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The Salina Sun from Salina, Kansas • 2

The Salina Suni
Salina, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS THE SALINA SUN. OVARIOTOMY. How a Sixty Pound Tumor Is Removed. An Unusual Event at Christ's Hospital. Think of sixty pounds of flesh and fluids By W.

H. JOHNSON. KANSAS. SALES being removed from the intestinal cavity of the human body, and yet that body lives, re Our brick man-of-war at the World's Fair occupies a unique place among coast defenses. underground conducting lines.

There will no exposed wires. A test made in Sew York was eminently successful. It is the first notable invention of a colored man in electrical engineering. A highly valuable contribution to the literature of the labor question in Chicago is that of Inspector Schaack, who holds that most of the applicants for food and shelter at police stations are "professional tramps and bums." The evidence upon which he bases this opinion is that when he went into a room where eight of the homeless and hungry ones were congregated and told them that war had been declared against Chili and called for volunteers one man only responded. If the Inspector would discover how hasty he was drawing from Senator Wolcott, of Colorado, (republican) caused a sensation by delivering a carefully prepared speech from manuscript, in which he arraigned the president, denouncing in strong language the work of the executive in opposition to free coinage of silver.

The senate finally refused to strike out the provision in the army appropriation bill for the assignment of army officers as Indian agents. Senator Perkins made a speech and voted for rtriking it out. Senator Peffer voted against striking it out-Senator Perkins secured the passage of an amendment making an appropriation- of $20,000 to repair the damage sustained by the Haskell institute (Lawrence) in the recent storm. In the house Mr. Otis, of hansas, offered an amendment to the free wool bill and spoke to it.

The first section of the bill placing wool on the free list, he said, insulted the wool grower, and section two proposed to rob his pockets. "If there is one provision of the McKinley bill which directly benefits and protects the farmer, it is that which places a tariff on wool, and here you propose to deprive him of even that This and other amendments were diecussed and voted down. The house finally adopted a resolution requesting the committee on judiciary to report back the resolution providing for investigation of the Pinkerton detective agency. Senator McMillin offered an amendment to the District of Columbia appropriation bill, adding IFIOO.OOO for the reception and entertainment of the Gr. A.

K. National encampment, one-half to be paid out of District funds. This was opposed by Harris, Vest and Peffer; the latter saying that when the people of the district had invited the national encampment, it had promised, by bid, to entertain them, and were not authorized to say that the people of the whole nation would pay the bill. The matter went over without Rats' heads are said to he the latest fashionable ornaments worn in London. This may justly rouse the ire of terriers.

"Sam'l of Posex" Curtis testified in his own behalf, that he had been acting twenty-five years and was never arrested before. Most marvelous, indeed! covers and serves its owner better than ever rhe feat of "removing a small woman from large tumor," as a newspaper once facetiously put it, was accomplished at Christ's Hospital last Wednesday. The tumor was one of large ovarian growths one hears about occasionally which weigh nearly as much as ihe remainder of tha body, and the patient ksls the wife of a Rock Island railroad man. A great surgical operation is an exciting is like snatching life from death, like ihe resuscitation of a drowned man, or the rescue of a child from a burning building. It has the same elements of danger, of terri-)le suspense, of the display of nerve and lourage, followed by the same nervous re-iction when it is successfully accomplished.

To be present and witness such a triumph of lurgical science and skill is like seeing one )f Bernhardt's plays. The nervous system becomes so wrought up that when it is over, me feels like dropping into a chair to recover. as a representative of the press, was permitted to behold this particular operation I ipeak of. Dr. H.

W. Roby, of this city, was ihe surgeon in charge and for his assistants be had chosen Dr. Anderson, of Lawrence, Dr. Mclntyer, of Topeka, and Dr. Mrs.

Farn-iam, also of this city. The lady who was to andergo the operation had been taken to the hospital in a carriage by her husband the iay before. Miss Wood, a nurse, trained in celebrated hospitals of Boston, was present. A long, green operating table suggestively Dccupied the center of the room where the operation was to take place. The courageous little lady who was about to be almost It is said that Boston architects have been awarded the contract for designing the Public Library.

The Athens of America appears to have a classic this the generalization that his guests were tramps and "bums" he might submit the same proposition to eighty of his well-fed bluecoats and see how many volunteers would respond. ONE ENJOYS Both the method and results when' Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant, and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the system effectually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced, pleasing to the taste and acceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable its many excellent qualities cony mend it to all and have made ii the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who-may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to trj it.

Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, SAM FRANCISCO. CAU action. Seugeaxt Duxx, who is in charge In the house. Funston.

of Kansas, became A max costumed as a steaming hot bottle recently captured the grand prize for originality at a London masquerade. In all probability a woman suggested the idea. of the signal service station in Sew characteristically emphatic when he arose to a question of privilege and had read a letter from Washington to the New York Voice. The letter named Mr. Funston among a list of senators and members who took their drinks at the rest.iu- rants in the camtol.

Mr. i unston called this ut in two, walked in without a tremor and several kinds of a lie. The free wool bill reached a final vote and was tvas helped upon the table. Dr. Anderson then administered the ether, and watched the pulse while the other attendants stood about in readiness or watched the thermometer which must be kept standing at eighty passed by the house to 60.

Funston and Otis voting no. Messrs Baker, Davis and Simpson voted aye. Mr. Bioderick was absent in Boston on an investigating committee. A max in Massachusetts claims to have discovered a way of making artificial lightning.

Presidential lightning that will always strike in the right place is more in demand. The senate changed the national encampment degrees, no more, no less, until the end of the operation. At last Dr. Anderson, having bill so as to appropriate out of the treasury of the United States $100,000 to provide for the subsistence and quarters of the veterans who attend announced the patient completely under the the national encampment at anington. D.

The money is to be paid and disbursed by the citizens executive committee of Washington influence of the anaesthetic, Dr. Roby, with both arms bare to the elbow, takes up a glittering knife of peculiar shape, and baring the abdomen, cuts slowly and carefully, like under regulations prescribed by the ecretary of war. Jn this shape the senate pas--oa the bill. The house continues its tariff debate with a draughtsman drawing a graceful curve, small attendance and declining interest. making an opening nearly fourteen inches York, is authority for the statement that the climate of this country is gradually changing, the winters in the Sorth becoming milder and those in the South colder.

The mean temperature in Sew York has gradually become higher in the last few years, and this when the summers have oeen cooler than for many years. Sergeant Dunn's theory is that irrigation in the "West has driven storms to the Sorth, where they break across Canada and toward the St. Lawrence Gulf. This causes the air currents to come from the South to supply that displaced bv the rush of the storm, and produces a milder climate in the Sorthern States. By the same reasoning he finds that these warm currents from the South leave a partial vacuum there which is supplied by the rush of cold air from the Sorth-west, carrying many storms into Kansas, Arkansas, and even Texas and A bill was introduced for Mr.

t-pringer to long. Into this he dextrously thrusts his "German fcuthorize the holding of an international mone tary congress, to meet in I hicago in August, hand and finds the tumor so large aud grown so firmly on the tissues on every side that it cannot be removed intact. It is composed of many hundred sacs filled with fluids and The house world fair com mitte has been for 99 several days hearing arcumc nts for and against Sunday closing of the fair. fleshy growths. These are broken into one While the free binding-twine bill was being by one.

Syrup discussed, Mr. Clover, of Kansas, offered a an Everything moved with the utmost celerity and silence, and no one was permitted to speak except the surgeon in charge. amendment addirg to the bill the entire bland free silver bill. Ihis was ruled out of order; and upon his arpeal from the decision of the chair his own was tho only vote sustaining the appeal. I must say a word as to the ef The entire operation required an hour and a half, and during all that time the work of removing the monstrous growth went on ficacy of German Syrup.

I have Modesty is a sweet and gentle virtue, yet in these days when you hear that a man hides his light under a bushel investigation generally shows that a thimble would have hid it just is well. Ax actor named Beerbohm is playing "Hamlet" in Sew York. Milwaukee does not naturally take to the Shakspearean drama, but he would draw big houses in that beer-booming city. One-third of the meat sold in Taris is the flesh of horses and mules. "When the American hog gets fairly acquainted' with the French capital he will reform present arrangements.

The entire fire department of Rochester was called out to extinguish the aurora borealis. It may be seen from this how small the average Sew Yorker believes this world to be. The pension office investigation committee of the house has reached a coint. S. S.

Hersey, a steadily, each one of the eight people en pension attorney who was employed by several used it in. my family for Bronchitis, the result of Colds, with most excellent success. I have taken it myself for Throat Troubles, and have renresentatives to conduct their pension corre gaged in the delicate work moving about like clockwork. At last it was finished. Every movement of the knife had been scientific spondence, testified before the committee that he had used his authority to use the names oi representatives whose clerk he was.

in getting fees from pension agents for information secured ally made. The last vestige of the tumor had been taken out. The wound was sewed up, and now came the critical period. The patient was lifted from the table, placed in cor-thc has from the department by himself. Ho said that other clerks did the fame, but that his employ the Southern States.

However rect Mr. Dunn's theories may be, facts are indisputable. There denved good results therefrom. I therefore recommend it to my neighbors as an excellent remedy in such, cases. Tames T.

Earlys- ers, members of congress, did not know that he was getiing fees by the ue of their names. bed in an adjoining room and under most been a gradual change in our climate. Iho river and harbor bill has been reported to careful treatment, slowly revives. Dr. Roby.

the surgeon, remained all night, the house. It appropriates ville, Va. Beware of dealers who The house ways and means committee has re Occasionally the patient had sinking spells. but by use of tne electric battery and stimu ported on tin plate, condemning the present tariff and recommending a reduction of duty on tin. offer you something just as good." Always insist on having Boschee's German Syrup.

lants she was rallied, and her temperature and pulse steadily fell. In the morning she Ihe house passed tho cotton basrging bill, put complained of no pain, and her recovery is ting that article on the fro list, by a vote of 167 now nearly assured, i he tumor and the flu to 40. The growth of colleges in this country has been steady and so has been their patronage. In 1850 there were 8,837 students in the colleges of the country. In 18G0 this number had been increased to in 1870, to in 1880, to 20,650, and in Senator Stewart continues his criticisms upon id which it contained, weighed sixty pounds.

the treasury lifnarlment. He hvs offered ieo- The weight of the patient before the operation was 152 pounds. The growth had first lution calling on the secretary of the treasury for A youxg Canadian recently had information connected with the purchase and been noticed three years ago. it had in coinage of silver. creased in size until it had pressed the stom The house spent a day in considering local enlargement of the brain, which caused imbecility.

Dr. Hammond ach, heart, lungs and bowels into the upper measures lor the district ol I olumDia. 1890 to 31,359. The number of col part of the cavity and she could scarcely take Senator Perkins having revived thebankiuptcy removed portions of the skull and bill known as the '1 orrey law, by introducing it in the senate, is the recipient of protests, most of lege students per 100,000 population in 1890 was 115.7 in Sew England, the poor fellow is now recovering. them from Kansas asa net its passage.

Ander oung Mothers! We Offer You a Remedy which Safety to Life of mother and Child. MOTHER'S FRIEND ra Iiob Confinement of its Pain, Horror and Bisk. Afternstngonebottleof "Mother's Friend tuffered but little pain, and did not experience that weakness afterward usual In such case. JLrs. Annib Qaqe, Lamar, Jan.

15th, 1S91. Sent by express, charges prepaid, on receipt of price, $1.50 per bottle. Book to Mothers mailed tree. ESKADFIELD REGULATOR ATLANTA, GA. poT.n ft alt, rmTjrcnisTs.

nourishment or breathe with comfort. Her death from the tumor was only the matter of a month or two. She is only twenty-four years of age and her youth will do much to help her recover. F. H.

in Topeka Daily son county, business men word their pro test thus: 58.7 in the Middle States, 38 in the Southern States, 49.6 in the Central "We have heard of many causes for mental stupidity, but undue growth of gray matter was not among them. "We protest aeainst tho passage of a general Capital, Feb. 13. bankruptcy law lor tne following leasons States, 31.4 in the Western States, because there is neither necessity nor aemana for such legislation on the part of any consider and 44.2 in the Pacific States. These I.

R. Branham, editor Christian Index, Atlanta, writes: "I have used Bradycrotlne with unfailinsr. prompt, decided relief for able number of the debtor class, for whose bonei tit ostensibly the law is ramod second, becauso ,1 1 figures show that there is a higher average of college students in the tne conuiuon ui ims coumiy is now uu uiuo headache." The Collapse of a Rotten Tenement, lair to be in tho future, so prosperous that no oc Pacific States than in either the casion exist- lequinnj sucli legislation; tnira, because tie history of bankruptcy legislation With crumbling foundation and shaky, bule ing walls, is not more certainly to be looked Southern or Western States, and 'that Sew England has an average almost for than the sudden giving way of a constitu shows tnat such laws are made only to be repealed, as espiessed in tho petition of debtors tor the repeal of the act of lMii that 'the existence of the act prevented them making such ar- tion sapped by overwork, unremitting anxiety or exposure to hardship and malign climatic In double that of the Middle States, and fluences. Against the disastrous effects of each and all of these. Hostctter's Stomach Bitters is an effectual safeguard.

It fortifies the three times that of the Western and Southern States. But Sew England system against them by infusing into it fresh vigor begotten of renewed and complete digestion and assimilation of the food, and its conse If a stall-fed, haughty, self-satisfied donkey, accustomed to looking down on its fellow-donkeys, were suddenly gifted with the power of speech and no restraining influences were thrown around it, we imagine it would talk about as Ward McAllister talks. Ward McAllister has cut down his estimate of Sew York's fashionable people from 400 to 150. Yet even this estimate is too liberal, and it is certain that only Mr. Allister's superabundant modesty prevents his uttering his inmost opinion that there is really only one person of the highest breeding in Sew York.

has drawn heavily from all sections of the country because of the excel SCennedy's iedical Discovery Jakes hold in this order: Bowels, Liver, Kidneys, Inside Skin, quent reparative action upon the exhausted tis sues and lmpovensnea circuiauon. ino preparative for the undergoing, without injury, of an unusual amount of bodily or mental work, no lence of her educational institutions, means of averting malarial infection, or disord When the Chicago University is ers born of bad diet and impure water eqoals opened, with the greatest corps of this superlatively fine defensive invigorant. Take it for dyspepsia, constipation, biliousness, professors to be found in the country, rheumatism, muney trouDie, la grippe. the cure. mngements with their creditors as would enaoie them to carry on their Ex-Senator Blair has memorialized the senate to investigate tho facts attendant upon the refusal of the Chinese government to receive him as minister to that count! y.

Tho senate took up Senator Palmer joint resolution providing lor the election of United States senators by tho people and it was discussed and referred to the committee on privileges and elections. i ho house finished the urgency appropriation bill in committee of the whole and then passed it. It carries Messrs. Broderick, Funston and Simpson, of Kansas, are at work to, get action by the house on the bill establishing a United States court at Foit Scott. Mr.

Holman, of Indiana, has so far obstructed it by obiections to take it up. Tho committee on military affairs reported to tho house a bill authorizing the secretary of war, upon application of the governor of a state or territory, to issue for the solo use of tho national guard of such state or territory, any one end one-half inch muzzle-leading rifles, field guns of wrought iron, or three and two-tenths-inch breech-loading rifles, field guns, steel or machine (Hotchkiss or Ointlingl, or rapid tiro guns, with imnlemonts and harness for same, which may be on hand and not neeued immediately for the regular eervice. Sew England will lose much of this patronage to the West, and there wil Outside Skin, be great changes in the figures of the Driving everything before Hthatougbttob- The Keeley Company of Kansas, which controls the right to "use Dr. Leslie E. Keeley's Remedies for Drunkenness and the Opium and Tobacco Habits in the state of Kansas, with a view of covering their territory more effectively and causing the benefit of the Remedies to be more wiJelv spread next census.

)ur. You know whether you need sr not. Success seems to be making Dr, Kecley mad. It is but a few weeks Sold by every druggist, and manufactured by since he put forth the amazing expla nation that he kept secret the compo DONALD KENNEDY, ROXBCKY, MASS TnE University of Wisconsin has a notable acquisition in Prof. Ely, who leaves the Johns Hopkins University for the Western college.

Dr. Ely is a painstaking student of political science and an authority upun taxation and municipal government. The time seems to be at hand when the Eastern colleges will have the architecture and the Western colleges the men. nents of his cure for inebriety be have opened institutes for the Keeley treatment at Topeka, Leavenworth, Kansas Citv, (Kan.) Wlufield and Marysville. These institutes are so located "as to render thera easily accessible from every part of the state.

The Keeley Company of'Kausas have been unusually successful in their practice, haying treated over 400 cases of alcoholism and opium habitues without failure. Their staff of physicians are well known practitioners who have practiced the cure of nervous and narcotic diseases under Dr. Keeley at wight. cause he held it in trus'j for the wid NKWS liKEVITIES. ows and orphans ruined by the whisky power.

So sensible man denies Dr, No trains entered the Black Hills for more than a week during the blizzard and as all wires were down that country was out of the woild for a week. Keeley's right to profit by his own discovery, but to attempt to cover the When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, When she was a Child, sho cried for Castor', When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she she gave them Castorla, methods of the sharp business man with a cloak of sham philanthropy is mere hypocrisy. Recently the Doctor stood before an audience of "graduates" of his institution and assured them that his nostrum was "the greatest blessing vouchsafed to man since the time of Soah." After a little reflection he concluded to The Chinese government has garrisoned all the mission districts in China and has promised to severely punish the perpetrators of any outrages in the future. The blizzard held on many hours at Miller, S. leaving snow drifts eight feet high.

Hundreds of head of stock wandered with the storm, many of which perished. In Rhode Island a republican legislature is elected. The same party would have elected the governor but for the prohibition vote. There was no choice and the legislature must elect. Manufacturers of school furniture have organized a company with sufficient capital to control all the concerns engaged in business.

These gentlemen protest that they have not formed a trust, but that, they have come together for the purpose -of reducing the cost of their goods and giving the people the benefit of their The casting out of the devil of disease was once a sign of authority. Now we take a little more time about it and cast out devils by thousands we do-it by knowledge. is not a man who is taken possession of by the germ ole consumption possessed, of devil A little book on careful living and Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil will tell you how to exorcise him can-be done. Free. Scott Bown, Chemists, 13s South 5th Avenoc New York.

Yotir druggist keeps Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil all druggists everywhere do. 1. 31 modify this boast, and added: "I A Month association. It is not a trust, but the capital of the company is 000, and better profits are to be guaranteed to every stockholder. 10 Agents to sell CARSto DEALERS JOHSwftgyco' Samples Free! CHEW and SMOKE untaxed NaturalLeaf TOBACCO yok low ra pes write to BLERIWETHElt ClnrkgvlHe, Tonn; OTAUliNTS WANTED.

Clergymen of the lower St. Lawrence say the exodus of French Canadians is ten times greater this year than ever before. Whole concessions aro depopulated, and one meets as many as forty farms in one parish. The Russian minister of tho interior has prepared restrictions to be placed upon foreigners who settle in Russia. All such who acquire lands must adopt the Russian nation-tionality within three years or quit the country.

Tho cyclone that struck kelson, crossed the Kansas line at or near Bostwick, and much damage is reported done at Bostwick. The path of the storm was half a mile wide. Most of the farm houses in its path from Bostwick are leveled to tho ground. As yet it is impossible to obtain accurate news. will take that back; 1 will say since tne time of Christ." There have been a good many discoveries of beneficial and merciful agents since the year 1, A.

D. Atnesthetics, for instance, have lightened the load of pain of men and women very materi. ally. However, the discoverers of the uses of the various forms of anaesthetics did not "hold them in trust for widows and orphans," enjoving mean, time niigl.ty incomes annually from the secret. A colored man Granville Woods has made a successful invention, just now attracting largo attention in the East.

It is in the method of supplying electrical energy in moving cars and trains. The cars, by his new system, will be supplied with power through wire brushes which make connections with "heads" from SMOKING TOBACCO ORPHAN BOY A Choice 2 FAT FOLKS REDUCED CarnllriH, ounces for Set. Alice Mnple, Oregon, writt welsht was 320 Douncta. now It ia Hit nnc I UntITU For 3 bright younu men iaD3 A UN I II ladles In each county. Ad- redaction of 12S lbs." For circulars address, with r.Ort'arXlEE.

McVlcXai's Theatre. Cbio! Oreaa, jUEGLKU St. Louli. M..

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