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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 12

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FAQB Letters from Citizens Favor Base Re-Opening tun, people the fend uid built this country and who now don't own a foot of earth foreign to tt except when they tit needed lit work time. God (Iff victory I A Sharecropper. Note: The following two letters wert written to Max IjOgan, president of the Chamber ol Commerce,) Sir: I have rwwl the recent article en reactivating the Blythcvllle Air Biue in the January 30 Issue of the Blytheville Courier Newi with great concern. I think it Is well worth your noting the opinions of the Ne- clliaent of Blytheville in this regard. Before I commit myself, I would like to submit some primary data which was collected in a recent surrey of the families at the students enrolled in this (Harrison) school.

To be sure, the interpretation of these data will reveal some facts worthy of your consideration as it relates to the Negro population of greater Blytheville. These data follow; In the seventh grade class, sixty-three families were found to be home owners, 3G families were renters, six families were renting on the farm and three families were sharecroppers. In the eighth grade class, 31 families were home (Continued from Page 1) who cleared in store and offer for sale their owners, 22 und three families families were renters, were renting on the farm. There were no sharecroppers'. In the ninth clafis, there were home owners, J3 renters, two renting on the farm two sharecroppers.

In the tenth grade clan, 30 families were home owners, 11 families were renters, 8 families were renting on the farm, no sharecroppers. In the elerenth grade class, 30 families were owners, four families were renters, 0 families were renting on the farm and no sharecroppers. In the twelfth grade class, 19 were renters, 4 families Wsre renters, three families wrcre renting on the farm nnd seven famines were sharecroppers. Thase date reveal the following want to go That of our total school population In grades seven through twelve, if total ol 219 families who ami their own homes, or 63 per cent our schol population; 90 families rent, or 28 per cent of our flchool population; 31 families who on the farm, or nine per cent of ow school population and seven families who are Sharecroppers, or per cent ot ow school populu- ifcm. The school administration is primarily Interested in the families who have definitely made Blythe- Tllle home, cither by Tirtue of ownership or established renters Ik a recent questionnaire aent out to the community this questlln was tatted; ''Why do pupils enrolled In this school drop out, or attend Irregularly?" The moat frequent reply to this Question was financial conditions of the homes.

We hare had a number of families to close their homes take their children out of schoo' and more to Florida or other sec- ttons because at Inability to support their families here. I think: of one ease In particular, where a boy en- portation rolled In our high school WBS left thousand on hfs own beoause he chose to complete school work to going to with his parents. I Im, mediately reported this case to the United States Employment Service and they promised immediate fiction in securing a part time job for this student. I believe the wishes of most ol the Negro citizens favor reactivation of the base and any other type of full time employment for Its citizens in order that they can support their families the year and give their children every educational advantage. O.

D. Hollla Dear Mr. Logan: Would like to take this means of thanking you, Mayor Dan Blodgett, Worth Holder and your committees for the splendid job that you have done towards getting tlie air base reactivated. This project has taken much of your time and effort, and the citizens of Blytheville are Indebted to you, I feel sure that the endorsement of the city council, the civic clubs, and other prominent organizations of Blytheville are positive proof that you are taking the right stand and that the re-opening of the air base would help the most people most, In our fair city. May your fallh not be shaken by a very small minor- Ity of people who have waited un- Ol the final chapter of this five- year project is being written to; voice their unfounded dlssention.

I would like to reiterate to you my pledge to you in every way possible in this most important; project. i S. E. Tune i -(The following letter was written to the Indlislrial Cornniittee of the Chamber of Commerce:) Dear Conimittcemen: I have been In the furniture business here in Blytheville for twenty years. Never before have I seen the economic condition of this town such as it is now.

You probably don't, realize just how fast our citizens are leaving Blytheville for the lack of employ- ment. There Is hardly a day passes that we don't have someone come i wusehold furniture the hey receive from Die idle to move to another city or state to find em- iloymcnt. Each time, I am reminded of the economic conditions ol the (own. In most every case they will say, "I can no longer find em- Jloyment in BlytlievlUe which is sufficient to care for my family." Due to this fact, I urge you, certainly pledge my support, to do anything possible that would get niytheville Air Base reactivated. I (col like that would solve our economic problem here in our city, that together with the fact that we would have some ot trie Ilnest people of our land ns our citizens that would come here by way of the Air Alvin Hardy Porce.

To the Editor: I have been resident of Blytheville lor the past years, nnd when I learned of this minor opposition to Hie opening of the Blytheville Air Base, It made me think lhat the signers ol lhat petition had done so without thinking. believe that the type of mm stationed at a permanent base would be of the finest character and mornl standards. We should be willing to accept them with open arms and be only too glnd to assist them in any way while they are away from home. People arc leaving here every day because they cannot get Jobs. Olid nre having to sell their homes at loss.

This would lie one of (he best projects for the welfare of Bly- Ihcvlllc It would be pnsslble to uct. I had very fine outstanding son, who was a member of the All Force during World War II. He KHVI his life for his country and I think the least anyone else could do would be to cooperate to the best of Inch ability, with the defense effort now. Howard T. Gill To the Editor: Speaking for myself, and for other men belonging to Organized Ln- bor Unions here in Blytheville.

I record expressing opposition to the selfish bunch of men who signed a petition to keep the Air Base out of Blytheville. At this time, I know there nre many men oiit of work here and many others hnvc already had lo leave beciuisc there Is no means for lliem to make a living. We need this project awfully bad, It will be a great tiling lor the town of Blytheville. nnd I know wo could furnish them with the necessary housing and other facilities they will need. People who are afraid that their morals might be hurt, don't have any to begin with.

Irn M. Parker (Cement Finishers Union) W. H. Estes (Plasterers Union) S. Shelton (Carpenters Union) To the Editor: I Juat-wonder whnt the farmers would think about us In town If we circulated petition agninst the Farm Lnbor Bill before congress relative to the 1 Importation'of Mexican or West Indies Labor.

This Im- of foreign labor Is times more iletrlmcnta to tlie wage workers and business men than the Base would Ire- come to the fanners in a hundrec ycnrs. No, we would not think of doing such a thing to our fellow citizens Yet few of them do not hesllati to work against us on something that they only remotely imagine might cost them a few more dollars In wages. O. K. Strawn To the Editor: I wish to tnke this opportunity lo state that nm very much In fnvor of the reactivation of the Blvthe- vlllo Air Base, was In World' War II, myself, and I do not know of any case the inonils of any town were affected by cither me.

or nny of my buddies, being there. I know of many people who have had to lenvc here because they roulci not make a' living, and I think tills one project is onr thnt we certainly should not let slip by us. I believe that the people ot nlythevtlic as to jatn, nothing to low from the Uoa of UM bus. Lloyd Kolwyok To the Iditor: I have a son in service now and I conalder him to be aa fine a cltl- anyone else. Tlie very Idea that he would not be welcome In a community makes my Wood boll.

The idea that a group of fine young men coming Into a city such as ours would not be welcome strikes me as being a most selfish nnd narrow attitude. We are practically in war now md If the Air Force needs all our (acuities, let us give them gladly. F. B. Joyner To the Editor: I read an article In your paper yesterday noting a petition agninst the nlr hate coming In.

am property owner nnd I think the air base would bc'n splendid move for our town. I think it Is very selfish for the big farmers to try to keep the air base out for their selfish purpose: that Is cheap labor. As for the factories, what have they done? They are benefiting while lot of us are going broke for the lack of payrolls in our town. There is anther way lo look a I this. These boys who would train here may go to Korea.

Aren't they good enough to live In our town? This Is a disgrace to niytheville and to the mothers of those boys who might be sent here. I certainly hope we get the nlr base. I think It will be step forward for us nil. We can, at least, do this much for our country. I lost my husband In the first war and I think I know what 11 menus for these Iwys or men to have to be away from home.

Are we going to play this part (n helping our boys? If there is anything I cnn do to assist in the work for the nlr base I will Kindly do so. am a stenographer nnd went to Washington nnd worked for the Army during World War II. And I will do my part for these boys. Mrs. Elva P.

Foe To the Editor: As relative newcomer to the City of Blytheville and operator of a restaurant located In this ai-ea, I would like to voice nn opinion on the reactivation of the present nlr base. If ollr federal government sees fit lo re-cstnblish the bnau, I will do nil in my power to co-operate to the fullest extent. If the few persons who seek rejection of the project would fnce the pertinent, facts, it, Is, in my belief, a case of pure seKlsh Intent with a personal view in mind, such as low-pntti Mexican help, thnt nre of no vnlue cither financially or morally to the city or the state. As for adding additional burdens upon the people of Blytheville. as was mndc In one person's statement who sought rejection of the project, whnl nre their standards of qualifications, nnd what have clone for the progress ot tlie City of Blytheville? Agnln let me offer nny nnd all support that will help to make ths.

city progress 'and prosper, n. Wolcott (North Stnr Supper Club) To the I leel there Is a great neei for reactivation of (he bnsc or some other means by which the people can earn a living so they might remain wllli.their families and homes. I spent greater part of la-st year fuvny froni home with my husband leaving our three children here we had no desire to move away nirmently. I know several families who have gone away to work because they couldn't get work here nnd (lies would be very glnd lo return to their home If thtf cowJd vat. I teel matt of thote who dont know it llhe to tM from 'or months working to support rimlUM back And tor farm labor, I it ruu taken care of by the Import- of foreign labor.

As for schools, bjr the the base is reactivated, the schools will have plenty of room. for the morals standpoint, we should give the citizens credit for having enough character to uphold the morals regardless of crowded conditions. It Is my opln- on that the boys In the aimed services are in morab and character as a rule. Mrs. D.

Calei ro the Editor: In regard to the reactivation of air base, 1 think that we all. as civic-minded citizens, should consider the benefits to our community as a whole and to our national security. If we expect to progress, we must prepare for growth and development. Steady employment for more of our people will provide a means of fiuch progress. As for the new people who'will be coming Into our city, I think we should be glnd to welcome, the men and their families who are making such contributions to our'national defense.

I. for one. feel that we all should help In every possible way to secure tl)is base for our city. J. Roberts (Editor's note: The following letter was written to Mayor Dan Blodgctt and turned over to the Courier News.) Dear Sir: In accordance with the spirit of one of the petitioners opposed to the reactivation of the Air Base at I quote, "felt wouldn't be a good citizen If I didn't express my sincere ns a resident of this city for'approxi- mately fifty years would like to present my views on this most timely topic.

First, In the recent mayoralty campaign, the successful candidate, yourself, expressed his opinion clcnrly nnd sincerely to the people of this community; they gave their stamp of approval by electing you to office by a comfortable majority This was mandate from the elec- to AiMU tfctt of row Your election proved that of the desired the Air reactivated. Thoie of at who watched town grow from a village to a prosperous city have witnessed, after lur sudden Jump In population dur- ng the war and post-war years, a ecline In our trend hat Is unhealthy lot agricultural nd Industrial development of this egion. The Air Base at this time eems tha best opportunity to stop his tendency to decline. Permanent. esldence for the past half a cen- urjr, I believe, gives me a right to xpress this opinion.

Second, while looking at Ihe reac- Ivatlon from an economic view, wou)d it not be worthy view to bserve the reactivation from the of patriotism? Granted that nuch interest Is economic, the Air Force, If It does reactivate, will do so because there is a need for such base in the defense effort. Ollt- ring statements and generalities will not stop communism. Only pre- -aredncss can do that. Third, as a veteran of World War and with four members of my Immediate family veterans of World War II, I do not believe that nen who have the privilege of fight- for their country should be wisely accused of being detrimen- il to the moral standings of any immunity. Our Armed Forces are a level with any other large group as to such a problem.

Concluding, If there is need for -he base from a national viewpoint, this community aji in the past, ihould contribute willingly regard- ess of the political, social or economic outcome. Patriotism makes nothing else possible. George Johns. Negro Deaths Rifes for Jasper Bethany To Be Held Tomorrow Services for Jasper Bethany, 10 who died Sunday morning at his home nt Hermondnle, will be conducted at 2 p.m. tomorrow Shady Grove Baptist Church by Rev.

M. Harrison, pastor. Burial will be in Oak Cirove Cemetery. He Is survived by his parents Shelley nnd Mary Bethany; six sisters, Lillian''Fleming of Mt, Vernon Lena Mae Washington of, Detroit, and Beulah Bell, Ruby Stenroj Jessie Mae Bethany and Willie Mae Bethany, nil of HermondaV three brothers, Shelley, Robert and Herman, nil of Hermondate. Cnston Funeral Home is it chnrge.

Rites for Fannie Talley To Be Held Tomorrow Services for Fnnnle Talley, 101 who died here Jan. 27, will be con rtiictcd at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow a Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church bj Rev. C. W.

Alexander, pastor. She Is survived by a sister. Lelln Sexton. Burial will be In Luxora Cemetery with W. P.

Cobb Punera Home In Charge. 11' you don't find us at home next Sunday, we'll be having dinner at the RAZORS A CK. cr C-7 L. A. TUCKER TRUCK LINES NOTHING LIKE HARMON? You'll find otn (iiiiilu'ttR fiicilHics lime right in wilh your personal nnd business requirements.

F.el this friendly bank serve nil your banking needs. NATIONAL BANk BLYTHEVILLE OUwmes Protestants, Catholics Abandon Relief Agency ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. The Christian Rural Overseas four years the biggcsi Protestant-Catholic relief to be abandoned because of insufficient public support, says the Rev. Franklin Clark Fry.

Mrs. Clara Eagan Dies; Services To Be Tomorrow Services for Mrs. Clara Eagan, 51, of Blytheville will be conducted at 2 p.m. tomorrow In Cobb Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. George McOhehey, pastor of Lake street Sfcthodlst Church, and the Rev.

P. H. Jernlgan, pastor of Calvary tlst Church. Burial will be in Elmwood Cemetery. Mrs.

Eagan died at her home on McHaney Avenue, at 4:10 a.m. today following an illness of 10 years. Born in Oak. she had lived here approximately two years. She Is survived by her husband, C.

O. Eagan of Blytheville, and one brother, L. L. Roberts of Brookhaven, Miss. Pallbearers will be A.

G. Eagan, Mack Eagan Elmo Jones, Floyd Duvall, Jess Weaver and Don Aycock. ilGHWAY (Continued from Page i) several have said they contribute! to Ills campaign. Vnughn said his first gift to Me- Math was Rt Christmas, 1049. told the commission he offered $500 check to the governor "for he and his family." The governor wouldn't accept the check personally, but suggested a campaign contribution of the same amount be made, said Vaughn.

'Took Cash to Governor 1 Vaughn he later took $500 (n cash to the governor. Commodity And Stock York Cotton Open High Low Close Mar. 4180 4209 4163 4201 May 4155 4187 4134 4161 July 4107 4110 4083 4103 Oct 3858 3858 3835 3842 New Orleans Cotton Open High Low Close Mar 4180 4204 4161 4189 May 4154 4167 4134 4162 July 4104 4108 4065 4101 Oct 3860 3860 M36 3843 Soybeans High Low Close Men 296ti May 2921; 290li 2S1K July 290 Sept. 283ii New York Stocks Closing Quotations: A 155 7-8 Arner Tobacco 653-4 Anaconda Copper 527-8 Beth Steel 53 1-2 Chrysler 63 5-8 Gen Electric 58 Gen Motors 513-8 Montgomery Ward 637-8 Central 191-2 lut Ha rvester 35 Penney 70 1-4 Republic Steel 43 Radio 25 1-8 Socony Vacuum 397-8 Stuciebakcr 32 5-8 Standard or 81 3-8 Texas Corp 59 Sears 55 3-8 Livestock NATIONAL STOCKYARDS. 111.

Hogs weights 180-220 Ibs active, 35 to 50 higher than Thursday's average: heavier weights unevenly 15 to 50 higher; 170 Ibs down 50 to 75 higher: sows strong to 25 higher; bulk 180-220 GOP Open Fire On President's Primary Remark Truman bismisses State Elections as Mere 'Eyewash' WASHINGTON, President Truman's dismissal of state primary elections as eyewash brought sharp retorts today from Republican contenders for his job. Harold E. Stassen said: "President Truman's statement Is an ejt- ample of the synical attitude of the Pendergast machine toward the rights of the people." Cav. Earl Warren of California said: "The election process In this country is never eyewash." Stassen added in a statement that the primaries are "the people's best chance to influence the selection ot their own leaders In both political parties." Democrats generally shied away from comment, but Sen. Smathers (D-Fla) said he agreed with the President.

Ibs mostly choice No. 1 and 2 with some No. 3s 18.75-90; 225-240 Ibs choice No. 1. 2 and 3, 18.00-50; few down to 17.75; 250-300 Ibs 16.7517.75..

150-170 Ibs 16.75-18.25; 120140 Ibs 14.50-16.50; 100-110 Ib pigs 13.00-14.25; sows 400 Ibs down 15.5016.25; heavier sows 13.50-15.25; stags 12.00-14.00; boars 10.60-13.00. Cattle 400; calves 225; generally about steady with individual heads nnd small lots commercial to low choice steers and heifers 28.00-33.- 00; utility and commercial mainly 20.50-23.00; canners and cutters 16.00-20.00 with some thin '4ielly canners as low as 13.00. Here's Shoe Style with mind! FLORSHEIM Twiot iroBnd lor good too! If jom want to hi Ugh thn FtORSHZIM otpan.

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