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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 9

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MONDAY, MARCH it) 17 BLYTHEVILLE COUfliER VACS NINE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING INFORMATION Daily rato per Hue rot consecutive Inboctions: Mlmitnuui Charge time pot Uaa 10c times ycr line yor day 1-C times yet liiio yer day Be times per Hue pot" day 7c times yer lino per day Mouth per Hiio tJOc Count five average woida to tbc Hue. AJ orcleiett for three or nix times anil oj'iieil before expiration will be cliarg- I for tlio number of titties tlic ad ap- earcd and aiijsittincut of bill made. All Classified Advertising cony Bub- lilted hy persons residing outside of the tly must be accompanied by Kates bo easily commuted from ttic abova tsinK order for Irregular inscr- oKsVZvLca UiG ouc time late. No responsibility will bo taken for 10ru tliau ono Incorrect iusertlon ot any ad. For Sale llnvo buyer for your Lump, II, O.

PKone 445 Office 120 South Heeonil. si'i! Hat I fries, nlso battery nnil rnhuLliElnu. Bliup. E. Vine SI.

2: For Fine Portraits It's' O'STKKN'S STUDTO For and ircm- JilVi-i'k-Lf Jaby hatching. High grade L'ullorum Controlled Chicks thai arc hatched r.e Starlod Custom hatching per hundred eggs set. Hlayloek Hatchery, North 01, phone 3172. 3-1-cU-U" uw orci't'tidi; orders Kuiliks. CJii(iTRiiu i 10'ilaj' O'BTEEN'S STUDIO LJl ll-i'k- I'll ItlL'A YAM SWKKT L'OTATO 'fEKD.

Our iiu'd nf i-iniiniijii ilisuiito ana sro tuu.l mi Inritf onliTs. 1'iinl lljrum. Jllj Ark. ll-ck-lf SPECIAL Kia Ji i QUALITY BABY CHICKS Our quality chicVs for livobilily and fosl growlh.

PLACE YOUR ORDER K. ASHCRAFT CO Block South of DcirOL 2 flialmc-rs wlll lisl I Chiliu v.hli riillivntnr null 1 l-'-lL! whh irullivalur. Ili-riry's H'JIK. lllj -llu'villi! Oil Mill I'll. I'linir harljiT hlmp.

(Jooil Inrali Writi' llus SOU. a Courk-r HA11Y CHICKS A $13.75 nor bonjrc.l. Jim Hi-own Store. JJli-ck-lf for iniikinii crrani. of aUi-.

Karl CurHT. llnni Help Wanted for r.l unit work 11 for CiHiil. furiiishi'il llvine too. I Must lif pt-ni'iKH-il. UKP wliilf or ci.lur.'.l riMino 07(1 nr CSS, Mo.

llov IS LiJ-pk One tree will make a million matches, but one match can destroy a million trees. ilfc. lieaiton- Ark. YSt'2 I cnnill- Him. .1, K.

f. Isc.rlli at an lliijlitray 01. or 9l'l2. 1 Al! rhx-lriir slovp. iMlfr wini' i-linlr MKIICKAXTS for 1017 nmy int'flt in 10 11' IpnftliP.

AIWIY Dark Brcf.ii imiiii siiitaMe (or nil roiiiih wood tn 5 t-alln" cnns. TT.r italloii. We ilelivur in UlyLln-villp nn.l vk-inilv. 2116 Ti-d C. Lybtor, 11U9 Wnlnnt For Rent in.

i N. mil si. I'll. 2:1:13. C'oiilftjrtalilc Call 20 HEADING FOR THE Services ni jilfkup l.isl your iii'operty wllli older your car gots tho moro nltciTtiori il needs to ovoid Occidents.

Lot us for Summer delving. llll.VY. HK.M.TV I'l ritT Kiitis. SAI.V:KMAN idi III! ,1 MON1JY TO LOAN Do you loan to repair or ri'modcl? No down pny- mcnt, no no tnpc. FHA approved rate Ask for details.

Max Healtnr, phono i Ijynch 9-aa-ck-tl Rciul Courier News Wunt Ads. Long l)l9tLince Moving And Ada- Ronlco I'linnc MOTOR TUNE-UP MOTOR OVERHAULING BRAKE REIINING KRONT END ALIGNING IGNITION REPAIRS FENDIIl BODY WORK GLASS INSTALLED TIRE RECAPPING PAINIING NIL LI PS MOTOR COMPANY FORD and MERCURY DEALER Walnut at cc u.s for nn ostimnte before you have your trnclor overhauled. We in steam olcanini; nnd Klecli'ii; and accl- ylenc thissell Phillips Tractor Cn. Hlwny 01 youth. I'houe 2171.

y-1-ck-ir H. SI7 Cliick. n.c Hnvc f-11. 11 Holly I 1 tl-ok-'JIi Ix-ilniniii mljnlnln: "balli. 2 IS H.

Wanted to Rent Grant! piano, livinp room fiiriiilure, anil bedroom suites. Phono or 2180. 3-2I-ck-25 Siccl oil Lnrrcl racKs. lllytlicvillc Sliop. Call 2S2S.

1 lUS-ck-tf (day or at tad IPS r.nlio- u.s«.L. 1'rico 520. Cull 4UK. fors And are renewcti in riifis with Finn Foam. Dc.i!^ I'aTnt Kr Co.

Two 2 row fl.imi! mltiv.itors ftiic sLirlitly nsvil ranftlrut (' 1011 Cr.iin Co. or Call Uni motlvl Fnrianll pnwor lift, ruhivjitnr. i-nsili tym? Imstfrs. Xt-w two hfnnnii rnljKcr. Soil as into nnil.

Scrnpi-. It fa 2. Arlc. jilr.i. Eiill TlLojnns, 410.

tost Itc'vnnl return of man's l.nn] Wnti-h lost lu'twrrn Ash nnd Scoonil nnil Ritt Tln-nlrc If. you lived on the planet Jupi- tei', you'd bi'enthc an composed largely of methane ami ammonia. 1 Allis-C'halmors Irncior, I st-i 132 i sot I di-r. Hnsfi atul l.o- I nil tor. 1 nrm ruili-r.

A AJ1 IIT ::1 Si.nth Fir-t r. p.m. I ESTATE'; FOR SALE of Stores on Main SI reel. This is a buy don't wail. Call Jimmie Stevenson at llic Gill Agency 3131.


PHONE 2642 We Call for and Deliver FREDCALLiKAN Electrical Appliance Co. Authorized Motorola Huttlu Sales and Service IOC South First St. We Sell Comfort to Sore Feet 9 New Soles 0 New Heels for old shoes HALTERS QUALITY SH6E SHOP 121 W. Main St. Wanted To Buy Cash for wrecked or jtml automobiles.

Wade Aut North Ilhvay (il Phone 3785. Used pianos, any nmkt Adams Appliance. I'hoti 2071 Day, 2039 nifc. 2-28-ck-4- Designs have been complete for an "clcclropult" capable launching largest existing nirlincr in 500 feet a 120-mpli iakcoi They now need 4000 feet. OIil koilnks nnil camcns for parl O'Ktijoii's Studio.

Llill-ck-ill CAMERAS FOR RENT Free 5x7 FCnlnrsri'incnl with each Roll of film rtevclnpccl. Home of Bonnce Buttered Steak Sandwich 25c 25c BARNEY'S DRUG STORE 200G TV. Main St. Phone 3647 i 1 iiml pupcr Work Davis, phone -Kiil. 3 7-pk-l-7 rMins nml htrt-tclivil.

nliliv I So. l-'raiiklin SI. Loans YOU XKK11 A LOAN! like nnr si-nici-. Alia I'll A l.onn, IWjii l.onni.. nnil InJIvliliLal ii'rr Jewelry Sinn-.

pli( Wonted to Buy Free Delivery Call PICKARD'S GROCERY Phone 20 1. 'i 1011 OliU'rtnsiiwlm 1 FARM LOANS 4 Low Interact Long 4 Fair Appralial Prompt RAY WORTHINGTON TU Tune In 1'ruilcntlnl 1'roffrnin Kuuilny 1 p.m. over BerviiiR This Betilton Tor HI Vciir Lin So. 3rd lUjllu'villo, Avk.

You save money by driving one of our fine reconditioned' late model Osed cars. 1. Save costly repairs on your old car. 2. Avoid higher price later on.

3. Lower cost of upkeep with "a good car. 4. Enjoy modern Clu'vnik'l Hi 1 11MI Plymouth Deluxe 2- diiii Door Si'diin 1012 Clu-ysler Koynl 2- i I'lymonlli Deluxe 2- Door Soilnn (jill1 lill! I'lviuoulu Spiu'inl 2 i Door SwUin 'f 1)ctllsc 2 Dnor Chev.olet ton Sct1liu I'miel 1911 C.M.C. um IMak- Ik-luxe 2-I)oi)r mi Iniclt.

Ciillle Rack Seihin Dmliu- ton Truck Most of these cars have Radios, Hooters, Defrosters. Easy GMAC Payment Plan We Never Close Sales Dcpt. Open 'til '8 p.m. IHl 8 I CHEVROLET CO. 1 rn lcil I'rmlucts Phono 578 llr.

Service lhni-llnj; Tiros Steel Oil Barrel Racks Any Size T. L. MfiBRY 423 MISSOURI ST. m. 3S21 For Sale of Trade iik-i- Iniir.

Snuml. wurlm Trnili- far li.irie nr mnr 1 im-r li tluu lit I). lliilli.iiii. ck-lf PRESCRIPTIONS Fresh Slock Guaranteed UcsL Prices Kirby Drug Stores DON EDWARDS "The Typewriter Man" ROYAL, KSIITII, CORONA mid REMINGTON PORTA1U.K 110 N. SECOND ST.

PHONE 3382 (Every Transnctlon MUST BE SATISFACTORY) RECTAL DISEASES A SPECIALTY (All Tyrie.i Except Cnnccr) DRS. NIES Clinic 514 Main, lihllH'vlllo, Clionc Z031 Slrnwlicrrv TTnrnUh 1710 Cliirli.iMni L.i. Phnnc 3710. All radio slalions are assigned call letters enabling you to dial your lavorile program Brand names on I merchandise are the "call Idlers" you use in shopping, i Brand names symbolize your right to choose whal suits your individual needs and tastes. PLANTERS iiAitmvARi; fill W.

Main 1'honc 515 FELIX A. CARNEY Dominion Automatic Electric Irons 1 Yr. Guarantee Complete Line of Elcclrica! and Expert Radio Repairs We Pick Up anil Deliver E. Main riione 2101 YOU NEED A LOAN? To insure nnd finance a new or used car. truck or tractor, In Ari knnsas or Missouri, sec us.

I.ow i rates. You'll like our service. Also FHA Loans and farm loans, "and individual real estate loans. UNITED I INSURANCE AGENCY I Over Guard's Jewelry Store Phone 510 LISTEN PAL, "IF YOU HAD IT SERVICED REGULARLY AT LANGSTON-WROTEN THIS MIGHT NOT HAVE BE SMART PAL- bring your car in now and let us il for summer driving, so you can breeze.along with an easy mind. LANGSTON-WROTEN CO.

U. S. Tires Mobilgas and Oil WRECKER SERVICE Hroadway Telephone 558 Flowers For Every Occasion Tclcplionc 4DL nml your order will bo on It's wny In record time. Our Floral Arrnnacmcnts tell a complete story. SHOP F.T.n.

Service We Deliver Anywhere Ph. '191 Mrs. J. M. (Mao) Williams, owner Glcncoo FOR SALE STATE CERTIFIED GRADE D.

P. L. NO. 14 COTTON SEED Also Ogdcn and Royal Soy Beans EARL MAGERS Phono 635 Dell, Arkansas TODAY IMPORTANT! Sitvc yiitir prfspnl ctir Alcclinnlcal Hr.rvlcc Alcinllc Oil unit I.silirlc 3 Yes, we nnd Rrciisc curs too! Motnrs? We IKIVP. new mntors Ovcrluiul or rutiuiltl them Tires unil Tubes Oh, Yes, We Cirs Tool Itoimir nntl Iteflnisli nil lintllpg Il.llltrlc!! I.

SEAY MOTOR GO. Phono 2122 GATEWOOD GROCERY Phone 975 Stale Line on the left al the Arch n. i sth 7 Crown 1.35 2.65 1 4.15 Kinscy 1.35 2.65 4.15 Schenlcy 7.35 2.65 4.15 Philadelphia 1.35 2.65 4.15 Tiirec Feathers 1.35 2.65 4.15 Hill Hill 1.40 2.75 4.40 Old Taylor 4.35 6.90 Four Roses 2.85 4.50 Beer per ease $3.35 GAS, rcg Y6.8c; Ethy! ISJBc Cigarettes per carton $1.45 HIS FRIRND3 AT ft jiLTCO Abandoned BY MERRII.X, BLOSSE7 YOU MEAN TO SAY I Slurry PERISHED I AMVMOW, vvr-Rr ALL IM ITS YOU ASk-- ME.ns THE SAME: I.

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