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Hamilton Evening Journal from Hamilton, Ohio • Page 3

Hamilton, Ohio
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DEMOCRAT MARCH SO. DBMOCKAT WUATUKH ktOVEKXIIJtST rOHBCABT fOR TODAY. jToii followed by a severe local storm, may be looked for inside the next twenty-four hours. All yesterday the temperature was high and extreme ly springlike, and this condition of af Will continue, and probably break when the rain comes. Predictions Indi cate threatening weather and sligatlv warmer.

This condition extends pretty generally throughout the United States BBPOBT. Observations at Western Union tele graph office, this city, were as follows: Bar. Ther. Huro'd'ty--Winer Mar. 29 7 in SO 16 52 66 Cloudy Mar.

8u. 10 57 71 loudy 57 Mar. 30, m. 28.74 60 Cloudy Sprinters. The Lewellyn-Newraan sprinting race come? off tomorrow at the fair grounds for $15 a side and a pursfe of 325.

B. P. U. Election. The Baptist Young People's union last night elected the following officers for the ensuing term: President, Wm.

Sor bit; Grace Spencer; sscretary, John Jeffry. The Same Old Tickets. Mr. Fisber's house bill providing that the form of ticket to be used in township elections shall be the same as prescribed by law before toe enactment of the Australian ballot system passed, the senate jsterday. Railroad Engines a Specialty.

The Niles Tool works are engaged it repairing a Schenectady passenger en gine for the It is understood that the Niles Co. will make a specialty of this kind of work. This new departure of the Niles will to a certain extent be a good thing for our city and-give it and the Niles Co. increased prominence. Victor's Entertainment.

Prof. R. L. Victor gave another of his wonderful demonstrations of mesmerism, hypnotism and physic power to a full house at Music hall last nifiht. These exhibitions are rich in scientific interest and funnier than any comedy.

Prof, Victor as a. hypnotist and mesmerist is truly a wonder. Tonignt will be his last appearance in this city. Council Returns, The city council et al. arrived tome last night from Pindlay.

They had a very enjoyable time and were royally entertained by the city fathers of Findlay. They saw the street roller work on Findlay streets and closely examined it. Council will shortly get together and award a contract for a steam roller. ople Never Learn? About 4 o'clcck yesterday afternoon a man named Miller, living on Main street, was going home on electric car No. 8.

Contrary to the warnings of the conductor he jumped off while the car was in motion. The result was that th mm turned two complete somersaults was covered with mud, had bis nee sprained and received a sufficient num ber of bruises to make him lame for few days. Mrs. Perry Ale Donald Dead. Mrs.

Perry McDonald, of West Hano ver street, died at 5 o'clock last evenini of consumption, aged 2S years. The deceased had been a patient suf ferer for several months. Mrs. McDonald leaves a husband three children, the oldest of whom is years and the voungest 15 months. The funeral will take place from tin residence at 1:30 tomorrow afternoon 2 o'clock from St.

John's church Rev. C. A. Hermann officiating. Inter meat, Greenwood.

After the County Mutual Insurance Co. Slayback and Harr, representingjAbra ham R. Aurt, of Gait, Missouri, this af ternoon filed suit against the Countj Mutual Fire association, of this city claiming with 0 per cent interest from October 29. iSfll. Plaintiff says that on August 7,1801, in consideration of $17 50 premium defend ants insured his frame store room con taining drugs, for £500 from August 7,1891, to August 7, 1392.

On October 6 1S91, he burned out and his stock has entirely destroyed. He notified the company and on Octo Jjer 29th, made due proof of loss, but "they have not as yet paid plaintiff. He prays judgment, therefore, as above stated. WMOUC rOIttOMD. tliue on Account of FoUon Flftocd in The Froropt Action of tueli- Servaut Ulrl Ai- rated, Hut She la Relented, There WM No Evidence on Which Hold Peculiar Cute Which Hai Beeu Kept Very Quiet.

A wQolc family came near dropping out of existence Monday evening. For some time Pbilip Stepp, proprietor of the Lake View hotel, has bad in his employ Miss Mary Anstett, as a domestic. Miss Anstett is a very pretty yonng girl, hardly IS years old, and she does not look like one wbo would be guilty of poisoning anybody. Last Monday evening, at supper, the family had sassafras tea and stewed apples. Tbe family partook of both freely.

About 10 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Stepp were taken sudden ill with violent pains in the stomach. The pain and agony continuing it was was evident to all that toe trouble arose from something they had eaten for supper. Tbe horrible suspicion came that they bad been poisoned! This was soon confirmed by physician who was hastily summoned.

He administered emetics and after several hours siu- ceeded in bringing them around all right, although Mrs. Stepp is still sick. Ttie matter was kept pretty quiet until yesterday afternoon when Mayor Larsh drove out to the Lake View hotel in a coupe, having heard of the matter. He examined into the affair and on suspicion he arrested Mias Anstatt, who was charged with having placed poison in the eatables. The poor young girl spent all of last nigiit in the station bouse, but was today released as no proof could be obtained tnat she was the guilty party.

This afternoon a DEMOCKAT reporter called at the Lake View place and met Miss Anstett, who had come back to the ace, probably for an interview with and not Mrs. Stepp. present The Mr. girl Stepp stoutly maintained her inntfcence, and SOCIETY GOSSIP. MISS KECK BNTIBTAIS9.

Miss Lydla Keck, her borne ou Washington street, last evening' tallied a few friends at taffy-pulling-. The evening was a pleasant one. Those present were Miss Lulu Hathorae, Mamie Jacobs, Miss Clara Sponenbergt Miss Anna King, Miss Caldwell, a Cliff Hathorne, Harold Myers and Ginnisltoberis. I'LEASAST AFTEKOOX SL'ltl'KISE. Mrs.

Many Grote was pleesant su prised by a large number of her frien at her home on Hanover street yeste day afternoon. Those present were: Mrs. John Dul J. I. Blackly, Mrs.

T. Lagadros Mrs. Lenthouse, Mrs. J. Deiters, Mrs.

Brune, Mrs. G. Hesselbrock, Mrs. Hesselbrock, Mrs. H.

Tabler, Mrs. Hingsberger.Mrs. J. Martz, Mrs G. Gro and many others.

An nice lunch was served and enjoyable time was had by all. Mrs. Will Poster andMiss Folgerspe the day in Cincinnati. Mrs. Robert Harrison left yesterd: for Chattanooga, where she visit Mr.

and Mrs. James Harrison. Dr. J. O- Terrill, of Missouri, after brief visit to Mr.

and Mrs. John Si left today for New York to be abse two months. Mrs. TerriH will remain this city for ssveral weeks. Miss Gertrude Penquite, of Richmon spent yesterday with Miss Olive song.

Miss Lora and Olive Penquite spe yesterday with their aunt, Mrs. Ma: Penquite. Mrs. Albert Morgan 'has return- from a visit to friends in Mempbis.Ten Miss Katie Darby spent the day wi relatives in Cumminsville. Miss Minnie Anshulz has returne from a visit to relatives in Cincinnati.

Miss Smith, of who been the guest of Miss Lizzie Bender, Dayton street, has returned home. Miss Marie Beck, of Cincinnaii, wh there is every indication that she tells Ma aecK -i the truth. Her relations with tie Step has been the guest of Miss Tilhe Blum will return home tomorrow. 'amily had been harmonious, and th would have had no motive in havin ried to perpetrate such a fearful crim Miss AnsteU's family are country re dents, living near Venice and are spectable. The girl feels very muc grieved that she should rest under sue a suspicion.

The Stepp family have about recov ered from the effects of their illnes vith the exception of Mrs. Stepp wh however, is not in a serious condition. Just what caused their illness is no known. One theory is that it was th assafras tea, it being believed th ooi grew alongside of poison vine: 'he whole thing will probably remain mystery. The girl, however, is probabl innocent.

It is understood that Attorney A. Belden is preparing several petitions of a similar nature to file against the same company. Little Chuncka of Local News. For additional local matter see fourth page of today's issue. The W.

C. T. U. medal contest will take place at the Christian church Friday night. A good program will be ren dered after which a number of boys and girls ranging from 11 to 16 years of will contest for the silverjpedal.

That ipular comic opera "The Little Tycoon," with R. E. Graham, the original General Knickerbocker, in the leading role, will be the attraction at the Globe tonight. The ladies of the Universalist church will give their monthly social tomorrow evening at the church. Supper will be served from 0 to 8 o'clock, after which a nice program will be rendered.

Senator McMaken yesterday Introduced a bill repealing the Carter salary as It applies to county clerks and giving them the fees collected under the bill and now turned Into the county treasury. Preparations are being made to have the First and Second O.N. to attend the dedication of the World 1 fair buildings. Farewell visit to Hamilton, The Tycoon Tonight. I Little Tonight.

His Verdict will Coroner Brown this morning comple el the inquest in the case of the drown ed infant found in the hydraulic Saturday morning. There was considerable differenc of opinion among the witnesse as to the length of time the body was i the water. Nothing startling was developed Coroner Brown has not yet formally rendered his verdict, but when he doe so, it xvill be that the baby came to it death by drowning at the hands of somi unknown person. Serious Accident From a Fail Off a Box Car The 12-year-old son ofW.E. Sauer living at south Fifth and Sycamore streets attending school at the Fourth wan building, played "hookey" this morning Just before noon he was playing among the cars near the C.

H. D. depot, when he fell off of a fafgh box-car. He struck the ground upon the left side of his face causing a severe spasm on the right sid of the body from the concussion of the brain. He was found a few minutes later in an unconscious condition by some play mates.

The boy was taken borne and Drs Trebel and Skinner summoned. While no bones were broken, the boy is in a critical condition. What Is Going: on at the Boose. The county commissioners and auditor were in Reiley and Union townships today on business for the county. SEW SUITS.

Jessie Bernard vs. The City of Hamilton, a transcript on appeaJ from the docket of Mayor Larsh. INQUEST OF LUX ACT. Before Probate Judge Berry, David has sworn to an affidavit in which ie says Jim Willis, of the Fifth ward, is nsane. Willis is the young man who several eeks ago, when he was in jail' it Richmond, showed symptoms of Insanity and was brought home in this coadition.

udge Berry held the inquest this after- loon. COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS! The board contracted with Joe Gullaume to build a culvert on the Great tfiamt turnpike near Mart real- ence In Union township; to build a tile ulvert on the county line road leading hrough Crescentville in Union town- tip, Butler county, and Sycamore town- hip, In Hamilton county; to refloor the ridge on tbe Ayers Cochranfree urnp'ke in Union township, near the esldence of Stephen Cummins. The ounty line culvert repairs will be built Butler and Hamilton counties olntly. HEAL ESTATE THANSFERS. Toe following real estate transfer! were filed yesterday In the recorder's fflce: Milton Moon to John McCormick, lot 5o5 Middletown; 11,100.

John E. Augipurger et al. to Magda- eaa Young, undivided 1-8 334 SOW Madison township; The LtttU Tycoon Tonight, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Henn, Cl v'land, a girl.

Mr. and Mrs. Hen are ex-Hamiltonians, and their paren here received the news by letter toda Mr. and Mrs. John Sweet spent the da in Cincinnati.

Miss Lizzie Fender spent the day Cincinnati. Miss Maud Symmes has returned fro a visit to friends in Dayton. Miss Jennie Hines, of Dayton, is th guest of Miss Maggie Miller, of Woo street. Miss Anna Kelly, of Trenton, is spen ing a few days with Miss Carrie Hard of Vine street. Miss Jessie Hawk, of Indianapolis, an Miss Bertha Young, of Oxford, have turned home after a visit to Mrs.Jacoby of the First ward.

Miss Jeanette Gath and Miss Edith an Roy NicbolSjOf Oxford, will be the guest of Miss Mary Gath this week. Mrs. Charles Shuler will leave the la of the week to visit friends i Kentucky. Mrs. yarry Vinneflge spent the day i Cincinnati.

Miss May Symmes' Corner evening entertained a few friends Several from this city attended. Miss Anna Husser, of south Centra avenue, has gone to spend several week with relatives in Avondale. Miss Mattie Enyart, of Connersville will visit friends in this city, shortly Miss Katie Darby is visiting relative Cumminsville. Mrs. Chas.

has returne Tom a visit to relatives near Monroe. Mrs. Wm. Ritchie spent the day Cincinnati. Miss Gussie Pf au spent the day in Cin cinnati.

Pauline Taylor has returned from a isit to friends in Germantown. Miss Mary Will has returned Zaleski, after a visit to Helena Ross. Miss Matie White, of the Fifth ward eft today on a month's visit to relative: a Meadville, Pa. Miss Grace Haley, of Sycamore street visiting relatives In Cincinnati. Miss Hattie Phillips has returnei rom a visit to friends in the country.

Miss Anna Gilbert witnessed "Cricket in the by Virgil Pinkley's mplla at the Odeon, last evening. Miss Lulu Myers has returned from a isit to relatives at Avondale. Miss Mary Carley has returned from a isit to friends at Akton. Miss Nellie Horton, of Pomeroy, Is the nest of Mr. and Mrs.

S. D. Fitton. Miss Lou Morris has returned to 'rincton, after visiting friends here. Mrs.

E. C. Leiter has gone to Eaton, to oend a month with her parents, Mr. and firs. Peter Surface.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Sachoy, of Hast Hamilton, a girl. Miss Maggie Schwab has returned rom a visit to friends in Cincinnati. Mrs, Mart Kumler and Miss Maria oss are spending a few days In Cincm- ati.

The marriage of Miss Dode Cochran nd Fred Beal will take place at the ome of the bride, near Millville, this vening. Mrs. E. W. Abbey spent the day In Cin- nriati, W.

S. Hancock, of Chicago, is the guest Mr. and Mrs. James Hancock, of Buck- ye street. Mrs.

Albert Bess is convalescing, after week's Illness. Miss Lizzie Ehrnscbwender has re- urned from a vlat to friends In Ctnctn- ati. Mrs. Chas. Drltcoil the of fair parents at Sldftey.

Anna Gilbert and Miu Kate Ro land spent last evening In Cincinnati. Mrs. Wm, Winkler will tomorrow be tbe guest of Miss Lucy PfetHfn, assistant vocal teacher at the College of Music, Cincinnati. Mrs. Ed Rhule is visiting friends In Evansvllle, Ind.

Mrs, James O'Connell ia visiting her parents at Knightstown, Miss Verlie Ryan has returned from a short visit to friends in Oxford. Mr. and Mrs. S. W.

Tarvin have moved from the First ward to Heaton street. Mrs. H. L. Morey spent the day in Cincinnati.

PUNGENT POINTS. Geo. Reiff and family will move this week to the house vacated by Dr. Wilson, on north Second street. Wm.

James, civil engineer of the C. is confined to his home at Brighton, with illness, Mrs. P. J. Wortendyke, of south Fifth street, has gone to Cincinnati, called there by the serious illness of her sister.

George Hylanil is convalescent after several weeks' severe illness. Harry Ratliff Is home from Miami university to spend his spring vacation. Dr. Whittaker, of Camden, was today the guest of his son Alf. Foster Webb was in Somerville today.

Rev. and Mrs. John Breitenbach and young son, of Canal Dover, are in the city, having been called here to attend the funeral of Mr. Breitenbach's father, the late Augustus Breitenbach. Mr.

and Mrs. Adam Drayer, of Middletown, were in the city yesterday to attend the funeral of the late Augustus Breitenbacb. Harmony lodge No. 14,1, O. O.

la evening conferred the second and third degrees on one candidate. Michael Coyle, of Middletown, aged 71 years, died yesterday. Dr. C. C.

Carl left today on a ten days trip through Indiana. Jacob Lorenz was in Dayton, on business, today. Wm. Coleman, of Oxford, was in the city, today. Officer Connaughton is able to be out again, after a week's illness.

The members of the Assembly ciub meet Friday night at the office of Dr. E. S. Griffls, at 7 o'clock, to make arrangements for a big dance some time during April. Albert Scbrunder will leave Sunday for St.

Louis, where he will accept a position as travelling salesman for a shoe house. James I. Tully was in Cincinnati today, on business. The funeral of the Infant child of Mr. and Mrs.

Ed F. Holbrock, which died yesterday, will take place tomorrow morning at 3 o'clock, from the house and from St. Joseph's church. Wm. Foredyce is home from a trip through the northern part of the state.

Louis Gwinner leaves the first of nest veefc on a business trip through Indlar.a and Illinois, to be gone a month. Martin and Ed Seward left yesterday Louis, after visiting" relatives here. Rev. James I. Murray returned to today, after a pleasant visit to Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Gath. Jimrnie Cooper, of Middletown, was i today on business. Mrs. Roberts Gepps, of Greensburg who came here to attend the fu leral of Miss Julia War tin an, has urned home.

Adam Cappel, of Dayton, is visitin riends he.te. Charles Hellebush has returned lincinnati. Jack Carver, an old Hamilton boy, an. former member of the fire depart lent, was in the city from CIncinnat ast evening looking up old friends. Some farmers wereb: r.iing cornstalk lorg the river last evening just nortl tne city.

It was currently reportei or awhile that Overpeck'a Station wa urning, but there was nothing in thi amor. It is sweet to live, but oh! how be troubled with a cough, day am ight. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, how ver, is a sure remedy. 25 cents.

"I cannot sing tonight! My throat is ore." "Of course you haven't tried alvation Oil!" "No." "Then get it and ou will sing like the birds." The Little Tycoon carry tlielr own Onutt relies tra. REASON FOR ALL THINGS. There is a reason for all things and iere is a reason for the Independent or tlzens' ticket in the Fourth ward The primaries in that ward a arce of the worst sort. A few men "Ok possession of the polls and denied 1 others representation. Mr.

council and Mr. Ryan, for school oard had no show whatever; every hing was fixed against them. They ithdrew, at the advice of friends, and now in position to get fair deal. They ask the oters of the Fourth ward to insider all these things carefully, to eigh the facts; If thlsTs done there Is ut one conclusion. If the primaries ad been conducted as they should have een the democratic nominees would ave been Julius Wirtz and John J.

yan; the voters can now vindicate ese men. VOTE FOR THEM. They present the respectable democracy. Street improvements in Prospect Hill Grand view are to begin the first eek of April, and lots wiifbe enhanced value considerably. Take advantage this beautiful weather and go over ground.

0 THE VOTERS WARD. Vote the following ticket; For member of council. JULIUS WIRT.Z, Frfr member of board of education. JOHNJ. BYAK.

S3t6 SPRING 1892! We bej? to Announce our Second Annual Grand Spring Opening WHICH WILL TAKE PLACE ON MONDAY, APRIL 4th, 1892, 2 TO 5 AND 1 TO 1O P. M. MILLINERY We will have on display by far the grandest colleciioaof New Pattern HATS Ever shown in Hamilton, some of which are imported from the great fashion center of the world, Paris, France'; others are the ideas of America's Leading Trimmers, while a large number will be the creation of our most etllcient Trimming department. (We have by odds the most competent Trimmers in Southern Ohio.) FLOW BUS in bewildering profusion and bewitching in beaaty. Ribbons of every shade In plain and every new des gn in fancies.

Laces, Jets and Ornaments to suit every taste and fancy tint inclines toward the beautiful. Excellent music will be furnished for the occasion the celebrated Harpist, UOCCO PERKO. SPRING WRAPS, DRESS GOODS, WASH GOODS, Lace Curtains and Portieres, Dress Trimmings, Handkerchiefs, Etc. Will all be included in thi.s Call see. EVERYBODY INVITED.

This Week We will spec We will: how spec We will show spec We will show spec We will show spec al bargains in DIIKSS al bargains in SI-KINO Wit.uV. al bargains in L.VCB CIUTAINS! al bargains in HOSIFHY KIU.GI.OVKS! al bargains in MILUNEUY sale of the latest New Craze, Ladies' Scarlet Hose, fast color, 15c a pair. York RILEY BLOCK. A HOME Terms! The papers are full of inducements for wage workers to be their own landlords for a small consideration down and the balance in weekly installments. They are all unquestionably good investments.

If you're not paying on your own borne, begin at once. Then economize. Put the dollar where it does the most for you. This will lead you when you want Clothing, Hats and Furnishings to NO MISFIT! But a stylish, perfect-fittiug Suit of Clothes, you will get when cut by John Grieser, the recognized leading garment cutter. We make Suits from $22.00 up.

Pants from $5.00 up, using nothing but the finest trimmings. We Invite Your Patronage! 346 HIGH STREET. For lie Hat Of the season you want to see the KNOX! Tbe Model Clothiers aod The largest dealers in line in Hamilton. It IS given up to be the finest Hat offered to the trade. It is Stylish, Neat aud Nobby.

See it. We have the most beautiful line of NECKWEAR CARRIED BY ANY DEALER. Ladies and Gentlemen's The Lakes' Gauntlet Gloves Are the reigning fad. I have them in all sizes and colons. J.W.GQNBOY, OPP, COURT HOUSE..

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