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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 3

Logansport, Indiana
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The Mere Fact That So Many Dealers are You Not to Buy A MOST HEALTHY GROWTH. SMFLE ought to satisfy you that they are afraid of them. They can't compete with us on Prices. We also have a beautiful line in At Prices never before heard of. 73c ers ask Doncrola slippers, oth- for 'em.

Ladies' AO Jl.Uo fine Kid Oxford Regular price 48c kid button elsewhere for 7uc. Boys' veal calf slices that wear like iron, worth $1.00. Men'i? lace or Conprcss, as a rock, worth double. soli 111.18 Ladies' s. fine kid Made to Shown by the Post of SO per Cent, in Ttn Years.

Postmaster Hanawalt has written to i the supervising architect of the treas- I ury department, in answer to in. I quirlee made by that official, relative to the of ground suitable for a government bonding- in Logaasport, and the probable space needed by the city's postal business. The postmaster stated that tho ground would probi- bly oost about $6.800, and that for the office about 3,500 square fcet would be needed. Mr. Hanawalt also pave figures showing the aznount of business done at the local department.

la the year closing June SOcb, 188i the business amounted to $11.845.46. The twelve months ending JaoaSOoh, 1894 rounded up a total of $21,468.72, This is a biff in- creaie, and Mr. Hanawalt is of the opinion that the rate of increase will keep up Indefinitely. button sell for JOSEPH GILLOTT'S STEEL PENS a EXTIU FIKK A.ND IIUOAD FOISTS TO SUIT ALL JIA.NUS. THE MOST PEF.FZCT OP PENS.


and Mrs. Wesotzki of the West Side, a daughter. Walter ia preparing to open a bloyole riding- school. is having his tailoring decorated. Garden and seeds At Kroie' Mfg.

414 Broadway. For floor of J. Herz's building on Market street. Special sale and prices on spring drees goods at the Boo Hive. A new residence labeinj; put up by Chas.

Morehead in Sbultztown. Colfax Bennofleld and Mies Bortha Holley have boon licensed to wed. Speohvl rates to students entering HaU'a Buslaesa College, April 1st New capes arriving dally at the Bee Hive. A handsome cloth capo for f-1 The Fifteenth street grocery of Wilson is being wired for electric lights. Fancy lawn grass seed, fertilizers lawns and Mfg.

Co Broadway, Ulen Rlcbardson hag been made the local gent for the Barbee Iron and of Lafayette. Slate Kepllrger will hang paper at 15 cents a double roll. Give him a call over Lelnonoman'a tailor shop, £04 Broadway. To have perfect health you must have pure blood, and the best way to have pure blood Is to take Hood's Sargftparilu. J.

W. Caldwell of Toledo entertained friends yesterday from 3 10 7 in honor of her guest, Mies Homony of Brooklaod, N. Y. An elegant plate front is being placed In the G. E.

Ross building above Fifth street. Tho vacant room will taken by tho shoo stoct of Ellas Winters, Insurance and few hun. dred dollars of local funds; also Eastern money la any amount, to loan on mortgage M. Closaon, No. 319 Pearl street.

Sleepless Who, but those who have had the unhappy experience, can tell the hor. rors or appreciate the unhappy bxperi- ence of persons troubled witti sleeplessness? The damnable hatred of all the demouB in hell for mankind must surely be appeased by the consciousness of such human suffering. The long, dreary, unhappy hours, who can describe them and why is ItnecesSarj? If you have ever been troubled you know what ibey are, and If you have been spared you have DO interest In the knowledge of euch suffering. Mra. Bateman, Romulus, after describing her Buffering from sleeplessness extending over a period of eight years, receiving at times only about twelve hours' sleep In a week, writes of Dr.

Wheeler' Nerve Vital, izer as follows: 'I began taking It In common doses and the first night I slept eight houra and a nap the next day. Every night since I have slept eight or ten hours how thankful I am for having had fir, Wheeier's Nerve Vitalizer brought to my notice and for the benefit received from it. Stop nnd think, eight years of leesness and cured in a day, does it not seem like a miracle?" This medl- clae is equally aa effective in curing nervous proslraUon, spasms, fila, Bleep- essness, mental depressions exhausted dvaliiy, despondency and general de. bllity. For sale by Ben Fisher, Drug" Slat.

BIG EXCITEMENT. At Fourth Street. These few lines will enlighten the public as to where the shoe pinches. A few jealous competitors who reaort to all low contemptible failed In their efforts to close the New York Bankrupt Company, We inform the public thU we will Bell them clothing at lower prices than' these competitors can buy them. See our suit at $5 24.

Our competitors get $9.50 for same. Behold our suits at $2,73 and $3 59, Taoy surpass any thing ever seen in the city before. Read the injunction granted by the court and you will see that our would- be com'petltora must do something to stop us or we will break up the harvest that they have been reaping In selling suits worth $3 50, $5 00 for $12 00 and $15 00. Come to the Y. B.

Co. during their great sales secure what you want. ENJOINED FOR A TIME. N. to "Tlie JVeiv Hoy." There is a play corning that will incourage old fashioned marriages.

concerns the adventures of a pretty widow, who has married a little hap no bigg, than a boy. Before he has time to explain the professor a fashionable boys' school makes er the matron, wills her his property fancies her husband is her eon, puts him into the classes for discipline and education. Tho little fellow is a terror, tills pranks demoralize the school. The disclosures are like a dynamite explo'sion. Tdls play Is running in London, Australia and Germany to crowded houses.

It will be hero on Thursday, Maroh 28th. at the opera house. "Freddie," the irrepressible school boy Is played by Be 't Coote, the comedian. James Carney, the blacksmith and Ross Gates, the drayman, had a little difficulty on the Burlington pike, and itii said that Carney used ahorse whip on tho person of Gates. Both were seated in their rigs at the time.

ftranil The case of Len Bowie who slashed Sam Spltlor, the bartecder at the saloon at Burl.lngton, Carroll county, and who was acquitted by a justice of tte peace en self defense grounds, the trial being held when not a witness was present for Spltler, is now in the hands of the Carroll county grand jury for investigation. Excursions. Homo seekers for the South and South (veas. Tickets on 'sale April 3d and SOih. Cheap rates to various s.

For further information, to A. C. II'AYLOR, Mrs. M. F.

Arnold, of Indianapolis, took five bottles of Lemon Liucative and is permpnentl.y cured of Headache, Backache -and Constipation. She ad- Vises ladies to try a fifty cent bottle. Beware of OlnimeutH for Catarrh That Cuiitalu As mercurj- will surely aestror Uie sense of smell anclcnmpleMjtUiranse tbe whole system when entering It Uiraugb ths mucous surfaces. Such articles should iis -d except on prascrlp tlons from reputable ptiyslclins, tu the damage they will d.i Is ton fokl to cue cooJ you can posgl bljderlvrtfrom Curs man- ufnettired br Chenay Tol -do, 0., contains no mercury, and is taKon internally, acting directly upon the and raucous surfaces of thn system. In buying Hull's Oaiarrn Cure be sure you eet the itenulne.

it Is taken Internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, bj F. J. Cheney A- Co five. one? rji psr bovtle. or Bertie Sturgeon.

Bertie, four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Warner Sturgeon of the South Side, died at 8 o'clock last night, of convulsions, brought on by grippe. Handsome separate £kirta and fancy silk waists, at the Bee Eive. Tho Slew York llBukrupt Store Will Content an Auempt to Collect City nnd County Taxes.

Herman Sbhonfiolder va. G- E. Barnett and Herman SohonQelder, vs. B. F.

ICeeallng were the titles of two suitb filed yesterday by McDonnell Jenkines, the attorneys. The demand of the plaintiff- in the two cases, who represents the New York Bankrupt company, Is for a permanent injunction against the city and county officers, who under the mershant" law, are trying to collect taxes off the new company that recently opened up in the old room of H. Wller on Fourth street. The allegation of Mr. Schon- fieldor is that he IB a permanent reel- dent of the oily and has come here to stay.

A temporary restraining order was yesterday granted by Ihecourtand the final hearing will b'e had Saturday mornlog at 9 o'clock. The amount of Mr. Schonfielder'a taxes is $100. Mr. Stnnlej'M Temperance Work.

J. B. Stanley tbe temperance evangelist will return home today from Maxwell, where he has been lecturing for the 'past six days. Mr. Stanley was very successful at Maxwell.

Over 300 persons signed the pledge and donned the blue ribbon. Tbe Chicago Times-Herald of March £ith says: Today has been the first Sunday since the existence of this city whichJs fifty years, that the seventeen saloon here have not 'kept open. Not a saloons could be found open to day. This is the result of Buck Stanley's temperance crusade which' lasted ten days, over 700 signing the pledge. One saloon has closed its doors and several more around the depota, whose sales are the largest on Sunday, will probably close soon.

TITO Lives Stvcd. Mrs Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, 111., was told by her doctors she had consumption and that there was no hope for hor, but two bottles Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her and she says- it saved her life. Mr. Thomas Eggers, 1S9 Florida St San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching consumption, tried without result everything else, then bought one bottle of Dr.

King's Now Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. Ii is suoh results, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of thia medicine in coughs and colds. Free trial bottles at B. F.

Keesling's drug store. Regular eize 50o and $1. He let Innocent. George Uhase will defend "Skinny" Welch, who has been acsused of stealing $16 from Robert Gordon, a quarrpman. When Welch was searched no money was found on hU person, and ho vehemently protests that ho la innocent of tho alleged theft.

His preliminary trial could not be held at the appointed time yesterday afternoon, as the prosecuting witness could not be found. Bocklen'ti Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts bruises sores, uloere, salt rheum fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and ail skin erup. tions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect money refunded.

Price 25 cents per boj. For sale by B. Keeslinu-. Vandalln Line Low Ilntfi Fxrumions, April iiil, and 3Oili. 1SD5.

On April 2d and 80th, 1895, the Vandalia line will sell excursion tickets to points In and Southeast at ONE FAliE KODKD T1UP. la addition to the above, round, trip tickets will be sold to points In Arkansas and Texas on April 2d, at rate of one fare plus $2. Liberal limits and stop-over privileges allowed. For full particulars call on or address any Vandalia line ticket agent, or W. F.

Brunner, Assistant General Passenger Agent, St. Louis, Mo. EAST SHIPMENTS. tit bound shipments out of Chicago have fallen oil' somewhat last week, duo probably to the approaching opeoicg of navigation. Tbe entire shipments amounted to 57,123 tons, agaiost 64,589 tons for the previous week, and ton for the corresponding week of last year.

The roads carried tonnage as follovc-s: Michigan Central, 6.379; Wabash, Lake Shore, Fort Wayne, Htadle, Baltimore Ohio, Grand Trunk, Nickel Plate, 4 232; Erie, Big Four, 1,769. Shipments wore made of the following articles in tons: Flour 1 769; grain and mill stuffs, provisions, lard, 11,492: dressed beef, butter, hides lumber, fi.354; 1,436. E. WIDGEOX TKOMOTKD. W.

E. Widgeon of this city, has been promoted to tbe position of road foreman of engines of the Michigan divlsloo of the Vandalia. Mr. Wid. geon his been running- an engine on ihis ro id for many years and has always proved himself a faithful and efficient employe and deserves his promotion.

He has loft for Terra Hiute to receive instructions. The Pdu Hiudle baggage room at Frankton was broken Into nod trunks and bacnpla cases were rifled of theli- contents. Although iba company made no is believed thai several hundred dollars worth of goods were i-tolen. 1'be company's detective Matt Moore of Richmond, Is working on the case. Mttny roads show neavy gains in net earnings for the month L( January as compared wka the period last year and t-oune of tbe managers have hoped for an Increased bjsinecs during the summer months.

Many western roads especially those passing through the drouth stricken districts show a decided falling off. Tbe Pennsylvania beads tbe list of those show tog gains with $617,179 while the Wabash shows an lncreas-3 of $41.026. Taat Logansport le one of the chief railroad centers in Indiana is evinced by the fact that sixty-four passenger trains arrive and depart dally at the various stations. The Pan Handle beads the list with thirty -eight the Wabasb (main line) has sixteen, the Esl lilver division four and the Vandalia eight. Of tho thirty-elght Pan Handle trains twelve are on the north end of the Chicago division, eight on tbe east end, eight on tbe Richmond division, four on the Indianapolis division and six between here and EfTner.

This does not include freight trains that carry passengers. It is doubtful If any other city in the State excepting Indianapolis can ehow as good passenger train accommoda tions. From LaGrippe. How Dr. Miles' Nervine Restored One of Kentucky's Business Men to Health.

DISEASE has ever preset u-d so many peculiarities LaGrippe. N'o discaso Ju.ivcs Us victims so debilitated, useless, sleepless, nerveless, LaGriype. Mr. I). W.

lliltou, stnto.ijrentof tho Mutual Life of Keni.ueky. says: "In JSS9 '00 I had two sevens of LnCrippe, tlje lasi one auackinj; my ner- system with snrli severity i.luit my life di'Spahvd of. liad not- slept for than two mouths except by tlio narcotics that me, but pave me no 5 was only conscious of. iliU'lise weakness, njronizinj; bodily and facttliat I hourly srowin 1 weaker, In I eoinmenoeii usinj: Dr. Miles' Rosiorat-iveNorvino.

Jn two days I bcpm to improve and in ono month's limo I was cured, much to the surprise of ail who knew of my condition. 1'liave been in ex- ftlleut health since and have recommended jour remedies to many Of my Louisville, Jan. D. AY, HILTON. Dr.

Miles' A'ervine Restores Health. LANDSCAPES OF CUBA. Beat Entnte ami Loan Office. I have a real estate and loan office at No. 400 Broadway, up stairs, Logansport, and would respectfully solicit all persons desirous of purchasing or soiling' real estate, or borrowing or loaning money, Jo give me a call.

Will also attend to any business en. trusted with me before city council, county commissioners, city or county officers. Will also attend to the adjustment of accounts, settlements, etc. D. W.

TOJILIXSON. A Missionary to Africa. Harry Anderson of Naw Waverlj will go to Bitt'e Creek, today. Mr. Anderson will be commissioned in a day or two as a missionary to South Africa from the Seventh Day Adventist Cannot Crack the Safe.

D. P. Baldwin's safe was in. some way sealed while bbing 1 moved into the new Bald win'Thornton building, and all efforts to open it have ao far been useless. Vandalta 1,1 no Oa April 2 and 3Q, 1S95, home seeker's excursion tickets will be on sale at very cheap rates to various points in the South and Southwest.

For rates, limit stopover privilgea, apply to J. C. EDGEwOKin, Logansport, Ind. Excursions South and Pennsylvania M. Special low rate excursion tickets with twenty day limit will be sold March oth, April 2d and 30th, from ticket stations on the Pennsylvania Lines to I olnts in Alabamla, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia.

For details, apply to nearest Pennsylvania Line Ticket Agent, or address F. Van Du- aen, Cnlef Assistant General Paseen gar Agent, Pittsbuae. pa. Aotice. Diana Temple No.

30 K. S. There will be a special meeting Wednesday evening March 27. Important business. full attendance desired, especially degree staff and officers.

By order of M. E. C. Inez HOFFMAST, M. of B.

and C. Protein. "3 What IN the Work of the To remove from the blood its im purities. The products of cell wastes which have been burned up in sustaining life and giving strength to the system. Every particle of blood in the body goes through the kidneys every three minutes, and If these organs are unable to pel-form their work fully, sooner or later the system is poisoned.

Therefore, "San Jak" is the indicated blood remedy. IfeiTom Debility. Every person having nervous debility, organic weakness, or failing mem- is entitled to sympathy of every honest person, and should have ex. tended medical aid auch as IB found in Jak." Sold by Ben Fisher, druggist. Ancient and Acceptcil Scottish Bite or Free SakOnry of Indianapolis, Birch 20- 2S, For the above occasion the Vandalia line will sell on March 26th and 27th, 1895, excursion tickets from points in Indiana to Indianapolis, with return limit of March 29, 1895.

For full particulars call on nearest Tandalia line ticket or address W. F. Brunner, Ass't Gen'lTaseenger Agent, St. Louis, Mo. Old People.

Old people wno require medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys will find the 'true remedy in Electric Bitters, This medicine does not stimulate and contains no whisky nor other Intoxicant, but acts a tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on the etomach and bowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding nature In the performance of the functions. Electric Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids digesiion. Gid people find it just exactly what they need. Price 50 cents per bottle at F.

Keesllng's drug store. The room lately occupied by the stock of Joe. G. Grace, is being improved. The stock of dry goods has been taken to Wabjwh.

IKcnultfnl Dlnlrleta Sclilom by A g-ood deal depends upon tire season of the year in which Cuba is visited aa to the impression produced touching" its verdure. Columbus- reached Barar coa just as the autumn rains bad done their work of magic revival. northern visitor of to-day goes to Cuba in the dry season, when the preen hillside has become chunked to tawny brown. The change in the appearance of the landscape is about as great as It is possible for such change to be. Ono of the chief items of disappointment in the Cuban is the ab- senco of the umbrageous woodlandh.

In the famous Valley of Yumuri, and in some less known localities, fine may be seen, and almost every whore the ceiba (silk cotton tree) is in and desolate looking. But the trees generally small, and what the Cuban calls a wood, a man from Indiana would describe as "brush." It is little more tban a tang-led wilderness. A generous compensation, however, is found in tlto never-failing-beauty and great variety of "feathery palms." Among the features of the landscape to arrest the eye of the traveler, they are about tin last to fade from his memory. To them there attaches a sort of charni that belongs to no other kind growth. Almost every variety is to be mot with, and one soon discovers that the palm is as useful as it ii beautiful.

Pleasant to the eye, it furnishes material for building-, fcr wrappers, for clothing- and even for food. When the flora of Cuba is under cok- sideration, hardly be affluent or too eulogistic. If moderate amount of care were jfiven culture and this island would be a veritable paradise of floni loveliness. This, unfortunately, is the case. Disorder is supreme.

Hem and there "a well-ordered garden" attests the richness of the soil and kindliness of the climate, and best results of horticulture are not ifc- frequently those of the Chinese gardener. It is unnecessary to indeed, it is well-nijyh impossible. Anjf and every growth known in tropical climes can be to perfection. 1m the fertile soil and under the sunny- skies of Cuba. But Cuba is not all beautiful.

Between Havana and Cienfueg-os may be encountered extensive stretches of country as dull and uninviting any I know in any part of the world. The povertj-'Strickcn dwelling-s of Cuban peasantry add to the unpleasinjf aspect of the scenery. The most beautiful districts of are those -which arc leaht known visitors; 1 refer to the mountain tricts. These are little likely to become known until better roads and better accommodations arc provided, and until the risk which attends excursions into solitary ceases to terrify. llriKundag-e, as suck, can hardly be said to exist in Cuba.

but the attitude of certain outlaws is sufficient to suggest cautiom, I owe it to the courtesy of one of thi directors of Jarajjna that I became acquainted with what proved, to be finest of all the scenery I belield Cuba. Certainly the established of travel must be departed from if choicest aspects of the island are to enjoyed. Here, among- the bills ami valleys of the Tierra de Cuba, as the district lying- north of Trinidai de Cuba, no question can arise as Ml the beauty of Cuba. Most of the coaist scenery of the island is very line, while around the cious harbors for which Cuba 5s famous may be found spots of loveliness. tVom Cape Cruz to Cape Mayzi an enchanting pamorama into view from the including Torquino (5,000.

feet), the mountain of Y. Christian Advocate. me jxetnerianos nave K.cwosq-nmr* being- about the combined area of Massachusetts and Connecticut.

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