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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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UA1NES, Advertising Manager Bole Nttional Advertising Representatives; The Thomas P. Clarlt Co. New York, Philadelphia, San Antonio, San Francisco, Ch'cago, St. Louh. Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday.

Entered as wccna dost matter at the post office at Blythevllle, Arkansas, under net of Congress October 8, 1917. Btrved by the United Press SUBSCRIPTION BATES By carrier In (lie city of Blytlievtllc, 15c or $6.50 per year In advance. By mall within a radius oi 60 miles, per year, clx months, 85c (or three inonlta; by mall In postal zones two to six, inclusive, per year, In zones revcn and eight, 510,00 per year, payable In advance. Cotton This is National Cotton Week, du- voteti lo promoting the use of cotton clothing and fabrics. It is it worthy attempt better lo acquaint the American public, with Ihc many uses to which the South's chief product 'may be put.

So far, however, MS the South is concerned, no special week ought to bn necessary lo encourage Hie use of cotton. Every dollar that of cotton producing states spend for fabrics of wool, silk, rayon or linen is a dollar transferred from their pockets lo those of fiqmeonc else. Kvery dollar the South spends for cotton is a lhat stays in the South. We cannot lift ourselves by our own bootstraps nor make ourselves rich byj buying- our own cotton. Hut thu more of southern products the South consumes the easier lo swinsj ttfo balance 'of trade in pur favor.

Furthermore, by our use of cotton we can set an example for other parts of country and for other countries. every week be cotton week in the cotton states'of America, thai more dollars mayvljo'kept'ut home for the development, of this part of the country and thiil other stales and other countries may have a demonstration oi' the many uses to which cotton is adapted. Cotton clothing, at least in the summer, is appropriate and, comfortable, as well patriotic, for both men and women in lhe cotton slates. It: is also, il'Tmyfac-addcci, the proper garb for the colton bale. If we wrapped our cotton in our own cotton we would provide a market for one hundred million pounds of cotton and would put into our own pockets several million dollars now sent abroad for jute.

MONDAY, Ij Cities Slop Growing The growth of the city has been one of, the most significant events in recent American history. The nation's swing from a rural lo an urban civil- ixation has, had; a profound influence on economics, social customs, politics and moral codes. Yet the rise of the city haa never been given half the study it should have had. We have taken the change for granted. Professor W.

Russell Tylor, of Ihu OUT OUR WAY deinii'lmciil of sociology of the University ol' Illinois, in recent study of America's urbaniznlion points out tliat the growth of the cities depends chiefly on a fcL'iliiiK-in of surplus population from iidJiittMil ftu'in liinds. If uml when the birth wins in runil coiitmiiii- iliw droj), the cities will stop jffowiny. His figures are intUniclive. In 1910, for oNtimplu, he shows the; farpi iwpnlnlion 1 of Hie Unilud Slitles reached its Now the natural rate of population increase would add between 7,000,000 and 8,000,000 to that totul a decade; by 1920, therefore, the furm imputation should have been ajiproximalcly it wns nut. Instead it had declined to litllc more than 27,000,000.

This not only meant that fewer people were living on farm4 in 1920 than in HMO; it meant that altogether some 12,000,000 people had gone from the farms to the.cities. Professor Tylor points out that American cities no lunger have a suf- licicnt preponderance 'of births over deaths to make niiprwinble gains in population without outside aid. Immigration from abroad is no longer an imiwrtanl factor. Thus the average American city is about to stop growing if the exodus from thcj fnnn is if the rural rate falls, as it shows signs of doing. This will bring to our urbanized civilization new set of problems.

Everything that every large American city has done in the last hall' century has been conditioned by the I'act that each city has been constantly growing. Land values, wage scales, housing facilities, political have been profoundly afl'ecled by this factor. Remove this factor, and you have an entirely new situation. We. shall be facing this situation in the not- distnnt, future.

It will mark the beginning of a new era in our hislorv. Tills Is likely to bo (he son of summer when a business mnn w.on'l huvc to leave his lo eo Into the country for rest, and quiet. Well, anyway, the elevator blarler seems to be nblc to make go of thirds. Paul WliiU'iiian is said lo be Ihc only ilunrc baud leader in "Who's Who." To bo sure, he's a prctly big man. ThnsL- Uelijlnn pointing ID the success of (heir recent ascension, tan say, "H's In the tog." A movie Is like a war; success often upon Ihc uifectlvctiess of the "siiols." Why nil this interest of a sudden in whcit our plleiicrs go up In the nir almost every clay? A Chicaso school boy wrote short siory on 762 feet of ticker laps.

Hut, unfortunately, his teacher didn't any stuck In it. Mayor Walker lias quit wearing hluc It will be loo much to cxpecl him lo shine hi conversation now. SIDE GLANCES By George Clark my TODAY IS "It wouldn't he so bad if vinftl flunked, too. I guess, now, you'll have other dates when I come back here Ihis I NEW YORK with Gilbert Swan Clilnciii; l.aiimlvynitn Prepare lo I No matter what the city, tin Crlrhralc SUlh Anniversary of home town Chinese laundry First Oriental Cleaning Jisluiu'iil in America. EsUb- likely to be housed in some dingy looking basemcnl some tack slrcci or just, beyond building NEW was Wall Slice, thai possibly was nu old shed the Oriental gentleman who re- a barn.

Few members of, the moves scattered notes from my i illations ever see the proprietor culls, who supplied the important his fellow workers, except when Shi Information lhal Ihe anniversary of i laundry Is delivered. His method Ihc first Chinese laundry in Amcr- have remained pretty well un ioi Is close lo hand. changed during the years. The olt Within a few days, it will be washtub and washboard will no nelly 60 years since Ihc firsl Chi-! perish from the earlh so long a ncsc laundry sign appeared in this land. The year wns 1851, and the scene was California.

Hie Wan Slices the country sur vivc. In my own tovui, it roused By Williams Just two years prior to Ihis youthful curiosity second only oric event, 'the '-19 days were s-l- 1 lhe blacksmith shop ami (he ng under way in a large mill. omethiiiB like 500 Chines: had umbered themselves among the ioneer residents of the gold uish New York's Chinatown now sit ountry. back and, between smiles, sigl: And' the limes being what (hey i wilh relief. And spcakinu of things Chinesi 'ere, a shirt was of slight onscqiience.

These hardy pioneers! id nol leave behind them a repu- ation for changing underwear, or ollnrs. or socks. Some of the more )rimilivc piclurcs porlray their; nore interested in "wnshins" gold linn washing wool shins and lln- ns, if any. Furthermore, most everything a fabulous and many vere forlur.ate to leave with a There were others, ho.vevcr, vho to buy up whole haberdasheries and still plomy of lor llieir heirs and assignees The occasion of a Chinese hnn- was considered front page news in minins camp bells in and arouiKi Cisco and Sacramenta. P.ii-jgr.inlis were devoted lo the fact thai shirts rould now be washed so many dollars jjer bundle and hundred.

It was an extreme drop in price from former ar.d laler records re-1 A feverish tension has final! been broken. Two tongs, with long record for wars and feud clicsc lo holrt a convenlion in Mai hatlan at the same time. No oi could account for Ihis parallel dales unless Irouble wns antic patcd. Tong wars arc no longer in It vor, and had one broken at il time it would have been mo bloody and furthermore, won have been considered by leaiii Chinese as Hie worst so of notoriety. Every public gcstu ill the direction of peace and goc feeling war, outwardly made, wh with dragon parnries and lamer bobbing Bayly in the streets.

eating of rhubarb lias caused Bllc-acld poisoning. It results rtlcularly when the rhubarb avca happen to be u.sed as greens, veral death arc reported from Is cause. There arc also cases ol rlous illness from eating the leaf stlks. Potatoes prematurely harvested, ft potatoes or those thai linn con on exposure to light contain lo.xic substance which is also csent In the deadly nightshade id which can produce serious ill- ess us well as death. Fortunately number of dcatlis from all of iesc causes is small.

THIS CURIOUS WORLOl GERMAN FOOD ACTION On June 1, 1017, Herr Von Ba- Kki, Gorman food controller, ad- rcssed the Reichstag on the toed (nation. He said in part: "In the occupied territories the arc a emit disnppoinlment the Uerman authorities, as seed ill hardly germinate in mined oil. Rumania has given as much could be expected, but ii is less inn was hoped for by the population. "With respect to Germany's ales, the situation is not much bel- cr. For six years the Turks have i truggled for llieir existence and; leir production has suffered Hereby.

The Bulgars are in a Imllar position, in Austria the ituation is worse than in Ger- lany. Hungary for three years has ad poor crops. The rural popnla- lons will be subjected to severe rial. "It is hard trial, but the rural xipulation wll triumph by bear- in mind that the urban popu- atlon last winter suffered a still reater trial." rtotor Bus Is Air Mail Auxiliary in Rio Grande SAN BEN1TO. Texas, (UP) The only auto-bus used exclu- Ivcly for delivering air mail to latrons in towns where mail ilanes do nol land is operated in he Lower Rio Grande Valley.

The motor bus is waiting when air mail plans lands nt Brownsville and carries mail to about Valley postoffices Early in 15 NOT A SPAQKOW- tT BELONGS TO THE BUMIiy OF W'Mttfi Jfie "ClTIES A wow IfJ MOfilTAUA, Gmviet) IN 1895, M-K) IS HVIHG THE ROOTS ARE B'cuejfo To QE GRAfTfO TO 1H05S Or CHURCH EXCUSES George W. Well, my hired man did just what I yon can see what a blunder the I thought he would have to do. He came crawllnj church made in refusing to further back and atlvicc lv "Omit, the new Board appears to be eel to me and wanted me to take him ting along Hlriglu bul 11)ings arc back. There were several things he had to square with me and it did not take him long to gel at it. I'll take him back only on one condi- uol always as they appear to be ami you can expect to henr of a regular "bust-up" any time.

I haven't been back to tlon and that is that he will do ex-1 church since the night they voted actly as I say. Tiie first few years me and my hired man and son-in- lie did thai and lie got along law ffthc Board, but 1 have and that's the way it will turn talking to some that are going out with the church. regularly now and llicy tell me When they left me off the church that the atlcndance has about, dou- board Ihey made a serious mistake bled. But I look for most of them for I had run that church for a to drop out any lime now for when long time and you migh say single they see that 1 am not there to ncluding Brownsville. he mornins the bus leaves Edln- SeT'of course" 1 had my hired run things the preacher will prob- burs and collects air mall en nan all(1 son in law 011 the baa rci ably lo preaching such wrmjlfitfl onto arriving at the Urownsville airport just before departure of he northbound plane.

In United Stales last year, the chemical exports nnd Imports balanced for the first time in many being valued at approx- malcly 5172,000,000. me and the other two members seldom had anything to bound lo preach to displease mcst of the say. You take a man with fifteen members for they all know lhat I picked out wonderful subjects, though none of the preachers could years' experience in running a church and with my ability and knowledge, which if I do say il! or ivoul dhandle them as they much above the average, should have been handled. I like In fact, I would mako a 'good man for a preacher lo put vim. vigor for some cabinet.

I say this so thai I and force behind his sermons. GUIDE COUNSELOR FRIEND No one knows wlinl went on behind Ihc scenes. Still, on the night both conventions opened, the delegates were invited to the native playhouse. A crowd of about a hundred stood up in the rear. When their pockets were frisked by pa- live, more than a dozen guns weic That was ihe last menacing note.

vcaled never ir.ul so Overnight all hints at were clrnn bi'cn wen in 'h: silenced. One of Chinatown's eiij- anri buv.dth of the gakicn est moments had been peacefully Today, the Chinese lamulcy is passed. of cur and colorful in-1 GILUER TSWAN. I 1D31. NBA Inc) U.

S. Has Many Varieties of Dangerous Poisonous Plants KV ))It. MOKKIS I Islllivts- I catinn tho r.hcols of mountain Joiinml nt Hir American laurel, mistaking il for wininpreen. Mrdic-al Association, ami ny- I Blaik henbane weds or the berrirs of Ihc deadly niyhlshado are also Everyone fcnows that varieties of mushrooir.s arc but lew peep 1 other plants arc or dangerous lo conl.u-t. cat sources of serious poisons.

Tlie oil benn contains rlcin. one of lhe mcsl jinweiTul known, and the cnting of beans has caused the According to Dr. K. O. children.

A single coslnr lean are several pois- has caused symptoms plants in the olio within five minutes in an aciult; In Michis.ui I5fi three beans have caused serious l.oismious plants pin state. Pciscn ivy (lanvrroiis t3 others (ln-ii 1 ly a special i- nninials cat p- paicully harm. A representative States Department listed 30 lmport.i:-.l r. planls growing ii: Isiatcs. Hc 'the false drug is made.

Tup the Kentucky mislakrn fcr Iccnsl. DafJodi', fend nre poiconous. 1:. hcod rocl has bocn. :) lake for horseradish, monkshood rosl is most powerful I known.

CiilMven have that lilnrss. and a catc is on record in more whieii five Ixv.ns when caus- to cd dealh. 1'hc d.ingrruus puison of the caslm- oil bean, v.iiich Do-i rlcin. is nrt. of course, same! p- i r.s the rmrgiitlvc substance indent In castor oil.

A case Is citcrt in which boys iiitiire firm a orphan asylum' r.ous ale bark from black lo- cust posts tlist were being In i's oijputthiR a fence. All of tlic; a toys vomited, liad hljli fcvor and IT dilated pupiis. but (orlunatcly none .1 been i of them died. The hcmlcck is l.oncy; known as a polscn since the time as when the famous i drnnk it and since the tim-i i-y mis-1 when Greeks it lo put; criminals to dc.ilh. i 1 the' Kour-srass is rich In oxalic add, the siibslance appears in; I powder, pepiwr, spinach and i as 1 rhubarb.

There ar: casts In which What is Lhe best soap for dishes, for woolens, for the toilet? How much is rib roast today? How much for the new slices Billy needs? Where can I get rompers and sun suits for Mary? Can I afford new linoleum for the kitchen now? What about a new chair or two for the porch? An electric fan would be nice, but how much docs it cost? In this very newspaper you will probably find the answers to these and many other questions. Questions you must answer if you are to be sure of getting the best value for your money, the most out of your weekly Advertising is a friendly thing, ready to help you plan every purchase, to fit it to your need and your purse. As you sit at home reading the newspaper, study the advertisements, and make your decisions at your leisure, free from the bustle and confusion of the market-place. Consult the advertisements before you buy.

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