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Woodson County Advocate from Yates Center, Kansas • 3

Yates Center, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Exchange Clippings. Wanted, For Sale, Etc. A Bargain. G.

II.Litub and John Oulvr two At A ten acre tract of land well improved OFFICERS. lots of fruit, fine soft water, close to the torneys of Yates Center wnre here on legal business last Friday. Democratic Messenger. President Mbs, Stbono city. For information inquire of 1.

Plummer Son. Corresponding Secretary. H. C. Wibick Recording Mrs.

E. Lamborn A. Jamieson went to Yates Center Laidlaw For Sale Cheap. Wednesday. DEP'T SUPERINTENDENTS.

7 acres with email house and barn, C. A. Mullikin was in Yates Center Advo- right in town. Call at this office, dv 2 Friday and Saturday, Buffalo Thoroughman Evangelistio Mrs. Hale Educational Mrg, H.

C. Wirick Mrs, Strong Organization Miss Eva Wirick cate. Your choice' umbrella lor $5 at C. V. gf Quality Johnson's this week only From letterR received from Mr.

and VICE PRESIDENTS Some good horses for sale. Thorough- Mrs. Morely, Mrs. West, Mrs. Martin, Mrs.

Mrs. S. Kirkpatrick, who are at Los Angelec, it is stated thtt Mr. K. man rover.

Geary and Mrs. Tomplin. "iii: Tin iveen ivutter i oois are every case steadily improving in health and is Are you Interested in Incubators? If In Scientific Temperance Instruction made of best steel obtainable and are made by thoroughly expert tool-makers. so, see the Hiawatha at H. H.

McCor- beginning to feel like his former self. He writes that he expscts to be in good mick'a. 38 tf CHURCH DIRECTORY. rtif thodiht Episcopal Cbubcb. Snuday School m.

Prayer mnnti -g Thursday evening of each week at 7.00 Epworth League at 6:00 p. m. and Junior League at 3 p. m. Preaching ever; Sunday morning and evening and 7:00.

Kyetybody is weloome. Rev. C. W. Bailkt.

Pastor Prbbdytebun Cbubob Sunday 8oh6ol at 9:45 s. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 8:00, Christian Endeavor Sunday evening at 7:00 Preaching unday at 11 o'clock and 8unday evening at 8:00. Ebv. W.

H. Hillis, Pastor. Chbisiian Chdboh Sunday School at 10 a. m. Y.

P. 3. C. E. Sunday evening at 6 :30 Junior Endeavor Sunday at 3 p.

m. Preaching Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and Sunday evening at 7 :30 Ebv. F. W. Emerson, Pastor.

Unhid Bubthein Chukch Sunday School 10 a. m. Young People's meeting aud Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Preaching Sunday morning at 11 o'clock; Sunday evraing at 8 o'clock. Ebv.

J. P. Kbsteb. Pastor. Calvabt Chcbch (Episcopal) The Rev.

DeLou Burke, Rector. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Divine Service with a sermon every Sunday evening at 7:30. All most cordially invited.

First Baptist Church riible School 10 a.m. Throughout the whole line of those tools will Alfalfa stock food at Thoroughman the Rural Schools. (By Rofus Webster.) Fellow Teachers and FriendB: The question or rather topic as- be found the same sterling qur.lity tho quality that has made rover's. working order by April and intends returning at that time to give active attention to his legal business and try his cases on the docket at that (the next) Buy your coal and wood of Thorough- igned us for discussion was not, man Grover. term of the district court.

Fredonia Scientific Temperance Instruction in mid WKUTfffl the Graded Schools," meaning probably Correspondence in the Buffalo Advocate. Potatoes. Order now with Aldnch the graded schools of. our state, but Keller. See them now.

30tf Cracker Barrel Philosophy. "Some farmers around Asher on. poor We want your poultry and eggs rather, "Scientific Instruction in the Rural Schools." However that makes little difference as there are hosts of little children in both and all for the Thoroughman Grover. laud make more money than other farm A ers do on good land," says the Shawnee Herald. "Une man who came here three For Sale.

Some extra tine single comb hi own same purpose, but I wish to speak yea.s ago with good health and 57 cents and white Leghorn oockrels b-ed to lay strain. Address. L. H. Hastings.

now 160 acres free from debt, while another who came here with 12,000 particularly of the district school, the teacher, the pupils and the work of the in money at the same time is preparing 37 8 Q'i ncy, Kansas. same. to let a money snark foreclose on his half section and leave the territory, A the Standard. All Keen Rutt Hatchets and Axes arc vede with tho Crusher Patent VcdJ prevents the head ever o.T or working loose, and are sharpened ready for use. The Keen Kuttsr Trademark covers a complete line of tools and cutlerv, Sold by It waB with no little reluctance that Leave yonr order now with Aldrich we consented to try to disouss so vital cracker barrel philosopher the other day Keller for potatoes.

They are now explained tbe difference by remarking question because we (like we fear booking a oar of fine potatoes. 36tf many other of our teachers are) felt our that as a bread winner a bob tared mule always beats a bob-tailed flush." K. 0. Floijr and feed at the Elevator selves to be far to ignorant to dosunh a I Journal. 32tf subject the least sign of justice but we SONS Kansas W.

LEWIS Yates Center, xne aoove conditions are true in Woodson county or any ather section of cash at Thorough are here in a happier stats of mind not Flour cheap for zoung reopie meetiDgv p. ui. Prayer Neeting Thursday 7 p.m. Preaching 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month at 11 a. m.

and 7 p. m. Claude J. Spiers, Pastor. First Chcbch of Chbist, Scientist Services every Sunday at 11 a.

m. 38 man Grover's, because we have suddenly grown wise the country. on the subject but because we have For Sale. A fine lot of Hedge posts. About the computive rirety of fami lies in this county as reported by town learned a little about it, and as human nature demands ub to tell others when we have found something good, so we John Lind.

37 4 ship trustees, of father, mother and ten Three car loads of poultry wanted are pleased to tell you of some things children living at home. One of the LODGE DIRECTORY. MODERN WOODMAN OF AMERICA. Woodson Camp No. 15W, meets every Satur nice families that could have been mention within the next ten days, by Aldrioh Keller.

3Gtf that we have discovered in the past few weeks. ed, but was not, was that of M. Van :30. day evening at Union Hall at 7 J. L.

Ballard, v. v. Some mty wonder just what is mtant ALSO Dolah of Toronto township, the marriage food at Thor- All kinds of poultry Trcebloob, Clerk. A Scientific Temperance. A a we of v.

hose daughter took place last week. 9 ougbman Urover's. understand it, it is the science of tern Before the daughter left the family roof Highest price paid for poultry, butter POULTRY, EGGS and BUTTER CARPENTER SEAFER MFG. CO. tree, the household contained eight sons and two daughters.

Mrs. Van Dolah's and eggs, by Aldrich Keller. 3Ctf BOYALi NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA. Meets first and third Monday nights of every month. Oraole, Mrs.

Lillie Trueblood Vice Oracle, Mrs. Mary HickB; Recorder, Mrs. perance, not only in drinking alcoholic beverages but in all narcotics as well; not only as to their result upon the Notice. maid name was Brown, Alfred Brown, Jennie Mamie: Dr. West, Physiffian.

Visiting I have a few hundred dollars of indi recently deceased, being her father. moral being, but upon the physical part Near Mo. P. Depot- Yates Center, Kansas members always welcome. vidual money to put on improved farms Mr Van Dolah lived in Yates Center for of life; upon the bones the muscles i hi" A.O.

0. W. C. B. Good ale, Yates Center.

brain, in fact upon the whole human a time when he was a gay young man 44 444 944444444 444 444 444 444 4 444 444444 444 444 444 body. It will pay you to see J. C. Culver be and if tradition is to be believed, put snap and go into the leading social True it is some may contend that thin Yates Center Lode No. 99, Ancient Order of United Workmen, meots'every Friday evening in Union flail.

Visiting brothers Invited and welcome Charles J. Silvey, M. Roy Park, F. Fred Wilkioson, Recorder; 3 wan Johnson, ore you insure your property. is the work of the home, and to some everts of the city.

Yates Center Cor cash E. T. Browning has some rea refipondence in The Neosho Falls Post this sounds very plausible but the facts READ UPON YOUR PIANO PURCHASE Financier; C. C. MoCann Receiver loan on city property.

42 are that not all homes are capable of KNIGHTS0K PYTHIAS. Deafness Cannot Be Cured such instrustion neither are all homes Farm Loans At six per cent interest that are capable willing to do so; there straight; without any commission. by local Hpplicatl dh, as tbey cannot reach tbe diseased portion of tbe ear. Tbore is only one fore if all ihe youth of our country have 2tf Ijogueland Martin Oak Hill Lodge No. 71.

K. of P. meets every Monday evening in their Castle Hall, northwest corner of the square. Visiting Knights invited, the chance to gain an education in this way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional rpmod Deafness is caused by an in- Poultry WHnted Don't sell until you line, the puclio school must take it upon F. W.

Butler, C.C.; J.S. Fordyce, K. of Jesse Camac, M.ofF. fln pd nnnrlitinn of mncniiH see Aldrich Ki ller. 3Gt itself to tenc-h them; again it properly TUT THIS OUT Eustacliinn Tube.

When this tube 1s inflamed you have a riunblimc sound or imperfect hear belongs to the school became it is noth Farin Loai'S, long or short time best RATHBON SISTERS. Free rate ol interest, annual payments. See ng more or less than the study of 11) Mistletoe Temple, No. 17, meets alternate Saturday evening in K. of P.

hall. Visiting L. Tallman Court House, giene the taking care of the body. ing, and wheu it is entirely closed, Deafness is the lesult, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, henriug will be destroyed forever; Please send me a copy of the Musical Herald, containing useful piano information Rnd Schloitlarth's song, For Thee Alone," words and cmsic. Iu the further discussion of the sub Special attention paid to buying A piano costs a little more than most household' articles, and to many people it is quite a consideration, therefore, you are not only willing to read up on the subject, but it is your 'plain duty' to do so.

member always welcomed. Maggie D. Lawton, M. E. Mrs.

Cora Taylor Nellie Cotter, M. of R. andCf M.ofF, ject let us divide it into tvo divisions poultry, buttrr and eggs, at Aldrn Kelier'a. 3Gtf nine cases out of ieu are caused by Catarrh, vvh ch is uotliiiiK but an inflamed condition of the mucous snrfacs. sub-topics: first, The why of teaching temperance; and second, The Method of WOODSON LODGE No.

173, I. O.O. F. We will gio Oue Hundred Dollars for any Name Adross. Golden Rule flour at the Elevator 32tf Meets every Tuesday night in Un leaching, and some errors of the past.

The Why of Teaching Temperance case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can uot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. 4f ion Hall at 7:30.. Visiting brothers eor(iiany invited to attend these Look for the new feed stable sign 31ft We learn from the study of the Bubjeoi that alcohol eoftena, loosens and weak. north east comer of the Square.

meetings. Elmo-Meade, Noble Grand A. W. Crosby, Sec. P.

J. CHENEY Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Karaily Fills for constipation. ens the tissue of 'both brain, muscle and Vew Dray.

If you want your household goods bone. That it inflames the organs of di noved or piano or anything hauled, call gestion with which it comes in contact. When Women Love. In writing a play the hardest thing TIME1' TABTiTl. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY.

V. I. W. Division. K0BTB BOUND.

on K. L. Bedford, phone 08. 36 It destroys the thinking power and the sensibility of the brain; that it finally Mortgages that have been made with an autnor naa to contend witn is tne selection of a suitable title, In the pro brings on disease and death, That the tbe R. J.

Waddell Investment Zo, can be Nn. 10 K. C. 1:50 a.m.-Lv 2:00 a. duction of "When Women which renewed through W.

C. Willie. No. 124. 1:85 p.

1:50 p. person who uses alcohol is not capable of doing hard work either mentally or ina. -Arr. 11:18 a. 11:18 a.m Insurance on Easy Terms.

Local 12:30 m-Lv 12:30 pm physically. Therefore if we as teachers Mestrs. Spitz Nason present, they are particularly lucky in having a title that not only appeals to the human instinct but it suggests the pure and wholesome. I can assure your town property at a lower rate than any other agent and SOUTH OB WIST BOUND. No.

103 Arr 2:30 a. 2:40 a.m. No. 133 Arr 1 p. 1 :55 p.

106 Arr 8:30 p. 3:30 p. m. are educating those under our care, we must remember that their education is fitting them for their future usefulness and we must therefore guard against give you time on all except one-fifth of "When Women Love," bow much it conveys to the intelligent person. Tbe FREE: If you will cut out the above coupon and mail it to us, we will send you the Musical Herald, containing useful piano information, photos of famous musicians, and Schleiffarth's greatest song, "For The Alone," words and music.

We'll tell you also of our modern system of piano selling which saves you money Our small payment plan makes iriano buying easy. John V. Roberts' Piano House 12 North Washington Iola Kansas. tbe premium. 10 J.

C. Culver. No. 191-Local 12:30 p. anything that is contrary to their ad $50,000.

heartache that fails to the lot of tbe best creation of the great masters is in itself a lesson to all mankind, vancement. That itself would seem as Fifty thousand dollars to loan on good a sufficient reason why we should teach real estate seeurity for five, seven Scientific Temperance in our schools; it or ten years at the lowest rate of interest. has not been heeded as it should be by W. C. WlLLK, the teachers, or its importance rscog AM Ki las of Rock.

nized by the state until recent years A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES. Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding Piles. Druggists are authorized to refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to oure in to 14 days. 50c. ft.

Scott, Wichita A Western Olv BAST BOUND. No. 124 Arr. Yatos Center 1 :30 p. m.

Daily No. 404 Arr. 1:35 a.m. No. 434 Lvs.

9:00 a. No. 410 Arr. 6:05 p. 6:25 p.

m. i if 494-Arr. 6:20 p. m. Local Freights 4926avei m.

WEST BOUND. No. 403 Leaves 8:00 a. m. No, 437 Arr.

5:35 p. m. Ho. 425 Dally, Leaves 8:35 p. No, 409 Arr.

9:52 9:52 a. Local 491 Arr. 5:00 p. m. Freights? 493 Depart 8:45 a.

m. All trains dally except looal freight, Twenty-five years ago there was not a We have all kinds of rock for sale, Will put in foundations, sidewalks, in state or a territory in the United States that had any 1 ws regarding Scientific fact everything the stone work line. Temperance. The work was then taken Cramer Wall, Phone No. 151.

up by an organization which has been Revised List Missouri Pacific Excursions. led by one of the worlds greatest women Frances' E. Willard, the organization Building Stone. P.nir trains Noi, 105 and 106 make the All kinds of stone of very best quality. being the W.

O. T. and today there Protected By Block Signals Flagging, foundations all thicknesses. is not a state in our country but what Barn pillars a specialty. Rock furnish- has its laws on Temperance Education.

following stops only between Coffeyvllle nd Kansas City Independence, NeodeBha, Yates Center, LeRoy, Garnett, Osawatomio and Paola. These trains are callod the Hot Springs Special, and are solid vostibule, carry ing Chair Cars, Sloepers and Dining Cars. K. E. MUNGER.

Agent Mo. Pc. By Therefore we Bee it Is made our duty bjd ed at the quarry, on the ground or in law, to teach this science. mo wall, uontracts tanen. ttxperi Second: The Methods of teaching and enoed workman.

Quarries one and one Yates Center, ttans half miles south of Yates Center. lOtf some errors of the past. At the meet Phone 105 2 I. Miller Son. I Santa FeTlme Table.

ing of the Text Book Commission at the Homepockors Rates to Western Kansax and Nebraska. Ahioto Ordway and Suicar City Colorado. Dates sale ltt and 8rd Tuesdays each month. Limit 21 days. Rate oun furs plus for the round trip.

Minnimum fcjlllng rate tT, Applies to Mo. Pac. Stations oo'y -Wlntur Tourist Ratos to points In Texas, Mexico and New Mux. at greatly reduced rates. Limit Juno t06.

Donver, Colorado Springs and Puolilo. and roturn $27.20. On sale daily. Limit May SI, IWfl. Honiosiiokors Excursion 1st and 3rd 'f uoxlays to parts of Arkansas, Arizona, Idaho, Ind.

Ty. Louisiana, Montana, New Mexico, Old Mexico, an' Texas, and roturn for one fare time of selecting our present list of text Farm Loans at Little Cost, No. 233 AoconnnodBtlou, ar 10:15 sm No. JMl I'assenttor No. 22 PusseiiKor 'IvS 'M4 Accommodation lv4Hft pu books, Hon.

A. A. Goddard, then At We are dow prepared to place Mort torney General of Kansas, was aaked gages on jour farm at very low rates 3r" None of the above trains ran on Sunday 11, B. BRADY, Agent, to give an opinion in reference to I he either am ual or Bomi-annual interest adoption of a series of Physiologies Yates Center, Kao You can get your money in Four or Five for usn in the schools of Kansas in con days after making application, if title is Block signals are especially important during the winter mouths. The first railway in America to adopt the absolute block signal in the operation of all trains was the Chicago, Milwaukee St.

Paul Railway This railway today has more miles of road operated under block signal rule than any other line. The Southwest Limited leaves Uuion Station; Kansas City, 5:55 p. Grand Avenue, p. ra. Arrives Uuion Station, 8:20 a.

tri. G. L. COBB, Southwestern Passenger Agent. Tickets, 007 Main Street Kansas City, nection with other text books they perfect.

We have an abstractor in our HUGH BRADY adopted at ihe time. In his opinion be plus $'J for the round trip minimum aelLng rate $fl 00; limit 21 days office who will examine your abstract quoted Paragraph C235, General Stat' Hot Snrlnas, and return $23.65. On sale Tha nirf Reliable Pension Claim utes of 1901, relating to the study of dally. Limit, 90 days. will Secure Your Pen Western Kansas points on Mo.

Pao and ro physiology in the public schools of Kan Ions or Inoreaae of Pensions turn. one fare dIus Si: minimum 7, On Ban. as follows: "No certificate shall bn sorvioolnOo. 84th Rogt. Ill, thus relieving you of the expense of hiring a lawyer to examine it for you.

Don't fail to call on us if you are thinking of making a loan, as we can save you money. Ihob. PlcmmkhA Bon, Ovei Vatea Center Nat'l Bank. sale 1st and 3d Tuesdays limit 81 days. Othor excursions too numorous to mention.

granted to any of the public schools of Vol 8rd Brigade 1st dlvkion, 4th A. Army riimharlaud. Three times sevorely this state after the first of January, 1830 Eleven first olass passougor trains dally 3 who has not passed a satisfactory ex wounded. 24 years practloo prosecuting pen. before the government with mark' wost, 8 north, 8 south, 2 east.

For further Information call on or address. E. E. Mimosa, Agent. amination la the elements of Physiology edsuocoss.

I solloit the patronage of my com. and deuendanti from any. and Hygiene with special reference to the effects of alcoholic stimulants and 1. i TTnltad States. Thousands will now be entitled to original pensions and thous narcotics on the human system; and flONEY, When you want a real estate loan, go to 0.

Rollins. Money ready when title is approved. No delay for CO to 00 days. Interest as low as any other firm the county, I do my own Inspection provision shall be made by proper ofH ands will be entitled to inorease or penswni under tho now ordor of the Pension commis. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic 19 gssoA the test 25 Average Annual Sales over Ona end a Half f.IiHica cers, committees and boards for instructing all pupils in each public school supported by public money and under state control upon the aforesaid sioujjr artor me wiuu Address.

HUGH BRADY of eoDuritloa. I also have soma good Does this record of merit appeal to you? No Cure, No Pay. 50c Cadoe4 with every bottle a Ten Cent package of u-ovri Biacic vjoox uver rua. farmi and grass lands for sale. See me and lave you money, II.

0. Rollins topics." (Concluded Issue,) vifA Center. Kansas 1 t- V-.

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