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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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PAGE FOUR BLYTHEXTLLE (ARK.) COURffin NEWS Pat Mullins, Society Editor euM, Phone 4-161 Parties Here Honor Bride-Elect Rustic Inn Scene Of B. F. Brogdon. Frances McHaney Of Party For Among the many parlies now Terry won hiph score and Brn Bride GCt Inpr given (or Miss Frances McHa- i A. Hall won second.

Mrs. J. C. Crowe ney. who be ninrrird to B.

Rroadon on Saturday were two given yesterday by Mrs; Lopnarri OM- ham. and W. C. anri Mrs. Jamos Ropers, Mrs.

OMham entertained with a desert bridpe at the Uixie Pis Drive-In ye.sierriay afternoon ami used for her color scheme in the Pine Room, and croon, which was carried out in detail in tallies and pifts. Centering small Islilw were tiny bouquets of pmk phlox nnri ver- were usrd at intervals throuehoui the room. Miss MrHnr.ey wore for tho occasion a sunbark dress of yellow plaid with a matching jacket, Her urrc white anri wore a white hfii. filit 1 prejeniccl with ft pift of two matching pictures (rojji the ho.iloss. In (he bridce samps.

Jarnf-s the bridgo. Mrs, James Rosjers nml W. lasi nlghl Bits of News FRrDAY, JULY 18, 195? Veteran Judge of Women Says, 'Beauty Is A Science' Ice Cream Supper in the Hipqinpon home. Pink anti yellow provided background and a wedding centered the table. Bouuet of the roses were plartd at vals and Interspersed with baby breath.

The hnnorco wore n. yellow and brown striped jmnbark VlreM vuin niftirhin? jacket and as Riven Hiutir Tnn nlErht of a pnrty honoring Miss Pegey Floetnnn, hrirto elcrl of James Bos-Acll Chenrilr nf Norman OHa. do'ina i Hostos'-es were Mi 1 Billv mln- June Hose CastHo, ueiu sin-grrv ru Baptist Hospital In K.nherine Wcsthfook. Memphis'Monday nmth improv- In the party names. Wilson ami allowd tn hnve visitor." Henry and nixie Fay Killian HP in loom u.

rtWB Mrs, Margaret well of Jackson. Mrs. p. Foster, Mrs. Frances Gummill and children in Eureka Mr.

and Mrs. w. H. Hudson and children have rr-turnrd from Simons Island, where they of Mr Huri an Mrs Mr ha.s murmd to Rnf A nnri Mrs Hurtsrm anfi dren plan in mnve there next lo mahp thpir home. W.

A. "Pop" Edwards, who unri rorsape of yellow roMS and a 3 1U I dnmlnaiely ycllnw ancl' Mow wrri 1 0 th nortlVA wl in her chosen pattern of -silver. ranna. Tea rnfcos wllow- i United States and pari- Jettve Huffman won hich zinnias in varied of will Join a tour in or of carry nut Iho color CMf thp trip. von i Fleeman was lor thp Mr anrl Mrs nrLVfV Abbott and Miss Vcra Oondrion won 1 iccn.sinn in rnndel of two shades 1 1 yf-torflay Mr.

and Mrs. of cr.Ty. Shf Jirr drrss Jop WiJkin.s. of Fiini, Mr nnri Mrs. Tom HiM ot LearliviHfi.

Mrs. i Omntia of Holland. Mi Chfirk-s Chipm iincl tc-r. Polly, left tills morning for Chryrnne, to attend the rn- deo. They alsn spend srvrt.i! days In Colnradf) -Sprues exported to return in itbout f.vo bricice score.

Mr.s. W. M. Chicasn. an out-of-town gurst.

A cifssfrl roiirsp tvas servnd and "lark arccsj-ories and was Riv- Mi.s. John C. McHaney, mother nf llip ht'Lrte-elert, was a dessert guest at both pirtles. 1 Miss Peggy Fleeman Of Manila Is Honoree of Parties Given There Continuing the whirl of parties A troii.s^eaii frork nf white for Miss Pepey Jane Flenman, ofjpicine and pinned an arrangemejH Manila, the bride-elect of James nt riaisfis at her waistline, She was! Bnswcl) Chcndle. of Norman, presented Rift In her chosen par- CJ I oorsatto Mrs- E.

C. Plopman. innthrr of thr- -Aas presented with a Amonp 1 miscellaneous pifts i OUT nd iss F) rr jn a 5 a ift in her chosen pattern of china, yift of the^s. Jean Dedman Is two parties were given this week in tern of silver. Manila.

Mrs. Robert Joseph McKinnnn Carrying out thp. bridal theme, tallies and piacrr were hand- painted with tiny bridesmaids and Miss Plecman U'as honored at a dessert bridge party at tho home of entertained 100 guests at her home Mrs. Lewis Edward Townsenrl Wrri- a mornfnp parly com- iipsdny whrn played plimentinff Misfi Fleeman, at six tables. The roonis of the home were decorated with roses ranging shades of palest plnk lo scarlet.

Through- out the morning, the guests chat- the cupst-of-honor's place ap- ted in small groups and offered! propnately appointed with hand well wishes to the britle-elect, painted bride. Refreshments were served on-the Centering each table was nn ar- porch overlooking the rose garden. ranfjcmcnt of fragile pink ro. rlnids, The glass top table had a wide in a variety of pink band o( greenery shades were used In profusion in centerpiece of daisies other parts of the house, and placed on the lower section larpe crystal vase holding glass and was clearly visible through the top. Mrs.

Sidney Pearson poured coffee from a silver container while guests served themselves to assorted party dainties in silver dishes nn the opposite end of the table. At another table, arranged with the same floral decoraHnn, Mrs. Hoy Ashabranner served punch, In the receiving line with Miss Fleemnn were Mrs. McKlnnon, Mrs. Cecil Fleeman and Mrs.

M. Bollnger, mother and grandmother of the bride-elect, respectively. Miss Fleeman wore for the occa- centered the dining room lable. The honoree wore for the orra- slon, a dress of pain preen linen with which Rhe worfr brown ncres- sories. She was given a corsage of pink roses anri gift nf silver, by the hostess.

In the bridge pamRs, Miss FJee- man won first prire, Mrs Robert KilHan won srcond, and Mrs. R. J. McKlnnon won third. Brldgo went to Mrs.

Leo Donner. Among those nsstsUng Mrs. Townsenrt u-ere Miss Dixie Faye Kllllan, Miss Joan Perkins nnri Miss Barbara Donner. Bridge Club Meets In Steele- Home Mm. W.

Afflick, of was hostess last nlgnt to mr.etlnf? ol members nf the Kibitzer Club, husbands and guests. Among the RiiesKs were Lonls Lynch, Jack Chamhlin of Ivfer- Idian, nnd Mrs. W. R. Hartigan of Hartford.

Conn. Mrs. Robert McHaney won high ecore In the bridge games for the women, and George Hub-hard, won the men's high prize. Zitinias mid white petunias were used in the decoration. Party foods and iced drinks were served the four tables of guests.

When School Bells Ring Rook Club Has Meeting at Home a Sweetpe.vs were used (o deeor.Us the home or Mrs. Eupene Brown yesterdny when she e.ntertnined members of (he Thursday Rook OHib for their weekly games. In the rook Mrs. T. O.

Huey won flrsl Mrs. Neville Blakemore wns seennrt hlRh. and Mrs. T. W.

Gofort-h won rooko. Miss Dorothy wtllotreci guest of the club. At.Day Home Miss Dcriman, brlric-clcrt fiob Walrtcn. was nun In Mrri svilh when Jnrk Wrbh jinri Mrs Mason Day. Jr.

wore hoslossps Hnrbnra Ann Griffin IR in Rork- forri. as BurslAl Mr. and nrlhrrt Rorlpers until the lalrrr pnrt nT AuKiist. Russoll Phillips and Harry W. Hninrs arc In St.

Louis for snvrral riays. Thpy rtrc fxprcieft to reliirn home tomorrow. Mr. nnri Mrs. Bobby Mow of Tip- tonvillo, Mr.

nncl Mrs. Will A. BlepR and daughter, Mary Jo, Given by Wickers Mr. and Mrs. F.

L. Wicker at their home for an ice cream svipper last night when they invited friends to the lawn event, Among (he $wsts Mr, and Mrs, Frank Sawyer and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Gaylord R. Lewis and family, Mr. and Mrs.

Herman Atiutr and family. 1 ot were cucsts of Mr. Mionrt nt tho Dny Avenue. Tile (able wns centnird with rtnis- ies ant) chrysnnthrmums BtiornPrti wilh white wcrlrllnc bells. At one end or the table was hride rtoll and the rest of the home was dr-co anfl Ol Hup cstordtl i'- John M.

Brown was moved yfs- tenlay from Walls Hnspital to Ken- neriy Genera) In Memphis his condition is reported im- walsts nnrt othCT Ky KICI1AFM) KLKIXKK Staff Cnrresponlrnt NEW YORK (NEAi Trottn. a profef-sionaJ bathine beaii- ty judge, sets paid for doln? what any American mnln would bo szbri to do free. And, as.a pro, he thinks all us amateur beauty connoisseurs i doing it, wrong. 1 It seems wo are preoccupied with curves. When we look at a cirj in a bathing suit, are impressed ig.s like legs and hips and than her hips.

Her arms should frame her body. Her neck should be a pedestal for her head. Trolla, who has npen( happy years with the most beautiful women In motion pic- tnrp art director, as well ns contest udEe sa -vs the perfect, American beauty would consist, amon? other Coming Events Friday Ladies Blblp Class of First Meth- odisl Churchn as 3 pm. social and program meetinp. Hostesses Mr.

1 E. E. Hardin, Mrs. J. G.

Slld- bnry and Mrs, O. C. Oanske. Saturday Miss McHaney becomes thp bridf of B. F.

at the First Christian Church. Blythevllle Duplicate Bridge League plays aftfrnoon trames. At the Hospitals RlythevHlf Hospilal Dismissed: Wylie Roland. Huffman R. G.

Wftst, Cit.r things, 0(1 The legs of Bpfly Grahle. The body of Esther Williams. The complexion of Piper Laurls. The hands of Franca Paldinl. The nose of Hedy Lamarr.

The eyes of Marilyn Maxwett. hair of Susan Hayy-ard. Put them all together, they spefl ain't Mother, sonny. Pamella Crfttton, dauchter of Mt Mrs. Walden is Honoree' Here Mrs.

Leon Wnldnn the hon- Mrs. Crafton and Mrs. Martin were- in Memphis lo meet them yesterday. Mr. nnri Mrs.

Walter Lutes, Mrs. reputation. 'Good judging charm of voice, moral r. an Mrs. Water ues, Mrs.

Jerrv Scrapes, Mrs. Bill Cable fl JudKln of lrls 5avs Uither Thompson spent yes- Tr ott re than U5t plcklnl? terd Seis Lake iss 5t vergcs on terda ynt Serclis Lake. Miss. iviifl me nnn- Rill Cable and son, Rnrt ored EU ln.t hl at a layette Buddy WMtey are spending this nn( shnWCT Riven at the Full Gospel i week at. Blancharct Spring, Ark.

"em.leT Tahernacle. for 2.5 ha some in A pink- and blue color scheme was carried out in the decorations, an arrangement of pink and blue flowers centering the table. party foods arid Iced rtrlnks were server! hy the hostesses. Mr.s. Thelma Brown.

Mrs. Ertnn Co- r.nrt, Clyde Davis. In the jsames, Mrs. Pay Austin Mrs. Rums Simpson, anri Mrs.

Jack Duilash won prizes. em.e otK ha some Mrs. O. Srherer has remrned I for y(nl And wor d'i be- -tfnf after Mncr Haiirrhtpr i home after vlsltinp her rlauchtcr. nu." jui ju ne me Parnsh.

Mem- Mlss Amenca co at Atlantic ivrleh Mrs. H. P. phis. Mrs.

Farrl-sh accompanied hrr home for the remainder of the week. Mr. Parrish will arrive Sunday to spend the day and Mrs. fnr years, he the year, he was the chief Judge at the new Miss Universe afternoon. When a girl is stand.

straight, facing you, you shouldn't be able to see daylight between her IPEJ.S. Except maybe a little eliminer somewhere near the an- k-les. Nowhere else, though, Her shoulders should be wider CORRECTION Advertised ineerreetly yeuttrdoy item should have readi 49e, Princess Brand or KRISPY CRACKERS Ib. 4 STAR STORES Pnrrlsh will accompany him home? Couple Wins First At Duplicate Game Be Aure to rime nil your rotfons thoroughly to keep thn colors bright and clear. First of all.

take your eyes off that frenprsl region midway between the shoulders and the "The well-blossomed rhest is an antiquated idea." says Trnttn. "It doesn't refinement or beauty." So tell your pal to take her well- Mr, and Mrs. Grorce blossomed chest out of here. top honors at a Monthly Master-1 What beauty is propnr- point nicht at Blvthevillp Country i The tear obtnnierl a marriaRe lleense in the i cue. irr nt Collrl In Hie llvp-table niovr- i Vt rkor: Mrs.

W. D. Chamblln and Akin and Dora Me- Mrs O. 1 Cormlrk. both of Mo.

i'rnnd Mrcutchon won the 8856 By Sue Burnett the limp tn pbn on pret- ty for your vrnir.z tf) nn -ihp rtay iwfs' this fali, Hrre IP an julorr biP rniiareri style iviLl be her faiont" all fsmfster, irn. Pattern No. is a -riti; per- pattern in fi, ici, 12. years. Size 8, yarrts 39- Inch.

I For thi? pattern, sr-nri 3l)c tn COINS, your namp. nit rie-1 fired, an-j the PATTERN XUM- HER to Sue Burnett. Courier 375 Qumcy ChicaEo 6. III. I Basic FASHION '52 is filled idea- to make your clothes biiricet go And crrmcmical designs Ihst are easy lo Gut pattera printed imirte.

2i cents, i I DIDN'T, until my neighbor told me that the best place to find terrific bargains is in the COURIER ads. I know now! I always read them! i Open p.m. Show Starts lot Dusk. 2 Shows Every Nitc. TIMES TOMTE First Showing in lilylheville FRANK SINATRA SHEUEYWIMTERSf, ALEX RAYMOND BURR A UNniSiAMNKRNATIOMl PiCIURE Also Ciirtoon it Comedy SATl'RDAY ONLY Diuihle J'calurc OLIVIA V.ADMER BROS.

1 't GH re AIR CONDITIONED Box Office Opens 7:00 Show Starts 7:15 p.m. Admission 9c 30c At All Times FRIDAY SATURDAY llnuble Feature BEAD END KIDS AIR CONDITIONED BY REFRIGERATION LAST TIMES TODAY My Son I RtiE'Hffl MMon A Paramount Picture Paramount News Cartoon Novelty Reel RITZ GUESTS Mr. Joe Freeman i Family Mr. X- Mrs. Edgar Cain Family Mr.

Mrs. I. R. Coleman Famti.v Mr. Marcus Gaines Family Ads placed before 9 a.m.

will appear same day. All classified advertising payable in advance. il Oi ejron Trail A)MI Cnrlnim Serial: The Ti.u'crman Also Cartoon Sl'NDAY Sc MONilAY Double I raluri; li FARLEY I5MHSER 1) (I SHELLEY WIKTERS i SATURDAY ONLY DOUBLE FEATURE 'AS YOU WERE' w-j(h Jne Sawyer and William Tracj- Serial: King ol the Congo Cartoon RITZ GUESTS Mr. Mrs. Willard Bess Family Mrs.

C. F. Blakemore Family Mr. C. Graham Family Miss Nell Harris TTHEVILLE COURIER NEWS l-'irst Shnwinjj in Hlytlicvilte Ci SUNDAYS.

MONDAY Ciirlnnn ('(imctlv Also NCH'S wm WH usn ncswoii iw owa I'ai "Rce.

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