out letters of adminis tration on the estate of her late mother, Toliy Robinson. The town council meets at the hose house on Wednesday night, at 7:30.

Little Viva Welch, daughter of Free man Welch of North Turnpike suddculy on Sunday. George B. Keck, of the Wilkes Barre bar is in attendance at license court here. District Deputy Grand Master J. G.

Capwell will install the following officers elect of the Tunkhaunock Lodge of Odd Fellows this evening: N. George Smith: 8. E. V. Height; secretary, John F.

Sickler; assistant, F. L. Herman; treasurer, Frank Burgess; trustee for eighteen months, George Hine. This lodge is one of the strongest in all this section. Carl Rhinebart, who lost his arm at Dewitt's saw mill, is getting along nicely.

The Beecher Durling trespass cases, wherein constable Piatt and R. J. Bard well are defendants will draw a large crowd before 'Squire Drake this morning. Colonel E. S.

Handrick is expected home from the Bradford oil regions on April 10. PERSONAL. 1 Miss Allio Squires who resides with her aunt, Mrs. G. R.

Cornell on Second i street, was a West Nicholson visitor last week. Charles Marsey, a former Tunkhan nock boy but now a heavy weight drug agent residing at Altoona was a visitor here during the week. S. B. Squier, postmaster at West NicholsoD, has taken charge of the office.

E. Stuart Stark of Stark Scran ton insurance brokers, passed Sunday here at his old home. Ex Sheriff Charles S. Knapp, who has passed the winter in Pasadena, on to Skinners Eddy on Saturday and on to Tunkhaunock ou Sunday, i'esterday morning he had an attack of the grippe caused by change of climate, and had to return to his home up the road before he fairly had a chance to visit old friends. Doyle Bunnell, the Me9hoppen horseman, who believes there will be horses after he is gone, is in town.

Leaf by leaf the roses fall: One by one our dear ones die. to keep them with us still! Loving hearts Bend up the cry. Wife and mother, how dear, Fading like a mist away. Father, let us keep them here. Jr, Tearfully to God we pray.

Many a wife and mother, who seems doomed to die because she suffers from diseases peculiar to women, which saps her life away like a vampire, and baflies the skill of the family physician, can be saved by employing the proper remedy. This remedy is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip So Much Female Suffering Needless 'Mrs. Julia A. Rice, Flor ence, Kentucky, says I suffered eight years From woman's early troubles.

"I could find nopermanent relief until, one year ago, 1 tried Lydia E. Pinkharris Vegetable Compound. Relief then came with it almost immediately, and at this time I am a well woman. "I absolutely know, not only by my own experience, but by others also, that this is a harmless and sure remedy for: Irregularity, suppressed or painful menstruations, weakness of the stomach, sick head ache, and female complaints generally. There is no need of so much female suffering.

Here is the remedy. It is wicked not to accept the relief it will bring." At druggists. tion, the greatest boon ever conferred by man on weak, Buffering, despairing women. It is a specific for all phases of female weak ness, no matter what tneir name. SUSQUEHANNA GOSSIP.

Sad Case of an Italian A New Odd Pel Iowa Bloek About theOll; Belt Other Important Kotos. SusQUEHAJfNA, April 2. On Saturday afternoon, an Italian track laborer, resid ing at Hickory Grove, came to town to bid some of his fellow countrymen adieu prior to returning to his native land, to rejoin bis wife and children. While crossing the tracks between a car and engine the latter started, and the unfortunate man fell beneath the wheels. One leg was so crushed as to necessitate amputation the remaining foot was badly lacerated, but mav be saved.

He was taken to Bing bamton for treatment He had $1,500 upon his person. Since the cut down among tbe Susque hanna division engineers and firemen there are now upon the list to be called twenty one extra engineers and twenty eight extra firemen. The funeral of Hannah, wife of An drew Patrick of Lanesboro. occurred this afternoon from tbe Lanesboro Methodist church, the pastor. Rev.

H. L. Hubbard, officiating, interment was made in tne Lanesboro cemetery. The Woman's Christian Temperance union will observe the week of prayer for Sabbath observance, by meetings in the Baotist church Wednesday and Fri day afternoons at 3 o'clock. The public is cordially invited.

Up to this writing the Democrats have not produced a candidate for congress man from this district. The funeral of Thomas McMahon, an old and respected resident, took place and was largely attenaca irom esc jonn Catholic church on Saturday afternoon. Interment was made in Laurel Hill cemetery. George W. Miller'and family of Jack son street win soon remove to imira.

The law relating to peddlers securing a borough license will hereafter be rigidly enforced. Engineer W. D. C. Outwater.

an old engineer, to day become locomotive in spector at the station. O. T. Smith and Theodore Springsteou, will probably erect business blocks upon the rernne lot, East Mam street. Kennedy Johnson, whose Oakland Side residence was consumed by fire on in day, was insured for $1,700.

F. C. Knise, of Broad street, is seeing tne sights 01 uneonta. The Baptist society will soon hold an an experience social. Unbane Dickey, formerly and for many years a resident 01 South tfibson, died at Tecumseh, March 19, in his 58th year.

Should the bill now before the New York legislature, making all railroad fare in the state 2 cents per mile, become a law, the Erie will abolish all commuta tion books and tickets. Locomotive No. 18 is out of the Erie shops after undergoing general repairs, and is drawing trains 15 and 16 over the Susquehanua division. The more that The Scranton Republi can is seen in busquehanna the better it is liked and appreciated. It is a clean, newsy paper for the home and fireside.

Several firemen were injured at Friday's nre on the Uakland side. It is probable that some arrangement will be made between the Erie company and the Oakland side, to give Oakland laciiities tor extinguishing fires. Our sister borough ought to be stirring in the matter. Architect T. Lacey of Binghamton has in chage tne plans for the pro posed Udd i eiiovrs Dlock on liast Main ireet; Rev.

Father Lafferts of the Montrose Catholic church is in very ill health. The report that the Standard Oil com pany is prospecting for oil at Lone Eddy is unfounded, but prospecting will soon begin on the Holbert farm at Equi Duck, Wayne county. Muster Mechanic Isaac Bond has re moved from Hornellsvillo to this phce. and will soon occupy his residence on Grand street. In the matter of the Brooklyn oil field, the strata through which the drillers pass will probably determine whether other wells will be put down in case the first one should prove dry.

A3 expert oil man says that in the oil territory about eighty wells in every 100 are dry. Rev. Mr. iNash, of jirookiyD, is chief proiector in the new found oil tract. lie it) said to be a bustler.

See the World's Fair for Fifteen Cents. Upon receipt of vour address and fifteen in postage stamps, we will mail you prepaid our Souvenir Portfolio of the worms Columbian Exposition, the reg ular price is fifty cents, but as you want to have on, we make the price nominal. You will find it a work of art and a thing to be prized. It contains full page views ot the great buildings, with descriptions of same, and is executed lu highest style of nrt. If not satisfied with it, after you get it, we will refund the stamps and let you keep the book.

Address a. Ji. 15UCKLKN unicago, ill. FOREST CITY. B.

F. Maxey spentSunday with friends and relatives in Scranton. Mr. D. Eicheuburg and family of Han cock, N.

spent Sunday at the home of hts brother, W. Eicheuburg in this pmce. Work was resumed yesterday at the H. C. I.

colleries. Miss Lizzie Moyle of Moscow returned home yesterday. She has been the guest of relatives for the past three weeks. J. A Y.

Franklin, foreman of Reed's market, is visitiug his parents in East Benton. The Republican is ranidlv paining ground here. Subscribe and read the atest topics. W. A.

Price was the guest of Dundaff friends on Sunday. Tlipre is a rumor floating around that Mr. Ed. Pentecost, a popular young man, and a prominent young lady are about to launch out on the matrimonial sea. New officers were elected at the M.

E' Sunday school, Sunday. Floyd Ballard moved his family to Unioudnle, yesterday. Mr. Ballard will remain Here aud oonunue his contracting. The new parsonage of the M.

E. church is nearing completion. It is a handsome structure. The pastor, Rev. J.

B. Hogan, bar raised means where with to entirely clear it from debt. Farm life seems to be desired bv a number of our citizens. Milton Lilklev moved to his farm last week. A.

E. Wheeler, Ed. Pentecost, Charles Hig gins and several othets have also departed. 1 1 All Free. Those who have used Dr.

Kintr's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not have now the opportunity to try it free. Call on the advertised druggist and eet a trial bottle, free. Send vour name nnd address to H. E. Buckleu Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr.

King's New life pills free, as well as a copy of THE SCRA3TTON REPUBLICAN, TUESDAY MOKNTXG, APRIL 3, 1894. Gnide to Health and Household Instructor, free. All of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing; at Matthews Bros, drug store. CARBONDALE. Mr.

and Mrs. Wesley Cramer of Long wooa, are iue guest 01 lue juriuci brother. A. L. Cramer.

The young ladies' mission band of the churcn, will hold a ousi ness meeting and social to morrow evening at the home of Mrs. J. S. Niles. Mr.

Gilbert Reed, a missionary from China, will lecture at the Presbytonan church on Friday evening. It is announced that Charles Block sidee and Miss Mary Roberts of this city, will be married to day in New xorK. The chorus rehearsals for the "Pirates of Penzance" opera to be given the lat ter part of this month by home talent will hereafter be held on Monday ana Thursday evenings in Odd Fellow's hall on baiem avenue. At a meeting of Cambrian lodge No. 50.

Independent Order ef Odd Fellows, held on Saturday evening the following omcers were elected to serve ior me ensuing term: N. F. L. Dilts; V. James Thompson: assistant secretary, William H.

Bowen: trustee, Angus Cameron, jr. The newly elected officers will be installed by D. D. G. Charles J.

a. Bontag, Saturday evening, April 1. The members of the Mitchell Hose company have issued invitations for a social to be eiven in the W. W. Watt building.

The social is a complimentary affair to the ladies who assisted them at their recent fair. Mrs. Eliza Kirkwood of Seventh ave nue died Sunday morning. Deceased was 60 years of age, and was survived by her husband, James Kirkwood, and fou sons Thomas, John Richard and Patrick J. Funeral services will occur this afternoon at St Rose church.

The city's newly elected councilmen and those whose terms nave not yet expired met yesterday morning at 10 o'clock in tbe municipal building for the purpose of organizing. Mayor E. E. Hendrick administered oaths of office to the three new councilmen who will serve in the upper branch, namely, S. A.

Dilts, J. B. Gilhool and J. J. McNulty.

Mr. McNulty will succeed himself. The mayor then proceeded to the common council cham ber and administered oaths of office to the following commoners: P. G. Mc Donough, W.

J. Glennan, A. F. Loftus, P. F.

Deviue and James F. O'Boyle, Thomas J. Pender had forgotten his elee tion certiticate and Miio Gardner was ab sent. They were sworn in last evening by the chairman. The council men met last evening and listened to an address by the mayor.

Ihe following committees were named. Finance and Taxation Devine, Loftus, Patterson. Streets, Bridges and Sewers Carden, ilcDonoutfh, Thomas. Public Buildings O'Boyle, Pender, Gard ner. Light, Water Garden.

Nannan. and Fire McDonough, Treasurer's and Collectors Accounts Devine, (Jarden, Mills. License Loftus, O'Boyle, Patterson. Printing Pendar, Vannan, McDonough. Rules Carden, O'Boyle.

Estimates Devine, McDonough, Patterson. Judiciary and Legislation Carden, Loftus, Mills. Police O'Boyle, Pender, Thomas. Vice and Immorality Loftus, Vannan, Gordon. 'i TAYLOR.

Richard W. Williams and William J. Richards are candidates for delegates to the next Republican convention. Carpenter Taylor reports a good boom in buildings this spring. The borough council confirmed the following appointments of Chief of Folice John H.

Evans at their last meeting: Edmund W. Carter, Edwin Allen, John 8. Steine, Michael Fleuman, Benjamin Reese, Thomas Welby, Jenkiu Davies and O. T. Wells.

Mr. Martin of Archbald will address the meeting of the Temperance union at the M. E. church to morrow eveuing. The Rev.

W. J. Rowan, of Princeton. N. seeES to be the coming man to fill the pulpit of the Presbyterian church at this place.

Mrs. Samuel Sleoman has returned to her home in Bangor, Pa. Mr. George S. Timlin has received his commission as postmaster.

The post office will be kept at Mrs. Lally's store. John M. Davies moved to West Pitts ton yesterday. D.

M. Davies and wife of the Golden Eaglo hotel, Scranton, called on friends yesterday. Charles Voodward, William J. Davies and John G. Jones and family will leave to night for Wales.

Lilly lodre No. 939, I. O. O. will meet this evening.

Next Friday evening Burgess W. P. Griffiths, will deliver his address before The borougu council. Mhe mountains back of the Pyne. and Sibley, are all covered with forest fires.

If the Baby is Cutttne Taeth, Be sure and use the old and well tried rem edy, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Svruo for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the Kama, allays all pain, cures wind colic end is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty five cents a bottle. novleodly OLYPHANT.

On Sunday morning, at about 8:30 o'clock, a fire broke out in the house of John Duffy onDunmore street and before the family was aware of the fact the flames had gained considerable headway. As soon as possible an alarm as given, but before the hose company reached the sceno the house was badly damaged. During the day fire again broke out in the building and it was completely destroyed, me furniture, including a piano, was ruined in the first fire. Mr. Duffy places his loss at between fifteen and eighteen hundred dollars.

There was an insurance on the property with Mr Birdiall of Scranton of seven hundred dollars. The origin of the fire was said to bo a defective store pipe. Mrs. Patrick Horn of Green Ridce was called to the bedside of her father, Mr. Bartley Lally, wiio is lying seriously ill at his home on Luckwanna street.

Masters Eddie Ferguson and Frank McNulty made a call on Scranton friends Sundav evening. Miss Annie Carl of Curbondnle srjent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. William J. Sweeney. The St.

Aloystus society was reorgan ized Sunday evening with a good mem bership. Kev. r. j. Murphv is spiritual director.

Misses Maggio McNulty and NellieJ vri 11 r. 1 1 is iuuucii ui umuwu bjjcui, ouuuay wiiu Mr. and Mrs. A. F.

McNulty of Lackawanna street. A Healthy and Delicious Beverage. Menier Chocolate, learn to make a real cup of chocolate by addressing Menier, New York, and get free sample with directions. BLANK BOOKS MADE IN ANY STYLE AT The Renubllcan office. Eatinutea ehaar.

fully given. THE ANIMAL EXTRACTS Prepared according to the formula of DR. WM. A. HAMMOND, In bis laboratory at Washington, D.

CKREBRINE, rrom the brain, for diseases of the brain. MEDC LLINE. from the spinal cord, for dis eases of the cord. (Locomotor Ataxia, etc.) CARDI', from the heart, for diseases of the heart. TESTI2TE, from the testes, for diseases of the testes.

(Atrophy of the organs, sterility, etc.) OVARINEf rom the ovaries, for diseases of the ovaries. MUSCULINE, thyronine, etc, DOSE, Five DROPS. Price (2 drachms). $2.60. The physiological effects produced by a single dose of Cerebrine are acceleration of the pulse with feeling of fullness and distantlon in the head, exhilaration of spirits.

Increased urinary excretion, augmentation of the expulsive force of the bladder and noristaltic ac tion of the intestines, increase in muscular strengtn ana endurance, increased power ot vision in elderly people, and increased appetite ana aigesave power. Where local druggists are not BUDDlied with the Hammond Animal Extracts they will De mauea, together with all ixisting literature on tne suojeci, on receipt or price, Dy THE COLUMBIA CHEMICAL Washington, I). C. Agents for Scranton, MATTHEWS BROS. TTS Said the to himself, "If the moon I could get, whenever I'm dry my throat I could wet; The moon is a Imsss? quarter with a quar SMSM lcr "ear; you can purchase five gal Ions of Hires' Root Beer." A Delicious, Tempera ance, Thtrstquenching, Health dlvino Drink.

Good for any time of year. A 35c, package makes 5 gallons. Be sure and get hires "Almost as Palatable as Milk" This is a fact with regard to Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. The difference between the oil, in its plain state, is very apparent. In coil's Emulsion you detect no fish oil taste.

As it is a help to digestion there is no after effect except good effect. Keep in mind that Scott's Emulsion is the best promoter of flesh and strength known to science. Prepared by Beott A Bowne. 77. T.

All draffftietc will surely cure 'C Ervsirjela9. Sminnr TiWeTnii GRIFFITHS' 0 xABSAPARILLfl 1 he great Kidney, Liver and isiooa ttemedy. 3" Be aure to get GRIFFITHS' A i the best. (3 Sold by all druggists. THE GRIFFITHS MFQ.

fi NEW YORK. iiniiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiii iiiiiitiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia Like Where there are no Worms, Dr. Hutchinson's Vegetable Worm Destroyer i ICandy acta as a mild purgativeonly.a tf I At ail Druggists. 25c. ilox.a 1A.

T. WRIGHT Wliolil DruzgUU.s 1 122 Market St. Philadelphia. Pa. 3 iniraiiiiuuiuiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuniiiiiid JUSTICES OF THE PEACE AND CON stables, eet all vour law blanks at The Ra publican office at prices that defy coinpetitiou Highly Digestible Owl (BESTS GOES FARTHEST.) A Trial will Show its Great Superiority in Strength, Flavor and Cheapness.

The Only Dust that a good housekeeper is glad to have around, is GOLD DUST. For cleaning and washing, nothing saves her so much labor, time and money as GOLD OUST WASHING POWDER A 4 Pound Package for 25 Cents at any Grocers. The above cut represents the bss desk for the money la the market Hade In Quartered Oak. 50 in. long, 32 in.

deep and 49 iu. high, J2J 05 in. long, 83 in. dee oi in. deep, high.

J3 and 4U in. Highly Polished all arooni All Corners Rounded. Heavy Projecting Base. Red Birch Writing Bed and Pigeon Holes, Handsomely Finished. Double Drawer on right hand side partioned for books.

All Drawers Finished Inside. Raised Fronts. HAND CARVED PULLS i Hardwood Sides. Castors. Combination Looks.

Hill Conneil 131 133 N. Washington Avenue, SCRANTON, PA. E. ROBINSON'S SONS' LAGER BEER BREWERY. Manufacturer" or the Celsoraced Pilsenet Iiaget Beer.

CAPACIl 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum Every Staple and Delicacy the Market Affords at W. H. Jackson's 1 21 FRANKLIN AVEL BRING your Magazines to our 1 I VITA TTT1 1 1 mIhwi them handsomely bound for very little money. THE REPUBLICAN BINDER! and Nutritious SIZES Made only by N.

K. FAIRBANK Chicago, St. Louis, Naw York, Philadelphia, Boston, Montreal. FINLEY'S LACES. LACES.

Tbe demand for trimming Laces this season is unparalleled ana designs more at tractive than ever before. We are now showiDg an immense variety of the most popular and novel styles, including Point Venise, Point De Gene, Point De Esprit. Houiton and Marquise in White. Ecru and Butter Shades. Piatt Vals in ail widths.

Fine Torchons and Medicis. White, Ecru and Black Galoons. Elegant Stock of Black Ltaees In Maroiuise and Bourdons 'and Cbantillvs. Our usual line of real Laces and Lace Handkerchiefs in Duchesse, English Thread, Valenciennes, etc. FINLEY'S 510 and 5(2 Lackawanna Ave.

Conway House. A 13Snd 134 PENN AVEM K. vON THE AMERICAN PLAN. Scranton's newest and best equipped hotel. NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.

Heated by steam. Electric Bells. Bath Tubs on each floor. Larue, well Hub ted and airy Rooms. Everything complete.

ALL THE MODERN IMPROVEMENTS Office on second floor. Good sample room attached. P.J. CONWAY PROPRIETOR. DR.

E. GREWER, The Philadelphia 8pecilist, and his asao ilatal staff of English and (ierman Physicians, are now permanently located at TEMPLE COURT BUILDING, SCRANTON. 311 SPRUCE STREET, Where they may be consulted daily 1 1 1 Sunday. The doctor is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, formerly demonstrator of physiology and snrporv of the Medico Chlrnrlglcal College of Philadelphia. He is also a member of the Medico C'hirurlirlcal Association and was physician and surgeon in chief of the most noted Gorman and American hospitals, and comes highly endorsed by the leading professors of Philadelphia and New York.

His many years of hospital experience enables this eminent physician and surgeon to correctly diagnose and treat all deformities and diseases with the moat flattering success, and his high standing in the State will not allow him to accept any incurable case. L08T MANHOOD RE8T0RED WEAKNESS OF YOUNG MEN CURED If you have been given up by your physician call upon the doctor and be examined. He cures the worst casos of Nervous Debility. Scrofula, Old Horns, Catarrh. Piles, Female Weaknesses, Affectioun of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.

Asthma, Defnesa, Tumors, Cancers and Cripples of every description. Consultation in Engliah and German free, which shall be considered sacred and strictly confidential. OFFIC HOURS; 0 a. m. to 0 p.

daily. Snuday. 9 a. m. to 3 p.

m. 1 DDPDNT 08 MINING. BLASTINQ AND SPORTIN3 POWDER. Manufactured at the Wapwallopsn Mills, In Lucerne county. and at Wilmington, Del.

HENRY BELIN, General Agent FO rilll WYOMING DISTRICT; 118 WYOMING A.VEIVTJX3 AGENCIES: Thomas Ponn Plttstoru p. Johw B. Biiith A Plymouth, Pa S. W. MullioAM WilJtsa iJaxM AGENT FOR THB Repaano Chemical Go's High Explosives Pleasant Da.

HUTCHINSON'S VEGETABLE WORM DESTROYER Tasting Removes Worms and the secretions wnlcb camo them. At all DtmqduU. Price 23 Cu. a bos. Lozenge.

A.W.WBMHT Dranrliits.Ph11a.Pa, James Vloir, Merchant Tailor Spring and Summer Soilings, ILL THE LATEST STILES. Leave jour measure early. 408 LACKAWANNA AVE. Opp. Wyoming House, Scranton, Pa.

lm You Rife a Bicycle? Are Yon Going to Eifle a Bicycle? VICTOR FLYERS High or low frame. VICTOR STANDARDS High or low frame. SPALDING'S NEW WHEEL With Palmer tire. CREDENDA BICYCLES Roadsters and pacers CfTTVe have a number of second hand wheels which must be sold. We invite yon to c.ill and examine.

J. D. WILLIfMlS BHD. 314 Lackawanna Scranton, Pa E. J.

WALSH, Wholesale Linuor Dealer, 32 LACKA. AVENUE. Sole Agent for P. Ballnuliue Sons and Beadleston Woerrz FINE ALES AND PORTER. Tbe only SURE ROACH DESTROYER Is, Exterminator: We guaranteoit to nil it house of Rats.

Hoacme? and Watm Buoi, a MOM Si' RErUMDEft MMURERS" Persian INSECT POWDER Is the best In the market fot BcoBuoa. ANTSu Moths. ft Iict on Con. 4n, loi Sato by all Druggist! ure aud 8et the gewiiaa, Sold only in bottles, our Traoi Hahh OO each. D.

MAURER 329 11.3th Schlitz's Milwaukee Lager, Budweiss and M. Robinson's Lager, C. Stegmaier Son's Porter, BOTTLED FOR FAMILY USE Agent for Sheboygan Mineral Spring Waters Manufacturer of all kinds of Mineral Waters, A. W. SCHRADER, 720 and 728 Adami Avenda Telephone No.

AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL CONSULT Dr. LOBB THE FAMOUS SPECIALIST N. lMii St. Iiolow rallowhlll, Philadelphia, Fa. To Rpcnro a noaitive and permanent euro of Errors of Youth and Loss of Manhood and of all diseases of tho Mood, kidtcys, bladder, skin and nervous system connult at onee Dr.

Lolb. Ho in all cases caused liy Excesses. Imprudence or Inheritance to restort to Health and by building up the shattered nervous system and adding new life and cnerL'v to tho broken down constitution. Consultation and examination free and strictly confidential. Ultlco hours, (lally and bunday from a.

oi. to 3 p. and to 0 evenings Read his book on obscuro diseases of bott eexes. bent eo. GRAY'S SPKCIFIC MKDICINE.

TRADE MARK The Giikat Enomkh Rkmedv An unfailing cure for Nominal Weakness, Spermatorrhea, 1m potoncy and all diseases that follow as a sequence of Self abuse, as loss of memory. Universal Lassitude. I'aln in the Back, IdmnesR of Vision, Premature Old Age and many other diseases that leatl to Insan 4w hi nrniMiimnrlnn Btlil A Pr AFTER TARIHO mature Grave. rw Fnll nartlcu ars ii, our pamphlet which we desire to send freo by mall to every one. Specific Medicine is sold by all druggists at tl per packago, or six packages for or will be Bent tree oy man on receipt, oi we money, by addressing THISUltAY JHEUiuiMtt nnnain, si.

x. On acz mint of counterfeits we have adontod tho Yellow Wrapper, tho only genuine, Sold in Scranton by Matthews and in Wilkes Barre by Henry C. Tuck Co. rt MATTHEWS 320 Lackawanna avenue, are our wholesale agenta for COMPOUND CAMPHOR PILLS. SANITARIUM SUPPLY ROX 503.

SCH ANTON, PA. FOU THE LENTEN SEASON. All kinds Fresh Fish received daily. Fancy Smoked Halibut, Boneless Cod, Yarmouth Bloaters, Salt Mack erel, Rockaway, Chesapeake Bay, Maurice River, Cove and Blue Point Oysters, Soft Shell Clams, Shrimps, Scollops, Etc. W.H.PIERCE.

BLANK BOOKS MADE IN ANY STYLE AT The Republican offlca.ii Estimate cheerfully given. Ml.

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