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Calgary Herald from Calgary, Alberta, Canada • 1

Calgary Heraldi
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ur Ml ft Vol. 5, No. 360 CALGARY, ALBERTA. FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1390 25 osnts a Wefk LEGAL. I Aanlvaraary 01 tha Wfddius of tba TELEGRAMS.

II FEE, Iffl CHYMIST, Opposite the Royal Hotel, algary. The Leading Drug Store of the Northwest Territories. PERFUMES, SOAPS, COMBS, ETC. Mr. Jom Ficli's Special Preparations.

Field Sarsaparilla Blood MixtureA powerlul purifier of the blood, 'iry a bottle and you will I have do other. IFibld's DyppRPTic Curb A A able renieey for indigestion and all diseases arising from Vegetable. (-FiRLD's COUPOCND SthVP OF llT- POPH08rniTES A valuable remedy in diseases ot the pulmonary Oriians such as Bronchitis, Asthma, Consumption, Irritability or Larynx and Fauces, Loss ot voice, Coughs, Colds, jFiei.d'8 Coo Liver Oil Emulsion For Consumption, Scrofula, Eruption Debility, Wasting away. grFiEM Catarrh Curb Relieves instantly, cures promptly every form of Nasal Catarrh. JQpFiKLD'g Blackberry Cordial and Jamaica Ginger For Diarrhoea, Dysentery and Cholera Infantum.

jfcjg-FiKLD's Graph Saline A pleasant healthful, cooling, effervescing, aperient. JPFieldV Influenza Mixture A specific for la grippe, which has been used in hundreds op cases with wonderful fleet. (-Field's Kidxet and Liver Cures. A valuable remedy" for all diseases of the kidneya and liver. Compobxd Cocoh Syrcp -For Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis and Whooping Cough.

jPure Anslo Norwegian Cod Liver Oil The very best in the market. r- igrFiELD's Children's Laxative -Pure- ly Vegetable A valuable remedy for the ordinary diseases of children. Field's Worm Syrup, Worm Pow-ders and Lozbnoes Sure, safe and pleasant. Purely vegetable TO Hauliers, Farmers, Poul-try-lters, Etc. Horse and Cattle Medicines FIELD'S SPAVIN CUKE.

A universal embrocation tor painful aff. ctioris nf skin, mam-Ira and joints of Horses and Cattle. Useful for Spavins, Spr. ius, Bruises, Wounds, Luinness, Soreness ot Joints, Kincbonea, Splitt Swellings, Galls, Cracked Heels, eta. FIELD'S FOULTKY POWDER.

For Geese, Chickens. Turkeys, etc. Used for Fever, Drooping Cholera, etc. FIELD'S HORSE WORM POWDERS. For expelling or destroying Intestinal Worms in Horses.

FIELD'S CONDITION POWDER. Prepared from the Original Receipt of a Late Eminent Veterinary Suraeoc of London. England, and sli(litly altered tr the orthwest. Un equalled for Horses and Cattle. This i'owderis cleciueUIv nenenciai in an cafes where the animal is out of cond tion Iroin no apparent caue.

FIELD'S HORSE AMD CATTLE LINIMENT. Universal embrocation for painful affections of Skin. Muscles and Joints of Horses and Cattle. A TRIAL OF ABOVE REMEDIES Will prove their Usefulness. is offering special inducements Priooe ot Wale.

Lf'KDorf, March 10. It was on March 10. that the Prince of Wales and heir apparent to th throne took to bim self the Princess Alfiandra, of Denmark, a bi- iiU. and in honor of the erert flags are flji'ijc and ringi p.g tbrdnfch out, tie ccuntiy. flu on the Pnnco's Siinoriiigbam are enjoying a holiday tbe weather permitting of outdoor dances and olhr fetii-ties.

Ttlt'grama of uonarntulation hare beca pnuiicg in ou the toyal couple frsm tlie European courts. The Prince and princcHs will have a family psrty this nfteruoon and give, a ball tonight. Nhlpmeot Is Iload by the Xfcrthera Paeifle. Washinotos, March 10. Secretary Windom has grrynted the Northern Pa- oiSo railway permission to transport roods wholly by rail from ports in Canada through the United States to other pnrtB in Canada, when the goods are placed in cars, duly secured by Cana dian seals and accompanied bv mani fests iu triplicate, nud when the United btates collectors have no doubt of the good faith of the.

representation made. It is expressly stated that nothing the letter of permission ib to bo con strued as affecttnj; the present regu lations governing H19 transportation goods Irom port to port the United Httes, or of imported merchandise in bond or ot goo. la coining from foreign countries and destined lor Canada. The Militia Department and Ilia N. W.

Volunteers. A Kod deal bus appeared in our western papers in reference to the case Of one Hurrell, who had served ia Northwest durintr the rebellion and had, as was alleged, been unfairly treated by the militia authorities. Some papers which had ciiticist ihe Departmpot sharply on the strength of tx-parte statements in Pailiaru'-nt now admit that the man was fairly if not generously dealt with. The ilail, among others, remirks; The papeism Hurrell's case tliu'losed the fact mat Hurrell, in Unniinir ni charue of neglect against the Minister, tins hreu too hasty. It appears that 1m-mediatdy after he returned from the West he asked tor a iedicd enquiry.

He whs examined on April, 1836, by tho Vieilkal ard, who reported that he would be unlit for bis usual occupation for at lea-t tw, he months, and unless he underwent a surgical operation no would never be fit for active service' airain. Two days later a military board of enquiry reported in fnvor pviiiT Mm $1 day from July 1. 188i, April 80. 187 On ilie exuir.uion if this ion, Hurrell not linvmij in the maiiiims uiid-rtfoue the vpi-ration suggested, was vtill ill. He applied for JurUier asuistance.

He was I'lamined by Sir James Grant, who reported that as he p. riUtcntly netrlecled loe.irry out tb instruction relative to the operation he was nuvy severely ill, and unfii for his occupation. The medical board reconsidered bis case on the same day, and reo mmended that he be sent to the Protestunt hojpital for treatment, his expetiHt'S to be paid there, and a crant of 8100 be (riven him on his discharge. He went to the hospital for three inth." but did not recover. He therefore r.

mainid there. In April. 1888. Sir James Grant reported to the Mini-ti-r of Militia 'hat tiiirreli is umitilet) earn a living-, thereupon Ibt'ie ano ber eiamination' amedicianud military examination, thn conse)iieiice uf which was he was granted ri5cen.s per day for the remainder of his lite, t-iurrell then claimed nav from April 30i.ii, 1887. to Nov.

13, 1838, the period during which he was the hospital This claim was uraed upon the Mini-ler by Mr Taylor McVeity, of Ottawa, as lute as February this year. On February tt tbe Miuister replied that he had the matter under consideration. Hurrell seems to have complained attain tbe Minister before any decision on tho point he was pressing had bet-n reached. Even more liberal has been tbe Militia Department' treatment of the survivors of Valiquette, another volunteer in tha Northwest rebellion. We read that In the case of Valiquette, it appears that' Mr.

Dejardins, M. urged the Minister arive the to tbe family ot the deceased volunteer. Valiquette was a sergeant of the C5th, and he Uipd through the "fifct of disease contracted during the march from Beaver rher to Fort Pitt. Si fore he was ordered to the front, Valiquette was a mill wriaht in the employment ff A. W.

Oilvie Montreal. His wages were $9 a weU. It is claimed that by his death his father, naother, sister ar.d brother have lost their chijf support. The father say. he was entirely dependent upon his sod, whose wages all went to the support of tbe house.

Ho. could not work himself, because he was oufferinif from chronic aitbma, and the children, thousrii they did work, did not earn sufficient to provide for themselves. Pensions at the rate of $51 pir arnum were consequently- allowe.1 to tbe mother, two brothers, twelve and fourteen years, and three of bis sisters, ice aud tiuhteen and twenty, which makes tbe total pension of $360. Yali-quette's relatives are doing better than when he was alive. It is certainly belter to erroa tbe of iiberali'y than on that of parsimony in such cases.

'or isata Cheap. One of Tufts' Soda Water Fountains, ten syrups, and everything that ia needed in an Ice Cream and Coufectionery business. Also about 30 tons of Ice. Call or address F. J.

CtAiiOM, at tbe Ice BOWN C'YMiY. ADVOCATES, KTC. CuigarT. ot im J.C.t'.WOWH.

H.8.' AT BT. to. tfoliiMtitr, Convevn-uivr. Special tn-rins for Kuiiab bttfHeii Cn.lirv. tJWiTn.

A WJT. BAKUlbTKBS Uw, Druicrrv aim souvej auuiug. Aiimoy lo ioum. ohflp: lf.uca.'Ste.ihea Avouu, CsVl.irt.rY. I.

U. tvMtTH. U't- 1 WHT. rfV B. LAFlKliTV, BAHJilTKK, ATTOU A i nt I etc t'Hluwry.

Money loan JR. CDSTIGAN Rariieur, Solicitor. Notaiy IMib'ir, Crown PftHwcutnr, Ac, Mouey to Lofui, OV'Y btL'Lu Avnue in the llaiikin Allan Dlock. fii6-a. L' Ol'WHICKl) Moi'AIirilY, A BECK Barrio ter.

Ntarl Ku- McCaetut. o. Hon A Louoheku, 1 0' 1). BKua LL.B. HOTELS THE ROYAL HOTEL.

ALGAE ALBERTA, CANADA. The Roval is iltuated sear tho C. P. Vaa- eetignT btaiion Htxl is renewed by a fine oroad walk, v.tti Klectrtc Light on the Street. It it the oldest, largest tnd nioet popular Uotx in the Wceieru Tenitiriea of Canaua.

Thar is bar ntt atoned. wher-iU tlm eau I Iwraisof tne Coun'ry and tae oesi lirandi of Canadian and imported cigars are for sale. Billiard and Pool Table" convenient (0 tb offiee. ALSO HOT AKD COLD WATER BATHS The dinim; ruoia ia ou the eround floor. The tables aie su.

uliud WKb the bttt ilie warkarK uau atippiy. jxuua but traiuvtl and couueou woJiaiaareatuplojad. ObliciPK and cirefu! portera attend tb am- yu.1 aua depitritu-e uf ail paaeeuxtir crams niiciii and day. A Splendid New Fire Proof Safe baa bstn re cently utf led to 1 he olfice furuitura. SO PAINS bPAKKD TO PROMOTE TUB COMFOKT Of UUliSTS.


8.. will bo absent from the eth for about 6 weeks. Im- S' rtaut business east. After the ab ve time will be found in his otnee over McBride's hardware stoi-e. Galarai v.

Alberta. Parties re quiring hU immediate services will do well to caUedy. E. C. HOLBROOK.

listdtf n. m. All werk warranted to give entire satisfaction. Ofllce In T. C.


Uraiuate of Laval University, ind Member uf the Physicians antr urgeuue ofuekeo. OKr'ICE Mr. Trutt's Dmtj htore. Cimstlltfttloa at ail Qoura. Mid-dFifnrv aHil HiKtu-a of rliilrtrmi nMiaitjV.t DRS LINDSAY A BOBGE Physici ans 8tir veoue Cimisu tiug ruoms over Ft-eAne's stor Calitry N.

I'. N.J LiNDSiT HsktOsobos M.Jt.M.C.P.t& M. It. K. P.

Ontario. Xauiiuu England. ARCHITECT JjtUSS IiLKWU.TM WlLSOH JiMIS T. Clltl-D. WILSON A.HCHITKOTS V-' Surveyors.

Civil and vlimng Bn- -iiiws. W'FK'K vnr th- iVv-Kiitice BOOIKTIES A F. A A. Meelings. Bnw Hiver Lodge No.

liH, Q. K. F. A. Monday on or bt-fore the full moon iu each mouth, at the Masonic Hall Clgry.

Visuiug brt-thrtMi art) cordially iuvievd. W. L. BKltN AKO. N.J.

LINDSAY, lv bieretury. W. M. INDEPENDENT ORDEK OF FORESTERS 1 Court Calmtrv, No meets iu l.O. O.F Hall, im the jm iaud4lh Tuursdaysof each mouth at 8 p.m.

Visiting Luemhers weioome. A. Uavidsou It. 2A-Svo a 'ALOART LODUE NO. 3 I.

O. o. MeeU ev.ry 'iUfsday i-verti brcmrsu cordially iuvikd. J. Qianviila, PAINTER POINKKH PAINT SHOP, Jos h.

WtuwiRi, HouHe.MKiisndOrnautenal vmiiu Aneiis avenue, calsary. Stanley and Hits Book. Lokdo, March 10. Henry M. Snley will not leave Cairo till the beginning of April, partly bi ct use he dreads a sudden change of climate and partly because he hss made np-his nn i id to finish bis book beton- he chiks entanjj'ed in the dissipations of the London season.

The book is so fur mlvHiiceil that, ibe publisheis hope it may be ready for pnMiraiinn on the day of Hnly'8 airival iu inland. He will not erui' diru-t to London, lie will epend a forinijfiit at NiSj and thn proceed Brnse's to pay hi rcspec's lb the King cf tbe Bi'lgians. At BruscCl- he will he met by his four officers, Parke, Stair, Nelson and JVptwoii, allot whom have betomdevot edly attached their chief and ready to luilow li ra whenever he calls upon them miiiiy fresh enterprise. Dr. Parke' colleagues admit that had it not been for the doetor.

not one mtmb-r of the expednioa would have come out alive, Mr. Stanley's Grl public appearance in London will be at the Albert Hall, under tbe auspices of the Royal Geographical Society. While a medal will be struck for Stanley, the royal medal of the society will be awarded to Emm Patu. Wanted a situation as cook by a respectable woman or would go as peneral servant in a small family where washing wm given out. Good reference.

Address h. Fimlv, ikx 1, Calarj. The Uavrminriit Acpi pm a Want of (Special to Tai Rkuai.d.) Uttawa, iiiir. 14. M'lls moved a wan of confidence luotiou that t'xpendi-turea fur public buildings and i nprave-menU rhould be done in the public interest and nut through favoritism.

Sir John said ho know Mills didn't roenn it he therefore accepted tt and it waa pasted. B)kert in a Tlalit Flacn. (Special to Tiia HiraLD.) Ottawa, March 14. It is understood Rj km will be aked bv the Ctnsera-t ve caucus to resign, as the matier bus oaused more trouble than was anticipate! aVreoch Farmers for the Sf. Y.

(Spooial toTna Ukhai.d. Ottawa, March H. Father Legarre of Oak Lake, Manitoba, is en route from AUace in Germany with one hundred Frt'nch farmers of the better class to settle iu the North west. Tv Ilaudrcd and Thirteen Deeend-; aus. (Special to Taa siuxo.) Qukbec, Mar.

14. L'hiiuatt Bouillane, who fought under Da Sulaberry at Chat-eautay, is dead in his year, lie was 77 ye.irs married, had 19 children, US grand children ud 106 great grand children. Killed at Quebec. (ipveial to Taa Hurald.) Quebec, March 14. A man neaied Mc.

man fell dawn the steps trutu Mountain tlili to Little Cliamulain Street and was killed. New ltrnaswick E.e;lalatare. (Spocial to Tux. Herald.) tst. Joun, il Mar.

14. -Tho Legisla ture opened yesterday. The speech says Lord Stanley will visit the province dur ing the summer. The session will be in teresting, the government majority rang ing trout ten to thirteen. Mectioo 31 a Killed.

(Special to Tub UuaiLO.) Monotom, N. 11., March 14. James Christie, section man, was killed ou the I. O. U.

yesleiday. Flour Mill Veatruved. (Speulul to Tub Ubuald.) lit-ENHiiiM. Mar. 14.

Jacksou's fljur mill aud elevator were bumeu yes terday. Ljos teu tliousaud dodurs. Tbe Oldest Wesident lead. (Special to Tas Ukuaiu.) Toronto, Vur. 14.

The oldest resident, Mrs, Cecil Hamilton, aged S6, is dead. Another Indian Industrial Mehool. (Special to Tins IIkiulu.i Wixnu'EU, March 14. 1'ho lluperts Land Indian ludusiiial School in St. Paul's parish was tormally opened yes" lerday.

The bishop uf Kupt-n Laud officiated. The tiraoities Win. (Special to ThB Hkiiauj Wiksipbo, Alarch 14 llarstone's rink (Granites) played od with Urown (This, lies) for the Governor General's taukard last night. Tbe former won, seventeen to fourteen; A Child Vrowned. (Special to Tna Mitchkll, Unt Mar.

14. The fitre year old son of William liabb was drowned jesterdsy. A Wealthy Ilaligonlan Dead. (Special to Twa Usbald.) Halifax, March 14 Henry Peters, a wealthy citir.eE, died this mornini; of heart disease. IT.

8. Cl ops atam iiced. (Special Telegram to TnB IlERALn) Cuicaqo, March 14 The wheat and fruit crops have been severely injured by frost. I'reaeh Cabinet Itcsiicned. iSpoolal to TnK HsitAi.D.) Paws, March 14.

The cabinet has resigned because the Senate refuse to to vote contiJence on the question ol the commercial treaty with Turkey. Xew Orleaaa in a bad Waj'. (Special to Tbb IIeralu.) New Oklsans, Mar. 14. The flood on the Mississippi and its tributaries is in creasing and is now at tbe highest point known i to add tt the consternation a great fire is raging here.

Ci-tween the two elements the best paitr of the city Wi (ievaotatod. L. H. DOLL, Watehmaker Jeweller SOAPS. Pears', Brown Windsor.

Honey, Cashmere Bouquet, Etc. PERFUMES. ftField'a Eau de Cologne, Florida Water, Lavender, Scented Sachets, LUBIN'S, ATKINSON'S, 1UCK-SEECKEIi'S, The most Fashionable Goods that are made. COMBS, BRUSHES, Etc. A Splendid Assortment.

All cf the are the Finest Goods in the Surpassed Nowhere. Lowest Prices for Cash. in WEDDING ADD (Tfi nnirmiTmc A complete stock in endless Variety, Wateh and Jewelry Repairing a specialty. All Work Guaranteed. Dec2Sd lharch IMreetory, PKKeBTTERIAN.

Service? evciy Lord's day a. m. and 1 p. m. Rv.

J. C. li Pa-tor. bu'iftty 8ch''i, (iu Bitlo Clas, 8 m. J.

F. Uiu villa, onpenu-ceudctn pr to m. Weekly Pravtr Mating Wednesday a 8 p. m. niJir Mt-etiug as cativd.

Dr. Lalfnrty, Chairman. Aid Society, MoeHngaa called, Mr. A. Allan, Pivt lent.

be(lluu first Wednesday of acb inh at Qiwneriv Cnmm union, ou3rt Sabbath March. Bapti-nmB Cuurch or at i'ruyer Moetiog. as arranged uir. For nnvi'lopea for ordinary revenue, J. P.

Gf nvitlf, Trea-nrr. pitr cnv-lMei for debt i and of Knox Church, A. Mt-Bride Treasurer. Cmmiitee fur aitting 4cw8and' tittlugs, 8. McO mb and F.

O'anviile. at tree. Kavpuae by weekly off! ring Viit'T atid "trmigera e.coine. Surrrtary oomratio-, Giant Mackay. FOREST ANv FARMER who wishes to obtain samples of young Forest Trees, can do so by application Prof, Saunders, Government Kxpri-mental Farm.

Ottawa, wbou a nackaae of oniprisiug varieties will be forwarded him upon conditions tutu he takes good care til and report upon them when WATCHES SWISS, WALTHAM, ELGIN and SPRINGFIELD Movements, in Gold, Silver and Nickel Cases, with the finest Hand Engravings in all styles and pattarns. S. A. Op FilS AGENT Ramsay, FOR li lilts for ti. OiliP? Diswiot 1 AL8O THE CELEBRATED DOMESTIC AND 8TASDAK1) SEWING MACHINES, 1 Said on the Monthly payment Plan.

Full lines of all kinds oi Machine Needle and Oils. Repairing promptly attend- pi to. Mail orders receive personal attention..

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