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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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FREDRICKSON. Editor PAUL D. HUMAN. Advertising Manager National Advertising Representatives: Witmer Co. New York, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, Memphis.

Entered second cla.w matter at the post- at Blytheville, Arkansas, udder act of Con- frtn, October 9. 1917. Member of Associated Press SUBSCRIPTION RATES: BY carrier In the city of Blythevllle or anj suburban town where carrier sen-ice maintained, 26c per weeV. By man. within a radius of SO miles, $5,00 per year.

$2.50 for six months. 11.25 for three months; by mail outside 50 mile zone. per year payable In advance. Meditations When Jesus heard these things, hf marvHrd him, and turned him about, said unto the people lhaf followed him, 1 say imto jnu, I have nni so frcai faftJi, ntt, nnt In 1:9. Thew jKior prople hud never heard the tions between itilellect'ial faith, historic fai(h, and saving faith; hut as they were reached out their dirty hands, to lake Christ, and attended to (he washing of their hands H.

Daniels. Barbs Saying only things of Importance would mean a great saving of words. Iht who depends nn pvlra jr.liilllfs, toiijth a customer tipsy und tight ftl the same time. When Mom the kids Join the old gent on fishing trip, who get hooked? SfcoH ilory nn person with fill ami Mill Retrardlesi! of what It Is. It pays to take a' little longer do It right: Economic Pressure Can End Oatis-Type Fake Trials How can we prevent Russia and Its sattelites from continuing to inno- csnt Americans on false charges? Nobody but a few Irresponsible senators lias suggested we should use or even threaten force.

Force may evoke more force, with war the end result. De- ntruction and the death of possibly millions are steep price to pay for the freedom of few men. Especially aa there it evidence we can effect their release by other means. We can't be sure we slmll not have war some day with the Communist world. But we are not likely to let it 1 commence over the trial of a William Oalis or Robert Voider on fake grounds of espionage.

Or over the prospect of more such trials. A more common proposal is that sever diplomatic relations with any "umlry which thus mistreats or threatens our citizens. Presumably no one seriously intends we should do this while an American is actually being held, since this action would isolate Mm pletely from contact with the U. S. government.

though, that we how to cut ties with Hungary, which held Vogcler bat later let him go. Hungary's diplomats in America would, of eomise, have to home. We know all satfelile embassies and legations are spy centers, so to that extent would gain. we would also lose a listening post in Hungary, where we havp a sizeable staff and can way or the Communists are doing. The kind of information diplomatic attaches gather is not made public, but it woud be risky to assume it if unimportant to us.

With western reporters behind the Iron Curtain down to a handful, we're, getting a scanty enough portrait of life there. Perhaps they would like nothing better than to have UP shut up shop and go home, even at cost of one diplomatic spy headquarters. Like them, we have spies, loo. Rut it's a lot easier for theirs to operate in a free country like America than for ours to get information in a police slate under strict censorship. They might well sec themselves the gainers in any break- off.

What about economic sanctions? We've already imposed many trade re- striclions. We can do more to strangle satellite trade with us, and influence other Western powers to follow suit. Reporters filtering out from behind the Curtain indicate that these trade hurt. Despite all efforti at Communist world needs materials and products West The guffcr when flow is reduced or stopped. Economic sanctions seems the most promising field to work, Where, with Hungary, we may foar further arrests of Americans, we can perhaps gradually tighten a clamp on trade with the Reds.

Aloviiig step by step ivouM permit us to guage closely the effect the restrictions were having, and also would leave us sompjhing in reserve. An immediate blanket ban would not give us this flexibility, would not keep the Reds guessing' as to what was coming next. This certainly does not exhaust the possibilities. Hut economic measures definitely can strike a painful blow, and we ought to look to them hopefully if the need arises. 'Black Ink-What's That? Views of Others Loyalty and Security I-asi April the regulations governing loyalty anrt spcui-Uy investigations ol government employees were tightened.

Under the new rules a number or State employees navi been rei'xaminecl. As reQUtreri by the rcfiulalions, those shout whom there Is still riollnt have been suspended pending the formal hearing ol their Last WCCK Die of two of P. Davles. and O. E.

out. Does this mean thai these two men have been virtually proved "disloyal." as one inighl assume from some political and news comment? Emphatically no. Their loyalty the United States In not under question, officials state; it is rather A quVslion of their being "security risks." If the United Slates is to avoid the living hell of police-slate tyranny, it Is Important, thnt Americans imrterslflnrl the distinction between terms. Vitally necessary It is to root out din- loyal persr-ns from places of influence, ft is equally necessary to protect Americans from being publicly branded as traitors when they may have nothing more than been Indiscreet in their dinner- table conversation or In choosing their friends. A number of personal factors may make man a doubtful security

His Judgment may be faulty while his loyalty and devotion to his country may exemplary. It not even been proved yet that Messrs. Daviei; and Clubb poor security risks. Until their cases have been decided by the Loyalty Review Boarri the question is an open one. Obviously, it would be Just as foolish to Insist on the Innocence- of a government employee without knowing all the relevant facts about him It would be to assert his guilt on the basis o( an charge.

The present State Department cases shoiv ihst the government loyalty und security program, under the pressure of public opinion. Is at Americans will comfort in the fact, bill will not hurry to call i before he has even been proved gray. SCIENCE MONITOR Consumption Tax A consumption Ux to raise eighteen billion dollars was proposed to the Senate finance committee Thursday by Charles R. Sligh head of the tax committee of the National Association or Manufacturers. It would be a sales tax levied at the manufacturers' level, where, according to "it would be to collect." The Senatorj look the proposition rather coolly.

And rightfully so. The N'AM representative getting pretty close lo the Townsend school and economic thinking In his general theory, though not In specific purpose. A tax on distribution Is bad for several reasons. It is a hidden tax lhal the taxpayer noes not feel directly. And it directly boosts prices: therefore, is directly Inflationary.

SliBh advocated Ihe tax on theory that it would combat Inflation by the budget. Balancing the budget will slackri! inflation if the balancing is done by a :a.v acainsi the Inrome of the country. A stealthy sales tax will not. Morning News SO THEY SAY 'if Washington Column FRIDAY, JULY 27, 19S1 More Wage Increases Ahead If Weak Controls Bill Passes WASHINGTON Another round of wage increases in store if Congress passes a weak antl-JnriAtlon bill. Th)K prospect triseB principally From three 1.

If Congress does not put effective cont 1 an prices, organized union labor leaders will demand additional wage increases to Tcier Cdkon make up for increases in the cost of living. Many in ihe automo- ive get these increases automntically through GJI- clator claiuses In their contracts, Others will demand them through new bargaining agreements. Tf no price control, organized labor leaders will stage another TO Ik out nnd re- 'use to cooperate with the government's stabilization program. The of uninn leaders who met in Washington In A Juttle effort lo persuade Congress to continue a price-control law, made this a definite threat. 3.

Texas Rep. Win proposed amendment to the Be- 'ense Mobilization Act. reorganizing the Wflee Stabilization Board, would probably break that organization and its already badly bent efforts to hold the line on the wage front. The Luca.s amendment M-ould change membership of from equal representation of six public, union labor and manage- mcnt representatives to a predom- 1 inantly public board with only advisory COMPLETE WALKOUT only would the union representatives walk out from such a body, but management representatives have indicated they'd bow out too. Finding any capable citizen of eood reputation to head up a public wage advisory commitle wo.uld be difficult.

Dr. George w. Taylor, present chairman of WSB, Is leaving the organization In September. Getting a successor for him is already a i tough problem for stabilization officials, This combination of circumstances if what makes anocher round of wace on the giddy inflationary spiral wem almost In- evuable. Kick-off for this increase might well come with the CIO Steel workers.

Their current contract expires Dec. 31, 1951. It may be reopened for dtouwion 60 nays before expiration, or about Xov. I. Rubber, packinghouse and textile workers' also have new negotiations coming up.

Coal runs lo March 19. ItK)-. Total labor income, including and salaries, is now running at the rate of about 165 billion dollars a year. Another 10 percent wage increase applied across the board for a full year would arid 16 billion dollars to the inflationary pressure. 1 Cultfng that figure in half for a safe estimate would still add eipht billion dollars to the nation's wage bill.

Pile it on top of the 12 to 15 billion dollars which Economic Sta- bilizatlon Director Eric Johnston says straight price increases will cost without adequate controls. What you come up with is a total In the neighborhood of 20 billion dollars a year the added costs of Inflation. Another round of wage increases. i if it comes, would be roughly the sixth the end of the war. There are no sharp cut-off dates on which it can be said one round left off and another began.

There were lags in many industries. Some companies negotiated third and fourth rounds while others were still on their second. By major industries, the increases have been roughly as follows: STEEL: cents an hour in- ease in 1946; an average of 15 cents in 1947, an average of 13 cents in 1948. There was no wage increase in 1949, but pensions and insurance benefits were granted tn lieu of a fourth round. The fifth round averaged 16 cents, beginning in 1950 AUTOS: cents In 1946, cents in 1947, from 13 lo 14 cents in 1948.

The fourth round in Ihe auto industry took the form of the long-term contract cost of living escalator clause and other benefits which in 1950 amounted to an average of 10 to 11 cents an hour. In 1951 this contract has given wage increases of 8 cents an hour plus 4 cents incentive raise. COAL: si.85 a day increase in 1946. J1.20 a day in 1947. SI a day in 1948.

10 cents a day In I9aO and $1.60 in 1951. This brings the miners dally wage to In this period (he welfare fund royalties have been i raised from 5 cents a ton 1945 1 lo 30 cents a ton in 1950. once over lightly- Bj A. A. FredrJcksuB Owe upon a lime It look foolishly courageous man with to ofemp'.

Imindina some ol na- Mint-work hi.s way in a cloudy deil had nothing very bright in ihe a'ay of a future. T-Men and G-Men and and u. s. marshals federal judges weren't quite so occupied in an earlier Sunday School Lesson By WILLIAM £. GU.HOY, D.

D. 1 have always objected to the term "the social gospel." The phrase is as objectionable a's ii would be to speak of "the individual gospel." More right and proper it is lo speak only of "the Gospel," as a gospel for individuals and for society, inasmuch as individuals live in social relationships and no man stands alone. So far as I am concerned "social been Biblical. No mailer what theme I might discuss, or how close its relationship to some issue in the com- put slate lines between him- felt and the local authorities. But thoughts of the plastic arm of the federal law and of traz and ol Leavcuworth gave to the most felonious felons Then.

too. the element that played fast and loose with cash and gcods in Uncle's realm seemed to operate with an unadorned plainness and basic And it was all lightfutly and wholeheartedly Mle- sal. Larceny wa.s larceny and fraud was fraud in them days anrl the paperwork Involved was how many times a given number of culprits wenL Into the total loot. Earlier this week, however. Uncle's General Accounting Office did ii bit of accounting that lined the shifting relationship tween the federal government and its once God-fearing subjects, uncle Sam, it appears, is no longer reader and those who are his pocfcet while holding hitn in contempt are having to stand liue to wait their turn.

ulll In munlty, or in national or community life, my sermon has been based Tne QAO's report on the latest In upon'the Bible. i larceny 'informs us that trade in its religious teaching I schools, colleges and universities 'have over-charged Uncle for the and in Its records of God's dealing with man, and the dealings of men with one another a profound and inexhaustible testixjok of sociology. There is no problem in society today, or in the life of a modern nation, that is not exemplified, with some very clear teaching if men would seek it. in the concentrated history ot the Jewish people as set forth in (he old Testament histories and prophecies. The causes of social disintegration, of national disruption, decay, and are there set forth as plain HS day; and there is no reason whatever to assume that those causes do not operate BS tragically for modern peoples as they did then.

It was in the seemingly most pros, perous periods in the life of Israel that the seeds of downfall were pie of the North, and the exile of the people of the South. When the prophet Amos saw the righteous being sold for a pair of shoes, and the altars of religion being increased, without any corresponding righteousnes justice, He saw full well what the end would be. and he fearlessly declared His message, even though it meant his own destruction. Christ's gospel for society took into it all the wholesome teaching and experience that had gone before Sec SUNDAY SCHOOL Pa 10 75 Years Ago In IN HOLLYWOOD Bq ERSKTNK JOHNSON NKA Stafr Correspondent Equally Hi? N'fpro cfti7rn demands, and I am pivmvr ia thr Metro will never give up Miuzcit until he achieves Dr. Ralph Buuchp, If In Fnslanrl onp virtue carried to if, our and sflnfp of ir-ffrinnty our own visual arts.

Michel Ayr'on, British painfer. 1 rtcn't want to learn anything now, if this 112 0 tn $1000 Is what you net for brine dumb. I Inve Dagmar. TV actress. We have ro en hack Tn (he things (hat rhurchp? anri Sunday u.

to tparh my generation respect for the laws Gori a habitual vision (if Isahftllc Buckley, founder Buckley California, N'o history ha? ever been successful no tTcriatirm Kelamer Frnnj. fn the mlsslns link in rhf- friam forgrrl for the defense of An. erica. This problem can br solved only by a program (o produce homes for to defense rs al prirr-s and terms they can J. Levitt, president, Levitt HOLLYWOOD Movies Without Popcorn: The playback machine is spinning away on the sound stage at Warnrr.s that houses the 'Star- lift" troupe and a trim, curvy Jane I is matching her hp movements to rf -song she has recorded a clay earlier.

Kxlras tarhed In red roHcs and p.ijam.1* move around the Army hnbiulal set or lenrt an car lo Jane's, u.irMing from thrir beds. When the number is lunched. I stroll around the stage Icoxin? at the pin-ups uear each cot Sudden- ly I slop nt my tracks. Some exua with a sense of hu- 1 inor. or It's Just a sense ot plain adotMion, has, pinned busty picture on the wall.

Shirley Yamaguthi. the i.iury dish from Japan. Is emotini wnh Don Taylor and James Bell Is East." the scene in which Don as an Army ru'ficer. m- lroducc.s hl.s N'ippon bririe. i to his father.

Tiny Shirley through her Hollywood paces without a hUch and afterwards I say to her: With all the yen you're grimr to make in this picture, you'll probably be able to alfcrd a swimming pool bat'K in Tokyo, 1 Oh. you make me to laughs behind her fan. "Japanese ie queen can not I don't think Arlene Dab! will visiting am movie sets that Shelley Winters happeixs to be working in the lulure. Or truy- br It's just my imagination, Arlcne of tht flame colored Is an onlooker as Shelley eoes Ihrotisn her parts (illli actor Raymond Rurr In Ill's "Meet llan- ny Wilson' anrt Ihc Air Is cnarRrrl with enough female elrclrlrlly to light up trie. AriTona Slielley, playing a bedroom srene la droopy-ntcilined ni rce, keeps peering nervously beyond the blazing studio lights toward Arlene.

And everything's go- ine wrong for Shelley. BETTER She decin.cs that she's violently ill and her worriage rioe.sti't come from the script, she smells leaking gas and looks baffled when she's told that nobody else whiffed it. Then Shelley's hand goes to her head dramatically and she demands to know why It's necessary lor the crew to keep the hot lights focused on her during a mere rehearsal. I tvirnerl watch's reaction, but there's no Mrs. Barker around- The smart cookie has raced for the nearest exit." Fact anrl fiction arj merged at Susan Haywarrt is play- inc Jane Froman In "With a.

Son? in My 'and David Wayne pretending to Don Ross, Jane's first, husband. The background is a Sec HOLLYWOOD on Taje 19 JACOBY ON BRIDGE By OSWALD Written for Scrvict Good Guess Needed To Win This now, and spp.edily cashed thn kins aJid then the ace of hrarts. Thpn he tried lo the queen of clubs, hut East stepped right in with the queen of trumps and laid (he ace ol to set the. Naturally Smith would have mBdr his contract it he had thp location of Ihe queen of hearts. could have made It without cm'-s- Jng, however, if only he had pi.ived the hand properly.

On ninninsr the fourth trick a diamond South must lead only one round of trumps to ciumniv's ace. Then he must lead the of can he sure that West has Mrs. K. W. Abery and children.

Emily Jane and Nancy Earl, of Haddon Heights, N. have, arrived for an extended visit with Mrs. Abery's parents. Mr. and Mrs.

Joe S. rnmty Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Horbet spent Sunday in Memphis. Mrs.

SaJlie Hubler and daughter. Mary, have gone to point-s of Kentucky to visit relatives after having been in Memphis for the past seven weeks. Mrs P. Friend and son. R.

have gone to Lufkin, Texas to spend several weeks with Mrs. Friend's mother, Mrs. W. Brown. NORTH AK62 A J6 AQ 10 WEST EAST A A 10-; 5 VQ75 876 AK7 55 SOUTH J84 VK109832 109 N-S vul.

forth fist South West Pass 3V Pass 3 N. T. Pass 4 Past Pass Pass Opening ProlMbly -South havp nn-trimip. tv.s pjrlner tn play Hie hand. Hnw- cvpr.

opening w-nuld IPAVC ihrrp no-cnimp dependent on aonit in That pood all South nccdrd io make four hearts. West oprned the king of clute and shifted lo Ihe deuce o( diamonds. Soul ii won aiid returned club to west's ace. west then led another diamond, and Soulh -1 South thought 'M at. leas', one more club, for Wr would have opened the acf rluhs from Ihe doubleton If East follows Mill, South is safe He discards a rashes the third diamond to discard another spade then teids ihe Jack of clubs to get rid ot his last spade By this means only two clubs and one trump can be lost.

If East ruffs Ihe queen of cluhs, Soulh over-ruffs, draws the last trump, and then gets to dummy via the Jack of trumps. Then he has two discards on a club and a I diamond, giving jip two clubs and orx i-atat. training of veterans. of the schools checked had sent Uncls padded bills, OAO said. For the benefit of the younger generation, to whom this probably seems a normal way to transact business, this sort of dealing is known as Fraud, children.

Is a form of dishonesty (hat somewhat unusual In (hat only the lesser members o( societi' used to practice It. Under the modern moral code, however, one need not Jeopardize his social standing or consort with those beneath him order to tvirn a fast buck. Our jails, once filled with riff-raff, now are occupied by former congressmen, ex-generals and fuschia millionaires. This is known as progress. Fraud is undeniably on an Intefll hisrh school at which he tausht, and the colleges that upperi tuition 300 per cent 5or cx-GT students.

It told of charges assessed veterans for books and supplies furnished non- veteran studenls. even to the exlent of billing- Uncle for high-priced -textbooks for. a tarm-trainee who couldn't read. It is somewhat saddening to see a man lose his reputation as gentleman to be. feared and respected and It is none the less so In the case of an institution like a government, Uncle has become marked as a fall guy for a fast deal and Is partly so because he has dealt, a few off the bottom of the deck himself.

He has advcriiscd both his greed and his gullibility few times too offen and the fast-bL'ck boys have his number. And it will serve no purpose lo preach further sermons on morality, for when colleges universities sUrt practicing frruici, then you might as well begin awarding in it. Which makes it kind of lough on us lads who have neither the nerve to rob banks nor the education to I phoney up a set of books. It seem.s that tnose dull citizens still rower-' i ing under a delusion the, feder- I al Government is a txnisli outfit to swindle are rioomcri to co on working for a living. And not.

a very I goo'd living at, that. Food Fish Answer to Previous Puizla HORIZONTAL 1 Depicted fish 7H is a creature 13 Expunges Fungus 15 Mouth part 16 Straighten 18 Greek letter 19 Toward 21) Object 22 Comparative suffix 23 Otherwise 25 deer 27 Profound 28 Gaelic 29 Coin (ab.) 30 Giant king of Bashan 31 Palm lily 32 Ancnt 3311 is used lor 35 Taverns 38 Hideous monster 39 Famous English school 40 Psyche part 41 Endeavors 17 Down 48 Serpent SOStriclnesj 51 Poem 52 Disembarked 54 Season 56 Dasheen 57 Hair fillets VERTICAL 1 Girdled 2 Bird 3 Short sleep Exist! 5 Rip 6 Norwegian capital 7 Horye's neck hairs 8 Eras 9 Sun god of Egypt 10 Anper 11 Saltpeler.i 1 Card game 17 Pronoun 20 Amino acid compounds 21 Hypotheses 24 Pa.rtot circle 26 Silver 33 Peccadillo 34 Group of eight 4A Swears 36 Bowed 46 Emerald 37 Shows island conlempl 19 Also 42 Woody plant 51 Ear (comb. 43 Frees form) 44 Inspector S3 Accomplish general (ab.) 55 Negative replyi it.

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