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Lincoln County Leader from Toledo, Oregon • Page 4

Toledo, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, FRIDAY, MAY 7th, 1915. Don't forget the Moose dance next Friday night. See Berry about that easy ppvment plan. THE ANNUAL INSTITUTE Tiie annual teachers' Institute heM at Newport the last three days of April was the best In the history of the county. Seventy-five teachers were In attendance, that being the largest number ever attending am Institute in this county.

The program was carried out without the slightest omission. Everything was good but the weather, and it was good while the teachers were on their way to and from the High' School building. It stormed only while we were The teachers voted to have the next annual Institute at Toledo, It was not that they were not well treated ry the people of Newport that they wished to make the change, but that they wished to pass it around. There fa talk of taking it to Waldport when the next change is made. I am sure the Waldport people would welcome it: The future alone can tell where it will go.

R. P. Coin. M. E.

CHURCH NOTES At the home of Mr. and Mrs. LLurenfelter Saturday evening a number of members and i ''a of the Methodist Episco-i- ii i hnrch gathered to meet Dr. .1 Abbett, the district superintendent. Dr.

Abbett expressed ns well pleased with the -th of the Church. The f'rrning was spent In visiting a ylng games. At the civ utterly conference the reports that the Church is mak-1. fogrcss. All present themselves.

Yiv.nday will be obEerved our country as Dn" 0 thia day the people gather in tho Churches i i honor to our mothers. As See Billy McGee about that suit while the sale is on. Newt. Guilliams of Ona was transacting business in this city Wednesday. Mrs.

Lee Wade wenf to Albany Saturday for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Lola Cruson. Wife (on auto tour) "That man said there was a roadhouse below here. Shall we stop there?" He "Did he whisper it or say it out loud?" Miss Grace Davis returned home from an extended visit in California, last Saturday evening. She has resumed her duties as operator in the local telephone office.

G. O. Adams and daughter, Lillian, of Big Elk were in the city Wednesday attending to business matters. Mr. Adams has finully disposed of his real estate holdings in Michigan, and expects to Improve his ranch on Big Elk.

He commenced by buying two milch cows from Mr. Thomas of Blodgett. "I have always been interested," said little Jinks, "in the valuation of waste. Now, where do you suppose all these burst tires go to in the end "I don't know" said the genial philosopher, "but if they go where most people consign 'em there must be a terrible smell of rubber in the hereaiter." When the butcher answered the telephone the shrill voice of a llttla erlrl Vilivi is that Mr. Stephens?" "Yes, Mary," he answered, "what can I do for you "Oh, Mr.

Stephens, please tell me where grandpa's liver Is! The folks are out and I've got to put a hot flannel on It! and I don't know where to put it." Remember the big dance given by the Moose lodge of this place, at Oddfellow hall, next Friday night, the 1 1th. This will be the Cist to be given by this order and they are doing every I O. HOLLINGS WORTH Complete Home Furnisher PAINT Now is the Time to Paint and Brighten up your home. We sell Sherwin-Williams Prepared Paint. THE BEST IN THE WORLD.

COVERS MORE SURFACE, LONGER and spreads easier. We Guarantee every can. Toledo Druff Co. NOTICE OF 8ALE OF PROP- ERTY FOR FREIGHT Notice la hereby given that the undersigned claims a Han on a certain Planer being No! 10 Model, manufactured by Berlin Machine Works. Bald Hen being in the eura of Seventy-five and no-100 Dollars, together with Interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent, from the 6th day of June, 1914.

and for the cost of keeping and selling said property. The said lien is claimed by the undersigned, a common carrier, tor the I transportation of said Planer from Portland, Oregon, to Toledo, Oregon, (performed at tiie request of the lawful posessor thereof, and on or about june uin, 191. The undersigned will on Saturday, the 22d day of May, 1915, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said at the Planer Shed of Geo. W. I Moore Lumber Toledo, Oregon, In I order to satisfy the said claim for I freight charges, care, and costs of this 'sale, sell at public sale to the highest bidder, the above described personal property.

This notice is published In the Lin- I coin County Leader tor four constic-1 utive weekly issuns beginning with the issuo of April 30th, 1915, and ending wim hid issue 01 iuay tiai, 1010. Gas Schoontr Mlrene, C. K. Crosno, Agent i 444fr J. S.

AKIN 1 I.J.J.J J.l-LJ..t.L.f.J.XAA vTVT'f'TTTV TTTTT rTTTTTT VT? believes in keeping up thing possible to make it a grand success. The best musicians in the county will be in the orchestra of 10 pieces. You are sure to have a good time at this dance. with the times, the people are unlinllv invited to attend the t-; scs at the Methodist Epis-fODHl Church. We believe that ViJVt'i Bible has a message for tm and if we would all live In r(TPrdance with it's teachings fewer mothers would go down in U.eir graves in sorrow bemuse of the lives of their chil- rtivn.

So we invite you to start ho aohnni miir, that 1,1,3 cominS Sunday evening and made talks tending fyiiool at 10 a. m. and studying to show the advantage of Bible At the morn-mg maunei training and domes tic woreiup hi 11 a. ine pan- Uc science as courses of studv in preach on "Religious our Bchool State School Superintendent Churchill and C. II.

Jones, editor of the Oregon Teachers' Month ly, both of Salem, were in thei city last Friday evening. They for will El ation in the Home." In i veiling will occur the special r-1 of the day. The Bubject of the sermon will be "Honoring Oiir Mother." Special music at lvjth services. Come and Join vlih us. If there is anyone whom we should all delight ta lrv.or it is our mothers.

Lotus ail do this by attending the servicer, held In their honor. 0 0f ther Bum of $00.00 with interest at the I DflM 13 ft MI PI? 17 rate of 10 per cent, from Juiy 15, 1912, Jil V1 lldlXlLt nnrl flin furthoi aum nt t9ft ftft with In. fmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm itoro Positively the Best Ladies' Hose in Toledo for 25c. 25 per cent discount on all Flowers for one week. 50 pairs Children's Bloomers to close them out.

20c. pair. Water proof Mulines all colors SHERIFF'S 8ALE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Multnomah. Arthur Watson, plaintiff vs. Paul J.

Cauthorn, defendant. By virtue of an attachment execu tion and order of sale issued out of the above entitled Court in the above en titled action to me directed and dated the 31st day of March, A. 1915, In favor of Arthur Watson and against I Paul J. Cauthorn, for the sum of $400 3 with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum from the 13th day 1 4H fr't'C 4frfr 4)4MC'4j'4'4 HVfrfr'frO sura or xbO.00, with Interest at 6 per cent, from March 24, 1915, and the fur- It. U.

BURGESS PHYSICIAN AND SUIKilioN Tol.mxi, OIIWION Oltfeo in OMx.IhIiI rlnllillnu. OrT.oe hours 10 12 a. 'I 4 hii.1 7 to 8 p. m. ynmriff miy ChIIh hI ativ tin tVMVM THOXKS- nun Lilt, iui inn nuiu ui tu.uu Willi iu- terest at tiie rale of 6 per cent from March 24, 1915, and the further sum of $13.70 and costs and accruing costs and costs of this writ, commanding me to sell the following described real or sty, oi section 19, ana tne EV4 of the NE4 and NE4 of SE4 of Section 30, all in township 13 south, range 10 west the Willamette Meridian, In Lincoln County, Oregon.

Now, therefore, in compliance with the deaiautls ot Suid tttucli.ueul elocution and order of sale I will on Saturday, the 29th day of May, A. 1915, at 1 o'clock P. at Uie front door of the County Courthouse, in the City of Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, sell to the highest bidder fr cash, all the right, title and interest of the above-named Paul J. Cauthorn, defendant. In the above named action, In the above described property to satisfy said attachment execution and order of sale, Interest, costs and accruing costs.

Bert Geer, Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon. Date of first publication April 30, 1915. date of last publication May 28, 1916. 0 Till? M. t.

AM'KUSON, I'rop. Choi re Confrrtions Summer Drink Cream, Ire Cold DrhiJ.H JHIk bUal-e ltttts, XutH 2 St nt lottery Bpgt Brands Cigars TOLEDO. OREGON -IOLLINOS WORTH Funeral Di lector and Emhulniur falls answered Day or Night Both Phone Money nt makes It and under the terms .1 i. CONTINENTAL MORTGAGE coMi'ANY you can secure It at oer ir any legal purpose on approved ntate. Terms easy, tell us your and we will ro-operate witnyou.

PETTY A COMPANY Denhsm Building Denvtr, Colo. 0 HIVES For the Best and Cheapest lllve, made by a practical bee man, call on James McDonald, West Toledo, -o PROPOSALS FOR FAIR GROUNDS ASKED ie County Fair Board of Lln-c. in county will receive proposed for location for the County Jr. Said proposals to Include site for grounds and of sale or lease and anything further of Interest or In- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The County Court of Lincoln county, Oregon, will receive sealed bids for clearing, grub bing and grading a 16 foot road bed, with a 2 foot drain ditch next to bank, In road District No. 6, Lincoln county, Oregon, be-I ginning at station 0-1-00 and extending north to station being on the Newport-Siletz wagon road.

All bids to be in accordance with plans and specifications now on file In the County Clerk's office, and must be filed with the County Clerk on or before one o'clock p. Friday, May the 7th, 1915. Each bid must be accompanied by a cerliiied check amounting to 5 per cent of the bid submitted. Dated April 23, 1915. R.

H. Howell, County Clerk, CITATION In the County Court of the Stat of Oregon for the County of Lincoln. In the matter of the estate of Ellen Hruseth, deceased. To Mrs. Anna Peterson, Christina Funkj Ounder Bruseth.

Olaf Bru-seth, Mrs. Uudron Tottager, Joseph K. Hruseth, Dora BruseUi. Ellia Bruseth, Albert Bruseth, Tena Bruseth, Kritjof Bruseth, Palmer Bruseth and Ruby Bruseth, Greeting: In the Name of the Stats of Oregon, you and each of you are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Lincoln, on Monday, the 10th day of May, 1916, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause why an order and 11' ducement that may assist In cense should not be granted to C. E.

Hawkins, the administrator of said es tate, to sell so much aa may be necessary of the hereinafter described real estate of the said deceased, to pay the claims, charges and expenses of the said estate, tow It: Beginning on west meander line of Yaqulna River, 26 chains south of north line of section 15, township 11 south, range 10 west of Wllliimotte Meridian In Oregon, run making an appropriate choice. All bids to be filed with tho County Clerk. Bids to be considered May 7th. The right to reject any and all bids reserved. Secretary.

CALL FOR WARRANTS to lino of section 16, thence Notice IS hereby given Hint all south 41 rods and 1 foot, thence cast warrants drawn on the General rods to tho river, thence northerly Fund of Lincoln county. Oregon, line to point of begin-, uiiu jt 0I(j containing 22 acres, and endorsed not pa id for want lll0 Hon K. R. Mlllcri Judge of fundB." up to and Including 0f the county court of the Btato of NOV. 12, 1913, are hereby called, Oregon for the County or Lincoln, with and the interest stopped thereon "71 Mt 6th When Stopping in Toledo And when Hungry go to NorgaarcTs Restaurant When Sleeping Rooms are wanted go to the Commercial Hotel You will be met at the train by the manager, who will show you the sleeping which can not be duplicated in this city, as the Beds are Clean and having wool pads.

There Is a Good Office at the 'Commercial Hotel for you to go to spend your evenings. Hans Norgaard, Prop. this date. C. B.

McCluskey. County Treasurer. Dated April 12, 1915. Date of lint April 9th, 1915. publication hereof is R.

H. Howsll. County Clerk. AN ORECONIAN SONG (Tipperary) Down to Newport went a panting Portlander one day. Down to get the cool sea-breezes off Yaquina nay.

Thoughts of fresh rock-oysters made his pneumogastrics play. As he passed Oregon City, thus I heard him say "It's a long way down to Yaqulna, It's a long way to go. In? CSV-L And I long for the beach at Newport, For the rock-oysters I know. Farewell to Willamette! Good bye Portland Rose! I am going for the fresh rock-oyster To my heart that goes." Good bye Salem, now we leave you; Albany, farewell! Now we pass thru fair Corvallls; then we pass Nashville; Now we're stopping at Toledo. Oh! there rings the bell.

Off we go now for Yaqulna; passengers all yell Chorus: On the Bay the rhododendrons to perfection grow; On the beach we'll pick up agates red and white, you know; But with tin buckets and mattocks we delight to go And unearth the luclous niollusks while sea breezes blow. Chorus: FreBh chinook our palates tickle; crabs, and razor clam. Some may like the deep-sea fishing, 1 don't care a hem! Trout are fine and halibut may have Its charm for some, But rock-oysters are the filling for my tummy-tum. Chorus. (Born at Toledo, May 3, 1915.

(The youngest child of an Oregon Teacher. C. M. D. Restoration to Entry of Lands In National Forest.

Notice, is hereby given that the lands described below, em- KMnlnn 111 A1 I V. I jUIVIUR 111.11 BllCO, I lit 111 MIC OIUB law National orest, uregon, will be subject to settlement and entry under the provisions of the homestead laws of the United States and the act of June 11, 1906, (34 233). at the United States land office at Roseburg, Oregon, on June 12, 1915. Any settler who was actually und In good faith claiming any of said lands for agricultural purposes prior to January 1, 1906, and has not abandoned same, has a preference right to make homestead entry for the lands actually occupied. lands were listed upon the appll- i .1 a Ill ybiauuB I.ICIIVIIIIIOU HIT low, who have a preference right sub-' Ject to the prior right of any such set-; tier, provided such settler or applicant Is qualified to make homestead entry land the preference right Is exercised 'prior to June 12, 1916, on which date the lands will be subject to settlement 'and entry by any qualified person.

The lands are as follows: The SWU SE 8WK Sec. 36, T. 14 R. 11 me Yin a ana wvi NH of Lot (16.31 acres) and Lot (32.66 acres). Sec.

2, T. 15 8.. R. 11 W. 68.97 acres, listed upon application of K.

H. Blonn, Independence, Oregon; List 6-1666. The EVi NWU NWU the NE SWfc NW, the SE WW BW NWIi, Sec. 12, T. 14 8 R.

10 except a strip of Und within sec. iz, aoove townBhlp and range, said strip being 60 links wide, des cribed as follows: Beginning at point 20 chains west and 14.60 chs south of the north quarter-corner of Sec. 12, T. 14 R. 10 extending tnence a.

41 degrees 6.66 chs thence 8. 19 degrees 4.3k chains thence B. 26 degrees 2.2S ch thence 8. 43 degrees, 30 min. 3.96 tnence 8.

71 deg. W. 1.42 chs. thence N. 61 deg.

1.81 chs; thence N. 87 deg. 1.22 thence 8. 44 deg. 30 min.

2.02 to the place wnere me era of tne strip closes on the southern boundary of the tract. me net area oeing 11.32 acres, appll cation ot i. K. Thompson, Bllverton Oregon; List 6-1698. The NWU bc, eec.

1 14 K. TOLEDO, 20 Harland List 6-1656. Bruce, Assls- tbe General acres, application of Long, Alsea, Oregon; March 22, 1915, C. M. tant Commissioner ot Land Office.

0 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Notice Is hereby aiven that bv an order of the County. Court of tltB state or uregon for Lincoln countv. Mark P. Thompson has been appointed executor of the estate of J. W.

Thomp son, aoceaspo, ana an persons havln claims against said estate are re quired to present them wlUiln six months from the date of this notice. with the proper vouchers, to said ecutor at the olllce of A. M. Runnells, In Josoph, Wallowa county, Oregon. Doted April ICtll, 1915.

Mark P. Thompson, Exerutux as aforesaid A. M. Runnells, Attorney for Executor Taints and wall paper selling OREGOf CI. S3 1 1 IMLVIIIIIH.

1 MlumKl. ion MM torn i. DJMJIUr'iiM. (Mi. Tk CW H.

UDr C. SmhU H. ZOPHAR THARP, M. D. Physician and Surgeou OFFICE In Residence, se-ind house above Hardware Store.

OFFICE HOURS 10 to 12; 2 to 4, and 6 to 8. Calls any time to any place Whooping Cough Well everybody knows tho effect of Pine Forests on Coughs. lit. lieirs nne-Tar-Honev la remedy which brines auick re lief for Whooping Cough, loos ens tne mucous, soothes tho lining of the throat and lungs, and makes the coughing spells leBS severe. A familv with growing children should never be without it.

Keep It handy for all Coughs and Colds. 25c. at your Druggist. Electric Bitters for a Tonlo 0 Your Child's Cough a Call for Help Don't put off treatimr vour Child's Cough. It not only Baps their strength, but often leads to more Berious ailments.

Why risk? You don't have to. Dr. King's New Discovery Is Just the remedy your Child needs. It Is made with soothlne. heallnir and antiseptic balsams.

Will quick ly check the Cold and soothe your Child's Cough away. No odds how bad th Cough or how long standing, Dr. King's New Discovery will stop It. It's guaranteed. Just get a bottle from your druggist and try t.

0 ROOMS Nice light, froth and clean at Merchants Hotel. 2Gc. and GOc. per night. Rates by week or to families.

at cost at the uacket store,.

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