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Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois • Page 3

Alton, Illinois
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cd CO CO -s 00 s- £2 cu CD CD CD PRINTING STATIONERY Very Lowest Prices, AT HQLOEN'eJ, SECOND Henry. Fall Una VUItlnu uanU, Wadding Cards, Ji egret Curds and Fine Stationery, suitable for (Jhrlairam nnd Now Year's proa- cut). and New Slock New Year Callins; Cards. rinrfi'lwiv WATCH THE BARGAINS IN JOB'S GOR.BUIL.D1MO, HKiRV A.T MRS. HBITK AMP'S, The MlUinar.

Millinery OooUn will bnaold at cost Irnin now to All klndx Jauey, Hand nude, Knit and roonet" RoO'll, Toboggan! a'id Mils. Marfo and Fascinators at very low prlous. Alio Dressmaking. Plain and Family oewlnjj and Stamping Uimi. Oomo and call.

Don forget docAdwly PIANOS, ORGANS and SEWING MACHINES! CHEAP FOR OA8H Ult TIUK PAYMKNT8. and Organs tuned and Inc repaired. nil eblaw. N. I.AMOREUX, Dealer, Second and J.aug<Um Alton, 111.

MILLS, MOOVU 8TUBKT (Near IMasa), ALTON, ILL FOH SALE Ground Ground Corn, If ay, Oatn, Cora, Corn Meal, Buckwheat Flonr, 'rEOEPTLT DKLIVBUBR TO ANY OK THK 01TY. M.WILKINSOX. )V7 dtf Special Notice. To Water Takers. Hotlee Is borebv tbu nil WUs due Jan.

WI7, lor watur moil, are pnyuble at Alton SarlifH Bank, and must be putd at kankwl'hlu tun tliuroufter. Alton Wuier Worut jjij Mr T. A. TAYLOR, ol Consolidation. The Consolidated Coal Co.

are making progress with a 'We uudtvuUud Hint all Coliinsville wlio want, uual mim tnko li from No. a miuo or go without, No ooal will hi allowed to k'avu lao pit nu- til the onsli paid down for li, no nut- ter if tho Consolidated Coal 01., urn owing tlie man who wsnti it from $80- to flOO at tho time. looki a md deal likfbij; little u. It ii, we bo- lleve, a conceded iaot thu ooal from tio. 8 the poorest on thu track or at lean nearly as as that taken from the CuUmivilm nuar tho mill.

So wu are couoorneil, would not pay (or la. haulm; atom of t. 3 oval If oould get any utliar Lot eltiiani olub heather and sink a on the aorth ot our city and qniok thii youug. monopoly I TOfiSDAy DAILY TELEGIUUPH. VS.

deiiwwMt br a)l ot the rtty of Alton and worth Altoa, for MUM Mr wwk. roar. T1IB THLItaiUl-a the iwxwt elMala. Won ot my pajxr In Alton, and uthu wt.t medium for adrertUeri. NOTICE TO AUVKKTI8KB0.

For the year shall otarge the fol- 'owing for notion la our local Ituertfon, twelve Iniartlons, I cents HATK8 OF ADVBRTlblKO: Wf-rr oontt por Inoh In- and TVBKTJt Pirn per inch wteaohmtbiequent Insertion. per Inch flrtt month, at.BO Inch eaob month thereafter. tKGAL ADVEnTISIKQ. per Inoh (or the ttrst insertion, and 80 per Inoh for each subsequent JnsorMon. above will be strictly adhered AHP OOPKTT nood girl for general houw work.

Apply at thu office. 203 The Roodboiut Tribune ii now aid publititcd by L. Ultobell. Money to on improved real Apply to Kudenbauaen A Bonn The festiral ef St. (Episcopal) Sunday school will take place at the church thii evening.

Iniurein the old and rehablcFire Cy clone, Lifp and Accident Frank Fisher, anent, oiBce in Star thon store, Third U6m A Chicago firm announces in advertisement of Christmas wares: Our dancing yenng simply $New made Candies, Bulk OTS- ten and Saratoga Chips, at Connor 1 It Miss Jennie Rader, daughter of Mr. Cbag. P. Under, for. raeily of this city, and Mr.

W. A. Humphrey were married the at Portland, Oregon. TBI boys are telling a goad on Admiral Billy Foster and Unjor Braith Sponoe, Piku county, Mo, The 'irrigation' 1 ditch was not wits mighty. Ask 'em.

A BOARD of army wiilctn- rene in St. Leuis on Wednesday laar tettimonr concerning thevffoct of tke proposed 1 Exchange bridge on river navigation. Post, G. A. yesterday, displayed the stars and draped and festooned, in mourning over tbwir ball, corner of Fourth and State streets, in memory of Gen.

Logan. JOHN A. Logan for service in Mexico, as Second Lieutenant of company First Illinois volanteers.sml was mustered 'into service Alton, 111., liny 29, 1847; so the war records say. A complete line of Winter Goods for Gent's Wear, Just received, a- H. C.

G. Moritz's. 26tf ICK 8. 8. Foster in commenced ice catting for Huso, A in Alton harbor with a force of 160 men.

The ice is 10 or 11 thick and of good about tea earlier than, cutting commenced last year. The officers and members of Pinia No. 37. Erwm Lodge, 5, A. F.

and A Alton Cbaptnr No 8, R. A. U. and Alton Council No. 8, R.

and S. arc requested to niuel HI Masonic Hall ibis Tuesday) evening, at 7.30 iharp, for the purpose of in- ntitlling iba elect. It TnK White Uall Republican "A arge audience attended the entertainment at the Baptist church last night. The leading feature was (lie.singing by the five Duaoan sitters. The by alcAdaws, of Alton, were well received, and the lame trne of the no duet by Miss UoDovr and Mr.

C. H. Rhomis." Budding Association. There will Ue a meeting of the Alton Building and Loan Aasounitisn.VVednes. day erenina-, Deo.

29.b,at 7:30 o'clock. Money to loan. L. PFEIFFBNBBRGBR, Pres. JOHN F.

VlottiNKis, Seo'y. dll UARFERS Magaema aud Alton Weekly TELEGRAPH, one year, $4.60 reJuc- tiun on the two, $1 00. Bazar and Alton Weekly TBLEOBAPH one year, $4.76. Reduction on tbe'two 76c. Young People and Alton Weekly TButUKArti, one year, 12.76 Reduction on the two, Tun regular of the and bizir each and uf the Young People.

00. Danrori, iho Printer, wants you call and see Elreant Block of Mew Yetu'n Calltne Cards, OrerUarden's, Sad Street. Mo ageoti, aw I'EKSOtUL. Mr, 8. R.

leaves this evening for Keddiok, to spend the der of tbo winter, Hon. J. Messlok, of Bait St, Louu, ID (own. Rev. U.

W. Waggoner, ot Upper Alton is expecting a visit this weak from son-in-law, State Senator Strnt- tan of Ml. Vurnon. Prof. Harrison S.iwvor, of Dorohettnr, is town to-day on bn way to Spring- Held.

Col. Hay ward, President ot the Central Missouri road, passed through town this morning, on hii way to Chl- oaRo. MALE OF THE VTATEB TfORKS. A oempany ooraposed of C. H.

Ven- of Boston; Truman A. Taylor, Omaha, and Judge W. A. Undorwood, ot Detroit, have purohaced a controlling Interest in the Alton Water Works. The formal transfer was made late yesterday afternoon.

The new company organised with Truman A. Taylor, President; Judge W. Underwood, Secretary. Ur. a practical baimess man who had large experience In water will reiidu here and manage the of the new company.

The tluee gentleman mentioned were all bere Yesterday. Judge Underwood returned to home and Mr. Venner for Omaha this evening. The sale was made limply because Ur. WaUon to uianv Dusineis on his that hn had no time to devote to the management of the Water Works.

Mr. Vfnnor is a well known railroad man and has figured uxtunstvely of Into in the courts to curb the extension of the Atchison Fu road, in which he is a large stockholder. Ha is also the man who controls the majority of the bonds of the Toledo St. Louis narrow guage road running ihruugh this coua- Balk Oysters SO cti. per quntt.

at J. Flash's, the groeer, Second i-trect. 28 6 SD50AT SCIIIHIL, fES'llVACS. KV1NQKLICAL. Tho of the Kvnngelical Sunday 'chool, Mr.

Wm. SonniHg-, Soper, intendetit, took plucu Cliristruns uifilit with an ntlendance lhat crowded the church to ovcinVivving. The u-ual programiiao was rcndert-U, ronsit'tincf of dmloguei, varied w'uli music by the choir and Fchool. At the close of the Santa Glaus entered and ditiributed a rare array of presents to the delight of the children. A beautifully decorated tree was an attraction that eclipsed all thars.

THINITI ClIAFKL. The Chris tin fi-stival of tho Sunday nnbool of the Episcopal Chapel was delightful observance and win attend id by a large gathering. An interesting programme was rendered under direction of Acohdeacon Taylor, the Super, intendent. The children had a bappy time and the festivities concluded with a Christmas ut tte residence of Urs. MutUie, adjoining tlie Chapel.

DNITAIIIAN. The Unitarian school lestival took plaue Friday evening and was a nttiag finale to the joys of the day, to the children. The besides the usual carols and tonirs, included a pleating lit tin Christmas drama, admirably rendered by members of the tchool, under the direction of thu Suociinten- dem, Mr, Homer Stanford. The children were remembered with nriny and the wholn affair was a pronounced Ll'l'Ut AbluX. The various Sabbath schools celebrated Christmas by lesli- vcls on Fiiday evening.

It has not happened lalc'ly that all the schools should have chosen the same evening; the arrangement is bard upon the but in the of good order, aud thould be observed hereafter. HAVE PICKED TUKIR Prair, by his atiormyx, Wite Davis, will ipply in the Supreme court at Springfield for the writ of mnndamua upon the Board of Education which they fulled to ecu re in the Circuit Court last month. As this easels biring wiilcht'd with main Inieres-t, we will briefly gtitte the condition of Hffitirr. For several yeur.M pint the colored children of this h'tvo been yduoaieil in a building located in paruil where 99 per cent.of them lire, nndjpre. sided over by colored irnchcrcof thepnr- untV own gf luctlon.

All vho grndi'i bulow i lie liitili rchool Imve Ocrn tnujrht Ilium, and uo been manl. fenli'd by the colored people until I he prevent year. At opening ol (lib term in September all tho Unildmes but i ho Lincoln K'h'iol irwiii poiiniinently or temporarily ubundoned, and the while children massed in a new eight room houii, fUllng icven with* the ttgbth room timed for lunch room, etc. The patron! the Lincoln ichool baying expreiwd a destro for white teachers, the of their own color who-had'been gaged and were on hnnd, were ted to accept positions, fortunately held open for them elsewhere, and their places supplied with white The Lincoln school building has been open and teachers ready to losoh ever since the opening of tho term, but no colored child bat presented itself for Instruction. At the opening of tbo in the fall a procession of colored children called upon the Superintendent at the new building.

Ue stated to tfiem that they muit be examined before assignment to any tion should take place at their old there being no ipare room at this building where to many children could be provided with deik room, or even teats. Under advice trom their the children have remained away from the Lincoln sehool and its have not as yet received a tingle colored pupil since last ipring, although some white children residing in that part of town bave been permitted to attend and the longer walk to the new building. It is possible that an examination would show some of Ua more advanced la the Lincoln sihool entitled to admisron into the higher gra les which are taught only in the High acliool proper; in thu by order of the Beard' of Education, of gome months ago.thry will be admitted. The former suit in the Circuit Court, having been'dismisied for lack of proper complainants have picked their flint and propose to try it again. GLASS Barney's St.

Louts Exposition painting of the Alton Glass has been artotyped and a copy is on exhibition at Leverett's baukstore. It a masterly picture and has the artist some valued compliments from abroad. the b.v Santa Clsus the past week, Prof. Bowull, Prof. Harnsy and Mr.

J. E. Ogle were remembered with live dolls. Mr. Geo.

Osborn, of ia vititinc BIS brother, Juniet O-bnrn, who enjoying a from son, Gto. H. Ooburn, ol Flora. Miss Jennie Clark is fpeading her holiday vacation at home. Mrs.

B. H. Mills and Miss Ruth C. Mills are viiiticg at tl. Frank Moore, of the Stock Yards in Chicago, spent 'Christmas with his father, Maj.

Frank Moore. Mrs. Prof. Fitiriuan has returned from a visit to Chicago. Prof.

A. J. Donaldson takes oharee of ihe Lincoln school after "the holi. Mr. J.

C. Cox and son, Frank, are at home. Prof, and Mrs. Caraart, of Crystal are visiting her fathe Mr. J.

Coat. Buy your Hard and Soft Coal of L. Winter ind get the Office at Moo It's Pharmacy, Third street, and in Job's new itlock, corner Second and lienry its. Telephones 31 and 64. augl4d7m Money to loan on improved farm property.

Tor particulars, apply to WUIPPLB SMILEY. Dr. Bull will put In an upper or lowej set of teeth for $8. Office closed oesdays. ds wtl A Card.

ALTON, ILL. Dec. 28th 1886. Ku.lfri-haiiHpn ft Sunntag; New York Life Insuraace Comosnv. r.N.—I beg leave to ac- to you the receipt of 05.

in full payment of my late hand's pnliry of one thousand in your company. is but 17 since presenting my claim and the same is boine paid ahead of the time and the of any uf the other policies I hold While this honorable and prompt action a daily occurrence with th" "New York Life," I gladly add the uiitfi" by saying the trust repotted In the New York Life Insurance company is well deserved and honettly earned. DORO I HEA ULLRICH. MARRIED. nKnKV-In JerneTvllle, Dee.

29(1, bv Flev. J. A. Scurrltt. Jus.

B. Ilnllow aud illai both of Wblto Hull. A Va'utbU Medical Tho (or 1947 ot the sterling Uodtoal Annual, known us Hoatettor'n Aliainao, Is nnwruady, and nnv b'l otonat ol ilruifKl-ti anil camtry doalara In the Unltod ytutet, jluo, and Indued In urary nlvlllzud rtlon of tbo Wai- torn ItciiiUiilicro. id) AI Minn 10 litu Issued roKul irly at tbo coin'iionoPmcnt of ovury year (or ovnr one Illth o( a otntury. It comb lion, wllh tho gannUeH pritotlual atlvloB (or tbo pruaorYntlon and I'catori'lou ot liciUtli, a lartto amount o( and Unlit tho catondur, aitronomloal ciUuilitl MU, olironolOKlottl lio'ni, are promin wl irroat irn, nnd will be found a itlroly iicouralo.

Tlie o( Hoilotter's Almiomo isr will probably bo tlio O'lUlon ol ma Icul worn ovor publlnhoil In unv C'ltyitry. Tho prrtpilrt n-oolpl of a two ouut utitmp, w.ll (orwa.d a copy by mal 1 to any periou wbo cannot prooure la From Now Till All are Gone WILL Re cL-u PBICE ON ALL CLOAKS SEE OUR DISPLAY OF CHRISTMAS GOODS At Marsh's Drugstore. Elegant Plush Odor Cases, Toilet Case's, Perfumery, Fine Soaps. Brushes and Combs, Shaving Mugs, Toilet Sots, Vases, Hand-mirrors, Cigars. Prices Reduced, The and Most Complete Atflortnieut of and Soit i oal and Wood Cook and nesting Stoves EVER BROUGHT TO ALTON.

Tlie Celebrated BUCK'S Brilliant Cooking Stove and Hard, Coal Base Burner, fEev have no equal. AIM HOOFIVQ and t.UITKUINQ and JOI'BIKQ. done at Cull and cxatuuti mv stock Ltluiu puicliunliiu eloewhcro. A Second at 5th -or west of He 1 D' IE DO, I have jjust a word or two to say to you! I got this suit for wear, ut Ere the winds do blow the winter's snow into my facs. My father, wro is old Santa aus himself, told ma that that was where he hid 1 cated in Alton.

I told all my friends thit I saw the finest, neatest and best lines of SUITS, OVERCOATS, FOOTWEAR, UNDERWEAR, HEADWEAR AND NOSEVUEAR, at his store, that I ever saw in ray life, and 5 the loes lower than ever b'forj, Buy your ew Year's Presents from him: Don't forget the ace, I JLJ.JLLJ Jk South Side Street. BIUNflH STORE, Corner Second and Ridge streets..

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