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The San Bernardino County Sun from San Bernardino, California • Page 3

San Bernardino, California
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Spanish Influenza can be prevented easier than it can be cured. At trie of a shiver or take. CASCARA QUININE Standard cold remedy for 20 year in tablet form ife, aure, no opiate. break, up a cold in 14 liour. relieves grip in 3 Money back If it (alls.

The genuine box hat a Red top with Mr. lull's picture. At All Drug Store, 8AN BERNARDINO PEOPLE'S STORE Qold Profit-Sharing Stamp with Eaoh Purohaae Corner Court ana Street ILVERWOOD The Home of Hart Sohaffnor A Marx Clothoa Stawart Hotal Hook San rnardlno 1,5.65 rM7.45. SIQUHEDv BAB HEAD Berkeley Man Will Succeed W. R.

Williams, Who Has Recently Resigned By Assoclhted Press SUN SACRAMENTO, Nov. 20. Charles F. Stern, of Berkeley, California, wns appointed today state superintendent of Imnks to succeed W. R.

Williams, resigned, Gov, William! D. Stephens announced. The appointment wins made effective December 1. The office pays a salary of $10,000 a year. Stern served for several years on the state board of education.

He has been a member of tho state highway commission. William bus been state superintendent of banks since February 20.,1911. Ho vns appointed by United Statos Senator Hiram, W. Johnson, when Johnson was governor. Governor Stephens also announced tho appointment of Charles A.

Whlt- of Vlsalla, who Is a member of the state board of education, to the vacancy created In tho state highway commission by the death of Henry J. Wldcmunn, of Vallejo. PAVE STATE ROADS OMAHA. Nov. 29.

The Nebraska Kood roads association with members in nracticallv every county In tht state, met In Omaha and started movement to Dave tho nvuln ixxuIh of me state wun permanent material. VALUE IN GRAIN CROPS WAUKKGAN. 111.. Nov. 29.

The grain crops of Lake county farm this yrsir renehnri a total value of $1,907,276. mm tc that Vn mm. warn 'j A XaVWa mil dent forget to send me -4- bars of that splendid (TOCOANAPfliAOAP Cocoa Naptha Soap works perfectly in either hot or cold water. It is a very economical soap cuts down fuel bilU --does not damage the clothes. i A Southern California Troduct liTTPS maJe bv the Lo1 nEc' SoaP Co- "You must try this Wonderful Cocoa Naptha Soap." IM Time Way Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Ovr Great Purchase Sale of the Jonas Seldner Stock will end when the lights go out Saturday night.

(2.50 (3.00 (3.50 8weatere. (100' $9.00 8woater. "0 fcwestari, Maekinaws (10.00 Coats (12.60 (15.00 (11.85 (17.50 (12.45 (15.00 Loathor Tax. Coatt (9.45 Flannel Shirts (2.50 Shirt (1.98 (3.50 Shirts (2.85 (4.00 (5.00 Shirts (4.15 (7.00 idolph Anker 35-437 Third Street aulf I RAILROAD. NEWS EXPECTS- DEFINITE ANSWER MQNDA Bonus Ruling Held Up on Ac count of the Absence of Officials Time continues to draff In the no definite answer on that date.

Wreck at Dell A south bound extra freight train Conductor Ileynolda, figured In a wreck shortly before noon yesterdny at Dell, when six freight enrs left the rails and piled up In tho ditch. Trainmaster A. O. Wild wen, to tho scene with the wrecker. Traffic was halted on the south bound track.

Indications were that a rail turned over, It was Whole Family Ill-Paul Poncy, machinist, Is 111 at the Ramona hospital, suffering a relapse from Influenza. Mrs. Poncy and several children are 111 at home with the same disease. Bonds Delayed The fourth Liberty bonds were not sent from the treasurer's office as Boon as expected, owing to an unavoidable delay, but word has been received that they will be 1'ere tho latter part of next week. Back on Job W.

F. Agan, night machinist, is on the job again after an attack of McGuire' Is Dead-Word was received here yesterday that W. A. McGuire, assistant yard-mnster of the Santa Fe at Barstow. is dead from Influenza.

He died at tho home of friends at Corona at 9 o'clock Thursday night, ire leaves six children. Mrs. McGuire- died about six months ago. McGuire Is a member of the B. of It.

T. at Needles. Official Eight Hour Ordei- Followlng is the official order of Director General McAdoo on the eight hour day. November 22, The emergency under which railroad employees In locomotive and car repair shops patriotically worked long hours during the wnr period having In some degree passed. Director General Mc Adoo today issued directions un-lov which tho locomotive nnd car shop hours, as far as practicable, will be ie-duced to nine hours per day, cf'ecfv November 25, nnd to eight hours per day, effective December 9.

The director general sent the follow ing telegram to all regional directors: "Last spring when tho railroads were still struggling with congested traffic and weather conditions were very severe tho different mechanical organizations responded In a most gratifying wny to the request that the men work a greater number of hours In the shops throughout the country then they had been accustomed to, or than some of their agreements with tho railroads provided. In order to repair locomo tives and enrs for the prompt transportation of munitions of war and for food and other supplies for our army and navy nnd the allies. It Is now possible, In view of the signing of the armistice, to anticipate an early return to normal conditions, nnd directions have been Issued that wherever practicable the locomotive and car shop hours shall bo reduced on November 25 to nine hours per day where greater number Is now being worked nnd to express his deep appreciation of the pntrlotlc response of the mechanical workmen on all railroads nnd his gratification that it Is no longer necessary to call for number of hours of service heretofore required. G. M'ADOO.

"Director General of Railroads." No Christmas Gifts The United States railroad administration issues the following: November 22, 1918. Circular No. 64 A practice has grown up by which officers and employees of railroads have been given Christmas and other holiday presents by shippers, and by business houses who furnish supplies and materials to railroads. Whllo in many Instances these presents, do not represent muterlal value, yet the pruntleo Is essentially objectionable, and It is the policy of the Scouts Are to Aid in the Relief Work for Christmas Among Poor That the Pov Soon 's shall do somo roal relief work during tho Christmas crit wm decHed Inst night 'at 'the meeting of the boys In tho Y. M.

C. A. when It was voted to act with Charles E. Stickle of tho relief commission In taking baskets to destitute families about the city. A vlgoroua membership campaign was opened Inst night by the boys and they decided to secure at least 75 members by Christmas time.

Every1 boy pledged' himself to have one. now member within two weeks. The boys are most IntercsttH Iff laid out for the Tvrnter montha and -enjoyed the first meeting they have been able to hold for some time. Certified, alfalfa eeei at JJeyer, I in gotlatlons over the back bonus situation, and more telegrams have gone to Washington nnd replies received. According to a message received yes terday from John Scott, of the railroad employees' division of tho Amoiican Federation of Labor, he could give no definite answer us to tho ruling on the bonus, owing to tho absence of W.

McAdoo's counsel, but as the absent officials were expected to be back on Monday ho hoped to be able to send a All tho crafts huve Joined, It Is understood, In nn urgent request that a ruling be announced at once. HER CHILD SSOO WORTH pniinT pint nip pi inn uuuni Gull nib auivi i i Hearts Throbp and Eyes Are Moist As Woman Is Denied Daughter That a mother's affection for her child is not puramount to the interests in. the law of tho state of California, was ruled late yesterday by Judge J. W. Curtis at tho climax of a scene In which hearts throbbed and eyes grew moist.

Thnt the Judge himself was affected by tho tragic setting In which tho disposition of a human life was at stake was apparent He quickly retired to his chambers when he announce that Mrs. Kdlth Cain of Ited-lands could not take her own child to her own home. "They shall not have my child," sobbed the heart-broken mother as she was helped from the court room. Her sister, Mrs. Oscar Ford of Itcdlands, hns the child, little Alice F.JKIi; taken to her home when Edward M.

Cain forgot his vow on tho altar of marriage and began to roam tho world nnd when tho mother, whose mind had never developed uftcr she reached the age of 14, broke down and was taken to Fat-ton. Mrs. Cain has since been discharged from Fatton as not insane and the hus band hns returned from his wanderings to make amends and restore the wrecked home. "Your honor," pleaded Attorney A. S.

Moloney in tones that caused the once-erring father to break down and sob and other eyes to grow moist, "here is this poor mother, whose heart cries out for her baby. It is their child, their own flesh and blood, tho gift of God Almighty and she should not be kept from them." That a few short months of effort to restore what ho had wrecked, was not sufficient guarantee of the future course of the father, and that the mo ther is not mentally or physically competent to rear a daughter as sho should be reared, was the ruling of the court, and he declined the petition for writ of habeas corpus brought by the mother 1 the attempt to forco tho surrender of the child. The court In timated thnt as time goes on the con ditions might charge and then the petition could be renewed. Judgo H. T.

Dewhirst had previously denied tho writ, soon after the discharge of Mrs. Cain from Patton. Atorncys Frank T. Hates nnd A. S.

Maloney represented the mother and Attorneys McNabb Hodgo and Wal ter ilarlzcl represented tha. Brand Whitlock Is Again Established in Brussels 3v Associated Press to THE SUN WASHINGTON. Nov. 29. Brand American minister to Bel- o'iiim, formally notified the atato de-pnttment today of his reoccupntlon of tho legation at Brussels, relieving tho Spanish minister who enred for Americans during tho German occupation.

Hotels Refuse to Conform to Order on Phone Charges NEW YOUK. Nov. 29. Hotels In this city will rcfuso to comply with the order of Postmas'cr General Burleson thnt they churge not more than five cents for telephone calls, according to an announcement tonight by attorneys for tho Hotel association of New York City. If you must have your meat every day, eat It, but flush your kldneya railroad administration that it should Jwlth salts occasionally, says a noted bo discontinued ntlrely.

W. O. M'ADOO. Dlrcptoiy General of Railroads. Boy How a Salesman Suffered H.

J. Porter, Sterling, writes: "For six months I suffered with a painful wenk back. As a traveling salesman I bad to stoop frequently to pick up my gilps, which I grew to dread as tho pain when I straightened up was awful. Numerous remedies failed to reach my case. I was Induced to try Foley Kidney Pills.

Ro-llcf was Immediate. Say, they are great! Any one afflicted aa I wns should try a bottlo or two of Foley Kidney Pills." Good for pain In the back, rhoumatlo pains, aching joints, sore muscles. Owl Druir Store, URIC ACID IN MEAT CLOGS THE KIDNEYS Take a glass of Salts If your Back hurts or Bladdor bothers. authority who tells us that meat forms uric acid which almost paraly zes the kidneys In their efforts to expel It from tho blood. They become sluggish and weaken, then you suffor with a dull misery In tho kidney region, sharp pains In the back or sick hcadacho, dizziness, your stomach sours, tongue Is coated and whon the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges.

The urine gets cloudy, full of sediment, the channels often get aore and irritated, obliging you to seek relief two or three tlmea during the night. To neutralize these irritating acids, to cloanso tho kldneya and flush off tho body's urinous wasto get four ounces of Jud Hulls from any pharmacy here; take a tablespornful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts Is made from the sold of grapes and lemon juice, combined with Ilthla, and hns been ustfd for generations to flush and atlmulata sluggish to neutralize tho -acids' In urine," so It no longer irritates, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salta ia Inexpensive: cannot Injure, and crakes a elifhtf 4I ffer 1. i i 1 1 SAN BERNARDINO DAILY SUN- -SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1918.

PAGE THP.Z2 CHEEK FOR How Worthless Paper Made $3600 for Grape Man Shown in Court That a $500 check marked "no funds" should be worth $3000 In leal money seems paradoxical, but that Is Just what happened and what wus proved in court yesterday. a. Dematcls made a contract with Frank Vezu to purchuse 600 tons of grapes at $19 0 ton, and he gave his check for $500 to bind tho deal. Vezu put the check In the bank and It camo luick marked "no funds." The check was made on April 21 and Vezu waited until May 9 and then went to Los Angeles to see Mr. Dcmatels.

On tho sain 3 d'ly'Mr. LVmatnis ciune to hoc Mrs. Vezu. Mrs. Vezu told him the check came back.

Mr. Dcmatels said there must have been somo grave error. Then Mr. Vezu waited one more week, called on his lawyer and was advised to rescind the contract, which he did. And In the meantime price of grape wnt up and up and up, until from the former contract price of $19 they went to 825 ami at that ilguro Vezu d()d his GOO tons and 400 more tons, for $25,000.

Demntets brought suit for damages alleging the contract was violated, and Judge J. W. Curtis yesterday ruled thnt Vezu acted within his rights and allowed sufficient time to Indicate he wns acting In good faith. So Vezu made $3600 because the check was returned by, the bank. Attorney Ralph E.

Swing represented Vezu and Attorney Frank C. Pros-cott represented Demntels. Former Emperor Is Again Reported 111 of Influenza By Associated Press to THE SUN LONDON. Nov. 29.

Tho former German emperor is ill with influenza, according to an Exchange Telegraph dispatch from Amsterdam. Madame Galli-Curci Files Divorce Suit Ground Cruelty CHICAGO. Nov. 29. Madame Amell-ta M.

Gnlll-Curcl, of the Chicago Grand Opera company, today filed suit for divorce against her husbnnd, Luigi Curd, alleging exlrcmo nnd repeated cruelty. Juarez Is Expecting That Villa Will Attack the Town JUAREZ. Mexico. Nov. 29.

The Western Union telegraph office and many stores 1kio clpaed early tonight. rearing an attack by Francisco villa command. Certified- alfalfa seed for Mcyor. 11 How About That Piano or Talking Machine for Xmas? Let us show you the DEPENDABLE H0BART M. CABLE PIANO, VICTOR VICTR0LA I'and COLUMBIA GRAFAN0LA.

Our terms are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. The most complete stock of VICTOR and COLUMBIA RECORDS in the Orange Belt. PLAYER ROLLS ALWAYS FIRST WITH THE LATEST. Wilson Music Co 617 Third Opposite Temple Theater Phone Home.1333 or Pacific 371.

Both Phonea No. 7. 424 Fourth" Street We ay onbayins Om Bernardino N.l.lEVCWN'WV.1 J0HNANDACS0N.Y.P. CtVAHEY.Cashljr.Y The Humphrey Radianifire I A 1 1 i n. i 1 1 1 uinoa muiauca cent, radiant heat, for Instant use In your fireplace.

No flame, no smoke, no dirt, no odor. Southern California Gas Company "The Car With tha Marvttaua Motor." REPUBLIC TRUCKS REPUBLIC SERVICE GLENN A. CALKINS CO. Oittributora for San Bernardino and Riverside Counties. Bth and Lima Sta, Riveralde Wherever there resides a family that is interested in first release news, clean editorial management, new sensible, timely articles, there you will find THE SUN, the preferred newspaper.

THE SUN circulation covers the worth while readers both our own city and neighboring towns. Advertisers wanting to reach the best purchasers in this territory, use THE SUN exclusively. SUN subscribers have moneyand are interested in advertising announcements. Confine your advertising efforts in this locality to THE Results will prove that you've acted wisely. SAN BERNARDINO DAILY SUN San Bernardino's Leading.

Newspaper Circulation-Guaranteed Largest fy ud O.mty1".

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