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The Lowell Sun du lieu suivant : Lowell, Massachusetts • Page 21

The Lowell Suni
Lowell, Massachusetts
Date de parution:
Texte d’article extrait (OCR)

LEGAL NOTICE 127, Tyngsborough, Mossachusctls. The petitioner reques' laws 5ECTION 2, PARAGRAPH 2a, Condominium regulations il aoolies to Condominiums Apartments on an area olanned for apartments In Ihe CANNON GATE II COMPLEX, CANNON OAIE ROAD, TYNGSBOROUGH, MASSACHUSETTS. Board Ol Appeals A. Lucien Licourse Secretary 28, M7 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. Probate Courl To KEITH LYNN HAAS ol Stranlon in the Commonwealth ct Pennsylvania.

A libel has been pruented lo said court By your wire. praying lhal a divorce from Ihe bond ol matrimony between herself and you be decreed lor the cause el cruel and abusive treatment. II you desire lo obled thereto, you or your llorney should file a wriii.n aooearance in said Courl at Cambridge within twenty one days from the Iwenly fourlh day of March 1975, the return day of this cilation. Esquire, First Judge ol said LEGAL NOTICE TOUNOFDRACUT INVITATION TO BID LEGAL NOTICE MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE mine ic'lcwlnn items on Friday. March 14.

19ISln Ihe Selectmen's Olllce certain 'morloaae ulven bv Jean B. IddoIIId, Jr: and Constance M. Ippolito, as Trustees of Central Really Trust of Lawrence to Ihe ad in TAiddle'sex North District Rsgislry of Deeds. Book 2056, Page 214, of which mortgage the undersigned Is me present holder, lor breach of the conditions ot said mortoaoe and for the DUrDose of foreclosing the same will bf sold at Public Aucllon al 1:00 o'clock p.m. on ina ivtn oay ol March.

A.D. 1975, at ine premises, lots shown on a plan recorded in Middlesex North Dlslrlct Registry of weens, noon or nans in, nan more particularly aescrtoeu oelow, all and singular the premises described in said morloaoe. To wit: the land In Lowell, with Ihe buildings thereon, bounded and described as follows: Silualed on the northerly side at Wesllord Street, being. lots numbered 3, 4, 21, 22, 22 md 24 on a plan of land entitled "Plan of Land in Lowell, belonolno lo Georoe S. Grioos.

Auaust 1699. Smith and BrooKs, C.E.V which plan is recorded wilh Middlesex North District Reglslry of Deeds, Book ot Plans 15, Plan 14, hounded eno oescriDeo as ioiiows: Beginning at Ihe southwesterly corner oMhe premises at Lot No. 5 on said plan; thence running norlhweslerly along Lots 5 and 20 on said plan two hundred six and 71100 (206.71) feet to Carl strlet on said plan; Ihence running noilheasletly along said Carl Sir Jet two hundred forly four and 1271W (244.12) feet lo land now formeHy of Mrs. Wm. Darby; thence running southeasterly along said Darby land eighty one and 6t 100 feel tothe northeast cornerol Lot No.

I on said plan, thence running southwesterly along Lots 1 and 2 on said plan one hundred twenlyor.e and 40100 (131.40) leal to the northeast corner of Lot No, 3 on said plan; Ihence 'running southeaslerly along said Lot No. 3 lo Wesllord Slreet ninety and 16100 (90.16) feel; theice running along said Yesflord Slreel One hundred and 62100 (100.62) feel lo Ihe point of beginning. Conlaining thiriy one Ihousand eighty nine (31,019) square feef of land, more or less. Being a portion ol Ihe premises conveyed to us by deed ol P. Cogger dated June 20, 1957, recorded al Middlesex Norm District Registry ol Deeds Book 1373, Page 521.

Terms of the Sale: Cash or certified check inthe sum of 55,000.00 al ihe lime and place of Ihe sale; high bidder to sign written purchase and sale agreement upon acceptance of bid; balance ol purchase price to be paid in ihirty (30) days under agreement. Other terms to be announced al the sale. LOWELL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY BY; ROBERT J. DESMOND, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT FKE5ENT HOLDER OF SAID MORTGAGE LEGAL NOTICE 1 TOWN OF TYNGSBOROUGH The Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing at Ihe SELECTMEN'S OFFICE, TOWN HALL, KENDALL UIAS5ACHU5S I TS, at P.M.. TUESDAY.

MARCH II, do le pelition of WILLI AW gei ad, COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ProbaleCourl To all persons tnterestea in me pelition for adoption of KELLY ANN RUSZCZYK ol Lowell In said Counly. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE TOWN OF DRACUT BID PROPOSALS The Town of Dracut Wohway PAUL G. LLON i "lY Highway Surveyor arly wMfn dstn, t0 In the best mteresl of Ihe Town of 1 Oracul. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OF SUMMARY OF LOWELL CONSORTIUM'S GRANT MODIFICATION FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE! UNDER TITLE I COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ACT 1973 The Lowell Consortium's planning allocation has been Increased from 51,617,640.00 to The Grant Is to provide employment and training wilh services for the unemployed, underemployed and economically disadvantaged i esldenls ol Ihe Consortium AreaDetails are: BliieiTca $176,513 127,419 Cracul 1:9,450 DunstabJ 13,730 Lowell 1,178,310 Tewksbury 137,257 Tyngsboro 17,459 Wesllord Sponsor Overhead 103,730 TOTAL CETA Program by eligible population segments to be served In elude: Special and Recent Veterans, Welfare Recipients, Former Manpower Trainees, Disadvantaged; Yoiifh, Handicapped, Ex olfenders. Head of household; and Olher Unemployed, Underemployed.

CETA Program by Aclivily (in thousands) Class room Training Or lhe Job Training' .574,000 Work Experience ..575,000 Services 26,000 CETA Dislribulion by Cos! Calegory.fin thousands) Administration 416,045 Wages 459,244 Fringe Training 567,295 Servlcos 443,305 Allowances 144,000 A' copy of the CETA Modification Plan will be on file for public Inspection at the Model Cities Agency, CETA Administration, 89 pplelon Slreel, Lowell belwesn the hours ol a.m. and 5: p.m., Monday Ihrough Friday. Ccjnrncnts shall be made In writing fo.CETA Administralion or io Assislanl Regional Director tor Man power, U.S. Department ol Labor, John F. Kennedy Federal Building, Government Cenler, Boslon, rV.assschuselts 02203 prior to March 24, 1975.

ml 127, SS the rrghl lo aigneo, PAUL G. DILLON Hiahwav Surveyor COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex ss. Probate Court parls unknown. OOROTHY L. GRAVES praying that a divorce Irom Ihe bond of matrimony belweer, herself and you be decreed for Ihe cause of cruel and abusive treatment and praying for alimony and lor custody of and allowance for minor cm mren.

II you desire to oblecl Iherelo, VMiorvtHjr nllorncv should (lie a al Cambridge within twenty one days from Hie Iwenly elghth day this cllatlcn. lt Is ordered ihit the llbellant ha've Ihe care and custody al DREANA L. GRAVES, THOMAS VI. GRAVES, PATRICIA A. GRAVES, the minor children of the parties.

WHiiKi. FrvWARO T. MARTIN, Esquire, First Judge ol said cc urr, rnis tweniy rourrn day of January 175. Register! COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS SHERIFF'S SALE Middlesex, ss. Takrn an rxrruHnn will be snlrt hy niib'lr irrlir, on the 21st day MARCH, 1975on Friday at SHERirr'S OFFICE, ISO Wanen.Slruet, Lowell, Cuunly ol sex, all the right, title and fanlen Slreet, Lowell.

Co'jnlv of had, (not exempt from nllachment) on Ihe 29th day ol 1975' being the ing described real wit: Book 2133, Page 50. A certain lot ot land, wilh Ihe buildings thereon, situated In saio Lowen on rne wesreny siae of Cantnn Slrepl, containing dbc ul 7,9 square leet and being Lotlonaplanentilled, "Planol Land ii, Lowell. Mass. beloiKiina to Lowell Institution for Savings," by Brccks, Jordan Graves, C.E.'s, dated May 26, Registry nl Deeds, Bonk of Finns 57, Plan EE, bounded and describ EASTERLY by said Canlou Slreet, fifty three and 6100 (53.06) fuel; SOUTHERLY hv land formerly of Elinbelh W.L. Smilh, one hundred forly four 5JIOO rtji.y feel: WfcSitRLT tsy land now or irme'rlv' of J.S'.

and E.P. Turner, fhlrly slx and plan, twenly lhree and 50100 irre and 16100 (33 16) feet and 93100 91.9a feel, both nf Ihe i wo dimensions oeing py, cenlre line of the passageway. snovrn on saia pran, eigni ioj reel wide and runnrno westerly Ihence southwesterly Irom Ihe westerly side 'said Canlon sireer, wnicn passageway Ms entire tnnath and ove eighl 18) leet width Is lo be torever Kept open as a common passageway for the benefit ol said Lois 1 and 2 and for Ihe use of Ihe owner or owners of said Lot 1 and the' owner or owners of said Lot i. and which passageway la forever lo be maintained and sepl in good 1o s.Id"courl by JOHN A. suJ'We nd proper MJd fre I TK ownrr or owners of said LoilT RUSZCZYK a child I of and Ihe other or.e hallol such ex RAYMOND RLtaiCi K.

01 Lowell in tne counly at RUSZCZYK his former wife, and thai the name of said child be changed lo KELLY ANN MIKULIS. II you desire fo object thereto you or your attorney should file a at Lowell before ten' o'clock in the Inrjtnoon on the twenlv lirst day ot March 1975, the return day YVHriess, EDWARD T. MARTIN, Esquire, First Judge ol said Court, this thirlielhday of December 1974. JOHN V. HARVEY Regisler.

COMMONWEALTH OF Middlesex, ss. Probata Courl To all persons Interested in Ihe Stall Ol GEN I EVE E. LAWRENCE, late of Lowell, in said Counly, The executor of Ihe will ol said GEHIEVE E. LAWRENCE has presented to said Court lor allowance his first account. If you desire lo oblecl Iherelo you or your attorney should file a written appearance In said Courl Lowell before ten o'clock In )he forenoon on the twenty lfrst LEO L.

TRUDEL DEPUTY SHERIFF 21, 7 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss, PfobateCourl To KENNEThi J. STIMPSON A libel has been presented to saia courr oy your wie annc MARI STJMPSON praying lhal a divorce from the bond of malrlmony between herself and you be decreed tor Ihe cause of cruel and abusive treatment and for Blfmony and lor minor child. If you desire lo oblecl Iherelo, vou or vour attorney should file a wrlllen appearance In said Court at Cambridge within twenty on ol Anrll 197S. Ihe the libeiiee be and hereby Is prohibited from Imposing any reslrainl on Ihe personal liberty el rr.elir. ar.l, it sttiie litelUnf, Antvt STIMPSON, have the care and custody of KENNETH JOHN STIMPSON I day ol March, 1975, the return 1111 of the day of Ihis cilation.

pajj MARTIN. Esoulre. First Judoi LEGAL NOTICE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS (Seal) ilc. 28 LAND COURT roagc less. i FncNtTTt FR FREt.

will receive seeled To RALPH A. A.m., it whlthtlmt ill oldl will publicly cjnndnd rud iloud. JVli 'in Salesmen's nd NANCY Washed sand (ton) Motor 01 1 A.CC.M. Pipe ill ilm) Concralt Pipe (ill Processed Gravel Brick (cement) L'alchBasln FfatYiesiCover'i Caleti basin blocks Ma.nhol frames tiirunNbisj) Morlar(bag) Bituminous friatirlil (liquid) miumiriyUSConcreiriletdlnpiici) Bl'umlnousConcttPlinl StoiiKell Hies) Loatn(ton) Palnllnn eF TmKIc Lln Specifications lor Motor Oil and Palnllnj of Traffic Lines may be obtained si Ihe Highway Department Olllce, i33 Hildrelh Street, Dracvit. I i i i j.ii rif.riit.

fonnty of Mlririll.ix. Ihe 0.1 StreVl, Dficx, lor thf mJ CommciiwiMlh) kndte benelit I following equipmeni i of the be publicly opened and reed All materials will be sublect lo laboratory testing by Ihe JJit may be tielr specifications. All bids must be sealed and plainly marked as lo the Item or to be bid on. The Committee will consist ol Ihe Chairman cl the Board ol Selectmen, Chairman ol Hie Finance Committee, and Ihe Highway Surveyor. The comrnlllee reserves Ihe right to reecl any or all bids or parls of any bid which II deems In till best Interest of Ihe Town of chtsils G.V.W.) One new dump body (5 7 c.y.) 3, One new one ton hydrostatic roller.

All iMciliolloni for the above obtained at Itie Highway lilrtrsh Slrr l. nracLt. aaiiy irom aja. io rnl'tltr It Ihe Soldiers' aid Sales' civil Rellel Act ol J9 as amenoeoi Flrsl. Federal Savings and Loan Assocmionof Low duly lllnn trtrnitkhr.

havlna an usualplict Of Ji Im II In Lowel County ol Mlddlewr end said: Commonwealth; claiming to be ing real property lr said Oracul, alvfisbv RALPH A. F.RENETTE and NANCY D. FRENETTE, lo JJlySl, recorded with Midolesex Norlh Deeds, Book. Page M. has filed wills said ccurl a complaint for aulhorily to foreclose raid II you are entitled lo Ihe Denetlls ol ir.c 5c diers ai Civil of 1940 amended and ycu oblecl to such foreclosure you or your attorney should file a vi ine.1 appeal Boston on or before Ihe fourteenth day cl April or you may be forever tarred Irom claiming lhat such foreclosure rs Invalid under sale witness, william RANDALL, Esquire, Judge of said Courl this twerlv fiffh day offebruary 1975.

Tprnn of sale Cashl' 21, 23, 7 LOWELL Recorder COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS SHERIFF'S SALE. Middlesex, ss. Taken on ex.rijtlen a no will be sold bv nubile aut II on the 2 Jth day ol March, 1975 on Friday at SHERIFF'S OFFICE, 150 Warren Strati, Lowell, County of Middlesex, a1! re I lit a fj. ASslIN, of" 14 Xeyes Roadi Wesllord, Counly of Middlesex, levy on execution or Irom attachment) on the Kit) day of January, 19J5 being Ihe lime when Ihe same was seired on execution in a. ril lo 'lie following described real eslale, to wit: The land In Wesllord, County ot Middlesex.

Massachusetts. situated on the westerly sifff ot Keves Road, and boundtd'and Beginning a I an can tree at the Northeasterly corner ol the premises on Ihe Westerly side ol said Keyes RcsC iiow'oi lorrrie. lv ol M. Rosanna Southerly soie.l more or.less tand ot John E. Hornbrooket now or formerly to' a sio hoiind: thence EasrerLv SIS more or ess ov saw land ol Hornbrook el ux now or lormerly lo a slone bound on Ihe Westerly sice ot K.eyes Keaoroinepon Conlaininu 10,750.

square feef DEPUT.Y SHERIFF CITY OF LOWELL MASSACHUSETTS PBOPOSAI FOR FURN ISHING THE FOLLOWING SUPPLIES TO' TllL CITY RECREATION DtPAKIMtHI Proposal No. 115 Arts and Crafls, as per speciflcalions, POLILt. DEHA.R I mbH I Proposal Ho. 116 Four (4) Police Motorcycles and Accessories, as specifications. SCHOOL CAFETERIAS1.

Proposal No. U7 Ten (101 Mils Coolers, as per specifications. Proposal No. 11 Special Broad, as per speculations. Proposal No.

us Pies, as per specifications. Proposal No. 12J Potato Sealed bids will be received at the office of the rjurchaslna as'enl'room J.F.K. Civic cenler, A rand Drive, Lowen, Mass. unlil AM.

(EOT) Ihurs day, March 13, 195 at which lime iney win rje opened enu SpeciticatjoTis may be obtained rnom 117. J.F.K. Civic Canler. Arcand Drive, Lowell, Mass. the oiticoot ine purcnasipg ageni on or aller Tuesday, March 4, 1975.

the right 1o accept or relecl any Vnd ll bids, nv Dirt of a bid. or anyiteijriinvrioleorparl(andio award the ccnlract as he deems for the best interest of Ihe City. Ralph B. Nickerson Purchasing Agac nt 2B, M3 CLASSIFIED ADS START HERE ANNONfjESniNTS REWARD (REWARD Lml lolen lorgt o. Genrai lo tbe wti ol Letty 1 bead Courl, Ihis eighth day of August of said Court, Ihis s'evenlhdayof.

"'J Court JJ tprMp JOHN V. HARVEY, JOHN HARVEY, J0HN vl HARVEY, Regisler. R(8ll(r BOuKKCEFEa Fd. Skit PitJ. your rms roiei iieu at Jcn, 4S7 43S! TAX.


HEETHCKK imoll or 11 or H. lln'O J. iproj ct'llfl Call ollsr 5 4it 34J. IIICTRICAL SEH VICe SUN, LOWELL, FRIDAY, FEB. 28, 1975 21 MERCHANDISE I BUSINESS SERVICE i MEIiCHANDISti FULL BATHROOMS 0 0 KMlrS, FURNITURE hlj nil, Mas, sortlclh reference OYD'co ll goods gjrooe sa'e.

M3.447I. CLEANING 5ESV.C sw. 4ji.Bn, IKWttE nx. SERVICE 'Vf" Vd 5 F'l. 97 BrlSot SL LO'Mh.

con on Gin mm jh bii PEJISPNiLJ Yl" "jm'l'uU 'itti AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE HOUSEHOLD "ARQAIHS 7A070RCYCLE, BIKES B1KES1SC00TEBS perature selling, MUllir.l cwdl lion. Extra rod, lumol. drylr. 1 tie titeiititeiican'llttm jttauiiutes Are Here! OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, MARCH 18 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

no, IO ana zog qc models TTi IX TT.X models' 777 Ccii 454 Wl I UNBELIEVABIE SAVINGS VS ill: BE fat? FAU SS Refrigerators 15Y.B0 I ON SNOWMOBILES! ffi (M. CALL teUIUM FLOOR SERVICE 110 Cornea. Rte. 3 A CKel nstorJ1 ffleel lOClOry IfOined WjBrBBBlfc wanted mi, FkT xi chn floohs oshtd s. 01 Mcthonic RICK CIC0R0 Irislo oon.r.

win pay 14W. Co si oe. Wet SNQWaLOWER WiscoesM evoilcileoll ooytoonswer TQgRiyl wakted fErreES hew Columbia exrrcise bike 'II I i tifLi harley davidsokT'I FARM LIVESTOCK I 5 foot mn Let. 1 FREEDOM CENTER, INC, I cScTs. i peis 'i sya.2ss.74w.

1 1 220 Bos1on Rd Bierrca I AKC REGISTERED C.rrnoJkfd 1S1 IHTERESTINC ARTICLES I croSS from Tr6bl0 CoYB PloiC QOi tHiH Srep? erd with sha s. sd! Ml" AND LIM Ij ha tit tirrvl ten pccmrnt Cc otter 4. 4S4 547. F. REP ACES.


J. PLASTEfllHG Ajdilk CHEV. MPALAS llfce Im' BOB MURPHY DATSUN P3PP ES FWher Is while rr.alr celllngr, solcfces. 4S7 W74. 4iT SHEET MUSIC a.

PIANO ROLLS CRAHd PRIX iMKed JTH isli MiodHsen Utmii 459 0541 ioneTd rflh ul fl? CURTIS MUSIC. Chefmstord MSI 7', BUG like mi 144, iTrrTiiitT PAINTI 0 11B. l.llCUTiOrbL.shorp. hh! JJj TusTSff PAIHTIKG. ROOFING, CARPB 'IfRY.

rc i T.1 raLt Bcg o. FiZASALE CltlHUAIIJA 8 Ary vi crk lnl JKlirl JID CpE If vn i'Vo" w' v' 6303. I 'TO COUGAR H. T. n'ce' 1496' AMC AtiD JEEP WIRE FOX TERRIER PUPS 37S Olme.

4S4 CTI. REV 10 Tocrril lo '70 "Hv klKCwbo't? Woon lt JI etc with K.P. motor. jTjstANG aoto. sho'rp PLAZA AUT.O SALES PAIMTI KG PAPER tANGIhS 3AGGED SALV 5C lh.

boys. VI, CHii NOVA WSTnTi TAO purebred' erc' im COLLIE PUPPIES p2rT SWIMMING POOLS wRKn, Ot'oOSE FROM 7 btlfoii, mJ clnKf wi Vol! 'JX aTfTcONO. Wn FORDS, 'CHEVRO 0571, 1 mo il, 1 ls. r.olfl, clllir lor lr esllmote, 5S5 4135. 1S wl trtAI 51999 LETS.

FLTMQUTH5, Cot LAR5L.ET SELCCTION Ol Opi Co. Inl i. Ext. Fret ei! 431 1470. swim pool complela vvith fBKV.0.

k. i A FOlE'f AUTOMATIC s.iKllsn or AKC Rtolslired WALLPAPER S. PAIhTlhD JJ9S. prke' nna'clrv) I Yir0 Loin: 4SJ 30B KSK, Guaranteed AUTO SALES CERAMIC CLASSES r'l ddst'on road route i. osk Mg.

4S3143I. po Ar. Ilusson. WZ 72S0. Everiiivts Tussdoy' PANDORA KENNELS pcsihd e.

heatiwg 1 flpwme mivimk TttEATRE Sj! rv "books" vtssftt "srsxrsf zsrr kinds foTsale 'ocoTid' m'rr i wreks om. coil 771 5017. RccFiHo 'a, Yicins Armenian Cultural Center alm must sou i oisin Wlor uts r. io'voro gjj srt, FSSts 'KC rV 4547." CHELW5Fi" Wits. WW.

Coll 5tWI. mpALA ReHjllt 307 'glslernL block" bron, cnt USED HOT AIR FURNACE Blower 1)15 SAAB Far parts. i InrrUrd Iror.vr.Ssiaa, week. ISI U73. 5MDWPLDtVIHO and controls.

5130 iS5S330. lnt 4 speed. S1CO. Will eel eW lw nFaxr piip CONSr FIBM Lcoiinj lor uw. 'rl TjTi 492 WfS.

far'1 Intr ocu'o'e Fill EST SELECTION OF AKC PUP i40 trMfcRSON STFRrC Mu.1lp.ex Ui crior, 9O0 ruft: ng COr.d.llon, PIES in tle En jloTd. Alcsicn r0 AM FM 1W, ORAIt PRIX 49.0 HtKesJ S390. 091 5731. i MoHnuli B3iiij, Sccg'H, PLOVi'ISG No laii brfall.

Coll S125 or otter. i53 S857 alls; 51 exceitent srape Inside a out Top irs. CNh.oor, MUSICAL IH5THUiViE73T5 Ck. 1 lrd. Grtol Dts, Golden TV Spi el consoles i Grona Floras nrrllria rnnmilm i 'W a piFr.F convey A J' W.

W. it 5V7''' fClm I'i JOUN.I 5I1K' HIRING S1I5 Trz ITO. oxr' S79S0 or 'best oHer. i.jj, stoMlis, West Highland Willis DONE REA3. moie InlormnlkB to'l aK.r 1 Tt.

riers. 7any otlver vacuum repairs drums JSS CXrl "k'i ll 'Vet aia vacuum sales a repairs ceia Ask tor Aikxi. o'pHl i'llFZcdl e. 1 S5I. deal.

r.Susl ViH. a S.t. Sim II to AIM TV NOVICE 3i LEFUEL U. v.uc, .1 Day I M7 4JS6. AXC REGISTERED BEADLE PUP LKISW "mt Wo mmiw SvZ, sTTdr.

SZ' PIS Gssd irtld trial rn iireplnced tfrlh vn trimk rms ocr Jtrcr, JS" wrtjl.ruri. 4 nol. S7. JLEKOHANDISE cU, pleol.d erior rj PFRSIAN Klirrt oc cST, FiRHwnnn Tnt. ij el'D cleon.

runs eiccell. nil 5 month, old. CFA regis ALARM SYSTEMS Fll Lf lTto Srt" I US CUIIASS Per sloer tjrri. fomlly miriw ellargrc. 151 CUS70.W SBJfTHY ALA RM5.

VK. gejctlErTrlAR OVO OfQV iislilj BB'CK," fflm tSi HAY FOR SALE ANTIQUES JSS OH co led No.Imh Htn rait se. S4JS. CL W1S1. 'a) CADET WAGON 2 I'llirgaH ANDERSON rANIIUU rL? t.

I'jl mrC5" SiTM LOAM, FILL 1 GRAVEL 1UHE slripV re CJ WT2t SS CHrVY Small EKS CO.T SIO arj up. Co'l 45M7M or. i5 HlL jnas "coir" speciality sra. rie iMisolrj irem owa. r.

mini lot very dopaid. rt. FRAlS "oHaT? WT SS Radc LOll 453 1333. AUTOMOTIVE oOle S3tn. 45357.

RliifXI 'SS SFTRVTriTI NrVanled To BUV AUTOS FOR.SALE iirmlnn condiite. Wl'ltil. FOREIOK AMERICAN Ssorl eit ANTIQUES ltrass bids, led wosoni, CADI1.IAC 19, 7 sedevoe VXli i. UP SIJO over book, fil 3257,. 1 to iumm ict.i.f 'd rourvj libles, LJnocobl Arn fni'clr ccndlllsning.

oil wj.r "UCK WILDCAT p.m. Installed. A Z. Coll 441 foi pwt cardV Call cnyUm 4S? T3 IS, MT 35 JS. lLars sages R'iculs "wanted epv atmf'SiJT truck "q5 L0hLj'45? CLEARED 4S3I1M.

I WANTED B0S(MI rei, orr IO' on 1 Ju7 POSIIIAC LE MANS 04 er'iel USE 0 CARS VANIBO ATTICS "c'c c'lo Kl IMS. cot" 49MW. 1'er tonvcri. Mle, p.s. or.

SI.U WALLISSY CHEVROLET SB 7 Cgtl LARRY CUNNINGHAM. hSS, EASTBACK Need, mm Jer lees, im l. peugot DIESEL Sedan, brcntj aUlLOlNO CONTRACTING ,0 contents Muck. w3 PLyMUTH WAEW RF.V.r;3dH1G K. Porllor.i Te ys 4S7 Icoler ilo' on vmcV 314 Neeitd Sinrolely AH Mofe'l VJAG0H 'i llloull H0V It.

SELL Ritlei, atas. KJ 7, VuJJ coil 452 SIO 10 ,73. Tel. 9S79370 or too SB all or too' la oe. 45S30aS crl FDR SALE V0lkrOJW SHI MUST SELL SKWd 1970' AOS oojllcr.e.

Free estimates. l'fJl'L. Sa! tLrJJS5 4 fjS 6' wica osrtanwtk. 55K WE ErnluHlCaRi IN AREA Jan pkci. 914 co Lo wlm (cV SfJ, R.

miles, Tike new, iherp taoklno. 3(J i up jcmfi REI.SDDELINST Call Dggg. Car el r. .497 3S21. fj.

mint' milts per ool ont priced S79S. concrete, sheet rock, BUl'tDINS 7JU7EP. AI S3.3CO firm. Coll 4S394S4 otter S. 54 4151 p.m.

453 0SS2 p.m. vfE BUY JUTfK CARS. ANYWHERE dc Esnmoiei. iS 1 tR I or roctiTXUn aSM: FL MARKET JrwT "Sc.r M. SiUj BkhCf'' 1M'r iW' I e6a'T 2 dpor, vViA'' jljNft CARS) REMOVED FRCtl XING COI1STR1JCTION CO.

Coslor1 i.l MJI Mrdtop, Tw jood, 'k X'A tt B1SD en'inoL CHARGE. 454 1444, 454 041 1 Mlding. rerr.odelina. roelioi. 44) wc.

F0 5SB 1 443 6774, 'Brisas Smith, 4f AUTO SERVICE 7I I formal 1 Slraet. Oratan. jTil rmrl tuxedo ns uormiiks csts fori r. ri farii a CUSTO. sol.

or rent. Tc'bo) Ct.lMno Co. I UU 1U Cell 454 bH. tH 1777, MERCURY MARAUDER 2J PFv.r.nFin.r, iscimf i i7 rji ase brh sals: gto lm h.t.. Mercury's sptcioi editio VJlGSfYiOD 6 1l SAL A' fcielo'd goodl WO oocro leBt.

SI595. 4SM174. "iDdel. syhilc leather InlenSf 4 fd FRED CAIN. INC Kjrf'SM UflO MOTORS SS.

ijf CADILLAC 13 2 dr. co CDRHASS ST. 153. evenmoi 1 riJ St 1. 7.SA.

CJl F94 for, ATAM1AN VOLICSWACtN DeVll'e et. cleon, S4J5. GlI directions. ioi.ttan RH. Hi 1 iL i.etu j.7111.

eofoii PROFESSIONAL TAX PREPASAf polch. rTfj Bk ot U9 7437. 451 370 ollir s.03?m. i 1071 rnon 1 Tn uiritTj ncocer''' vi iniiY, rLtA MArft I K7 FOrd ghah Torino sposti Renault j4 4saot ig. niteJ vmiiM.

can sieve sss sno. Remrd.M Wiile GERERAL CO 4TRACTOR tler.od.lJ OPEN EVERY S1JHDAY from 9, 2 door t. ecornt; runs excellent, 32 m.p.g. S3O0, Si7 I lon ev Ine. sxxullao.

Coll Psjl1 am. ls 5 pn. el .15. E'ls e.telleor. ibope.

SUM. 4S3 1.9I HrtrQr Vi f. A I Irtt indivldoali ond BjiHytiei. Aim H. riCOME TAX.

W.J, Sufllvon rollen. Ycsf ho, ni Your trm. P'm aZ fiLto no i DODGfi CHALLfiNSER 1970 Auto 7 CARPENTER Ko Rfr Jrf: bS'h. lie ivikM MUSTANG 19, 1 dr. Il, avio.l mellc, mer slMrlno.

3 iCURaUE'S KEMODELINO SERV I Ron 43S 3SS4. parfctia. sno.el S7.K. Tooe om if. t7 CHEVY.

BELAIS Excellenll CARPENTRY SSS I snlri, snei by hew or rob, ex Iwdtop, VI ovicmrflc. poeri e.l'er.1 reosorob'. rain 151 GOOD THINOS TO EAT Uicviabx IKS df'. fluTs. slwrlng.

runs poslKvely excenenlj bom 'owti reTiotfellro., irjo'ty csl Pilllbl. 45S SSH. ACOUSTICAL CEIL, ptayroons corpenlrY. Free est call otter p.m.

CEI4EHT WORK FOUh'DATirjhS fttpolr.d out. GL 402. Loavlow EJvd. I 7 U2 K4L We OLOSWOBILi; 94. I.

ri dwr iHrcToD, former ministers. cor Luxury 1129. ht" sell lor Si or! enplne, otter. 4S1.HU. 50K vlglnol oti lyxu ry 1 yincl roor W95.

Prro too Auto soles, 251 3757. PARH HEGARTY INC. MANZI Dodge Dart TJi BROADWAY 4S 1T)b RQS.D SERVICE STOP CO TRANSMISSION 40 Flnl 5t. Lowell Jim Poirco's Ford World FORD SALES SERVICE PARTS Jet. RMl, as 1 495 Ota' Itl llll VW Engine $250T I lummer cabin.

575. i iJ9. Hi lleoje. S730J. Coll 4JI lm NOVA Very ecwomlcol.


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