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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 19

Logansport, Indiana
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We'll Start now Selling The Holiday Merchandise. We'll You Along in the Way of Christmas Gifts. Given away free with every 20.00 cash purchase, a very fine and handsome Hat and Coat; evry Knee Pants Suit for boy's, ages 3 years to 16 years a handsome Iron you buy a 20.00 suit as the best suit we bank goes. There's DO Even though you are asked to pay a great deal more elsewhere. We're manufacturers, and with no middleman's profit to pay, its no that our are lowest, and we've proven it every day No merchandise unless it's reliable will find a hom3 in our house, While other merchants are kicking about dull business, hard times etc Our sales during Nov.

were 40 per cent more than last year. You can't blame people tor buying here, when they can get reliable qualities at such reasonable prices. Ife treat our customers liberally, no such thing as dissatisfaction here S10.OO Suits and Overcoats. This price gives you a fair idea ot oar entire stock, we've got them Itwer and higher, but this price is one we brag a Suit and most houses will ask you 12.SO to $15.00, for our Xmas price fit.00. They are wonders, come amd see 'em.

$2 to $5 Are the prices of our boy's Salts, ages 3 to 16 yeais Short Knee Pants. We carry the celebrated double seat and Knee Pants Suits, guaranteed not to another suit or your money back, If any suit bank free with every suit. will save you from 50c to to $1 on every Hat you On ITmderwear the same Saving's awaits you. If yon desire reliable Clothing Hats and Gents Furnishings. Otwe at once with the crowd that go to the THE HUB, Harry prank's Old £tand.

Young, THE MERCHANT TAILOR THIS FALL Kor A Suit or Overcoat He Makes Stylish Garments. All Work Guaranteed, 304 Market Street, Over Covdson's Drug Store. INSURANCE Of all Kinds Written by GEO. GONSER. Insurance and Loans.

All kinds of Insurance and Bonds written In first class companies. Money to loan 8 per cent. S. M. Pearl St.

SHANAHAN. Buy and Sell Second Goods. OlreusaoaU. a096thetreet HENRY WEBER, The Merchant Tailor, does first class work. Stylish and well fitting-clothes ae Cleaning and repair- Ing neatly done.

See him. 324 PEARL STREET. DR. F. M.

BOZBR'S DENTAL PARLORS. Over City National Bank Corner ot Fourth and BroadwaT Telephone No Office 38J. residence 343 D. E. DELZELL, Dentist, 416 MARKET STREET over Bruggeman'i Millinery Kroeger Strain.

UNDRRTAKRRB OalU promptly attended to Day or Klfht. 418 Broadway. Office, IS. Kroeger, IB SETH M-YELSEY Loans Money at 6 per cent. Makes Abstracts and Writes Fire.

Tornado and Plato Glass Insurance. W. J. Barnett, success to C.L.WOU. Undertaker, Erabalmer and Funeral Director.

417 Market street. Calls attended day or The finest outfit In the U. S. Col. Woll, will remain with me.

Office 16. Residence-Mutual, G5 o. u. When You Need an ABSTRACT or a LOAN H. Wipperman, Fourth Street Opp.

Court House Entrance, GEORGE W. RODEFEE. Real Estate, Loans. Tro I rt ycltr Bought, Sold or Exchanged. Money to Loan an mortgage or personal seourity.

Call on me or write to me at No. SI Bel River 'nd of Market street bridg-a. Private Money to Loan Delate C- 0. HEFFLEY, Insurance and Loans. Fourth Street.

OITY NRWS. Visit Walden's bankrupt shoe sale. Our novelties in jewelry and china will suit your Clamp skates for ladles and gents at diamond's, 312 Market street. Edward Buchanan of Jefferson township, left for Louisiana yesterday to visit his brother. Henry Schweir of the Otto shoe and clothing company went to Wheatfield today to attend the wedding of his brother, Dr.

W. C. Schwier. Mesdames Fred McDeimott and J. J.

Ueff and son Albert left for Mobile, Tuesday. Mrs. Neff expects to reside there permanently. MIND READER JOflSSTOSE Proposes to Go Aronnd the World Blindfolded. Paul Alexander Jobnstone, the mind reader who appeared in Logansport a year or two ago and drove around the town blindfolded and found a key that had been hidden by a commlceee, is now in Kansas City.

A telegram announces that he proposes to take a trip around the world blinfffoldea. At the same time he is going to beat the record for- globetrotters. "I have about made arrangements for the trip," said Johns tone. "A great many of my friends have tried to persuade me to give up tbe Idea, bat I do not think I shall. Of course, it will be a great strain on me mentally and physically.

So far my pian is to have the president or some high official in Washington start a packet of letters around the world and, after it has been gone about three weeks. I will be blindfolded and start out after it. The blindfold will not be removed from my eyes during the entire trip, and I will follow the packet and try to overtake It. I think I can do this." DON'T BE AFRAID, Don't Hesitate to Tell tbe Reporter of Matters Concerninj Yourself. "Many good items of news are lost to the newspapers by the people who hesitate 'to tell the reporters of matters concerning themselves," says an exchange.

"Not that they do not want it to appear in print, but they are afraid they would be pushing themselves forward. This Is a wrong Idea. From a reportorial standpoint, the aaan who will stop a newspaper reporter on the street and inform him that he has been absent from the city or is going to be absent, that he is going to be married, or his wife entertained friends from a distance, is the best man alive. May his likeness increase throughout the earth, If you have done anything mean or disreputable it isn't necessary to tell it, for there are always plenty of people who will do it for you. It Is good things about yourself and neighborhood that the newspaper man wants you to give him." TRE DROUTH A BENEFIT.

ADDITIONAL ITEMS. Scientists Say the Ground Has Been Fertilized by It and Insects Killed. That all things work together for our good finds a new Illustration in the report that scientists and many practical farmers now say that the recent drouth has proved of Incalculable benefit. The ground has been fertilized by the chemical condition created by the long, heated dry spell and the crop damaging insects have become almost extinct. It is said that the greatest benefit comes through the destruction of the Hession "fly" that has been so widespread in its damage of growing If this is true the farmers surely have cause for self-congratulation.

Tbe Good Lack Garter, Made with a genuine rabbit's foot, taken trom the left hind tnot of a rabbit, killed in a country graveyard at midnight, during the dark of the moon, on Friday, the thirteenth of the month, by a cross-eyed, left- handed, red-headed, bow-legged negro, riding a white horae: "Secret wishes may oft be consummated By the owner of a lucky rabbit's These lucky garters are sold by Dewenter, the hatter and. furnisher. Annual Gas Bates. Artificial and natural gas bills are now due and payable at the company's offloe. Natural gas consumers desiring to avail themselves of the annual rate, commencing December 1st, can do so by calling at the office and arranging for same.

All bills must be paid on or before the 10th of each month. LOGAUSPORX WABASH VALI EY GAS COMPANY. Fred Todd of Lafayette, was In the city yesterday. Hot and cold soda at Porter's. Born to Mr.

and. Mrs. Joseph Benson, of the Southslde, a son. Mr. A.

Lux, of Wolcott, is la the city, the guest of old friends. Mrs. Philiplne Wise, of 1721 High street, is at Delphi visiting friends. Look for the handsome new front on 4th straet, Taylor's jewelry store. Fiank Schrader has resigned his position as driverof Streckersbakery wagon.

Try McHale'3 for a- pnre drink of McBrayer, seven years old, 106 per cent proof. MUs Harriet Coleman Of 407 Seventh street, is at Plttsburg, visiting friends. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Spencer, of Albion, formerly ot this city, daughter.

G. H. Gaskill, of Burkett, is a guest of hiH son, J. W. Gaskill, of IS22 Spear street.

Miss Nora Gates of 128 Pawnee street, who has been ill for some time is convalescing. Mrs. Stern and daughter, Miss Bertha, have returned from a five week's visit £ib Chicago. Wanted, girl for general housework. No washing or ironing.

Apply at 908 Market street. Natural gas bills for November are due and payable an the company's office on or before the 10th inst. The plate glass factory strike at Kokomo is not yet settled, although the labor' commissioners are doing their best. The windows ot the local stores are being decorated for Christmas a little earlier this year than usual, Some of the displays are very handsome. The Christmas editions of the big New York dailies are being put on sale by the local newsdealers, and they seem to be selling in large numbers, The New Otto gives china and glassware free to their customers.

Even if tbe goods are no cheaper, and they claim they are, the presents are a clear gain. Monroe Selberling, who expended 165,000 In building a mansion at Kokomo, has sold his Indiana possessions and removed to Peoria, to manufacture bicycles. Many men are being discharged at McKinleyvllle, owing to a dullness In the stone trade. The closing down of the glass factories will result in more men being discharged in a few days. If you neglected to read the opening chapters of "The Weldon Estate" the synopsis printed at the head of the etory will start you In all right.

Those who are reading the romance pronounce it splendid. An increase of tweuty-nine completed oil wells in Indiana has been effected over that of last month. Peru leads the list of wells, having ninety-seven, the total cumber being 318, which only leaves twenty-one for the other sections of the state. Do not be deceived about silver plated flat ware, knives, forks, spoons, etc. There are so many goods on the market bearing tbe name Kogers, that the word Rogers is no longer a guarantee ot quality.

The brands sold by Taylor can be relied on as the best goods made. There is a war against the Chinese laundries in many of the towns In Indiana, and in Peoria, 111., Monday night, the laundry workeis in "white men's" laundries organized for the express ourpose of starting a crusade against the Chinese evil. Logansport has but one laundry run by the almond-eyed race, but it seems to be doing a good business. A Mental Culture society has been organised here, with Mrs. Dr.

Nefl as president and Mrs. Harry Tucker, secretary. The club will devote considerable time to the study of China, and much pleasure as well as intellectual development is anticipated. The regular meetings will be held on Thursdays. The club will meet at the home of Mrs.

Alice Hensley, on East Market street. Smoke the Columbia Hood's Pills Should be la every family medicine chest and every traveller's grip. They are invalKabie -when the stomach is out of ortier; cure hudnche. nnd all liver troubles. Mild md efficient, :2 ceatx.

AMCSEMESTS. Isham's Famous Octoroons at Dolan's Saturday Sight. John W. Isham's Famous Octoroons, flattered by imitators the wide world over, will be the attraction offered at Dolan's opera house on Saturday night with a programme said co be varied and interesting. The caat of characters numbers the best in their lice, the costumes are tasty and in harmoay with each particular scene, which latter consists ot some of the prettiest selections from, the comic and grand operas, and also olios ot some of the absurdities ot the day.

"Tbe Blackville Outing at Darktown Park," the curtain raiser, is a skit abounding In such ludicrous situations and apt hits that an audience is at once thrown into uncontrollable laughter, which never entirely ceases until the curtain's fail. Among the specialties, there is not one but what is good. The voices show high cultivation, are strjng and sweet and the operatic selections are always received with well merited recognition and praise from the most exacting audiences. NlPOLEOS'8 YALCE OF VICTORY. It Finds a Striking Counterpart In Recent World Triumphs.

Napoleon knew well the value of a victory; After Austerlltz the world seemed bis. Fame invited, fortune favored, everything stimulated his asptrlng ambition. With growing power he gathered the fruits of victory. And so it ever has been. Success succeeds.

A notable Illustration of this truth Is furnished by the great victories won at the World's Fair in '93 and the California Midwinter Fair in '94 by Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. Ever increasing sales and popularity have been the result. The people have promptly ratified the official verdicts that declared Dr. Price's, for leavening power, keeping qualities, purity and general excellence, the "foremost baking powder lu all the world." Quite as quickly as the great emperor do they know the value of a victory that means world-wide supremacy.

Mrs. J. 0. Ward, of 613 High street, was awarded a quilt disposed of by Mrs. T.

B. Helm. AMUSEMENTS. OLAS'S OFKKA HOUSE. Jviot One Saturday, December 11.

The Diamond of Tropical Production Without a Flaw JOHN W. ISHABTS OCTOROONS A tower of merit bulic to stand forever. THE ONLY ONE, Introducing the Bronze Melbile, Madame Flowers. Seats on sale at Johnston's drug- store. THE GREAT COMMERCIAL SCHOOL OF INDIANA.

Genuine Office and Business Practice from the day of entrance. The Logansport Commercial High School. We use the well known Sadler's Budget svt- tern of bookkeeping and office practice. The Educational Elt of the 19th Century! Genuine bookkeeper's experience from the stare. So copying-.

The student learns or doing. He is not. taught Impractical and obsolete methods and forme. The most thorough and up-to-date commercial school In thiBsection of the oountry. Select the best Cheap tuition if dear at any cost.

Select a school that is recognized endorsed by the business community. urge investigation. and BOO us, or irrlte. Logansport Commercial High FOURTH STREET. Lovely Trimmed Hats and Bonnets.

Our opening will continue for the season on THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS, i SATURDAYS. Mrs. W. 517 Broadway near Sixth Logansport, Indiana. A New Overcoat.

We can make you up a fine Garment and a perfect fit at a low figure. Handsome Suits. Those we are turning out are nowhere surpassed for the price. W. Craig Merchant Tailor.

Drop in and soe our line of WINTER GOODS. It was never so complete or beautiful. 4i6 Broadway, Next to Frazee's. DELICATESSEN FINE 407 Market strflet In room formerly occupied by Legansport Wall Paper Co. Guntker'8 Confectionery.

Charlotte Russe, Bavarian Cream, wine Jellies, Chocolate Eclairs, Patty Shells, Eitg KUses, Hickorynut Macaroons, Almond Macaroons, Walnut Macaroons, Cocoanut Macaroons, Vaniila Wafers. Jelly Tarta, Cream Puffs, Fruit Cake. Gold and Silver Bod. Lemon MarangiK; Plee. Frank K.

Lloyd, Pastry Cook at the Barcett and Kurdoci hotels ior the past flve years. nave contracted to furnish all the Pastry and Bread ior the above hotels. The New taitiire Cor. Mkt. 5th Erie.

STILL COMING OUR WAY. Our trade continues to boon. The gain in sales increases cock day. We set out to do a big trade. Thus far we have nearly accon- plished it.

Far lower prices elsewhere, handsomer goods and much larger assortment from which to choose, has about vinced everybody that they want to purchase all they need in Furniture of the new store FOR CHRISTMAS Beautiful things for home decorations. We Invite You to See Open Evenings until ChriitmM. Does jour head feel as though someone was hammering it; though a million sparks were oat of the eyes? Have you horrible lick- aess of the stomach? Burdock Blood Bitters will core you. BANKRUPT SHOE SALE. We have got to sell this of goods and we will save you Half Ladies' shoes 890 Ladies' shoes 990 Ladies' shoes $1.23 Ladies' shoes $1.48 Misses shoes 690 Misses shoes 890 Misses shoes 990 Misses shoes $1.19.

Child's shoes 350 Child's shoes 490 Child's shoes 590 Child's shoes 890. Ladies' Fine Shoes Splendid Shoes for Boys 98c, Kadies's Shoes S1.89- This is your Chance to buy GOOD SHOES for the price of Cheap Ones. your Shoe Bills What is better than a nice pair of Shoes for.

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