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Clyde Herald from Clyde, Kansas • 1

Clyde Heraldi
Clyde, Kansas
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VOLUME X. CLYDE, KANSAS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH L4, 1888, NUMBER 37. IP? 0mh IPmiii ir jr. If Money to Loan. If you "raust have and are mpclled to give vour farms for seeuri-; I want a chance to help skin you.

will tell von all about "Till; I'ilOOESS. sfore- you Sign any Tapers, so you will )t ihvrivecl nor disappointed. I will give vou as good rates as any-rnlv and in as good company as ar.y-jdy, Wiihvuit Commission. Insurance iiten fix desired, in the Best Com-uiies hi America. J.

F. RANDOLPH. Our experienced buyer, has been in Yoek, Boston tti ILABELPEIA. During the Past Two Weeks OUR MAMMOTH We Offer you three of Last Years Patterns, Perfectly New, Thoroughly Warranted, At Tour Own Reasonable Offer, for Gasli. We mean to close out this old stock.

In the mean time, call and see the Latest Styles of the 'Bestest Best' Stove in the makert. Tlie Leattme Traae Center oi tlie lin 1 BiansTG- us jDJxxsir The Latest Novelties! Matchless Values PURCHASES I fori Penangs, Kid Gloves, have an Equal We Goods, Ore are Showing the Latest in Satines, Prints, Ginghams, a own a Copyright on "Bestest Bast." G. H. RUSHMORE SON. mi Hosiery, Embroideries, Corsets and Our Stock this Season Will Not in This City.

6 LAT0 TH I It. Agents for Buttericks Patterns, J. B. fc M. Ii.

BUPE, Editors. Terms $1.00 a year iix advance. OUR TICKET. For President, WALTER Q. GRESHAM, of Indiana.

For Vice President, HAWLKV, of Connecticut. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Uie oflice of Police Judge, sub ject to the will of the expressed the polls at the coming city election. elected, I will judge with candor and reprehend with justice. F. M.

Anderson. The Inter Ocean calls the Chicago Tribune, the Cobden Club's Tribune. very appropriate name. Touch lightly on sugar, for fear of hurting -democratic Louisiana, but send every head of sheep to the butcher. Mr.

F. M. Anderson announces himself in this issue for Police Judge, and it would not surprise us if he gets there. Bob Ingersoll will cot turn in with the Mugwumps and support Cleveland, ile he prefers voting for a man that has brains. To correspondents, we would above everything else we want locals.

We try hard to give everything our correspondents write, but sometimes, lor the want of space and time, we are compelled to leave out some, and when we make discrimination, it is bound to be favor of locals. Other matter comes good place when we have plenty of space, and time. So we hope our correspondents will not feel discouraged when they see, now and then, their items culleu The Salvation i.rmy claims 3.000 Es. converts in Kansas during 1S87. Judge Gresham is the favorite of the people as distinguished from the politicians.

This would be a good year to try the experiment of compelling the politicians to stand aside and of permitting the people to select the candidate. St. Louis Globe Democrat. With Judge Gresham as its candi date ior i the Rcputuieajs party could make a strictly aggressive campaign, ilis record is tree from any sus- idcion of discredit or any necessity of explinaiion; and the demand for such a man is so plain and so imperative that it can not possibly be misunderstood. St.

Louis Globe-Democrat. Democrat papers still continue to harp cn the 4.000 articles which are subject to tariff duties after the true number 1,002 have been repeatedly given by republican newspaper. With the tarilx tables before them, there can be no excuse for t'r's reckless statement. A settled purpose to mislead is evident from this and other statements on the tariif. Ex.

The Topeka Capital is thrusting its guttering sword in the direction of mator lngalls once more. Incralls and Joe Hudson somehow never could be peaceable; always would tear the bed quilts and throw pillows at each other. Just now Hudson is calling on Mother Kansas to spank lngalls and send him to bed. Siaiply because Jim Legate spoke of him as a Kansas candidate for the presidency. Foolish boy, Mother Kansas will yet make you both kiss and make up, and if she should take a notion to run the Senator she'd be apt to do it, though a thousand iludsons wailed.

Obevlin Eye. Ouly few iays ago the manager of a verj' famous theatrical troupe came into the editorial rooms of this paper arrayed in a very handsome new over coat. Gi j-uesses were maae as to us cost; U0, foO and were severally put forth. "That's where you get left," said the manager; "people think fellows like me go to the highfalutin tailors. As a fact, we hunt bargains.

1 gave $8 for this coat at 'naming a store in an unfashionable part of the city and largely patronized by the workiugmen. It would be absurd to say that this elegant and coat was taxed 86 per cent, or any per cent at all. Protection had stimulated home competition to its reduction. A very few years ago such a garment could not have been bought for lsss than $25, and it could not now be bought for less than $8 in any city of Europe. Inter Ooeaa.

II. T. StetTy, a citizen well and favor ably known by nearly all the citizens of 1 ortlanu, was, a number of months since, stricken with paralysis, and nearly recovered: but a few weeks ago he was stricken again and more severely than at first. He has only been able to walk slowly, by the use of two canes. Mr.

bteflv is a christian man, and having great cohdence in praver, attend ed the religious services now in nrosress in our town, and asked an interest in prayers in this special direction. On last Monday evening Mr. Steffy came to the church as usual with crutches. Aficr. preaching, a series of prayers and testimonies, during which time in obedience to an implicit faith in God Mr.

Steffy was, to the astonishment oi several hundred people, made instantaneously whole, and went through the house shaking hands with nearly every person in the audience, praising God, for his wonderful work. Dr. Moon who was present, gaid he had examined Mr. Steffy professionally and he had no hesitancy in saying iu the presence of that large audience tuaf was i clear ease of paralysUj of to in of UNION rrafl Feefl Try our World's Bst Patent New Cable. Also a Car of that Celebrated SAUNA FLOUR, I'EACOCK, GOLD VAiLT, I.

X. A XI) PEEULESS. L. XV. Fattison, 5Vvuer is.

Drugs. 'Medicines, Chemicals, Stationery, Paints, Gils, etc, rEiSCElTTiOHS A SPECIALTY. srEstablUhed in business ISnl. ROACH BRO'S. BBAIH BFALEBS.

Fay the Highest Market Prices. Dealers in Suft Chood Feed etc. Also Grind Feed for Fanners. ey! Farms! Paid when papers ara signed. No ailing a month "for your money till are wxti.stied and thus pay tercst on two raor Call on F.

A. Griffin, at Exchange soa how much money you can save, fe loans Private Funds. Interest and principal payable here, I.l.GROFF, Watches, Clocks and JEWELR Y. Goods sold on the installment plan. F.



Lamb Bradford Are Flill in the front with a full line of IIEATEIIS. A DWARE kinds, tiive them a call and see for yourself. A. G. SEXTON, Physician and Surgeon, CI.VPK, KANSAS.

AH calls promptly attended day or night OrliPP "ver jewelry store. Dept. at If A in in il with the smell of savory meats such as his soul loveth. 1 have always seen that his soup was salted to his mind, and his butchers kill kept down to the level of his income. In addition, I have borne him children.

A typical union this. I brought to this union youth, innocence, ambition for love and joy. He contributed the bread and cheese, together with a fading youth and whatever remained over after a life of pleasure. For his own credit his own servants were well clad and fed, and so am I. The difference lies in this, that they are paid in cash, I only in kind.

lney give certain service only, and are free to come and go at pleasure. body and soul, am a possession of my master's firm, whom death only can set me free, idea are full of pity for the spinster, deprived of the luxury ot a husband; but I think the most pity is due to those unequally yoked. Perhaps it is vain to expect men to sympathise with women. They never kuow what it is to grow old without having tasted the joys of youthj what it is never to have one day of freedom such as men enjoy while they are still children never even for one short year to see the glories and wonders of this world. This is to die before we have begun to live forever to suckle fools and chronicle small beer It is evident enough that thousands of husbands take no pains to make themselves lovable, or have none of the qualities likely to inspire love.

Try as you will, life with them must be one of long endurance: Strange that one hears so much talk about the education of women to be good wives and mothers, and never a word of the training of men to be tolerable husbands and fathers. Every thing in. a boy's education tends the other way. From the time he leaves his mother's apron strings other men teach him to despise and ridicule women, to trample on their liberties, to indulge in habits which disgust them, to degrade the manhood which women would fain love and reverence." Lionpretreet items. BY DREAMER.

S. Dorau is away this week surveying near Glasco. Mr. i unston, is better so as to be up part of the time. Line.

Smith is goin to help George Chesebro work his farm this summer. Mr. Jenkins has moved into the Armstrong house, formerly occupied by Mr. Patterson. Report sa-s that Miss Florence Au-1 ten, and Mr.

Means have been united in matrimony. Rather guess the old baches are squelched. At auy rate they are keep ing pretty quiet. Sam Doran and family, moved into their new home last Friday. Clyde has gained a good citizen.

That blacksmith shop of George Cheeebro's is completed and in full running order. Now is the time to get work done. Mr. and Mrs. John Danielson have been going 1o Clyde quite often lately.

It rs supposed the balvatron Army is the attraction. It is no uncommon thing to see the wolves on our streets. Would it not be well for the township to give a bounty for the scalps. Rumor has it that Mr. David Garwood and family, who moved out west to grow up with the country, are com ing back to live on We hear that Grandpa Montgomery is getting along so well that he intends trying to get around the house some this eek, with the help of crutches.

Mrs. Sam Elder, was burried last Monday. They came to Kansas in a serious character, and though skeptical a3 he might be, this was a thing hitn beyond comprehension. The people of our towD, perhaps, will never witness another such remarkable cure their history. We have read of these singular occurrences, but never witnessed one until this time.

There was a remarkable manifestation of power and impression, such as we have not seen in our experince of relisious service. Those who were there will neverforget the services of that Portland (Ind.) Commercial, April 18S2. The above is our II. T. SteSy, an employee of the carriage factory.

When roused to intellectual indignation his emotions are fdogularly well under control at all times Senator lngalls is the most energetic, brilliant, aggressive, pertinent, and if need be withering of political orators. His masterly command of language, the accumulative force of his faultless rhet oric, the vigor and originality of his ideas in logical expression, the audacity his antithesis, and the dominant fact that he is never without the courage of his convictions, make him a man to be feared as well as admired. lie is to the Amercan what Cicero was to (he lloman senate, and his Phillippics, as his speech on the pension bill attests, are as punitive of the culprit Democracy as ever weie the invectives of the patriotic judge of conspirators against the peace, dignity, and honor the state of Home In coming to the defense of the soldier interests it is the buisness of the Democracy to assail whenever it is expedient, Mr. lngalls was as much inspired by as impelled by indignation, and the ringing sentences hurled defiantly out with a nice regard of parliamentary the opposition had in them the ardor of a sincere sympathiser with the advocated cause. Whatever may be the difference of individual opinion as to the attitude of the fiery Senator relative to certain points in his seemingly impulsive speech, there can be but one view of the soundness and irresistible right of his deductions.

His stand assures him of the gratitude of the soldiers, whose rights he insists must be regarded and allowed, and the attempt ot Senator Blackburn to have it appear that he maligned the dead, memory of whom is precious to the ex-soldier of the Union army, will not detract from the respect and admiration won by his em crf. tua T)m- rmi slin i a partisan issue. Inter Ocean. Dry Creek Gleanings. BY GLEANER.

As much has been said on the bach elor question now I suggest a new sub ject for discussion; viz: the girl or wo man who marries for a living, and 1 trust none of our young ladies will marry those bachelors either for pity or for a living, as did the lady whose experience is given below; but first please allow me to say a word in eonclusioo, perhaps of the bachelor question. My observation through life has been that the majority of bachelors, married sooner, or later, and those who did not, were, perhaps like the one we read of, who on being asked why he did not marry, replied, that, those he would have he could not get, and those he could get the devil would not have. Xow my subject, viz; "Marriage for a living. A wife who has been married twenty years, and has not found content in the "holy makes this complaint and confession for the benefit of her sisters. I married because it was the only way of getting a living recognized as respectable by the society in which I lived.

I had wished to get into business but no capital was forthcoming. I had ambition to be learned, and distinguish myself as a writer, but the idea was soon snuffed out. I would fain have been a nurse, a teacher, a lady help, anything to gain both experience, and money; but difficulties were insuperable. I wanted some work in life; I soon got it; I married the least objectionable of the cherry -drinking, cigar-smoking bachel ors who came to my mother's dances; I have faithfully tended him, nursed him aud mended him for twenty year wi(h a pIMile, and welcomed 1 nave dismissed him everv morninsr have many friends who sympathize with them in their bereavements The numerous friends of Mr. Sayler are pleased to hear of his good fortune in securing a pension.

Thev used to live in ttiis aeigntornoou, ana nicer or more deserving people are hard to find We understand that Mr. Lacy has moved on his new farm, known as the S. Doran farm. We welcome them into our neighborhood, and hope they will be treated kindly and neighborly by our people. Mrs.

Cole is living at her father's Mr. David Doran's for the present. And Mrs. t'reviston. can't sav where she is stopping.

We arc glad to hear that Mrs. F. B. Rape i.s so much improved in health, that she intends starting for Kansas the twenty-second of this month. She has a host of friands who will welcome her home.

Mr. N. Geyer had a line cow killed by the Hock Island passenger train going north last Thursday. Mr. Murphy, the section boss, was on hand the next morning and had it appraised, and there is no doubt but what he will get his pay for the cow with out any trouble as that company's motto is to do what is right.

Mr. Win. Babbitt, of Miltonvale, was seen on Longstrcet visiting brothers and old acquaintances. lie was one of the old settlers, and bached awhile, but had too good judgment to remain that way long, end converted Miss Spooner, to become a Babbitt, and remained on the farm for a year or two, theu sold out and moved to Miltonvale, where he went into the hardware business and has built up a large trade and is doing well. Washington i FROM OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT.

Washington, March, 2, 1S83. The last democratic combination is one that should interest every old soldier. It has been entered iuto by memb ers ot the House of Representatives for the purpose of preventing the Dependent Pension bill from being voted upon when it gets before that body. It is said hei that Cleveland himself requested the formation of this combi- nation ir. oracr to Drevent his havincr to either veto or sign this bill just ou the eve of a presidential election.

The tactics to be adopted in the House to accomplish the defeat of this bill will include filibustering of all sorts by the members of this cowardly combination. Cleveland talks to Grand Army men whom he meets as though he would sign this bill should it pass while at the same time he is probably chuckling to himself to think that his friends will prevent a vote being taken on it. This i3 all the more cowardly from the fact that few democrats in the House, with the exception of those from the South, will dare to record their retes against such a measure. The republicans of the House however, altough iu the minority, will probably be able to defeat this well laid scheme to deprive the preservers of the Union of their well earned pensions. Senator Paddock, of Nebraska paid his respects to the inefficient mail service, on Tuesday.

He denounced the management of the Post Office Department for the last three years as a failure probably a more conspicuous failure than any of the other shortcomings of the present Administration. The Senate has agreed to an amendment of the Dependent Pension bill, which makes it apply also to those who served in the war with Mexico or (for thirty days) in any of the Indian wars. It seems that the sudden change of mind which came over certain members of the democratic committee in regard to pleasing Cleveland as to the time of holding the nominating convention, cost a goodly sum of hard cash, in addition to an almost unlimited numbsrof pronr- the amount paid was over $20,000 and that it was all furnished by Mr. W. L.

Scott, the millionaire Congressman from Pennsylvania, and confidential friend of Cleveland. The Oklahoma Territory bill, now pending before the House, is bciDg antagonized by the friends of a sub stitute wmch provides lor negotiation wit.ii Jnuians Derere talcing possession juT -any part of their territory. I The president will get another chance to veto the bill to quiet the title of settlers to the Des Moines River lands. The House eoAmittce on Public Lands have agreed to report the bill favorably and it is almost sure to pass. Democratic newsnancrs have Imen s- suriug their readers that Mr.liandall of Pennsylvania would support the tariiT I'iii proposed by the majority of tho Ways and Mean3 Commute aj soon as it was pdaced before the House.

Now when the bill is about ready, Mr. Randall's intimates announce that he is engaged in framing a tariff bill of his own which he proposes to offer as soon as completed. The 1'ennsylvanian will bo sure to have tome followers from his side of the makes it extremely doubt ful whether the low tariff democrats can succeed in getting their bill passed even by the House. Of course it is doomed to defeat in the Senate should it ever reach that body. Senator Sherman, from the Committee on Foregin Relations has reported to the Senate the bill to amend the acts relating to Chinese emigration.

Ile proposes as soon as practicable to call it up for action in the Senate. The bill provides that the words Chinese labor and Chieese passenger shall be held to include and to mean any person of Chinese race without regard to the govcrment to which the Chinese may owe allegiance, or to the port, place or country from which they come. Other sections of the bill relate to the return of Chinese laborers who have left this country and to the issuance of eertifi cates to those leaving. By request of the Home Market Club of Boston. Mr.

Long of Massachusetts, has introduced in the House a tariif biii which readjusts the sugar duty and gives a bounty for the production of Amerciau beet and maple sugar, reduc- es the tax on tobacco 50 per cent, and removes the rax from distilled spirits withdrawn from bonded ware-houses, for use in the art. Washington Territory People. In making decision in regard to the desirability of any given locality for a perntaneut residence, there aro a number of things to be taken into consideration. Of the soil aud climate of this territory, of which there is the greatest variety; and in this paper I propose to write some things concerning the inhabitants. The moral war, now being waged, is between the home and the saloon.

As usual the fortunes of war are eoniewhat fickle, resting sometimes on one side and sometimes on the other. Just now, the whiskyites are in the ascendancy, owing to a recent decision declaring the local option law unconstitutional while the country remains a U. S. territory. A most important factor in this warfare, and one that is fully appreciated ou both sides, is "Woman Suffrage." When 1 first came here last December, the Ladies had been deprived of the frauchisc, but the recent legislature restored it, and the bill was signed by the Governor und is now the law cf the Territory.

With Woman Suffrage the Prohibitionists are in the ascendancy, but when confined to the "lords of creation," the saloon interest is triumphant. It is easy to see that the question of admission into the union as a state is an exciting one when viewed from the temperance standpoint. Just now the grog shops are in full blast, and their demoralizing influence is manifest every where; especially in the railroad towns. Spokaue, has a saloon for every 200 inhabitants, Sprague one for every 100, and other places in the same ratio. Besides them, nearly all the drug-stores, and inany cf the groceries keep The venders arc intoxicants for sale.

nearly all of foreign birth, and the open enemies of apostolic Christianity. As far as I can learn I am led to conclude that the dancing mania is epidemic iu this part of Washington territory. only the young people, but lLoti. id'te, tsst Parccquc, ie Cosmographie, Notre Pere May Breezes, Happy Childhood Home, The Dead Doll, Beautiful 3roonlight, A Sea of Trouble, Larboard Watch, Waves of ihe Ocean, Inst. djci.

chorus-rccitati-ja-sau-g. dialogue, song. Inst, daut. Hungry at tomeiodv I'oor, chorus. L'eReve de la Medalile, drama.

The Little Gypsy. canLUa. Good Night. Tickets tviil be sold ai Ihe doer. Proceedings of County Board ot 'Assessors, CoxcoiUtlA, March 2nd, The board of asessors of Cloud county met this day.

pursuant to law, at tlie office of Tittle Houston, at 1 o'clock p. to. for the purpose of establish ing a basis of valuation for the assess nient or real and personal propeity far the year 1S-S8. John Myers was chosen chairman of the laccting, and F. A.

Thompson, ee- retarv. The roll called by townships there were no absentees all tlie assessor being present. Moved and carried that all real estats be assessed at 33 per cent of its actual value. Moved and carried that personal property be assessed at 33 per cent of ixs actual value. The following was established asa basis of valuation of personal property.

1 st clas horses, -ryea rs old an 1 1 0 3 1st iss inares.ivcars old aud over.1-0 1st class 3 years eld, l5t ciaas horsi s.Jyears ass norses.iyear oia.ou orss at discretion of assessor. ciaui Average mik-h cows SI 5 to vcars i Average steers, coming 2 years old, SlO steers. years oia una ict 520 Avcrare calves. 0 months and over calves. months and over Mules and ksscs same as horses according to age and conuith'ii.

Averasc cheep each, 1.50 Hogs per Corn, 40 cents per Oats. 30 cents per bushel. Whet, CO cents per bushel. All ether property at discretion of assessor. Valuation of real estate to be left discretion of assessor.

II. 11. Young oiTc-red the followirj? resolution, which was adopted by the meeting. Wherap the county coiwtniFsionc-rs ta Cloud countv. Kansas, dvtani aro in the habit of reducing the assessment of vr tain parties in said county tfi sinadc statement.

Therefore we, th trustees ot ua comity, Lvansas. aro cpjweu aea duction trustee oS without uso consent of the township wheriu assessment was made or uch rciuctio. is aktu fr. Moved by J. M.

Ij lilies, and carried, that the county commissioners at theh" regular mooting iu July, lew road tax according to law Moved and carried that slid county to pubiii-b. pru- papers rcqa ccooings. Moved and carried, that of this meeting be tendered to thanks rsrs Tit tle Houston f.r the use of their office. Moved that we now adjourn. F.

A. Tiioiirsox, Johx3Ivees Secretary. Chairman. The companies which I represent, are anxious for some Choice I-arm Loans during the memth of Mirch. This monty is not my own, (I wib it was) but you'll get it just the same.

J. F. RAxr.oi.rii. P. S.

I forgot to say the principal i n-5 payable -at my oihco; the iaWrtit, however, you can pay that. I'KEE iY A 'paii -wliCii mij in middle life with families of child to care for, arc frequenters of thy room, and are largely under it? demoralizing influences. Dancing in its worst forms the masquerade and the waltz, are the most popular, liven some of the -Used to bee's," are fouud in the dancing hall, rather than in the sanctuary of the Lord. Card playing, aud other games are common in too many communities. Life in the mines, and the unsettled condition of many IV.niiie? living in the numerous towns, render it difficult to procure the stability in either churches or schools, necessary for their permanent prosperity.

Owners of ranches frequently winter in an adja cent town to secure school and church privileuges For their families. Ileucc i both institutions suffer notieable deple- tioa about the vernal equinox; this year, i considerably tarlier. At this writing I am in Whitman county, at a settlement where there had never been a sermon cf any kiud I preached until last Friday night at the commencement of my present meeting. It is said there are half grown children here who have nev preached. Yet the er heard a sermon a.

let tr.e ueaus or xarumcs here will make a high average for in-! telligence, and have come here from lo- calities in the states where literary and religious opportunities were abunuant. i Some of them had no room to carry their religion with them, but others cleave to it, and will never be satisfied until the bread ot lite is regularly uls-penccd to their children and their neighbors. The wife of a man in Cheney, a church member, who has a grocery store called in a lew evenings and akcd for "Billy T' The boy in attendance said he had not been there since supper. Mrs. G.

started out in search of her hustaud and found him in a saloon playing cards. lie bad just lost half a dollar and had another in his Land to lay down when she took a seat at the table and asked to take a hand in the game. But the playing ceased just then She then proposed to treat ail around; but strange lo sav. sio one wanted to drink anything The saloon was soon cleared of customers and "Billy'" and Mrs. G.

went home together. But in ixgard to their conversation on the way, deponent saycth not Consmerable interest is manifested in this part of the country in regard to both Literary Societies and Sunday-schools, and when properly conducted are productive of much good. Sometimes, however, they are failures; especially the former which, is liable to degenerate iuto more fun making institutions. The tendency is generally to crowd out the scientific, by the too great prevalence of the mirth inspiring. John Bogos.

GRAND CELEBRATION At St. Josepn. March 19th 1833. The parish of St. Joseph, Cloud ty Kansas, will celebrate the annual loasf.

if St. on March i 1SSS. Hinh mass will begin at 10 oegr.i precisely o'clock. Bight Rev. Richard Bishop of Concordia, will offi-datr, assisted by the deacon and sub-doacon.

Sermon by Rev. Joseph Pcrrier. Vesper at 2 o'clock, following with the benediction of the most Mossed sacrament. At half pat six in the evening, there will Ik! a grand entertainment, given by the children of the Convent school of St. Joseph.

Kvcry body cordially invited. Ou Saturday March 17th, the Right Rev. Bishop will arrive at Clyde from Concordia, bv the Missouri Pacific, on the 11a. in. train, where he will be mot by several clergymen, when they will proceed to St.

Joseph, by carriages. PROGRAMME OF THE ESTEHTATXMEXT FOtt THE EVENING, AT THE CONVENT SCHOOL, MARCH 111, 1SSS. Welcome song and chorus, i Address. Band, by the children. L'a prierc dc la fauvcttc smg.

JLu diLiy jitdiua. i 1 or luev uiuvuu auuui eiui ui patronage. iiuuiur ea)s iuai north, on a homestead, and have lived their ever since. On reading the Dry Creek items of last week, was sorry to notice that their literary had closed. 'We heard such good reports from was in hopes it would continue longer.

We are sorry to hear of the death of the vountrcst child of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Babbitt of Tjliltonvalc They.

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