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The Coast Star from Manasquan, New Jersey • 1

The Coast Stari
Manasquan, New Jersey
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

If AT I I Ay i-VOLUME NUMBEK MANASQUAN, NEW JERSEY; FRIDAY, AUG USTS I4f 1 003 SUBSCRIPTIOJTPRICE $1.00 A YEAR Mil'- --ft: STATE AND 1 COUNTY. SPRING -LAKE. BIQ SEA DAY-ft NEWS MANASQUAN BELMAR LOCALS. Items of Infer Occuring; in 1 the Borough, Of interest to Mayor, Bennett says the. Star only gives one side ofhe story- relating to Borough affitit- AH righrMayorr: ibe djolnmns of the Stat are atyosjf disposal.

Let's hear yonr side of the Yes, it is true that fame has taken men from the forge, the plow and the carpen-" ters bench- but she never yet reached -r over the fence and snatched a. cigarette smoking dude but of the hammock." Mrs. Mv E. Dolahd and WHarry Shepard of New York dty were- itfsrritd. Wednesdayat the residence of the Jbride 1 Eleventh aVenue! After the the happy couple' took the 2..24 north.

Jv 1 King Bros', havetomed bat a haad Our Cobb try Conslfl Ea Joyed Themselves Naturn'seemed to favor the tillers of soil in jtbis part of the conntry last St srday, when she smiled down upon: the lrge gathering of rustics at Wreck' Fond who had come to take their annual bath ia tbe ocean. It was a "big sea day" in the full meaning of the Attracted by the fine weather and thelargennmber of additional features in the. amusement line over previous" years, the farmers cam from as jar as 60 miles back fn the country, in the vicinirV of Free notaana up ana down the shore or Mon mouth county were represented large crowds; before has there been such a gathering as was to "be seenjon the neck of land between Wreck Pond and the ocean, on the northern limit of Sea'Gfrt 'J The advance aruard of tbedav's visit brs. arrived Thursday, when aconple of fakirs pitched tents on the beach, which had been marked off in streets for thi purpose. Beginning Friday morning the -i wiu men uic rurni runiuri, ron' tinned to arrive, so that at sundown Friday night there was a small colony of tents and coVered which bad been converted sleeping quarter.

Many of the men slept under their wse- ons, jt being a beastHuI moonlight night and left the interiors for the members of the lair wtitx-. Shortly after daylight Satnrday morn ing the roads in the vicinity had the appearance of all leadinsfio Sea Tbe visitors rode in" "old fashioned buggies, and carriages, and some came modern road wagons, but' there seemed to be room enough for alL An estimate of the number of people on the grounds at noonii exclusive of sojourners from neigh-borihg resorts, who had come out of curi osity alone, could be placed at The first- of tha bathers appeared shortly- after the sun rose and he was quickly followed by others who bad been there all night, Batbingcostumcs were varied. For the men the prevailins cos tume seemed to be aa old pair of trous- some set of business harness for; Robert' Wilbur of Spring Lake. The have ako fitted out Mr. Stokes, of Point Pleasant, with a fine business wagon and a set of' harness.

Capt. A. Bryant is determined that his yacht shall win a race and, if win the cup. OveVPyards of sail area hasiieen added to the "Grace" this week and the captain expects there'll be some-; thin' floin' Satnrday afternoon. The Belmar Casino wilkbe the scene of an enjoyable occasion on jtday evening August 21st, when a euchre and recep-T A loving cup of great value and ar tistic design was presented to Brigadier General Bird Spencer, one night last week by bia comrades, tbe Old Guard of New York, as a.

token, of appreciation of the general's many kindnesses tr the or ganization ft htcit he has long a member. It is said thlt annp'propriattou will be made next winter tor. Mate military cam nt Sea Girt -and build a mansion for thegovernor.y: "i TheState lncampnrent of the National Guard in session at Sea Girt for the past few weeks has costAhe State nearly fifty thousand dollars, -half opt hr' anionnt was in wages for the ofllcers and mtttjV The Eighth Infantry band has returned to its station nt Governor's Island, New York harbor and na more will tve hear guard; mount enlirened by'Uia-. watha'ror some equally as Bvely.rjuick- step. The three companies of ''rfgulars, were hard at.

work weekfinishing up their record work on the 'ranges' and Monday the detachment depnrtedTor li home post at Fort Slbeuni.Vus i.Tbe First. Regiment -Riflir teait of New ark is hard at work. if fh ranges every Saturday, and it tsjt he ti ten lion of those managing it to ha ve lie best shots in the regiment in good trim for the maichesin September, Captain" tbe'reg-iment adjutant, is acting as a range of ficer and at tbe same time he manages to I get some good practice. Arthur Rowland, Lieut. Tewes and.

O'liare are on the range every Saturday, and some excellent scores1 are jmade 'at tbe longer ranges. The First 'Regiment will be among the leadera id the" match for tbe regimental trophies tiiis year, General R. A. Donnelly, thequartermaa. general of.

New Jersey, has spent part of t. mm in oc nerr in ine past ten unys, super vising the packing up and tbe shipment of the tents which'Scrved for the regimen tal encampment. The canvass is return ed to the arsenal nt it will remain until next year, when the a-k eral esteemeci throughout theJ tiaiuuiy vjuiiu, Q1JU lilt Oltl LC, tOO, JUT that matter, for bis many genial qualities, and lie has displayed exceptional effidencjand and executive ability in the administration of his office. Lieutenant Albert S.Jones, Secretary the National Kifle Association, has re sumed this duties at tlie rifle ranee as right hand man" for General Spencer Lieutenant Jones was quartermaster of the AU-American rifle. team on its trip abroad 'and discharged the duties of thai position in an manncr.t also acted as secretarv of the team, and in his dual capacity lie j- made scores of friends on the other side of the A ilantic, Lieutcnan Jjones a fine shot and thinks nothing of going out on the range and making-n score of 46 6r48 out of a possible 50 at SOOor l600ynrds Entries lor the annual meet of theia- tional Rifle Association, in connection with the New Jersey State Rifle being received and thene is every indication that the meet this.year will be one of tlwl roost successful ever held in the history of the associalion.V'Kiflenicn are expected froni all poYlsof the country and it is possible that the Australian tearq may stop here "oa it vtRy home, OXtXA.

tod Ya Haw Always ers. with oerfaaos a niaht shirt or ddccona origade will go mtoeamp. Geo- CJtarles Brice is on the sick Miss Rachel Jones is visiting relatives at Englishtown. The Bclmar Yacht Club Saturday afterrmon. Larry McCormick, has accepted "a position at the Hotel Columbia.

Miss M. Woodhall of Trenton isspend- ing a few days in town with Mrs. Poland "Bert" Fisher has resigned his position in Conoder's tonsoriar emporium on street: I. Hopper is making arrangements to build a large addition to his summer home on Eighth avenue. The Willing Workers' Club of the First Baptist church, colored, wind up their fourtlTannua fair this evening.

Leon Harris, whose arm was broken in three-places on Decoration Day, is now able to use the arm again. For Sale, A Terrell Gas Machine. Good as new. Price $100. cost $37o.

Apply William Robotham, Belmar, A daughter was born on Mondav to Mr7and Mrs. John Fnrlong of New York city, at their summer home on Seventh avenue. The annnal meeting ot" the Belmar Building and Loan Association will bel held to-night when a new series will iOJaJ opened." On Wednesday alternoon, August 19th the Epworth League of the M. E. will hold a handkerchief bazaar at Jackson's pavilion.

The Yacht "Gull. "Jx ned by W. A. Poland met witlian accident on the River last Saturday which put her outof John A. Waiiamaker and fatniK of Philadelphia are guests of the Hotel Columbia and will remain during the month of August.

The Belmar Pier which was damaged by a storm a few weeks ago is being rap idly repaired and it is expected the repairs will be finished in about a week. Largest variety of cigars, Turkish cigarettes, tobacco, in town. Tan Conovcr's barter shop, Bank Building, corner of street and Ninth avenue. Bet mar, N. I.

To revive cut ilowers after packing plunge the steins into boiling water; by tbe time tlie water is cold the flowers will have revived. Cut the ends and put in fresh cool water. Belmar Couucil Wants Star Chamber fleetinzs. Councilman Bergen and Mayor BenJ ncjtt are opposed open sesssons of coancil and advocates star chamber meeting. They want to keep their con stituents the da tk Thev jxrmm-i ing is idea that they are the masters instead ot the the people.

Bergen at m'ght's meeting charged Yar.nute with giving tlrenews-paperiacts e.ii.eeruin the lamentable condition l.ur.u:;! atlairs. Vannote answered that ho beiieved in publicity and that onMieity through the newspapers was the only protection taxpayers hacl. The hoastcd hannoiiy fi Mayor Bennett is thick. Wlreu fliere is too much harmony in a body of law makers it is time tor the people to look into things. The Star man interviewed Mr.

Van note 011 Wednesday morning. Mr. Yan-notc said: "I am glad that the Star came among us. It was the first news paper that dared to show up. tSe condition of things in this borough, and I am sure that the taxpayers who have the interest of the borougat heart will sup port if.

1 don't believe in closed meetings. "What is tlie use? The Star man will get the news any how." "We are indented to the Star for pointing out the way, and its appearance in the field will lead to very many Tcfortns, 3 a to J-; 'it tion will be given for the, benefit of St, Rose's Catholic church, The receptiow commences at 80 o'clock. Arthur is employed iu Bennett Height, meat store, on street, received a charge of electricity 01-. Monday night while moving an electric light. He handles the lights very gingerly now, not caring to be floored again.

Mrs Henry King, motberof the King on street, is lying seriously ill at the residence of her sister, Mrs. David Wjaolley, Long Branch. Mrs, here about four weeks ago to visit. Two weeks ago she was. taken down with illness peculiar to old age and at this writing is ra-smvneonscioasstate and there is no hopes of her recovery.

We have been told that 'the Citizens' Committee who met the members ef Council on Monday night wish nothing given out for publication in connection with their work. Jnst so. We think tbe -committee had better seethe editors ia re gard to that. Reporters generally find can soimwoere, ana unless toe commit- i tee confirms the report by their wishes known to the editors, theF-do- ings will be made public from1" trmie fo matter how' hard theTtryTlo. keep them secret.

1 1 1 1 The regular meeting of the "Belmar- borough council was held TorsriaV Ping, August 11. Present, ijcigen. annoieriTonce, nail. New? Clipped Fran Oarl Exchanges. Isaac Chamberlain; cashier of the Jamesburg has resigned to" accept nn appointment as a state-bank examin er with a salary of $3X) per year.

R. A. Tusting, the piano dhalcr, of As bury Parkj ia minus the agent of his store in fCew-BrnnswkSe-and alsp an amount 'of Btptieyj which has not yet been -ascertained. The. Monmouth Boat club of Red Bank will hold its anmial clambake at Port-au Peck the latter part of this month.

The committee in charge of it consists of W. Corlies, M. Cornwell- and- Albert Irins. Dr, Thomas -O'Hanloji, who for 27 consecntive years has taught thesumme bible class at Ocean Grove left Thursday Angnst 13, for California. He goes in response to letters stating that bis son, James O'Hanlon is quite ilL The doc tor's wife is also in feeble health in California.

-X'i Former SheriftV John H. Patterson who has a handsome home on Riverside township, was7 mar ried in New York Wednesday of last week to Miss. Jennie Hall, daughter of Peter Hall ofEatontown Mr. and Patterson have sailed for Europe and will be abroad about two-months. James R.

Scott of Avon filed a petition in bankruptcy in the United States Dis trict court at Trenton on Satnrday. The secured claims amount to $10,100, including an indebtedness to John Sco-field, receiver of the First National Bank of Asbury Park of $2,000, and unsecured claims to the amoun of $3,227.67. There are no assets; The railroad company has requested the owners of gravel pits at Manasquan to refrain from shipping any more graTc' untifafter September 1 as the traffic in other freight is so heavy they cannot handle it. As a consequence several im portant street improvement in Asbury Park and vicinity are held up awaiting the convenience of the railroad company. A Ntw York company has started a paint factory in the old Dupont- powder mills at Farmingdale.

When the factory 's ready for work aboutsrty men wili be needed to run the machinery. Several families have already moved to Farm ingdale who are connected with tire new factory. This factory add the tomato factory recently started there will afford employment for nil the laboring class of people of that vicinity. Deputy Comptroller of the Currency T. is authority for the statement that the creditors of the First National Bank.

Asbury Tark, will receive another dividend from that institution in the near future, jjrobably early in Sep tember. He said there is now enough money on hand to pay IO per cent and it is thought by September it will lie pos sible to issue a 20 per cent dividend. Three dividends, aggregating 70 percent of the claims, have so far liecn paid. Rev. James J.

A. Dilks died in Philadel- onia Wednesday ot last week. lie was pastor of the Simpson E. church at Long Branch when Rev. D.

JamtfffMoore of West Long Branch, was presiding elder of the New Brunswick District. The funeral services were held in Philadelphia Friday. Interment was" made at Bor- dentowo Rev. Edmund Hewkt of Camden, had charge of the services. Mr.

Dilks was president of Pennington Semi nary from 1873 to 1879. He is survived by a' widow and three children. The latter are talented and fill positions ot honor, iTsnssquan River Yacht Club Notes. The dance last Saturday night was highly successful and after the "order of dances had been followed to the end, all participants decided that they all want ed to come again! The club house is opened every: Satnrday evening and cleared just for this purpose. On Wednesday occurred the third race for the One Design: class, won 'by Mohl-rrran, with Simpson second.

Fisk didn't sail, and Carpenter fouled a stake early m.he rVce. night was the scene- of a splendid assemblage. A Military Euchre waJ in progress, over sevenfy-five people After the game refreshments were served by the entertainment committee. 0n Saturday "afternoon at 2.30 the water sports will lake place off the dab dock and "WflT inclnde the following Double canoe, mile. 2.

Double batean, 17 or under, Vimile 3- Single canoe is mile -Upsetrace, IS or under, mile Mixed double canoe, 'mile Double bateau (open), rj mile .7, Greased pole 4 l.S-; Novelty eanoe race i 9. Swimming race, 17 or andeiv 50 ij-f" -T, Canoe tilting match. Club meml bers-rf Canoes to Ire provided byy the Cub. Tbb race, 16 orinder4 Swimming race- Club. members.

.11 "li ,50 yardsv- 13: Obstacle swimming race. tnembers. lTv. Launch race.T Neptoae neignts openvs James Scott, proprietor ot Neptune Heights, on Shark River, announced this week that the fact that he was a bank-' rapt would not keep him- from the pleasure grounds for Mr. Scott said that many people, after reading the story of his application for voluntarv bankruptcy, had taken it "as notification that the place, would stop business.

Everything goinsf on as usual at tbe popular resort Height 1 leg broken on Monday night while wrestling with another employee itf Bennett Height's butcher shop on Tmrdavenue. Lnke is to have a memorial hoe pi tal for The building will cost over and the contract for its erection wast awarded last week to Pierce Mountff Bclmar. It will be built at the espqlise of, Mrs." Vf'. Whartenby of Philadelphia, -who is much interested in hospital work, and it is her plan to send convalescents from, the Phil adelphia hospitals othe seashore to re cuperate. 1 1 Kes'ttrIulit.

cofiman D. Gay, a Philadelph fin," spending the sum mer at Spring" Lawe, pluckily saved Miss Gay one night las I week from serious in A wheel oiier carriage broke. in crossing the tnley tracks in Asbury Park. causing the horses- to run" away. Although throwa out.Hnlit stuck tothe lines and, draggitd oh his face, guided the frightened animals the sidewallr, where a hitchingi K)8t and a mail box held.them 'until lissGay-and the-driver were rescued frodi their perilous positions new cicuuun wi.

Fgowirigis aj list of Uhe newly ap- potnted.elcctior officers for Monmouth county, unmctl by Goeernor Murphy upon the the. chairmen of the St te cgmmit teev D. D. Denise appointed; Frederick Armstrong. reappointed; John P.JValker (DeAi.r;i90.

John Patter son 19C4. STRoad dontract Awarded: The bid a for building, the new county road from the Manasquan river to Shark river were opened at a regular meeting of the Board (of Freeholders held at Free hold on Wcdiiesday.v",There. were five bidders, and uhe difference between -4he higliest and lowest. bidder was $6,559, Alexander Mullen was the successful Tbe bids were as follows: Lecompt $12,874.53, Smith, Timothy Hurleys Collins McKenna, Alexander Mullen $11,156.00. AN ASQUAN M.

CHURCH NOTES School session, at 9.30 a. m. Services at 10.45 a m. Sermori bf Pastor Sur-tees on oC the sun' -The evening service commences- at 7 o'clock and closes at -'V- The LeAjrueTmr)qlight sail on the river last Monday night was creatly en joyed and proposal to "go again," met with much lav.or.AJ-i Sa.oo Shoa Women's $9.50 to $6" shoes and Ox fords $2, commencing -Wednesday, the 19th and Listing untU all shoes are sold-Steinlwch Company, Cure a Cold In One Take'Lakntlve Brorno Qunine Tablets All druggiJts refund The moody if it fails to cure. til.

W. Grove's, signature on every bo'xi 25c. B. HERBERT, DENTAL SURGEON. OfUCB THlko AVBNVB, P.

O. Bt'lLOINC. 5. -vSPRINO LAKE. Hoi'ts; Fkom 9 a.

M. TO r- M. Svbkbt. -V. MANASQUAN, HothtSi Faoi 9 A.

m. to r. u. JGAS ApMlNlSTCERED. mmm mm mm Elsewhere 50percent: more; lbr A 1 12 ae iv ueaiiaraireci wiiu us.

9 Station 1 wo notes at the Asbury Park; snd V. 1. 1 wwv A-- Mrs.narry Muuord is ill and 'under tbe care of a physician. Wanted A girl for general boneeWork Apply at Scnlt1iorpe sboe store; The PresbTferian Sunday-school picnic. 4 at Osbdra's JPoint pn 1 Charles D.

S. JTbite Islying striousTy 01 at his home Sea Girt. Harry Shier, agent for Asbnry. Park rlmnerial Steam iFirst Vlass John Johnson was taken to the Long Branch hosprfM on Thursday for treatment sTT tr.l L. Albert! wishes to return thanks to Volunteer Fire Company for its kind sistance oi Wednesday of last week when his bakery was flooded.

'f The Ladies Aid Society of the M. charch has postponed the Home festivities announced for Angnst 19 and 20 to September 2 and 9W; Further particulars later. James Massy, an Mf Harry Shier, has rented the southerly, half of Sherman's cottage on Taylor avenue and will remove bis family New York city during tbe coming week. Services in the Presbyterian church next Sunday as follows: 9.30 a. mJ6ab Cath school; 10.45, moraing service: Subject.

relation to the sinner" 8p Life Saving Station. 7 p. Christiaa Eadeavor7.30 p. m. evening service.

Subject, "Saul's passion for fouls. Wednesday at 7.45 m. prayer meeting, Burroughs, tbe pharmacist, has made arrangements to enlarge' tbia by taking in the millinery store, adjoin ing, now occupied by Miss Ray Taylor. Work will comments about October 1st. This addition will add -greatly to the convenience of tbe store and give accom modations to about 70 patrons.

C. H. Colby, senior taeuber t-of the Notional Waist-band of Brooklyn, accompanied by bis four sons and four grandsons, arrived in Manasquanin two Urge automobiles on Tuesday evening last and remained, Wednesday morning-retarning aria? Freehold. 1 Mr. Colby hai beclr-ajifc long friend of Wo.

Rice, and it waVto visit Mr. Rice that he made the trip. A Monmouth county woman has disco vertd. a new use for the-telephone. Wishing to visit neighbor she pulled the baby's cruVsp.

in front of theelcy phdae inher house, and opening the Jrfr. ceirer. told central if her baby began to cry, to call her up at a neighbors', where she was going to cattjjj The Ladies' Aid societyvV by terian church will bold a lawn social at the residence of Mrs, Chas. Parker, on Tnesdar evening, Aug. 18th- at 8 o'clock, 'There will be an excellent and varied entrrtainment finder the management and direction of Mrs.

Lewis H. Pearcc Admission to grounds 15 cents. Ice cream on sale. Mrs. Austin Sprout of guest at W.

B.Vannote's cottage oa Curtis avenue, broke the small, bone of her arm, near the wrist, on Friday- last' while in bathing. No attention was paid to tbe injury the ladyl thinking it was a sprain, but on Tuesday the "pain was so great that Sprout nought Dr Higgins and bad the wrist bandaged. Oar friend W. B. Vannote.

has one of the prettiest and cosiest boarding tages in Manasquan, and be raises all the vegetables that supply tbe table. "AH the prise; varieties, rf seed "are. planted and by close attention good results, are always obtained-. His crop of potatoes this year are "bummers'. A few samples brought to this office Wednesday measured 1 1 inches around the middle and 17 inches around its lemrth.

Prof. Bush Scurss the Ptacat -At a meeting of tbe Manasnan Board of Education held last week Prof. Ralph D. Bush, ex-principal of the Oakharst. Graded School, and supervising principal of Ocean township, was elected vice prin cipal of the fkianasqua High school, Ralph the- newly elected vice- principal of tbe Manaaqua High school is too well known here to need an introduction," having been resident from 1898 td 1900..

During that period he was principal of tbe Bridle graded school and pnder his administration the school enjoved an educational growth almost pbenomuial. 1 1 was wita teeliags of regret tbaffsbe Wall township Broad xf Ed oca ion parted from him three rears ago when be left to assame tbeprincipal-shipof the schools at-Oskhurt, The excellent Work done br Prof. Rush in this new field is known far and wide and needs no comment nere. tie is a native of Pennsylvania, an excellent scholar, and has had a thorough profes sional training. His experience covers a period of fourteen years and dates, from tbe red school house." Prof.

Bush is said to have few super iors as a class teacher. He has been an active worker in the Taylor Memorial church at Elberon, and i -prominent in Sunday-school circles. His familr will occupy the cottage in which Prof. Nelson now resides, corner of Union, and Mar e-Ilu avenues, coming here about Sep- temlier first. Commenting on the work achieved bv Prof.

Bush, the Long Branch Record in its isue of Aognat th snyn: 'It will 1e remembered that in tlie spring of fiiOO licanie from N1 a nawjann at tlic unanimous rrqucut of the Oak hurst board to assume the priucipalship of the Ocean township grammar cfiool For three rears he met with un paralleled wuccesa and learea tlie Graded School among the beat of its class in the countr. Now he returns to accept this tender, which plainly indi-Ciles tlie high ctrem in lie mid In family are lie Id wherever they go. I'rof, iiush hn had acvcrnl offer during tire summer, but be accepts thi one, to enter- the realm of high -vd work. He will make a strong ad-' to t1 fctliy of the Mnaiuan -I, ch is on the appored lint sc'ioc 'i." Little sea day to'morrow, The. arena ia towa to-day.

i Mr. Fred, Woods auflering Jrom mala rial fc ver. j- Aquatic gaates and sports at BrieTle to pi otto aitcrnoon. Fishing tackle of attjundsat DUbrow's All the latest in Bya, etc: Don't forget tbe Columbia icecream, all flavors, at Townsend'a. ownsma oa aoau i street, yon will fina a full hne of confectionery BascbaQ goods of all kinds at Dis-biow'a on Main street.

Afl thejkadina Qnkk and reUable. The Western Union Telegraph. Office in John A. Longstreet's real" est a and inaa ranee Ulysses Baglcy has rented the Water-man cottage oa Taylor eTenne and will take possession September lst -y Austin Voorhees is making eitessire repairs to the Bedden cottage on arenoe recently pnrchased by bun. Remember tbe Shrewsbury Malaal Fire Insnrance Company for good inanrance.

EatablUbed 1836V Edward M. Osborn agent. For sale at a sacrifice. Oak bedroom suit and a parlor store, both nearly new Mrs. J.

Nelson, cor. Union and Mar-cell as arrnnes. News comes from Washingtonjbat the arerage wcaltfi at erery man, wsau and child in the United States on Angnst Iwas $29.45. The gnnning season this year promises to be an nnosnaHy profitable one. Babbits and qaail can be seen in large nam bers along the conntry roads.

Our adrertisers. may make, change of their ads. any time after the paper is issued until tbe following Tuesday. Scad in copy as promptly as possible. Agents wanted for the Colonial Life Insnrance Company in yonr locality good money to be made.

Write oralL Colonial Lite Insnrance Company, Long Branch, N. J. J. Hildcnbsand will remoVe from tbe Errickson cottage on Sonth street to tbe bouse recently purchased by his son P.I Hildenbrand on Tarlor arenne. abontSeptl.

The country seems to he orerrnn with thieres and swindlers, and people should be constaatly on their gnard. When at tending poblicgatherjngs keep watch on your pocket-boo a. A young UJy, asked what it was that made her nose so ted, answered; that it was glowing with admiration at tbe re flection that it bad not been poked istjj other people's hnsiness as often as some tbers had- Don't forget the'Harrest Home" to be be Id on tbe Baptist church grounds August 13 and 14. Supper will be served for tbe small sum of 25 cents. Ice cream fmit.

candr and vegetables will be on sale. Services in the Baptist Church as fol lows: Sunday school at 9-15 a. 10.4o a. at. morning serrice, 70 p.

serrice. Mid-week prayer- meeting each Wednesday at T.4S C. E. prayer meeting Friday at 7 AS p-m Services in St- Uriel's Episcopal church Sa Girt, next Snndar as follows: 7-30 a. m.

celeln-ation of the Holy Communion 1 1.00 a. Morning prayer and sermon 5 p. m. Evening prayer. Kct.

Robert Beach of Trenton will ofSciate. A counterfeit fire dollar note oa the Morristown Iron National Bank is in circulation. It is almost a perfect one on the face jand therefor dangerons- Oa the reverse Side it is easy to detect: A twen ty-dollar gold certificate of the issue of 1876, ft aJjfcoconnterfcitedV out is easy to detect. MiuMiii Pmsult. Prof, and Mrs.

R- M. BnshofOakhnrst spent Sunday io town. --Jh. Miss Lionia "Mount MyMtiag- relatives at Asbury MisiGussie Heimaaal is the gnest'of Mrs. J.

Lewis.4' Miss Carrie Davison of Englishfown is tbe gnestx4 MissIamie Rnf. "Mis Nellie Combacf New Brunswick is thejgaest of Mrs. Tbeo. Cook. 7 -v' Thm Miaars Lillian and Bertb Rice of New ork city are viaiUog relatives here jJc, Paul Jaehnig and wife ot Newark were the guests of Mrs.

Belle Wagg Sun- McL and Mrs Charles Maxson, of Jen-aey City, were cueSta of" Mrs ffarjebe Co wart over J-: Mrs. Margaret' Ford, and daughter, Sulla, of Philadelphia are guests of F. H. Combs and wiJe- Mrs. George May and ebijdretiot Elizabeth, were Vje guests of Mrs.

Charles II. Woo'lley an Tneesay." '-Mrs. J. Roseroan and daughUrs, Mildred and Iner. of New York city are vis.

jtingj. Lewis and wife." 7 Mrs. Phoebe Eckman of Jersey city spent part of this week la town the goest of Mrs. Lydia Taylor Rev. Mr.

Surlees, pastor of the M. E. charch. in attendance at the Summer School of Theology at Ocenn Orore his wet-k. Mi9 Margaret McCbeney ond Miss Gorpia-Applegnte of FrectmM were guet of Mis Mamie Ruftrom Satnrdnj until Tu'lay.

Mr. and Mr. TluTHlore of UncItensacW, who have I it tlx guesti of Mr. aad Mrs, John Borden, returned home on Monday. Dr.

J. Wainright and ude Rnf lcare iliU at'leri'ifi f'r tp nttrnd wuo of the lit A. Kmtfhts L.ohlcn lAigle. ot Wln: Uk; are memlxrs. Mist Emily and O'Neil of I'liihdelhi.

who are ti, ing at A'arT park for a seaaoo. Tharsdsy afternoon in Manairu the guest cf Mis fcmily M. iloski were oruereajeneweo ioriour montbS. -The i0, collected from licenses. I 1 wtuu6u ni-ttauni 9 report W3 read and referred to finance committee.

un motion tne protested check of Job S. Barkalovc was -referred to borough counsel for action- Warrants were ordered for tbe follow ing bills: Borton Brothers, highways Borton Brothers, water S. E. Hall, highways First National Bank Discount Robert AllgSi highways -i a 35 80 20 erss 34 so mm 3133 "1 eLTH STORE niRFP.T FROM THF Mil I c- mtW m. mmm -aw im mm Homespuns, Oxfords; Cheviots, -Bpoad- fUanel shirt- Ff6n some of the wontfn's costumes it would appear: that one whole suit had been taken ia part and made to serve for two or three members of the The largest part of tbe bathers went in in the morning, as the tide was lower at that timer although there was a good- stsed crowd to be seen taking, a dip the.

after Those who did hoto into the' ocean found plenty to. amuse them. Every minute couple of gray haired fanners would be seen shaking bands and telling each other bow glad theywere to' meet and that one had not changed since last year. Tbe health of the families followed and perhaps' a new son or daughter-in-law or even a new grandson who had put in-an-- appearance during the year's elapse of time Thsai there were Jakirs' shows enongh for the most fastidious'" among tbe gathered clans. Men with wagons loaded down with cutlery, who sold thingthey represent, ed as being cut to one-eighth of their cost price, and those with cheap: jewelry were most In evidence, and did a rushing business.

There "iwere-'the "usual sideshows, and I man, who did a rushing business throughout the day. A On account of Judge- HeisleT's determined stand against illegal liquor-sclltng during tbe past year, the men who 'have made a harvest at soch gatherings as this in previous years, were 'nowhere in County Detective Charles Strong made a thorough investigation of aO games that were being run and ex-plored the woods in the vicinity for gamblers who were liable to fleece the farmers out of their money, -r I after 3 o'clock those who had a long way to go started for homer and from that time on there was a general exodus. By 5 o'clock all of: the- fakirs bad sold out or gotten all of the 'money in tbe crowd and started to take dwn their tents; Seemed to be a signal for aB to By 7 o'clock the, only sign of the ay's festivities were the papers and li nch boxes the visitors, had left behtnt Taken as a whole the wash was the it successful for many "years tThiscomrngSatnrday is "little sea day? when an entirely dificrent class of fiWm-ers gather for their annual dip, most rof them apparently being the kind that pre. fer to dip in the cup that fills, Once or twice there were slight disturbances be tween some of the younger men Inst Sat urday, but they were prevented from coming to blows by er Trod wiser mi. Stole Ills Camera.

Theires broke into Jones photograph gallery at Wreck Pond Monday night and carried otTa camera worth nbont $50. A Prom the appearance of tilings it is certain that amutenrs did the work. The camera was solely, for taking tin types, with four lenses on a 5x7 plate, and conltl be used for nothing else. Information leading to its recovery or the arrest of the thieves wilt be rewarded by addressing B. Truss, Sea Girt, K.

J. Never Mtnd the Editsr. A Misouri editor who it about to pull uj and leave for hick of support narcasti-cally remnrks in p.Trjng that cIitor? don't need money. "DoVt worry nlKiut tlie editor," he nys. "lie has a charter from the Stnte to net as door mat fur the community.

He'll get the paper out iuhkIiow, nnd gtnrul up for you hen vou run fur olfi-e, anil lie about your pigeon toed tncUy wrdtliug. blow lilwut VHU1 lig fooled OiU when they get ft J-t-n-week job, weep over your shriveled soul when it i released iron your grf 'ing body, nnI smile at your livkly second marriage lle'il get The Lord only knows how i but t.e will ft ti.ere rjNo seconds or.mill fresh made goods. tJ3 our prices The Star has rapped me several rimeJiJLJIerinan, Jaghwayaii-ii. 50 and I am aware that it is no respecterof I J. H.

Hagerman, street sprinkEng -39 2.0 50 in. 'wide per jM I Also 1 i no of nfeCfeltoa and. WasK Gck). A You judge the quality yourself jODDOra anu retailers proai iiuuyosh i ngton i 1 1 sTexti I 6., Mattisorj AVcnUe'gsbiir'y Kmmonth Aluxrtr "hirn-v' Elrtser Hopkins, highways 4 JJike Rome, highways J. O.

Herbert, highways' Cashien Capon, highways Jacob Newman, garbage Joseph McDermott Peter R. Loller, highways 3ks 3 93 87 SO loo e-. iBOO Henry E. Rogers, highways-1 69 Henry E. Rogers, highways; i Jy5Q 5 Henry Rogers, firev i-it V35 OO L.

Newman, highways Ulysses Newman, water v- -s OS First National Bank of Belmar," discount on.bonds"; 25 00 Oamewell fire alarm cifioO. Tbe following resolution: was' on motion adopted. Resol vedThat the- borough officials be instructed to furnish the Citi-sens Committee with all facilities to ex amine any records or papers in" their possession. Gaiety at tbe Colorado, ine guests 'ot ine oiorado themselves with progressive" whist Thursday evening of last-weet." JFoor testi tables were in play and same Ten elegant prizes were contested for, George L. Clarke of Kesr Y6rk captarir.

the first ladies' prize and C. J. Yoni Brooklyn winning the first gentleman's prUei Saturday night the usual a dress ball took? plawjptiioer-mtc ti uTI" dredand-'fiftycoeples were on tbe; nr of the, pitty Miss Mafi. Gault of Baltimore was conceded of the evening's weti America Vsjrtd.Catnp Tleeti g. The America world Camp Xfeeti tween Como and great sticcessi.

Next Sunday, eye is, o'clock Rev, Jester will He will also conduct Services evert ing next weefc.v" Daring August Bishop Kutz of 'l tng, FA Ker, Ur-r iidderback, Krr of Wall church; Cv Crittenden, christian worker; rSfephen Merrijt Xew. York undertaker; Rcr, W.V r.f Bahimore Rev. Lestger of M'. and several other noted lA 5 forth at the grounds. $3.00 Shoa ale.

Women's $3.30 to $6 at $2, ing the 19th. Steinbnch Co giiritnirnriniiriiritriiriuitrtmirvimifitruntfmjtnimiiiiii PY0TT BENNETT; i MACHINISTS AND ENGINEERS. I persons. 1 snail try to do, mraarv as 1 find it. and I want'TTknownthai I a in not hankerins after anv more honors of the kind contained in a councilmanic of fice." Mr.

Yahnote at the next meeting w-iil introduce a resolution combining the of fice of street Superintendent with that of chief of police. This would be a saving of $500 a year to the A few minutes books have turned up as a result of the resolution passed by council a couple of weeks but the tax sales books and others of more importance nave not ret been found. .1. V. 4hark River 'The Belmar Yacht Club held 'its-third race on Shark River last Saturday after nooniand the marked another race to her credit.

-s-St' yom modoti make a little better showing in this race aqd iieat the- Orace5oyrr the finish i---SS1' ft The- "Gladys" started and was well in the lead and, no doubt, would have finished first.Jut an accident to rigging tt her oat of tbe.Tunmngi..The boats finished in the following order. firsr; "Helen" second: "Wihola," Carpenter third; vurace' Bryant, For Investment or a Home. A choice lot on Twelfth avenue, side, near ocean. For saleat a bargain. A pply to Cn 4.C.

O. rnwT Real Estate Insurance Kinth avenue, Beknar, N. J. Chnrch of St, Rose, Belmar, N. Mas on Sundays daring July and August, 6.4O.'9.O0, 10 SO a.

in. Benediction: Snnkiy. Fridays July, August and -Sep: em her at Kljp in. Mass on weekdays nt 7,30 a. m.

Confession on Saturday's the Eves cf Holydays and of Fjrst Fridays. p. to 9 p. in. ReoQlr iuioniol COLUMBIA AND RAMBLER BICYCLES FOR SALE OR TO HIRE.


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