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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 5

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BLYTI1EV1LLK, COUKIKIl NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Two ccuu ward lor Urtt cue cent word (or etch lubsequeut Insertion. No advertliemcnt taken (or leu Uiaii 50c. Count the vordj aod 6en4 the easb, 1'hone 306 1'UK RKNT FOR In Ingrain bulldme. See Pavklmrst Iiaiiy. SC-Ti l-'OR rooms for liglil housekeeping, also sleeping porch for or two youns men 700 West Walnut.

22c-tf I'Oll rooms and bath 1222 Holly. Seven rooms am bull), 1133 W. Ash. i'honc 100, D. l-'crguson.

25C-K8 FOR Soulii Ixclrooin. 1'lioui 27C-K' FOR hoiise. -Mri Sisk, Phonu U72. '25C-IC-J FOR room, iinfuriibhcc aiiarlnient: Modern. West, Mail St.

Arcola heat. Plionc -117 479-W. 23C-K FOR light house keeping rooms. 811 West, Wai nut. C-K- FOH large bcdroon convenient to bath.

Mrs. Noler 310 W. Walnut. 30C-TK PAGE riva IIKGIM HirilK TODAY Im'UDKV, icrrcllr I "Ilk VVll.SO.V. tt- clniirnient nlth her Klrr, KVtllK 1 but 10 cunitnrr Ului ilul ll Im him tluly fliiUli cullfur.

IrrHr lu te radio ike and Meryl KQcfcfiU IH IttK a rotilrnec. Jlrrrl'M iK'hul niivlnuBr tint) tirtv hal nhn i-iiliutil rurKL'r JUT buurlriR love i-i-cii fchr Kun lei imrllrM nllk the ivrnlthy Irene nid irk 1 to wla Irom ittryl. jihe UHCH tvrry wilt to force him lit drclarallun, am itroin- Ufil To Miirrr 'rmuiiiy In UA-ok. Tiitum) 1 mint nNil lioth money nnd kU Jub. lie Irrnr liuj link, mid nrrr iir bnlf iirtiMUca (u Shr li-lla Inve tillh Itcryl they rntitr kniur 'I'DiuiHy wnltlnf on Ihe ituri'h.

Irene In Ihc enr until Tummy nnd Ihen -cin- noc. In JUT fninllf Itinl lu- i rt FOR room house, bath, near high school. Reasonable. 803 Heani St. H'-Ki WANTED POULTRY prices, any quantity.

Marilyn Hat- cfcery, 210 S. Fourth SI. 9C-TF WANTED Family washings or general housework. Mrs. Dora h'Jzell, 2207 18th St.

TF HELP There is an opportunity in one of this cily'b larcest organizations for a 1930 or l'J31 high schL-ol graduate who is sober and industrious. Must be In good health and furnish references. Duties will consist at keeping operating records and sta- tistica. Submit alt pertinent, information including nuoLogmijli. Apply Courier News, by lellcr.

1O-K4 PEKSONAL hi'lti him III. Iruulilr. Hut Klicii limit him, nn Ike bench, Le biu livvn sow ao fix WITH Tin: STOHV CHAPTER XXIX YW'IIEN Tommy was In condition to talk he nnd lieryl cllm upon Hie big rouk anil let (he water around It concern Wilding out wouldn't matter now They were already wet. The sui was quite warm and they dry out iirelty well in a Illllc wlille lieryl diil not want to stny too long being anxious lo gel Tommy honn betoro the whole town saw him Walking homo in wet shoe wouldn't drlpuin: wet. Even now Tommy wasn't full recovered.

He could talk, but llcryl rcalizcil the hail to be blunt in what she salrl lo him. She did not him at onco what was on lier mind, but asked questions nbonl liiniselt. She thought if ho talked his iiiinil would elear fastrr. Tommy told ber, somewhat Ineo- CASH PAID for second hand lur- uiture. A.

L. Flowers, corner Main Lake GU. 6C-TF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING of The Bljthcvillc Cotton Oil Company Tlic Aiinuaj Reeling of the directors and stockholders of ttie above company vill be held Thurs- uay, June 9th at 10:30 A. M. in tlic ofliccs of W.

A. Gage Tails Memphis, Teun. 4C-K6-3 herenlly, about the sale of Hie theater and the loss ot liis job. Hen- tsly compelled him, when Beryl berated his uncle, to admit that Mr. Hoffman hail got him another job.

"Hut I wouldn't lake it," he added with a burst of ire. "Tlic guy called un yesterday anil I tohl him to go to the devil." "What was It?" fiery! askctl. "Cleanin 1 out cesspools. Can imagine?" Beryl wanted to laush, lint she wouldn't. Her sense of humor, ns she frequently reminded heiself, wasn't a proper one.

She sahl soberly, "You might Kel a job at Iho Shijoslic," and lidil her brcalb. Now he would say whether ercd that "They'ro satisfied with larvcy neryl answered Iraiiadenlly: "1 now, but 1 didn't you might Harvey's Job. lie's only Ilic uuer, whilo you cini ilo any- hhig, Tommy!" She was using tho psychology use with a clilld and knew tt, nil sbc Ihiniglit Tommy woulilnV in his proscni cnEnUllon. "Irene broke our eusinjemciil," ho said Uilckly. "lieeauso you lost your job!" leryl nsUc-il, to lind out If he know about Preutlps.

l)ut Tommy would not answer the question. A stubborn loyalty to rene forbade it. TJKHYL was tlilnking liint Irene niljiht scurry back into her on- ungement to Tommy like a frightened rabhit if anything happened to ireah tlio affnir with 1'rcnilss Mayho sometblus could maybe PmitiM didn't knnw (bat Irene had been cngiiRed to Tommy Suppose slio lold him! wouhl yoi wnnt her ay.iiu even if yon that she's not woith ILio powdci to Well. If you timw sbe wouldn't slick 'I Just she liirows you over wlicu you'ri up against a bad break! Do yoi Ihluk sho'd be anything bu just what she is?" "N'v mind," Tomi.iy said wearll: "I love her." "Then why don't you do some tiling to set her back?" Ucri flared at him. "Not even a ihui Dora like Irene would stand to your doing this!" Botta.

give a guy a chance, Tommy mumbled. "Ml I'll give you a char.ce," Beryl c.vclaimcd. "I Ihii.k 1 know a way lo get Irene back fur you, but 1 won't do it unless you prom- so 'jot lo repeat this niRbl's pcr- forniLinco, and BO rlsht out anil look It you'ro serious nbout wsiitlng rene. You can Icavo Ills house, ivs con as you set strr.lglitencJ out." Tommy wns much soberer uow. How uro you Going to fix wllh i-cne?" ho asked ilonbltully.

"Never yon mind," lieryl ro- nrned. "It you'ro willing to Imvo cr on any terms ll's too bad, uul I's your" "You'ro always worrying ahoul funeral," Tommy remarked, bul grinned faintly nuil lieryl could lave cHcil relief. It was tho list any kliul Unit sliu had cen on his faco for Eiich vhlle. hit Iho null on Iho head. "I (bought elio'd!" she cxullcd.

bo afraid of "I'll bet she never told Prenllss won! nbout Well, 1'rontlss wouldn't like a cheater," "It's ber own business," Mrs. Evcrclt declnrcd, "and yon kfop Wio was Internuiloil by the ring of HID Trunt door Ml. "do and EM wlio (bat Is," she ordered UcryL opened tbo doar lo a nics- boy wns wlilstllng "I'll telephone you as soon ns I mvo news," slio gald and turned iwittly away. A 1 homo sho marched deHaully Into the. kitchen to seo If Irene vcro there.

Sbe found her mother tearing away tho breakfast dishes Mr. Hverott could EO to tho Slore loug one of Hie sotiga sho mado poiuilnr "ii llio radio, "N'ol for you, Mlsa Velvclan," lie said na ho handed her a yellow dill-lorn 1 "Ilul you can sign. 1 Ibo compauy'll iicccpi jcur slfiiainro." "Vou fresh kid." lieryl smiled nt lilm. "Walt a mi.iulo ami I'll eel you a cojipcr," "Uiaiilin, Mies the hoy laler now that lieryl was iiayhig a'paid a moment laler when lie look young man lo assist him. a shining dlmo from her.

"Wliuro'o Irene?" Beryl ilemnnd- cii. "Still In bed?" Well," her mother said, "she came in late, yon There nole of asperity In Mrs. Kverelt's voice anil llcryl thouslit It wiser to go In search of Iicno llu.ii to slay and talk with her. She did not feel like having a vocal skirmish wllh her mother, anil she coultl guess that Ireno hud complained of her imslslorly con duct the night bofore. "I'vo Eomcthing to pay to you, young lar'v." molitcr slopped It's all I'vo gol." Beryl Bald defensively, "and besides you only hud lo como a nickel's worlh." Tlicn slic hamlcil him dlinci.

Her mollier WHS standing behind bur when slio turned to go ui'ulairu wlili the telegram, "Who's It icr?" Mrs. Evorelt for jnb. lly the way," sbe aililed guilefully, "wlterc'il you get It?" "Tliash nouo of your busiuess," Tommy told her. lieryl slid down off Ihc rock. Tho water was ankle deep.

"Come- on," she said, "before wo have to swim for it." "1 can swim," Tommy boaslcd. "Sure, but come on anyway. You've got lo go homo and do a lot oi things to yourself before you'll Icok human again." Tommy submitted to Mns guided ajhore. Then Tleryl dropisci hia and walked along with him Beryl at door. Tho girl faced around.

Mrs. 12verc.ll wag loo liusy lo fence. "Don't you go Interfering in Irene's r.ffairs again," sho said sternly. "Slio has a right lo marry anyone she wauls to it her father I are willing." A sarcastic smile curled Beryl's "Is sho of me?" oho asked. "Win can blame her If sho Is?" her mother challenged, "You'yc made trouble for her.

Sho'd have been man-led to Tommy Wilson now it you'd minded your own business." "And aren't you glad sho isn't?" Geryl returned with dciitor.iblo ills- rcsiiocl. "See wliat she's cauglil now. I'erhaiis It I break this up she'll get the Princo ol Wales "Don't try to be so smart. Just you let Irene alone." "What's she afraid I'i in silence. they came tu tell 1'rentiss was engaged to where their iiallis divided slio said Tommy?" Imploringly: "Yon will behave Mrs.

Everett did not answer ill lie was going away or nut. Tommy? Don't quarrel) icctly, but could too by IK He only shook head and niul-pvidi your uncle. You can't afford expression tliat 5ho bad "Irene," lieryl answered. "I'll take It up. lltvo It hero." Mrs.

Hvcictt said, reaching out her Ijrmd. "1 want to talk to her," Beryl "You'll do no such thing beforo flie'a luid her brcakfnst You had her EO last 'light slie could MVC Klie'd hoeii reeling on- OUR," Beryl said unfeelingly. Her mother snorted, and hurried lone "as awake. "What In Iho world's all the commotion abimt?" askecl querulously, when Lcr mother oiiencd her door. "A telegram for you, honey.

It's from Mr. daylord." "Uivc It lo me. Anil I think It might bo belter form II you salJ Trcntisa' uow." Irene put out soft, chubby haml with finger nails that wcro brightly glossed. Sho took tho telegram and tore It open quickly. Telegrams were too unusual In her life to bo laken ralmly.

Tho mcssago was considerably more than 10 words In length and slio had read It through wlille lier mother Then Ireno waved It over her bead and cried excitedly, "Mama, just listen to tills! Talk UUOUL Eiweil! This hoy's it." (Tu OUR BOARDING HOUSE By Ahern MUELL. rfiM-f SOUNDS VRoMisuSe! WrlM" po we ALL. AROUklP AWFUL. -3XM I I BROUSrlT rl A. LrfTUi BQ-T-lt-E OF6E.RM S-TUDY, ive.

MIS it IP -fa riMD i-r WILL BREAK OUT IM I HAP To OIUEP llJ BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Oil, SUIIK! By 5i IN THE DISTIUCT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES OF THE JONESBORO DIVISION OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF ARKANSAS IN THE MATTER OF li- J. Dodsoil, doing business as Dortscn Furniture Co. In Bankruptcy Mo. 1602 To the of the alwvc named bankrupt ol BlythcvilSc in Uie county of Mississippi, Division and District, aforesaid, a bankrupt. Notice is, hereby given that on May 27.

1931, the above named was duly adjudged a bankrupt, and the first meeting of tho creditors will be held at my office in the City of Joncsboro, in said District on June 9, 1031 at '2 P. at, which lime the said creditors may altciul, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, pid transact, olhcr business as may properly come before meeting. At, Jonesboro, Arkansas, this May 1331. F. C.

MULLINIX, Referee In Bankruptcy. NOTICE OF SALE OF HEAL ESTATE TO PAY DEBTS OF ESTATE Noliee is hereby given that the undersigned, ns administrator of the eslalc of Catherine Uoyal, deceased, will on the 2Cth day of June. 1931, oiler for sale al the south door of the court house in Blytheville, Arkansas, al public auction to the highest bidder, upon a credit of three months fol- lands belonging to said estate, to-wit: 3 and 4, Block Barron and Lily Addition to Blythc- ville, Mississippi Couiuy, Arkansas. Said rale is niatlc for the purpose of paying the debts cf said estate, and purchasers at such sale I be required lo give note with approved security' for the purchase price. Dated this 23rd day of May, 1331.

STOVALL. Administrator of Estate of Catherine Royal, Deceased. Frank u. Douglas, Attorney. 1-8-15-22 15 NOTICE OF SALE KEAI, ESTATE NOTICE OK SALE OF IlEAI, ESTATE Notice is hereby (given that the undersigned in obedience to a dc- cice entered May 1931, in tin; Chancery Courl for the Chtck- asav.

ba District of Mississippi County, Arkansas, wherein County Building Loan Association was nlahililT and H.irry H. Brown. Annie Drown. Dr. J.

Ii. and Miriam Mc- Danicls were 'lefciyanls, will on Saturday, 1931. oiler for sale at public auction to the highest bidder on a credit of three incnths, at the south door of the Court House in Blylheville, Arkansas, tlic following described properly, lo-wit: Lo: and Hie East eight feet ol Lot Seven (7) and the WtM eight fcrt of Lot Nine all In cf Ihc liichards of lilythe- ville. v.ilh nil jippurlcn- thereunto baldly ing. 'liie title is believed lo be gnud.

bin I fell as Commissioner only, 'llns liie 30lh, dav May. 1031. OAINEH, Ccnnnissioncr. C. A.

Cunningham, AUoincy for riainlifl. 1-8 of Section 0, Township Norlh, Range 11 East. Also Lois 15 and 1C of Block 3 of said E. Bryan subdivision of the town of Blytheville. Also Lois 11 ami 12 ami the eatt half of lois 13 autt 14 in 1 of t'ne said E.

M. Bryan subdivision ol the lown of Blyllicvlilc, Arkansas, lo- with all improvement, fixtures, machinery and nppiir- tenances located on prop- rrly cr any pan. thereof. The title is believed to be good. bul 1 sell as ConiniisMoner only This the day of May, 1931.

R. OAINES, Commissioner. C. A. Cunningham, Attorney for crass complainant.

The ering Midway Notes Miss Sarah Parkinson of Bnr- dette was a visitor in Blytheville Saturday. E. M. McDonald spent Saturday Blythcvilte. o.

Randolph visited Frank Lind Friday. L. H. Autry and Hays Sullivan were Blylhevillc visitors Saturday. anci Mrs.

Louis White visitors in Luxora Friday. G. W. Stanford spent Tuesday in Lnxora. A.

J. Hill and son, Leonard were Blythcvillc visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Oran Ashabran- ncr visited in Blytheville Friday.

Mrs. A. J. Hill and son. Clar- Burdctte nnd Slclla Powers of Clear Lake were guests ol Mrs.

A. J. Hill Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs.

Powers of Clear Lake visiled Mr. nnd Mrs. O. Randolph Sunday. R.

L. Thorn and Reed Crawley visited friends at Asbiwrt Sunday Mr. and Mrs. W. H.

Dyass and A. J. Hill attended church services at Lnxora Sunday. Junior Maxwell in Blytheville. spent Saturday Horse Respected in Kansas COTt'ON'WOOD PALLS, Kansas, IUP) Kansas had its traffic problems back in the Ws.

A news story published here In 1688 tells of a new slato law providing that all operators ol steam engines and threshing machines traveling 01 public roads romo to a hall, whenever a horse approached withh 100 feet, and remain motionless The first connlry hydro-electric plant was built in Crisp county, Georgia. A pump has bcru invented liiat is operated automalically by a to remove water from rooded residence cellars. Notice is hereby that the utuleisigned will, in oljeiiiencc to a. dccreo entered on Mny 1931, by the Court, the ChickasawbA Uisiricl ol Mississippi County. Arkansas, Jesse Webb anil Xlor- gnn Utilities.

defendant, and E. Clarke, Trustee nnd Southern Cotton Oil Company ir.vcrvcners and cross complainants and Morgan Utililics, Jesse Webb anil Arkansas Missouri 1'ow- er Company were cross defendants, en Saturday, July 1031. offer for sale public auction the south door of the court house In Blylheville. Arkansas, lo highest bidder on a credit of three (3) months tho described prcpcrty, to-wit: Part of Ihe northeast ol tho southeast quarter of Section 9 in Township 15 North. IJ.inge 11

particularly described as follows: Beginning at a vpliU. on the west side of Ihc Yarbro Blytheville road where inlcr- sccts the lino of the lllj AS liailroad, v.hich (Mini is 8 feet north of the ssijtli- casl corner of Seclion 9, in Township 15 Norlh, Range 11 East and 'running thence west 300 ftct; thence south 150 feet; thence cast SCO feel; lliciice norlh 150 feel to Ihe pDinv of beginning. Also Lots 1. 2. 3.

4. 5 and of Block 2 of (112 E. M. Bryar. subdivision as she.wii in plat- book of the town of Blytheville, page 31.


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