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The Washington Herald from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 11

Washington, District of Columbia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE WASHINGTON HEBALB HERALDTHURSD HERALDTHURSDn HERALDTHURSDE THUESDAY DECEHBEE EMBEIt 15 1910 19 1 WALL ALL STREET NEWB NEWBSales RS RSSales Sales Fall FallOff Off but Prices PricesShow PricesShow PricesShow Show a Hardening HardeningNO Bardenin BardeninNO i OCt OCtNO NO ERESSimE TO SELL STOOKS STOCKSStronger STOOKSStronge STOOKSStrongt Stronger Tone Exhibited In the theHo theBond I IDond Bond Ho ml Market lU rketSterUng Sterling Exchange ExchangeRecover ExchangeRecover I IRecover Recover from Tuesdays luead Ys BreakItegular Break BreakKe I Ke Uegular ular Quarterly Qu rterly Dividend on onScTcral onSeverol onSeiera1 ScTcral of the Railroads RailroadsNew nullroadsNew RailroadsNew New York Dec 14 14The The rathor unusual unusualBiectacle unusualsectacle unusualStectacle Biectacle was 11S presented In Wall street streettoday streettoday streettoday today of a rising or at least hardening I tendency of security prices coincident coincidentwith coincidentlth with lth a decided falling off ot in the activuof activity activityof activu aeUvitPof of the stock market No doubt the mar market market marhet ket today was still as strictly pro profcssional professional professional fessional as it has been at any time In the thei thepast i past ast month with no pronounced Indica Indications indica00n3 lndlcatlon3 tions of any Increased participation in it itby Itby Itby by the general public publicIt publicIt It was wc very plain however that there thwevas thereas thereaa vas as not only no pressure to sell stocks stocksbut sloeksbut stocksbut but that offerings of stocks on any an term termwore termwere termscere wore not numerous Whether Theth6t or not the theinference UleInferonce theInference inference may be rightly deduced from fromthis 1romthtiS fromtht this tht that the stock market Is again as asit asit asIt it was In the first we weeks ks of September Septemberin in a soldout condition remains for the thefuture thefuture thefuture future to decide decideStronger decideStronger decideStronger Stronger Tone Tone Shown ShownBut ShownBut ShownBut But It is not without bearing on tho thoquestion thoQuestion thequesUon question that a stronger tone was again againshown againshown againshown shown today by the bond market and andthat andthat andthat that the conviction was emphatically ex expressed epressed epressed pressed in more than one large banking house that a decidedly dOCl edly better market for Inveatmeot tnvo tmeD securities proper was ap approaching aJ aJproacbtnc appreaching preaching This statement was made mademore mademoro mademore more strongly than elsewhere in houses housesof housosIt housesof of international connections and was ap apy apparently apparently parently based to a large extent upon tho thomore thomore themore more favorable disposition d18po ltlon lately meal manifested manlfSted mealrated rated by European financiers toward the theAmerican theAmeriCAn theAmerican American market marketWhile market1111e marketWhile While 1111e a perceptible if slight Improve Improvenwnt Improvernnt Improvernnt rnnt in todays today bond market aa a whole wholewas wholowas wholewas was noticeable noticoablo the securities leading the therise therise thewere rise were the Central oC Georgia second secondand acondnnd secondand and third income bond bonds Reason for this thisadvance th thadvanl thisadvance advance was found in the decision an announced announced announced nounced this morning by the Supreme SupremeCourt SupremoCourt SupremeCourt Court of the State of Georgia holding that all theM securities iocurlU waro ero untitled to tothtir tothtir thtir full rat rate of interact interactAn I IAn SAn An important legal issue that has been beenin beenIn beenIn in controversy for some time as to th tbt tbtJ11ethod 1 I method of determining the proper income incomeof lnoomeof inoomsof of the Georgia Central Railroad so far fares faras es purpose of distribution Of bond in terest tr rEt st are concerned hall thus been de decided decided docided cided in favor of the junior bondholders bondholdersef ef the company companySterling COft1lMlnSterIlng companySterling Sterling Exchange Recovers RecoversSterling RecoerSterling RecoversSterlIng Sterling exchange which fail fe oil so sosharply sosharply sosharply sharply yesterday recovered all allot of its itsbreak Itsbreak Itsbreak break Neverti Nevertheless ele a negotiations for forgold torGold forgold gold imports from Europe were con continued oontinued continued tinued and our bankers are undoubt undoubtedly undoubtedly I Icdly edly willing to encourage oqcoura metal remit remittances remittances remittances tances of this kind kind provided the opera operation opomtion operalion tion be not attonded with strain strainHere strainHere strainhere Here money Inone rates fell to 3 1h par cent centIn centIn centin In the afternoon after the hulk of renew renewals renewals renewais als ha4 been commonly taade ade de at 3 3per rper 3per per cent The most noteworthy notew noteWrthy rthY occur occurrence OCcurrrJ occurrenee renee rrJ in the whole money matron tem was washowever washowever washowever however a fall in rates in Inany Slany ny or the thavance thelargo thelarge largo Western clUe jOlo iolneiWtth an ad adV advance vance U1C8 in i ox oxoltaDge haage on on fun York York jfair A Afair Afair fair deduction from this wodld Id seem to tobe tobe tobe be that the secondary movement of ofmoney ormoney ofmoney money to tha tJ West from this city which whichhas Whichlja which1a lja has put in an appearance in the present presentmonth pre presentmonth ent entmonth month and has originated chiefly chle in the thanecessity thentC thenecessity necessity ntC 8jty of moving mon the California fruit fruitcrop fruitrop fruitcrop crop rop has reached its I I culmination culminationThe culmlnlttlonTho culzntnaUonTh The Th regular quarterly dividends today todayTV todaytue todaywere TV were ere declared by the Chicago Burlington Burlingtonand Burlingtonand urUngtontnd and Quincy and New NewYork York Central Rail Railroad Railroad Railroad road companies and by the Western WesternUnion WesternITnion VesternUnion Union Telegraph Company and very verylittle verylittle verylittle little attention was paid to the reduction reductionj of the semiannual dividend upon a small smalliron smalliron smallIron iron and steal company whose business businessmostly buntamo businessmostly mostly mo t1y consists in the manufacturing mflnufaeturln of ofpig ofpig ofpig pig Iron IronNEW HEW YORK MONEY MONEYNew New eow Yotk Dee ItMoney U1I De1 on can at at UK stock stockexchange Ietexchanll8 workexthangs exchange today opt at JA 3 per cast I8Bt highest tIo dgst1owe3 916 916lowest lowest Io 34 5 dwiag cI ds 9K per teat Most of the days dayslonf dsysk SJCof lonf were aud JUIh at per cent centjo 0IIIItwaa ut jo mnttqr waa a abode maW for fc or uW six aUJ1C1 months monthspcriud mosibaperkd pcriud J1C1 ud to tbe amount of moocy mco obtaiaabh at 4 pet parcent petnL petatt cent beiac bs dichUy Iili tI1 laraar The eaacnd ten lone of the themarket Owmarket themarket market wa wu quiet Kates ltat 4am 4a1 at per GlUt ct for or thirty thirtyand thktjand and ad sixty ty dajw i per cant for or ninety DiMt daya da aDd aadfour aDdfour aedfour four montha rnuet 4d 4i4i laHi par cent for fire and six moataa noetheBOSTON jBOSTON I IBOSTON BOSTON COPPER STOCKS STOCKSQnotatiora STOCKSQuobUolU STOCKSQuolatlosu Qnotatiora faratabed nlfsbed by a Hfbbs Uiij Co Comembers CInfmben Cemfmbers members of the New York Stock Bxabaat Exa nibbs nibbsBnildtag nlbbsDuildiflc flthbaBuilding Building BnildtagButte Bid Asfcoi AsfcoiButt AJQdButte AedlinUs Butte Coalition Coalitiona tteo 18H 18HBnildtag JIAA JIAf 18 3 34P a A Aa 4P 4Pen a HE IioIO 110 110CoIlCIIt enCoptwflaspe CoIlCIIt Coptwflaspe Coptwflaspenh ItuItIB II IIE nh BLa nLa BK BKT BKTl 354 La LaDe SILk SftDaMichfcwi 1f Tiithn Michfcwi MichfcwiMoUawk iithn iithnthawk icl1Qbalft icl1 MoUawk MoUawkK Qbalft QbalftS 4 4 4Ln Ln LnOld BOld BOld Old Doroidse DoroidseO DCM IR IRO 3 3 3I nla nlaSouth I3 111 I tie tieBouth lScthLeke South ScthLeke Lake LakoLate ychtshe I Ith chtshe chtshePruiblin th Late LateFnnklin La Lanntlift Fnnklin FnnklinMason p3Iason 10 10laSOQ Mason laSOQ Valley ValleyVictoria Valleyrnco I IOnttO OnttO rnco I sIndum 1 1S Indum Victoria Victoria1nrrott ctora 4 lQuiT1y 1 1ctora 2 2ltYr9tt 1nrrott 1nrrottV i 13 13QuLncy Quincy QuincyHhannon Tl 11tihannon Tithannon TlUK Hhannon HhannonHurenor thannonurr UK It ItOK 1tfiojr Hurenor fiojr urr i Pktaborf PktaborfLake OK VJ VJMK 1tLaX nLae Lake LakeTamarack LaX LaeTasazad LaXTunandt Tamarack TunandtTr TasazadThfuLp TamarackTrinity Trinity Trinityttab Tr nit 4 5 5IUh 5Utah Utah Consolidated ConsolidatedVotTetiiH MK i 13 13U JWolretiM 33Weirense VotTetiiH VotTetiiHFmft lU 17 117fwift 111Iwift Fmft FmftMergenthatar fwiftMergorftthaJer 1 1e 1eMotntha1a Ml Mergenthatar MergenthatarUnited 31 95 95HS IICoited 1J 1JUnittd United Fruit YndtGOVERNMENT HS TO TOGOVERNMENT 04 04GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT BONDS BONDSb rtsistertd 1039 1t 100 100Ss lOO1t 1003 ttt ttts l1i Ss coup etlUp II iaeo 1 ux uxSj 1oo 1oori IIt Sj 1 Testaid rt 10818 102 1023a 1112 11123s 3a 3s 3 coupon 190613 IX 10J 10J4s 1D2i 1D2ifs im 4s wsutered 1025 ie liSK liSKla U5i 11 11COQ1Of1 1104 la coopoo VSC5 1M 1Mv 115 l612 l612lanAm3 1161kranszn Panama Canal KOytar 2a a reg 1936 10H4 10H4COTTON l00 l00COTTON 1 1COTTON COTTON MARKET MARKETQuoaUou MARKETQuotations I IQuotation Quotation furnished by Bibbs Co C9Mtm Qoembers I Irnsmber embers Mtm of the New Yotk Stock St Exchange xehase Hlbb Bibbolldlrs HlbbIlelidire I IBnlMirc BnlMirc BnlMircNew IlelidireNew olldlrsNew New York York Dec 1L lLTbe Tha market was more MtiTd MtiTdin uthdIn uUuiin in the lota trading and flnscr with pricca working workingup worlt1mup nwkizigup up to twenty points IO crcr yesterdays on ocoZ corwing corwingof of shorts and some further buying by loc and aadNew aw1New andNew New Orleans balls and spot interests It was com common common cemmon mon report on the floor ef the exchange that the theNational tbcNatIonal t3 t3Natonai National Ginners Associations ksociatjo a report has boon botncompiled boonromptled beenimipijed compiled and shows less than 5MGOO J3Oi bales ginned to toDecember tDDecembcr toIaxrntr December 12 1 1 against 1375000 from November to toDecember toI toDnxmber December 1 Open High Low Close CloseJanuary C1cJ6eJanulu1 Ciceeinuary January inuary US7 14 MW Ha M92 M92March MLrch 1492Muth March Lrch 1SH 1S23 2 1509 1500AlAI 15J2 15J2May 12May May 1533 iU 1SJ9 15 KM KMJuly JG JGJul1 X4lJuly July K33 1513 152D 15fi 15fiNEW 154NEW 151 151NEW NEW YORK PRODUCE PRODUCENor Nor York Dec ItBinTERRcccipts i765 i765paciasea ur1ItCkoeS 5J 5Jacka paciasea acka The market is firm Creamery specials specialsper spedalset speclalarer per lb tb 32 32i 2 creamery extras 31 creamery firsts 1irsUI 23 23Btat 98tst i iSLits Btat SLits dairy tab flnwt finest 30 3 prooaas peoce specials apnia1eCI1EES11aeeiptS 2S 2SCUEESRoeipU 2Ii 2IiCllEESEReMptI CUEESRoeipU JSt8 bores Little chang can canDP taDb entxs DP reported State whole milk spedaJs September SeptemberHU 8cptm1berm iternber HU 17 State whole who1 milk milkS fancy fa colored September SeptemberKJs SeptemberGktma KJs skim AngwJrSeptember At1 quality 13 ekim ekimTr tkinua ekimaaverage a average Tr ce fancy AnC1 11K 11KKGUSReobipU UEGUsneccpts uGtSnonipta KGUSReobipU GtSnonipta 8ea 8i cases Continwd liberal 1Iber31eclrb re reodpta recnipts odpta tosether irgetherwith with dugBish trade caused a weaker weakerfeeling wefteling seekerieeling feeling State State Pennsylvania and nearby hennery hennerywhite bwhite henneershite white fancy 55 Stste 8t Pennsylvania and nearby nearbyhennery JItUbyhennen nearbybenner hennery brown fancy 15 freshcathcred resh thcred selected Selectedt ex extna exc tna NEW YORK STOCK MARKET MARKETQuestions MARKETQn MARKETQuctatione Questions Qn taUonl tarnished by XUbta 4 Cot Cotaemberi eo eonember Comembers members of tho New Yor York Stock Stoe Exchange Hibbt HibbtBnildlBtr 1l1bb1Bnl1dlDi lUbbeBufidleg BnildlBtr Bnl1dlDiC4Il BufidlegCall BnildlBtrCall Call moo mosey ey Open 354 3 Web 3j 3Yr 3 low 3 eloae clooo XSALES 3SALES 3 3SALES SALES oi OII O111A1U SHAKES HAlU BY nOuns noonsShares flOURSSharestoflam Shares Sharestoflam to 11 a a 100200 100200Shares l00 1OO3Shares Shares to 12 muharas i 17300 17300Shares l7300 l7300tihnm Shares to 1 J1 m7 In ui uiiihaxm 135700 135700Sfcana 1100S Sfcana to 2 1 UZbares 22 2Shares SShares Shares bares to 3 I ml2fJOO ml2fJOORAllillOADB SKL5CO SKL5CORAILROADS RAILROADS RAILROADSOpen RAllillOADBOpen RAIUIOADSOpenBjgh Open OpenBjgh High Low Pm PmAtdu CJIII CJIIIALc CitesTip Atdu Top So Fe com 10E4 10014 1O3 JOBS 1 IMS IMSAU loJick 1U1iAla AU Ala ick Top Ve pfd 10 10 1 162 1 182 1 102 102AtfeMtir 1IGtatIJ 1it 1itttkut AtfeMtir ttkut Otxut lAne HSU UO 1 lJa1 113 119 119Baltimore l11UBOro 1WBkitimore Baltimore 1UBOro Obfe Old 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1 1Norfolk Norfolk lk Western S8 33H 93 DNorthern 05Nertheen 93H Northern PaaiSe 1 11514 Ufl 11 l1Mi iw UfH UfHReading Peantiyanja JS 1i 189 i iheading 13YI Reading 1 com 14T 141k USK ItT liS liSnook 1181103k Hook Island com fflfc 2 33 33St ZF4 St 1 Louis pfd Hrti f1fl 63 63Southern 50k ro roSouthcu Southern Pacific com 113 IJ3JJ iHtt 1I3 1n lHl iTbW Thnt hd Amu ftStu 10 10 10Te4 10 11 11To1 lTeL Te4 TeL St St West COM 29i 2J 2JToL 21l 21Yr 2v ToL St 6t West West pfd ptdUjuon tt Mil 1 Union Pacific com WSft i 161t 13 li liI liM 1 111m 1ft 1ftWiiieoth I WucofUin Central cam 56 56 6 56 56Weetm Wtetara Maryland Dd 0H V4 4Ttt 4TttI U1t U1t4IDUSTRIALS 45 45LNDUSTIUtLS I INDUSTRIALS INDUSTRIALSAmalgamated 4IDUSTRIALSmaJpmatld LNDUSTIUtLSAma1xnatsd Amalgamated Copper 6S 61 61Aw fft 45 45ts Aw ts fleet ct Susar com 30H 30 3 4 4111I 44 4 3i 3itz Aw 111I Can com Stt 5 I 9V 9 9k 9 Am Cut pfd TWi 74 7 l1Ii 74 iM Tai TaiAsi Am Am Cotton Oil com mAm cemADLOceeeetIeepd II I IAm Am ADLOceeeetIeepd LocomotiFt Loooznoti pfd 105 1Q 1C 1CAm 1003 lOQ 100 100Am X1m Am Smelting Sineltln Ilnf Its com eom J51A 7 7Am 71 7514 7514AlL Am Salting Rd pfd lem ft MK 1M1 1 lOt 10414 1 1Am 1Mn Am Am Sugar Ref lie com IIS 1U 1UAm Iii 115 115Am 115Am Am Am Sacar Ret pfd 113tt 113 113Am ll3Y1 11 1 11514 llii lliiAm 1I34 1I34Mn Am Tel Tel HIT 141 Itttt IttttAm lt 112 1U Itl ItlAm 14114 14114Ani Am Woolen com 34 3tt4 3tt4Central S4 S4Central JZ 3 3CAfttraJ Central Leather com rom 30ft 3O1 30T 30TCaotisl 3014 3tm 3tm0I0tra1 7G 7GCentral Central Leather pfd IK IKColorado 1 1 155 ItS llLICokwdo ItSColoado Colorado I com 3H4 3t 31 31CoBflolMated Slit sWt sWtCDMolil 31 31Ieseeli4ated CoBflolMated CDMolil ted Ga Gas Gas YI31 131 139K 139KGfflwnU Il3 1J I tl tlG 13 13Gsssral GfflwnU Etoctric WR4 1 IK IKGoldfleW 15t IIi Lk LkGoldOeld 4 4GoIdWd GoldfleW Coosolldited Ud ed 8 85 85GNat IK IKfiwet Sh 8 8Gnett GNat Nerthero Ore 0rePl 3Sn SM SMiDtccmtlonal 5Mi 5MiIDt ss ssIntsnstlonal iDtccmtlonal mational Steam Pulp Wtt 4 HModc 4W 4P 4iI 4iIMaeka 45 45Mackay Modc Mackay CompoBies pfd Tf TfNational 7 71 1 71 71NaUoaaI 71NaUooaI National Biscuit com Ill 1 1National lU JU 111 111Naticmal 111NatjuedTeedcem National NatjuedTeedcem Ix T4I1 com comm KNerada IINenda 1 3 3Neiada Nerada Cwwolidated Wi 31 UK UKIVaesad 1 JIM 1 1lnissed 13 13lzed IVaesad Steel Car com SDR 57 30 30Ry 3S 3Sn Ry Steel Spdngi com SUepuWio a 71lteUc1 xnbU UepuWio I a Smm com 3t 3tItapablts 31 31 31lt4fUhtb 311t553uh153 Itapablts I pfd D4H 1 Mtt MttSte It tSJaS1t 51SISShU1SM Ste SJaS1t SISShU1SM beeWd CDeld I com ccmm 60 00 00Twaetvxs II IICoppar 50TsssCu Twaetvxs TsssCu Copper CopparU rxr SU 31 31U n1INr com C1mo UK 4 i 5 5U 3 3V Stabber i lid MM6 IU MM MMU JIM6 IW xm xmU X04U I Steel cam TS1C 1 75t 75tU TM nK nKU 731kU So Start pfd llfti 11 1I6K 1I6KUUh 116 1IMf6 115 115lush lush Cower 4S 4 45 4 4VaQir 4Al 4AlaCar 45 lJRl 4 4ViCer VaQir aCar Cheatcal selce1 com ttfc 81Ww WWwtcra 81 4 4Wtezs Wwtcra UntoB Tt a TJ TJWasUo 7 II nM nMW T71tWtMhens WasUo WtMhens ieasa BIle Mlc lift 6f OSU OSUBONDB IF IFn04DL 15 15BONDS BONDS BONDBAm n04DLAm BONDSAm Am Ttae Tobca te A AAM W4 fOK fOKAM M4 85 85m AM AM Tta Tehaere a Ia 345 HX 1 1i0141 1 114Co ic is isC Co joint 48 a 31 Mi MS MSC 91Co 154 jC Co IL I 1 7W 15 7 i iInter 7M1 1 1Inter mfr mfrlater Inter Mttra 4 4I8e WSontfaeni 114 7Wa 11 ftP4 ftP4HaUway 7114 7114Sosiiss Sontfaeni lUttwuy 5s 5 1 1U In 155 1ft 1ftUDioft 141 141Union Union l1ad1Ic eft ert 4s 1 iU 150 355 355U Steel 5si 55 Ifflfe IfflH 13 103V5 103 M8 M8TEEASTJEY 1fJSva 1fJSvaTREASURY 1 1ThEASURY TREASURY STATEMENT STATEMEBTTThe STATEME1The The United States tS Tnaseiy report indicates the thecwdidon theQUDditiun thecesditios cwdidon at UM bectoaus ef bastoeg biu yestardajr yestardajrWorfdnK yWorkiDc WorfdnK Workhi baknca in TTMMV Treuur1 ofiea ace 435 41bOj 913 Mla SIIn I IIn In buD and Ihittjjpia 1hIp treasury 3t 3tET 3I35S1 3T 15 15Total STotal 75Total Total balance in Traswory fond fund3ilDJ01 fund3ilDJ01i fundiwamy 5 00tta 1 iwamy aaoy mtfpta jwtoida srday srdayTsejery 21153001 21153001Traajcry 2 I ITr Traajcry dbboiMzacota ywtwday 19ffi068K 19ffi068KTb 9M 9MTIle 91594S 91594SThe Tb TIle deat to date this 8 Seed eal year is RiaMOXOG RiaMOXOGas as aaateftt 93i4liBU 9S 53345045 4Ra at this time last 1t1U 1t1UPUIUU 7rlaesma or orPawuaa Pawuaa OuMl and public debt figures are not notiadodtd netbIeIa weIichdd iadodtd to thk th statement BtatenwntGEAM ta1ementGRAIN statementGRAIN GRAIN AND PROVISIONS PKOVISIONSQuotations PROVISIONSQUons PROVISIONSQsstatlona Quotations famished nthhed by mbla i Co Coembers CoIMmbers CoembeT3 IMmbers embers of ills Chicago Baird of Trade Hlbbj HlbbjCbfcago HIbbsDtdJdillg IitbbsnemlIe DtdJdillg DtdJdillgCWc11O nemlIe nemlIecb3co Cbfcago Dec 14Wiat WIMt Tlpe ra bare stcadBr stcadBrhandeMd d1wdeMd atsadi atsadihasiesed handeMd a the the day da adnuwcd ad The crespiug beIge balgchas 00 00au beIgebaa has caojed Inaain iwcrswtos bvrtng on Uw part of state stateand ettaad ahertsusl and hat I tttfiened the nonce of balls There wai waiTOT wuTery sTary TOT II att trade early but but broadenteg to a moder moderate m0derate moitsrate ate extent later as bears sraaptd at dfcapprarinc dfcapprarincpt di dppter1ngITlt IC ICUtI pt ITlt ats u4 bulk crowded their adranta acbaatqL The Theballot Thefor Thecepai cepai for MMaceI fCI rates rat fI which whichbdI1t wbItbeliat ballot ta being ilia lakes today toda baa dWmzted au Ue tioo tiooto aeIe os osIs to 80toe extent item the martet rUt but there apjxvin apjxvinnewrUirfrts a aDMIrtheIfII apveanethsk newrUirfrts to be mme resting ord onIem ra of oftMre ewhkth importance importanceUMR UMR which baN owrcoaw the soattaned SlId user vaorCora 1IDQIpaiMd usered paiMd ed MIUDc er4fts er4ftsCore OJII6II UCorn Cora adraeoed today OB enl bnriac bQi8cwileat by bywheat kudiuR kudiuRwheat wheat Joog loses limited 1i t8d fhocU hert aDd local 1Dca1who speen pocolatora pocolatorawho aloes aloesvho who bare au been following folIowiii the leaden les eZL StWIIc Utoe 1hi oppo opposteadttsr mmallies allies has not heeD Peat 5rM although it laM iDcrmMd iDcrmMdsYadiIJ IscemedMeedily steadttsr on aalea Iea Weather tee im com bdL bdLOatt ItOw IsitOta Ota adranced with other otIItrl8 gmim sakes Trade HwUl bat batbait batbelt betb bait bevies mr hu ha been be local IB afearaeUr araetar Seme ratl ratlfates JfIItIW ass asseg fates eg II short rt solltag iIIfWHBAT OB bolge bolgeWIIBAT bseWIthAT WIIBAT Open High Uw Class CteseCORN CtIl5eIq Class5 ClassJsly Iq IlK 9tJII 9tJIIJIIIr 5 JIIIr 4 11 11COR Ri RiCORN CORN CORNM CORNMu CORar Mu ar 4T 4 47S 47SJaly ft ftJIIIr 47 4745 Jaly 4K 45 4W 4 ilK ilKOATS 411OATS 41 41OATS OATS OATSMay OATS OATSMay May 3t 3414 mi 31 31 3tti 3ttiJHtr 3tiJ 34 34Jely JHtr 31ft 3 tt 31 sis 31 am amPOBK 315PORK 34 341W PORK POBKJaanary PORKJ Jaanary JELS7 M17 13 1SSl Vt1l Vt1lMay 313VMay Jf Jf1ffC May JIM lL Jf 1ffC 1ffCLARD 2 ItO ItOLAKD iLBEARD LARD LAKDJawiary LARDJ1UnIIUII EARDJassszy Jawiary J1UnIIUII ma MJ2 is is910 112 1O3J 1O3JMW 1 1IIaJ4 MW IIaJ4 A 900 UK I 900 1010 1010RIDS 1010RIDS 1010gIlls RIDS RIDSJaawurn RIDS RIDSJIUMIU7 gIllsJaiaxi Jaawurn JIUMIU7 Oil MIT i1i JK 10J 10JMay ioaqMay May 1 3M Si 1IT II 9J5 9 9K 9KNtw 911New 9 9New New York Dec 14 ItWHltUstlOllCllri WH ATat eir largar largarRuatawe larperbsase Ruatawe Ne 1 Northern Nert rn spriae to arnte arihe a kl 111 4 No red 0 9S 9814 No 2 hard ham a a bLOOK bo boNo bL54 LOOK No 1 macaroni 0 i No 1 1tabs Maal Maaltoba Maaiteba tabs a 109 Iteporttd I sU toads Manitoba Manitobafor Mam Manitoliafor Kn Knfor for export port aDd twenty toad red winter for Prance PranceCOIlNPirmer PrueeCOn FrapceCOIINlinner COIlNPirmer COn Firmer Bft Hr bastawa SioaBxr S8t 51port i ex export export port haMs export BOW No 2 I 0 Si sew No NoeJefttor 2 elevator domestic SS BomisaL DlQ aaL Bxpoftes ErponeafOItZ took tooktor tooktear tear toad IoIIdI taainly saw to arme uT arriie Te Deeeatber Deel ber Jan JaanK3 J2BI1aoL K3 aoL Febraary lI enw and March 3lardtWIIBAT MarchWHBAT lIIBA WHBAT IIBA Open nidi Low Close CkwsDaeombct 9c97f1 CloseDeeswber Daeombct SlVk SlVkMay 97 97May May 11 10 1ala 105R ltZ lOM 1 1J 1JJaly 1Jr 101 6 6J1IIr Jaly 1 100 100CORN 1 1conl 15314 15314con CORN CORNMay conl con May AWASHINGTON 55 55WASHINGTON WASHINGTON WASHINGTONPRODUCE WASHINGTONPRODUCERaO8Neer4g PEOplTCE PEOplTCEBGGSNecrby PROpUCEEGGSNeut BGGSNecrby Virginia irgUda SOaM a par See or i Western Western3SaM WestQnDat Western75s34 3SaM Southern scarce forage ptntt 2te23L 2te23LBUTTBItFiiicy ma23BUTrJmFaBCf ie ieBUVFBItFae BUTTBItFiiicy craamary l7 tab tuls Us Ma3Wa 31a34 a3l per lb lbflistt lb8rta lbSoki flistt 8rta 38a31 bi biahnde pade tub tots 3 0 process process2T4affi B9Ndi ros 2T4affi tower loserCIIESSISNew 8t grad padet padetOURaENew a 25a25K 25a25KCHBB8BNew CHBB8BNew York wk new IfalTH a171 flat 11t 11 IS ISLIYB 1B 1BLIYB 13LIVII LIYB POULTRYSJpriBS JOULTRY prlng chickens 14aJ5 per lb lbben Jb JbheDa lbhmi ben 12al3 i roosters 8 i dnrfM dntks 13aI5 turkeys large largeU 1Sd Sa par lb In BBsall Wall WallDPB3SED 17a18DR1tS8ED 1a3 1a3DRESSED DRESSED POULTItYTarkcy hems hens ns undrawn undrawn 2Ba 2BaC3 atNt llaNt C3 Nt lb gobblers ObbI ra undrawn J9a21 ISa N1 lb Ib old oldtorn oldkIma oldteens torn teens Sa29 turks thin 15al6 l5a15imedium lieu medium lIstS ISalShens 15a16heDs lIstShens hens 12iH young daeka Mal6 per lb old 1M1 1M1choke 1altcboice italltholce choke geese OaH OaHVEOETAIUJSSPotatoes 1314YEUJoTA 13e14VEOETABI1lSPotatoes VEOETAIUJSSPotatoes YEUJoTA tHSlotatoes loaTh i5 per bushel sweot sweotpotatoee sweotpotal sweetpotatoes potatoes 23 slio Ltt per bbL onions SaW a03 per bushel bosbeLFRUlTApplw bushellRUITApplea busheLyRUITAppics FRUlTApplw 30a550 3 per bbl i plncapplea 100 700a2V5 7cnaOlS a2V5 275 per crate grapes Armella 400a700 4 OO per keg Klefer pears 3a25 per basket California a oranges 450500 t5OI 00 per box grapefruit 200o350 per crate crateFlorida cratei crateFloras Florida oranges 200a27a per box boxi tangerines 35Oa 35Oa4A1 50a 50aISO ISO per strap strapQRBBN litnpI strapORBEN I GREEN PRODDCBCucumbers hothouse OOalOO OOalOOper 00al00per 9saioret per dot tomatoes c9 fancy bomegrown 405a500 00a5O0 per perbaa po poboa baa 1IMi lettuce ttw New York 275a359 por baiktt bask cab cabbate cabbale nabbegs bate LOOL2S per 100 lb lbs beets 3 34 per dos de cauuh cauuhLflOaLS aqauh1SIaL 1 1SIaL LflOaLS DaUi per bbl celery 411100 afiO per bunch ess essplant eoplallt egiast plant ast 350a500 per Crate atCj ate aanberrka cran L50oi75 15 per perboat vcrbc pe peboa boat bc 900alOOO par bW bb1 green a ptppara pars LS per bbl1Id bblred bbl bblml ml poppers WCn 150 per bbL caoliflower 100a6CO per perbbL perbut bbL beans 500700 per ez ezLIVE basket basketUVE bukatLIVE LIVE STOCK MARKET 1EASKETNew New York Dec It OATTLBRccwpta UoTrLERec1J pts 2106 2106liead 2100elld 3115head head Steers ware slow and prieea generally ceMraU1lower Jfc Jfclower IQelower lower balls and thin cows steady madtam Dl and andgood milQd saulmQd good cows steady to lie lower fair to prime primeBOld steers steerssold steerssold sold at 550f3 per er WO pounds stags and oxen 4J9a Uk5ro 510 bulls 360at 3IOI1UO 0 cam COM 2 22htW UiTO dressed beef beefstar beefO beetakrsat akrsat star at AialW for natire sIdes No later oaMes oaMesfrom esfrom tesiesfrom from Great Britain Biporta today day 2030 fO Quarters Quartersof lltW1erlof of beef beoflAIAESBeceiptJ beefAIVSlZeeeipth dALESReceipts lAIAESBeceiptJ 1 L13 33 bead Veals were gee BTOeraUy 11Jeralt geeSTahl eraUy steady al1d although sellers did not quite reach reachtbo reaehtho resolethe the outride fienres paid JX Monday for foeSno choice stock stockno stocltno no Westerns We terns offered end Common to choke Teals Tealsat realsat sqJJ1 sqJJ1at at 700HILCO per er 10Q pounds culls and torowoai torowoai500afiL50 throwotfii throwotfii500s650 thmw thmw553a650 500afiL50 barnyard and fed calTOfi 400a5CO draasod draasodcalf dea drassattvcs calf ea vcs steady at UHalT 17 per posed for city dressedv dressedvTeals dref drefTeak dremorests Teals and 915 for coantry dressed calves calvesSUBiSl caJteSIIEEl aUrasSHEIII SUBiSl AND LAMBSHiceipU 9323 head headSheep heMSheep heedSheep Sheep roW steady lambs were a little more Retire Retireand 11C acUreand ril rilrnd and selling at fully full sustained prices Common to togood tDgood togood good sheep sold lOOatOO per 103 pounds ordinary ordinaryto to prime lamb 575aST5 culla 00119 500 dressed mat mtttton matton i iton ton quiet at 6SaS4 614a3 per pound dressed lambs at Ifla 11 1114 with hog dressed selling at 12 country dressed dlffiedhothouse drauedhothouse hothouse lambs unchanged t1LC at SCOall00 53a1100 per carcass carcassIJOGS CUC8nOGSr carcamnoGsrecolPte IJOGS nOGSr noGsrecolPte Receipts 7 ltS IS bead Prime light pigs pi sold soldat soldat soldat at 823 per 100 pounds coantry countr dressed hoes steady steadyat steeds8a1114 d1 d1a at a SalUi 8ill per pound pouWI I I i WASHINGTON STOCK MARKET MABKETB MARKETSalesItegular SJes SalesItegular RccuUr call 12 odod 7el rxx rxxWashlnston 1WasblQgton noonWashington I Washington Gas 4s COOO at llf fl4 3 at i 110 110WadilBfiton 1l IIaI 1i 1iWgtsn I WadilBfiton shtn Qn Gw fc tl U2 at 110 6 at 110 145 at 110 110Capital Capital Traction 5s 5s l0no tnJ at H5 111 aooo 1ctfl OO at 113 113Potomc U3H U3HPotomac 113Potoniac Potomac Electric cor con 5s 53 100 1000 at 09 1000 OQ at atSKi atQpitAl SKi 5 SKiCapital Capital Traction 3 at atWAJhInlOn 13 13WaahlDCtoa I IWashington Washington Railway and Electric Et trlc pfd pf at 85H 14 10 at 86H 86HWashincton 86 86Washington tl4 tl4Washington Washington Gas 1 at 78 10 at 7S rss at mfI 8 10 at 78 ISI8 10 at 7SH 75 5 at 78 781 10 at 7SS 10 at 78 1SI 7814 I 5 at 78H 18 25 5 at 73 25 af afTI 7814 18 5 at 7SH 7SHWashiBCtDQ iS iSWuhinlton 7514Waehingtan WashiBCtDQ Gas Gu 5 at 7 7t 7tMergenthaler 7411 7411Margeetlealer 5i 5iM BrEenthaler 5 at 215H 5 at 21 21Lamton 2lS 2lSIADitoo 21514Lrton Lamton 10 at 90 10 at 00 10 at 90 at 90 3 3at JJ JJat Y3 Y3at at 90 10 at SO SOAmerican 00Amerl 10Mnerhen American Amerl Security and Trust 1 at atUnion atUnion 2S5 2S5Union Union Trqrt 10 at 135 135 10 at IM IMUnited U1United 1 1United United States es Trust 10 at UffS ll at UTM Wat 10at 1 1at at 117 117Grapaophone 117 117Graphotilone 11714GraphophonopfddatZl Grapaophone GraphophonopfddatZl pfd 6 at 22 10atZ10at at 22 2 10 at 2S 2 10 Mat 10at 10atl at atl 22 5 at 23i 14 5 Sat at 22 10 10t31 at 3 10 1Oat at 2 20 at stMICe 22 22Aftar Zut MICe ollWashinston Gas Is J100 at UL ULWashtafiton ULW UI UIWasidigtcej Washtafiton Railway and Electric pfd 2 2at at sw A 1 at 86H 86HWashincton 86 86Washington Washington atWuhiDton Gas 5s 51 S6 78 at 110 110lAnstorj uoIAostoQ 110lAflotOn lAnstorj 20 at SO 10 10 at 90 90Following ro roFoUowlBit 53Foflowlug Following arc the bid and asked priew Jd posted at atyeaierdayVi ateterdara atyeeterdayo yeaierdayVi meetinj eeting of the Washington Stock Stockchange Jc Ex Exchangc Excbante change cbanteGAS GAS BONDS DmmS13Id Hid A5k A Mked MkedCeorgetown bd bda dGeorBetowjj GeorBetowjj a tOlltJ Gas 5o Irs 110 110WashiBBton noWubiDgton 110Wasbtngten WashiBBton Gas to It UO 13014 110 110Wasatairton neAt neAtVuhiDrton 13514Washington Washington Ga Gal 5s 55 IWS 1 1I 1U 1URAILROAD IIIRAILROADnONDs 111RAILROAD RAILROAD RAILROADnONDs RAILROADnONDsCllrdtat BONDS BONDSCapital BONDSCapita3 Capital Traction SB 55 U3H 113 113Aaacostia 11 11aaCOlJUA 111Anametle Aaacostia it Iotoraac 5a 1001 1001City JOQ JOQCUr IO0i Scity City and Snonrbaa bQrb1a 5tC Se 101 101CoMmhU IDIColumtHA 101ColumbIa ColumbIa 5s 5s Wlii mCoitmbia liiiCohmblo Coitmbia ta IM IMMetropoUtan 1MctropoUt1l 191Metrorxiltae MetropoUtan En 1 115 WWasWngton 1arWsbiDQtoD 157Wasblston WasWngton Railway and Electric 4s 4s S2H 83 83Washington 1814 1814Washicgton A AWashington Washington Alex Mt lit Vernon 5s SIL 97 973J18OBLLANBOU8 VIMlSCKLLANEOU8 9711IHCI51LANEOU8 3J18OBLLANBOU8 COND3 COND3Petomsc DONDSPotomse SONDSPotomac Potomac TUectrio cane 5s I 93VS 100 1WPotomac 100PottJmAo 100Iotesnse Potomac Electric Elteti ic Light 5s 106 1ST 1STCheaapmke lC1OIke 10 10Cbposke Cheaapmke and Potomac Telephone 5s 5s lOJti 1 106 106American 1kSAmerlcaa 115Amerkms American Tetepbona Telegraph 4s uaerlOn Xrt Xrttoenon 1 1aerson toenon aerson Steam Pump 6s 100 100PDHLia JOOIUDLIO 100PUBtIlO PDHLia UTILITY STOCKS STOCKSCapital HTOCK8CAIital IITOCKIIcapital Capital Traction 124 129 129Washington rWasblDgton 2BWashington Washington Railway naUn and Electric com 33 31WuJdDrton SH SHWubiogtea 1514Wasletoston Wubiogtea Railway RsJIwa and Klectric pfd S0 86Norf 8514 8514Norfolk i SNorfolk Norfolk Norf tk and Washington Steamboat 245 2UiVas 2 2Washington 5 5W53M55t00 Washington Vas Gas 78H 1S IS ISGeorgetown 15Georttown 78Georgetown Georgetown Gas 56 60 60American roAmerican 60Anieriesn American TeL Tel Ml MlTYPE InTns 141TYIS TYPE MACHINE STOCKS STOCKSMcrBenthalor STOOKMlf STOOKS3ergeethaler McrBenthalor lf CII1iCl thAlcr Linotype 215 215V4 215V4Laastoa nLaaston 2114L4Astoel Laastoa Monotype 90 91 91MINING 91MINING 91MINING MINING STOCK STOCKGreeao STOCKo STOCKGreene Greene leeDO Caanea 7 7NATIONAL rn rnNATIONAL PANATIONAl NATIONAL BANK STOQKS STOQKSAmerican TOOKSAmmon STOQESAmertean American itS 171 171Capital 112qjtAJ 37234itaI Capital US US3tty 1jOItr 35iOtt 3tty Ott 1W JJ5 JJ5Outonbia HSOrIItunbia 775CluznbLa Outonbia 350 Ofrde1 2SO 2SOOoaua Ooaua frde1 rckl 203 3 2DO 2DODWrict 31JDiItrlct JDistrict District IM HO HOIteraurs HOlalmers 1401rasers Iteraurs and Mecfaanlca 305 305Lincoln niLIaco1a 311tAssels Lincoln 136 138Metropolitan 136MtropoUun 136ideteopoiltan Metropolitan 195 195RfSSS 19Rfss 191Rfa RfSSS XiI a3eousd 63 63Scewd 6SSeeoitd Scewd MB MBNational 1MNattcll 115Nal National Bank of Wanhlagtoa 275 35 5 i iTRUST STUOST 20 20TRUST TRUST COJIPANY STOCKS STOCKSAmerican STOCKSAmerican STOCKSAmerican American Security 8 aad ad Trust 2SO SNatleAl 50 900 900Naaoaal 300Natlosal Naaoaal Sating rlDlt aDd Trait 225 225 225Union Z35UI 315Uslos Union Trust 1 13G 13614 UWTi UWTiWai Uffu 135 135Waldsstca Wai actoa Low sad Trust IrnstX15 205 30 30United 210UJdW 0 0ilultet United States Trast um 2 U5H U5HSAVINO8 l1StiSA 11514SAVINGS SAVINGS SA nws RANK STOCKS STOCKSnone 8TOCKMfTl8C STOCKSflec none fTl8Crwchnts 3W 3WMwchants 750and Mwchants and ifedjanks M6 3 KO KOUnion IfOU IfSUaioii Union 219 9 tDMe 345 345Ohee 5 5Dtee Dtee 11 11H 1lSatt 11hag hag WaelOustsa Wuh ttu 12H 12Hl 12 12Pesrideet Pesrideet Tldeat 9 11 UjriRH 11lIJRB 11FIRS FIRS INSURANCE BTOOK3 BTOOK3Aittngtun STOOKSAUIIten uroosArlington Arlington 23 23CeoMaardal 33 33Ce CeoMaardal Ce 6 6CaroorM 6CorcorIIa 6Cetocrali CaroorM 77 77PJrtiaaas 11FJrs IT5irss PJrtiaaas 19 19FmahBa 19FraIIIdia 31 31ra1 FmahBa ra1 KGaraMtaAamrican WcA 40Cemeau4tmtdcan GaraMtaAamrican cA cANational 290 30Natloest SO SONational National Delis uta TS ffifokuaa 7 lPotosaaa 814 814PMoweo Potosaaa 23 2 2T1WB 3 3TITLB 3 3TlTh18 T1WB IN8URANCB 8TOKS 8TOKSCto 81O STOOKSCe0iss1a K8 K8Cuh Cto Cuh Ce0iss1a hla 4S 4 5 5Real 5lteal 5ItaItte Real ItaItte Bataie SS SSVVaaalcton 93 93V 53Wsthtos VVaaalcton 3 3MI8CKLLANBOD8 3MIICBLIANBOOS 31tlLLANEOUS MI8CKLLANBOD8 STOCKS STOCKSEmcriOB trrOOKSRIBeno STOCKSEmasoe EmcriOB atm Pump 15 15lirapnopaoa slirJ1J 31lripOopbos lirapnopaoa OpII cow 5 5Gnaatpboae 5GN 5p01 Gnaatpboae GN pM 21 Ifi 31i 31ib4IaUI1t1 34bemulty 94 94Mcurtty Mcurtty stMs 200 200Wathtesten 3XVatlth1tM 10 10waintse Wathtesten Market Mu 1SH 1SHfixdiridwd 1B 1BBxdlridnd 1314JSxdhldcid fixdiridwd fixdiridwdCHICAGO BxdlridndCmCAGO JSxdhldcidOBICAGO CHICAGO LIVE STOCK STOCKChieag STOCKCkicae STOCKclakae Chieag Dee nLlfe Lira ho ho Went USalSc tower towerthan 101mtbaII lowerthea than yesterdays areragt The receipts irero estt esttmted mUasIM t1 t11DtlIIl mted at 3K030 150 effiofal jMtarday 33Z 5Ci 343 sbipmcnifl sbftln sbftlnWt ShIPmtutOletI 688 toft over 178 1181 eetwated t6 receipt naiipta tomorrow romontnfm tomorrow31SIS 5066 Balk of priew 7tt T4 lights T40a7 7Z1a750 750i 0 mixed mixedand miedaDd mrzedand and batdxHS 7JaT 13I81liO hoary 720al50 1 rro yorkers ortcs1m 750 pEas IMP 6kJ 6J745 6J745Cattle a7 a7Cattle Iti ItiCaWe Cattle were weak to We lover Estimated receipts receipts30X1 mrlpttSO reaUpth75OA 30X1 Beeves IjOar 9 eon aDd heifers 225585 225585Texas 2ir 331ek58Texas i i1exaI Texas Macs lffl 3rod08 310s5 5ee stockars and feeders fetd ISa 3 545 5 is Wcsiemc 3Q9aS8a 3Q9aS8aSheep 3 30Is58Sheep 8 8Sheep Sheep were re lie lower Estimated racdpta 33000 33000NatiHA 33mNad 1513NaUsee NatiHA Nad 133ai3 342I WastER stera 2hLS 2 yearlings 43Da D1 5 515 laabs tOOat 4cxw3t Western 450o6J5 450o6J5SEYEH LNhS75SEVEN k16SEVEN SEVEN fiCGOSED A000SEDOF CGOSED OF FRAUDS FRADDSIndicted FRAUDSIndicted FRAUDSt I IThclicted Indicted at Denver Colo Cob for Desert Desertland DesertLand DesertlarnI land Entry Deals DealsJ3vitlencc DealsJtlenee DealsEvitlence J3vitlencc Jtlenee Against A gain lit Irrigation Com Company ComIH1n Conspuny puny IH1n Members lIembcrsSecnred Secured by Gov Governments Government Governmenta ernments Special Agents AgrentaInforroaUon AgentaInformaUon AgentsInfornsaUon InforroaUon has been received at tho thoGenoral thoG theGeneral General nQl81 Land Office of the Department of ofthe otthe ofthe the Interior of the indictment at Denvor DenvarColo DenvorColo DenvorCole Colo of seven residents of that StatQ StatQon Stat Staton Staton on charges chfl OII of conspiracy in the use of ofthe ofthe ofthe the mails me tis to defraud The indictments indictmentswere indictmentswere Indictmentswere were found on evidence primarily se secured se secured socured cured by the special agents a nts of ofthe the General GeneralLand GeneralLalld GeneralLand Land Office The men indicted are areJ areJ areJ Alb Albert rt Wright Frank White John JohnGould JohnGould JohnGould Gould Corydon A Moody Homer A A Gib Gibson Gibson Gibson son son Robert Rose and Sam Baker Bakerajl DakerttJl BakerJi ajl Ji of the Riverside Land and Irrigation IrrigationCompany IrrigationCompauy IrrigationCompany Company The seven defendants are each eachunder Cachunder eachunder under 3fiOO 2KO ball ballThii bdlThis ballThis This company by extensive advertising advertisingand advertislnsand advertisingand and the use of agents procured about aboutflfty aboutfitty aboutfifty fifty entrymen to locate ocate on the desert desertlands desertlands desertlands lands in the Montrose Colo Cob district districtBeforo districtBeCorn districtBefore Before the entries were made the entry entrymon entrymen entrymen men were required to agree or contract contractwith contractwith eontratwith with tho company to deed to the company companywhen companywhen companywhen when patent was secured all allot of the land landexcept landexcept landexcept except 10 or 20 acres of the 320 acres em embraced embraced embraced braced braced in each entry in return for which whichthe whichthe whichthe the company was to furnish the entryman entrymanhis entrymanhis entryrnanhis his water supply supplyEEVOLTITI01TAEY supplyREVOLUTIONARY supplyREVOLUTIONARY REVOLUTIONARY SONS ELECT EEECTGen ELECTGen ELECTGen Gen Leonard Wood Chosen Presi President PresIdent Preeldent dent at Annual 3Ieetingr 3IeetingrThe lfeetlngThe 3fectlngThe The Sons of the Revolution at their theirannual theirtlWIual theirallpual annual tlWIual meeting held at Rauschers RauschersTuesday RauschersTuesday RauschersTuesday Tuesday night elected officers for the theensuing theensuing theensuing ensuing year as follows followsGen followsGoo followsGen Gen Leonard Wood president Dr HL HL UL Johnson vice president pr ldcntI A A Par Parris Parris Parris ris Jr secretary Wilson Wilson Ison treas treasurer treasurer treasurer urer urer Alfred Horner registrar Rev RevJobn RevJohn RevJohn John Van Sohalck chaplain chaplainA A board of managers was elected as asfollows asfollows follows Walter Clephane Commo Commodore Commodare Commodoro dare Richard Davenport Frederic LHuidekoper LEutdekoper LBuldekoper Huidekoper Dr Charles Chnrl Langworthy LangworthyReginald LangworthyReginald Reginald Rooker Col Henry May HayWilliam MayWilliam William Metcalf Metcalf0 Benjamin Miller Millerand Millerand and John Stuuffer A luncheon fol followed folbwed lowed wed the election electionWeekend electionWeekend Weekend Trips to to Old Point PointThe PointThe PointThe The chief attraction aUractl of Old point Com Comfort om omfort fort at the tl 16 holiday season is the presence presenceof of one or more divisions of the Atlantic AtlanticHeat Atlanticfloat Atlanticfleet Heat of battle ships in Hampton Roads Roadstho Roadsthe tho brilliant uniforms of both arms of oftho ofthe tho service being much in evidence each eachevening eachevening evening evenln at numerous receptions teas teasand teasand teasand and cotillions cotllllo II at the famous Chumborlin ChumborlinHotel ChlmboritnHotel ClmborlInHotel Hotel Washingtonians and visitors will willfind wUlfind willfind find the attractive weekend trips of offered offered offored fered by the modern steamers of the theNorfolk theNorfolk Norfolk and Washington Steamboat SteamboatCompany SteamboatCompany Company a very pleasant and enjoyable enjoyableouting enjoyableouting enjoyableouting outing The city ticket office In the Bond BondBuilding Bond13uUdlng BondBuilding Building will be pleased to furnish de detailed detailed detailed tailed information and make necessary necessarystateroom nccessarystatoroom necessarystateroom stateroom reservations reservationsLights rei6rV8tlonsLIl1ts reservationsLights Lights Required January 1 1Maj 1Maj 1Maj Maj Sylvester will not enforce tho regu regulation rcSUlatton regulatlon lation requiring lights on horsedrawn ve vehicles vehicles yehides hicles until January 1 This decision was wasreached wasreached wasreached reached yesterday although the District DistrictCommissioners DItrictCommtssloners DistrictCommissioners Commissioners held set the time for De December December Docomber cember 17 DAILY COURT RECORD RECORDWedntaday Wednesday dnesdaTf December 14 1910 1Dl Supreme Court of tho United States StatesPresent StateaPreatllt StatesPresent Present Mr Jtutica Harlar Mr Jostle White WhiteMr WhIteMr WhiteMr Mr Jostles McKenna fcKenv Mr Justice Holmes Mr MrJustlca YrJustlco MtJeistieq Justlca Day Mr Justice Lotion LurtoP and Mr Justice JosticaHnjzbes Justicefinches ce ceHwrhes finches HnjzbesPhilip HwrhesPhUlp finchesPhilip Philip 8 Zieber of Readlnff Pa Tbomaa Thomailacser ThomailacserSnyder Jaeger JaegerHnyder I ISnyder Snyder of Eoadins Pa i Drid 3 Stricilcr oj ojColorado otColorado 07Colorado Colorado Springs Colo Henry He t1 0 Young of ofMaiden ofMalden ofMaIden Maiden Mass MlWi James Culltoo of Louistjlle LouistjlleKy LOIlIsI11Ky LonirsilleKY Ky Homer Bathos of IxmigTine Ky Kri William WillUmF Wtl1UmF Connolly of Detroit Mice Edwin HcndcrBOn HcndcrBOnof nendemnof of Detroit Midi and Rally of Detroit DetroitMich DcljDlt DcljDltMIch DetO1tMich Mich were admitted to practice practiceNo pruUceNo practiseNo No No 637 House plaintiff in error Joel JoelJ JOelh 11 Mayw M1Y I Marshal argument continued by byMr bylr byhir Mr lr Elliott Major for the defendant in error errorand rand errorand and concluded by Mr James Haserman aennan for the tnaplainUH tb tbpWnWf theplaintiff plaintiff in error errorNo emrNo errorNo No aa Thomas Thom Brodnai and Frank BEssex EEssex BEssex Essex plaintiffs in error TS TB The Btto to of Missouri Missouriargument MlMot1rlarument Miuocrlargumcnt argument commenctsl by Mr Prank Hasmnan fo fothe fo fothe lotthe the plaintiffs In error continued by Mr Elliott EUl tt WMajor W11ajor WMajor Major for the defendant def ndUlt in error and concluded by byMr brMr byIde Mr frank tunk Hagennan for the plaintifls in error errorNo errorNo errorNo No 611 6U The Sac and Fox Indians of the Misses Missessippl ooslppl Miastssippl sippl in Iowa appellants TS TI The Sac and andlruiJJuu Fox FoxIndians 1bzIndians Indians of the Mississippi Mi in Oklahoma kbhoma and the theUnited th thUnikd theUnited United States argument arumen commenced by Mr MrCrtarJea MrCilades 11 11ltades CrtarJea Mcriltet 31cnll for otthe xtU the appellants appeHaatsAdjourned apr appellantsAdjourtierl l1ntl l1ntlAdjourned Adjourned until tomorrow at 12 oclock oclockTho oclockThe oclockThe The day call for Thursday December 15 win bu be beu beas follows Non 614 103 1 8 350 72 12 II 15 75 f6 6 TT 18 18and 18 18IU1d 73and and 73 and 80 Court of otAlpenl otAlpenlAdjoarncd Appeal AppealAdjourned AppeaIsAdjourned Adjourned from day to day da dayunUl until January 3 3 BU BUEquity mlECIulty 1011EqultyCourt Equity EqultyCourt Court No Jo 1 1JUSTICE 1 1JUSTIOE 1JUSTIOB JUSTICE STAFFORD STAFFORDIn 1A TORD TORDIn In ra lunacy Janxa A HJsginson lnteste im imauthorl 1nmen 1nmenauthorized nJ nJauUiorized authorized auUiorizedIn authorl authorlIn In re lunaey Robert A A A Steidel urns KameIB urnsIs IB re lunacy Bran I LiBdebarc erne erneNa smeNo asmeNo No 23E92 Larch TS Southern Securities Company CanpanjJrsfannre CIaISS1IYrateeuro jreference reference to auditor Attorneys Stesaa Lercfci LercfciPaul LenbInt Lor LorPaul Paul Sloman SlomanNo SIOIIWINo SlomanNo No S3619 IP Rock TS Athford aabstitattoa of tna tnateo tnIsotoo tnrzte too te ordered Attornty ttorne1 Gittt OittiDs ss Chamberlain ChamberlainNo Ohambala1nNo QuamberlaleNo No 55GT1 Campben TS Campbdl ll arpifd ar a and a4d sub sobmittcd submitted subrallied rallied Attorneys Att ners VWUJohn Bidout BidoutAffifgnmcDt IUdoot IUdootfltlInCDt itidouttnetgnmcut AffifgnmcDt for December IS ISNo 15No 18No No 7T Sanford TBL a Sb Sblnalelt lt Attorneys Dan DOBaldsoaDarr DCJtold3onDiUT DanaldeoruDare aldsoaDarr Peyser Tailor TailorEanlty I 21eyioEufty Jor JorEquity Equity Court No 2 2JD8TICB 3 3JUSTICB 3JUIITICS JD8TICB GOULD GOOLDNo GOULDNo COULDNo No SSS Hnsfc lIugh Ts T5 llabea ihea et aL at dhon diYozco44 diYozco44TIn dliorosa dliorosatin ya yaNa TIn tin mat deaeed At Attceseys Co TumerA UW CWells Wells WellsNo llt lltNoIIl Na NoIIl 2DSSL LUger BaH ct aL al decrw pro con confesso amfsa mafeno fesso Attorneys Att DarliDftoa and a Sat SoJliian SatllnnO i i1ITn liian llnnO a 1S Ctagett CtagettNo ClapttNo CIUO41No No No 23079 Manoalw a Maunker et aL diiwco diiwcoa a Tin II mat mat decreed Attorneys A 0 0 BradleyW 0 0aiclto 0 0Iib aiclto aicltoNo Iib Iibo No 7 2 3kl Ba Rants et al is 1 Heard et aL ii decnaj decnajpro c1ecmJft dreira pro confesso AttomeTS 0 WHliemsT 0 0Bradley Ollrndler 0Bradlejy Bradley BradleyNa llrndlerNo14 BradlejyNo Na No14 2374 Thanpeon Tbem OO ra fS MOOeD et sL a order Tttti TtttiAttoraefs siAttom eAttorsea Attoraefs Jl iX IL Craan and 8 Flansary FlansaryNo 1eeneute7No 7No No 2iWfi Rabbitt RabMtt et at aLi custody of ofclflH orch11d ofchild child awarded Attoraey McJfWla Car CarringUm eurington 0a1rtegthn ringUm ringtonCircuit Circuit Court No 1 1JD8TICB 1 1JOIITIOE 1JUSTICS JD8TICB ANDERSON ANDERSONNa ANDERSONNo No SUED 5 Blnthothil Bedcrt TS Orson et etaL etat etaL aL bin ef veepttoo Wed 1illl AUonKrs A WWheaileyH wWhmtlCJH WWhettleyIL WheaileyH I QuInn and 1 A A Baitay BaitayNa 1tJ7No RafisyNo No 4SL Thorn Them admintetrator TS TI i Sanborn flat flatOQ Oateta OQ sd fa fa a Attorney Il Webb WrtdxNa WebbNo WebbNo No 23 2a CeaseS a Qoaadm et aL ii siren to jury juryAttomcja jarrAttornllJs ion ionAttorneeys Attomcja CbibsrtL A Saner BaficyAsotsoMBt 1cyA SanerAsg8ecat AsotsoMBt A for December 15 15No 5Ne 35No No Cf Toner et al al TS Sattnders zmden Trundle et etal etaI etal al Attorney Kappler Ksp er Mwtttat eriIbt and Hayden HaydenNa 1lllJdnluaBmy flaeoabnasBiiay luaBmy Mbaot MbaotNIL hiteorNo Na NIL a 31 MoriarMy rtriU admtBfctrator TS TI Washington WashirctoaOiult W4AhmctO1OlUltpt WashingtonOaaltght Oiult OlUltpt it Company Attoraeja A Montague fi ite iteriarHy yo yorilriQltn 15 15nharMyEsrry riarHy rilriQltn Parry Son SonNa nNo SenNo No 1U Wrifht TS TL Wastatoeton Raihray and andISeotrle andEJeotrlc and15eetnlc ISeotrle Company Attoraw Bradley DrdJe1D DrdJe1DIhfOtr BradleyDouglas Douglas DouglasHeoTtr tNo HeoTtr HeoTtrNo IhfOtrNo No 127 21 Pritehard Batttaun and Ohio Rafl Raflread fl13isad read 4 CMOpany plDf et aL al AUoraeyt A ODeacstoe OD ODsssghneBam ODsssghneBamStan Hara Haratoo nam1tNt 1tNt Stan too CWbnrt Yates HanrfKotu HanrfKotuNo UDaOtonNo 1IestlteruNo No No 97 Jones ra 111 Aaacoatta sad let Jtac RIsen RlrerRailway IUTerR3lhn1 RIsenRailway Railway Company On Attoraej AabroGo Kapfdor KapfdorCircuit Kapplertmat KapelocMerWatDarftagtsu MerWatDarftagtsu MerWatDarftagtsuCircuit tmat Dutetoa DutetoaCircul Circuit Circul Court Wo NoJUSTlCB SJUSTICE 75JUSTICE JUSTICE BARNARD BARNARDNa BARNARDNo BARNARDNo No SXSXL Stewart TS Winrtow WiDIIoWi Tardtet eend4c far dV dVfeadaxt dffend1at do dofendtst feadaxt A Attorney Jrflorti Jr4r I Wiaiamssa Wiaiamssaand Wifliaroseausl UIhms8nIIo and FNo Peyton PeytonNa II7tonNo No 897L Payne TS 13 Capital Traction Company CompanyTerdlct ComIW11Terdlct Coenranyaerdlot Terdlct fw defendant Attoruoja a 5 Sfcrere sad aadM udN RJcbardsoaR RIch It Perry See sad TDonltp TDonttp TDunlop Dunlop DonltpAsitgamcrtfl DonttptJt DunlopAMlgarnnuta Asitgamcrtfl tJt for today todayNa todarNo todayNo Na No 31 Kobea YI WaaWesten Railway and RIta Eleotrio Elrotrio RItatrio trio Cafxur AUaraeysntU ntD Rogers Rogersead MaUfngly MaUfnglyand lliWP1rIUId and Oardto Oud rJ Darttagtoa DarttagtoaNa Daritogwsye IL ILNo Na UK 1IB i Hewtey idnatoWraJor ra 7 MetropolItan MetropalltanCoaeh MetropJl1ulle MetropolItanCoach Coach ch Corapaay Attorney AUorBe7C Hokson CalTtaHam CalTtaHamflton Cohbllam1 CelytnflsrnliLac liLac Colbert Lert Tubes mes Hamilton HamiltonNa IbmiltonNe UusdtsnNo Na IK Blackburn Ja bura game ss Attorneys Solliran SolliranPerry 51llinnmy SruIllranPerny Perry my Son and DQIop DQIopNo Da4o Da4oNo Da pNa Na No 541 Jelly ada aiiitJator dmiiu Uator Adams Alter Attorneja Attcrne Alterfleas JlITb fleas ne Lambert bcrl rtington ariiDctonNo rtingtonNa fleasNo No 40 400 Sprow TO Sfaptw Attorneys Jackson JacksonNiebol JadaIoaNiehol JadsonNiebol Niebol JohaaaBSyaa Job8 Woodari WoodariNa WoodanNo WeodardNo No HI 14 Steward Suite at 4 aL 3 Attorneys AttorneysWtilKunsThouwa AtternqsWiIllamsIboMu AUruueysW4UiemsThOaI WtilKunsThouwa Biraey Woodard WoodardCrlmlnnl WoodardCrfmlnn WoodardCrinsluun Crlmlnnl Court No 1 1JUSTICB 1JUSTICB 1JUSTICH JUSTICB WRIGHT WRIQHTNo WmanTNo WRIGHTNo No mos United Stat no Harvey Lewis LewisJajMn LewiJaJMII Lslalease lease MeMos and Bwrrtt Dates ablation nMatiaoatetioB rielaUDnMe ablationsection section M4f Hi Reriead Reds RUtates 8WutesU1 United State SWesi Ttrdtet TtrdtetjMiltT TtrdIctI yerdictguilty guilty as to each Attorneys A BL Davis na 1 a aOUUiW CoC1tWtta CQitUee OUUiW Co 1L 8yM Hcowr and WSolttru WSaWYU 11sewsan Solttru SolttruNa SaWYUNo sewsanNo No Till United Slates as mile HeSman HeSmannonauprcrt HeflmL1lMtJlllJI flenanuenasert nonauprcrt rt bench warrant awurdad awurdadNa a aNe1SL arddNo Na Ne1SL 2731 i751 United States TS Oacar Johnson as assault usudt asaaielt sault danssroos waapaa plea not saflty safltyNa guSt guStNo 1 1NelS Na NelS 22S8 Urftod SteMs va Wttfam Brans and andThomaa andTbcua andThcesa Thomaa Vtaaton boujebreakiaK bel awl krceay aaonuy i plea pleanot pletDOt piesnot not piiHr as to No I No 2 paSty sufitrNa auDtlNo paStyNo No S2Sa United State BUt Noah Sanders Sanderssuua SawdenilW11i Saunderssame same lW11i pi pies a Buihy guilt i KtAtueaA to peattartiary Uur for forfire fort1 fortIre fire t1 yeses yaaraNa till yesesNo ra raNI7J Na NI7J 272S3 DnJtod States TS Thomas Johnson Johnsonsame 1obnsmsame Jthnxunsate same sate i plea pie sot guilty guiltyNa raUt1No paStyNo Na No lIl United States TV vs Cain Robertson RobertsonGeorge RbertIonG flabentsosuGeorge George Screen and Thomas JohnKm same Na i 1 1plea 1 1plea 13alCa plea gvOty No 3 me resend i No No 3 pit tea net netgwilty notIII actguUt gwilty gwiltyNa III guUt guUtNo QNoom Na Noom 7137 United ed States SktaTS Set TS Cborles Rndd same samesentonced amci amciant4Dced samesentasacd sentonced to the pcnhenUary for three years yearsNa 1ftISNolDL yearsNo Na NolDL rZM 31L United States TS fL Lydi Lydia Frari llruier grand srandlarceny cnndJamDf grandlareeny larceny plea sot guilty guiltyNo tJNo paStyNo No 223 Unitul ataua 8tA 8tat TX rs Howard Peed Peedsane Pettii Pettii141M PealMoss sane saateocad teo to penitentiary pcl teD for or eighteen months monthsand monUuand monthand and placed on probation probationNa prOOa probetlosNo ell ellNo Na No 272SK United States TS Washington Lewis Lewisasaault Ierisi Ierisi4sn Lewisasesult asaault 4sn It dangerous weapon pea guilty guiltyNa aUtJNo paStyNo No 2723 212 United States 111 George Harris boos booaebreaking boosbreakiDg hon honbreaking breaking pica guilty guiltyNa guiltyNo guiltyNo Na No 2OL United States TS T1I Noble Weddincton Weddinctonpetit Weddintonpetit Weddlngtonpetit petit laroMy discbarfo oo December 1910 from fromworkhouse fromwtJrkboa6 fromerkbouso workhouse ordered orderedCriminal orderedCriminal orderedCriminal Criminal Court Court No NoCllIBP 2 2CHIEF 20111SF CHIEF JUSTICB CLABAUGH CLABAUGHNa CLABAUGnNo No 27243 Z43 45 United Stales BtA Mph Wener TCT lar larceny JarCCI11 lareasy easy plea guilty sentenced to penitentiary for three threeyears U1rcorear tiureayears years plaosd 1aaed on probaUon probaUonNo prebailosN UM UMN No ST27L 1 United States TS Geroga Minor Minorsodomy Minorsodmnri Sneersodoniy sodomy pie pIet guilty sentenced HD to jail al1 for one oneyeaj onerea oneNo yeaj reaNo yeajNa No IKGi B5 United States TS Oscar Taper and andGeorge andG andGeorge George Dyer bousebraakinc and larcoay Juo1 gina to tothe tothe tothe the jury Attornaje Robson Cabin CalrinBankruptcy CalrlnDnnkrupteT CabinBankruptcy Bankruptcy Court CourtJUSTICE CourtJUSTICE CourtJUSTICU JUSTICE STAFFORD STAFFORDNo No CCS In ra Joseph Anerbach rbaok canoe CAU5NI Ht disabled disabledNo mi a iT iTNa Na 707 In re Aaron Goldman yule retarnabla retarnablaDecember retmnablcDecember retennableDecember December 30 3fI 3fII I Probate Court CourtJUSTICE CourtJUSTICE CourtJUSTICE JUSTICE GOULD GOULDEstate GOULDEstate COULDEstate Estate of William A A Knapp order to sell stock stockAttorney IUdAttorney atis atisAttonsey Attorney Tolmas TolmasEstalq Jc1muIEst1tQ Tohmaaunotate Estalq of Conrad Jordan petition for letters tes testamentary tUmcntDrf tostnincntary tamentary Attorney Charles Bamnan BamnanEetato D3UDWlE8tate BaurnanEstate Estate of Norval King order to asH otock otockAttorneys IItcctAttornCTot MorkAttorney Attorneys Gordon Gordon GordonIn GonlooIn GordonIn In re Truman Beckett et aL a order for snow aEowancc aIlowanoo snowanon anon Attorney Guy GuyEstate GuyEstate GuyEstate Estate of Ruby Holtidaw Clayton appointed appointedguardian apnintedguardian spndntalguardian guardian bond 5103 5103In 100 100In 100In In re Helen Barnes Edward CoDoday appoint appointed a aed appointed ed guardian bond ro 500 Attorney Eo Cblloday CbllodayEstate CblJodA1EWte QullodayRelate Estate of lithe nn Co Durall Du James A A Duvall ap appointed ap apJXinted apminted pointed guardian i bond 100 1000 Attorneys Dirr DirrPeyser DurleYfr Dalirer Peyser Taylor TajlorBstate Tarlmtate TaylorBriate tate of CuTler Grocer letters testamentary tC5Wncn 1I7 to toElla toElla toBile Ella if Grorer bond JGOO Attorney Brace Browns BrownsEstate nE BrownsRelate Estate of Robert Howard order ratifying sale saleAttorneys saI saIAttorneys saleAttorneys Attorneys Bleman Leech LcrcbEstate Lercl1Esbtc LeechEstate Estate of Edward Grinder order crantinz ia iaetracUona fn fnstructions inetructions etracUona Attorney Darlington DarlingtonEstata DarlingtonEstat3 DanhingionFatal Fatal of Michael Walsh order for sale of ofbusiness of1JusinC6 ofbusiness business Attorneys Baker Sheehy Hogan HoganEstate HaganEtJtatc hoganEstate Estate of Emma Hammer letters of administra administration admfnbtration admInlztnation tion granted to Rem lL Davis bond prm L500 Attor Attorney Attorney tttneursy ney Darlington DarlingtonHstate DarllogWnRtl1e DarlingtenEstate Estate of Lillie Berurfonl ozemplified oxemplitledropy copy of will willfiled 1rlUflIed willfiled filed filedItatath filedBstate Estate of John A LuUreU petition UUon for letters of ofadministration oradmtnWnUon ofadininistxntlosu administration Attorn lu tttcrn5y rn Frederick Slngley SlngleyNo S1 SlngleyEquity e1 e1Equity Equity Suit SuitXo Suits SuitsNo No 23S1B IL Gtnrgie Rock 1 TIe Welds Ash Asbford Asht Ashford ford trust trustec and William A A Hedrick lledri ki to substi substitute substitute subetttute tute trustee Attorneys Gittinss diamberlain diamberlainNo OlIamberlainNo No 2S328 Sarah Hillman Wman and Joel Hlllman TS TSGirard TSG1rud asGirard Girard Tnwt Company Samuel SUms and andRichard anst antItirbard Richard htird Tyler trustee tru ec to substitute trustee At Attorney Attonwr Attourney tourney Alex Wolf WlfNa elf elfNo Na 0 2DS21 Jessie Mann 1ann TS fSo James Slimmer Semmcrrille SlimmerTill Scnurncrabli rille Till ct aL unknown heirs helrsi to quiet ql llt title ti Attor Attorney AttornllI Attoracre ney acre I Welles Well and Alex Wolf WotfNa WolfNa VoUo Na 23S22 Lewis Johnson Tt TIo Maud A Freeman Freemanet et aL al to appoint trustees to marcy Attorneys LM Lu King Kin and nd George 0 Gertman GertmanLaTrsu GertnW1Lnwsult QentrotuLawsuit LaTrsu Lawsuit LnwsultNo it itNo No 53ia James A Wbitcomb TS William A AEasterday A AEuterd11 AEastsrdaj Easterday judgment Municipal Court Court J1SO 130 Alter Attorney AtiorneT Alterrse3 neT John 1 Cassia ClasinIt It Banklnptcy Petition PetitionNa PetitionNo PetltlouNo No T07i 1J In re Aaron Goldman GoldnaniDoJunl iOTOIuntar iuoluntiy r1 yoU petition 1CUUon yoUtion tion PetItioners solicitor tor PMeehanlc 1 Lorinc LorincMechanlcii lmthMeehanlci Mechanlcii IJca IJcaNa Lie LieNo LIczNo No 6164 61M William Brown TB McDonnell McDonnoUiU 314 11 port of lot 11 sjuaro SSI Attoraey Pam PacaOberiin PamOberlin PamOberlin Oberlin OberlinREAL REAL ESTATE ESTATmTRANSFER ESTATmTRANSFERLanler TliAXSPBnS TliAXSPBnSLanicr TI1A SFEn SFEnLanln Lanicr HeighULot 577 Harry Wardman and andThqmas an4Tbwnu andTh33sa Thqmas Th33sa 1 Bones to Molllo Stock JIO JIOFloral noE1onl 19 19Floral Floral Hill llU18quue Sauaro 680 83 sublet 22 George VWhito vWhit VWhite Whit to Harry 0 0 Dirge IlL POLCenter IlLCenter 510Center Center EddnBton EckingtonLot Lot 11 block 19 Rebecca Scrire Scrireiwr 8crlreMr SabreIset iwr Margaret Walter et aL a to Harry UBirge uBir 0Utsyd Birge JW JWRear 16 16Reu 10Bear Rear of 2113 Thirteenth street northwestSquaro northWeitSqusreJot 2 4 lot 92 Norman Be Rica to James Jheane JKeano J0amio1 heane Keano 10 10nmbtQQ 10umbzooksqeieuo 10 10HnibtookSqoare HnibtookSqoare nmbtQQ 8qUAfelooG 5076 lots 12 and 13 Otway BZantringer BZantzinrer BZantzieger Zantringer 4 ox to John Hall 10 10BartT 10Bern WBarry Barry FarmSauara 5S6 Iota 125 12S and 123 123Fanny lJJann1 131itrin Fanny itrin Williamson 11 to Howard Beckloy 10 10Barry 1G 1GJln1 10Fern Barry Fern FanaSquar Far Equuo 56G1 305 Iota 123 1 153k 123 128 and ndAndmw 123 123Andrew 131Andrew Andrew 8 Ikckley Dec1d 1 to Howard ckt BeoUsy no noRtnoLot 510BrainLot 10 10BoioLot BoioLot 27 block 7 James Cites et ox ux to the theDistrict theDistfiet theDlsttict District of Columbia mFirst 975 975First 375First First And streets southcastBquaro 75L part of oflot oftot oflet lot 12 the Waibington Loan and Treat Com Company Can11U1 4J pany trustee ct al to Lena Jen A A WUlUma Ultaw tlm tlmlO8 51750its 1209 120970S its Second street northweetrScjaaro 561 561 64 lot 38 38aireno 31uruno 35Serene Serene Harbour et ux UL et AI Si to Frank Ftankoppert nkRappat FrankRapport Rapport oppert SO SOEishth 10 10RIZhth oEihtb Eishth street northeast between and a streets strwtaSQuare tSqtWe streetsSquare SQuare 922 lot 12 Ira Cola to Lwana LeranaVan A AVan A AVan Van Doren 510 510Ulflbronk7uare 10 10Hillbrookruare IDHillbrook8qmre Hillbrookruare 5081 lot 182 182i Holmcad o1mead Manor ManorBjoaro 1bnorSlU Manorsinare Bjoaro SlU 2330 lot 10 1 John Chaconaa to Peter EChaconas EoCl1aconu FCliaconu Chaconas 10 10Fomtecnth 510Foarteceth 13 13FoortccDth FoortccDth etreet southeast IOU near streetSquare 5 5lOU 1013 lot 29 9 James A Clark et nx UL to Jamea JOBrteo JI 7 7OBrien I OBrteo 10 W13U 10113U 113U 13U street iwrtltwwtSqaaro 29 lot I Bra RBouic nBoule ItBade Bade et tit Harry to Jat1f TWest Ba Reason 510 510West WWest West Uloominsdile BlcsaningdajoLot Lot 46 Meek 1 John Haa Haaderson llllldmcn lIendunce dunce to Martin Fries mas 18 18COS 31os os etreot northwwtr nortbweetJure 6a arc itf lot 12 Fred A AKumrncU A AKummcll AKiumnell KumrncU et uz and Richard Berosford Beresfoedto eieoi eieoitor tWiCItt tor to to Ella Hanor SSOOQ S00lo 0 street southeast between Fifteenth and andtreetSlWLre Sixteenth SUteenUjstreetsSquare SixteenthstreetsSquare streetsSquare 1074 Iota 3J ad 35 William WilliamHhedd W1I1iaaLHhedd W1Wa W1WaOTheekI Hhedd Holton and Mary 1Al1 Brown bun to toBerkley toBorkkr toBerkIeY Berkley 11 I Simmons CO COUnharsity SlOUnlTenity 10 10Unireralty Unharsity ParkLot 6 aad part of lot 5 block bkdteJkelfIY 44 44Baklr 4 4Betkaley Betkaley Sinsnons StmmoM Howard Etchison at HZ HZto tIL tILto uxto to Leo Simmons Stmmon no noUnlrmUy 10UnirerSty 10 10University University ParkPart of lot 5 and lot fi block blockLeo UUo 44Ito Leo Simmons et uz UL to William ShedS Hellos Holton Holton1D 1D 1DGnnbjPart 10CPart 10 10GranbyPart GranbyPart of Jot 15 Thereat 35 Faoth uth et nr air to toIda toIdl toIde Ida Flemey a aMttllarfy IGMatUn1 10 10MatUni Mttllarfy TractSquare lra 2536 lot 7T Sarah Fan Fanto Farrta FarnIn to Marsaret Goodman 1ft 1ftBan lfl 10Barry lflBarry Barry FarmSquare Par sSquaxe SKI lot mi D3j Robert Scott Bcotts 8oUet Scottet et ax to Jerry Tyler Ul UlPstworth tNIfOrtJtLot 10 10PetmthL0t Pstworth NIfOrtJtLot Lot 90 00 block 73 George a Bough et at atto ux uxto axto to Alfred A A Walto nO nOlct1UrtbfAt 10PetweethLot 10 10PetworuVLot PetworuVLot 33 33 block Grorco Cammtop Cammtopand CammIuand CarnmIesand and Georgo rI Cook truaUw to Hubert Herbert7 Herbert7Yule JYak JYut Yak YakWasHnston Yule YutW 5 5Waingtsi WasHnston HaisblsLot 139 Gertrude Gfcuefe Gfcuefeet et Tir to Agnes jtItS It Wall WaB HHataflad 11IIaIRMd 15 15flabseed Hataflad ManorLot Ml bock 44 Jeaaia Ab Abbott Abbott Abbolt bott et Tit to Ernest Co Morkrity et ex 5 5DEEDS it itDEEDS 11DEEDS DEEDS OF TRUST TRD5TLuier TRUSTLulet TRUSTLuler Luier He4sbteLot Lot 3T7 labIle BtorJc to HPercy SPercy Percy Titee Thomeaan son and Herbert Sbaaaoe trw trwtces tree tees to eeeHro Harry Wardmaa Iaa and Thomas PBases P8es PBones Bases L2429 monthly parmesU p1 6 per cent centpat centpef pat aonara aonaraSqearo aDDIImSqIWO asnamSqearo Sqearo MOC DXLota Lota 21 and 25 Zi Aaron It Itet TvwBshend TvwBshendat at ox ux to John 1 Arms 11B8 and Samuel A A Drory Drorytrusteea Drurytnstese trusteea to eecare Lee Brows jttO SIS 2 yean yeanper 6 6J16r 6tier per cent scmiannnally scmiannnallySquare 1iCmilUl8Dl11Square senI4nnuLllySquare Square SCSPart of tot 4t Josesh Canaody to toLeonard toLoourd toLeonard Leonard GroowM aad 3 Brarett Taylor Taylortrnatoaa TaJIortluttooI Taylortraloas trnatoaa to Haft Castes 0 Taylor or 1291 2 UIngHrtde 1Jrews Urests rests 5 ef at emt MIBiII1 MIBiII1l oeaslseullylng3doLoe IngHrtde lng3doLoe Lot 6 Wee bIeet 4 Frank Ftah Rcgers et nr nrto 1ILto ento to Jamas Ja A QaUll sad David Danipin Danipintra DltD Dampantrustee fIIUI fIIUItnIItfIt tra trustee tw to Is Mean FM lo Fredda torWc 8 ll Smith 5a tll 120 120BMwUtiy 1JUaoethI1 l131osthiy BMwUtiy osthiy payneata 6 per cent pr anonra anonraRo9edftl uutmRO aann50flosedele Ro9edftl and laberwood lahtrwoodro Jta 15 19 lid fi Work WorkS bIotkt i 8 Ttmliaaoa at nx tJ 1 Dewsark Dewsarkand DftIIIWtnd Dosatartsad and Anderson Uwtoea to scum StarlIng SteriinKItnffin 8terliDcItdl StarlIngItn Itnffin 10 51 1000 3 years 6 per cent tamiaawially tamiaawiallySquare DIIUA1lrSIlUro eianauaUySi1isare Square 38Part of lot tit Joseph Oaraody to toLeoaard toLeoItard toLeonard Leonard jrownw DM6 an aDlt Ewkto dktn Gontoa traa traaUes tuto trestees tees to secwe ge Minnie VbwtIey 3 SNl years Wr 5 5per Nl cent aeati lIIIIIIunaUJ lIIIIIIunaUJSqIllUtl ssslanenslly535am uimaUy uimaUySqaaro Sqaaro SKPart ef tot 46 Joseph Jo eJh I Canaody to toLoaaaM teLoam to14555aM LoaaaM GFOOBMB and Stable Gordon lesiontees trus trustees truatees tees tees to acre Walter WlmfiSy Cb UQ 2 09 3 3yean 3years yean Hi per cent to MMUaMHwlly MMUaMHwllySqvaro 1IIIR1 1IIIR1Sq I4seuahly I4seuahlySqwsen Sqvaro Sq SSPart art of lot 49 Josiah 3 Cumody to toLaawwd toLassaid Laawwd GRMBMS Oros lllll lid Enktoe Gordon tras trastMC tn tnteer tMC isoore wrr till MioseIO13 tfr1J TJ WfcMtfey trot 4600 3 3years 3yasri years IIIn Mk 5 jen er cent CMt seniJmmially seniJmmiallySqqare sendfiumallySquare Square 8tAt Lot 35 Jnsn JOSlph bendy to Leonard LeonardW LssrdW Gnome i sod Hroract Taylor truatoei to tosaone sec Oergfe Taylor JtSrt 3 years earu 514 per percant yenooiesnuajir cant 0IDt awai ooiesnuajir ooiesnuajirSquare nanally aIUHlallSS4aa nanallyStuare Square S4aa NXLot tu Lurana A Van Deren at ate to toEdwte teEd toEdwin Edwin Ed Dotton aDd Wffiiam W50In Qainler Qainlertnuteaa QaiaJertnutMs Qaintertreatoas tnuteaa to seeon es Im Cole 110 1 to 61 61raontha 61Werest 61moatS moatS without interest interestWaaalKtM WerestV lolorestWasbisgien WaaalKtM HeijrhtsLot IS Il block 1 Frank ONeil ONeilto to WBBwn Corcoran HOI and asdWIIUAes Wlliaa IUaa Sol Solli 5111h Setihas li ihas an trastfea to assets Laanord NIcholson Nbobonjr NIcholson3Ol1 oIIoojr jr 600It 8009 3 yean 5 per cant Eestiaaanally EestiaaanallyStjoare St8iuD El43niallySejwar llb llbSqare Stjoare 4SSLot Lot Ella I1a JL 11 Baser to Chapin ChapinBrown ChapinDrowa Brown aDd Henry Bwiaann trustees to tootre ii se secure cure the Oriental Orie Boikrteg cdIdht Amxianon Na Sa i isum a sum sumUJdNnkr 1030 1030Uatveety oo ooUntMoky UntMoky ParkPart of tot 5 aixj block 6 William WilliamSbedd WilliamShedd WilliamSbedd Sbedd UoJtoa et wx to William Walker Walkeraai WaIk WaIka Walkera aai a JAG SiaiMOM 5 trwstcos to secure Berkeley LSknnMna LSiefmonc L5knrson SknnMna SLOW 51 days 8 I cent per amram amramSquaw alUlUJlL5qaue snausoSquare Squaw 3KHL9t IAt 65 Robert I Carr ct ux UX to George GeorgeOook GeoFOok GeorgeCook Cook and Arthur Our tiuteaa t1uIt to accrue Rboeca Jtt Jtt00tu Its Itsbocca boeca Cook 53010 2COO COO 3 jwua ssra 5 per met Cf quarterly quarterlyPctworthLeta quarttrbPetwurtbLeta quanterlPctwortbLet PctworthLeta 67 5 and 58 IG block 75 Gar 55 Zt rol rolud Zeppsad and Carroll Zepp to John Job Taylor Anas and andSasjuri ridSAaud andSeisuel Sasjuri A Drnry UuMrcs to secare une Lee Drown DrownOOO 75033 6 OOO XX 1 to months 6 per cent per annum annumSquare aDDUmSq semenSquare Sq Square fO 214Ixit 23 2i Doreay 10 Nichol et nx to toJohn toJohn toJolla John Wwdoa and George While Ores traat tnastfOJ Oresteen tfOJ teen s3 to means I It It Panpnrey PIro 3000 3 years 6 per cant ut soraiannoaHy enaiannssflySnne soraiannoaHySquare i4DJI1al17 i4DJI1al17SqIalV Square STTLot Lot SOS 8 i Jerry Tykr et nx ex to William WilliamP Warmer and sd John Maaaoy trustee to towre se secure soe cure Robert Scott Scott tnJ L308 1 to 109 aontte 5 per cent par aaimin aaiminSquare IUIIIUIILuue snowsSsuare Square uue TSIart I ut of let IS Margarato Curtis to toGeorEO tnOfOrZO toGeorge George Linkins and Julius In I Parser tro trotoes tru trutees truatoes toes tees to secare Frederick Petaian 19 513 1308 3 3years J3tIUS S3seers years per cent ce seraiaraually seraiarauallyPetwonhLot semiamwaUrPetWG11hLot IeerMSJIUaUyPetworzhtet PetwonhLot 33 3 Mock 31 7 Herbert Tale et ox oxto uxte axto to Edmoml Fex and 00 Frederick Walker Walkertrustees Wlk IValkertuiokesa rtnIItee trustees to ers George Qtatmrngs and andGeorfe andGeorJe andGeorge George Cbofe trustees tzeste 51353 115 1 to 41 months 6 per cent semiatumolly semiatumollyHoteead aea meieaunallyHolmead wl wlHobaead Hoteead ManorLot YaD Lot 131 I block 44 Ernest a Mo Morarity Yoriarity Moclarity rarity ct nx to William Hnai Saunders and Sand hudLlrllt ChadUrlegaton SandUrlBipton UrlBipton Llrllt on trattoe tnl6tces to secure Jennie Abbott 115 1 5 monthly payments 6 per cant mat semi scmianuallj seaUannu semiannuaily anuallj anualljDROPPED annu annuailyDROPPED l1 l1DROPPED DROPPED AS DESERTER DESERTERCnpt DESERTERCapt DESERTERCnpt Cnpt OConnell Disappears When WhenShortage VbeuShortage ben benShortnge Shortage in Accounts Is Found FonndCapt FoundCapt FoundCapt Capt John OCorjnell Twanty Twantyelghth Twcmtye1ghth Twantyeighth eighth Infantry formerly stationed stat10n at atFort atFort atFort Fort Snellingr Minn has been dropped droppedfrom droppedfrom droppedfrom from the army as a deserter Capt CaptOConnell CaptOConnell CaptOConnell OConnell disappeared from his post soy several soveral soyeral eral months ago following the discov discovery discovery dlseovcry ery of an alleged shortage in his ac accounts ac accounts nocounts counts He has not boon hoard from fromsince fromsince fromsInce since his disappearance disappearanceHe He is a native of Ohio and was ap appointed nppointe appolnts4 pointed to the Military Academy on Jwi June 16 lESS He Is about thirtynine years yearsof yearnof 06fa 06faof of age He Io has been a captain In the theTwentyeighth theTwontyelghth theTwentyeighth Twentyeighth Infantry since February 2 1901 1501ARMY 1901ARMY 1901ARMY ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS ORDERSArmy ORDERSArmy ORDERSArmy Army Orders OrdersTbe OrdersThe OrdersThe The following foUOW changes in the aasJgnments a gnments of ofor officers officersof oeers oeersof of the Coast Artillery Corps nro ordered Maj HERMAN SCHUitU is enlisted from his hispresent hispresent hIspresent present duties to take effect at sash time t1m as aswill aswill aswill will enable him to comply with this order and andwill andIrill andwill will sail for Manila Mu lll I on or about March 5 1911 Upon arrival ArT ml at Manila lanJJa Mai SCHUMM SCHUMMtrill SCHUM1rwill SCUUM37cil1 trill proceed to Fort Wint GraDdo rondo Island and andaiiume anduswne andassume assume command of that post and of the artil artillery arti1lery artlllery lery district of Subic Bay Maj CLINT CL cL1 CHHARN c1I5ARN CITBARN HHARN will nail on the traasport fOrt looting Manila for the United SUiae on or oratwt ora orabent atwt a April 15 1911 Upon arriTal at San Sanolsen Pi PiCisco Jraa Jraacisco Cisco Cal Maj HEARN will proceed to toMonroe Pwt PwtMonroe 1 1Monroe Monroe Aa Maj DANIEL KSTGHAM KSTGHAMrill KBTOIIArwill 1rQHAMwill will rill sail on the thotramport transport leasing Manila 111Ulila 1 I Ifor Ifor Ifor for the United orates ta on or abotot April 16 16191L 16 15l9lL 191L Upon arrind at San Francisco CaL Maj KETCHAAI mil proceed to Fort You NJ NJand Jand Jand and assume command nd of that post Maj MajSAMUEL MajSumEL MalSAMUEL SAMUEL A KBP1IART will proceed to Jack Jackson Jagson son Barracks Louiiiana anti assume command commandof of that post and of the artillery district of New NewOrleans NawO NawCapt NewOrIen21 I Orleans OrleansCapt OrIen21Capt Capt JOHN OCOXNBLL Twentyeighth Twenty th 1 1fantry 1tantrr Is Isfantry fantry is dropped from the rolls of the army armyDecember armyDe armyDeeemher December 13 1MO for desertion desertionThe desertionThe dosertloirThe The following transfers are ordered to take effect effectthis urtetthiBdate aCectthin this thiBdate date Maj Iaj JOSEPH PURTELLO PURTELLOfrom PUllTELLOfrom PUILTELLOfrom from the Twentyfifth Twoot1 fth Infantry to the urtk PoertkInfantry urtkInfoUltry Hirth HirthInfantry Infantry Maj AMOS A tOB snATTUCK from fremthe tl8lllUte fromthe the Fourth Infantry I to the Twentyfifth Infan Infantry Inrantn InituIT try IT Stab 1 aj PARTBLLO ART LLO will remain on onduty duty at athis athis athis his present station until farther orders ordersFirst ordersllrst First Lieut GBORGB 1 LEG SerrHtit Ctralry Ctralryis is reUered from duty with lib re re imeot imeotwill im nt awl awlwill sadsill will report to the ooapsandlns offiow Feet JfactRiley JIIoctRileJl FeetIUley Riley RileJl Kane nsNnvnl Naval Orders OrdersTb OrdertoThe OrdersThe Tb The following foUOdn order has been issued issuedCommander iMUfflCommander issuedCommander Commander SALISBURY detached com command CXIU1DWld eanmand mand Wilmington to duty as gpernor TeenOn and andtedsat com comfp commandmt fp mandmt tedsat ant of the 1 lUTll station It Guam GIam I I I FINANCIAL FIN NCIAL I FINANCIAL FINANCIALCapital FINANtIAL FINANtIALCapitaI1 FINANCIALCapltal Capital 5QOOOO 500000 Surplus and Undivided Profits Profjts29759802 Profjts29759802l 29759802 29759802Highclass 297598 02 02Highclass I Ii i Highclass ServiceJ Service ServiceiROGRESSIVE ServicePROGRESSIVE 10 iROGRESSIVE business men menrecognize menrecognize menrecognize PROGRESSIVE recognize the importance i portance of ofpatronizing ofpatronizing ofpatronizingabanksuch patronizing patronizingabanksuch a bank such as this thisa a bank which is willing and able ableto ableto ableJ to meet every reasonable demand of ofits ofits ofits its depositors Complete facilities facilitiesconvenient facilitiesconvenient facilitiesconvenient convenient location Large and andsmall andsmall andsmall small accounts ac ounts invited invitedTHE invitedTHE invitedT THE COMMERCIAL COMMERCIALNATIONAL COMMERCIALNATIONAL COMMERCIALNATIONAL NATIONAL BANK BANKCor BANKCor Cor 14th and Sts WCapital Wr WCapital WCapital Capital 1000000 Government Supervision SupervisionThe SupervisionThe SupervhiomThe The Ideal Gift GiftFor GiftFor GiftForYour For ForYour Your Children ChildrenPOU ChildrenYOU Childrenyou I you POU WILL naturally desire to give giveyour giveyour your children Christmas re remembrances remembranc remembrances membrances from which they will willderive willderive is 47 derive greatest greatest benefit benefitStarting benefitStarting I DeflefitStarting Starting accounts for them with withthis withthis withthis this bank will encourage habits habitsof habitsof habitsof of thrift secure for them a strong strongally strongally strongally ally and may be the means of launch launching launching launching ing them on a successful career careerj careerel 301 el Interest Paid on Minimum Monthly 10 Balances Subject to Check CheckUnited CheckfJnited CheckUnited United States Trust CoI Co 1405 I 405 Street WCHAS WI WCllAS I I CHAS WARDEN WARDENPresldent President GEORGE FARIS PARISVice Vice Pres JAMES TRIMBLE I RICHARD CLAUGHTONTreas CLAUGHTONTreasFirst First Vice 16 Pres and Secy CHAS A DOUGLAS DOUGLASCOLIN DOUGLASCOLIN DOtTGLASCOLIN I COLIN DIVING wVIKGSTONEVlce STONE Vice Pres Counsel and Trust Officer OfficerLet OfficerI Officert Officerv I I I I I II II i LI If I 2 II I U4t th7 th7tth tth stlc1 stlc1Oiz4 A4 A4l4 l4 ftJ A tJ Oiz4 Oiz4Let a Let us uswrite write your name on our books before the end en of the theyear theear theyear year year ear 3 Interest Paid on Savings Accounts AccountsHOME AccountsHOME AccountsHOME HOME SAVINGS BANK BANKSeventh BANKSeventh BANKSeventh Seventh Street and Mass Ave WSeventh WL WSeventh Seventh th and Sts 436 Seventh St StS WI I I I Capital and Serphss Surp 52SOOOX 52SOOOXBeaoorcea 20I350 20I350Resources ro XX XXOrer Resources Orar Over335353O Over335353OHIS UOQO000 UOQO000iHIS OOOOO OOOOOTHIS HIS BANK will willmeet wiltmeet willI THIS I meet your every everyrequirement everyrequirement everYrequirement requirement if ifyou ifyou ifyou you a apprciate ec ec i a ate age agestrength agestrength agestrength strength and conserva conservatism conseVatism conseivatism tism in addition to every everyfacility eeryfacility everyfacility facility suggested by bymodern bymodern bymodem modern banking bankingCTSpccIal bankingIOSpeclnl bankingSpecinl CTSpccIal Specinl Department for or Ladies LndicaThe LndlclIThe LadiesThe The Riggs RiggsNATIONAL RiggsNATIONAL RiggsNATIONAL NATIONAL BANK BANKPA PA AVE AT OPP TUEASUKY TUEASUKYSTOCKS 1ltEASIDtTSTOCKS TIIBASUIILSTOCKS STOCKS COTTON AND CRA1B CRA1BBest CRAINBest CRAIIBest Best references Bowie Room 14 14Central HCentral 14Central Central National Bank Bldg 7th and andPa andP andPaave Pa Paave PaavePOSTAL ave avePOSTAL avePOSTALLEAGUERS POSTAL POSTALLEAGUERS LEAGUERS BANQUET BANQUETReformation BANQUETRctormntlon BANQ1TETReformation Reformation of Parcels Post Sys System Stem Systens tem Theme of Speakers SpealrcrsMembers SpeakersMembers SpeakersMembers Members Members of the Postal Progress ProgressLoasue ProgressLo8guo ProgressLoguo Loasue gathered at a banquet In the theNew theNew theNew New Ebbltt last night to discuss plans plansfor plansfor plansfor for a campaign against a lnst the existing con control control control trol of the parcels pnr post system by the thoaxpress theftXpresa theexpress express corporations corporationsThe corporationsrhe corporationsThe The speakers of the evening evenin were CBeach CBeach CBeach Beach president of the league James JamesL CowlM secretary and treasurer treasurerRepresentative treasurerReprosentatIve treasurerRepresentative Representative David Foster Fost of Ver Vermont Ve Vemont Vermont mont and William Gude president presidentof of the Washington hlngton Chamber of Corn Commerce Cornmeroe Cornmemo memo merceTbe meroeThe memoThe The purpose of the th league Is the widest widestpossible widestpoglblo widestpossible possible extension of the sphere of our ourPostoffice ourPostoftlce ourPostoffice Postoffice Department especially that of ofthe ofthe ofthe the parcels post and the speeches of the theevening theovenlng theevening evening were devoted devot to a discussion of ofmeans ofIneans ofmeans means by which this object could be ac accomplished ac accomplIshed ascompilahed complished Under nder Government SuDervtslon SuDervtslonEQUITABLE SuoervtstonEQUITABLE SnoeryisiotaEQUITABLE EQUITABLE EQUITABLECOOPEUATIVB COOPEUATIVB BUILDING ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATIONIt It should be the ambition of every man manto manto manto to own a home The step toward its ac accomplishment ac accompllslm1ent accomplishrnent complishment Is to subscribe for shares sharesIn 5haresIn sharesin In the EQuitable Eaultable60th EQuitable60th Etiultable60th 60th ISSUE OF STOCK STOCKXOW Now ow OPEN FOR SUBSCRIPTION SUBSCRIPTIONShares SUBSCRIPTIONShares SUBScIUITIONShares Shares 250 150 per month 4 INTEREST 5NTERSSTFarther INTERE TFm1hcr Farther information win be furnished upon npcaca eppti epptication ap5ication cation ca Uon UonEqultablo BudiaKo Building 1003 et It nr nrThe mrThe orThe The Safest Investments InvestmentsAre Are those that th do not fluctuate dories dttt die disturbed d5turbed dieturbed turbed conditions of the money or clock awc mir mirketa marekrla markets keta First deed of trust notes first tintIg marts martsages tg tgiges Ig ages well secured on real estate to in the Die District Dbtrict Dietrict trict of Coljmbia constitute efli giJWd gfltedgo dco in investments fA fATftmentl Onasstxnents vestments The They do not depend upon the thefinancial tilefinanciaJ thefinancial financial responsibility cf indfridnali or orOratiQ cor corporations mrporstlons porations OratiQ for their stability and are exempt exemptfrctu exemptfrcm exemptfrees frees taxation ticu as personal property We eaa eaacappb em1II1PPb esasupply supply suds investments in amounts from fromJSM fromupward JSM 503 upward Send for booklet Conarcina Co CoIcua Loan and Investments InvestmentsSwarteell InvetmtnuSwartzell InaeetrnrtutaSwartzell Swartzell Rheem RheemHensey Rheemllensey 6 6Hensey Hensey Co Co7S7 CoI 7S7 15th Direct trect Northwest NorthwcrtEE1L NorthweatREAL NorthwestREAL REAL ESTATE LOANS IOAHSMade LOANSlade 1OA1SMade Made at Lowest owc Rates of Interest InterestW InterestW Interestw WALKER 729 15th st nw nw5I05TEY nwIOlEY uwMONEY MONEY LOADED ON DISTRICT OP OPColumbia OFColumbia OPColumbia Columbia property at lowest rates ratesQuick ratesQuick ratesQuick Quick service Moderate charges chargesllEISKELli charg chargesIIEISKELTI sllEISKELJI llEISKELli McLERAN 1403 street nw nwLargest nwLugestMorning nwArgest Largest LugestMorning Morning Circulation.

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