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Shenandoah Herald from Woodstock, Virginia • Page 3

Shenandoah Heraldi
Woodstock, Virginia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

bHENANDOAH herald WOODSTOCK at the Poet Woodstock Advertiftlug Advertisement? will be inserted at one Collar per of leu lint? for tbe first insertion, and 50 cent? for eaoli insertion Seep Your Eye on This. lV YOU DO NOT WISH TO ooaiuua takiko tub herald aftbr Tona rxpikbs RKKCSB TO TASK ITFKOM Ttlt? I'OeT OfKICB AND REQllRtiT TilK I't'ST MASTKK TO SO INKOKM VS. IT BILL NOT COST TOU A OBBT. GENKUAL LOCAL NEWS. Mt.

Ben. P. Hoover is at borne near town for a abort vuit. Seo our 111.00 solas. Fravel A Feller.

Cornelias Hurt, the oldest inhabitant of Warren county, died ou the 13th. Mr. Huff had tttanmd tbe great age of ninety a i jeete, eight iiionth? and teu Center.table? from cts. to Fravel A Feller. Miss Cos of ISbepberds visited Joa.

Baasersian, last week. Mr. Lnther Neeb and wife, of near went to day to raiativM in that city. Mr. B.

gBsata Son killed ou Nov. three I Chester white that weighed as follows; I 'Tj ii 1 Sewing rocken with ratpn bottom, and only 90 eta. Fravel Feller. The Holy communion will be adminis in the Lutheran church at Fairviev next Sunday at l'l o'clock a. tn.

Pre 1'jiat services on at 3 p. tn. Mr. H. B.

Chapman ha? been called to Winchester by the extreme illness of h.s it her. tin? parlor suit, ipriog edge, only at Fravel A i Oar wood paying sub crlbers are re? sponding very slowly, tt is hir.ily fair to let bad weather catch ua abort of feel. Mr. Joseph Boyer had tbe bal lack to have his hand painfully mashed under a heavy piece of lumber while working on the new addition to his warehouse in this place, on Thursday, ef last week. A gentleman, woo doe? business in VV and has a sweetheart in Win -r, woulil not DOW a goo 1 BOO? for two The old and well known Ceatral Hotel In NVw Market baa been 1 for a term of live years bv Mr.

Chas T. Hen? kel. New Canil, firing loom bj Lydia Ann Sanm, 4t Near Sauinsville. trampa wer? arrested in Harn receutlv for breaking into a freight car to steal a ride and in so do in? let over a huii'lred turkeys escape rrotn tbe car. The Moorelield F.xannner is one of ttie rightly weekly papers on oor ex3hange We value it bighlv.

The people ol good old county give it the ronilng sup? port it rich? We notice in the Stannton Arktis that our valued old friend Charlie Zepp. of Koena Vista, the ra'k of Colonel. A better man never lived and if he gets his he will be a Major long before he Several phjsicians ot Lexington re cently located and removed a ueedle from the foot of a lady in that place by means of the By the use of an X-ray? photograph the needla was le without any trouble. S-arlet fever and diphtheria have ap? pealed at MoiTt's Store the southern end this I 1 the f-tmily of Dr. K-lley all fonr of his children baye scar? let fever ami two, diphtheiia.

Kvery precaution ha? been taken Ihe dis? ease? ar? not likely sptead. Yoa want to our SO chamber before you buy. Tbe bent Is the market for tbe money. Fravel Feller. Mis? Kile Ott.

daughter of Mr. Jno. Ot? of Augusta C'lnnty, was married 00 Thnrsdaj last to Mr. Thomas Reed, Caaaden, N. J.

Miss Ott is a native of Woodstock where she ha? many relatives and friende, who extend warmest con ratnlations ana best wishes. Get pricee and photographs from other and come in. We will down tHem all on furniture, carpets, Ac, Ac. Fravel A Feller. Newton Klbler who is now in prisor nnder sestenoe ef death for tbe murder of bia nnele in Page county, has re? futed new trial by Circuit.

Judge Harrison. The evidence tills case wae nothing te compare to tbe evidence agalnat and yet this laat namel stained unspeakable brutt goes fiea. Nature'? R.u?*?i\ Cfmpani which letii g.virig 11 is in Irwin a Optra Hali here for the paat twi left on Tasadas foi Hint bester Tbey were pleasant eel of gentlemen, gave a veiy fair show of tbe kiud, ami made many friends here, and will bt heartily welcomed when thev come till way again. We are sole agents for and hand a fell supply of all of l)r Sagamore'? celebrated luditu Medicines which Nature's Remedy company hare been Ml ling in this place for tbe past two weeks or more, and which bave given satisfaction R'raombor tbe place. Irwin? Drug Stere.

Even a pleasant dav is raw and cold to the man with handsome new ovorcost wbil? the fellow with tbe shabby, faded one only linda the air bracing and con? siders it unhealthy to wraimp so mach. Mr. Sol. Murray, of Edinburgh was down Monday evening, and ao taken with tbe many pretty girls be saw that we donbt If be has able to sbnt his slooe. Oat ready to advertise your Christmas goods in the Hrati.i? if yon want to reach slmoat every bnver in tbe county.

If yo? dont believe this call at tbieoffite and examine our subscription lists, sud we tbink yon will baye yonreyes opened. Th? So emees man who fail? to nse tbe col um us of tbe Hkrai.d make? one of tbe big mistake? of his life. A sad death occurred on Wednesday uight at the residence of Mr, Rinker, on the pike a short distance north ot town when bis only sou a sprightly boy of eight or nine years died, as we are m. formed, of The newsoaper man is expe oted to Blow every one's born free, gratis and all for uothing. Iu return for all this he gets much that he would bj better oil i thou t.

On account of the high prloe of hides which are now controlled by a syndicate or trust, work ha? beon entirely suspen at the Luray tannery, and work at the Houck tannery in ha? been greatly cm tailed. A number of tine hogs have been in to? ii during the patt Ai theiu were three bel logiag to Mr. Mi which weighed respectively and Mr. Jas. H.

Closer killed three aggrsgatod VU and Mr. also slaughtered three that we ed M6. lbs. Mr. Jas.

F. Lewis, a popular man, of this and Mise Cora of Mr. Frank Hess, a kuotvii merchant ot this place v. marritd on Ifednesday evet Dr. Cook, at tbe parsonage M.

K. Church south, on Mnhleut The happy couple have nn (rienda in this place wb? wish then happy married life. It is rumored that Messrs. Cooper ot Winchester contemplate openini wholesale Grocery in Woodstock. change ol Kail roa I will make Wootlst? a favorable point lor the Wholes business.

The shipping facilities Southern points from this place will tjnal to that of almost any other lowt If Messrs. Bros, do not op? luil. -ale grocery in this place, otl parties will do so. Mr. G.

W. MiQuain an attendant the Western State Hospital at Staunte who has frtooently come to this pli for the of taking lunatics to I hospital, was badly hurt by a crazy ou Frida? last. Tbe mas slipped behu Meinem while be was walki through one ol the halla struck him terrible blow on tbs back ot the he with a large china vessel cutting a thi inch gash in his scalp knookiag Tbe maniac then ran into 1 eel) and hid: Although the blow was very painful and sevare is able to be again. A large number ef good dinners of in the good old way Aon.utoek Thursday, and lots of peop telt lh i ikful for their If nit ilog The lordly grac.i man-, a labi? slosg with all the otb good things. Tbe newspaper men din.

as is in a very light and ai sud v-rnt to bed with sour stomsc and a bitter feeling towards delimi'iei having nothing be than fu! fir br.t the bare that they wer still living, and that isn't any big thii lib tbem. A drofcning man wonld have little for a method of reecie which would qnirednya. Adyapeptio doesn't want bother with a remsdy that is going taki- wceka to show its beneficial The Mount Lebanon Shaker, are ing a prednct timler tbe name of 8hak? Digestiv? Cordial which yields relief. Th? very first dos? proves bed? filial in most cates; and it Is owing 1 their unbounded cuntideace in it, tbi they have put 10 cent hollies oi the market. These can be had throng any druggist; and It will repay the afilie eil to Invest the trifling sain necessary I make a trial.

The Shaksr Digestive Cordial relieve bv resting the stomach and aiding th digestion ef food. 1.31 a ol is the best medicine tor ehll dren. Doctors recommend It in place Castor Oil. From Edwin C. Garretson, Baltimore Va.

I have your letter ot the fifteantl and am very glad to learn of your oon tinned snecess. I tske pleasure in aildin a few words of commendation to what i being said by otbeis, and feel that i would be base in gratitude on my part remain silent while others are speakini in high terme of yeur school. I als? take pleasure in recommending you others who may desire to better prapar? themselves for business life, as with th? continued improvements yon are makinj there can be ns belter scboel of th? kin? in vb? conn try. I often look baek npoi my graduation trom the Nalioual Busi College, of Roanoke.a* tbe beglnnioj of a new era in my life, and whateve success 1 may have in thefutnre, I shall point with pride to the tact that I wai a student of this honorable institntlon. On Tuesday morning Mr and Mrs loel Moreland and son left fei Texas where they expect to make the'n future home.

Mr. More'and is a native of this section anil for over twenty years has resided or ainl managed tbe large farm on tbe of town bslonglng to Mr. M. Walton. He was a gallant Confederate Soldier, an honest upright and kindly man and leaves a large circle of warm friends who while they regret bis depart? ure, earnestly wish him every suceeae In Ins new and far distant home.

His young son George, who acoompan led him is a lad of traits of character who bad won the esteem ef every one in this community who' him while Mrs. Moreland is one ot th? best women we bave ever known. The Hkkai.o wishes them God speed on their I and every soeces? in their Texas borne. We regret to atate that Mr. Daniel O.

Bowmen, orre of our old citizena, and prominent river farinera, was badly in? jured by a horse on Thorsday, of last He was under th? dorse washing one of its legs which waa sore, when It jerked op the foot and struck btru over the eve eutting severe gash and knock? ing hlaa Before he oould get op the ho rae tramped on hia obeet breaking two of bia rib? and painfully bruising him. He hae been suffering very no and at our last report was oon out of danger. Sine? the above was in type Mr. Bowman rapidly wor se be becom? ing unconscious os Taeedey and rnaiuing ae noill bis death wbleh we re? gret to say occurred tiro? between HVdnes day evening aed 1 holiday morn? ing. This ssd death will be a to many as Mr.

Bowman was widely known and esteemed. He ws? the owner of very fine river farm near town which be managad with much skill and inUlllgenos, being men of fine judgement snd untiring energy. He leaves a widow three sons and a daughter to roonrn the loea of one wbo can never replaced in tb? fenii'y circle. Mr. Bswsaan was 68 year? of and bad been a member of tbe Re? formed cbnrch, of 1 bis place for many Wedding Bells At the home of the bride's parenti Mr.

sud Mrs. Joseph Goobenour, near Airy, on Thursday, Nov. 19th, Gee H. Shine an 1 Miss Alice Gochiuo? were joined in holy matrimony, by Re H. R.

Mowrey. Tbe bridea maid waa Mita Lizzi Siiker and Mr. Riley Spiker was be? nian. Among the guests were Rev. 11.

11 Mowrey and family, Rey. John L- Ry man ami lamily, Mr. and Mrs. Saum, Mr. Walt Spiker and family, Mr Wm.

Peters aud family, Mr. and Mis William T. Hot tel. Mr. John Gocheuoiii and family, Mr.

aud Mrs. Gocheuonr, and Mr. and Will Fry, of near St. Luke, ani several young ladies, forty-thiee altogether. After tbe ceremony the guests were souitn? neil to a table that wai loaded with all that could tempt tbe appetite, aud to wbioh they did ample justice.

I'ncle Chnely said felt rather dis appointed all day, but when th? wine came round everything was as clear and beautiful as a summer's sunset. OBITUARY. Mrs. Jennie Burke, wile of Mr. Robert W.

Burke a prominent citizen of Edin burg and some years a widely known and popular traveling salesman for Smith Shackman, wholesale druggists of Baltimore, died at her bom? in Ed burg on Saturday afternoon, about o'olock, after a lingering illness of cc sumption. Mrs. Burke was a and estimai lady, greatly beloved for her attract! aud pure Christian character. She wi be sadly missed, not only in tier town but throughout a wide circle friendi. Her fanerai plane ou Manda afternoon at 2 the services heit eondncted by Rev, Dr.

tl Presbyterian 'church, of Woodstock, which Mrs. Burke was a consistent inc-i ber. She was 56 years old. Lndertake Fravel A Feller, ef Woodstock, hi charge ef the interment. IiANTZ MILL ITEMS.

Mn. J. Clem was visiting relativ? in the Fort over nun day. Mr. Chas L.

Miller is confined to house with it is feared pneumonia. Chas. Cullers of Eilinbnrg is rilling hi place in Mr. Myers store. Mr.

Chas, Coflman and bride have tamed from their bridal tour, Tbe were given a reception at the former home on Wednesday. A party was given the young foil also on the same evening. Mrs. Minaie Brown ('? timan is visitin Miss Marrie Bowman near Harrisoiihun this Mr. JoeTysinger has the mammoth bo ef this seetion aud no doubt ot th oonnty.

All brag guesser? will he give a chance to use thslr jilgm-nt on hi weight. Mr. T. will botcher him tini ing the Holidays. Come around boj drop a dime In the slot ami nuke a hi, for the lucky nan.

Report ol Union Porga school So 7. 1 N. Cull man teacher, as Enro merit 22, attendance 18.4, For tlepoitment, A'la Fravel, Blanchi Fravel, Pearl Holler, Marv Slbert, Will Jackson aud Willie I.vr For attendance Jacob Maud? Brown, Bessie Clem, Vaille aud Peai Holler, Mattie Sibrrt aud Lena Tyein ger. L. Roll of Honor Lebanon School.

The following pupils have inaile no less than per cent on any thei studies deportment aud attendance. Regular in Attendance. Jesse Bly, Willie Rismist-iie, Mowery, Ernie Lickl Laura Ritenour. Diligence. Charles Bly, Walter Myers, 1111? Little, Lnther Rudolph, i.ilbcrt Bon man Jease Blv, Verney Wilkins, Julia Mowery Ernie Mowery, Daay Locklin, Nel' Locklin, Mary Hockman.

Good Behavior. Daay Locklin Locklin, Juli; Mowery, Katie Miller, Charles Bly. Luther Rudolph, James Warner. Little and Walter J. O.

Booth, Principal. Virgie Feely, Lela Bowmen, Panme Funkbouser, Valley Fankbonser, Effle Mowrey, Elsie Wilkins, Myrtl? Wilkins, Mary Annie Linda mood, Emma Stickley. Roy Wbetzel Lislie Rusirtiselle, Frank Campbell, lohi siller and Stage Hite. C. M.

Grabill, Teacher primary department We publish a communication from Mr. S. B. Miley, Trustee ef School? ot John? ston District. The difficulty with which Mr.

Miley his had to contend is a very common one. Some people in bis dis? trict know more about his management of school affairs, without reference to the records or any examination, than he does himself. Th? IBM wh? criticise teachers most severely are those who can scaiculy give expression to a correct sentence. Those who know least the management of the trustees of a School District are loudest In their con? demnation. Mr.

Miley is a good busi? ness man and will take as good care ol bis District and of the interests of tbe school children as any one whom know. If, however, there are some who know more about tbe business of the office, and wish to grow fat npon the large salary paid to a they might possibly Mr. M. to resign in their favor. The patrons of the schools, in our opinion, would do well (o keep Mr.

Miley as long as be is willing to them. The Southern. A number of officers of the Southern Railroad including Mr. W. A.

Tnrk. General Passenger Agent accnmpAiiitd by Superintendents Fitzgerald and Prince of tbe B. 0. passed th rough tbis place, on a tour of inspection, pre paratury to turning over the road to tbe Southeran Railroad. Tbe transfer will be made next Monday night, after which time, oar train? will ran to Washington vis Mauaaaas Jonction.

Th? tax billa for th? corporation taxes of 189? Bow in my bands. Parties desiriug to their corporatioa taxes will please call st my office in Court square. Tnos? who pay prior to December 1, 1-B6 will thus save percent which will be added a ter that date. Respectfully, M. W.

Magrnder, Corp. of Woodstock. The Ideal Paiiaeen. Jamea L. Francis, Alderman, Chicago, says: "I regard Dr.

King's New Discov? ery so Ideal Par.sots for Coogbs, Colds and Lung hsving nsed it iu my family for the last five years, to the exclusion of physician's prescriptions or other preparations." Rev. John Burgns, Keoknk, "'I have been a Minister of tbe Methodist Episcopal Cbatob for years or more, and have never found anything ho bemdcial, or that gave me sncb speedv relief Dr. King'? New Discovery." Try this Ideal Congh Remedy now. Tilal, Free at B. Schmitts Drug Slore.

ST. LUKE NEWS. As nothing from this seotion has ap peered in your paper tor some time thought it would be well to inform yon readers that people are not all dead al though some apparently have aeemec ice the election. Bat we think ibey have about recovered from theii ranee. A torch light procession came off al this place Thureday night A nnmbsr took part.

Mr J. N. Davis made a short speech at the We are nuij to hear that Mr. Joseph GocLe.ioui, son ot Margaret Cocheoour, is sick, having contracted a very severe cold. This is abad time of the year to take old as it usually stays with you all winter.

Farmers of this section are quite busy gathering corn. Thomas Suskley will have a big lot of it. The neighbor? have commenced bntcb eiing. Some nice begs have been killed. Mr.

Henry Brubeck, of th? firm of Ryinan and Brubeck, undertakers, of ibis place, has recently retained Irom Baltimore here he had been attending an embalming school of high grade. The linn is now ready to wait on their patrouage with the most ssisnlitlc and in profed Oaf stores at this place are doing quite a business, each jetting about a fair shate of the trade. hep? they will continue to do we want them both stay. Our schools are progressing under the management of G. II.

Haun and Miss Kmina Linaweavsr, Mr. McElwee, who has beeu visiting his daughter, has returned home. We wer? somewhat surprised to learn that our Mr. Gee. Bbipe, was married a tew days ago.

We wish him and his bride happmeei and prosperity. Contier. TOM'8 BBOOK, VA. Editor Herald? Dear8ik Too will confer a favor by allowing me space in your paper make a little explanation in regard to tbe school property at Tom's Brook. Ttere seems to be complaint from dif tereiit sections that Mile.y is taking care of the Tom's Brook School, and lettiag the balance go.

The new brick walk, blasting ont rock, new feaoe and im? provements generally seem to worry lorn? people. I wish to stats that not on? penny the district (nods was spent ex? cept for aetna! necessity. But the money spent for the improvements was eoutributed by tbe citizens of Tom's Brook and vicinity. We by sub? scription in work and cash about $40 00. Uowever, this amount is not all spent, and expect to make further improve? ments, such as planting shade trees, leveling up the yard, Ac.

If the of the district, (especially kickers,) would take more interest in the schools ami school property instead ot Inning fault with Miley and wiiuld doubt be better than what they 1 in position ol trustee is a very thank best, especially with matters la th? abap? they are Johnston dis? trict, lint then there is another trouble that is Miley runs th? Breok school five months while all the rest only get four. donef Four months are by the diatrlet and the filth month is paid by the patrons of the school. Now, what mr advice is not to kick un? til you know what you are kicking about, hut go to work and improve tbe varions and run your schools five months svea six months If you wish as it Is no body's business so loug as it is don? by private subscription. I am only sorry our district Is not in better condition financially, but I oannot help the present condition, ami my wh.ile aim is to get us out of debt. wbenover my work and ii i'.

is not satisfactory just make it known and I will be the easiest fellow to cet rid of you ever saw. I am yoara troll (or improvement and live months school by privat? subscription when yon cannot have it otherwise. B. Tbe facility of shipping hay, fiinr, grains, groceries and other rainlen Wonilstock a gootl point for the Whole? sale trade.

We already bave a wholesale tlour and tobacco trade, but these conld be greatly Increased. Wo have too long depended the farmeri living in nut business. We want oui trade exteinled. We want the railroad? to carry goods from Cjis point and return money 10 us, and not continue to be in the pant a medium for bringing goods to us and carrying money from ns. Woodstock wants a large share of the wholesale trade and there la now no reason why she should not have it.

There is something better than selling sugar by the single pound and furniture by tl.e piece. Our cifrara should be aold in every town from Woodstock to Jacksonville or Now Urlsans. We will soon be on one the Urgest roads iu the country and should make use of the opportunity which it will give us. There Is more Catarrh in this ion of the country than all other disease? put together, and natil the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For great many ears doctors it a lo? cal disease, and prescribed and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable.

Science 1ms pioven catarrh to be a con disease, aud therefore requir? es constitutional treatment. flail's Catarrh Cure, iu aim factored F. Toledo, Ohio, is tbe onlv constitutional cure on tbe market It la taken internally in from 10 drop? tsasasaatsL acts directly on the blood mucous surfaces of th? sysloiu. They offer one hundred dollars for say case it fail? to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials.

Address, J. CHENRY A Toledo, 0. YY by Druggists, 75o. Haviug pnrehaaed the bins former? ly by J. Sopinger near C.

M. llushoug'a warehouis, will he pre? pared to fiimiah kinds of coal on or before tbe lat day of Dec. He solicit a portion of tbe publio patronage. Toodstook Coal Company. When Raby waa aick, we gave her CaMorta, When slit? a Child, aha cried for CavSoria.

When abe became ahe clung to CaMotia. Wheex abo bad gave thorn Caatoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Highest of aD in Leavening Latest U. Report Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE CARMEL POINTS.

1 will aend you a few items for your valuable paper hoping they will not reach the waste baaket. Mr. Arthnr Miller ia progressing finely with hia musical elaas st Dry Ron. baa about sixty pupils on the rolls and wiah him every Prof. Wenchell passed through our little valley last week with a magic lantern entertainment, exhibiting at Pino Hill, Keller'a School House and at Dry Sun.

Quite a number of young ladies and assembled at Dry Run Salar day eveaing to witness tbe performance. We sorry to hear of tbe death of Mrs, Geo. Melntiutl', who died last Thura night and waa buried Saturday near Dry Rin. We regret to learn that there is quit? a number of persons sick in oar valley Mrs. Theresa Goiladay.

who bas bean quite ill for time is not improving. Mr Benjamin Golladay is to his bad witu lumbago. We are infoimed that Rev. Mr. Kbodes will preach a thanksgiving sermon on Thursday evening at Cross Roads, aud at th? same time will oommence a protract ed meeting.

Miss Annie Feight returned to her borne in Frederick and Miss Sadie has come to tak? her place with her grand-mother, Mrs. M. Flaherty. Mr. Samas! C.

Golladay ha? gon? on a visit to Virglala see his sister, Mrs. William Mclotorff. 11? will als? go to Washington, D. to vim his brother before he retnras. Hoping to do bsttsr osxt time I am your? do.

Fairy. Jerorsn The wheatflelds and grass ars looking fine, and tha farmer? are about through busking coin. Mr. Oscar Miller, of this place, is visit? ing osar Alom Springs Mr. John Marklsy, of Liberty Furnace, is a frequent visitor ot Dr.

Thomas Millar, of this piase. Mr. P. J. Millar il now vinting at Jerome Hotel.

Mr. Lorenza Barb ii makiag hia borne at J. H. Delllngera. The Democrats are speaking iu a low tone at present.

The Mhool is vsry saeeoaafully ou at this place by M. Miller, teacher. The literary society recently here is doing a woik. Wild and other game are very pleutiful. Mr.

William is hunting largo owls present also ground sq? irre Is Mr. Chas 0, Miller took a trip to taSStClty. Bayi everything is boom log thsre and work plsnty. Nero. Court of Williams vs.

Newman, receiver. Cir? cuit Court of oiieuaadoah couuly, Ki verMd. Sioneburuer vs. Roller and other's. Cirsuit Court Sbenaudoah couaty.

Reversed. va; Circuit Court Shanaudoah county. Afflrrued. Dellinger va. Foulta Circuit of ShenanSoab comity.

Williamson, inator va. lumsen, From th? Sheuaudoab Circuit C'enrt. Writ of error FOR tyfOMEN Woman's modesty and igno? rance of danger often cause her to endure pains and luffer tor? ture rather than consult a physicisin about important subjects. Pains in the head, neck, back, hips, limbs and lower bowels at monthly intervals, in? dicate derangements. McELREE'8 WINE OF CARDUI1 is a harmless Bitter Wine with? out intoxicating qualities.

Taken at the proper time it relieves pain, corrects derange? ments, quiets nervousness and I cures Whites, Falling of the Womb and Suppressed or too Frequent Menses. Price $1. Va? Bj Hodk-lw? DoaBn. NOTICE I Sale of Ton Bonus I.0D8T0CK, Nov. leJth, I8M, At apscial election held August ISSU, tbe Town ut Woodstook, was authorized to borrow the sum ol for the or erection publie school building Ronds for the ara now being printed.

Tbe bands are of the denomination of StOO each, payable in 90 with In? terest at tbe rat. of 6 per asnuui, payable annually. ha? already been and bids will received for aay amount of the balanaeof fl.aeo. at tb? offlse of M. If Magruder, Treaaorer of Ibo Corporation op to lHth.

1 hoeo bond? are good, safe investments sad the in of srs re Roopectfnllv, M. W. MAfiKt DKR. Ifov. Bnc? Jw Sala.

I havs a kiln of first elaaa briek for Hard briok OS. Kofi l.rlrk U. C. RilINBHART 11- Lants'a Mill. Children Cry for Pitcher's Caatoria.

LADIES WATCHES. Lower than you ever saw them Here's what you can get them for at BAROF.LT'Sfor the cash, oouijUte. Open F. Nickle Stem Winder Homing Silier 8. W.4*.'> 0.

F. Silver S. W.4X8 0. F. Solio S.

W.Ki.Oii Htg. S. W.18.0 Hfg. Filletl gold yr, Htg- poo Htg. ao? UM These Ladle's complete watches srs all warranted and are lower than they have ever ibeen before the prices will prove.

Bring watch clock and jewelry and get it repaired right. Wo do repairing in a workmanlike nun nor and only charge a moderate price for It, No botch or blacksmith woik done on watches at our place. Nothing but Brit claie oik at I) b1 Old Reliable Jewelry Store. WOODSTOCK, YA. When yoa buy at BAROKLT'ld it's sot? to be right. Opening Days Of Holiday Our varied stock of nicer goods suitable for will be b) Thanksgiving day interested are cordially ited to call during the after- I noon or evening of that day and inspect our stock. Our effort then will be to show not to sell we know you will call again to buy. you can't come come as soon as you can. Children's Day will be Saturday Dec.

5th, 11 when there will be no, school. By that date we will have all our Toys dis- played and will devote the time to showing the folks things to Interest them.o B. SCHMITT. II Druggist, Woodstock, Va. Did yon lemembsr the poor on givingf We hope so.

bat we kaow of one poor fellow that well everyone els? forgot. CASTOR IA For Infant? and Children. OmAVaHf Will Break up a Gold, Dr. Humphreys' Specific "77" vaill "break a cold and I leave no b.d vial, pocket size at ail drag Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for HiK'kleira Arnica Salve.

The Beet Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcsrs, Salt Rheum F.v.r Sores, Tetter, Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Kruptiene, and posi? tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price cent! box. For sal? bv B.

Schmitt. MARKETS WeoDSToCK, Ta Nov. 30 Rys. OaU. 20 Bacon (country) bams.

Ml sidos 7 Lard. Batter. II Chickens (old). (young). Potatoes.

LIT? Stook Markota. Baltiborb. Nov. 21 1 be receipt? this week wore head. I bore Is a full supply of Hog.

ou the maiket aad a very demand reported. Bo Westerns aie re? ported. Others sell per 100 lb? hat little different from the figure, of iMt Thursday. Siioop end ol? ie a fair run ol Sheep aad on the market, the quality ol wbiob good. Th? market is and values a shad? otf Sh-ep at muU per and extra ll? cents perm.

Lamb? cent? and a few cent? lb. are dnll aad value? lower, ranging at cento lb. Y.ur aMrtaa, cms in om litad quartan, II UM laitts bring rou a full Hi asi nilaa of our ft, meaa SB I Soitt -f Orataaam, tul t. ariat. waalo? wbart.

Nw PtpMH Rock Ct By.Energy We Thrive. We have for a number of years to have the largest and most Completo general store in the Valley. We are now r-ontitlsnt that you will with that our enotgy has hf-en i-rowned with mceeei still any one doubt? llie and completeness of our stock, let tlniii idiih- ami gee the line of Ladies' Capes and Coats children hoya and men's clothing 1-3 more than ever before. Dry Goods and notions, packed and jammed ami running over. Hate, and Cepe, SHOES, SHOES, SHOES, 'n this department there has been a strene advance ia but re? member we can the entiie line at old robes, Blankets, tin ware, glas? ware, all kinds bar iron, In fact we have everything.

Last but not least, and that is our large of FURNITURE ehich comprises every thing carried inalirst clas-i furniture itore, and at ices that cannot be beat. We admit that we have many goods and in view of this (act many goods will be lower than yoe can buy elsewhere- Do not wait now is the time. MILEY Tom's Brook, Va FOLKS ARE APT TO BELIEVE WHAT THE? SEE? COME IN AND TAKE A LOOK. CET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY. We will save you money on furniture, carpets, Rugs, curtains, Chamber Suits, any finish and any Style, parlor Suits any Style and any covering.

Centre tables, Bed Louages, Extension I Single loanges, Card tables. Cutting tabl Rockers, Kitchen tablea Reed Rat ton Rockers Lamp stands, Reception chairs, cane Parlor chai is, Hall Racks, Suit el Hal Racks, Conversation Buffets, Ward robes, Office chairs, Ladies'Desks, rockers, Gents Desks, High chaira, oses, Invalids chairs. Pictures A picture sweepers, and any kindofchsirs, fiemes. Just anything you want to make the home comiortable, and at cut prices. See our Xmas goods.

Money saved is money made. The Old reliable furniture and under? taking House. FELLER Woodstock, Va. Nov. MuissroNEU's oin-ci, Woodstock.

a-, 1886. Diovars sad National Haiik of liaitiiHur? ami all ill? lieu credi fois of T. W. Alleu, sr, complts. and W.

Alleu, W. Miller, L. T. W. Allen, jr.

trustee, Marj Alleu, Christian Ueviies trustee and Tbe National Bank of Baltimore Deft? Y'ou are hereby notitieil tha? I bave, upon th? ilay et iietweeu hours of ti o'clock, a. ami il o'cl'iek, p. to take and settle, at oiv I office, ai'Ciiiiiits of I The and value of all the real estate owned bv tbe defendant T. W. Allen, sr.

8. AU liens laid real tat? am their order of priority. 1 Settle the of T. W. alien jr.

under tbe of trust Dec. 5, MS, executed by T. W. Allen sr. and Mary K.

Allen 4. And any other matter deemad psrti tent by thecomnir. or party in in terest may requite as required to be by the decree of Sbenandoah Circui Court rendered on tbe 1st day of her ir. a suit In chanoery SependiBj In said court between Urevers aud Me chaniss National Bank ol Baltimert complts. T.

Alien, sr. and others irfls and if from any cams tbe taking ol said aceoo'iU sball not be commenced, oi sboul 1 not completed en that day, tbe taking of th? same will be a Ij inruod from day to day or ft oui place to plane, until the earns are tekou and i-ompl? tea. Uivsn in.der my hand Coiniaissionei in chancery of said court, at toy office It county tbe day and year tiret atora said. STICKI.EY. Conir.

in Cby. h. Jaokaon, p. q. IHK? TyDfiwriter Full Key Board with 84 Letters and Characters.

PRICE $35. WEIGHT 6 Pounds. to any ol the high priced machines in capacity and of work, and excels them all in convenience. One year guarantee. Write foi catalogue.

K. M. TURNER, General Sonthern Agent, 41 N. Broad Atlanta, -8 a J. W.

BoYBR, Aoivt, OODSTOCK, Va. 1 hies This little boy beys fruit and a MAGKUDER RED CROCEr, both are made happy. L0TER8 of pur? groceries ar? always when they go to MAUKl'l 'KR'S they can find everytiiiug in th grocerv line. Sweet Cakes Molaaaea. Teas, Che-aee Bologna, Salmon.

Chip Beet and lots of other ataple an! fa art? els? Pipes Tobacco Ar. E. W. MlORUDBE. opp.

Post Offie? VA rislotk, BBTABLIBHET) 1873. J. F. Saum WHOLESALE Produce Ccamissioa Merchants 925 Louisiana Avenue, Washington, D. C.

Solicit shipments of every marketabl prod matter the Faros Dairy, Poultry and Stoek fard. Shippers psid dsily tbe bigbeet pri. e. year? (over SO in thia city) ot BBSSSSS fnl guarauteeof our isme? ability to handl? shipmsots loiily Refer proonetor of Hbh.ld City National Bank of Washington oitl D. C.

mar. '86 lj. TaUNotm Horsemen. Th? celebrated wil make th? of at the Hheean doah Coanty Agrl. Society'? Pair Oroonds to a limitad number of Per sens wishing to breed to good animal will do wall to see th? aboye For terme and further pedigree, address L.

F. BROOKS, may Woodataok, Va..

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