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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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PAGE FOUR (ARK.) COLUIKK NEWS THE BLYTHEVILLE COUKIKK NEWS THE COURIER NEWS fUBUSHERS 0. B. BABCOCK, Editor U. W. UAINES, AdverlUlilf Mmiger Bole National Advertising Representatives; Tlu; Thomas F.

Clsrk Co. tiff York, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Dallas, Saa Autonlo, San Francisco, Oli'cago, St. Louts, Published Every Altcrnoou Except Sunday. Entfred as second class matter at the post oflice at Blyttievllle, Arkansas, under net ol Conerets October 8, 1917, Served by the United Press SUBSCRIPTION KATES By carrier In the city or BlytlicvUlc, I5c per week or J5.W year In advance. By mall within a radius ol 50 miles, per year, $1.50 lor six months, 85c (or three moullvs; by mall In postal zones two to six, InclUblve, 16.50 per year, in zones rcvcn and eight, per year, payable In advance.

The Brighter Side The usort of ailvcrsily, iicconliiiK to the olil adage, art; uvun if tliny clon'l, sucrn at llic In llu- same way, the extremely imiilwanl btisincs- depression of Uiu present IIID- mcnl is doing Ihe country a di-al of good, although the man who hasn't hail a job for six months may doubt it. AfLen. looking into the troubles arising from industrial the Twentieth Century Fund, of New lias concluded that philanthropic or- no longer satisfy Uicm- stilvci with meeting needs they arise; they must realix.t 1 thai their first obligation ia to ralucc tlie need for philanthropy, and that they must do what they can to help adjust our business and industrial organ Nation aireonliugly. In ita animal report, just issued, the association remarks: "Insofar as Die philanthropy of today can assist the solution of our economic problems, it. can contribute more fundamentally than ever before to the material and, spiritual welfare of the has always been the'object, of intelligent giving.

Only by such basic improvement, in fact, can the need for charity ultimately be reduced." Now this may be nothing more or less than plain common sense, but it is a new way for a philanthropic organization to talk, and it is indicative of public attitude thai? lias since tiie depression began. People are beginning to realixe that something fundamental must be wrong with our economic outer if a depression like the one can engulf it, and people arc beginning to insist that the delect be set right. The nation is not going to be satisfied much longer with a process of muddling through. If we have an economic system that produces periods of distress every few years, shall insist that the system be changed, instead of being content to devise relief measures after the damage has been done. We shall continue to be philanthropic, tlie report of the Twentieth Century Fund ixmits jhall face the fact that philanthropy, by itself, is not enough.

This changed attitude, which is be- coming more evident day by day, is important. Tlie of the past half doxen yeaiv, has done us a great, deal of harm. It is time that we got into a different frame of mind. Catton. FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1931 SIDE GLANCES By George Clark An Unsatisfactory Solution The disposition made by the county board of education of charges of illegality and fraud in the recent school election may have been the only decision the board could maku under the law, but that docs not make it any the less unsatisfactory to those whose interest in matter is primarily an interest in honest and properly conducted elections.

According to their own statements members of the board hail evidence of- illegal voting mid indications of actual fraud from a number of boxes. The action, taken by the board completely disregarded, except in the case of the Sbawnee district, the really vital wrongs which are to have occurred, and took cognizance only of a technical omission of proper certilica- tion in tho returns from four boxes. It is said that without a formal contest Hie board lias no authority to do more, that no one but a defeated candidate can lile such a contest, and that in. the unwillingness of a defeated candidate to do anything about it the board bus no choice but to certify the even though it is aware ol' irregularities, illegalities, or actual fraud. M'o will have to take the lawyers' word that that is the situation.

But it is a bad situation. It permits an evil by denying a remedy. It leaves without recourse when their rights as duly electors are disregarded. Scientific Handling of Foods Assures Safety from Disease BY MOKItIS use of vnw or impcifci Kdllor, Journal nf tbe American; cooked county court of a of larceny of the calf, 'flic jury recommended clemency, and o. O.

Askren, defense counsel, has lilcd a motion for new (rial. TODAY IS THE- Medical Asorhllcn, mid of lly- gHa, lite Uc.illk Before our mcdcin scienliflc Nolhwiihstnndliij; ons use of canned pi United Slates, canned foods arc knowledge of tin way in which' 1501 the most frequent foodi may produce Midden attacks i sources. In the last 25 years of vomiting, pain and cllaiThea tlrlt 'es have made in ter eating, such conditions were, developing correct handling of called ptomaine poisoning, ft was! ood products, thought, they were due to tl- dc- Tllc pasteurization of milk, the, vclopmcnt of certain poisons by! manufacture of bread by machines ul Ihe decomposition of iocd or by al111 subseciuent wrapping of the mixing of certain foods. i llw ilc flappers, cleani wrapping of friiiv His now rnmtmlwil Mm ic- ox- 1 5lnlllar l' raess nlomnlnc CHINKSE On May 20, 1017. President LI Yuan-hung, of China, appointed Ching-hsl premier to succ-Td Tuan Chi-jui.

president had dismissed the latter after he had ton accused of urging nil. Calf Costs New Mexico More Than $2,000 "Of course, dear, we'll want to get hadn't we betlu- put of! tilings like bird cages until we've been married for a week or so?" VvASHINGTON LETTER Nevertheless, an analysis cl cases recently reported iiullcalcs that health authorities nnd physicians, as well as the public, continue to mak.2 diagnosis of ptomaine poisoning In one-third of cases. 1 It Is not always possible (o find the exact food substances or uncnur-i lhat may be Invohcd. In V' lul A people In the neighborhood of. calf whlch statc N( Itatou ale some CR al charges killeil by Oscar pie and practically all of tliciu be- a James whllp Prouaoly will go came infected It was i C011rt history as one however, to find the in ihe: llu raost calves lhat ever pie.

Monkeys fed a considerable! l)! vl the southwest plains, amount of the pie failed to de-' The stalc already has spjnt more velop the symptoms. Ths may than S2 thc prasc-culions oi been due to the fact that the, tlle CilSL a11 final t'osts nny Berms did Rot have the cf- ni sh as 55,000. feci. on the monkey jr sonic Oscar Whlto, southeastern Nea- Ulghtly of tireliiB tlio'comury to ao to war the cost of food but assure a on the sirb cf the Allies as an ex- ens? for Instituting martial law certain amo-jnt of safety from disease, which costs far more than the little sum expended. other cause was involved.

cxk'o rancher, and his liiiFSl.ins are rcporlc-cl reprintiiit; American boohs without permission. In their dctcrmlna- tiun. perhaps, to become, a well I ml Our Mr. relays a lip that the should keep, his linul down nntll he hears the put drop Into the Until? A star pitcher, you will notice, is also one who is yoctl lo HIL- last ttrnu. It's Jut.t One Uicak After Another Jf noarly half, of those deaths were in Mill! Hottle Ilusiness; due to fot-i-n bodies swallowed Are Lost or Smashed wilh tho Twenty-two other animals made ill by allowed foreign bodies.

Foreign most- among ihe di'2d CL.US wcrs pieces of wire life of milk bottl? is 37 1-31 nails. Ncedl-s, splintered wood trips, although records show tlral knives, stones, bolts, mcney and Kat-h Vrar in U. S. BY Srrvicu Writer WASHINGTON The average Newfoundland. In need of SSi.OUO.ODO.

can't find where to borrow it. What's the matter with (he Grand Hanks? In England a typewriter has been Invented that can be under water. Just ilie llilng for stcncys susceptible lo sinking siwlls. The submarine Nautilus, cairyinn 15 tons (if food, is to bore up through tho ice at Ihe North Pole. If wcrse comes to worse the crew will have' a siilTick-ncy of cold culs.

Canot'o, ai'cordini; to a naiigalion order, musl carry at nishl. Which will probably mran less romance In the light new regulations. A dentist is paradox: though he has -lots of pull, be -persists in plugging. Dorothy thinks lhat a national guardsman. Is (in all-American football player distinguished lor his work in the line.

Tt-WVfa'HEARS Too SOOM a. milk bcltle's lifii varies from six to Ul Milk dealers spend nearly CCC.COO a year lor between COO.tOO and 400,000,000 milk nnd crciun bottles, most ot them to replace tattles lost or broken. Abcnl a third of the bottle loss is due lo breakage in bottling but of lost botl-lcs never eel Lack to tho milk dealer. Tiicsc are I.icls from the 1031 ycaitaok of the Dtpartmenl cf Agriculture anu, with your per- mbsion, here same more: I Airplanes are now used lu i late Is. of which have migratory movements tcmiing thousands of miles- A tpccial tiap has bei'ii tJ be attached Tne are cauylu on a of screen i trays, coated with a light of a sticky substance and that screen a sai.u'.ilL 1 record ol at itiveii altitudes and locations.

Ovei- a tijuaiu mile nc.t: 'lalluliih. i- is eslinoled ili.u: an cf JD.OOO.UOii ius.cts are oiwialing in the Many ms.cls are caught a.i as feet abjvc ground. 'liny arc near tht ground, bm' tlure are hall as many I aloft at 1WO feet a ttr as many at MOO feet. Auave many windless ire caiijlu. Alrplr.iu-s also plain a tnilL- or io future of the uj.iv:.itm:i itsi matches are oom i found in the ilL'jjsllu; tracts: ol cattle.

Catlie ciitw thoir loDd bcfcri; swaDowink' it. FiFii tiiat died millicns of years KO are an aid ta the searching drrjjroiinri. for waii'r far un- Accordins lo Dr. E. O.

Jordan, Ja ines White, were found guilty only eight states in the United States the lOiiDiting of cases of food pofcunini: and only 11 states requre the reporting ol tin! condition called botulism, a sjwclfie form of food poisoning. Out of 145 cases reported as botulism poisoning, iiuit-mortom examinations, were madr in anrt assuming control cf the government. Ttian wns also accused of conniving at Japanese ascendancy over China's war iwlicy. The- premier was a of the ereat statesman, Li Hunag Chang. Alter Parliament lalifii'd his nomination by a decisive, though conciliatory majority, the northern ijaicrals declared that they no longer recounted Li Yuan- hnne's authority.

They therefore appointed a provisional government with Hsu Shih-kai as dictator. They then issued a proclamation their demand for China's immediate entrance into the war, insisting thai that action must be accompanied by the dismissal of Parliament and this reinstatement of Premier Tuan Chijiii. CHURCH EXCUSES lly George W. Barium been complaining alxint so many to these' meetings" and get it over and.particularly th; a for 1 have a few things to I would have to scream. The wav mportancc ol, aftei lnys? Tlltn anothcr tl foolc( awa j.

time Some lhing Tliey wns so Umc thci ThCy Wi 1 lnmlug Ior lv vllcn tlle there they had 0 ck nnfl it will fce til ce mllcll Io tnlk nbout thought such scientific studies as are 'n MUrT" lion, when palems happen to die of such conrtillons. et starlad. Then if it was they would never gel started. Then The articles of focd most com-! to practice songs they will say be when they did the meeting was so monly connected with food pois- 1 Ihcre at seven thirty and I would long drawn-out it was almost dark oning aiv: meat and meal prod- i eo and just sit and wait, and may- when the yadjourned. So you can ucts, and fcotib which are mixed be by eisht or eight thirty they see I the other meeting.

nnd stand for a considerable time before beimj such as hashes, meat pies anil salads. It is particularly significant that in a would get started. Thm they They had sncli lovely prizes it al- cr asrcc on songs. most killed my soul to miss it. Tlie 1 wasted a lot of my time with next time I go, if ever, I'll jnst this sort of going on, so 1 told i stay long and if they arc not great many instances cases of! them they could count me cut.

throunh I will make seme kind of food poisoning are traced to the I Now 1 someone would just oxcuse and leave. one pops Hid "1 lie fl: 1 Cr.Boil's ol v.i' established in tin nal.s l.avu a four states a 1 and II Is "the ly c.llcc'.cd at all Mi 1 ir.Qjt Ti.l.-.l "niMl P.M.: hart t. Cr.U.t-00 1:1 1R2D. i.I nxliik 1:1... 50 ecu i In: tasLS and feet, permits 'I hi' A r.

i. i v. cl apiculture. Tho i ill! I62S. li -llu: illy John Ixjvctt.

A'o-jii: 111:1111 TDIJA lummox. in Ini-L- tilth WII.SO.V. dc- Iar.1 Hniirmctil ullh Iicr Unll- i-m lo tunvinrr him Itiril It I-. LIs ilitcy It, liriEvh Iri-ni- lining In Ijc r.iillr* furhmx lUioi fnils llrril aut-nt'iln In Mrcur- llcryTji ilflnit irina nt-ir Itiit nlir fnrsrt her hopclp.s^ lyvc nlic fo tlllr the I.CIIIII. In-nc trlc.1 "In ivhcn flcrvl hc- III.

llv is Oci'rlicJ lift rhll'lish hinoccnc-r. Irrnc i-vi-rv ul, 0 ftin-c hini liroiuibcil to TniiltLiy In Ivork. ntltiC nnd him ECAH inniirr than IIL- Iiuil (lie ritullj- Jli-r husliriikil luscx KCIIIIC lir Irni-Hltnrnt Inn vrriiilln In l.ri'|» llU JnEi nsrr iir hln 'I'hcn IIOI-'I''- the IrlM liu.l; tiir Irlls Ironr ilic thrlr Irene to ninrry Mill. WITH Tin: STOIIV UUI'TKIl XXVII by tho gale, long- of tho hurt that would follow for Tommy. Would Irene care enough not to it? Would Ebo wait with 1'rcntiss uuiil Tommy had Roue away? Surely slio had heard Uiia whistling? In- for a Kl ot Irene, sec- lislila In tlie huufc ami trying to brlicvo that she be there wishing licM come, late as It was or a nule to Illiu yoriiap? ISelunrl tlie nrtatu ot an ujistalrs rojiu a out ot him.

was nut hoiic, lin did not see pivl'a luMrt was iTOinitling liiic 11 ns she knelt on tbe El'ur the window, Ilie uolu-r lo pro Dlilii't lie coined new ones. Irene showed no i Beryl replied. "I'll need a good alisciitmindedncss now, but occa-j sleep after Ibis." "iloiirliy she drew coyly away from! him for a surreptitious glance to' OIXCE slic would not lake up tho see if Tommy were still at the gate. lead llirowu her Irene came out II seemed to her a long in lc open. "I know you'll lie re- before be left.

To It was: Moved on Tommy's account." she only a moment before Irene suil-'said tartly, "sinco you've made it ileuly insisted that Elie must plain enough that yon tliiuk Truly sbc was an cnclianling person lo hold In your arms. Trenlisa TJERYL prayed that Tommy would go awiiy. 13ut ho ilidn'L Ho stayed and she could sec the flow of ono clsarct after another as ho lighted them and threw them away after a ruff or two at each. I'oor kill, what an awful slate he must he in! She wondered if Irene had broken a dale with him. Irene had not told Iicr family of Ilie breaking of her encasement lo Tommy, but Tommy hadn't been around all lhat day, or leleplioucd, and Kcryl was puzzled.

Then it came to her Hint Irene too was praying bo would leave. This was trno enough, except that Ircno was lurning the occasion lo her When she saw Tommy at the gate slio bail been fairly iistrificd for moment lie fore slic could think of what to say! hear him walk down the porch or do Tommy's wblsllo broke the stillness around them. It startled Premiss. Nervous, he asked sharply: "What luo douce is that?" Irene sank back In Ilia arms. "ItV- that silly Tommy Wilson." she said in disgust, "iu a minuto hc'il bo serenading her." "h'crenadiug who?" Why Beryl, ot course." Irene I'm Bocd enough for liim.

But I'm not soro nbout I think you're was reminded ot somelbins rigbl about thing. I'm not friend bad said about modernistic i meant to bo a roor man's wile. I'd furniture. -I couldn't livo with II bans it. and poor Tommy hasn't any more than I could live with i cvon a bb.

angular woman." she stopped. Ueryl was staring Ho smiled to bow out of; at tier with a fierceness that fright- place Irene would Ije in a geometric i encd her. setting. He did not at all like to let i "What do you Job?" her go. And bo wanted lo conic' Ueryl demanded, early the next morning to tell her: "Well, don't Manic me," Ireno parents he was going lo marry ber.

said, shrinking back. "I bad notb- Irene- insisted that it shouldn't he ins lo do with it. His uncle fired before noon. Then he could take him." her. she thought, ont on the islaud "Fired him?" Beryl cried.

"When to lunch. Me lingered at tlie door until she bad, by degrees, liierally closed It in Ills faco. She did not wait to and for?" Irene slnuvycil. "I BUCSS bo didn't exactly lire him," she corrected, "but It's nraclically iho fame tiling. Hoffman sold tho Then had Elelicil.

"If he only knew how she makes fun ot him!" I'rentisa' brows knitted iu doubt. thought you said she's crazy about him," lie reminded Irene. Irene hesitated, seeing she'd matle tills error, but excuses, alibis and explanations wero second na- Iliat I'lcnllaJ lllrc lo ncr le rcnc lo couldn't lie liia car a llllc beyond the arnarent discrepancy i 'I Hit Kvrrcit And was ibo llcr statements. llraou'-iiic. Tommy dli! not! Ycs sllc Eatl1 "EtiHy.

know that It lo thn (lay I sco licr 1 1a a IcvcMicmlcd jicrsiui. InnlH. lloryl Unit I'trUaps Sl ral13 most nnuliSn'i hr.vv ki.own It KC stralioas of affection I it it hadn't had the samo motor ns i I'rentlsa. remembering that In roadster II was! he been unable to fall In love mi'ln- Ibo trees tor her' wii; to fee distinctly. been because she was cold.

Hut fiirely Tommy could see- at al1 liko lho warm liul hil and know that It was nni a car tcnjn his arms. thai belonged lo Hie neighborhood. aic to SO In --J 'Ihiity-tijiit dairy hfrci at th: staticn at died in the las: Could he HV Irene with Premiss: i' Ik-iyl shivered with auxluy slic knelt and N'o, Tmnmy I to tightened lita arms and Ircno snuggled closer lo him. Her sudden melting, which mado her safer from discovery by Tommy, scorned couldn'l know yet or ho would not! warranted be whistling there In tbo dark. But Illio Dcr A llccn thn I a £irl any moment Irene mlsht Ret out of the car with Premiss ami start fv-r the house.

What would happen thtn? Boryl waj tlilcking lesa of the harsh and unfeeling. was no doubt that Pren lisa was pleased with the change la her rcood. Ho called her scent I bat take place thin jail tbe eld lev; name: and svsn steps but upstairs to Ucryl's theater aiid Tommy is just natiir- roora. Tho dcor was open for ally oiil ol luck." room had Ico many windows, i- cr yl laughed, a broken. mirth- Irene, iiau.scil on llic threshold nnd less scries of sound.

"Just nainr- aro yon ally out of she repeated. said excitedly, "Hello, awake?" "And you're throwing iihn over l.i- It I I would be; caaso ol lhal-otit of lucls. I won- now," Ueryl answered, Ircno stepped Inside tho room switched on a ligM. Ueryl Jlinkcd and started lo protest but'clii Irene cut her short. "I've got something to tell you." der!" "You would something like Irene replied, jerkins her ir.lo tho air.

"Yes. I would." Hcryl i'arcd back at her. "and it you don't get out ot sho s.iiil. sluing down on Hie bod. litre I'll say a lot "Wouldn't it kern until morn- Slie was thinking of Tommy lag?" r.cryl ashoil.

whi at the znt: wlillo Irene Ireno yon at-! hid in another man's car a few fcrl ways jo with me?" Ilcr babyish live away. It might have liccn iirolec- it Irene tinrl nicanl II that Boryl. who fat up ami ai way, hat Hcryl knew slic had ilona Iicr. Irene, little snip, ao il because bhu was as scared aa her of being'iy! rabbit. "We could act like Flncrs once She'd like lo tell I'rcntlss (lay- In a while, couldn't we?" lonl what ihouRht of him- went on.

"I you'd lilia lo lakias an cnsapcil girl cut when 1 ami laughing ui.i>be. Toinsny. come to tell yon I gtl a dip." Ircno was at Iho door when Ueryl "I'll bet ll'a something yon want," railed "Walt a minute!" with Htvyl said bluntly. carncsliicss lhal Irtitio tinier, she (bought- v-bo said a sneering IIUlo "And I guess you'd slot? heller i laugh, "you could hardly expect me loo If you it." Irene returned! to E3 "ut I'm engaged to Tommy wfih a smirk that cavo tto reaiari whea I've Just promised to marry a catty meaning.

you'd belts? tell i Vrentlss." (To Be Conilnueil) Irene got to her feel. "I've Half: halted against her will and looked notion nnt to leii you now," back. declared, "liut I have to be "IJId yon tell Prcntlsa lhat mean just because you arc." slic. Tommy was IcoliIng tor you tonight adilcil, unwilling to I'uc i--lhat you're eng.iBc:! to Totnniy?" lilcasiircs o( givin- Meryl Jolt. Hcryl shot at Iicr.

Ueryl said, and now she- Ireno did not answer for a lew was beginning to be rsimiccd. Irene seconds unlll a llttlo o( her self- could be so unwittingly funny at i assurance) returned. Then,.

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