The Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania • Page 6
- Publication:
- The Tribunei
- Location:
- Scranton, Pennsylvania
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 6
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
he 6 THE SCRANTON REPUBLICAN. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6. 1899. the the THE REPUBLICAN. DAILY and twelve pages; subscription, six dollars a year.
SUNDAY EDITION--Eight pages; mail subscription, two dollars a year. WEEKLY EDITION--Eight pages: published Wednesdays; one dollar a year. SCRANTON, DECEMBER 6, 1599. The Message. The message of President McKinley to is presented to our readers morning in extenso.
Consresso What estimate history may place on this it is to say, but document this time and considering the cirat would say that it is cumstances we important publication since the most the close of the Civil war. From a literary standpoint it is a model communication. While it is necessarily it does any more lengthy, space than the multiplicity, of sub- Mejects requires. Kinley say to Congress he says candid, earnest way. His in a simple, state are entirely devoid of the florid papers, verbosity which made those of his immediate predecessor notable.
The message is a review of the work of the year in governmental circles as direct declaration of what well as a the administration aims to accomplish in the future. The president touches the death of Vice-President Houpon bart. He also points at the causes for congratulation in the wonderfully prosperous condition of the country. reviews the work the Philippines and renews his assertion that the American be hauled down in the face flag cannot of the enemy. He points out the manher in which the islands came under the sovereignty of the United States and the impossibility of following any other course than that of giving them strong and just government under American direction.
The president declares for a single gold standard in our financial system. and follows in a general way the plan currency reform embodied in Secretary Gage's proposition for that purHe favors the development of pose. a merchant marine, condemns trusts, reaflirms the pledge for Cuban independence, advocates an increase in the navy, and suggests steps be taken to safeguard our commercial interests in China. Other subjects of lesser importance receive attention according to their merits. The message is well worth perusal, and is presented in its entirety to The Republican readers this morning.
Those who cannot read it all at one sitting should preserve the paper and read the message as occasion will permit. It is a document of historical value, marking as it does a new epoch in the history of the country. Consul Williams's Testimony. The testimony of persons that we know is always regarded as of more value than the testimony of those with whom we have no personal acquaintance. people will be interested in F.
Williams. formScranton, erly consul at Manila, has to say about the situation in those islands, for the special reason that Mr. Williams was at a comparatively recent date a resident of this city. He was consul at Manila when the war broke out with Spain. He was aboard the Baltimore during the battle of Manila up to the time that the action was suspended for breakfast, when he went aboard the Olympia.
After Manila was surrena dered by the Spaniards Mr. Williams remained in the consular service in that city until October 9, when he left to return to this country. His testimoney on the situation is therefore especial value. To a reporter of the New York Sun who interviewed him on his arrival in that city Mr. Williams said: "The end of the war and an era of peace in the Philippines is in sight.
The insurgents are on the run. They have not won a single fight and before very long you will hear of Aguinaldo asking for terms. General Otis is the master of the situation and always has been. He is doing now what would have done months ago had he had the men and had it not been for physical obstacles in the country which it was utterly impossible to surmount. Practically the subjugation of the Philippines is now accomplished, but the civilizing of them and the establishment of a fair and stable government in the islands is the great task which confronts the government and now that we have undertaken that task, the whole people should be ready and willing to uphold the government in every possibie way.
Few persons in the United States, I believe, know of enormous wealth of the possessions which Dewey won for them, but it is practically unlimited and when this is realized, then will come a realization that the Philippines were worth fighting for and are worth holding. "Aguinaldo is a man of much intelligence and I think he must realize that he has reached the beginning of the end. If he chooses, I suppose he could find a safe hiding place In the mountains. where he could not be captured and from where he could carry on a guerrilla warfare for some time, but I do not think he will do that, and I do not think he will try to escape from Luzon. I think that be will soon make overtures looking to concluding the most satisfactory arrangement with General Otis possible.
Aguinaldo is not by any means the leading man in Luzon, in point of education and ability. There are many of his so-called cabinet officials would compare favorably with the statesmen of any country. Aguinaldo, however, is who he is because he is a born leader and has the unbounded confidence of most of the rank and file of his people. He acknowledged to me once that it would be better for the Philippines to be under the dominon of the United said he, 'no matter what I believe, can now that I have taken the stand I have, make my people believe Perhaps he sees now that it would not be a very difficult job to impress his people with that belief. I think the realization of this will lead him to sue for terms of peace and when that time comes.
I hope our government will offer the most favorable terms possible for the sake of his people, whose confidence we must win in order to give them a better government than they have known. At present, the Filipinos are not capable of self-government. Under our instruction, they may become so after several years. "I do not believe Aguinaldo has much money. I have heard it said that the Spanish gave $3,000,000 as a condition to the ending of the last insurrection and heard that half of that amount went to the Spanish governor general.
Aguinaldo, at one time, had $400,000 in a bank in Hong Kong, but I acknowledged the power of attorney which he gave to one of his alleged government officials by which he turned it all over to the use of the insurgent government. "In reference to the stories told here about our troops firing on women and children and shooting down prisoners of war, 1 let me say any soldier serving in our army in the Philippines who writes home or says that he or any of troops did any such thing, lies. our Our soldiers would not do such a thing and our officers would never give such orders." "The Most Urgent Need Hon. Charles Emory Smith in his annual report as postmaster -general states that "The most urgent need of the postal service is the rectification of the enormous wrongs which have grown up in the perversion and abuse of the privilege accorded by law to -class matter." So impressed is the with necessity eradicating the abuses of the second-class matter that he declares "This reform to paramount others." He enumerates some of the many improvements and advances waiting development and application. "There are," he says, "opportunities speedier transmission and delivery; there are felds for broadening the scope of the mail service and bringing it closer home the people: there are possibilities of reduced postage; but above and beneath and beyond all of these measures of progress, which experience and intelligence are working out, is the redemption of special concession which Congress granted for a distinct and justifiable public object from the fungus growths and the flagrant evils that have fastened upon it." So emphatic a declaration as this from a public official of such recognized intellectual superiority as Hon.
Charles Emory Smith demands at least respectful investigation. The postmaster-general states that the abuse of the privileges involves A loss of twenty million doltia lars yearly. The deficit last year was less than seven million dollars, so that but for the wrongful application of the second-class rate the department would have had a surplus of many millions which would have enabled it to "enter upon a systematic policy of enlarged and progressive service with the assurance that sound busines management and increasing facilities would bring commensurate returns which would not be swallowed up in the maw of private interests without any public advantage." The second-class rate is designed to facilitate the dissemination of newspapers and periodicals. Under the law legitimate publications of this class are enabled to circulate at a nominal cost for postage which is paid by a pound rate. The arrangement is meant for a public benefit by putting newspapers and periodicals into the hands of the people at a much smaller cost than would be possible if regular postage rates were paid on them.
But private interests have taken advantage of the rate in a manner that was never intended by the law, and fully half of the matter that is carried at the second-class rate under an enormous loss to the government has no real right in that class. The postmaster-general says: "'The wrongs which have proved so injurious were never contemplated by Congress. They are wholly outside the intent of the law. They are directly in contravention of its spirit and have become possible only through the evasion distortion of its letter. It has always been the purpose of Congress to ordain low rates of postlegitimate newspapers and periodicals.
This was in accordance with deliberate and settled public polwhich encourages the dissemination of public intelligence and favors the promotion of enlightening influences. In the reform which is suggested and sought, not proposed to restrict the privileges of legitimate publications or to modify the design of the law, but only to bring back its application to its original and just scope. The aim is not to change what Congress meant to establish, but only to lop off the excrescences which have grown upon it." Convincing figures are given to supplement Mr. Smith's arguments. There is no doubt of the abuses of which he speaks.
Several efforts have been made in previous years to bring about the necessary reforms But the selfish interests which have been feeding at the expense of the public succeeded in arousing opposition to the reform. This was done mainly by misrepresentation. The country editors were aroused in the belief that the facilities for disseminating legitimate newspapers were to be curtailed. Influence was brought to bear on representatives in Congress so that the reform measures were defeated. But the editors and the general public are more enlightened in the matter.
Postmaster-General Smith's report will have a great deal of influence, and we may expect to see a measure introduced in Congress and passed before the adjournment of this session, which will bring about the reform which is the "most urgent need of the postal service." The campaign in Kentucky is still on with all its early fierceness. Senator Billy Mason's resignation didn't work very much of a sensation, after all. General Methuen's victory at Modder river seems to have been a sort of Bunker Hill. Roberts ought not to be made a party issue. It is not a question of politics; it is one of wives.
As the insurgents have taken to the tall timber we may say that they have resorted to gorilla tactics. The Boers are reported to be closing in on Ladysmith which doesn't seem to indicate that they are afraid of the relief parties. The cold snap is more welcome now than it would have been a few weeks ago. When there was a scarcity of coal in many sections. Joe Chamberlain and President McKinicy are evidently not agreed on the question as to whether or not there is an American alliance.
The professional Cuban agitators will not. be satisfied with President McKinfor the island. puts them out ley's renewed promises, of independence of business for the time being. they would have found had they remained subjects to France." Apparently, Sir Wilfrid Laurier is bullding on the foundations the Dominion of Canada laid by that astute A. been in and untraordinary, statesman, Sir John power more than three years and is stronger today than when he first took the reins of government.
He is a statesman in the highest and best sense of the word, manly and independent, of broad and liberal views, a profound and accurate student of political seience, a born orator, whose speeches are always clothed with dignity and grace. No colonial premier is more highly esteemed in the mother country, not only on account of his unquestioned ability and unswerving devotion to the crown, but because "he wears the white flower of a blameless life." THE HOUSEHOLD COLUMN THE TRAINING OF THE HAND. It is one thing to have suitable and sufficient tools for our work, and it is quite another to know how to use them to advantage, and by that I mean the deft, skillful and graceful handling of them, so that every motion will have the greatest effect with the least expenditure of force and time. Much of this deftness comes by long practice, but often one does not learn the easiest way first, and it is difficult for some persons to change in little ways, or to overcome certain inherited tendencies or mannerisms. To a righthanded person seems awkward to see another use the left hand, and to one who has been keenly 00- servant of much of the wasted energy in household work, it is difficult to refrain from suggesting what seems to her the easiest way.
Some housekeepers and teachers believe in leaving this matter of manipulation entirely to the individual, letting each person work in her own way, but my experience has been that a little help in this direction is necessary, and in many instances has been greatly appreciated. I well remember by astonishment in the early days of my teaching at seeing a pupil whom I had directed to wash and pare some potatoes, hold the potato and the knife as a boy would hold a stick and jacknife and calmly proceed to whittle off the skin. I might have left her to go on in that way had I reasoned from the principle that it was the most natural way for her, but I suspected a certain shrinking from soiling her dainty hands, and was sure of a great waste of potato, which with my New England notions of economy could not be allowed, and. therefore, I guided the use of the knife as I would had she been 3 instead of 23 years old. Another pupil in wringing the dish towel twisted it with both hands in the same position side by side, all the force coming from the right hand.
I showed her how to put the right hand over the left and twist in opposite directions, thereby using each hand with equal force and removing every drop of water. Years afterward on meeting her she exclaimed: "I can never thank you enough for teaching me the easiest way to wring my towels." And within 'he last month a woman with the experience of more years than I number, said to me: "I have worked for many women. but I never before had any one show me how to hold mv cloth in cleaning the faucets, or how to do any kind of work in the best way. I shall be quite professional house-cleaner if I keep on with you." I give these incidents to emphasize the importance of training in this respect, both on the part of the mistress or teacher, and the housekeeper or pupil. MARY J.
LINCOLN. Copyright, 1899, by Walter B. Guild. A STUDY I IN STATEHOOD From the New York Tribune. There is no doubt that it is a sovereign state in its domestic affairs, wherefore there is no ground for intervention.
The election was held at the legally appointed time. There had been, however, on the one side elaborate preparations for nullifying the will of the people by means of fraudulent practices, and on the other side strenuous endeavors to prevent such frauds, even by forcible means. In some parts of the republic troops were under arms and in public array near the polling places. In almost all places the people went about armed. The election finally passed off far more peacefully than most people had expected.
Of the result of the polling there was no doubt. A clear plurality was cast for one of the candidates. That. however, by no means agsured his installation as chief of state. Not the slightest intention to abide by the result of the polling was indicated by the other party.
The defeated candidate had full control of the machinery for counting the votes and declaring the result, and it was openly boasted that his power would be used to nullify the popular will and to seat he man who had not been elected. The adherents of the elected candidate, who are not without potitical power, threatened to retort with other strong proceedings. And so it became apparent that the new chief of state would be not necessarily the man for whom the largest number of people had voted, but the man who was able to make the most effective use of the returning board, the courts, the legislature, the militia. or some other power not included within the legitimate scope of the ballot box. It was and is all very shocking, no doubt.
But what better was to be expected of that wretched little South American republic, with its motley mixture of Spanish, Indian and negro blood? Those fellows down there have no conception of constitutional government. They are utterly unfit to undertake the administration of it. They call their country a republic, but as a matter of fact it is no such thing. Their ruler is not the man whom the people freely and intelligently choose, but the man who best plays the game of politics, with its elements of fraud and force. No doubt a good man gets to the head of things now and then.
And now and then he is the choice of the people. But he is not there because of those things, but because he was able to out-manoeuvre or to out-bluff his opponent. The so-called election is a mere formality, a prelude to the real business. The actual choice of a ruler comes later, and is effected through other means. Did not one of the foremost statesmen of that republic say, "Let me count the votes and I care not who casts them?" And did not his rival reply: "Let me control the courts, the legislature and the militia, and I care not who counts the votes?" Ah, these South American republics are a sorry farce, indeed! Only it is not a Sol American republic at all that is under consideration, but one of the United States, of more than a century's standing in this union, and inhabited by a more than commonly pure strain of English speaking people.
Of a truth, as the fable in the old spelling book reminded us, it does make a difference whose ox is gored. DIED. KEOUGH-At her residence, 331 Fourth street. Scranton, Dec. 5.
1899, Mrs. Michael Keough, aged 37 years. Notice of funeral later. Deceased was a member of the Ladies' Auxiliary lodge. KELLY-In Scranton, Dec.
5, 1899, at her late home, 328 Prospect avenue, Mrs. Edward Kelly. She is survived by two sons, Thomas of Hyde Park and John F. of Prospect avenue. LORD--At her home.
North Washington avenue, Dec. 5, 1899, Kate, wife of C. N. Lord, age 44 years, 10 months and 22 days. Funeral Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the house.
Interment the Forest Hill cemetery. VANDER. -In Brooklyn, Dec. 2, 1899. J.
H. Vander Veere, aged 40 years. Depends. From the New York Tribune. "If you are troubled by wakefulness count slowly in your mind, and you'll generally be asleep before you reach 300." "That won't always work.
I counted 3,000 the other night, and I was wider awake at the end of it than when I began." "Did you have your eyes shut?" "Well, no. You can't very well walk ADLETS ONLY ONE CENT A WORD. PEOPLE AND PROJECTS At the meeting of the Household Economics section of the Green Ridge Woman's club Monday afternoon one of the principal subjects of the day in this city was again gone over in a vigorous and practical manner by the women. This subject is "Water." An excellent paper prepared by Dr. Dimpfel was read and the points in question discussed.
Dr. Mercer, of Syracuse, a former member of the state board of health of the state of New York, was present. He gave valuable information the subject, telling of the standing of Syracuse in the matter of water supply, which is now controlled by the city, the former water company being bought out for $700.000. The cost to consumers, among the working classes is about $5 per family, few members or many. Dr.
Mercer believes that water should be sold on the same plan as gas or electricity and approves the meter system. The remainder of the meeting was devoted discussions upon the present use of lead pipes for delivery of water for drinking purposes in our public schools, as water stands in the pipes 18 hours out of 24 with the additional space of time from Friday until Monday. A writer in the Philadelphia Inquirer gives an entertaining chapter in the life of Fred Hawkins, who left Mauch Chunk 10 years ago to become private secretary to John Jacob Astor at New York. The account states that Hawkins, by virtue of his position with Astor, was enabled to make investments which were so successful that he is now classed among the New Yorkers who own a million. Last week he was selected as treasurer of the newly chartered Telephone, Telegraph and Cable company.
The government will transport Christmas boxes to soldiers in Cuba or Porto Rico free of charge, if delivered at Pier 22, Brooklyn, freight or express charges to the pier prepaid by the sender. Each box is not to weigh more than 20 pounds and is to be marked plainly with the name the soldier for whom it is intended, giving the company and regiment or other organization to which he belongs, and be further marked "Christmas Box." The box must also contain the address Major F. B. Jones, General Superintendent, Army Transport Service, Pier 22, Columbia Stores, Brooklyn, N. Boxes consigned to San Juan, Porto Rico and Santiago, Cuba, must reach the pier in Brooklyn later than Dec.
13. and boxes for not Matanzas, Havana and Cienfuegos, Cuba, not later than Dec. 10, to insure their delivery by Christmas day. The duty to put a label containing the word "Poison" on every poisonous liquid or substance, though imposed by the statute general terms, is held, in Wise vs. Morgan 44 L.
R. 548, not to extend to medicines compounded upon the prescription of a physician, though they contain poison. It may not be generally known that women are eligible as census enumeraand as clerks in the compilation of tors the 1900 census, yet such is the fact. The rules and regulations for the taking of the census of 1880 were so drawn that there no discrimination on account of sex. As consequence many women were employed throughout the country as enumerators, and in every case did good work.
In 1890 women again found occupation as clerks and as census takers, though then, as now, the fact that women were eligible to these positions was not as widely known as it should have been. Any woman who would like to do such work in this district should address J. R. Edwards, supervisor. Mears' building, Scranton.
"Last night," says yesterday's Binghamton Republican, "Harry M. Dunreceived from Scranton the final more completing the transfer of his papers interests in the Dunmore White comto the new company recently pany formed in Scranton to be known as the Theodore A. White Maufacturing comThe first carload of machinery pany. from the Dunmore White factory will leave for Scranton this morning and before the end of the week the entire property of the Binghamton company be in Scranton. Only a few employes the local concern will go to that A change machine, constructed on principle of the cash register, is coming into use.
If forty-five cents in change is wanted out of half a dollar, by placing the latter in a slot and pressing a certain button the exact amount of change desired will issue from the machine. No piece of of higher value than a dollar money can be changed in this way, although when the machine is perfected it will probably change money of higher denominations. Walking around Lake Scranton is one of the diversions of a considerable number of Scrantonians. The trip is made in from two and a half to three hours. THE FRENCH-CANADIAN FEELING From the Boston Transcript.
We have the highest authority for saying that the notion that the French section of Dominion is seriously opposed to the action of the government of that country in sending Canadian troops to South Africa to assist England in the war with the Boers is moonshine. The premier, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, is a Frenchman and a Roman Catholic, who has been in political life for twenty-eight years, and is now on the sunny side of sixty and in the fullness and ripeness of his In a speech delivered to the powers. Quebec Liberals in 1877, Sir Wilfrid Laurier (then plain Mr. Laurier) said: "We are a free and happy people; and we are so owing to the liberal institutions by which we are governed, institutions which we owe to the exertions of our forefathers and the wisdom of the mother country. The policy of the Liberal party is to protect those institutions, to defend and spread them, and, under the sway of those institutions, develop the country's latent resources.
That is the policy of the Liberal party and it has no other." When Queen Victoria's golden jubilee was celebrated in 1887, Mr. Laurier seconded an address to Her Majesty from the Canadian House of Commons, and in the course of his speech, which was the event of the occasion, spoke thus for the French-Canadians amid enthusiastic cheers: "It is a great pleasure to me to say that, if 'her Canadian subjects ought to be grateful to Her Majesty, there are none of them who ought to be so grateful to her as her subjects of French origin, because there is no class of her subjects who have so profited by the era of liberty which was ushered in by her acces sion to the throne." In the Canadian general elections of 1891 Mr. a Laurier, in answer to the charge of disloyalty brought against his party by his political opponents, expressed the following sentiments: "Sir, loyalty, in my judgment like charity, should commence at home. I claim, sir, that there is no more loya! man in England than I am myself. I need not that I am of French origin.
Loyalty is natural to you men of English blood. It runs in your veins; but I can say also that it runs in my heart from another, and, perhaps, as sacred a cause. sir, am loyal from gratitude. I am loyel to the flag of England because under the banner of England my fellow-countrymen have found ten times more freedom than MALE HELP WANTED WANTED -Experlenced man to take charge of bookkeeping and sales partment of large, well established business. Address, giving references, P.
O. box 456, city, 30tt WANTED- man to take charge of silk winding and doubling room. Call at Avoca silk mill. 611 WANTED--At once, linemen. Call office Standard Electric Light Avoca, Pa.
611 FEMALE HELP WANTED. WANTED- -A girl for general housework. Must be good cook. Apply 637 Clay avenue. 5t3 BANKING.
REPORT of the condition of the Merchants' and Mechanics' Bank of Scranton, No. 420 Lackawanna of Lackawanna county, Pennsylvania, at the close of business, Nov. 29, 1899: RESOURCES. Cash on hand 68.063 Due from banks and bankers, 72,761 Loans and discounts 932,215 Cheeks and other cash 15,185 0883 Investment securities owned, viz: Stocks, bonds, 87 Mortgages 18,178 64 650,972 51 Real estate, furniture and fixtures 30,333 21 Overdrafts 116 82 Miscellaneous assets 6,353 99 Total 27 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in 250.000 00 Surplus fund 150,000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes 51,436 87 Deposits subject to check 63 Deposits, special 817,936 44 Demand certificates of deposit 25,088 90 Certitied checks 1,576 25 1.322,059 22 Cashier's checks outstanding.
455 00 Due to commonwealth None Due to banks and 2,052 18 Dividends unpaid None Notes and bills re- discounted. None Bills payable None Miscellaneous labilities None Total. $1,776,003 27 State Pennsylvania, County of Lacka. wanna, sS: Charles W. Gunster, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
(Signed) C. W. GUNSTER. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before' me this 2d day of December, 1899.
(Signed) JAMES H. TORREY. Notary Public. Correct-Attest: (Signed) JAMES J. WILLIAMS, THOMAS E.
JONES. FRANKLIN HOWELL, Directors. REPORT of the condition of the County Savings Bank and Trust Co. of Scranton, No. 506 Spruce street, of Lackawanna county, Pennsylvania, at the close of business, Nov.
29, 1899. RESOURCES. Cash on hand 35 Checks and cash items 12,388 61 Due from banks and bankers 132.788 93 194,742 89 Loans and discounts 822,808 36 Investmen securities owned, Stocks, bonds, 28 Mortgages 72,066 12 449,151 40 Real estate, furniture and fixtures 54,917 03 Overdrafts 638 62 Miscellaneous assets, revenue stamps 705 96 $1,522,964 26 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in 100,000 00 Surplus fund 70,000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes 33,250 54 Deposits, subject to check $612,877 98 Deposits, interest accounts 702.182 19 Demand certificates of deposit 4.653 55 1,319,713 72 $1,522,964 26 State of Pennsylvania, County' of Lackawanna, ss: I. A.
H. Christy, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signed) H. CHRISTY. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of December, 1899. (Signed) ARTHUR DUNN, Notary Public. -Attest: (Signed) W. F. HALLSTEAD.
AUGUST ROBINSON, L. A. WATRES 613 Directors. REPORT of the condition of THE SCRANTON SAVINGS BANK of Scranton, No. 120 and 122 Wyoming of Lackawanna county, Pennsylvania, at the close of business November 29, 1899.
RESOURCES. Cash on hand 40.159 96 Checks and other cash 8,443 70 Due from banks and bankers. 148,516 72 Loans and discounts. 1,016,295 27 Investment securities owned, Stocks, bonds, 10 Mortgages 11,863 63 691,770 73 Real estate, furniture and fixtures 50,000 00 Overdrafts 95 55 Miscellaneous us assets 1,738 37 $1,957,020 30 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in 100,000 00 Surplus fund 140,000 00 Undivided profits, less "ex: penses and taxes 35,471 16 Deposits, subject to check 141.218 95 Deposits, 1,531,799 66 Demand certificates of deposit.
5,462 99 Certified checks 2,903 13 73 Cashier's checks outstanding. 150 00 Miscellaneous liabilities 14 41 $1,957.020 30 State of Pennsylvania, County Lackawanna, ss: H. C. Shafer, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signed) H.
C. SHAFER, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of December, 1899. (Signed) GEORGE M. OKELL, Notary Public.
Corre -Attest: (Signed) S. B. PRICE, A. B. BLAIR, J.
W. OAKFORD, 513 Directors. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED-By a young lady, a position for general housework. Address 444 New street.
6t3 with a baby and count your steps without keeping your eyes open." The Trouble. From the Baltimore News. Dedbroke-There comes a fellow I don't want to meet. Friend-Why not. Dedbroke-Well, I asked him to lend me $20 once.
Friend-Well, he ought to have lent it to you. He's got barrels of money. Dedbroke-That's the trouble. He did lend it to me. LOST.
LOST -A diploma written on heavy linen paper. The finder will be rewarded by leaving the same Mr. A. Michalowiski, 518 Lackawanna avenue. 512 LOST- -Monday evening, near the residence of Mrs.
E. B. Reynolds, 1638 Sanderson avenue, blue camel's hair shawl with Persian border. Finder will be rewarded by returning same to 1730 Washington avenue. 1611 REAL ESTATE.
house, full lot, West Side. Wm. H. Roe. house and single house, full lot, West Side.
Wm. H. Roe. house, modern improvements; a good investment; central. Wm.
H. Roe. house, modern and up to date; Wm. H. Roe.
NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. NOTICE is hereby given that the firm of Decker West has dissolved partnership, Mr. West having purchased the business. 611 FAMILY SUPPLIES. WHEN you buy lard, have that which 18 pure and unadulterated.
The lard sold by Carr Son at Washington Market is all their own make and warranted pure. BANKING. REPORT of the condition of the DIME DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT BANK of Scranton, corner Wyoming avenue and Spruce street, of Lackawanna county, Pennsylvania, at the close of business, Nov. 29, 1899. RESOURCES.
Cash on hand 26,196 02 Checks and other cash 2,555 88 Due from banks and bankers. 57.657 09 Loans and discounts 821,499 96 Investment securities owned, Stocks, bonds, 61 Mortgages 5,000 00 273.093 61 Real estate, furniture and fixtures 60.896 00 Overdrafts. 219 76 $1,242,118 32 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid 100.000 Surplus fund 70,000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 27,569 51 Deposits subject to check $1,017,963 58 Deposits, banks 21,805, 31 Demand certificates of deposit 4,779 92 1,044,548 81 32 State of Pennsylvania, County of Lackawanna, ss: Chas. du Pont Breck, president of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the my knowledge and belief.
(Signed) CHAS. DU PONT BRECK. President. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of December, 1899. or (Signed) M.
F. SANDO, Notary Public. Correct-Attest: (Signed) JAMES FITCH. SOLOMON GOLDSMITH, C. S.
SEAMANS, REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE THIRD NATIONAL BANK at Scranton, in the state of Pennsylvania, at of business Dec. 2, 1899. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $2,173,912 45 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 005 51 U. S.
bonds to secure circulation 50,000 00 U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits 521,000 00 U.
S. bonds on hand 00 Premiums on U. S. bonds 39,761 73 Stocks, securities, etc. 419,672 48 -house, furniture and fixtures 38,599 64 Due from Nat'l banks (not Reserve agents) 18,632 50 Due from state banks and bankers 11,456 91 Due from approved reserve agents 297,479 92 Checks and other cash 12,883 11 Exchanges for clearing house.
5.630 96 Notes of other national banks. 1,805 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 1,400 16 Lawful money reserve in bank, viz: Specie $127,698 54 Legal-tender notes 51,000 00 178,698 54 Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer, 5 per cent. of circulation 2,250 00 Due from U.
S. treasurer, other than 5 per cent. redemption fund 2,000 00 Total $3,777,678 91 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in. 200,000 00 Surplus fund 450,000 00 Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid 77,952 12 Nat'l bank notes outstanding.
45,000 00 to other national 12,004 63 Due to state banks and bankers 4,341 37 Dividends unpaid 150 50 Individual deposits subject to check 2,449,491 02 Demand certificates of deposit 34.062 50 Certified checks 2.165 22 Cashier's checks outstanding. 114 00 United States deposits 499,762 49 Deposits of U. S. disbursing 06 officers 2,635 Notes and bills None Bills payable None Liabilities other than those above stated None Total $3,777.678 91 State of Pennsylvania, County of Lackawanna-ss. I.
Wm. H. Peck, cashier of the abovenamed bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. WM. H.
PECK, Cashier. and sworn to before me this Subscribed 5th day of December, 1899. SAMUEL W. EDGAR, Notary Public. Correct -A J.
BENJ. DIMMICK, J. L. CONNEL, LUTHER KELLER, Directors. 0000000000000000000000000 THE POPULAR HOUSE FURNISHING STORE We Cannot Tell You.
too much about our cutlery. Come and see our carvers in pairs and sets. Over fifty patterns to select from. Some as low as $1.50 the pair. You will be delighted with the quality and appearance of these goods.
Foote Fuller Co. Mears Building. 140-142 Washington Ave 0000000000000000000000000. FOR SALE. FOR sale--The property of the late George H.
Benore, at 160 South Main avenue. Inquire of John Benore, 710 Scranton street. 281f FOR RENT. CLEAN and pleasant furnished rooms at reasonable prices. 247 Jefferson ave.
612 EAGLE HOTEL, 309-311 Penn ave. Possession given April 1, 1900. 6t3 HOUSE, eight rooms, water, eleotric light, bath, etc. 913 West Locust st. 114 FOR RENT -Unfurnished room; will let single house; all conveniences: heat and gas; second floor.
1226 Mulberry street. 611 SEE the new renewal blank just put on sale at The Republican business office. In cases of permanent tenancy it obviates the necessity of making out new leases. 21tf MONEY TO LOAN MONEY to loan at 4, 5 and 6 per cent. Any Connell amount.
Dunn Walker, 314-315 building. 30tf THE Pennsylvania State loans money at 6 per straight loan plan; monthly rate, $6.10 per thousand; city or country 314 property. Dunn Walker, attorneys, Connell building. 10tf MISCELLANEOUS. HORSE a specialty.
Four new shoes, worth $2.00. At Helriegel's, 347 Locust street. 29t18 TRUNKS checked from residence to any part of United States. 'Phone 525, Scranton Transfer 109 Lacka. ave.
Hugh J. Keenan, manager. 16tf STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. THE regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the First National bank of Scranton, for the election of directors for the ensuing year be held at the banking house on Tuesday, January 9th, 1900. Polls will be open from three until four o'clock p.
m. Isaac Post, cashier. 6-9-13-16-20-23-27-30-6-9 NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the stockholders of the Scranton Railway Company will be held at the offlce of the company in the city of Scranton, on Thursday, the first day of February, A. D. 1900, at 2:30 o'clock p.
for the purpose of voting for or against the proposed increase of the indebtedness of the company from $2,410,000 to $3,000,000. By order of the board of directors. C. Ford Stevens, secretary. 29t10-wed Scranton, Nov.
28, 1899. CABS AND CARRIAGES. RUBBER TIRED telephone carriages, 2583 and or cabs 602. Promptness and reliability our motto. James J.
Nealis. 16tf LEGAL NOTICE is hereby given that an application will be made to the governor of the state of Pennsylvania, on the eleventh day of December, A. one thousand eight hundred and ninety -nine, by John B. Poore. Edward B.
Sturges, Clarence B. Sturges, Herbert W. Taylor, Edward S. Dolph, et under the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations," approved April 29th, 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of intended corporation, to be called "The Scranton Steam Pump the character and object whereof is the manufacture and sale of steam pumps and other articles from iron and steel or other materials, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of the said Act of Assembly and its supplements. Thomas F.
Wells, Solicitor. 22t3-Wed IN re estate of Frank Witkovsky, late of the borough of Throoy, Lackawanna county, deceased. Letters of admin. istration having been granted to the undesigned, all persong having claims or demands against the said estate will present them for payment, and those indebted thereto will please make immediate payment to William Witkovsky, administraThroop, Pa. Beers Grambs, attorneys for estate.
2716-wed ESTATE of Joseph Green, late of the city of Scranton, county of Lackawanna and state of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned, all persons having claims or demands against the said estate will present them for payment, and those indebted to said estate, will please make immediate payment to Etta Green, administratrix. L. Levy, attorney. 1816-wed CLERK'S Notice in Bankruptcy--In the District Court of the for Western district of Pennsylvania.
Erwin G. Biesecker of Madison Lackawanna county, Pennsylvania, a bankrupt under the act of Congress of July 1, 1898, having applied for a full discharge from all debts provable against his estate under said act, notice is hereby given to all known creditors and other persons in interest, to appear before the said court at Pittsburg, in said district, on the 21st day of December, 1899, at 10. o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. William T. Lindsey, Clerk.
6-11 The Best Things for the Baby. DRESSES, SKIRTS, SLIPS, HOSE, VESTS, SHOES, BANDS, CAPS, and COATS, Of good material and right prices. 0 Our Specialty is Outfits for the Baby. Baby Bazaar, 512 Spruce Street. A SLICE OF THE EARTH With the charming accompainments of a happy home.
with happy hearts and happy faces, all your own is what you want. Don't eternally pay rent to a landlord. Be wise and elegant lots provident and buy one of our cheap and on the fashionable avenues in the central city, only seven minutes' walk from court house. (There are street cars also,) These lots are near busiand the life of the city, and near ness doctors and the protection of police and fire departments Pavements, sewers, RAS, steam and water mains. There is no expected danger from caving-in of mines as has Title frequently occurred on the Hyde Park side.
perfect and guaranteed. W. GIBSON JONES, MEREDITH L. JONES 311 Spruce St. Owners and Dealers..
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