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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 9

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

tATUXDIT, AtJOUfT 1937. BALDWIN LAUDS1 TANADA BEFORE CROW OF 20,000 British Premier Say He Ii 1 Vroud of Courage and Patience Worker. PRIME MINISTER SAYS BRITAIN'S SPIRIT GREAT Declare! Hi Message of Confidence and Optimism Well Re-ceived In Dominion. By Tboe. T.

Champloa, Loadoa Jlaaairev of That Canadian Press. i DOUGLAS CASTLE. Lanark. hire. Ana.

27. Premier Stan- lejc Baldwin, in bia first public speeck' since hi return from Canada on Wednesday, addressed 20.000 people at a Conservative fete here this afternoon and hjRhljr eulogized the Dominion. There la ao spot to whirl) would rmthtr com from Canada thin the heart of Scotland," Pre mier Baldwin declared In opening. "Thar has been a (rest deal of evil propaganda about the world, lespecially la new countries, telling hat the people of Britain are de- a-aaeni. i was ante to ten Canada that this country, so far from be-Sf that, la the same as It was 10 ftears ego; and that our spirit Is iindtmmed and our courage on- uenched.

Mistakes have- been made, but 1 proud of. the courage and pa- lence with which, our working eople nave stuck grandly to the Imost Impossible task of rebuild- tog and are slowly and surely through." 'A Meeeaaa Well Received. 'That message was received In he New World with the greatest nthuslssm, the premier went on. XHIBITION GAMBLING RESULTS IN $100 FINE jordon Lerner Wasn't Using Shawls Or Rugs. Gordon Lerner, Toronto, pleaded (ullty to a charge or.

carrying on gambling at the Exhibition Oroands and was lined 1100 'snd costs or 4ne month In Jail. William Cnger. for the defence leaded not guilty at Arst, but changed the plea when Inspector snomss MCLifugnun asksa tor a gemana. tl Mr. Cnger claimed that Lerntr fiid Just been operating a concession similar to- lhaUot doiena of ethers at the Fair and which weie countenanced by the Exhibition di rectors.

Inspector McLaughlin told the magistrate that -the accused fchad not operated his game with dbbawls or rugs, but with money. A pies of (rnlttywasthen enter ed by Mr. Ungir. i MRS. I.

A. JONES. Following Illness sines last Christmas, the death occurred this morning of Mrs. J. A.

Jones, 41 IUrent street, 71 years oTag. Her husband. Dr. J. A.

Jonse, was a prominent Kempt villa paysi-clan nntil his retirement a few years ago. Born in Kemptvllle, she lived thera prsctlcslly all. her life, coming to this city soma seven years wo. She was a member of All Saints' Anglican Churoh, futures, 1-1 to SSI- I spot, to 11.S7I-1.,. Quick stiver.

1100. "An AccompllBhed Girl Miss lauu-a Albright, pretty 1. year-old daughter of Mr. aad Mrs. 1..

J. Albright, ra Bayswater av enue, wtaaer of the Bxhlbltioa metUI for exeeUraee ta the piano competition. i BELLAS LA'S MASTER FOUND IIT DEFAULT Tha msster of the SS, Sellasla, David Smith, has been found In default in connection with the grounding of his ship near Bella Isle. July 10, while en route to Port Alfred, Quebec. A judgment of an admiralty court presided over by the Dominion Wreck Commlsslonsr.

L. A. Demers, ststes that the eourt "establishes without sny hesitancy that Indifference, It not neglect. Is the cause and reason for this casualty which, if ordinary elementary measurea of caution had been followed, would not have been reglstsred." The court did not deal with Csptaln Smith's certificate but severely Teprimsnded him, and fined him 150 for "uncalled for detention of the court's proceedings." rne judgment refers to tne chief officer of the eteamshlp Colin Maedonald, aad reads that "is advised to prove hlmsslf of some usefulness whilst on the bridge other than merely being present." FLIGHT TO OTTAWA IS HALTED TODAY JJPAYON, England, Aug. 57 Captain Leslie Hamilton and Colonel F.

T. Mlnchln. who had hoped to start their trans-Atlantic bop ta Ottawa, this morning, announced the-start would have to be postponed nntil Mondsy at leist. Their reports of flying conditions showed these were likely to be unfavorable along much of the westerly section of the route for the next 4S hours, therefore they decided to cell oft1 the start over the week-end. The aviator spent tha night at Cpavon after flying their 'plana from Bristol yesterday.

"PLANES AND SHIPS LOOK FOB VICTIMS TOKYO. Janan. Am 27 Elrht aeroplanes and. thirteen destroyers ware aearchlng today for the bodies or the victims of Wednesday night's naval disaster, when four warships were involved In a double collision during manoeuvres. Ac cording to latest figures.

11 men lost their lives. Thus far only one body has been recovered. Thirty officers comprise a board of In quiry which la conducting an vear. aha. m.m-1 invsstla-stlon into the dlaastar.

I Der or St. James cnurca in Kempt- villa and sang fa the ohoir of that church. She always took an active -part- la thuacb aell'ltl aver willing to devote her efforts to cherltable affairs. Her father) William Calng, waa the first tatlon-master of the old St. Lawrence and Brcown Railroad at Kemptvllle.

-K Mrs. Jones 'was Tloved by all who knew her as her kind and gentle disposition had mad her many both In this city and in the Kemptvllle district will leara of her death with regret. In addition -to bar husband she Is survived by a danghtar. Miss -Helen M. Jones' of the Annuities Branch, Department of Labor.

The funeral will be held from her home on 'Monday afternoon at JSsO o'clock. Th service will be conducted at St. James' Anglican Church. Kemstvllle bv Res-. J.

De Pender Wright. Following the service the burial will, take place la St. James' cemetery. Kemptvllle. i MITA1 KAXKXJ9 NEW TORK, Aug.

It. Copper, steady; alectrolytle. spot and (n-tures, M.lf 1-1. -Tin, easy: spot and nearby and "October, 63 60. Iron, steady and unchanged.

Lead, quiet: spot, .0. Zinc sasv: East St. Louis, spot MISS O. STEVENSON ONOE A Joint' entertainment at th home of Mrs. B.

Grossman, 70 Ossington avenue. In the form Of a miscellaneous shower was bald lsst evening by Mrs. Grossman and Mrs. (Dr.) E. In-honor ofMlss Grace fltevenson who Is to be married ahortlv.

The drawing room was tastily decorated and many beautiful gifts war received by the auest of honor. A', musical programme waa given by Misses Kl a Mix and Marjory Carr who cane; several de lightful solos. Miss Frances Carr presided at the piano. In th dlnlhc room, which was decorated with pink and white sweet peaa and roses. Mrs.

A. C. Stevenson and Mrs. Frsnk McCal- lum poured tea and Mrs. Clsrence Marshall and-Mrs.

Ford Gillespie assistea at to tame. Those oresent Included. Mes- damea Ford Gllleenle. oeora-a Grossman, H. Kerr, A.

JCnlewaa aer, Frank McCallumVC. Marshall, MCKaignt. k. Kirk. e.

c. Nel- eon, R. E. Travlss, A. C.

Steven son) Mlsaes Marjory Carr. France Carr, A. Hawke. Ellen La rats, Margaret MoCallum, Ella Mix, Doris Mix. c.

Mix, Anna Moffat. E. Shlpman, LUliaa 8harpe, Edith Stevenson and Hilda McKnlght. Others enable to ba present who eent gifts were Meedamea (Dr.) V. Kniewasaer.

J. H. Chusg. -Gladys Seeley-Brown, Walter. Gray and Miss Grace Workman.

Make Use of Our Statistical Department i Haay Investors, purchsae the shares) of mlnlaa eonw pan lee without having a full regard as to what (a back of-thefT Investments. Fall knowledge of yosr Invest menu Is easentlal to. profitable Operation the mar- We believe our statistical Departmsnt can be ol great' vSlu (o yos when yon desire Information regarding- Bseeent-or oontamplsted holdings. An srablsaed' analysts, -based ba Informatloa gained br rears of North Coantry experience, aad supplemented ayo-day toaea over our private wlrea from our ewa meat: an th ground, places this department la a eptnuld position to ba of help to yoa. Wq freely Invito' you to correeBoad with and extend yoa aR tare latelUUea of ths 'THUR E.

MOYSEY. CO rovftuco io. -limited Telrptiaas' Qwaes) 'r 1 -1 lbtmlf Itmt, Ottawa GLEN AVENUE HOME ENTERED JND ROBBED $225 In Silverware and Clothing Stolen. While the occupant wss away last evening, thieves broke Into the residence of Lome ohnaon, 21 Olea avenue, and stqls sllverwsi and clothing valued at 1255. Detectives are working on the cast Mr.

Johnson Is alone at preaen', his wife being away. He went out last night to spend the evtnlur When he returned, he found thai a window had been forced and door broken to gain entrance upstairs. Bilverwsre, suits and shirt, constituted the booty. GIVE ALL FEATURES IF WEATHER CLEARS Indoor Attraction At Fair Will Go On. Hopea that there would be fine weather tor th last day of Exhibition were dashed early today as rain began to fall heavily.

Notwithstanding the unfavorable outlook, the directors announced that aa much of the outdoor programme as the weather woald permit, would go on today. Hope It Stops. If the rsin lets up. the grandstand performance would be put on both sftemoon end evening. As there hsd oeen speclsl numbers plsnned by the "Frivolities of 117," in front of the grandstand for tonight, the management were praying that the rain would ba over by then.

Should rain Interfere with the usual open air concert to be presented this afternoon at four o'clock by Creatore's the programme will be given In the Coliseum at. the Exhibition. But this concert will be free, th sams as the outdoor concerts givea twice dally by Creatore. interesting Competitions. This sftemoon at two o'clock there will be conducted one of the most interesting musical competitions of the Exhibition for vocal soloists, and for pianists.

There will be competitions for tenor and bass and baritone voices, and for soprano and contralto. The Coliseum will be the scene of these competitions, which are free to the public. Manager Paisley received word this morning from Government House thst Their Excellencies. Lord and Lady Wllllngdon would again be present at the Music Concert this evening st eight o'clock In the Coliseum. APPEALS SENTENCE SEVEN DAYS IN JAIL Cecil R.

Elliott, chaiged driving aa automobile while Intoxicated, was found guilty aud sentenced to sevsn dsyi in jail by Magistrate Hopewell In Police Court. William Unger. for defence, servod notice of appeal and asked for ball. The charge wss laid aftor Mr. Elliott had run into a narked car en Afllnxton avenue.

Mr. Elliott said ha hsd been forcrd to collide with the car to avoid a collision with another auto. Severs! witnesses swore that Mr. Elliott staasered after the ac cident and thst he smelled of li quor and had used abusive lan guage. Sergeant John' Barlow, -who waa on duty st police station! when Mr.

Elliott was brought In declared the latter wee drnnk. All of the witnesses said neither of (be cars had lights. Mr. Elliott stated lie had had only a few drinks of dsndelion wine and declared emphatically he was not drunk. When thrown against the steering wheel by the crash, he had Injured a rib prob charg.

Dancer Is Killed By Radical Bomb Blast Occur BatwMn Dancar at Itie Betort. MICE, France, Aug. 27. 'Severn pereoaa were la. lured, osm faulty, by the e.

ploaftoev of bomb thrown from a railroad track into an open-air rUarlng eatablltlimenl at Jnaa-leo-Plna. near here, last aight. The bomb fell between da ncee, otherwlae then would have been more caaual-tlea. Lda'ls 'Toledo, a Rassian, osw of tneea iajorexl, died itala anomlag. i Tha police arer- Inclined to believe ths bomb waa thrown by aa susarchlst.

VAGRANCY CHARGE FAILS IN COURT "It was Supposed to be for a hold-up." -said William S. Clemln-son, aged I year, who claims New Brunswick as his home, bat cam to Ottawa from Montreal, when Inspector Thomas McLaughlin In Police Court saked him why he had been arrested, before. Clemln- son appeared on a charge of vagrancy aad the Inepeetor asked him If ha hsd ever bees arrested before be cam to Ottawa. The aacnssd later admitted thai he had been convicted and had re ceived suspends sentsnee of on rr. Constabls Oeors Cray told new Clemlnsoa hsd refused to answer questions whsn arrested.

He said he hsd sees tha -accused loitering on Elgin atreet at LUgar and Cooper, peering lata windows of a spsrtment and a vacant honsa. -After arresting Olemlnson. he took him to th police station where be Mill refused ta answer ques tions. Magistrate Jiopewaii oismissea th chnrgs sad dtsehargsd Clemln soa. FIXDw ABAXDOXE1 CAR.

John Fltsnatrlct. or Camber. bud. lotlled nolle this morning that an abandoned automobile Is standing la held oae mil west of Camberlsnd. He describes It as aa Overland touring ear.

with license Ontario lti-ois. This I registered under the asm of J. Jaltea. Chrysler, but no re port as yet been received that th af wsa Holsa, THE OTTAWA JOTJBNAE A Talented Musician Miss Resut ('nmcrua. talrM ed 1 1-year-old daughter of Mr.

aad Mrs. C. (i. Cameron, 7f) ttllmour etreet, who won the fold medal In the girls' vocal contest at the Exhibition. This la the second year the has won this medal.

Expected Jumps Pride of Detroit In World Flight NEW YORK. N.Y.. Aug 27. The expected jumps In ths Pride of Detroit's Sight around the world follow: Start at Harbor Grace. Nd.

Mile Lnuon. ungland Stuttgart. Germany Belgrade. Jugoslavia Constantinople, Turkey Aleppo, Syria Bagdad, Iraq Bender Abbas, Persls Ksrachi, India Allahabad. India Calcutta.

India Rangoon, India Tourane, French -1- 0 Hong Kong t0 Tokyo, Japan (radio besron) 1,810 Sand Island, of Midway Islsnds. V. S. (rsdlo bescon Honolulu. C.

S. (rsdlo beacon San Francisco Cheyenne. Wyo Chlcsgo, III Detroit. Mich Harbor Grace. Nil a.

2, ISO 40 610 S00 190 485 885 710 Sit 485 (65 2.410 Total mileage 12,07 Totsl flying; tlm about 20 hours. 8uaaa lreila Burton, ntoaiiis old daughter at Mr. aad Mrs. Ja Bartoa, IM O'Cosnsar Mreet. nrnt prtsa winner-1 Claea II.

for (iris SJI to IB snonths. ably causing him to stagger. Con-1 -nnt iij7fi.iir sTaTO-Xamrrfc-tfiTfi 1 s-sataaw vs, nuua 10 NILSSON 18 NdW ENGAGED Nllssoa. nlm star, and Ernest Krause. Investment broker.

Is sn- nouiicdT- BILLS HIMSELF AFTER THE MURDER 8ANFRANCI8CO. Aug. T. deputy Sheriff at San Lesadro. last night shot nnd killed Edward A.

Hayne, Is, In a quarrel over ownership of a drift log, and then committed suicide. MAJOR URQTJHART AND WIFE LEAVING Major Thomas Urquhsrt snd Mrs. Urquhsrt, Isadora In Salva tion Army work In Ottswa, are leaving Ottawa Toronto and will be replaced by Ensign snd Mrs. Ernest Falls, of Kingston. Major Urquhart ha been In charge at -Slater Street Citadel for the past two years.

A special service In honor ol Malor and Mrs. Drauhart will be held at the Citadel on Sunday snd (hey will leave for Toronto on Thursday. They came to Ottawa from St. John's, Newfoundland. Ensign and Mrs.

Falls have been sutloned for two years at King ston, where Mrs. Fell served aa nollce matron. They went to King ston from the Maritime Provinces. WATCHXG FOR STOLE! CAR. Police are on the look-out for an automobile owned by Alexander Front.

177 Notr Dame street. Montreal, which was stolen there last night snd which Is believed to ba headed for Ottawa. It is Maxwell tourisg car. blue la color, and carries Ontario license IM. WA.KT A TUNNEL.

DETROIT. Aug. 17. Ths Detroit-Ontario Subways Company ysstarday filed a eetltloa with the elty aaaaell asking permission to build a vehicular tunnel under the Detroit 'River connecting Detroit and The petition re-Quested that aa erdlnaace to the elect be submitted ta the people at tha October 11 primary. BUFFALO LIVE STOCK.

EA8T BUFFALO, Asg. 17. Hogs 700; bull 170-110 111. SO; J10-U to pigs. and light lights, quotable 110.10 to; Backing sows.

17.71 to li lt Cattle 15; market nominal, Calve II; few choice vsaleri, 11 I. Sheen 10. top "fat leaks. 111.71; call aad rotnmoa, to fit waa, i.5 17.10. svviss FURTHER PROGRESS ON CAPITAL ROUYN New Find of Copper and Gold Reported.

Sprrlal la The Jaarnal. ROUVN. Aug. I The Capital Rouyn piuiici-iy has been the Been i of two new Interesting finds. Tbe Crst coii-r discovery Is, according to an offvlnl report Just msde public three hi four fl wide aud res bc-n op -aea up for a distance cr over 70 (eer.

The second discovery ma, le on Thuraduy of this week is a gold "find" end what is raid to be a pplendld jhowln and has attracted conalderable attsn-tlon baa been opened up tor nearly Ihree hundred feet showing signs of going to width at depth. Ssmples of both the copper and sold are being sent down to Ottswa fur a Government assay. Thsre nas been onsldsrabls talk In Kouyn concerning the Captnl Itouyn property end with' Spearman consulting engineer' cf Absns now occupying slmilsr post with Capital In co-operation with engineer McDonnaugh a start tiaa been made on whut Is considered a most smbitious programme. Artlra Market. Capital Rouyn wss considerably to the front in trading on the un-listed section of the S'sadsrd Mining Kir li a one and th Montresl Mlnlnir Kichnnge unlisted section yeaterdsy.

At Toronto some shares ihsnged hands while on the Montreal Mining Exchsngo S.90H hares were In. NEW WESTMINSTER ELECTION RESULT NEW WESTMINSTER B. C. Auk. 26 Revised figures In Thursdsv'a byelectlon show that Mayor Wells Crsy, Liberal, defeated Charlei A.

Wslsh. by a majority of 925. The poll was: Gray, 2.512: Walsh, 1 1 7. In the 1924 provlnclsl general elections. Dr.

E. J. Rothwell, Liberal, wa-t elected over the three other candidates, the vote being: Dr. Kothaell, 1.U1; Dr. A.

M. Sanlf.rd. 1.310; R. C. Hlggs.

Labor. 609: G. L. Cassldy, Provincial party. 691.

SAY (MIDGE Continued from Page, Three. Ing the war snd ths subsequent reconstruction period. Charles E. Hashes Ont. While Frank O.

Lowden. tbe former governor of Illinois, will be strong In tbs middle west because of his svmpsthy with ths fsrm group. It is gsnerally considered unlikely that his. strsngth In ths rest of ths country would justify bis nomlnstlon. Cbsrles E.

Hughes, who ran for presidential honors In lflgsgslnst Woodrow Wilson. Is still In Europe I hut has slready indlcsted thst hf does not seek to risk soother de-I feat st the polls. He Is S. snd 1 hi described himself aa being too old for the presidency Thoss I who sre Intlmste wfth him Inter' pret this to mean thst he prefers I romfort snd leisure to the hurly-burly of politics, snd Will sit bark snd enjoy ths prestige he hsi gained as a atatesman and jurist. The battle at the Republican convention, therefore, msy quickly become a contest between Hoover and Dawss.

with tbe President quietly throwing his weight In fsvor of Hoover. The vice-president will hers ths support of Lthe- Lowden gronp once the West erner is out of the running, oe-rause they are life-long friends. In fact Dnwes will not sllnw hlmscll to ba definitely In the running until the former governor Is ont oi It- Democrats' Chances. The Democratic possibilities srs still unknown, for there are halt a doien factions shouting tor ss msny different choices. Wssblny- ron -Is far removed st present from rellsble sources of Informstlon on Democratic activities.

During the next few montha the situation will undoubtedly clarify Itsejf. snd "dsrk horse" msy enter the race. -If opinion of the Washington ob servers Is worth snrthlng neither Governor "Al." Smith, of New Tork, nor William O. MrAdno will carry tha Democratic ronveatlon In spite of the nndoub'ed strength of each in certain sections of ths country. The possibility thst 192H will see the test In the t'nlted States of whether Roman Catho lic can be elected President, therefore, la remote.

REPORT PRINCE Continued from Page Three. sre virtually buying their tickets night. nnseen. efanney Onlng Strong. SPECULATOR.

N.T.. Aog. '37. Gene Tunney's next sparring- session hss been eet for tomorrow sf temoon. The rhsmplon plsnned to set away for the races st Saralnss Sprlnga today, tsking his entire retinue with him.

Confident of his phvatral ntnesn. Hen seems to regsrd -his fight with lark Dempser lightly. He did not take np his gloves yesterday, hut after eight miles on the rosd In ths morning, he led the wsy for sever al of his guests In th aftsrnoon on U-mlle hike. Billy Vldsbeck. one of the cham pion's sparring partners, who wa la the camp last year, expressed the opinion thst Tinner could well afford to share down his boxln programme without any loss of effectiveness.

"Gene la In wonderful condi tion." Vldsbeck ssid. "He la bigger than he was lsst yesr: be Is stronger, and he hits harder, and hi herder to hit then ever." Tentative slane call for him to break camp next Tuesday and head tor Chicago. DORVAL BCRATCHRI. DOHVAL. Aug.

17. To- day'a acratches: Pfrst race Eyelrsh. Marvin, Prodigal, Troabler. Futen, Hsrlsn rourth race Ellis jane. Sixth rare King's Rsnsom.

Bhspperd of the Hills. Jssnnette. eventn race Bandswept, Rosa Beauty. Sebret, El Csnoe. Weatter.

cloudy: trees, tsar. KIIXED BT TRAIN. WOOStJAW. Aug 17-Aa anidentlfled man wss killed th mala Una Canadian Pacific Railway track when atrack by a passenger train near here Friday. The engineer aotlced an object oa tha' track, bat too lata to stop.

The sua waa lying acroa tha track with his hesd oa ths (oath rail aad hi feet across th north If S'hill-Bepl Dec. Uarch Corn Sept. Dac. March Oats Kept. D.c lUroh Rye-Sept.

ra March Supplies Our Special Free Git Oficr 1 it till let 1.421 Hit 1.411 I. IS 1.144- 1.171 ta l.oi a Lard Sept Oct 11. IS Rlbe spt Belllea Rapt. Oct lt.T Sale of Three-Piece High-Grade i TaB Dhvrd to your ill I TfclwSlVi hrm immdutty th 11- si Pyn.m u' mad 'jl yJf and th 1.111 1.151 nil "i 401 111 'J Kill 1 Oil 17 1 11.17 IS 1I.4S Srekara. SWlStna nrooki Btvsie Hotera.

1 1 com arooka Susm Meters. 1 pref I com CaaiSa Mertaaes. Capital Ufa 11 pe. pale Canftdlaa Slarroal Wtralaaa. cck.hutl Plow S- prel.

Cein. rinaace, prat De. com Ccifraia newetlaa Don. caiaMcs Slills. 1 pr.f I enm c- DAtnlnloa life praf Durant Motors ot Caa.

4 Do. a. Do. Durant Accept. Corp.

Sastora Taeolrta. com. Do. prat Cne. P'f Do eoaa a.

Oroenlna Wtro. prat. Imperial Tobacco, com Kmc CSWar Hotel DOS. A. Do a lioova Wle-faer.

prat. M'n. Ufa 4S pc. prof. Stfaa.

Via. -praf aeS aoaa. 1 4I 1 44 I. I 1.14 1.171 III IH Itl I. soi L04I t7t in II II 11.17 145 3-4 to 7-8 up.

snd provisions were nnchsnged to 10 cents higher. Qaetatleaa. On. Hleh. Low.

Cloas ll-t lit -I i.szt-i l.t vuj-i 1 isl-l 41 0i HI SM I. Ill I. Oil 17 n.ti 11.10 III 11 40 Wave of Buying. WINNIPEG. Aug.

A mild wave of buying. Influenced by adverse westher In parts of western Canada, brought a raadinn toriav from tha recent de clines on the Winnipeg Grain Exchange. TO PAJRADE ASHES SACCOVANZETTI NEW VORK. N.Y.. Aug.

27. Although Police commlsslonsr Warren haa refused a parade permit, the aahee of Nicola fiacco and Bartolomeo Vaasettr- aded through New York streets Mondsy in defiance of Warren's orders. Mrs. Clarlna Mlchalson. of the Bscco-Vaniettl memorial committee, ssid today.

She said ahe expected- 50,000 persons would participate in a meeting and funeral procession. UNLISTEDSTOCKS br Uoe-at aad UseOllUvrar. BIS. Aak 11 1 14 4 1(4 IH 4 II IS 1 71 1 7ti SI 1IH 1 II II I I i I 14 II S4 II lH SI all 4 41 14 It! IS Sit ZOOS AWD PO0LTKY. (Dominion Lire Stock Branch).

Beyond the continued firm feeling there 1 no aew development In Canadian egg market today. A esr hss been offered at Montreal from Vancouver at 44 cents for nxtraa. shipment to be made when ready, but the offer baa not been accepted. Toronto This msrkst Is firm and unchanged with dealers quoting country shippers for ungraded eggs delivered, extras 41. firsts It.

seconds II. Storsgs gg srs moving out fairly well. Montreal--Dealers are quoting MINING STOCKS OP OAR A DA Batter Class Mlnlag stock carried aa eoneervattse margin. -oirrAiiex; unrrnD" Iloaya (latateadia "Hock. F.

W. DAVIS CO. Ht vsa'arvWWsJar' 07 Maekbara Blchx, Attasra JUST what you bar bean wanting fur your hornet Beautiful 8 -PI oca Chatter-Held Suite comprUIni Win Arm and Flrenide Chair aud full alaed Chaaterfleld. ill upholstered In flncat quality mohair with reversible silk brocatelle cushions. Marshall spring construction, terpentine (ront.

It a a real beauty. Priced at a Phenomenally Low Figure 3-Piece Chesterfield Suites In Jacquard Valour. Blue Frleae or One quality Tapestry lfsrshsll aprlng construction, reversible cushlous. Suite comprises cosy arm chair, flresiite chair and roomy Cheaterfleld This Is sn exceptions! value at our reduced price. Specially Priced 12 Months to Pay.

No Interest or Extra Charges if Paid Within One Year. HOUSE URN1SHIWG C9tl uiTiiivrvn 181 8ANK STREET GLOUCESTER GRAIN PRICES UP AT JE FINISH Short Covering Found Offerings Were Light. CHICAGO. Aug. 2.

All grains averaged higher today, final quotations being near the top when short covering found offerings light. Strength at Winnipeg and Liverpool also was a factor. At the finish wneat showed a net gain of 1 1-3 to 1 6-8 cents: corn advanced one to 1 7-1: oats wsrs country shippers for unf rsded egea, dslivsrsd. sxtrss 10-43. firsts 37-3.

seconds 10-S3. DAISY BOARDS Plcton, Aug. M. (Special). At todsy's meeting of the Plcton Cheese Bosrd.

there were 6C boxes of cheese bosrded. sll col ored, all sold at 11 1-4 cents. Buyers present were Morgan, Piatt. Hill and Sexsmlth. fir Ottawa Branch S.

HOUSTON Manager Put the away fn the Safety Deposit Box: Bond Morlga jel Deeds Iruurance Policies Marrlag ami Birth Ortficatel Will Stoc Certificates Pritnot Records tc. tOJta HOwlAND, $195 Twelve Months to Pay No Interest Or Extra Charges if Paid Within One Year. FREE Chesterfield Table Hsndsom. Walnut finish Chesterfield Tsbls. sn slmost sbsolats easen-tlsl to a complete Living -Room outfit, given sbso-lutsly Free to every, purchaser of Chesterfield Suite during this speclsl offer.

MURDERED MAN FOR MONEY FOR A PARTY orffamzat to every detail, down to the! very smalleat, for our year of experience have taught ua what hould be done, and the careful attention we accord everyone is definite assurance that every detail will he properly ear Thia i another of! tha reason why Hulse service is the invari-. able ehoice of the thoughtful people ol Ottawa and vicinity. 7rmzfcJmbulMX Service 5Mlioo STuerr- flaei. Wii jerOr PrvooCHin600 Sa jBSS asa ja Ma ass swa, eee. 1 i NEWPORT NEWS.

Aug. 17. Arthur Peterson. 10, and a. young friend.

Conolly Donaldsea, -f srs chsrged with ths murdsr of a S. A. Rudd. (S. Pstsrson told ths police Rudd wss killed In aa unsuccessful sttempt to obtsln money so he snd his friends could stsge a "big party" at a nearby beach resort.

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